Are Some Starfield Reviews Unfair? Baldur's Gate 3 Get A Big Update | Just Gaming Podcast 65

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I had I had planned it up to about two sentences and I'm like yeah I just wing it from there oh man welcome to the just gaming podcast everybody I hope you guys are having an absolutely fantastic week it is yet again another fantastic week for RPGs and it's another beautiful week that you guys are all here to join us to talk about them so thank you for stopping by and welcome my name is Ian and I'm Mark and that's Mark welcome to the just gaming podcast we have a great deal of things to talk about today there is a lot of things to talk about um so like I mean just normal normal goofy stuff like life stuff aside um I really haven't like played too many games this week to be honest like I played some star field obviously we'll get into that uh I played you know a healthy amount of Baldur's Gate like at least what I could um but like with work and then also like trying to make videos and stuff on the side it's been a little bit difficult to actually play anything um yeah um well I mean we have to we got to do we got a lot done on our uh our tactician play through um yes yes or day before yesterday right yeah we got quite a bit done and we both got to uh play Starfield and chat with each other why why we played Starfield um I've had a weekend man I've had a week yeah yeah um Mark is super quiet okay okay I can bring mark up yeah down so you wouldn't get any feedback okay I'm gonna bring mark up to about there let me know if that's any better are we doing pretty good just keep talking all right just keep talking um washing machine dice I have to buy a new washing machine not that big of a deal whatever you got a new washing machine yesterday went to go run the disposal today and like it was just it was just like humming so I was like okay well maybe the things I gotta you know push the button on the bottom whatever open it up plume of smoke is flying out from under my sink disposal on fire yeah beautiful that's great so you've had to spend some uh some some life money real life money yeah right like the weekend before I go on vacation two it's always the best okay Mark you can bring your mic up just slightly I guess um yeah so yeah I had to spend a lot of money before I go to the Bahamas this weekend dude that was like when I uh that was like the week when when see now I'm getting feedback from you God damn it it's that [ __ ] headset you switched to it is it's actually it was better when you use the cheap green one so uh that reminds me of when um when I had the refrigerator go out you know what I mean like the apartment complex is like well you need to pay for that and I'm like I didn't know like how is it's not even my fridge they're like well it's your problem yep your problem we don't Supply refrigerator this is some [ __ ] and adult stuff I didn't [ __ ] sign up for this is not what I want to deal with if a GPU or CPU goes out yeah I'll deal with that stuff no problem but when it comes to like house things boring boring yeah um so yeah work's kicking up it's picking up a lot more um I've had a lot less time to focus on the things that I enjoy focusing on uh but I still got to release a few videos this week I'm working on a few more for next week uh there's an article that I want to go over that I actually found early last week but didn't get to touch uh because I want to talk about uh armored Core six a little bit um there's a couple interesting things that I found with armored Core six um whether or not I do anything on Starfield yet I don't know I just haven't really figured out I there is a video that I do want to do uh but I have to it's going to take a little bit longer for me to get everything together for it yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna have to play a lot more of it to um to understand the full the full range and scope of that game yeah yeah so yeah yeah so um let's talk a little bit about uh I guess we'll talk about the elephant in the room first right let's go ahead and talk about Starfield for a little bit there's some Baldur's Gate stuff I want to get into later um as well as a couple other things too uh just with other RPGs and stuff that I want to talk about some other stuff we're looking forward to the future future future future um so Starfield where do I start I'm going to start with the start how about that I'm gonna start with the start okay so I I'm gonna say this I actually do really like Starfield uh however at the same time the problem is is that coming straight off of Baldur's Gate and into Starfield is incredibly jarring like it's it's especially when you're thinking like I'm playing one RPG and I'm going into another RPG like it's just it's a it's a rocky it's a rocky hop because they are very different games made by very very different Studios with very very different ideas of what and how an RPG should play or be experienced yes they definitely have a a particular set of skills and I think the most unfortunate thing for Star field the most unfortunate thing for Starfield is that it's coming out after Baldur's Gate 3. if Boulder if Starfield came out this summer before Baldur's Gate ever hit the story around Starfield and I think a lot of people's perceptions would be completely different um and it's not because uh it's not because like starfield's bad in in any way not at least not that I I really think it has it definitely has some pain points and we'll kind of get into that stuff but the one thing that I noticed and so I plan on making a video on this is it like the voice acting in the games are so drastically different and the way companion characters and NPCs are presented to you are so completely different that that's where it gets really jarring and that's where all of a sudden your opinion starts to shift and like I was even telling you while I was playing it and I'm like dude I'm like I I'm trying not to be super judgmental about this game but it is super hard not to just coming off of Baldur's Gate like it's really hard not to compare the two games when really I don't in some ways you should because that's how you you do it to everything I think somebody said I saw somebody say this and this I'm getting a little add right now but I saw somebody say you know well we should why is everybody everybody's always comparing everything to Baldur's Gate now everything's oh and I'm like well that's because that's what you do with any product that you purchase it's not like you go and you eat a steak and you just think of just that steak in a [ __ ] vacuum no you compare it to every steak that you've ever had in your life whether that steak is as good as the other ones because at the end of the day you can swap out the SIM part of the RPG or the C out of the RPG but at the end of the day it's still a RPG so you're still going to compare it and contrast it in different ways so like I think there's some ways that it that there's Fair comparisons I do know that there's a ton of ways that they're not fair comparisons but the ones that like really jumped out at me was how Companions and NPCs are presented and it's specifically because in Baldur's Gate 3 the companions and this is what the video I'm gonna do is is that the companions in Baldur's Gate 3 are a performance yeah whereas in uh in Skyrim it's just your generic Skyrim yeah it's just your sky thank you it's the same thing star star rim and star Rim uh in in Starfield it's the same thing like it's it's it's not necessarily as much of a performance as it is like this is a voice actor like they okay so in Baldur's Gate my comparison with Boulder's Gate is that they're NPCs and their companions they all have character the eater I mean that's the thing they have character their personality and then when you look at what I've run into so far with um domain Skyrim is um they don't have they don't have as much character they're just they're just they're they're far more shallow characters than than that you understand what I mean like yes they've got they've got their motivations they've got their depths but like when you're in a dialogue with them when you're in a dialogue with them it can go from them being pissed off with you in one sentence and then the next sentence are like oh yeah yeah you're right and then immediately no that's stupid I mean it's just like it doesn't make sense yes it doesn't have any uh it's not very fluid in the car yes synthetic life form yeah I think that's honestly um that that's the thing is that specifically with um just how how characters are portrayed and here's the thing and it's actually really not even like a knock against Starfield or Bethesda to be honest with you it's actually just how most games present characters yeah even even characters that are like plot specific there's very few games and this isn't to say there are there aren't a ton of games that do a great job like I would say God of War does a really good job Gears of War isn't even has done a great job of presenting characters you know what I mean uh just dialogue in but in between fights and stuff like that how characters are portrayed in cut scenes I think that there's much more performance like performative nature to uh um to a lot of other games however like some of these more like Sim RPGs like Star field Skyrim stuff like that they've it's always just been this very like shallow shallow presentation of other characters in the world and like I know somebody said something about um I think Rafael said something about how like characters are connected to the main story in one way or another through in Baldur's Gate but the thing is is that like the cool thing with Skyrim and this is something that I would say is a definitely Peak point for guys damn I keep seeing Skyrim Starfield Starfield damn it man starville Starfield this thing is with Starfield is that so many side quests are quite literally a campaign in their own like I I started doing one for I think the UC so like the the you the Marines or whatever and that literally turned into what would be a main quest in any other game and to be honest with you it actually seems more interesting than the main question Starfield already but yeah so uh that's that's why that's my monologue so far with my my initial experience it's just it's jarring when you meet some of the some of the NPCs and how they're portrayed uh however like there's a ton of other great things that there's a ton of things that are great about the game that overshadow that anyway yeah all right and where you are talking about um it being compared to Baldur's Gate and how we compare everything to everything else um I've noticed I'm gonna I'm just gonna tap on the reviews part of it I don't care what a game reviews personally I don't I really don't um but I've noticed that what the in the reviewers are using the same verbiage they're all used the same verbage they'll use lines like this is the least buggy Bethesda game uh they've ever made this is and or like this is the this is the best story but this is ever made this is the they keep they keep doing stuff like that right to where it's and if like for me and we'll we'll talk more about it when we get to the pains part of it like for me if I go into it thinking okay is this the best Bethesda game can I I'm just gonna compare this game to other Bethesda games that's all I'm gonna do other but that's Skyrim Oblivion whatever um and that's kind of gotten me in a better a better place with it um but it's for for me the biggest the most jarring thing of it is is Skyrim came out 11 years ago oh more than that came out in 2011. and they haven't changed the way that they deliver a story yet I'm not saying that they need to change their recipe but this this like the mechanics in this game for storytelling are are our 2011 Skyrim you know what something and it feels old it's old to me not to like not to like break your your thought point but I I one of the things that like I realized that I absolutely hate in RPGs especially in like first person Sims and stuff like that like like Starfield I hate escort missions like where you have to follow an NPC like let me take you to my office and I'm just like stop walk stop walk stop walk stop what and it's like it feels it feels like eternity that I'm following this character and I'm like why is this the case I would much rather you just take I'd rather just Jesus take the wheel and just walk my character towards where I need to go you know in some RP walk rather than we have to follow an NPC over to their office it's like the most you have to do that at the very beginning sequence of the game the very beginning part of of Starfield you know like right when you first load in you have that where you have to follow somebody through the mines and I'm like who thought that this is a good idea you know what I mean like who thought this was like I'm like I'm sitting there and I'm like why why how is why do you want this to be the way that's it like intro to your game I'd rather it be like why people just participated titles of the year and you've got to spend the first 12 minutes listening to some dude talk about rocks yeah and it's a walking simulator oh my God you know what I mean I would have much rather have been like if I'm already a duster and I'm I'm a rock breaking dude why am I not just already working and then all of a sudden just like some some [ __ ] goes down you know what I mean it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on and then everything changes right why does it have to be like hey this is your orientation Dusty come on and follow me for five minutes and I'm like dude this is such a boring entry into a game at least at least do you know what like at least in Skyrim you're arrested you know what I mean like you're go you're going to the gallery execution yeah yeah you're going to so it's like that's a really cool entry into a game so it's just yeah it's just like man this is like a really weak intro um and so and to be honest with you it was such a weak intro for the main story that I was just like I'm just gonna go side quest instead and then that's a boon to the game is because the side quests are really cool and there's a lot of really interesting things going on with them yeah right but it was just it was just the poor delivery on the main quest that I'm just like I'm I'm [ __ ] out of here until I'm like I'm just gonna I don't have anything to do with this