Xbox Bethesda Showcase | Starfield "Hate" | Final Fantasy 7 Remake | Forza Motorsport RT - TXT 222

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] but yeah your joint is really solid yeah we are solid and we are indeed live what is going on everybody this is randall 419 the man with the million uh one of your hosts of the uh xbox 2 podcast now normally the guy i interview every single week on the x uh the jazz cast is he's not here uh jess gordon will not be joining us because his uh pc is apparently blowing up but i got some uh some great friends filling in some special guests all their links are in the description if you want to follow them on twitter or on youtube and we're to start off with the one the only paris the uh what co-host of gamertag radio as well as kind of funny xcast doing big things out there thank you for joining paris rand thank you so much for finally you and i get to do a podcast together after all the ducking and dodging over the past few years but no man i i'm super excited to be here i'm i'm really looking forward to talking about all the news that we've had come out here over the last week or so and uh it is an absolute honor to be here well thank you for being here um i can't wait to pick your brain about uh the showcase and uh the little thing that you filmed for the extended showcase we'll talk all about that and next uh we have the one the only king david of iron lords podcast one of my favorite podcasts out there finally on the show but i won this time because this is a camera free zone so what's going on king uh you see ran i love you and that's why i'm here and i love you too jazz uh i know you use your playstation to stream your stuff and i told you don't do it um but it came back to bite you so but uh happy to be here happy to be here with paris and colt and rand but we're here yes thank you so much for being here king and i don't know one of my best friends out there he's got his own podcast x and c as well as making incredible production videos he's been on before but had to have him on again my my friend coate eastwood what's up buddy my best my bestest friend in the whole wide world but you and i were playing turtles yesterday so is this our footage this is our footage that we played yesterday for an hour indeed yep i'm michael angelo you're leo so we were happy happy dudes playing this game it was really really fun thank you for having me on the show i'm excited to be here with paris because we i love this paris load up to eagles it's so nice to meet you in person i'm like wait we we haven't met before i feel like you know when you feel like you know people like i feel like i know king and ran and paris because we've talked so much and then you actually shake a real human hand it's it's phenomenal but with that honestly that that was the best part of last weekend um at summer game fest and xbox fan fest on the showcase and all that meeting so many people that you knew online but never actually met in person but just feeling like hey i already know this person because like you and i you know when we we met at the mixer face to face it wasn't it wasn't even weird to just walk up to you hey what's going on colt like you know what i mean it was it was really cool man it was such a very cool it's been a long time i really appreciate that you're welcome because the tcl slander this is what you get okay well you know what have them reach out to my people and we can work something out [Laughter] so i figured we'll talk about the game that me and coach just mentioned just for a little bit i know i played it co-played it uh you played at paris uh start with you paris how you feeling about this uh shredders revenge tmnt game uh as you would say it's in game pass and game passes what what's that what's that phrase you always say xbox game pass is the best value in gaming yeah so how do you feel about the new turtles game i love it i love it i'm i'm not going to declare oh this is game of the year or anything like that but i will say this is probably the most fun that you'll have this year playing a game because it doesn't try to be anything other than what it is it hits the nostalgia beats of the 90s turtle games the the cartoon show um the soundtrack is just absolutely on fire by the way and it is just a classic you know brawler beat em up and that you get to play with your friends it's fun as hell i i don't know any other way to describe it it is just a blast to play this in co-op and uh being able to review it like my playing with my son my nephew came over we're all playing we just had a blast man it's it's it's a lot of fun this really took me back to the 90s when we used to play this in the arcades yeah 100 uh me and colt look we played it for an hour uh i think maybe the only downside is the game might be a little short but in that in that time frame like we were having a blast i think we we beat eight levels it's got that nostalgic fix but it's also modern like right you can dodge left and right and it's just it's such an incredible game and then to like pop that into game pass like i saw it was 30 bucks and i'm just like nah i don't have you know i'm not i don't have to buy this i'm just going to download it and just have a great time so i mean coat you feel pretty much the same right yeah when i look at the game as an illustrator the art style is fantastic the colors are just really perfect i feel it's just like anybody who watched the cartoon back in the day is loving this game the animations are great the sound there was like one song when we were flying over the city that was like uh it was like a late 80s rocker that they made up for the game that was phenomenal we're just having a good time and it's just neat that a game like this that's like i think it's a 30 dollar game it's just another thing that just drops into game pass like here's what you get for this sub and uh hold on here comes the ftp they're coming after me for saying that no it's it's i'm having a good time it's just like there it is king do you ever you have you gotten a chance to check it out yeah and i know you love game pass well definitely as the ambassador of game pass uh we uh covered this game at pax east this year and i got a chance to talk with the um illustrator of a lot of the cartoon animations and the guy who uh did the storyboards and um all this stuff is it was great when we got a chance to cover it i didn't know it was coming to game pass i mean he kept that under wraps so i was like kind of pissed off when i found out that it was in game pass and it was it was a kind of good pissed off because this game takes you back to uh back when you played it in our case it was never this good when it came home but uh in arcades it was this good and it surpasses the arcade in every way to be honest with you uh from the animations to the soundtrack uh to the the move set like uh colt said it's modern but it's a retro throwback you even have a way to uh put uh um the words pixelated on the screen uh you can debug that later but uh it's a fantastic game i love it um we're gonna actually uh stream this i think probably tomorrow as a team as iron lord so yeah i can't wait to look forward to it you know plus i gotta i play with rafael so that's my favorite uh turtle yeah i had to have michelangelo he was always my favorite so that's who i played with i i'm loving it too uh but you know let's let's get to the big juicy topics and i'm going to throw this one to paris because he was there and we'll talk about the showcase in just a few but i want to get your thoughts on fan fest and what it's like to go because you were also at the summer game fest thing you were testing out the samsung i saw some of the pictures you were testing out the samsung x clouds yeah people were mad at that what's it like uh to have fan fest and gaming conventions come back like how how cool was it to see everybody again like was that one of the big takeaways for you this weekend yeah i mean the best way to describe it is you don't realize what you miss until it's taken away from you and to go three years without having these in-person events and to kind of have this mini e3 with summer game fest then mixed in with fan fest on on the last day i mean it was like like i got emotional at points because you realize how much you miss seeing people in person having those in-person conversations and and the dinners and the laughter and you people coming up to you that you never met before and you know exchanging information just just all that was involved with that um i mean was pretty special i'm still honestly buzzing from last weekend because you know i told you this offline everybody was just happy that that's the best way i can i can put it everybody there was just happy to be there we're all excited to be there whether it was summer game fest we're actually covering titles or then you know once it went to the actual show you know xbox showcase and then fan fest ever fan fest afterwards everybody was just excited to be there everybody was happy everyone wanted to interact with each other and just have a good time so um i think between what jeff keeley did and then what xbox was able to do afterwards i mean both just just first class productions all the way and like i told you offline honestly i hope from xbox perspective they do this moving forward in that yeah i could see them wanting to probably do a live showcase again but i don't think it's 100 necessary i kind of like that it's pre-produced so you're getting the best of whatever it is that they're attempting to do you don't have to worry about gameplay failing live in the middle of something all that's already recorded in the can you can still have the virtual viewing parties get everyone together in an auditorium like they did today you know phil and sarah bond and matt booty and the rest they can all still be there talking to the crowd just like they did show do the showcase everyone there you have that same energy where everyone's excited and then when it's over you transition it right off into fan fest like they did this weekend i thought it was perfect i thought it was great and like i said it was it was it was something that i didn't realize i missed until it was taken from me and my god did i miss it because i had so much fun yeah he sounds like i mean we were kind of making king a little jealous i know i know king loves to go these things but what was it like for you king sitting at home watching it knowing that you could have been there was it uh was it rough for you it was terrible because i know it was rough for tim you know tim dawg because he was absolutely terrible oh because uh tim and i spoke tell my me tim megatron we all you know uh talked about uh doing some things and we were gonna go uh but you know we thought about some stuff i like how microsoft handled it um as far as you know um fan fest all over the world basically how they had it going on and i saw it in australia i saw it i think it was in brazil or or buenos aires or some place like that and i said wow um for microsoft to really do it on a global scale to reach out to everyone uh to bring all um gamers together that's incredible that's fantastic because before it was just centraled in california now their reach is is expanding and that's the only thing that you could ever hope for that it reaches more people and you bring more people into the fold so um you know to see colts and to see um mj uh you know he was posting pictures because he you know he texts me he's like uh i saw a cult and um he he gave me the cold shoulder i said go up to co tell colt that you're my friend and colt will love you and he sent me pictures with cole he was so happy to meet colt in person that's all he talked about and the fact that that thing happened and you know he has you know like documented proof that he can you know he met one of his idols that's that's an incredible thing and i told him you know he is the genuine thing and he's a good guy so definitely just go up to him talk to him and you'll see he's a good guy so just to see you guys having fun that was all i needed yeah it makes me want to go like see all the pictures out there and i'm just like man i wish i wish i was able to go but colt you were uh you were there you got some of the behind the scenes treatment the special the special media treatment uh what was your what was your big takeaway from fan fest um i i'm sort of with paris on there like the shows even when they're live on stage they're all pre-produced so that's still cool so we still get that right bears so like all the all the um all the trailers are all pre-produced and then you get people that come up on stage that's the stuff that's live right so basically everything was all pre-recorded it was really great and it looks fantastic and and then afterward they're just like go down and hang out for fan fest immediately because in 2019 it was come back later tonight or something like that yeah i remember right so this was perfect and um just being a like i said being around everybody again was really really great uh the line of people and talking to everyone and now that i'm on camera in 2019 nobody knew who i was welcome thank you thank you so much in the background i was like coke come on man get on camera man and you're welcome i'm living my best no camera life over here so um it's so great because in 2019 um somebody's like hurt someone said oh is it is that colt's voice and then they went over like hey yeah there was like one one person who knew who i was but since i'm on camera people like oh i know that funny looking dude so it was really cool to talk to who's who's um short uh guy with a with a beard uh what color is it i already met mj at uh 2019. yeah we've already talked yeah we talked quite a bit this weekend yeah so uh yeah yeah i know him because uh yeah that's anyway i've known him for a while but it was just really cool um an xbox was people really happy everyone was super happy right paris like everyone was going around they're fat and happy there's lots of great food everyone was excited they were they there was all these games they didn't know they were going to be playing this fall um but there's other stuff that we'll get into about that yeah i mean i mean that just that final note on fan fest it was like xbox took care of everybody that was there like you said they had the whole food spread out they had you know like the meet and greet booth you know they had other you know interactive things that you can do then they had you know like the on stage stuff that they were doing i mean you know aaron greenberg was you know just being an emcee and hamming it up the whole time you know malik and uh kelly were you know the the two hosts for fan fest that did a great job they even got my dumb ass up there one time to talk but uh yeah it was great man like i said it was fun did they give up um what was the swag this year did they give away did they give away any book bags this year you know what i don't know because i didn't get one i know everyone where maybe colt knows i know everyone was getting those shirts with like yeah not really yeah they didn't do like they did in 2019 they had a little they had a little bag like a backpack bag like a drawstring bag that had some snacks in it