Are We Smarter Than a 4th Grader?

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- What is, six times seven? (buzzer buzzing) Courtney? - 30, 35, 50, seven, six times seven is 50... - Jackie? - It is, 48. - No, this is taking too long. No, I got it, I got it. - Okay, Keith? - 35. - No. Guys, we're giving you time. (laughs) - This is what we didn't want to happen. - When do we get milk? (upbeat music) - Hello and welcome back to Bepordy. Oh, it's good to be back. It's very good to be back. (group cheers) You know, Smosh has flunked out of high school, middle school, this country, and now it's time to see if we can flunk ourselves out of elementary school. - [All] Yeah. - Just go back to being Smosh babies. (laughs) Okay, make sure to subscribe. Our contestants today are, Courtney Ruth Miller. - Hi. - Kimmy. - Hi. - Jackie. - Hi. - And Keith. - Woo-hoo! - How are you guys feeling? - I feel like I'm gonna win, like I always do in this game. - I sat in the audience for one episode of "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?" So. (triumphant music) - I'm feeling quietly confident. - Okay. - I'm gonna play that game today. - Oh, okay. - Okay. Well we have a wide array of elementary school topics, ranging from math, English, art, random, and cute animals. - [All] Aaw. - With the cute animals, a image of a cute animal will appear, and you will tell us what animal that is. - Oh, I know my animals. I watch a lot of like, animal documentaries. - But are they cute animals? - 100%. - Okay, does everyone remember the mascot of their elementary stu--, elementary school? - [All] Yes. - I was thunderbirds. - Thunderbirds? I was the tigers. - Tigers? - I was a tiger too. - Two tigers. - Bluebirds. - And the bluebirds. A Thunderbird would probably beat all of them. (group laughs) - Tiger. - Tiger. - A what? - A tiger. - A thunderbird. A thunder bird is a mythical creature. All right, Keith, I will let you go first. - Okay, so I'm gonna do, math, for 100. - Math for 100. (group cheers) 1/10. what is this fraction when it's translated into the decimal numeral system? Keith? - 0.10. - That's correct. You don't need the zero. - It's for the temperament. - Keith, you get to pick again? - Okay, let's do random for 50. - Random for 50. - Yeah. - What time is it on this clock? (buzzer buzzing) Jackie? - It's 6:38. - That is correct. - Oh my God, I was gonna say seven, seven something. - Jackie, pick a topic. - I'm gonna do English for 50. - English for 50. - All right, all right. - Who wrote, "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"? - Ooh! - Ooh! (buzzer buzzing) - Uh, Kimmy? - C.S.Lewis Scott? - That is correct. (group cheers) - All right, Kimmy, pick a topic. Let's do a cute animal, for 50. - Cute animals for 50. All right, what is this animal? (buzzer buzzing) Jackie? - A beaver. - That is a beaver. (group cheers) All right, Jackie, pick a topic. - Okay, okay, okay. Let's do a random for 100. - Random for 100. - Don't laugh at me. - I'm sorry, you're funny. - What is, the fastest land mammal? (buzzer buzzing) That would be Keith. - Cheetah. - That is correct. (group cheers) Courtney, with the, the second there. Almost, almost got it. - Yeah, I'm falling behind here, huh? - And they can go up to 60 miles per hour. - Don't push it, man, comments are brutal. (group laughs) Actually, depending on the terrain. All right, Keith, pick a topic. - Let's go math or 150. - Math, man, Keith. What is a prime number? (buzzer buzzing) Courtney? - Seven. (group laughs) - Why are you laughing at me? - The definition of a prime number. - It's a number that can't be divided, or like, there's no square root. The first thing I said, I gotta go. (group laughs) - Is that close? - [Woman] True. - That feel like, it's a number that can only be divided by one or itself. So it couldn't be divided by other things. I totally forgot that there. - You did say a prime number, when you said it, to be fair that fits for the question, like what is a prime number? Seven is a prime number. All right, Courtney, pick a topic. - Let's do art for 100, Alexander Pope. - Did you just call me Alexander Pope? (group laughs) Who painted the Mona Lisa? (buzzer buzzing) That is Keith. - Oh, da Vinci. - That is correct. (group applauds) Keith, pick a topic. Let's do cute animals for 150. - 150, cute animals, guys, what is this animal? (buzzer buzzing) That is Jackie. It's the little, red Fox, panda baby. - You need to say words? (group laughs) - I know what it is. - It's a red panda. - That is correct. - You know, she said red Fox... - She did say red fox panda, but, you did day red panda. All right, Jackie? - Let's do English for 100. - English for 100. - Yeah. - This word got scrambled, what's the word? Hint, you can eat it. (buzzer buzzing) - That's me. - Yeah dude. - That's mayonnaise. - Wow. (group cheers) I play the scrabble like games and all that (beeps) all the time. - Keith, pick another. - Okay, let's go (hums) math for 50. - Math for 50. - Yes. - What is, six times seven? Courtney? 30, 35, 50, seven, six times seven is 50... - Jackie? - It is... - No, this is taking too long. - 48. - No, I got it, I got it. - Okay, Keith. - 35. No, guys, we're giving you time. (laughs) - 42. - Class, settle down! - This is what we didn't want to happen. - When do we get milk? - [Woman] Oh my God! - It's 42. - I said that. - She didn't get a chance. - I know, but it was already screwed by that point. Here is the leaderboard. Keith with 400 points. (group applauds) We got Jackie with 250 points. (group applauds) And Kimmy with 50 points. (group applauds) And Courtney with 150 points. (group applauds) You know what Kimmy, why don't you pick a topic? - Coming back, all right. Let's, get rid of that 50. Let's do art for 50. - Art for 50. - I'm so embarrassed. - In what country will you find the museum, the Louvre? (buzzer buzzing) Keith? - United Kingdom. - No. Jackie? - You said country, right? - Yes. - France. - That is correct. (group applauds) - I mean, I knew that, I knew that. - Jackie, pick a topic. - I'ma do math for 200. - Guys, this is