Quest I'm gonna go uh where's the aliens and then you find out there are none that you know of at least yeah and back to what I was back to what I was saying is like Skyrim's a really great game it really is and this and I think um no man's don't I keep calling no that's okay Starfield Starfield is I I think it's a good game um but like I said I don't think Bethesda as a studio pushed themselves like like they said oh we've pushed her I don't think they've changed enough or done enough to make it feel like it's not Skyrim like the the the the the bones of it I don't know if that makes sense the bones of it oh no it's a Bethesda game three yeah that's what I'm saying they they haven't moved forward at all and I don't think uh rewarding them for not moving forward yes it's a cool story and and cool what they're doing but I don't I don't know I I don't reward them for doing the same old same old so so here's the thing um I have two opinions on this there's like there's one where we genuinely genuinely and I would imagine chat you guys can either agree or disagree with me and that's fine but we're always looking for two things we always want either a nothing to change at all because all we want to do is Chase The Nostalgia of the games that we've already enjoyed or B we want them to evolve and change themselves entirely and now both of those things cannot coincide really good example of this is something like Halo or something like that you know what I mean like what do we really want from that game other than it being the same thing you know what I mean like what do you mean what do we want you could do that with Call of Duty you could do that with anything yeah yeah so and and so there's like part of us that wants some of it to stay the same because that familiarity is what draws which draws us to those games to begin with because well we're we're just sucking the pipe that is uh uh Nostalgia but then at the same time we also have like we want we want it to change we want it to be something new we want it to be a new experience and to be honest with you I think for the most part it does feel new to me um like there's a lot of things that I do actually really like about star field but if I had to like tell if I had to be like why would you like where Okay so all right I'm going to talk about the things that I like about Starfield and then I'm going to talk about the things that I it's not even like there's things that I don't like about Starfield no there's things that I [ __ ] hate about Starfield oh you don't want to get me started I I I I hate I hate like it's maddening stuff it's maddening stuff so the things that I really love about Starfield um I actually do like how it looks I think it's pretty I think it's a really pretty game um inside or indoor environments and textures look really nice space looks [ __ ] sick it's a little planets and stuff it's a little washed out do not take what I'm saying to you which is my opinion and throw it into the ground you piece of [ __ ] it's a ballad stop invalidating my opinion you [ __ ] I think it looks good you can think whatever you want okay you can think whatever you want I think it looks good I think space looks I think space looks cool man I think it does look cool I think the ships and stuff look cool um if you think it's washed out take away the film grain I've turned Phil Graham off it has to do with the built-in hdr on there yeah still it's just it's just washed out their blacks are Grays um I like how like so if I'm just talking about like looks I actually really like the architecture in the game okay that's actually something I'm really impressed by and I like when I always look at games I always try to look at things like um more nuanced rather than just being like you look pretty pretty painless got a lot of colors and stuff yeah that Shadows that NPC got a big old butt yeah um so I try to look at things more nuanced and like one of the things I do really like is I like the architecture of the game like I like how cities are actually looking built and stuff like that how some of the buildings look I think it looks really cool um uh so I I do like the uh the artistic ideas and that kind of stuff um the combat actually does feel really good um even though the con even though the con even though the combat feels better the NPCs the NPCs are still dumb is like dried rice like I mean they're just yeah they're so dumb like the NPCs are so dumb like it's it's Bethesda AI at its best where you just have enemies that are like I I fought a boss and he just ran into a wall until he died so it's just like well there we go that was challenging um and then uh um I also like the fact that and you probably unlock powers or something later on because I saw that was part of like the main story or whatever yeah um but I kind of like playing vanilla right now where I'm just playing as an adventure I don't have a pit boy or something like that to stop time every five seconds and kill people you know what I mean um I actually kind of like playing at vanilla right now so that's actually really nice to have that choice to not have to have something like that to lean on um though I will want to get to that because you know those those kind of executions and stuff are always cool to see um uh let's see here what else I do really like the side questing and the stories and stuff like that I really like the new revamp skill system I I like how that plays out I wish it was a little bit more natural with some things um and we'll get in we'll get into that uh soon soon um what else what else um yeah like it does still have that idea or it does still have that feeling of like vastness that I was really looking for so far as now within within a certain scope okay okay obviously obviously that vastness is uh boxed in uh by the game but what I mean is is that like I have 23 hours in the game I have not [ __ ] done anything like like it's a big game and I do really enjoy that just like ongoing Adventure where you really can just get lost in doing some random stuff yeah um that's what that's the one thing that's always been really endearing for me when it comes to Bethesda games or Skyrim or Fallout or anything like that is it like literally I can just go somewhere and then just get lost doing a bunch of random stuff I could just go to a star system explore those planets find a bunch of random missions or something like that and outpost or whatever to raid I can spend hours just doing that kind of stuff and I never get bored of it like I enjoy doing those kind of things so like that is something that is still there at its core and that's something that I still really enjoy um yeah so I think like progression feels really good uh I I think the the the the multitude of like areas to explore and also quests to do is really good um and then I I like the way I like the way like a lot of the architecture and the artwork or the art style I really do like the art style that's fair music too music's actually really good too the music is really good uh my only complaint with the music is it seems like it doesn't play at the in the right times like like when you're when you're in heavy combat and it's playing like a very orchestrated you know Orchestra type deal but it doesn't it doesn't match what I'm seeing and feeling on on screen you know what I mean it just doesn't it doesn't matter I think some I think some of that is I think that some of that is bug related as well because I've had like big bad boss Combat music going while I'm just in conversation and I've already killed everybody it just hasn't clicked over yet that there's an enemy that we're that's like maybe there's one that's like bugged into a wall or something I have no idea but yeah awesome yeah well so what are some of your gripes well I mean do you is there anything you like about the game or do you not have yeah yeah no no the game's terrible I like how you're just like let's talk about the bad [ __ ] already yeah no um I do uh there's stuff that I really like about the game I like that they used um the HUD element of changing your um or dividing your your units in your ship for different deals like uh your engine your laser all that stuff uh they took that from Elite dangerous I don't know if you've ever played that game um which is it's a really good system uh to use I thought the Gunplay was probably like that's one I think Fallout like I don't like fallout's Gunplay it just seems real floaty like you're like you're I don't know like it's on marshmallows I don't know if that makes sense but the gameplay felt it felt pretty good um in the game uh and like I said it's I love Bethesda games so I've I've enjoyed the the Bethesda part of it have you ever walked through new Atlantis and just looked at the uh I I call them non-npc NPCs they're the ones that you don't like get any conversation out of them they're just like there for filler you ever walk by them and their eyes are just like this one's like rolled up one's rolled down just yeah just I'm going to murder you it's great till you sleep um yeah I I thought I thought the textures on everything look really really sharp um uh so on your on your rig were you getting any like performance issues I felt that it was it tried to stay as solid as possible like around the 60-ish area but it'll you know it can jump up but then there's times that I'll go into a really populated city and I'll hop down to like 45 frames per second and then it'll pop back up um once I did a fresh install I haven't had any performance issues I will say like frame rates do generally suck in the big city uh and big cities and stuff like that I can only really pull like 40 or so even though I have a 3080 which is just mind-boggling to me yeah it might mind you I am playing on Ultra right so I am I'm definitely you know trying to hit the higher end of the game but um I think that has to do with not having dlss on there though to be honest with you yeah but and that and that's also because they don't have any they haven't really had any discussions or anything like that with Nvidia because they didn't have a day one driver yeah which is like no did they yeah when did it post it posts their driver was the last driver update the main driver update it was part of it oh I'll have to look at it maybe I just AMD AMD had one uh Nvidia had one ready and so uh the only person who the only people who didn't was the Intel Arc group and apparently the game is not running great on that at all so who would guess all those Intel GPU owners all seven all seven of them yeah um so but no I I I enjoyed uh I I like this I love space and so that's been the biggest part I like how there's different uh gravities on different uh planets yeah when you jump you some some of them are a little more floaty than others I like that it's kind of cool okay okay okay all right so I guess we're gonna talk about the things that matter I [ __ ] can't stand all right I'm gonna tell you one thing and this is something that's like a huge contrast to Baldur's Gate three and this is one of those things that I have to compare the two games on is locked Chess at least in Baldur's Gate I can send those to my camp and open them later or just smash them but in there are so many chests and so many things that I can't unlock and it will even give me the chance to even try and I just leave it am I gonna come back probably not probably never that thing will always stay locked I will never come back to that chest you want to know why because the quest is complete and this is on a planet in the middle of nowhere and I'm never gonna see it again like like give me some option to do something with those chests you know like like you know make it difficult give me only one chance to be able to I don't give a [ __ ] give me something though but do you have any idea how many chests I come by that I cannot unlock or even touch and I'm like dude and it feels and the thing is like I'm trying to level up my my lock picking but it's impossible when the game doesn't give me anything to unlock what the [ __ ] I'm sitting there and it's like I'm still like four out of five on on things I'm able to unlock and I'm like I feel like this is actually I feel like the other games like the like Skyrim or or Fallout are like way better at giving you earlier stuff to be able to unlock to level that stuff up quickly but in this case with with Skyrim it's just some of the first few boxes I can find are Starfield sorry laughs so the first few boxes that I find are all um Are all uh uh uh Master Advanced Master expert and I'm like dude like give me some novice ones so I can level it up and I can unlock the next tier and then I can do that but like I just I can't find anything I can't I can't I can't honestly find anything and it's such a it's such a it's so infuriating as a game that's an RPG that like loot defines your character and your and everything like that like that's the point that's why we like playing RPGs we like Loot and building characters and I'm barred from loot all the time because I can't lock I can't level up my lock picking because I never find anything that is low enough for me to be able to lock pick do you disagree no I agree with you a hundred percent do you know like I would imagine everybody I can't be the only person this that's just a damn shame well it's just a damn shame yeah um I think I had like I was getting annoyed with it and it's like I know it's the Bethesda charm but this is where I bring like I I call back to what I was saying about this being dated um when I'm trying to look at something in a like a cabinet you know I open a deal and try to grab something out that stupid effing robot just wants to walk right in front of me in the cabin and just stop all right the girl with me it was like this I'll have the girl with me now but he's like he's just like I'm like dude I'm trying to pick up that roll of Band-Aids can you get out of the way so I have to move over here then run back real quick after he moves to try to grab it before he walks back so stupid silly silly stuff like that yeah I mean the NPCs and stuff I mean we can I mean it's a Bethesda game the NPCs have functioned the same way for 25 years yeah and that and that's what I'm saying that's why like I don't I don't I'm not judging them solely on it but it's to me like it I think it's a good game I just don't I don't I just don't think they reached far enough I just don't um my biggest you know what my biggest gripe is