and then when you went around to the booths their little giveaway packs so it was scaled back the food was amazing food was scaled up giveaways are scaled down but they threw this thing together super last minute like i'm surprised we even got an event this year yeah that's how that's how quickly they put this together yeah very short notice yeah i just got to give a big shout out for uh respawn dead for dropping a hundred dollar super chat uh that's uh greatly appreciated uh thank you so much anybody who's super chats i'll definitely get to him uh later on because we we have limited time uh with paris paris is only going to be here for the first hour so you want to get as much of his thoughts on stuff so we'll definitely be reading that uh you know stuff after towards the end and answering everybody's uh questions so thank you so much for the super chat uh all the support it's very much greatly appreciated um all right so i figure let's talk about you know what's what's been the big talk this past week um the xbox showcase right uh there's been people that don't care for it uh people that loved it and i'm gonna i wanna throw it to you paris because i haven't really heard any of your takes yet now you filmed xcast i think that's that usually comes out every saturday morning so i don't know your thoughts what did you think overall of the xbox showcase and was it the right choice for microsoft to essentially i'm not going to say blindside but uh come out and kind of was basically say hey you're only getting games for the next year what what'd you think about all that yeah i'm actually glad you put it that way because that that's kind of the thing about it i thought the show was solid i thought the approach of hey let's show you gameplay like opening with red fall closing with starfield which i called by the way they did that made a lot of sense showed just the 12 months that are coming so in other words we're going to give you game play we're going to show you what's coming in the near term and we're going to show you the value of game class right the game pass so i think the mission was accomplished in that aspect what i would critique is what you're alluding to i personally think they should have given everyone a heads up that this is what they were going to do and it didn't have to be this big elaborate xbox wire or anything like that honestly aaron greenberg could have put one tweet out saying that set expectations we're only going to show the next 12 months you know you know set expectations accordingly that would have been fine because you know if that one tweet would have went around the entire community then when you sat down in that that chair to watch the showcase you knew now me personally when sarah bond said what she said i immediately readjusted expectations because look i i was one thousand percent convinced we were seeing a vow at this show you and me both man you and me both from everybody else right so that would so the second she said what she said i go up no avow no perfect dark no hellblade two you know on down the list i knew games that weren't going to come within the next 12 months ain't gonna be there and none of those games are coming in the next 12 months so that was fine but as i looked to see the community and see what people were talking about i yeah i saw people it was like it i i set my expectations too high because i didn't realize it was only going to be the next 12 months i think now that we've had time away from it i'm pretty sure everyone's fine because you know they had a solid show but i think they could have had an even better perception of that show you know initial thoughts if they would have said something ahead of time and i did talk to some people at xbox about it and there were varied answers but the consensus seemed to be damned if you do named if you don't right and they just decided all right we're not going to give people a heads up we're just going to go with this i personally disagree with that but what do i know i don't work there yeah true um so if you had to rate the show you could use the you know a to d scale or one to ten what would you personally give it i give it eight and a half in half i say and a half b for the simple fact that i thought it was the right approach and even though we will have things to play in 2022 we don't have that big thing in 2022 due to the delays so while it showed great to say wow all these things are coming in the next 12 months the real heavy hitters let's be honest you're not seeing any of those until 2023 you're not gonna see those in 2022 but i thought they showed enough that you know look let's keep it real again they're in the game pass business they're in the subscription business they want to keep you subscribed every month i think they showed you enough here in 2022 that you're not going to want to miss out on having game pass because you are going to get good things to play but i think the red falls the star fields of the world the forces of the world you're not getting those until next year yeah well we think right yeah let's knock on woods let's say i never know you never know what happens right uh king now a lot of people assume xbox guys uh love everything xbox does that we never criticize the brand uh which i always laugh because have you ever listened to the xbox 2 sometimes we have people that tell us that uh we criticize too harshly i know uh same could be said for you yourself paris who definitely has criticisms as well as cult uh so while paris liked the show gave an 8.5 i know you the iron lord streamed it and you particularly didn't care too much for the show so tell me about it i gave it a six um and it's um okay for the expectations thing i get it uh you had to pivot and i think this is the best way going forward regardless if you're gonna do a show every year and you're gonna do it every june and it's going to be an annual thing excuse me then you can temper it into the the pattern that you just give for the first you know for those 12 months this is what's going to come out for the 12 months but as you can see on the screen we have ninja turtles here right and we have this game inside game pass right so when we was having lulls in the show this game could have picked up some of that lows so they like to have surprises on deals that they did sign or they're going to sign or they're working on that they couldn't work into the show and that's that's a welcome surprise later but you are going to be graded on what you show and how you showed it i'm just grading the show and it's totality and i did not like the low in the middle you got a red fall to start it off you had a couple of bangers in between there and then it hit such a dip that when it got to atlas and the persona games and then when it got to kojima you were so bottomed out that you had to bring yourself right back up and by the time you did get right back up to it you were looking um at star field with uh discerning eyes like well what's wrong what's going on here instead of you know the wild expectations that you should have for the game not saying that the the show was terrible my six indicates that i didn't like the order that it was shown it could have been shown better we already know the expectations we knew coming into the show that certain games weren't going to be out this year i thought forza was going to make it this year it didn't and you know that's that was a huge disappointment for myself because i knew forza was going to look the best i knew forza was going to present the best um i knew it was going to have ray tracing inside i think uh turn 10 is probably one of the best studios that microsoft does have so i knew they were going to put their best foot forward when i saw it i went i went crazy because i'm thinking it's coming out in september latest october now i'm i'm just waiting for this activision deal to get done um to to hopefully save the rest of the year because you do not have a first party game from your studios coming out this year that's unacceptable all right so you you you are warranted a six and i know you put your eggs in the basket talking about red fall and starfill i know you did and you probably put your eggs in a basket with fours as well but again that's not on us that's on you and you're gonna be graded accordingly so i give it a six six is not bad six is mid and that was the show the show was mid if you're talking about stuff that's coming out this year you you should get lower than a six i'm grading you on the rest of the the other six months of the year that's going to be next year so a six is fine for them yeah if you don't if if you don't mind and i know cole wants to get his opinion in so i'll save it after colt gives his opinion but i definitely want to circle back on a couple of things that king touched on okay okay uh colt what are your thoughts uh i i know you you had your show with gaz and the sauce on monday uh you know you flew in real late so you've had time to think about the show would you what'd you think overall um let me i don't know how to start is i'll say the middle of the show i was yawning no one was clapping um but i've realized this is gonna be my really crazy take that's gonna shake everybody up but i've realized that a lot of these hardcore gamers that watch these shows me included are more excited about games we don't have than games we're getting soon and i think what makes it get what makes an event very highly rated is when it promises these amazing games that we can't have in the near future and and that's mainly what you see you don't get an announcement for a game very often that's coming in three to six months very few studios have been doing that um they've been talking about games that are so this whole thing where everyone says you know oh i'm so excited about this that's coming eventually this that's coming eventually and this is coming eventually because what i realized was 2020 was one of their best shows and it promised xbox fans this amazing road map future of games that are being worked on by their studios what we saw on sunday because i agree with king was a it was a rough show because it did not reassure xbox fans what the future looks like it's almost like everyone's thinks gosh dang avowed and indiana jones and wolfenstein three um hellblade all these games are cancelled like they almost treat it like they're cancelled because they're a no-show and um but i agree the show could have been a lot better because that middle section was not what core fans are looking for they don't care about fallouts fallout 76 has no place in an xbox showcase elder scrolls online has no place in an xbox showcase those should be tweeted out those should be posted on the youtube channel for people to just catch up on their notifications there's no reason to have that and um some of the other things that bother me that i have to get used to going forward is xbox showcasing stuff that will never come to xbox console like valorant and league of legends and other games like that that will only come to pc it robs their core fans because when you look at that group of fan fest 300 plus or 500 people whatever it was wearing the xbox jersey they're giving out those fans are mainly playing on an xbox console and they had to sit through 20 to 25 minutes of content they'll never get to play on that series srx interesting that's my gripe that's my gripe with with the showcase i really really enjoyed the showcase we'll talk about the other stuff that was great like red fall showed amazing starfield showed amazing i understand what the complaints are we'll get into that because that's the whole end of the can of worms and they were just really great moments and like pair said you cut out 30 minutes of the show and it would have scored with people emotionally a lot better yeah paris do you want to you want to yeah actually actually colt also gave me a lot to unpack there as well so so let me let me hit the cult stuff first and i'll circle back to what king was saying so i'm gonna disagree with you in this sense about the riot deal this is a big deal and it goes beyond just if it's going to be on console is it on pc they're they're making the long play i know nothing but i would be shocked if these games don't eventually show up on an xbox console i understand what you're saying in the short term and a console gamer doesn't have access to them but the long play is establishing this partnership with riot yes so that when those games are available to come to console their day one on game pass baby that i mean that's that's where they're going with this and the insane value of people that are in that right ecosystem right now that they're going to get out of this partnership is is a pretty big deal in my opinion um okay i agree i agree i i also i also want to say you you actually kind of proved the point of what some people at xbox were saying about it's a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario because you know what they listen to the community the community was telling them we need to see what you got in the short term so they said you know what and we need to see game play yeah that's exactly what you're gonna get but then you're also saying the more hardcore audience is upset to say well i why aren't you showing me stuff that i'm not gonna get for two or three years right so it's again it's a damned if you do damn if you don't scenario i personally think for the short term they made the right decision because look and then this actually leads right into what king was talking about i get i get exactly about your assessment about the showcase but i think to say in in the current state of the world that is unacceptable they didn't have first party games isn't completely fair to them because they obviously thought red fall and starfield were going to make it i mean look they said it with a chest a year ago 11 11 20 22. but for the health the overall health of both of those games i'm glad they delayed them take your lumps now bring it out early 2023 go go from there so it's just look prepared don't i have the right no of course um to to be a little bit disappointed yes uh because you know i thought somebody was walking around in their rooms checking their build to make sure the stuff was tidied up and you know it's no no i know it's unfortunate we already know where we are as a state of uh country and stuff like that the world period to be honest with you so i do take it with a grain of salt i'm just grading it as what it was presented and that's exactly what i'm saying your score is completely valid i'm not saying you're wrong for for feeling the way and look i was disappointed too when they got delayed and i'm like scratching my head what the hell are they gonna have the rest of 2022 right so they didn't need so that's what i'm saying they didn't need to answer those questions short term versus trying to show me freaking everwhile which is coming in like 2029 or something like that right um but to another point that you brought up and this is just kind of my overall thinking of where stuff sh where i think it should go i don't like that xbox does the big mega show in june and then that's it like think about it yeah they were dark this entire first half of the year we didn't know anything then