it. Okay guys, for 200 points. - [Woman] Listen. - Listen carefully. - Okay. - 56 apples need to be put into baskets that contain eight apples, how many baskets do I need, to divide up all the apples? - Seven. - Courtney is correct. (group applauds) Courtney with the Rocky Balboa conviction coming into this last push, and just like, this is my, this is my chance, this is my redemption. - Let's do cute animals for 200, Shania Twain. - Thanks. for 200 points, what is this animal? (buzzer buzzing) - Uh, that's Keith. - Mole rat, it's a mole. - Okay. 200 points for Keith. It's a mole rat. All right Keith, pick a topic. - Random for 200. - Random for 200. What is this country? - Oh my God. - Wait a second. - Can y'all pick another country? - I know, I know there's some fans watching that are just like, come on. - This looks like a T-Rex fossil. (group laughs) - Can we zoom out? - Can we zoom out? - Wait, wait, let's see what's around it. (buzzer buzzing) - Oh my God! - Kimmy is gunning for it. - [Keith] Come on Kimmy. - Is that Japan? - That is not Japan. (buzzer buzzing) Jackie? - Is it the Philippines? - It is the Philippines. (group applauds) - T thought it was, but I was like no, there's are like 1000 more islands than that, damnit. - It's okay girl, it's okay girl. - Jackie, pick a topic. - Can we do, English for 150? - We can. What is the superlative for the adjective, "Busy" (buzzer buzzing) Courtney? - Business? (group laughs) - What the hell? - That is not correct. What is the superlative for the adjective "Busy"? That's an intense elementary school question. - Yeah, no, this is really hard. - Keith. - Bus. (group laughs) - Courtney, wanna go again? - Busiest. - You know what, I'm going to give it to you because that's correct. - Really, oh, I don't deserve it. - I do not remember learning about superlatives in elementary school. - I feel like we still didn't know about it in high school. - All right, Courtney, pick a topic. - Let's do cute animals for 100. - Oh my God. - I always lose this one, but, screw it. - Oh man. - What is this animal? Keith? - That's a, that's a gadamn a, that's a rat that's flying. (group laughs) - Courtney? - What is it, a possum? - How do you feel about this one? - [Woman] It's an opossum. - I thought when people said a possum, I thought it was like, they were just not saying it all. - So, I thought that for my whole life, that when people say like, "There was a possum there", the O gets lost in sentences. - It's silent, right? - Yeah, so this is an opossum which are in America, and then possums are in Australia. All right, Courtney gets 50 points. (group applauds) - Let's clear out random, let's do random for 150. - All right. What is an omnivore? (buzzer buzzing) Jackie? - It's someone that eats, it's something that eats both plants and meat. - Yeah, yeah, that is correct. (group applauds) - It's both handed. - This, this answer is very long. It says omnivores are animals such as bears and humans, that can eat a variety of food sources, but tend to prefer one type or the other. - It's both, it's both. - They will eat both. - If you hungry, you're gonna eat. - Can we do English for 200? - Oh my God. - English for 200. - I had some confidence at the beginning of this, just gone, it's all gone. - What is an onomatopoeia? Jackie? - It's when the word sounds like the thing. Was that not a solid answer? - I think that is, that's correct. - Can I have it? - All right, let's check out the tally. We've got Keith with 600 points. (group applauds) Jackie with 850 points. - [All] Ooh! Kimmy with 50 points. (group applauds) - I didn't get the Philippines, I deserve this. - Let's be clear, Kimmy just hasn't been quick on the draw, she probably knows surely, it's not... - Like two seconds after everybody, but that's no excuse. - And Courtney with 550 points. (group applauds) I believe Courtney can, Courtney can still win. - Maybe. - If my math is correct. - If I get both of them right, you're correct. - So this is still an intense game. Kimmy, you can do really good. Like you still have a chance to like, get a lot of points up on the board. Guys, all right, I'm in control now. I am picking, and we're doing art for 150. - Okay. - Okay. - According to lore, how many paintings did van Gogh sell in his lifetime? (buzzer buzzing) Courtney? - None. - Kimmy. - One. - That is correct. (group applauds) You know what, we're gonna double this final one. This is a tight race, okay. - [Keith] Oh my God. - I wanna be clear, I don't, wouldn't know this one. I don't know what the-- All right, name the three secondary colors. Keith? - Okay, so we have orange, we have purple, and we have green. Boom, I win. - That is correct. (group applauds) I don't think I knew what second, look I'm gonna be real, I don't think I've heard the term secondary colors. - Yeah, there's primary colors. - I know primary colors, but I'd never heard like... - So, then there are colors... - There's primary and then there's just the rest of them. You guys really did great, except for that one question. You, you guys, I think you pass elementary school. Okay, you guys did good. And thank you guys for watching. Let us know what other types of tests you'd like us to do and flunk out of. Make sure to subscribe, make sure to you know, hit that notification bell. Go to that, Go to that merch store, check it out, it's freaking cool. And we've got some videos down here you can watch, do it. What do, what else are you gonna do? - Seven! - The seven? No, you're gonna watch them. - I'm sorry to the Philippines. - Yeah, we'd like to issue an apology to the Philippines for not knowing what your country looks like.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 898,004
Rating: 4.9700789 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, trivia, jeopardy, beopardy, smosh pit trivia, are you smarter than a 5th grader, Are We Smarter Than a 4th Grader?, elementary school, elementary school test, elementary school trivia
Id: yNlnzrI_OPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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