with the game space the final frontier where you get to fast travel to wherever the [ __ ] you need to go because that's how we're gonna do it that's my biggest problem with the game the game's good story's good space travel is not good yeah I'm gonna use an afterthought yeah I'm gonna um I'm gonna be honest uh like initially like like so I had relatively low expectations for Starfield just because I felt like a lot of people were shooting very high you know what I mean they're shooting very high for what they expected star field to be specifically because the fact they're like well you know look at all these other great RPGs that we've had you know Bethesda has had to have come a long way you know what I mean it's been a long time they've been working on this game for a long time they've been given all the Time in the World to do it by Xbox right yeah so like they have a lot of freedom here I can't wait to see what they were able to do and I realized that they tried to go for a more what they believe to be realistic space travel because you know well you're not gonna actually fly from planet to planet because that would take forever well it's like I get what you're trying to do but we're playing a video game and your your basis is already unrealistic to begin with because we can't do any of this [ __ ] because it's a video it's it's a [ __ ] it's not real we don't we don't go to these planets you know what I mean we haven't settled the star systems so you have no idea what to really base that realism off of realize like you know what the players want you know the players wanted to travel from from from uh a star to star from planet to planet you know we wanted to just fly in and land wherever we wanted to go um and I realize that there are some hardware and Technology limitations that are keeping them from doing the things that they would maybe here's the thing and it's still speculation for us to say that the Xbox series s is what limited this game and it's even more speculation to say that they even wanted to do that in the first place that's even more speculation to say well uh uh Todd and them wanted you to be able to fly down to the planet wherever you wanted to and walk around the entire world maybe that wasn't the vision that they had that's on them to have that Vision right um but it was more of the player base that was the one it was it's two-part thing one the player base thought no man's sky Skyrim no man Skyrim right yep and then also at the same time their verbiage and their wording very much led a lot of people to believe that's the route they were going and they and here's the thing they did they never stopped from leaning into that no no they easily could have been like hey guys and do you remember this I guys everybody in chat I need you to know they call me Ian the prophet okay I prophesize I prophesize these video games okay I said this during the Starfield direct we watched the Starfield direct live on this channel and I was like you're only going to be able to travel to specific points on the planet and you're going to be locked into a Zone and that's it and I had a few people that were like nah dude no no that's not what it's gonna be and I'm like what I'm seeing on screen is us landing in very specific key interest points and we're locked into that area and that's the area that we that we explore and then people are like oh you can land wherever you want to and I'm like ah mate I'm like and here's the thing I actually didn't even know about the whole random generated single tile area where you could land any anywhere you want so like that actually was above my expectations so when I found out that you could do that I was like oh wow that's crazy and then I realized that the rest of the rest of the community or the people that were excited about Starfield thought you were just going to be able to walk from those cities to like anywhere on the planet and I'm like that's unrealistic and me I'm just sitting there and I'm like who thought that I'm like how like realistic or then people would go well oh no man Skye can do it and it's like yeah but no man's Sky also doesn't have nearly as many complex systems as as Starfield does yeah so like there's a there's some limitations there and I I mean I get that but the thing is is that what I didn't realize is just how bad that would feel it would and and and the main reason that here and here's the thing I want to clarify my space issue okay my space issue isn't that I can't fly my ship to here and there or even to fly it into an atmosphere to fly into the planet that's not my issue the issue is the amount of space that I'm allowed to to to be in my ship around a planet does that make sense yeah it honestly feels like it's about this big and then you're just like the you're not moving everything's just moving towards you and then like this it just it just doesn't it doesn't it doesn't feel very good um but no the reason I don't play Elite dangerous is because you can sit there and fly all the way if you wanted to you know what I mean but it's it takes a long time to get to London in a rowboat right yeah I'm just it just it just takes a long time if they would have like what is this [ __ ] I'm seeing in chat name some complex complex systems to us okay I will all right all right I will I'll call you guys out I see you out there talking [ __ ] okay uh think about all of the uh NPCs that you can talk to and discuss thing and get quests from and things like that in no man's Sky all the random people in the cities all the cities that are in no man's sky that you can walk around and talk to think about how complex how about that story how complex the story is in that game well in here and by when I'm saying complex systems I'm not talking about like just a progression system I'm talking about all of these systems that are all intertwined into one that over they're they're a layer over the rest of the game there's a ton of other things that are in Starfield that don't exist in no man's sky so making a direct comparison to the game though one does exist in space in space as the other one does as well is not what we're trying to talk about what I'm saying is that there's so many other moving Parts in the game that require you to be able to like there's just more going on where I've played no man's Sky no man's Sky you fly into a space yeah you're gonna separate the two you have to take what Starfield is doing with story NPC everything that Ian is just saying and that's what they did well so that's that's why everything else the space part of it got shafted okay no man's sky does really well on the space stuff and that's why it doesn't have any of this other stuff yeah there's no there's not a lot of progression systems and things like that for you to be able to do yeah yeah so it that I mean they're they're two separate games that could make a hole if but it's um like I said that was just my disappointing part on Starfield it was just the space part that's what I was looking for most forward to I was so you can ask me and I was so jaded and tilted about it that I didn't even want to play the game like we were playing it I just turned it off I wouldn't start playing something else yeah yeah so so that was one of the that's one of the disappointing things to be honest with you is that like I felt though like oh well they're going to be offering all these other things but to be honest with you like all right people that are fans of Starfield are probably not gonna like this everything in this game ends up just being like it looks like it's something so huge but it's really just an inch deep and I saw that as like one of the one of the reviews that people were giving a lot of [ __ ] to I want to say it was I think it was Gamespot Gamespot made that made the comment that the game like it seems like it's vast but everything in the game is only an inch deep and that's so true like everything in this game is so very surface level um like outside of like quests like quests have long Quest chains and stuff like that which is really cool but the personality of all those characters and all those stories are very surface level um the equipment and stuff like that very surface level still even with that like it's really not all that complex or anything um space very surface level it looks vast when you roll out to it but then you realize everywhere you are you're existing in just a fishbowl and you really don't have very much navigation around it like I don't even think you can even fly around a planet you can just fly towards it but you're just in a box in front of the planet where they've randomly generated a couple of spaceships for you to fight like it's such that's the stuff that actually aggravates the [ __ ] out of me is that there's a lot of like fake freedom yes there's a lot of fake Freedom it's like yes and the thing is is that we think back to reasons why we liked playing other Bethesda games in the past and the reason why we liked it was because I could point my character in One Direction and just [ __ ] go and I could just go find something some NPCs some towns some quests something I could adventure around a dungeon whatever it is I could go find something but you can't just do that in this you have to pick a point teleport to that point go to that point go inside and then go down and then go down in there you know and then go down to that planet and then you're within this small box of an area that you can that you can uh that you can explore and it's it's just it's so limiting to the player experience and people arguing for the like I heard people arguing that well Scott you you you you you uh you teleport in Skyrim and all that stuff yes but I had to walk over there first to unlock that teleport uh uh the teleport spot the fast travel spot I had to walk over there to do that yeah I don't have to do that in Starfield I don't even have to visit that place but except for just the the game says oh you need to go here so stop here and then go there it shows me exactly where I'm going to fast travel to I'm not actually figuring out where I'm going it's telling me exactly where to go you know what I mean so it's it's not like it's and that's when I when we had the conversation you kind of got a little a little sassy with me about it that's where I felt like the story and the the not the story the expiration of this game feels like it's on Rails because of it so that that's why I I just feel that way yeah and and like some of the stuff that they some of the stuff that they do that always also just limit the way that you can even Explore like even trying to go from system to system you have to jump from system to system to system because that's the limitations of your grab drive or it's the limitations of whether or not you've explored that area and like in some ways like I get it I get what they're trying to do but the problem is is that there's a difference between trying to Route like trying to root the game in some type of realism and just giving the player the freedom to just go play the game and in a game that's supposed to be this vast and this large it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to limit the player that much and instead what it does is it just inconveniences us which then makes the game less enjoyable as a result of it like I was telling you today I went and I did this like special mission that I found this like secret mission or whatever and when I found it I had to travel like nine star systems away so I sat there for a good 10 15 minutes traveling from system to system to system to system to system all it was is just load screen load screen load screen load screen which brings me to the one thing that is probably the most annoying thing in this entire game is it's just a sea of load screens it's just a sea of load screens go to the planet Lo load into the planet exit your ship load into a load screen leave your ship go into a building load screen go from that bill go for that from that into somebody's office load screen now you need to leave load screen good lore it's just load screen the game like there's like little bits of combat little bits of dialogue a whole lot of load screens and it's just Jesus like and this all goes back to the idea that they've boxed in the players so much that we can't really explore and the reason and you feel that a lot more because of the fact that there's so many load screens if there weren't as many load screens think about playing games like uh uh fallout and and Skyrim how many load screens were in those games there were some for Dungeons and stuff like that but for the most part you just walk into a city and walk into a building you know what I mean like it's seamless that you walk into walk into a castle or whatever it was like that and uh it just feels so much more narrow when there's so many load screens yeah uh that oh my okay so other than space my other one is encumbrance okay so we just got we just got done discussing how it's about this game's about fast travel not about exploration now they're like okay you can't fast travel because you're encumbered you can't fast travel to your ship because you're incumber your punishment is to I'm going to time get you to walk all the way back to your ship you know what I mean it like it it's silly it's it just makes no it makes no sense to me and that there's no indication that I'm going to be encumbered or not like I don't have any on-screen queue that I'm encumbered I don't slow down unless I start sprinting like you're gonna use up more oxygen oh okay cool yeah no actually now I think about it you're right there is nothing that pops up like there's a uh I think what you actually have to do is you have to like you're gonna have to mod the game to just give yourself more carry weight or something because it's bad and the thing is like I thought there would be better opportunities for us to increase it and I took the um like I took the passive to be able to get it but again it's just like now you need to level up that passive and now you need to level up to level up that passive and it's just like man uh and in a game that has so much loot and you're and you also have a lot of things to spend stuff on especially if you're trying to like like upgrade your ship and stuff like that like there's a lot of stuff to spend things on so you're always trying to pick up as much stuff as you possibly can and then sell that stuff as quickly as you possibly can um and I