you do your big mega show and then we have no idea when they're gonna come back maybe gamescom obviously but we have no idea when they're really gonna come back and give us any further updates on anything or do some forward-looking stuff or maybe do another deep dive into some of these studios about upcoming titles we have no idea and and i did have this conversation with a couple people that they i think they need to change the cadence i gotta handle these shows where i i personally would love to see them do something smaller at least once a quarter okay i got a theory you don't remember when i was calling uh i think it was last year and the year before the the 12 months of phil it seemed like every month they had something to show something to talk about some some morsel to give you right and ever since this a whole activision thing went down they've been really tight-lipped on stuff you know so i don't know if it's you know listen we don't want to ruffle any feathers we don't want to you know uh change uh the mindset of things we just want to proceed accordingly and when this stuff is tidied up then we'll get right back to the 12 months of fail stuff because and you're right this this year they started off with the you know the activision uh talks and of acquisitions and then quietness so i think that played a big role in it and and then them also knowing the state of where certain things were and trying to see if they can shore that stuff up uh by the time that they were supposed to release and then the realization that these stuff aren't going to come out and they can't run out and go do certain other acquisitions and things because then that leads eyes towards that acquisition so they're like stuck between a rock and a hard place to be honest with you because i'm pretty sure crystal dynamics fit in a whale house but you're under the gun right now and that can't happen yeah i i'm with you on that i i think that definitely plays into it but i'm thinking okay 2022 is what it is like you said the activision acquisition you know knock on wood probably closes later this year or early next year and then i think but that's what i mean and and now i'll bring this last point up on the conversation i had but that's kind of what i mean i think as we go into 2023 i would like to see them pivot their cadence on announcements and talking about things because by that point we're talking what 30 studios there's there's a lot of stuff that they should be having in the short term the medium term and the long term that you can kind of start telling stories around throughout the year to keep people engaged with what's going on with xbox game studios what's going on with activision but that's etc so conversation that the very thing i'm talking about right now i did have with a person at xbox and that person said to me think of xbox as a battleship it takes time to steer about to make a battleship turn around right so in other words this there's a lot of moving parts they can't just snap their fingers and immediately pivot into something else but the conversation i'm having they've already had 20 times internally about what to do so hopefully as we go in the next year we will see a change as far as piecing out the information because again let's bring playstation into this for just a second i like state of play i like that they do those that even if they're small things that may not appeal to me they're still out there communicating in a way on what's going on with playstation so you kind of have an idea of of what to expect and what's to come because look we know probably september they're going to do a big god of war thing everyone's going to talk about that they just did stuff for psvr they did a horizon one last year etc they'll do indy showcases things like that not that i'm saying xbox needs to copy and paste that specifically but i i like the cadence that playstation has where they don't just have one big mega show in the middle of the year they're spreading it out throughout the year you know you make up a good point because i was just thinking about next year uh just early the first six months of next year and if everything goes well like you said the activision deal closes either end of this year or early next year uh xbox gonna have seven games release uh the next uh the first six months and i feel like you need to start having inside xboxes scattered throughout the year like one in february to talk about the games coming at that point and then one in june to talk about the stuff coming a little bit later and then one at the end of the year because like you look at next year you got red fall you got starfield you got forza motorsport you have minecraft legends you have aura history untold uh ghostwire tokyo presumably will be releasing and then um diablo 4 at at that point will be an accident i don't want to like that's that's a lot of games i don't want to ask for the world like i've been telling people that xbox really only needs to add maybe one big major event in the year uh midway either in early winter or in the late fall because if they bring back xo that would be really really huge because they have great reveals there they they didn't they sat out the game showcase for um game summer games was really great but xbox didn't really show up to that i thought maybe they might show a little bit of combat from hellblade and they didn't even do anything for that so if xbox had one more big event plus their june event and then they have a great presence at gamescom which they usually don't or they have a really great presence at the game awards that's a really big improvement but everyone says like they could do an event recorder i'm asking hey excellent just add one maybe two major events to your calendar because i talked to someone at xbox paris we'll say we'll kind of do this i talked to someone at xbox uh right after showrap that said um you know it's very frustrating that this year was completely out of their hands and they can't just will the games ready for 2022 but they've got such a big amount and then somebody said on stage uh that they have the well matt booty said on stage that they've got a spreadsheet that they have to literally figure out how they're going to place these games so they don't stomp on each other which is something that rand you and i have talked about behind the scenes quite a bit like 2023 looks stacked how are they gonna do it are they gonna delay games so that other games get their due but it sounds like matt booty saying we're just gonna get everything you know fit into its target of 23 as long as they don't step on each other so that's also a good sign so get out there and do some events xbox we're ready and willing and the viewership's incredible on the last xbox showcase the the metrics are up high the ratings are up high the views are high um sometimes it's like a microcosm of the hardcore that really have that voice we're asking for more first party output we're asking for go ahead and just tell us what's coming talk about project dragon talk about these other games just mention them you don't have a hard and fast rule it's only 12 months because silk song didn't include that right yeah silk song was the only game in there that didn't file their own rules of you know 12 months but uh what was what was your i guess the high point for you paris of the entire show what was the one thing like your game of the show or the moment that stuck out for you the most and then on the flip side what do you think was the lowest point of the show four's a what was a highlight for me um i was very impressed with what turn 10 was doing i think king even just said it earlier it's they're easily if not the best top three best developer they have inside xbox game studios right now um just a visual showcase from what we saw um what they're doing you know from a detail level um in forza you know i've said it multiple times already this week this is truly a next generation that that's coming out this is in my opinion the first time that we're seeing a game that is truly all right this is why you have a series x and an s to take advantage of of everything's everything that comes with that hardware i know forza did the stream yesterday pretty much confirming i guess ray tracing is going to be gameplay because colt you were there during fan fest you know aaron and i had the awkward moment on stage talking about that and aaron wouldn't be specific reading from what turned 10 said specifically and it looks like it paid off quite a little bit yeah it really did i i wrote i raised my hand uh at the event and i asked if turn 10 had ray tracing and gameplay specifically and paris like don't don't call on him we had a good laugh but um chris saki from turn 10 spoke out like three or four days later and so we don't want to mince words that there is ray tracing in game it's been quite a fight paris with the uh your typical fanboys me included uh as far as what turn 10 means when they're gonna do ray tracing and um knowing that they should be able to get it done turn 10 is amazing but um that's all opened up a whole nother can of worms where he also said global illumination is in in replays but what we saw on screen is basically exactly how it'll look on a series x very very face melting stuff i want to give uh i just want to give a quick shot to this 1700 people watching live appreciate each and every one of you make sure you hit the like button if you're enjoying the show and subscribe if you're new god paris oh no no i was just just agreeing with what colt was saying i mean to me there's still so much time before forza comes out turn 10's gonna have plenty of time to continue clarifying you know some of the features and everything that we're going to see in it so it is a real true ray tracing not we'll see but the one thing that this does have an advantage over gran turismo 7 as a specific example and even force horizon it does it will not be playable on the xbox one so this is a next-gen console only pc only title forza that we're getting and i just remember the reveal back in 2020 and just kind of what they were setting expectations for and it looks like turn 10 is going to deliver here so i'm pretty excited for it in 2023. now you asked me what my disappointment was and actually echo's previous conversation i think it was colt that brought it up i don't need to see uh fallout 76 or elder scrolls online during that showcase here's why whether you like those games or not your mileage may vary those are pre-existing games like i'll throw sea of thieves in there as well those are games that we already know about these are games that we already engage with we already play i don't need them on the main show now if you want to talk about some stuff and extend it that makes sense but for the main show this is why the middle of the show kind of dragged a little bit because you were taking up precious time on known entities and established audiences where like you said you could do that in xbox wire you could have a separate youtube video there's other ways to communicate new content coming out for those games versus the people that are watching your showcase they want to see new stuff that's why they're there they want to see new reveals new announcements not existing announcements because like even the fallout 76 stuff as i'm watching it i go didn't they say this already like i was confused like i felt like i heard it already versus why am i hearing this in the showcase so that'd probably be my biggest disappointment you know i i felt the exact same way in fact i literally told phil that the other day i was like listen i thought the beginning was great i thought it started really good i thought it ended really good but i was like there's a part in the middle where you show off these games as a service and it's tough to get excited for those or even care to even watch it because you know deep down you're never gonna play those games at least with a brand new game you could just like look at it and be like okay is this is this for me you're at least interested because it's something new but like eso fallout 76 uh my brain just shuts off as soon as i see those things because i know deep down i'm not going to play him so here's the bro it's like dead air's a problem we got to talk about the sea of thieves trailer which was absolutely fantastic and the audience was loving it even though they didn't care so much about the information is we all have this very similar opinion but sea of thieves and fallout 76 and elder scrolls online have a massive draw of players and it's super popular but like you said they're already games that exist and we need new announcements and they want to it's like there's more content that they have for the platform but gosh dang that just belongs somewhere else showcase call they have an extended showcase for a reason it belongs there yeah i mean i've been making content for a few years so i'm nothing like xbox and playstation i've been doing this for decades right but sometimes when i'm creating something i think i mean i'm doing i was doing it today i'm working on a video and i get into a section i cut out like 30 seconds of something i said that i feel like is unnecessary or is derivative or whatever and sometimes you just have to trim the fat to have something better and i just sometimes they switch like can can we do peer reviews like maybe because can you just like have paris run this by paris and say hey what would you cut out if you had to cut out 20 minutes of this it pairs you like let me let me see i don't know maybe that's just fans talking hey hey i would personally and and i know a lot of people may disagree with this because you want again this is the big mega show the show that we just got probably could have been about 50 minutes and still been as as effective in my personal opinion can you do an extended where you you you know you have more in-depth conversations but i think the main mega show probably could have been 50 50 to 60 minutes i think 60 minutes is probably more fair in that that way but um it's because of announcements like that that we're talking about that i didn't necessarily need at that show that's all yeah king what was your i know you rated a six out of ten uh what was your what was your highlight of the show forza without a doubt and um i i think that the xbox one can play it cloud um i don't think they leave those guys behind uh i think the cloud will be able to play that game with uh no problem on the xbox one or whatever xbox console you do have that's my thought of it i don't know if it's actually going to happen i believe it is i believe that the xbox one and especially xbox one x um if you have game pass on it whatever game pass is you should be able to play that game i saw that game and i knew um turned 10 it's just you know certain studios you know it's going to put uh their best foot forward i saw when they did forza 7. uh that was it was incredible they used the x2 its potential uh so now when they have the series x uh and the series s i believe they was going to do the same exact thing so my faith was uh definitely rewarded in in the studio they're changing a whole lot of other things to it so they're building it from the ground up using the new technology