technically can you throw stuff over to your companion I don't know I haven't tried yet because remember the old games also I haven't tried that either yet I'm sure there probably is a thing to be able to do that I I think if you talk to the NPC it asks like hey let's switch gear so you probably can offload a bunch of stuff onto them so yeah Tom says you can okay I just want to make sure I I just I hadn't tried it yet so I figured because you've been able to do that and all the other ones with your companions as well so um which actually just brings to like Inventory management in general like I just don't like their UI yeah I don't like the UI I don't either it it's simple but I don't feel like okay so on Console it probably feels pretty good I'm not gonna lie to you the the UI looks like it feels it would feel good for a controller playing it on a keyboard of mouse does not feel very intuitive as simple as it is it's not very intuitive you know what I mean um it just it just doesn't feel it yeah it just doesn't feel like I don't know like um it's like I was I was trying to find out how to uh put ship into my stuff into my ship cargo right and then I was like okay so I'm looking at my ship on my ship trying to find my cargo and I didn't see a deal for it then I was like okay so then you have to go into the menu go and do your ship and then transfer the stuff over um yeah they this game's just lacking a lot of quality of life stuff um and I'm pretty sure mods will probably fix fix most of it did you see they already modded someone's already made a mod for dlss to work did you really yeah [ __ ] Legends yep [ __ ] Legends wow that is uh that is great to hear what's that uh I don't know why it's escaping me I'm trying to look it up what's the obsidian space game that they just did um oh outer worlds outer worlds okay so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna I'm just gonna put some of my gameplay up here on the screen for you guys so outer worlds that's a game that I would I would do a one-to-one comparison against Starfield with um is the story better in outer worlds Maybe everything else though like gunpla oh my God this is ridiculous I'm sorry sorry that's so distracting I know I know certificate it just works guys it just works it just works I think I got another I think I have an actual video here there we go I'll play actual gameplay oh no that's the wrong same thing sorry sorry let me get this skewed up the way this is sorry I don't need me to show that to you guys twice I saw I saw a journalist uh was saying um was talking about how we as consumers with Bethesda have just come to accept the bugs as the state of their games yeah just as like the humor of it oh it's it's the quarks of it and all that kind of stuff and I get some of it it is but come on man see okay now look that [ __ ] that that planet and the stars behind it is just a sticker you can't get any closer away from it at that point yeah I know I know I know like it's like what's what's the what is the point of even going to space you know what my uh here's what's great okay you get you get into your ship no it just it just doesn't make sense so it's like it it doesn't respect my time you get in the ship and do like you just do do a grab jump it pulls you into this it pulls you in front of the planet then you then you have to stop to be inspected and then you can teleport right now that's exactly what's happening now there's somebody trying to contact my [ __ ] what is that it doesn't make sense why oh you're peeking super hard you're not you don't have noise cancellation and compression you can't scream like that dude it like it is such a waste of time like respect our time yeah like it's not immersive it's one of those it's one of those things and this is this is something that I that I brought up where like there's a difference between when you're designing something and you're thinking about man this is really going to be like something super immersive like oh you have to get scanned when you come into a universe or into an orbit or you have to uh do you know whatever it might be like things like that or sometimes there'll be an NPC that'll pop out at you well the problem is is that all that's doing is slowing down the player's progression from them trying to go do something that they want to do so you have to think about how you make that actually palatable and not something that's going to ruin their overall experience and like what you just said right there this is something that just inconveniences us you know what I mean yeah I get like flying through an asteroid field that was cool they need more stuff like that but the rest of it man like it it literally it's time gating I thought you could fly down to the atmosphere no you're seeing it right now this is this is what it looks like uh you teleport to the to the you teleport to the ground uh you teleport to the ground and then you leave it and then I after this I'll teleport into a dungeon and then I'll go and teleport into something else and then there you go um so yeah it's really limiting um in a lot of ways um I'm trying to think there's a couple other things that I I didn't I didn't really I didn't really Vibe with that much I have to check I put some notes to the side to make sure that I had some some points to be able to talk about I should pull that stuff up um take that and I'll put that over there there we go there we go a little technical thing and how is there not a button to just switch weapons instead of having to pull up the wheel and having to set up your own will what are you talking about like is there did I miss it is there a button to push to just switch weapons yeah it's your numbers on your uh are you using keyboard mouse yeah yeah yeah if you look at if you look at the radio if you look at the ratel radial that you can pull up right once you pull up the radio all those have a number associated with them okay so after the weapons on the radio you have to make the radio first and then it becomes optional to be able to switch right because you haven't equipped those weapons you can't have more than one weapon equipped at a time I'm pretty sure that's how most of these games have always been no this is your first one playing on PC though maybe you haven't played Skyrim or Fallout on PC yeah have you yeah okay I don't know I could use my scroll unless my will scroll this yeah but you have to you still had to equip those it's not just gonna randomly go through everything in your inventory no I understand you equip them to the radial I just didn't know that there was a button I was actually pulling up I was tabbing into the radio to to switch oh yeah I do that sometimes because it's a little bit easier um because I sometimes I just forget about what weapons I have equipped to what part of the radio but yeah yeah no no you can do that um let's see here um yeah so like a lot of my issues with the UI is just things aren't just really that clear I get over I get over encumbered so easily and it's so easy for me to like lose track of what I actually pick up and what I don't pick up uh and then also it's such a hassle to be able to take things back to my ship in the first place because once you're over encumbered you can't just go right you can't try you can't fast travel back to your ship you can't fast travel at all because you're over encumbered um and man that sucks because like I'll find like [ __ ] parts which is great to have you know what I mean way a lot but they weigh 10 pounds a piece it's so it's like man I'd really like to take these back to the ship but I don't have enough room because I'm gonna have to drop the clothes I'm literally wearing right now to carry this stuff uh if I want to go back and make some money um I I think a lot of a lot of this and I hate to say that like because the games are just so reliant on modders they are to make their get to make their games more fun and feel and feel better like the base game has great tools right but outside of that it's that's where that's where it kind of falls off that's why that's why they really lean on the modders and stuff like that was Games Live reading an article today that they actually hired uh one of their uh one of the community's big modders to work on the game really yeah I always actually like to hear stuff like that yeah I always like hearing stuff like that because at least that means you're dialed in somewhat you know what I mean yeah I just I I just can't I just like playing it and like like I'm gonna this is the last time I'm gonna say it I don't think this is a bad game I don't know not even close like I said yeah it's not even close to a bad game um it's it's just like um I think they could have done more I and that sounds weird that's such an elitist thing to say you know like a gamer they they didn't give me what I wanted so I'm upset um it's just I I just feel like they for taking 25 years on well actually I take that back since 2013 is when they said that they've been working on this game um I just I I feel like maybe the systems they they chose in 2013 aren't the systems that they probably should have used in 2023 that's all I'm that's all I'm saying like they could have they could have made it feel a little bit fresher for me and like I said it just feels I don't I don't want to sit there and knock like individual like game Gunplay and all that stuff I don't I didn't expect Destiny you know what I mean I'm not expecting Destiny level of Gunplay but yeah like like I said it it's it's serviceable so yeah no I think uh I think overall like the game controls relatively relatively yeah how do you feel about the head movement except for [ __ ] movement really good shut up ships control like [ __ ] to be honest oh but with the mouse maybe that's just because yeah with mouse and keyboard I bet I bet it feels a lot better on controller yeah it probably does because uh your controller will automatically uh go back to zero point or if you leave here if you leave your mouse a little bit over to the left or the right you're gonna be sitting there yeah yeah yeah I I and it's also probably because I have like a base version of a ship as well so it's like I don't even want to fight anybody if I get into like space combat because I just get fried yeah because I always feel like they're just outside they're just outside of my vision they're just over here and I just I just can't see them and they just kind of they just kind of roll around me you know what I mean that's my favorite part of it that's why I like that game chorus which is also on Game Pass if y'all want to check out a game about flying that's actually a really cool game what is that it's called chorus um it's a space game it's actually got a really cool story too um but yeah so yeah so when they're up like that in you just have to slow down and then uh turn towards them that's how you turn sharper stole your ship yeah I know yeah but the problem is then they boost and they boost around me well I'm still trying to follow or or worse I stop and guess what there's three ships so now I'm just getting lit up by the other two you know what I mean so it's like anytime there's like multi-ship combat it just feels terrible to do it really feels bad when there's multiple when there's more than one ship that's attacking you um so but I feel like that's something that's probably going to be alleviated by a few things um specifically uh uh specifically um just like me probably trying to use controller a little bit maybe when I maybe when I drive the ship I'll just use the controller um and then obviously getting better ships too is probably gonna alleviate that quite a lot as well so which I did just find a better ship so I'm Gonna Fly I'm gonna fly around that's what um and so and I and I started my character off I chose like pilot that's what I chose because I was like I'm going to go explore the Galaxy and that's I guess and that's when I got I got tilted that's when I got so I was like I I might as well just start over and just pick something completely different because this there's no point in it so maybe maybe they'll do a DLC that is just space you know what I mean like it's just more space actually doing stuff in space Maybe maybe like chances chances are if I had to guess what's probably gonna happen is is that modders are gonna make it where space travels a little bit more free that's probably the first thing that you're gonna see you're gonna see people working to make space travel better yeah you're gonna there will be a mod probably titled space travel better mod or better Space Mod or something like that yeah or uh uh um no man's sky no man's Sky mod whatever it is something that just makes it a little bit more interesting to travel through space because that is the one thing that I think was probably the what felt the worst um and that honestly makes the game worse as a result is that it's far too limiting and you're far too boxed in um if it wasn't for that I feel like I would enjoy the game a lot more but that's not to say that I'm not enjoying the game it's just I don't think the game just real I just don't think it lives up to the expectations that a lot of people put on it and my my whole thing is is that like I don't even really understand I I do when I don't I understand why people put the expectations on Bethesda to make a generational RPG because they're one of the they're one of the the grandfathers of uh of RPG games in the eyes of a lot of Gamers um I mean even Larry and themselves uh had put out a post saying that you know they couldn't wait for the game to come out because you know they feel like they're standing on the shoulders of giants you know what I mean like this is you know one of the what you know this is a game series that even we have Dr we've derived some inspiration from in one way shape or form I think a lot of people and there's even people in chat that have been triggered about a bunch of stuff but it you at one point have enjoyed a Bethesda game at least once yep most most people have I'm not saying everybody has there could be one or two people that are like I have never played a Bethesda game and that's fine and to that I mean it is what it is but there are core things that exist within Bethesda games that people have always enjoyed and those core things are still here have they have they lived up to the expectation that they probably should have put a game out to be absolutely absolutely I I think that they way under under hit the mark on what they should have done here especially with the amount of time that they had to make the game um there's a lot of things that they could have done that could have made this game in my opinion which which would have been like uh at least a nine out of ten but I just to me it's just an average like it's like a seven it's just a it's just an average space Sim well it's it's a it's slightly above average that's what it is it's slightly yeah it's above average yeah okay seven seven is a slightly above average seven five I actually don't really put number ratings on games I'm just [ __ ] um but that's one of the things that like tricked that trip me out is that there's a lot of people a lot of Bethesda fans I'm gonna say it like that there's a lot of Bethesda fans and Xbox fans that are up in arms over the fact that IGN Game Informer Gamespot uh I also believe that um PC game PC Gamer also gave it a 7 or 75. yeah there's a lot of them up up in arms oh this is media bias media bias and then you go and you read like what their pain points are and you're like this is completely valid what are you talking about like I won't argue with the fact that most people are probably gonna find this game relatively mid yep right they are yeah and well you know uh Todd Howard and Pete Heinz uh they didn't do a great job of tempering expectations either they use a lot of grand language when they very very and I will I actually will 100 agree like I made a video where I was kind of talking about it and the more I went back and looked at like some of the things that they've said they absolutely did not give anyone any reason to think anything otherwise of what how large this game was going to be with its space travel and stuff like that yeah and so the the I like I said when me and Ian talked privately I felt I felt cheated I felt deceived uh just I felt bad like I felt bad and then that's when I started making um which is it's unfair and I'm gonna start this it is unfair to compare this game to Baldur's Gate it really is that that would be like that would be like trying to compare um your your your child drawing a picture with crayons to uh the Mona Lisa it's just not fair right it's a bad fight but they're not the same apples and oranges yeah um but like as soon as I clicked over like I was talking to um the NPC what's I call her uh robot Jennifer Lawrence she's the main lady from the the with the leather jacket that follows you around like British angry Jennifer Lawrence that chick um and then I got off the game I clicked on Baldur's Gate and I was into a conversation with an NPC and just the face the skin the textures all the stuff the delivery it was just Superior so that's when I realized I can't I can't I did that I did that the other night man I did that the other night I can't compare these two games because they are in two different they're they're just they're just too different they're two different I I did that the other night man I was I was uh I was playing Star field and I was talking to a few different NPCs and then the game was giving me some issues and I'm like I'm over it and I shut the game down and I went back to playing balder Skate 3 and I loaded it up and immediately started a conversation with uh with Shadow heart and I'm sitting there and I'm like this is so far above and beyond what we normally get from dialogue and story delivery from other games that it's it's actually unfair it's actually unfair to anybody to try to be to be compared to it but regardless we are the con we are the customer and this is what we are going to compare games to from now on even though even though even though the industry doesn't want us to because they don't think that they can reach the standard in which Baldur's Gate 3 delivered but they delivered on something that everybody else needs to [ __ ] figure out you need to figure it out what's the magic sauce man oh it's actually caring about your workers and making sure that you know they have creative freedom and just having fun making a video game that's crazy could you imagine doing wow wacky come on dude what do you expect so um yeah there's definitely some things that like it's it's tough It's it's gonna it's tough for Star field like even though it rated pretty well open critic right now it's a critic average of like 88 uh critics recommend 94 94 um like it's it's a solid game it's a solid game it's but it's not a game that changes anything nope it is not a generational game whereas Baldur's Gate 3 did it genuinely did yep uh it's a general I mean it's like so like back when I was just saying you have to compare it to other Bethesda games this isn't Skyrim people aren't going to hold on to this game as long as they did with Skyrim they're just not I don't I just don't see it that way um I don't I don't think it's going to I don't know I think you're underestimate I think you're I think you're underestimating space Sim Andes tell me where the space Sim is that's what I'm saying they'll make it they've literally remade Sky did you not have you not seen a um uh what is it I saw the Oblivion the Oblivion mod it's it's Skyrim or Oblivion in Skyrim's mod yeah with all of with Morrowind attached to it and a few other things and it looks gorgeous these guys have worked so hard making this uh bringing this mod to life if you guys haven't watched it there's a video that you guys can watch it actually shows like all the things that these guys have worked on and stuff it's so it's so cool to see you know what the modding Community has been able to do that's obviously also what I'm really really hoping to see for Baldur's Gate 3 by the way yeah I'm hoping I I think that due to the mass popularity of Baldur's Gate 3 and just how many people that it's drawn in I do think it's gonna draw a much larger uh modding Community than uh it's got larion actually talking and considering doing DLCs dude did you guys see oh my God oh my gosh okay we're moving on to Baldur's Gate three hold on hold on I wanna I wanna address something uh for Andreas yeah I haven't finished the story in uh Starfield um no no no I play it I plan on it I'm not saying like I said this game isn't a bad game we're just uh airing whatever Grievances and likes yeah we talked about the things we didn't like about it I don't have any final verdict on the game until I until I've completed it and that's gonna be it's gonna take a while it's gonna take a while for me to beat the game you know I I've brought this up and I brought this up in videos and stuff like that I work full-time so I maybe got two or three two or three hours a night uh after work for me to be able to play something you know what I mean so I I don't get a whole lot of time to sink in other than sometimes on the weekends so it's gonna take a while to be able to uh to really dive into the game and get into everything and really figure out you know what what makes it tick and what I like what I don't like and everything like that these are just surface level impressions yeah okay okay so um did you see uh that Larry and actually reached out to um one of the modders because one of the the the level 20 mod the one allows you to be able to go to level 20 but it has like restrictions on you know you can't take a class to level 20. you can take you know multiple classes and you can multi-class up to 20. basically 20 yeah yeah there was a conflict uh with some of the game files they reached out to the modder and then they fixed the issue in the game so that the mod would work that's awesome larion took time out of their schedule to fix something so that mods would work for modders it's [ __ ] legendary it's so nice dude it's so nice not only that not only that they put out patch one uh fix a lot of stuff and then a week later fired off patch 2 which fixed a ton of stuff and added um like a fixed a lot of controller support stuff in lieu of the PS5 uh release um that that in itself should let you know they care about this game like they are they're they're on it so yeah it's pretty awesome no they've uh they it's just like some of the stuff they do I'm like I'm reading through some of their stuff and I'm like sitting there that's why like I was airing some grievances last night at dinner because I'm like every once in a while like I'll see some like shitty comments come through on the YouTube videos which by the way my my last video is actually now in case you guys didn't know my highest performing video of all time but it's over 300 000 views that is [ __ ] wild and I've said this to you guys before if it wasn't for you guys watching the videos they don't go anywhere if the subs don't watch the video it dies simple as that so um why are you making scary faces I'm playing with the lighting and I see this watch don't okay don't Starfield NPC me okay they just cut like they just cut together all the NPCs that they saw there's like this uh the there's an Asian one and he's like just like the and his eyes are just like crawled back in the back of his head so good yeah drinking a carton of milk yeah yeah um but I've seen I've seen a lot of like salty comments on a couple of the last videos because you know the more the more you know I mean the more people that you bring in the more uh the more crazy folk you're also going to see as a result of it right yeah um but there is like uh there's a lot of people that are trying to make it out to be that there's a a much larger um like people have a much larger issue with like content that was removed from the game and it wasn't removed like because they didn't want us to have it it was removed because either a it didn't make sense B it wasn't fun or C it just didn't work simple as that and and they they even approached that and they give reasons why hey this is why we didn't do this we see a lot of people asking about this we're just telling you this is the why this is the reason why and to be honest with you it was Data mined they don't need to respond to that they could have been completely silent and that would have been fine and nobody would have any problem with that but then they go ahead and they actually respond to the player and tell them hey this is the reason why but these specific things that you guys keep talking about aren't there but now we realize after talking to you that it seems like a lot of you guys actually want to see some of this stuff so we're gonna work to see what we can do in extending some of those kind of things you know what I mean and and and giving uh uh giving closure to certain stories that people that that you know people aren't necessarily happy with but then also at the same time I'm still seeing people like absolutely lose their [ __ ] mind over that stuff still even though larion said that they're going to work to improve it anyway and they're like yeah but they did it and it's like well what do you want what it realistically well they shouldn't have removed it in the first place well then go get a [ __ ] job at larion yeah I I I like you have to at certain points we have to also like we can [ __ ] on game companies all the time there's so many so many opportunities for us to do that but there's also certain times that we have to respect creative decisions in the first place we can realize that yes there's a ton of AAA companies that are out there that are making decisions based on monetization because they want to flip and sell stuff to us later but when we're looking at a company Like Larry and who's not doing that that it literally was removed because of because of creative decisions why are you why are you trying to Dogpile or attack them on something that's just not necessary to do so like I feel like it's just like now like gamers are so riled up that we we even we're even biting at the people that are like actually doing good for us yeah and there's I even I even saw something I want you to comment on this I even saw somebody say something where they were like the whole discussion around larion and and the last patch and like how how great of a job layering has done uh and how much people are loving the game and somebody's like we shouldn't applaud this this should be the standard this should be what we expect to get it's positive reinforcement Ian yeah you should you should you should applaud them for it it's positive reinforcement thank you for actually uh like The Golden Girls say thank you for being a friend you know what I mean yeah thank you for uh servicing the game that I purchased from you I appreciate it I think they should be uh lauded for it but I do understand that the sediment that hey uh this is how it should be uh you don't have to say anything to them no let them know let other I I'm telling you right now these uh these game developers they do like praise they do anybody who's a creative loves a little pat on the head loves the little tummy rub so I promise you um yeah if some if the company does you right you should let them know that it do you right because more likely just like everybody else everybody's human you're going to hear more negative than you ever gonna hear positive in your life period people are gonna tell you more negative [ __ ] about what you do than more positive it's just the way human nature is so yeah so it's it's one of the it's one of those things where you have folks that if you applaud them for the things that we enjoy they're gonna put more of that stuff in there because if you don't believe that there aren't companies that are looking at like the whole situation with like how players are talking about larion how how players are talking about uh from software which by the way have a video on this coming up soon but all of a sudden you start looking go like wow these people are just gonna buy games from these companies regardless because they have set a quality Mark and they've set a they've set a a standard when it comes to like how to approach a community how to discuss things with the community and how to make games better as a result of actually talking to the customer and knowing what they want you know what I mean and there's going to be and it may not be the upper echelon it may not be your Blizzard or your EA or your Ubisoft or whoever it's not going to be them it's not going to be them that are going to learn from these kind of things however there's going to be others double a single a those guys that are going to look at that and go this is the company that we need to model ourselves after this is the company that we