that they do have shout out to jason ronald a lot of stuff that he talked about is going to be utilized in that engine and it's it's gonna it's going to definitely look incredible um i could have told colt before he even asked that they was gonna have ray tracing in game uh they have always won upped gran turismo since their their inception and they have made it their pride to be the number one racing game so i had no fears going into that especially after how gran turismo showed um my lowest point i i have to echo the sentiments of my uh my colleagues here to be honest with you because when you show see at these and shout out to the lord cognito you were right and i just wished you to be so wrong um he's like he told me before the show see if this is gonna be i said there's no way in hell they're gonna do that yes it was and they did it um i know they have millions and millions of people that play the game um same thing with elder scrolls online and same thing with fallout 76 but uh like i said it was a hashtag uh leave it for jeff or leave it for the tuesday show to be honest with you that's what i was saying the whole show um certain things could have been left for other shows or the extended show or you could have a show that's all about games of service and the dlcs that's coming to it and the fan bases that love that and i'm pretty sure that that would get maximum views because you know exactly what you're getting when you're going into these shows um to be honest with you that was the lowest point because when i saw sea of thieves trust me i was like no not today please please no please you know i'm i'm i'm doing what i probably shouldn't be doing i'm looking at the chat but i i want to address what king is saying but it kind of goes into the point i was saying earlier about not just doing these big mega shows you could take a game like like sea of thieves or we're already seeing with something like destiny where you have these big established audiences already see if these could have their own damn show rarely see a thief show is 30 minutes all here's all the new stuff that's come to see a thieves you promote it out people are going to watch it get excited about it obviously bungie does this now with destiny look i don't need destiny to not never ever be a no showcase because i already know i'm going to go to where bungie is going to do their own thing so i think and look knock on wood halo infinite gets back off his feet you could start seeing 343 doing that i even think turn 10 potentially could be doing that with forza right but the point is these live service games like a fallout 76 they can do their own things matter of fact but this already has quakecon show it there do that yeah and forza has monthly forts and monthly shows called forza monthly so right yeah that's a really super good idea and uh i mean a lot of those the games and service things are already doing twitch uh updates like grounded has their monthly twitch updates and they post those on youtube but yeah i mean i think we've well established those some of those games that are not new big juggernaut announcements uh skip i guess what about what about you sounds mean doesn't it what's that what was your favorite uh highlight of the show number one um i mean it's easy for me to say starfield because i think the game looked uh like i had my ideas of what it'd be like and i was really impressed with it and of course people are gonna go crazy when they hear me say something positive about that but red fall really surprised me because i've told a lot of people and i've said a little bit on my podcast hell i'm a little worried that red fall would be like back for blood and it needs to be something more it showed fantastic it looks so fun i can't wait and then the bad bad news comes about the progression uh the mission progression doesn't carry over just your character upgrades and stuff um i'm so excited for red fall i'm so glad that arcane is broken out of their mold and seem to have something that looks really really fun so i was really surprised to see how that opened the show and of course forza motorsport looks amazing and then starfield was just incredibly great i'm just scratching my head why todd howard wanted it at 30 fps i think he mandated native 4k at 30fps on that showcase and um i wish i could talk to him about it yeah uh well we got we got the one and only miles dampier of windows central here what's going on buddy what is going on gents how are we doing well that's my exit to leaf all right yes thank you paris i'm here you can exit stage right i know i know paris you your time is limited but before you go i just you can you give us a short story about uh that uh the thing you filmed for the extended showcase i thought that was pretty cool oh yeah yeah uh so yeah i obviously if you watched extended you you saw it for flight simulator um i got to go out to washington dc and go to the national air and space museum and uh talk about york uh about the 40th anniversary of flight sam yeah it was really cool man we shot that over a two-day period i got to fly in a helicopter like i am legitimately when you see me in there i'm flying the helicopter i didn't take off or land but pilot showed me how to do the control so i'm the one that's flying around and we flew around uh baltimore for about an hour filming all that awesome and then uh yeah then we spent a day at the museum and here's the best thing about this jorg newman the head of flight simulator educated me like i literally spent an entire day in that museum getting educated he knew something about every single plane in that museum and it was it was so awesome you see me just smiling as we're walking it's because he is truly talking about these planes and telling me the history of them and and everything it was really cool so i i'll just say this is about flight tim some really cool stuff is coming there i go don't even just be on the 40th anniversary he he has a lot of ideas for things that he wants to do in the future and it's pretty cool even the stuff that's there right now and then seeing the space shuttle in person blew my mind absolutely blew my mind being able to see that it just just that whole day was really cool so it was awesome time so i appreciate xbox uh allowing me to be a part of that yeah that sounds like a like a lot of fun now how's your killer instinct training going i was waiting on that so so funny story the entire weekend and it started during summer game fest first day i go over to street fighter 6 and i'm sitting there waiting and one of the people there is pr person i know and i'm just waiting to play street fighter 6 and then he leans over to me and he goes now are you sure you want to play street fighter 6 and i go what do you mean of course i do that's why i'm here he goes you don't want to play killer instinct i was like oh no no no way so from that point the rest of the weekend through summer game fest at that xbox mixer fan fest everybody coming to be messing with me about killer instinct the entire time um but to answer your question i have been playing it and i'm not going to reveal my thoughts cause that is for a later ex-cast and you gotta listen to the next cast if you wanna get that but i i will say this though about about the whole killer instinct thing because i you know like being serious i'm talking to a few people because we had a good time with it um i spoke from a a level of ignorance that i probably shouldn't have but i blame gary whita because gary what is the one that threw kerosene on the whole thing he was a little spicy i was really more asking the question is anyone still interested in this because the truth is i just am not hearing anyone talk about killer instinct any of the circles that i'm in so that's why i thought well this game can be relevant hang out with me more oh hey look i have learned my lesson okay i'm just telling you where i was a couple weeks ago but the point is i i heard the community loud and clear and uh yeah i i took people up on their offers to check out a few videos read up on some stuff and i see the fighting community is definitely passionate about killer instinct and um i will never speak negative of it again even if i don't like it i won't say it about that that's i i still like the the fact that people gave you so much crap for it i was like man what did paris do and i was like oh he talked down about killer instinct but you know but you know what though i think the lesson out of all of this is don't be afraid to admit when you're wrong about something it was like i'm like okay i screwed up not bad and you move on and that's all you can do i think when people double and triple down on a bad take that's what creates all the animosity in the community it's like i'm wrong a lot so if i say something wrong tell me and i i i will fully admit it you know if i feel that i'm wrong that's all i'm wrong about ceo have a nice day sir but i i know you got to get going paris so i want to thank you so much for coming on giving your thoughts about everything um i got your your link to twitter uh in the description below for anybody that hasn't filed paris already on twitter which i'm sure is pretty much everybody listening uh but you wanna you got anything you wanna kind of uh plug before you get out of here um i'll just plug the xcass uh the episode we have coming out saturday um is gonna be our full recap of of the xbox showcase are really just my full in-depth thoughts because they already did it right after the show but i kind of just give my full thoughts about the xbox showcase fan fest um i talk about the star field drama as well since i'm gonna miss it uh to talk about it here and um i i just appreciate everyone that i got to meet at fan fest man it was it was such a cool event and if you came up to me and said hello we took a picture or whatever i i truly appreciate it i appreciate all the kind words i was i was waiting on some of my haters to be there and to say it to my face and they didn't they didn't show up oh man amazingly no one showed up and i was sad about that i i made it known the entire weekend i am in los angeles and i could be found right here but nobody showed up so i'm sad about that but being a twitter screen is really protective i just got to say we took a picture together and and we both posted it and man you really uh you really embarrassed me with those huge arms and i have my little dinky arms i got to step it up next year bro the amount of people like dang bear's been doing work and i'm over there with my little little tiny little dinky arms no but let me tell you let me let me say there's one last thing before i get out of here being serious again for a second because i saw that thread and i saw some people have some some pretty silly comments in there um it was an absolute pleasure meeting you in person it really was uh you and your wife are great people we had a great great conversations the entire weekend it was awesome to see you and that's the whole point about this community people can flap their lips all they want online blah blah blah blah blah but in person is what it's all about and being in person with people and knowing the real person versus the online persona of what people want you to see is why i d why i love doing this and why i miss amazing in-person events man so yeah it was great seeing you and i really hope you know we get to do it next year king you know you and i got to chop it up in person that'll probably be one of the that'd be one of the funniest things of all time when that happens and i ran ran you know like i've already told you privately i really wish you would have been here this weekend and we'll be there next year and miles i never want to see you all right i'm out wow what is happening here i do have to take off but thank you for having me on that a lot of fun talking thanks for coming on paris we got to have you on again in the future for like a longer talk but uh i guess i'll we'll see you around twitter space xcast gamertag radio so all right thank you i'll see you guys later later ah paris see you buddy all right miles i'm don pa miles mile's another person i got to meet like in the real it's amazing irl when we were both in seattle and the conspiracy theories were running running wild miles what happened miles hold on what i thought you and i were hosting the showcase what happened i know what happened i you know they offered and then they told me phantom dust wasn't going to be at the showcase and i said i'm good peace call me when you're ready call me when i said i said you got crackdown 4 in the works i'll be there with miles and they're like yeah sorry i don't think that phone call's coming colt if i'm being honest no no anyways miles we were talking about the uh we were talking about the showcase everybody's kind of giving your thought their thoughts i know uh you you have chatter days but you're not doing it this week so what are your overall thoughts of the uh showcase yeah it's been interesting to see the old discourse online following the showcase um i was doing a live stream over on windows central for it um and i came away i had a post show immediately after before i even looked at twitter before i went online to see where people were at and i was quite positive on the show i know there are the uh big controversy right now is the the 12 month the fixation on the next 12 months but ahead of the showcase over on windows central i i did a poll and i took to twitter and i said what are your biggest asks from xbox at this show what do you need to see them do where are they lacking what do you want from the show first and foremost was gameplay far and away hundreds and hundreds of people were were complaining that xbox has not done a good enough job showing gameplay and then we had a road map was another huge huma a realistic true executable road map was another big point of criticism from from the community and japan was another area of an area of opportunity we can call it and then surprise reveals i think those were kind of the big the big four um but i think in those respects xbox did a good job delivering on all of those criticisms we saw a lot of gameplay more gameplay than we've ever seen from xbox i love love love the segment where phil spencer came out and specifically addressed japan when we were doing our predictions episode i talked about how that's something that i wanted to see i wanted to see that you know commitment that dedication to japan and getting japanese developed games on the xbox platform because i know they're not for everyone necessarily but it is a huge important part of the culture of gaming there are so many fundamental games that are japanese developed and so many beloved franchises that come from japan and objectively xbox hasn't consistently been the best there so to see phil come out show wolong and then talk about kojima to have kojima come out and the cloud kojima project finally be confirmed to be real and then to get persona that that moment that moment for a lot of people was a really really big deal a huge standout for me and i personally love that we saw the very near future everything that we saw theoretically is coming before the next not e3 and i thought that was huge because ahead of this everyone