need to meet the standard of and then as a result we get more options of great games to play in the future it's not going to come from those companies and to be honest like I you know I made a video before I I just don't I don't see success in the future of Activision Blizzard I don't see success in the future of EA outside of their sport out of outside of their Sports uh I mean think about it you're magic Chief is yeah what happens to EA if they lose licensing to the NFL and uh and FIFA yeah what happens to them well they already did they already did the FIFA things gone NFL would kill them NFL would destroy them but but they're doing but they're uh looking around soccer is huge around the world it really is uh but the FIFA thing's already uh gone it's they're they're calling it something different they didn't FIFA wanted too much money to be licensed but the NFL deal do you all do you do you remember when NFL 2K came out far superior it was good I remember everybody loved it and they sold it for [ __ ] 20 cheaper and that's what really pissed the a off yeah that game was legit the best best there are people that still play that on PC right now to this day and they just update the rosters yeah why wouldn't you it's a good if it's a more if it's a more like if it's a more enjoyable experience why wouldn't you want to play that especially if you don't have to spend as much money to do it in the first place but uh but like that's the point though is that it's great the reason why we congratulate the reason why we lift up these companies that make choices that are great for the consumer that are friendly to us is because of the fact that the more we do that the more other companies will follow and that's the that's the that's the best part like that's that's the whole reason like I saw like I don't understand why uh why people keep making videos like this talking about how great larion is well because we should to be honest because the more we talk about it the more other people will realize that they need to live up to that standard because they did set a standard it wasn't just for how great the game is and yes the game is going to have any [ __ ] game is going to have some kind of bugs or performance issues it's just going to and the reason why it's going to have that is is that anytime we're talking about something that is a a multi-platform release if that's Xbox PlayStation and PC there is a ton of [ __ ] you're gonna run into just because of the fact there's so many different configurations of consoles not consoles but different configurations of PCS and stuff like that that yeah you're you're going to run into some issues especially for performance bugs I mean how many people can you have test a game so like there's there's a limit to that and we understand that at least I do I don't want to play I don't want to say it because I think I'm sure there's some people that that probably hold probably hold the the stance that there shouldn't be any bugs whatsoever in the game and I agree up to a point because in some way shape or form you're going to find some weird [ __ ] just because we're [ __ ] Gamers we play games in ways that the the people that made it don't think we're gonna do we're looking for areas to slip outside of the map we're looking you know like we're doing things and interacting with the game in ways that you can't necessarily program for just because well every single person is unique and we play games all completely differently the way that I play Baldur's Gate is probably different than a lot of other people play it um the way you know somebody will play uh star field is going to be the difference in somebody how somebody else is going to play it um and especially when we're talking about games especially a game like Baldur's Gate where it has this like insane level of density of like different dialogue lines that will lead down different Quest paths or whether or not it'll make people like leave your leave your plant or leave your leave your party or whatever like that like there's a ton of different things that are gonna cause the game to do some kind of wacky stuff like like did you talk to the squirrel in the uh outside of uh uh near like the near The Hags Hut The Hags Hut yeah see there you go how many people how many people here talk to the talk to the squirrel near The Hags Hut you know what I mean like some people are going to be or as a Frog as a frog thank you it was a frog thank you yeah so it's like it's some of those things like not everybody's going to interact with every single thing in the world so it gets really difficult to be able to parse that out especially when you're paying and especially when you're paying Studios to be able to do it too because you don't know how accurate their data is going to be as well I can't even imagine how [ __ ] expensive it is it has to be with some of these games for how many hours you can play them when you have people that are still in act one for like up to a hundred hours how expensive is that going to be for you to be able to especially as an independent company being able to Outsource that and Have and Have and Have another company actually QA that you know what I mean and and there's other there's other developing companies like your Activision blizzards your your CEOs that are looking at Baldur's Gate and seeing how well it's doing and then thinking how stupid larion is because they don't have any micro transactions think about I've got 500 hours now I think I'm up to 500 hours in Baldur's Gate um and I not I've all I spent was what I paid for the Early Access that's it um and so like you know they're just integral oh these guys are so stupid they could be making billions right now bruh um but could you imagine could you imagine being the [ __ ] sitting there like man if I was Larry and I would have made it where you could buy sexy outfits yeah like come on man like come on why are you guys oh man that's actually really funny I saw a mod that's like a handbasket mod it has like all these different outfits so you can dress your characters in in Baldur's Gate and then I saw it had to take I thought it had the tag that's the safer work version and I'm like you degenerates because you know that means that there's not a safe for work version and I'm like good Lord oh man I love this game community wouldn't expect anything less I wouldn't expect anything less oh man uh yeah I was uh I was going through their patch notes um and PlayStation 5 got to get their release um what you said Friday yesterday or Friday it was Friday yesterday yeah yesterday the Early Access for theirs um so while I was looking through that I saw I I didn't put it in the show notes but I saw that uh Sven actually commented on when an Xbox version would be coming and it's between September and November between that okay that time frame so which I think is a lot faster than I thought I thought I was going to be closer in December um but I think they understand they need to strike why the Iron's pretty hot you know what I mean uh and so that's not well I mean that's that's good news for Xbox owners I think that's right imagine Xbox if if I was larion I would be so hot over the fact that I've had to delay the release of my game to suit your parody knowing how many more copies I could have sold as a result of being able to release my game on your console on time not to mention pre-orders as well right because no one's been able to pre-order it because they never actually could do a official launch announcement for uh for the Xbox so there's never been even an option to even pre-order the game for the Xbox in the first place like I would be so infuriated I would be even more infuriated when you put out a [ __ ] announcement and it makes it sound like it was our fault yeah I cannot believe I I cannot believe Xbox comes out Phil Spencer comes out with an announcement to say oh our our partners need to work harder and we need to work harder with our partners shut the [ __ ] up I'm sorry like I I was so disgusted by that I've I I used to be relatively high on Xbox and I've said it before like I think game pass at its core is a really cool idea it makes games more available to people that may necessarily not have enough money to buy very many games a year um so at its core it's a really cool idea um and I think and for the most part I think that's relatively consumer friendly outside of the fact it's starting to get us further and further away from being able to like historically keep games like you know have non-just digital forms of games yeah yeah um which I don't like that part of it and it also [ __ ] with ownership and [ __ ] like that obviously but uh but at its core like the idea of being able to make games more available to people that may not be able to afford more than one or two games a year sounds sick that sounds great I love that idea it's great for families right and and for the most part I've also been you know usually they've been usually Xbox has usually been on the side of of the consumer or at least their consumers but when you come in you come out with a line like that where you're saying like oh you know our partners need to work harder and be more and be more communicative uh and then and we need to work that's what that's what he said yeah I wonder how I wonder how many I wonder how many Sony uh Engineers they had to send over to uh to larion to help them with split screen for the PlayStation 5. yeah yeah uh yeah I wonder how many they I wonder how many Xbox uh Xbox Engineers they had to send over there to help them with the Xbox series X but probably nothing yeah probably zero yeah so and it's just and it's one of those things where it's like I I don't know how much this hurts larion especially now that the the Xbox series S1 isn't going to get split screen and I and and I'ma say it right here and I would love I would love you guys want to fire back on me you can fire back on me there was a ton of people that were saying like oh it doesn't matter split screen doesn't matter nobody plays split screen anymore and I think that is [ __ ] one I think it's one I think it's [ __ ] because I don't think we as the customer need to be limited on what um on what features we can have in games because it's being it's becoming too difficult for developers to be able to put it in their games when really I think they're only cost cutting this only reason why they don't put split screen is because they're cost cutting and then also that will that will leverage a better position for households to buy more than one copy of the game right because if you don't have split screen well you need to have a second copy yep right yep and then on top of that the thing is is that I I personally I also believe that I think it's BS that people the people think that nobody plays split screen anymore I think there's tons of people that do look back look back at look at back at all the all the tweets and stuff like that how happy people were that Diablo 4 was getting split screen yeah I mean that's that's it's insane there's too many there's too many families with too many kids not every family can afford two consoles two copies of games that type of stuff it's just that's crazy yeah I would buy an Xbox series s for couch Co-op uh as a cheap variant to my PC but yeah now you're not even gonna get that because you can't play couch co-op on it so rip that's the whole reason I bought actually do it ironically PC I have no I have no need for an Xbox at all I have no need for an Xbox at all I have an Xbox series s specifically to play co-op games on the couch end to end to use as media players well that's what it's there for and that's there you go ding ding brings it up and this is the this is what I this is what I said I got I got into a heated car I got into a heated Conversation Over the split split screen thing and I'm like do we just all of a sudden imagine now that uh that families don't exist yeah there's no such thing as kids kids aren't real well it's it's all right kids are a figment of your imagination it's just like a the the point that where people get into like like you're so ner like get the blinders on for your own life that you think everybody else's life is just like yours yeah it's super hyperbolic it's their situation magnitude and you need to live to what my my view of the world actually is so are we so what's what's the alternative what's the alternative to co-op am I to believe that every household that has five kids owns Five Xboxes no I don't [ __ ] think so because if you have five kids you're broke yeah you got five kids you're one away from a basketball team so yeah come on dude what are you talking about so it's just it just bad weird takes people coming to the defense of Xbox over it and it's just really weird and it's really sad to see that a video game console is something that's out there and it's limiting what it's it's actually scope here's the thing we don't even know how far this is limiting the scope for other games either we don't know what other games out there are being limited by the Xbox series s today that are multi-platform or for PC and and you brought it up you thought Starfield is an example of a game that was limited in scope specifically to the series s and you said it was conjecture which I I'll agree because we don't have any hard fact evidence go ahead put your tinfoil hat on them wear their smoke there's a [ __ ] fire so I'm ready to hear it go ahead look it up okay so let it out brother let it out sweet nah so the tile deal the tile deal for the Starfield um I think solely is because the performance of running at 30 frames per second even on the X uh you have the tiles even on the X all your loading screens even on the x is all because the series s has four gigabytes of RAM it has four gigabytes of RAM okay four gigabytes of RAM yeah games games in the late let's go with the late teens late teens started requiring 16 gigabytes of RAM the late teens and here we are with the console that has four gigabytes of RAM two gigabytes when it's actually running something yep so uh yeah I think that they completely changed their scope and cut stuff down so on the tiles deal let's say you have a tile here on the plane that you landed there and there's a mountain over here well you land on the tile right next to it guess what it's not there that mountain because they're not linked together none of it it's not like together it's all just just made up and if that doesn't break down exploration uh continuity I don't know what does but yeah the series s is um it's running gaming taking my tinfoil head off see yeah I don't know I wouldn't probably go as far as the series s has 10 gigs of RAM this is what Kevin says Xbox series ss16 okay um it goes down to four when it's running games oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no you have to remember it has to it has to actually run the OS yeah you can't forget about the OS you can say that that's just like my computer my computer has 64 gigs of RAM but it has to run it has to run the uh the OS so obviously that's gonna that's gonna take a chunk out of the uh the running Ram currently that's on there uh zc kids should not play Baldur's Gate 3 though no kids definitely probably shouldn't play Baldur's Gate three well I mean you can turn off you kidding me they got blood they've got phones kids have phones people be a better parent just turn this stuff off be a better person close their eyes closed closer earmarks your mops everybody earmuffs um so yeah yeah I uh uh yeah you can turn on you can turn off a bunch of settings and stuff like that to be able to make the game more palatable if you want to have kids play it though there are you're gonna be you know there's bad language and things like that yeah yeah there's a lot of that already existing in a lot of the games that people are allowing kids to play nowadays anyway so that and to be honest with you I don't think like a lot of young kids are really going to be into Baldur's Gate anyway no no it's too slow it's too slow yeah it's too slow it's too slow for it's too slow for young kids maybe uh maybe maybe when they get older they can play it maybe when they get older uh there was actually you see love brings up something that's really interesting they say probably Halo infinite was limited it was I made this comment to Ian I said when I started up Starfield and I'm not saying it's a bad game I'm not saying it when I started it up and I started playing it it felt like it was as as Hollow and shallow as Halo infinite did like of that not I'm not saying they're the same game I mean of a Halo experience felt very uh shallow this experience for a Bethesda game felt very shallow right off the bat so I I'm 100 agreeance with that yeah I I it's one of those things where like Starfield is a game that I'm just gonna have to slow burn I'm gonna have to take more of it in I think the more that I play the more I'm gonna like it because I do just like exploring you know what I mean I I and even though that exploration is limited in scope it it still has a lot of things for you to go and do um so you know I'll see that Jesus Christ compared to the gate compared to the game that we're going to uh we're gonna play when we're uh oh 97 yeah something like that yeah um I I don't know I'm gonna see if the game grows on me a little bit more as I play it I think that's just probably the better way for me to look at it like I said before I think the most I think the most unfortunate thing for Star field is that it had a better RPG released before it yeah you know and I I talked to I talk to our good buddy fawns and I was like Hey Fonz have you played Baldur's Gate 3 yet and he said no I'm waiting for it to come out on Xbox and I'm like that's fair he's gonna love he's gonna love Starfield oh he does I talked to him I talked to him uh two days ago he's uh really digging it yeah of course and he had he had the same kind of hang up but he was a little disappointed about the space part of it too yeah um uh but he's like he's super digging it man he's super into it yeah so it's it's one of those things where it's like uh uh maybe it'll grow on Me Maybe maybe I'm gonna not like it I don't know I think I'm just gonna kind of give it time because I just don't want to have like a super reactionary take on the game and would I only have you know less than 30 hours into it so far you know what I mean yeah I do still want to talk about the things that I still want to talk about the things on the surface that I see and I didn't like about it um but this is also just like what I also want people that come and watch stuff on this channel to understand is that like I'm just not really one to want to take a very reactionary stance on stuff nor do I really want to talk about games that I don't have a lot of experience with in the first place the only reason why I can talk a lot about Baldur's Gate is because I've played it through Early Access for three years I already knew what we were in for I knew we were in for an incredible game from an incredible company that was gonna blow people's socks off I already knew and it was a sleeper thing I knew that nobody you bitty I knew the new buddy I knew that nobody knew anything about the game really and that the hype for the game was relatively low and I'm like man this is going to be wild once people actually get their hands on this game and get and start uh start getting to play it um and then it ended up happening so um uh how much is Starfield consumed your brain compared to Baldur's Gate 3 when you're playing it um oh my God uh so um so yeah uh you know something else I actually kind of want to ask you guys about chat this goes out to this goes out to you guys I want to know what are what else are you guys looking forward to like we just had two of the biggest RPGs there's been like really if you count Zelda breath or uh tears of the Kingdom as an RPG you can um there's been a lot of big great RPGs everybody's been looking forward to that came out this year what are you guys looking forward to next year I've actually seen a lot of people talking about the cyberpunk update yeah um saying it's 100 after that really 100 ready for that yeah uh and that so that one right there is not going to be on the last gen consoles so it's not going to have some of those graphical limitations that it did originally Final Fantasy 14 expansion yeah that's that's not going to be until I think winter of next year did you see the Final Fantasy 16 is getting two expansions really yeah Final Fantasy 16 is going to get two two DLC expansions and something else I forgot what and a free expansion as well I need to I need to go back and and a PC version and a piece and a PC version too so I will get it on PC then yeah there's a PC release that's coming out Dragon's Dogma 2 why do I keep [ __ ] forgetting about that Lord I'm still I'm still looking forward to Lords of the Fallen I'm writing that one down I keep forgetting about that I need to follow up and really look into Dragon's Dogma I think that looks really good that's next year or two isn't it yeah Space Marine two what a Space Marine two that's the Warhammer one that looks like Gears of War is that the Gears of War looking one what's the there's a there's one there's a um there's one that's a crpg there's a Warhammer crpg that I want to follow oh that's the Rogue Trader Rogue Trader okay okay I'm gonna write that one down too I'm looking into everything you guys are telling me this is how I farm you guys for content [Laughter] Rogue Trader Rogue Trader oh black myth Wukong yeah yeah yeah that's that's oh like not Elden ring what am I thinking let's say Souls like Soul's like right Chinese company I think is me is the one making it it's their first game which looks really strong for first game by the way yeah black myth Wukong yeah that actually looked really good too I remember watching the uh the games con trailer for it and it actually looked really really really strong uh um uh Final Fantasy 16 Lords of the Fallen yeah I've been following Lords of the Fallen a little bit uh the only thing that I don't really like from the looks of Lords of the Fallen is it looks like the combat is very floaty really I thought it was yeah than it has in the no no I mean like it's it's like Souls inspired but it looks very floaty ff7 rebirth is definitely obviously one that I'm looking forward to um that one's that one's that one's a big one that's on the radar that's for sure I I need to follow it more is that is that supposed to be early next year I can't remember yeah I thought it was this year for some reason well you talking about Lords of the Fallen no Final Fantasy 7 rebirth the uh the continuation of Final Fantasy 7 remake it's next year yeah is it next year yeah I hate the word dogma it seems stupid sea of stars ah part of me wants to try it um I might try sea of stars I'm somewhat interested in it just because of the fact that you know I'm a big like old school AR versus old school like jrpg fan so um you know that's where I got my start but yeah yeah I'm really stalker two is gonna I don't know how that game's got delayed again but that's what shill up said damn why You Gotta Throw Why You Gotta Throw oh dude Golden Sun was so good don't even don't even give me uh Golden Sun is so good I wish they continued that game I really did I wanna do you know oh man Grand blue Grand blue fantasy Grand blue fantasy relink also looks like really good that one looks like it's shaping up to be really solid I'm actually really excited for that one have you guys seen that one have you seen that one Mark yeah I did oh they uh they showed some at the uh Gamescom deal yeah I did see that there were some people talking about how they felt that grand blue fantasy relink had too many too many characters were obviously too strong in comparison to the other ones so you were it would make you like unlikely to want to use other characters in the party so I hope that's something that they balance out I think that was Eric's gaming that I was watching that did that that's that's every game though isn't it I guess I don't know every game is like what games need sequels if you had it your way oh grandia but grandia two it'd be Grande a two two grandia two two gradia two is probably my favorite jrpg of all time I know a lot of people think it has like a really like cheesy storyline I [ __ ] loved the story I loved the like mix of like action turn based gameplay that game was like really cool for that it's really good um Perfect Dark perfect dark's already getting a remake isn't it yes yeah Legend of Dragoon don't even go there don't even go there how does how does PlayStation own so many good IPS and they just don't make any use of them whatsoever like legendary Legend of Dragoon would [ __ ] slap it would slap the face of like every 30 plus year old gamer out there actually probably even younger you get like 25 and up gamer up there everybody would go wild over like especially just because like the premise of the game and its universe as well as like the abilities of like the people oh my god dude they're too busy reselling us the last of us that's why instead of doing the new stuff funny you say that Tom it's actually not square that owns Ledger and Dragoon it's actually um I think it was idios or something like that I know it's it's Sony owned Sony owns the IP for legend and Dragoon and they re they renewed it recently by the way and adios was owned by embracer yeah a couple months ago yeah yeah I embrace because we're just gonna like fall apart uh yeah if they can't get the loans they are um and there's it's sad is there are some good uh Studios under their umbrella um but yeah pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty it's they're just gonna sell it off yeah I guess they can just sell off IPS and Studios right and then you'll just see another major buying spree yep but I man do they just keep time Splitters that'd be a really good one too actually I would actually really like to see that Fallout crpg with larion you will never see that but I understand your pain I wonder what other IPS could larion get a hold of that would be really good to see them do I would like to see so you know no it wouldn't have to be a crpg so I think Divinity one and two were action RPGs do you know what I would really like to see larian get a hold of and do an action RPG for Diablo Aldersgate dark Alliance 3. oh yeah oh yeah not to be confused with dark Alliance that [ __ ] Dungeons and Dragons owned [ __ ] garbage game that they put that they produced now remember the Marvel Alliance games Marvel Alliance yes Ultimate Alliance yeah yeah they are the arpg well yeah she was fire that was they were great yeah that would be cool for learning to do something outside of fantasy that would be yeah that'd be kind of interesting that'd be kind of interesting I I think that they're they're too nerdy for that [ __ ] though to be honest I think yeah like you know I feel I feel like I feel like comic books are like uh like um uh surface level nerd yeah you get it you get down into you know Dungeons and Dragons into the thick of it and you're you're really getting in there man Neverwinter Nights three yeah that would be really cool too actually I bought a Vox Mach on the game would be kind of cool too I like that I like that man I need to go back I wanna I need to look at like a Dreamcast emulator for like a bunch of games that I would like to see again because there's a lot of Dreamcast games that never never came back that were [ __ ] incredible do you guys remember Power Stone Power Stone was so good dolphin yeah you don't want to what are you talking about I don't have one of those no they got um they've got I've got a what is it I can't remember I have to send it to you retro Arc that's what it is there you go okay okay find it guys Arcadia hell yeah see somebody gets it not there we go Donnie the hard part's not finding the emulators it's finding the the games that aren't attached with cancer so what do you mean yeah the ROMs like bad bad ROMs yes suspect sites oh did you make did you make a boo-boo uh I did about a year ago and remember when I had to reset my whole [ __ ] oh is that what it was for you emulating you dirty boy I mean no um just just make sure you don't say it's Nintendo you know what I'd like to see a single too like uh uh like Far Cry Far Cry needs another sequel that'd be pretty awesome Far Cry [ __ ] is wrong with you that's the one you want to go for honestly I really I'd like another punch out be honest with you the last punch out was a long time ago and I'd like another one and they have one for was it the Wii the Wii yeah Skies of Arcadia we talked about that fantasy Star online rest in peace uh Code Veronica shenmue um they made a [ __ ] me three and it wasn't it wasn't wasn't very good wasn't very good yeah whatever happened to Crazy Taxi that's the question of our