everyone in the xbox community was online saying what are we getting from xbox for game pass and what are we getting for first party from xbox this year are we getting anything and there was all of these hard hard questions about the near-term future of xbox and so i think that was the right move was to come out and say all right everything we're showing here is in the next 12 months it's not because we know what the distant future looks like and we can be excited about fable and ever wild and hellblade 2 and state of the k3 there's objectively a huge number of games in the distant future for xbox but people are tired of hearing about the distant future for xbox that's just the harsh reality it's exciting and there is stuff to be optimistic about but hearing about a game you're not playing for three years as cool as it is initially at a certain point you're like all right well what what does that mean for me right now and so i thought this show did such a good job showing you the here and now high on life uh silk song uh scorn a lot of even though they're not quote-unquote first-party bangers in a lot of cases i love it there are still a lot of cool noteworthy games coming to xbox some of those exclusive so i thought the show in that regard was was really good um the one i guess my biggest complaint overall outside the kojima moment there wasn't that um super fan service-y surprise that big super get hyped moment everybody gets out of their seats starts screaming there wasn't that there was no golden eye shadow drop there wasn't the the banjo-kazooie reveal you know i know not a lot of those things are necessarily super realistic all of the time but i feel like that's the one piece that was missing for me from this show overall i've talked about scoring it as as arbitrary as it is i would say this is the show for me was an 8 out of 10. not the best show ever but a damn good show that gave you a really good look at the near-term future for xbox but if they had that and one more thing that was just boom huge i think it would have been easily their best show the imo i think the kojima announcement if the one only uh lord grubgrub didn't leak that uh and nobody was nobody had heard anything about about that that would have blown minds oh yeah if nobody had knew if nobody saw that coming oh just seeing the man the myth the legend because we talked about this ahead of the show like there was no way that kojima was skipping this season he came out last year with jeff keely and said i'm working on a new game and then we didn't see him at summer game fest which is where we assumed we'd see him and i was like all right he has to be at xbox he has to be there he's not just skipping this entire season but if nobody had known that and that was just this big megaton surprise reveal i think yeah you're right i think that could have been it yeah well what was what was your the the highest moment for you what was what was the big highlight it started off strong i think red fall showed amazingly i am so so stoked for that i'm i'm so excited that we got a good chunk of gameplay so we can move past the uh left 4 dead comparisons and you know on the surface sure you can compare it to left 4 dead in some ways but i think they did a good job showing you that this game is going to be a lot more than that i love the the look at like the it stranger things upside down-esque consciousness that's connected by all the vampires that gives you a warped reality i thought the red fall showing was super strong and then to go straight into silk song which is i know some people talk about oh i don't want to see indies or whatever that is the indie that is the one that every single time there's a nintendo direct every time there's a big showcase people are like is silk song gonna be there is silk song gonna be there so to see it there and to see it launching game pass boom let's go and then high on life another game that i'm super super excited about i thought that game looked so unique so ambitious for that team because i've played trover saves the universe but the scope and scale of that looks massive um so those are some big standouts for me the japan section in general i think is probably my biggest highlight like my biggest standout from the show but i think the start especially was super strong and then that segment with japan are probably my two biggest uh highlights from the show yeah did you see the information that came out today that said the quarry and high for life were gonna be stadia games yeah and then there's been the rumor for a while that the kojima project originally started as a stadia one so a lot of interesting developments with that with uh google's foray into gaming so i got something to ask you guys this colt should xbox they do another show in june next year would you like to see them do the 12 months again like hey this is it would you like them to see adopt this format moving forward or do you want them to go back to know what they've been doing no i don't think they i don't think they will do this format again this was just a necessity to make up for the deficit of games that got pushed they they had three first party games possibly four if age of empires was ready for console they would have had four first party aaa games plus stalker two they really had a rough year and unprecedented they'd never had this before with no games from first party so um i see gaz in the chat i'll slap him i love him um what was your question rand although i would my question was you know the 12 month 12 month no no no next year next year it will be 12 month plus big announcements and you i know xbox we know xbox they do things because they have to and they've done that they've done it before they've this is a way to soothe the burn and to smooth over the wrinkles that they have to deal with and it was absolutely a necessity to show 12 months but in their defense as much as i've harped on the show i don't give shows a score i enjoyed the show like i say it was a crescendo it was really great dipped down really low came up really great but when all the noise settles in the dust and everyone's has stopped crying or complaining or cheering i sit there for a moment i think holy crap there's 12 amazing amazing games that are coming out just this fall starting with the hot wheels expansion which is a major highlight for me that are coming because xbox decided we're gonna prove to you that there's great things coming to the platform in the near future and we know they didn't cancel all those other games that's where i'm sitting i don't know if that illustrates it properly no that's fine i mean you know you have your opinions about why you you you know you want what what you want personally i actually told somebody at xbox this i said i think the show would have i think if you did the 12 months next year would be far better received than it was this year because the problem the reason i didn't rate the show higher was because i felt it was a redux of last year to a certain degree right i have to say something else because k asante says i disagree i think they should do 12 months every year i also agree with that k asante because i've followed xbox's e3's for many many many years and they typically their show the majority i don't know if you guys remember this but the majority of their show the games they show come out before the next e3 and there's of course there's there's exceptions but whenever i break down what's coming i used to do the playstations e3 versus xbox c3 i used to do that back when they were both there and i always said like look at all these are actually coming out before the next e3 and playstation says here's what's coming out this generation they've kind of done that so um and i like playstation's approach so what we saw in the past couple years is xbox did a mix and this year they were stringent about these are only coming out in the next 12 months yeah what i was saying was i felt like this was just the redux of last year to a certain extent yeah like starfield and red fall again but longer trailers right gameplay instead of forza rising you get fours of motorsport uh and then you you have some other smaller announcements elder scrolls online and follow 76 again in sea of thieves again so a lot of ways it was basically last year's show repeated which is why i think if they did it next year it would be received a lot better because in that time frame you essentially could have like a vowed in hellblade and coalition's new game and contraband and project belfry you'd have a whole bunch of new things that nobody's really seen yet um which is why i hope they actually do 12 months ago because i appreciate the look at gameplay king what do you think would you like them to uh do this again moving forward or would you like to go back to how they've always done it no i think i think phil understands exactly where they are anyway they have too many studios regardless so they can't showcase everything for the future and for the the short term so what they're going to do is this format works it just didn't work this year right it works next year going on because if you look at the slate for next year right you say the first six months of this year is pretty much a wash to be honest with you you know you have shadow drops like uh this teenage mutant ninja turtles that's inside game pass right now you have a couple of more that can work out throughout the year and keep you satiated with the stuff that you know that's coming and the unknown stuff like this now in the next part of the year you have star field you have red fall and you have forza right and then you hit the show the show will show you the next 12 months and then you have you know like a val and all these other games that's in the pipeline that's coming out you have call of duty once the acquisition goes down stuff that you can show on your stage um diablo all these games that you can actually have there they're going to hit a cadence that it's not going to be feasible to show you far out to the future they're just going to be worrying about each 12 months at a time the competition won't be able to keep up with it it'll start to steamroll and start to go forward and forward it'll get to the point where now your anticipation levels is truly high because when you do see fable you know your gut you only have six to eight months for it to come out you know um and i think that's a good place to be i think that's a fantastic place to be because you're not sitting here saying well you know i gotta wait uh because i see people right now with the fallout thing oh it's not gonna come to 20 30. so you know that's ridiculous to me but you have so much to play and they're going to keep you like i think it was called all paris that said oh it's just paris that said it this is a subscription based uh model they need to adapt this in order to keep subscriptions there because remember people's uh attention spans are very short now jump on to the next thing really quickly so what you want to do is you want to keep them guessing i understand why ninja turtles weren't on a stage and stuff like that because you want to keep them guessing you don't want them to say okay well this the game doesn't come out this month and this game comes out that month so i can just let it lapse for this month and then i can pick it up that month but when you go on tuesday you say what they drop what ninja turtles oh my god i can't do that i can't make let it lapse for any month because i don't know what they're gonna do they're unpredictable to be honest with you so now i think the 12-month thing is the best thing for them especially once they do the acquisition with activision it's it's going to be an unstoppable juggernaut at a point you just have to get this the meantime in between time that's the worst time that's it right miles uh you a fan of the 12 months and would you like to see you continue i actually am a big fan of the 12 months um for a lot of different reasons uh first and foremost remember how mad everyone was when starfield and restful were delayed yes oh no remember remember the discourse surrounding that delay when you have this year-long showcase you're able to sit down and have a more realistic timeline for when these games will actually come out i like the having the one year for this central show i also think xbox really really really really needs to do more than one show a year i'm tired of the one big blowout per year because you know as king was just touching on as you get activision blizzard are we gonna have the activision and bethesda and blizzard and like this 16-hour showcase once a year or are you gonna break that up and give us some some bigger beats throughout the year and i think that's the right move so maybe have this game pass centric show straight smack dab in the middle of the year that shows you 12 months and sprinkle a show or two in the spring and then one in the fall to really kind of feed into that and have this more consistent string of stuff to be excited about for the future of xbox because we know there are a ton of xbox games coming there are you can look at a list and it's it's pretty overwhelming to look at the the raw number of xbox games coming um but yet still you go online people like xbox doesn't have any exclusives or xbox doesn't have this and there's still despite what we know about the future of xbox there's still these conversations that what are you doing for me lately what are you doing for me right now and i think if you have those beats we're like oh damn here's a really cool slice of gameplay for this thing you won't care you won't you'll that you all of your worries and concerns will dissolve for a few minutes because again you saw it now like when we saw star field and red fall the conversations went from oh my god i can't believe xbox has no exclusives to wow starfield looks huge star a thousand plan starfield looks massive and so a lot of those negative pessimistic conversations have shifted just by giving people a taste of what's coming and i think xbox needs to improve how they deliver that and should they hire miles not ba to host those shows uh yes i think that would be the right call a combination of miles together oh man i gotta know i'm i saw paris's guns colts guns i'm like smaller than that oh my god my game up here you know yeah um so one of the the the probably biggest game of the showcase is star starfield and surprisingly or not surprisingly there's a lot of discourse surrounding this game no no no not the discord so much discourse surrounding it about how it does or doesn't look like no man's sky or all these things about not being able to fly into the you know land on the planet and all this stuff do you think a lot of this is warranted i know people were very kind of maybe reached their breaking point with fallout 76 or do you see a lot of the uh targeted quote-unquote hate at starfield mainly because it's exclusive and it's just one of those things that people just throw at xbox games what do you think colt is it fair is that's what's going on here are there legitimate concerns about everything going on about starfield i don't often whine but boy i'm getting sick and tired of people using fallout 76 as their um their justification for