of our life our generation of our generation first generation they're Crazy Taxi what happened to Quake actually uh they uh have RTX the Quake 2 and I thought that they're did I hear that they're going to remake it are they I think hmm it's gonna be the next it's going to be the next podcast is it yeah story yeah yeah you better write that story up real quick dude I loved my Dreamcast the thing was so good it was good then everybody had to everybody had to ruin it by going and buying a PlayStation nobody would make games for it I guess it was really I guess it was actually really difficult to develop for and the and the first PlayStation was really easy to develop for we gave developers a lot more freedom in making whatever they wanted to do for it oh yeah is in the Mark isn't Super Mario RPG getting real or is that paper Mario that's coming out I think it's Paper Mario is it Paper Mario do you remember the Super Mario RPG that was also really good man Nintendo be slipping I feel like they'll probably they'll probably run around back to that eventually but they're also looking at their they're probably looking at their what they have initially right now like for like what people are actually interested in playing I don't really see Nintendo wanting to beat the drum of like old old school Nostalgia because they realize that most of their player base is much younger it is Super Mario RPG getting a remake that is sick okay well then I my switch will get I'll blow off the dust on my switch I haven't used it I haven't played my switch at all since I played uh um tears of the Kingdom lost Viking sequel that'd be kind of cool too yeah I I think my biggest ones the ones that I want to see the most is definitely legend of the Dragoon because that's one of my favorite RPGs of all time same goes for um uh same go do you know what you know what's crazy to know I went from Dreamcast to PlayStation 2. I can't hear you I went from Dreamcast to Xbox original how long did you play Dreamcast um I think you are um you're mistaken on when the Dreamcast came out when did it come out 2000 yeah it was with the PlayStation 2 not the original PlayStation was it yeah the PlayStation 2 is what destroyed it I don't think right I think you're actually wrong I'm I'm Googling it right now play station to release date do I have oh my God it came out in 2000. dream cast release date 1998 okay so that's the reason why I didn't get a PlayStation uh so I got oh I got an N64 instead of a PlayStation that's what it was yep I had it in 64. I went N64 second oh no I had it no I had a I had an Atari Jaguar instead of a PlayStation oh uh I wish I was [ __ ] kidding I'm not kidding I'm pretty sure that's what I had so when I had the Dreamcast is about the same time that my first child was born as a matter of fact it I bought it right before my first child was born and then I just stopped playing games for a little bit and then I got back into it with the uh Xbox it was Halo Halo brought me back so I just want to know like the first PlayStation first Playstation release date where did the PS1 come out 1994 yes yes I indeed did have a I yes I'm not wrong by the way because that's 19 9 so it's 1993 and then 1995 I think was a 64 was 96. and then and the 64 was 96. so I went from I went from the Atari Jaguar to the N64 and then I completely skipped over PlayStation entirely all my friends had PlayStation and then I ended up getting a uh a PS2 later yeah those are rough years I played games man it was a rough years now I'm realizing like I was like man I feel like there's a time in my childhood I didn't really play a whole lot of video games and then I remembered there was a time in my childhood that all I had to play on was snatari Jaguar I was I was uh I was playing on PC at that time when you were having an Atari Jaguar and then I went to Nintendo 64 and once my PC took a [ __ ] I played on so all I had I had my game boy and Quake yeah I only I had my game boy and then I had an Atari jaguar and a and a uh Sega Genesis and that's pretty much all I had so I played the Sega Genesis more than I played anything else right yeah and my NES I still have my NES my NES probably got the most life out of probably any console I've I feel like I've ever played yeah because I played I played my NES from like the time I was a Wii uh a Wii Sprout well through the time that I had a PlayStation 2. almost up into the time that I had an Xbox 360 or Xbox actual Xbox because like what what it was is it like uh uh my when I would get off when I'd get out of school I'd have to go to my mom's work and wait and wait until she got off of work because that was the only time that's the only way like I'd be able to get home from school so I would get out of school I would go home I'd go to my mom's work and I would stay there well they had a back room uh and I would just hang out there and there was a TV so I just brought my NES and just put it in there and then left it there and then every day I would come home from come home from school and I would play my NES and this would be far into Jesus by the time I had a PS2 or even better oh wow yeah I played a shitload of tiger heli um that gave me oh that game was so tilting tiger Helly um Zelda Super Mario one and Super Mario one two and three and uh what else did I have there's something else that I played a whole lot too uh Metal Gear those are the those are the games that were always like constant on rotation I just keep flipping them Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam that's probably why I know like still to this day like so much muscle memory to those games they were so good Atari jaguire no it's okay that none of you guys know what I'm talking about it's fine please you don't you don't need to know to be honest was it the Jaguar that had the television remote or was that the other one the Jaguar had like what looked like ATI TI-83 calculator for a controller you know what it's the most prettiest thing you've ever seen my my grandmother bought me a TurboGrafx 16. for like my 12th birthday it was like four years after the turbo Graphics 16 like let's see if I can find like a video that has how bad it was okay I found like a compilation this looks like a compilation video 10 the 10 best quote-unquote atariation didn't the Jaguar have a lot of the like the like the video like it's actual like video type games like it did it did have a few of those yeah it did have a few of those yeah yeah so this has like look at that [ __ ] controller that is almost so bad oh my God it's so hideous 17 buttons only 159 guys that was like a million dollars back then yeah look at that you could once you picked up what you picked up your your controller you could you know well that's [ __ ] you could pop out on the grass why are these games so terrifying what are these hairstyles yeah the one with the look at that I I also okay so you guys have to respect how much other game systems back in the day would throw shade at other video game systems like the market was so competitive that they would actually be like you don't need your Super Nintendo or your Sega anymore throw those in the bin because those things are toys this is a man system you got guns you got soccer you got spaceship fighting motorcycles you got a [ __ ] gecko laughs there's that turbo Turbo graphic 16. yeah it's that little slot that's where the game goes yeah it's so bad oh my God video game marketing 101. well these commercials are so funny yeah Star Fox top 10 games list they had like a doom knockoff look how [ __ ] horrible this looks monsters don't even move why is life like this I would go oh my God so they I'm trying to think I have no idea that this alien game they had a race car game that was trying to be like a knockoff of uh I remember this this is like a knockoff of uh uh Mario Kart I don't know what this was I don't think I played that I'm looking for yeah this is I played the space game a bunch uh I started with a c and had a really creepy face on the front of it I don't remember it now but sometimes the face would pop up in the corner and be like you're going the wrong way there it is right there there it is there it is I remembered it where'd it go it just showed it oh okay oh yeah there's like this really creepy like uh uh uh Pin Man face that would always pop up on the screen and freak me out all the time it was [ __ ] terrible yeah it was a terrible video game system by the way there it is right there look at that face that's your AI That's your ship AI that would come and talk to you you're going the wrong way you're going the wrong way and then I would have nightmares yeah is there anybody in the uh chat that is playing Boulder's Gate on console on the PS5 yeah actually if you guys are and I've got curious about I've got curious about some of them yeah if any of you guys that are actually playing on PS5 are in the Discord let us know how performance and everything feels I'm really I'm actually really interested to know because I know that the PlayStation 5 version has actually released with all of the current patches yes so I'm very interested in that I'm very interested to see how that works out oh man um well you know what man I think it's probably uh we're reaching that two hour mark So I think it's probably time for us to uh you know kind of conclude our thoughts here and things like that um I'm going to take more time with Starfield I'm going to learn more about it I'm going to come I'm going to play more about it find probably more things to complain about it but I also feel like at the same time I'm probably going to find more things that I like about it as well um I I feel like it's going to be a two-handed thing and that's just me and how I digest games over time there's certain things that I enjoy more um there's certain things that are very jarring about it because I'm playing it right after coming out of playing balder Skate 3 and also the other thing I didn't mention this either it's not only jarring because of that but it's also jarring from me coming and playing armored Core six as well yeah because like even though I understand one is a Mech shooter and the other one has like spaceship controls it's really weird playing a game where you're like using like uh a vehicle and one has incredibly intuitive controls that feel really good to use and the other one doesn't yeah yeah uh for me um we are going to be streaming some Baldur's Gate after this correct or are you gonna eat first are we streaming right after this are you gonna take a little bit of a break first I will probably be streaming right after this okay me too neither one of us has to work so we can stay up late and finish ours our our nail um I will not be here next week I will be in the Bahamas getting my big ass forehead my big white pale forehead I hope you fall asleep with something on your face you know what I don't I don't um so can somebody make sure to post can somebody post the uh the link to my twitch channel in the chat so then that way if people want to come by and watch uh watch me stream uh some video games after this they can yeah uh Ian alone Ian alone will probably I'll probably just take the day to either write or make a video or I will take the day to play video games one of the two I can't imagine well maybe I'll find a guest maybe I'll replace mark this is the perfect opportunity what do you guys think should we replace mark indifference well yeah that's about that's a link to my twitch Channel forward slash legendary underscore Drops make sure you guys go by there and follow it right after this podcast finishes I'm going over to Twitch and I'm gonna play video games so if you guys want to hang out over there and chat and watch me play video games you can do that uh um uh please do something about the current gaming uh about the goalie what what is this please do something about the effect of gaming we'll have on children growing up um I don't take anything that Ding Dong said because one of his first statements was sorry guys I'm drunk too drunk I saw that earlier I'm too drunk for this now he's like yeah but what about the kids what about the kids yeah we talk about them kids um I actually have a video that I did on the development of like uh of like social skills and stuff like that um it's how how MMOs and um how MMOs change you it's like how Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft change you and uh and if you want to go watch that that actually talks about how you develop like social skills and stuff like that through video games um I do feel like that's probably a good opportunity or a good a good conversation to have at some point in time uh maybe we'll save that and we'll make it a topic for the next podcast we'll bring that stuff up uh make sure if you guys have anything that you guys want to talk us to talk about in future shows like the show we'll have week after next or maybe next week if I find a replacement um drop a comment on this video after it's posted with a question that you guys want us to talk about and we'll talk about it because that's how this works so yeah anything else yeah he said to get someone to cosplay as me I don't know if anybody can put on 60 pounds that quick probably get it I'm pretty good at it yeah man I love doing the podcast I'm going to miss y'all next week um is celebrating my 25th anniversary it's been like uh 25 minutes underwater so I'm drowning please help yeah blink three times if you're in trouble all right thank you guys see you guys later hope you guys enjoyed the show love you and I'll see you guys on Twitch right after this going straight to Twitch right after this so I'll see you guys over there if you don't watch me play some Baldur's Gate three or if you want to see me play some yeah Baldur's gay we'll do some Baldur's Gate we'll do some co-op okay yes we will okay all right we're gonna go do some co-op Baldur's Gate in act two so come over to the twitch Channel if you guys want to watch us go do that peace my friends and people bye twitch name drop the twitch link again please if you can thank you thank you there's a twitch link you guys can go over there we'll be over there just in a few minutes see you guys soon bye I gotta hit the button
Channel: Legendary Drops
Views: 2,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cc7zlzoE5FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 9sec (7329 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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