bashing something like starfield and and keep in mind if you're not paying attention bethesda is all but apologize for fallout 76's launch and it's kind of for its existence it they're they're not they're not super proud of it like so this is a big deal that's why they've it they've iterated that their this is like their major new ip they've been working on it for a long time um and for people to sit there and pretend like bethesda has been trashed for decades uh their games are amazing and incredible and fallout 76 is not so i i can't stand fallout 76 i've tried it i don't know i have like 15 20 hours into it and i'm done it's not good it's not a good game but people love it but for me it's not a good game so starfield is really incredible everyone's really upset about the presentation at 30 frames um of course i would have liked to fly out and break in out of the atmosphere into space i think that's really really cool um and no man's sky is kind of a cartoony version of what that would be but they've decided not to do that um i wish you could do that but people also say after you've done it a hundred times it gets old but then a loading screen can get old so i don't really know like where to start with this but we're not seeing all of the all the immersion like when you because rand you don't play fallout 4 like when you played fallout 4 i played elder i played skyrim though so i mean you know oh doom says when did you put those 20 hours in uh at lunch middle launch and then a couple few weeks ago i played like six hours uh total like one week and i just like i'm not i'm not doing it um i can't remember what level i am like 30 or something i don't know i'm not i'm not doing it anyway that's just me um when there's all this stuff that happens in bethesda game where you are just it's soaked into your blood and it's all you think about it and you're you obsess about all the the way you build your character how you interact with the world how you collect things and upgrade all this stuff it's a massive rpg and people are trying to sell it off as it's uh it's going to be garbage or it's just another no man's sky and i i gotta say this that it's completely fair to say starfield is like no man's sky because there are absolutely only three other games in this past decade or 20 years that are like starfield elite dangerous which does some of what starfield does star star citizen which is not even out it's been in beta for seven or eight years and it's only on pc it is very much like what starfield is doing then no man's sky does it in a certain way but it's more it's not they're the only games you can compare to so when someone says it's just like no man's sky you can't get offended or upset or angry or emotionally uh reactive to that because there there's no other game to compare it to we have so many games that we play there open world first person shooters open world third person shooters with climbing mechanics uh side scrollers like but starfield is literally in a niche where very few games at this scope have wandered you know you outer worlds doesn't quite do this um yeah i don't know it's uh the complaining is really kind of driving me crazy i guess i should expect it i guess so well king do you think a lot of this uh complaints are legitimate or is there an under an undertow to some of this criticism about maybe people are jealous that's exclusive so they go a little bit hard on the criticisms like the whole thousand planets thing like the idea that like people are upset about the thousand planets thing is well if i go search this stuff i might be wasting my time well yeah well maybe just stick to the main missions then like i you know like you know what i'm saying like it seems ridiculous like do what you want if you want to explore the thousand worlds then do it if you only want to explore a couple then do that and if you don't want to explore then you don't have to like what's your thoughts on on this whole little piss ants that uh oh yeah they are owed something they kill me they they actually kill me um i laugh all right the the as far as taking off and landing on the planet um no man's sky is a exploratory uh type of a game you build bases and stuff like that in the beginning it was really rough so what they're trying to do is they're trying to attach starfield to the early rough version of no man's sky this is what they're trying to put you in that fair panic mode of that early version of no man's sky no man's sky right now is fantastic be honest with you i'm not gonna lie they're kind of closer to uh the realization of what the grand scope of the game wanted to be now if you take the no man's sky's premise and then you add skyrim to it dear god right it's dear god so when todd is standing up there because i didn't get the full scope of it because a lot of these guys are immersed in every little minute morsel they can find of the game and they sit there and they dissect every damn word these dudes was talking about a round table that i did not watch and did not care to watch because i don't like things spoiled for me so i didn't see it when i saw todd talk about it and he started explaining more about the game i can understand why you do 30 frames per second right now performance mode come later actually after you buckle stuff down on the game 4k uh performance mode later you drop down the resolution to dynamic you get it to 60 frames per second whatever i don't care about that part what i do care about is the fact that you have npcs all over the world and you have quest lines all over then when he said thousands of planets and then he just scaled back and he just that was a minor flex that was something that uh an accomplishment that he wanted to show that this is not going to be like mass effects where you go to a certain part of the planet and you can only walk around here and hang out over here no the whole planet is traversal for you each planet that you go to and he said if you don't want to do anything but sit on this planet and build the base and live your life out here just because you want to look at some moons because you like how the moon sit in the sky you can do so what are you complaining about if you want to do the plane the the main story do that if you want to do side quests do that the problem is it's xbox and it's exclusive the problem is if it does hit that's the problem because now you have to get up off your butt you have to work a little bit more hours you have to do something to get an xbox you have to do something and that's what you don't want to do you don't have to pay for two ecosystems because you can't afford it at the moment right now i mean come on let's be honest the surf field will be available on every single gaming screen except for a switch and a playstation that's really how it is i had an argument today with somebody that said that you know i live in a third world country and i can't afford an xbox i already bought an oled an lg oled in a ps5 it's like well you spent your money wrong because the value is seriously with xbox you can get a 300 series s or an x for 500 and you can play those games that you want so bad uh it's not anti-consumer exclusive uh your samsung's right you could probably play it on your samsung television right um yeah we're at a point right now where to criticize this game without actually having it in hand okay we had the cgi trailer right and and and i i'm not whined and i'm moaned about it but i understand the first time you're showing it give me a cgi okay cool now you came with the gameplay now i was i was a little bit you know going in on it because at this time i'm bored so i got to make fun of something i got to do something right and i'm saying and i'm watching it but i'm also dissecting everything that i see and i'm liking a lot of stuff that i see i can make fun of anything that i want to make fun of yeah the frame rate wasn't up to snuff yet yeah the hit detection on the characters the hit reactions from the shots wasn't up to stuff in it i understand that and maybe they were using very early on weapons where the hit impact wasn't exactly there yet oh that's the stuff that they're working on but the fact that they delayed it showed that they knew certain things they had to work on and they were going to give you the game in its finish state it looks really really good it is super intriguing i didn't have any thoughts about it because i didn't know what it was now that i do know what exactly is going to be i have no complaints and anybody that's complaining about the game you're complaining about the game because you can't afford two ecosystems and this game is going to be the game to force you to purchase into a second ecosystem suck it up get inside because god of war is making me do the same exact thing so shut up and pay that's it geez miles you want to enter i want to hear miles on the discourse yes you know what there's nothing i'd love more than some good old-fashioned video game discourse okay let me just start by saying i'm excited for the future of starfield conversations because this entire saga of this game on twitter has kind of been miserable because there's been the exclusivity conversations that have done nobody was talking about what the game could be for the longest time people were just talking about will it won't be exclusive and then that whole saga went on for forever and now that you know the gameplay is out i'm hoping we can move past that chapter and like king said start looking at the game based on what we've seen so far and i have to say like i know a lot of people are very sensitive about the no man's sky comparisons but it's okay you can look at a game in a similar genre and you can say hey this reminds me of this and that's not an attack that's not an assault on your identity as a gamer it's okay it's okay for someone to come out and say that i think that's totally fair and the the the knee-jerk reaction we've seen from xbox players that are offended that you would dare compare star field to no man's sky what on earth come on let's let's look because of the way it launched and it's low score and it's it's reputation i know i'm not saying like there are people that are putting a negative spin on it and using the the launch state of no man's sky to downplay starfield i'm not talking about that i'm talking about the people who are looking at the gameplay of no man's sky and looking at the gameplay of star field and drawing logical fair parallels between these games there is nothing wrong with that and we we fixate a lot of this community right now and this is only this isn't everyone but this is a group of people they fixate on the clap backs the dunks the counters so they they want something that they can use to you know basically fight the people who've been making fun of xbox for all these years who've been saying xbox doesn't have exclusives now they have starfield and they can say haha starfield is an exclusive and then you have people on the other side because star field is an exclusive that they're arbitrarily downplaying the game and what we've seen so far and i'll just come out and say that after what we've seen for starfield i can say it's it's probably not for me um i've talked about this ahead of launch or ahead of the reveal that it was going to be a hard sell even for bethesda to get me invested in a sci-fi rpg because it's it's just not my jam and we saw a decent slice of gameplay and it's way more ambitious it's way bigger uh the increase of the graphics considering it's basically an upgraded engine that's way more impressive than what i was expecting so everything i saw of starfield was impressive but it also solidified the fact that starfield's probably not for me it's not i will play it day one because of xbox game pass baby there's there's no risk it can do it's not a horror game so miles yeah and it's not you know not a big financial hit for me um but i really we really need to take a step back no matter where you prefer to play and we need to start looking at games based on what they are not where they are because that is so much of where all these bad faith arguments come from is i can't play this so it's not good or or they get to play this so i need something that they can't play i want to take something away and we need to just stop like exclusive's cool they're fun they're exciting we can bang the drum you need them to grow a subscription service you need them to grow your platform blah blah blah blah blah but i want us all to just really take a step back and stop making this about where you can play it because the reason you should be excited about star field are the reasons you should be excited about starfield is because of how big it is because of the scale because of how ambitious is because you love bethesda games you know what they can do with these settings you've seen the impressive character creation you've seen all the all the things going into this game those are the reasons you should be excited about it and again i know exclusives are important they are a big deal to a lot of people but so much of starfield's identity so much of the entire conversation surrounding star field has been exclusivity and it's boring quite frankly i'm so bored of it i mean they're upset that starfield was something that they were going to play on the ps5 it was rumored to be timed exclusive paid for by playstation and then hot on the heels of uh two days ago miles and rand xbox fans find out that final fantasy 7 will probably never ever come to the xbox and maybe if it does win all three are out and it's been two years or a year well yeah we're going to talk about that in a minute because i i do want to say something about the starfield stuff and you know miles would probably be interested in starfield if it was like pokemon in space he'd play it then yeah i'll tell you what i'll tell you what i'm most excited about with starfield those little glimpses of the aliens we saw because space cold metal steel that's not interesting to me but weird organic material seeing the giant alien like dinosaur walking through the field yes if there is a lot of that maybe i can you know connect with star field and engage with it um i'm optimistic about it it looks great objectively even though it's not like something that's for like miles specifically this isn't a miles ass game it still looks great and i can look at what we saw and understand why people are incredibly excited about it and i'm excited again to move past the conversations of what-ifs now that we know what it could be yeah the thing is like i i never thought i would see criticism go towards bethesda for making a bethesda rpg right like it's sure one thing like i think criticism's legit if you want to like criticize uh the look of some of the performance issues the game has in the trailers right like you know asking if it's actually going to be 60 frames when it comes out on the series x i know colt is like gonna say yes but you know the trailer the trailer definitely had moments where the frame rate dipped and it's like okay we're gonna have your typical bug thesda stuff but i was more thinking of the criticism aligned along the lines of like oh so it's just a bethesda game well yeah no it's just a bethesda rpg that's what they make right like it's like when people are trying to downplay elden ring oh this is just another from software rpg people love that dude people love it my god what's wrong it's just uh there there's no voice acting for the main character what's like well yeah because the fans didn't like that the main character in fallout 4 was voice acted because it was the immersion of the rpg so we have to stop the elder ring comparison like elder ring was gaming is gonna be game of the year and it had no voice you know voice uh over whatever like that's not even the same type of game there is hardly any dialogue play between uh an elder ring no it's not like a bethesda game where you're constantly talking back and forth and making dialogue decisions you're like hey should i hit you on the back of the head gigantic cracked pot or not like that's and the game's fantastic the way it is um and i agree the fallout for the voice actor or the tone of the voice character i didn't like it kind of ruined it for me so whatever yeah i mean that's they took the criticism they're like we don't want the main character uh to speak because it's an rpg and we want to delve into that ourselves so hey we removed that but somehow now it's a problem right now people it's not it wasn't a lazy decision there's already 110 000 lines of dialogue two hundred thousand lines of dialogue yeah what was it 110 for fallout whatever it was yeah yeah so they have like double the dialogue right they have it's their most handcrafted stuff they've ever done for a game like the main stories like 30 to 40 hours i see people complaining is like well you know the voice the voice actors it's like but you weren't complaining about elden ring i i don't see those type of complaints i'm just kind of like there's little i think there's something to that and honestly i think it's mainly because it's only on xbox if this was a multi-platform game i'll die on this hill if this was a multi-platform game outside of the criticisms of uh the performance i don't think people would be going this hard about starfield if it was coming to every platform but that's just my take on it now ah yes final fantasy vii remake i'm gonna throw it to you king on this one uh final fantasy they had a little stream yesterday for celebrating the 25th anniversary a lot of people expected final fantasy 7 remake to finally get announced for xbox but that wasn't the case got announced for steam they also announced the sequel final fantasy 7 rebirth coming at the end of next year for ps5 and they threw our xbox owners a bone we got the prequel crisis core coming this fall uh on to every platform including the switch so uh are you one of those people out there saying we need to boycott square enix or what's your take on this whole situation square enix the home of sony right a playstation right oh man they told you what they wanted to do they told you what was gonna happen same energy bro same energy bro soon as this activision deal go down same energy you're gonna get warzone same energy bro don't be upset we got crisis called gotta eat that that's cool we get something right be happy with what you got now i gotta go out and buy final fantasy because it's not coming and i thought it was gonna be there i thought hey man he's gonna drop it at the show if phil was gonna say hold on wait a second boom and here you go with the dlc no didn't happen so i gotta suck that up right cool i can't i can't afford two ecosystems i could afford three i have no problem with doing it i'm just gonna have to get myself over there and purchase a physical copy because i don't trust putting my credit card on the playstation that's just me but don't worry i'm gonna save energy bro am i a little bit upset not really um because i understand it's bigger things in play to get activision they have to do the activision jail yeah microsoft can go in there and go by square if this activision deal go down before november like i predicted before uh you know um the holiday season actually kicks in the full swing swing after thanksgiving which is you know black friday all the way through that deal should be done before then hopefully let that happen and i swear on everything i love i hope they run out there the first day and go by square straight out i hope they do it and i hope they finish you guys off so i ain't got to hear about it no more pulse but i'm i'm going to be a good soldier i'm going to go out and get final fantasy on this playstation and i'm going to sit there and i'm going to have me some fun but the second they able to purchase them i hope they run out there with a bag and just purchase i want phil dominus maximus aurelius spencer to go out with satya and buy them wholesale straight out pay a little bit extra just to shut them up and yeah y'all could get that too but it'd be on free on game pass that's what i hope buddy am i a little bit upset a little bit just a little bit miles uh was this one this is one of those things that i think you predicted was gonna happen in our little uh show no insider randolph the war 19 confirmed it was launching an xbox game hold on hold on i told literally anybody that would listen that that was a prediction and the podcast the week after i insider confirmed i walked it back because my buddy had dmd and told me hey i saw your prediction you're gonna be wrong because it's only being announced for steam at the showcase so i was like damn i got one wrong it's not a prediction then right well no it was a prediction when i made it and then he told me the truth but you know either way either way okay the the final fantasy vii conversation it's it's obviously struck a chord i've seen some passionate takes on on social media people saying they're gonna they're going to boycott square the square hates xbox i'm not gonna give square any of my money and you know hey you do you i'm not gonna tell you how to live your life i'm not gonna tell you how to feel if you're upset there are there are reasons to be upset um because in this showcase when they announced the steam version they said they they said the reason they want to bring it to steam is so they could bring it to more players and then simultaneously like in the same breath basically ignored the xbox audience so i thought that was a little bit funny but here's where i'm at with the exclusivity for final fantasy vii and again this isn't in any sort of inside information but now that we have this showcase and now that we know what the future looks like with uh part two of the remake i'm starting to think that maybe playstation instead of like a flat year exclusivity arrangement that they had an arrangement that was built around the release cadence of these games and maybe covet has impacted the schedule for that and delayed the versions because if they are giving nintendo and xbox crisis core that sets up a potential future where maybe as we get to the launch of part two it comes to those other platforms as well um again don't know if that's the case but as i start to look at the big picture of all this sony clearly wants the association with final fantasy vii final fantasy vii was a huge reason the playstation 1 was such a hit it was a humongous game people who grew up playing video games there there's a reason that people are so upset about people who primarily play on xbox are so upset about final fantasy vii skipping the platforms because the game is important really really important to a lot of people and there's a community of xbox players who want to play the game i'm with you you you know me i'm out there on twitter banging the jrp drug jrb yeah you want you want jrpgs from 1992 to come to xbox legend of mana dude let's go the sad part about legend of man is i guarantee sony's not money having that one there's there's that is just you know maybe one day maybe one day i'll get that but in regards to final fantasy vii playstation clearly wants that brand association they are clearly paying for it and you know maybe xbox had a potential to bid on it and try to buy out the exclusivity or buy exclusivity i don't know what the case might be ultimately but clearly playstation and square are are happy with this arrangement and yeah it's going to mean a very long tale for players who are holding out for that xbox version so i mean again if if you're one of those people holding out good on you you know i i didn't hold out for legend of mana i've owned that on switch and i own that on playstation because that game is very important to me and you know if it is very important to you chances are you'll play it and i think that's what playstation understands is this game is important to a lot of people so they know miles you're important to me too oh colt thank you dude that's that's sweet that's really nice you um it feels good to hear but yeah it's upsetting i get it i totally totally get it um like i said i'm not going to tell you where to spend your money or how to spend your money but um yeah it's going to be interesting to see if final fantasy 7 remake ever comes to xbox i'm in the camp that it will but i'm no longer in the camp that it's going to be today yes god yeah i know colt doesn't doesn't give two flying f's about final fantasy 7 but what do you what do you make of this whole uh thing called should uh people be upset should people well i want to boycott everything square is doing like what do you think i want to see if you'll back me up because i told people this morning that this is a playstation decision that playstation wants this set up and they've paid good money for it and they've got square build in this game for them and they've got timed exclusivity on it maybe full exclusivity um they're not paying to keep it off xbox they just said hey we want this to be a console exclusive and it's not square's fault people are mad at square boycott square it's like what are you talking about there they took a paycheck on on a deal it was a business deal the business deal was i believe that playstation said we want this game to only be on playstation and we're going to pay for the development of it or we're going to pay this portion and they got paid for that agreement it's a contract so to go out and boycott square and all the other things they make is absolutely ridiculous and i really believe we'll never see this game on an xbox console and most other final fantasy games already there i've played a couple of them i went all the way through final fantasy 15 a couple years ago i don't love those games so that's all right that's just business is alex that's how i'm looking at it so you don't think it takes two to tango you think this is sony's fault and that's why people no no i do not no i don't think it takes two do you think squares like oh we gotta take this phone call so we can screw over the xbox it doesn't work that way it's a simple business deal when stalker two dev said hey we're gonna do a time exclusivity with xbox and we're thinking oh sweet we're gonna take some cash because it takes two to tango to screw over playstation but the ultimate decision rests with square does it not because so cause sony can offer all the money in the world but unless you're excited let me let me paint a hypothetical picture for for what this could potentially look like let's say you are square you are developing this final fantasy remake you have a partner like playstation who comes to you and says we understand the importance of final fantasy vii for the playstation brand and platform so we want to help cover your development costs and we want to give you a lump sum of money to ensure that at least for a time for some time that this is a playstation exclusive if you're square does that deal mean you hate xbox and you're like you know what i don't want development costs covered because i got to think of the xbox fans is that is that what is that what they're supposed to do i mean i understand that it's frustrating for people who primarily play on xbox but does that make them a villain does that mean they hate xbox fans does that mean they hate xbox does that mean they want to fire phil spencer out of the cannon into the sun or or what no i don't think so no i i i like where you're going with that um miles i really do i i feel like it's just a simple business decision and it's if you want to put the blame i think the blame mostly goes on playstation they want to have the this uh library of games that you can only get on playstation that's why kotor is there um but xbox is doing the same thing you know they're trying to buy up studios they're trying to buy exclusives you know contraband's being made and it's only on xbox it just goes on and on and on it's normal why is this any different well it's interesting because crisis scores coming to xbox and it's the prequel the final fantasy 7 remake so switch and xbox are getting the prequel but they're not getting the main game so clearly look i i think what what's happening here is i think sony lot has locked down the franchise like remake rebirth and whatever the third is i think they probably spent so much money securing the future of the franchise you mean i mean like going forward these well clearly they've i mean final fantasy 16 for spoken those are already playstation exclusives for two years uh you you have final fantasy vii remake you have rebirth which is the second one and then the third one so i think sony's paid for those and those will only be on playstation and crisis core is a game that they're making because it i don't know much about final fantasy 7 remix i didn't beat it which i'm gonna go back to because i'm gonna beat it before rebirth comes out uh but it changes some of the story from what people tell me and crisis scores the prequel so sony's like well we don't need to like pay for crisis core because it's not that big of a deal because it's old content right but we'll pay for the other stuff so crisis corp comes everywhere but then you don't get the main appetizer the thing i would like to see is because we've talked about this before there is a double standard when it comes to sony doing their deals and microsoft doing their deals when microsoft does their deals uh people freak out and the first question they ask is when's it coming to playstation so much so we all know the rise of the tomb raider stuff like ign's like phil how long is it until it's coming to playstation how many months is it right like demanding to know how long it is until it's coming to playstation remember who made you yeah but remember with playstation though it's just like silence well because the playstation fan is cheap oh my god down the street he's got a dark fat throw a blanket statement the playstation fan is cheap the only reason why the playstation 4 sold because 100 cheaper they're cheap um next had better content in the beginning so what i don't care if if if you don't like it hit me up on twitter um but you're cheap and i know that's why little man is selling because you're cheap i know still knows so don't worry we got you like i just want igns or somebody out there to be like hey why is final fantasy 7 remake not com like you put on the box that it was exclus you know exclusive until april 2021 what happened why is rebirth only on playstation 5. why is crysis core on xbox i want somebody to give square enix the the business as they gave xbox uh about uh rise of the tomb raider because it's a double standard in my opinion and and i think i know the reason why because most uh people who work for the video game uh journalists and like these websites are playstation fans so they're not affected that final fantasy is only on playstation but xbox fans are so when rise of the tomb raider was exclusive they were all like losing their hair so they they demanded to know so i would love to see somebody actually kind of have the balls to ask being like so what's with the exclusivity arrangement and stuff why is this coming but not this you know why that's not going to happen rand they're not going to get their uh games early to review they're not going to because sony will actually put them on that list they're not complicit lists and when you're on that list you don't get a chance to play oh god of war a little bit early you don't get a chance to get that review code these guys are not trying to angle anger and upset the apple cart it's just what it is when microsoft is in that position that they're in a dominant position and they don't have to worry about being upset about uh not receiving this because they got this over here that's when it happened you have to change the perception it's not changed yet right now they're still in the eyes of the of the public the market leader they're still the dominant force they still can put fomo and fear into people so that'll change and when it changes that's when the narrative change that's when they'll be held accountable but it's okay because the xbox the affluent xbox owner also has a playstation and he goes and he just goes buys it he's not fighting on twitter screaming why is it not coming here why they just go out and buy yeah i mean i i have a playstation 5. i will be playing it there i just you know i'd rather play in an xbox i i like the controller better i like achievements more you know my friends are all on xbox so i party chatted up like if if you gave me a choice vr is amazing if you gave me a choice i would i'll i'll choose to play on xbox every single day you know crying about it are you well no i'm not on really twitter at all really so i definitely wouldn't be crying about it um i just it's like miles said though they literally send the stream we want to bring this game to more people so they're bringing it to steam which duh i mean the biggest pc plat but if you wanted to bring it to more people why is it on xbox and why not put it like on on switch as like because playstation paid to have it only i know the playstation console i know i i mean really you everyone here has to and in the chat you really have to try and be honest like if you had to blame someone the most it's probably just playstation square just two to tango they took the money yeah i mean it's that's how it works somebody gives you enough money and says hey cause cause squares probably think gosh dang we can sell 10 more uh if we're gonna sell i don't know if we're gonna sell five million copies of this we can sell you know 500 000 or maybe a million on xbox and places like well here's a little extra to cover for that yep this they've been doing it for a decade especially with back when battlefront one came out star wars battlefront like everybody thought that was a playstation exclusive the way it was marketed they've been doing that for a long time it's super important because they have this amazing slate of exclusives they money hat all these other games and they make their marketing look like the place the only place to play triple a games is on a playstation you know the switch has all the other games that are amazing but that's just part of how it goes i would blame playstation more than anyone has nothing to do with how i talk about playstation or the console war and i would say that in front of the most professional big wig person that if i wouldn't be even embarrassed in the slightest to say playstation wants you to believe that they're the only place to play games and square says hey we want it on steam cause we want to reach more people and places like uh i get yeah that's i mean in the agreement that that's okay you know miles you guys you could say that yeah i got to touch on the media bias thing real quick as somebody who works in media and just say that you're biased miles using that to simplify and and downplay someone's opinion is the most tiring thing that i see online i have so many people come to me and say you work for windows central so your opinion on xbox means nothing because you're a shill you're biased you're bought out blah blah blah let me tell you as someone who works in works directly with xbox has a sister site that works directly with playstation some of these the rhetoric and these narratives i see thrown around social media are almost entirely untrue all of the time and it's so exhausting that these ideas become fact and become reality when that's just that's just not the case so just wanted to touch on that because it's yeah sure it puts a nice little bow on it for you you can say oh media bias is the reason that this happens review codes i'm i'm telling you that idea that i will just say flat out on the show live any publisher who who tries to revoke access to things because of a negative review or criticism hey if that's what they want to do good on them but that is the most cowardly thing you can do and the most unprofessional thing you can do and i will tell you that's not the reality that's not the the majority of these and let me say around pete says that cole that colt wants to blame playstation so xbox guys will still buy games and not make the platform harder to get square games like what the are you even paying attention like this is not how it works i'm telling people don't you don't why most of the reason why people boycott studios is so asinine in the first place and and in the in the end they almost never boycott a studio or their games they still turn around buy the game at 60 or 70 dollars play it for however long they're gonna play that their mouth runs for uh it's not what it's about at all and looking at the slate of square enix games the majority of them are already on xbox and square isn't saying oh that's the other thing i gotta clear up and maybe rand i actually like ran to to fix my comment i'm about to say i do not feel like square said it's not worth it to put it on xbox because it won't sell so we're not gonna make the port i do not think that's why final fantasy vii is where it is rand what's your take i mean i think final fantasy vii is where it is is because sony paid for it to be where it is but i also feel like crisis core uh nobody wanted to pay for it and probably the the cost of making it important on xbox where trivial we're like okay we'll put it everywhere and you know we'll ma maybe they'll be like we'll use this as a metric to see if xbox fans uh really want final fantasy and when nobody buys it because the main game ain't coming it's just like well you know it catch 22 there right so yeah if you say you know square games don't sell on xbox it's like or or you guess you could say final fantasy games don't sell on xbox well most of them are on there via back and pat and they've been on game pass it's just it's just kind of a never eating source it's this chicken in the egg thing it's like okay japanese games don't sell well on xbox right it's just self-perpetuating thing because japanese devs hear it so they don't port their games and if they do port their games it's years later when usually layports don't sell so like if you're atlas and you're porting finally persona 5 royale to the to the xbox after what it came out 2018 i think so that's four years later as well like it's probably not going to sell that great right it might do well in game pass but sales wise it probably not going to do that great and that might reinforce their notions that man these games don't sell so then persona 6 not come you know what i'm saying like it it's just like this self-perpetuating i'm not gonna say myth but you know to to build the japanese audience on xbox you need the games to build the audience but they're not putting the games on xbox to build that audience because they think the audience isn't there so it's like you know the struggle for xbox right now is they're trying because you know some of it like we can look at final fantasy 7 remake that's not a risk putting that putting that game anywhere it will sell it is the biggest jrpg arguably of all time there is no risk associated with that some of the other ones sure like ran said i think there is a reality where publishers look at that and say is it worth it for me and then again if they don't and xbox doesn't get that game it continues this narrative that xbox doesn't get jrpgs or if you want to play japanese developed games you need to buy a playstation and it just perpetuates that so like you said it is this vicious cycle of xbox gets skipped which again furthers that narrative and then they're delayed and then they get poorest years later and those ports don't have tremendous sales success and that just continues that narrative but that being said we are seeing xbox really commit and invest and it is it is going to be an uphill battle for them but if they continue investing the way they are i think there is potential for it to start paying off and hopefully down the road we won't see a lot of noteworthy japanese developed games skip xbox yeah i mean it's great to see team ninja back on the platform right after the last two games like i i can't wait to play that uh persona finally i mean i would imagine xbox had to pay a hefty price to finally convince atlas to put like those games aren't even coming to switch how do you how do you not put those games on switch those games would sell so much on switch and it's coming so i mean phil promised the japanese support it's getting better square's the one that's kind of like standoffish because i think sony just sees them as i think sony i think sony looks at final fantasy as like a first party franchise almost or like a like a first party property where they've invested so much money so they're just going to keep it away from everywhere it's just it made the brand yeah you know so i i can understand why they would want to keep it home they made the brand it's going to be a point where game pass is so large that to put to not put your ip on that platform is going to be ridiculous you have to put it there so i mean it's great we start with uh the atlas games i i loved all the the japanese support that they're getting now because it wasn't there in the past so they actually stepped that part up and they're sticking to their commitment they're not getting given up on it and they want more so i do think in due time those things will happen but it's just the fact that right now it's not being transparent to why it's not happening we know why it's not happening because you know they money-headed the situation of course that's what you're supposed to do where you have uh the competition doing what they're doing come on now you don't think i i would do it i mean i see the activision dealer i would have ports like no way i'm i'm going to let final fantasy get over there you're going to have everything no no way not in hell no i'm going to give them more money to keep it away from you no no of course they're supposed to do exactly what they're doing that's what you're doing competition yeah um so uh forza motorsport uh i know uh king you said it was your favorite game that they showed so did paris a lot of the ray tracing stuff is kind of i mean there's a lot of back and forth going online uh i know col you're you're the tech guy like some people are saying it doesn't got ray tracing but then forza motorsports saying he got ray tracing and the usual suspects are trying to downplay it uh what can you tell us about the forza motorsport ray tracing stuff i think you said you're making a video about it soon too right yeah i'll probably have it out tomorrow but put it plainly what we saw at the showcase is almost exactly what you'll see on series x turn 10 had to reiterate the next day that the game was shown running on a pc but it was using all the quality settings of series x which means they set resolution level of detail shadows lighting ray tracing performance all of those set where they had it set to a profile of an xbox series x on probably what i would guess is a pc series s and x development kit so that's where the mistake comes from so to put it plainly the game will run what i think is that a dynamic 4k with ray tracing in-game with real-time reflections and then they also said that there's some global illumination on top of that in replays but looking at the footage we saw in both trailers um on the showcase at full quality the game looks unbelievably amazing one of the best racers the best racer i've ever seen since four horizon five and um that's it that's the argument's over that's what turn 10 is done the game will run with ray tracing in game it'll look like we just saw you'll have that under control on a controller or steering wheel it's that's that's the story king you have any uh anything to add about forza motorsport ray tracing and all the discussion going online about will it won't it well no i i i had total faith in the company to be honest with you i thought they was going to do exactly what they set out to do uh the competition went first they got a chance to see it now i can say this gran turismo look like it has better skies right um oh does it it does it looks the skies look nice um that's where they put all their money into and then all their technology into the sky so these guys decided no they wanted to put it all into the actual game play in the game uh the graphics of the game it looks incredible it looked exactly like i hope and i knew it would so i can't wait the honest to be honest with you everybody's all hype on star field everybody's all hyped on red fall just give me my forza to be honest with you that's all i want so that that graphical showcase that that hey man sit down and check out this that's what you want you want your friends to come over because we haven't had that yet to be honest with you with these new consoles um maybe playstation to some extent but if it's bad compat no this this this is a different beast this is different monsters this is that showcase that you know when people come over you can just toss it on and just you know flex your tv muscle um miles you strike me as someone that uh doesn't really play many racing games i could be wrong i don't know your preference for him i'm more of an arcade racer but yeah yeah you're more of also a pokemon fan and a horror fan too you know yeah yeah exactly what a refined taste uh forza motorsport obviously when when there's a new generation of consoles that's always the showcase for xbox or that's been one of the showcases for xbox and we've heard a lot about the team going in and rebuilding this engine and trying to really kind of push the performance of the xbox series x and this new hardware so it was really cool to see what that means for the game and they had those really deliberate shots where you're driving side by side next to a car and you see their reflections on your car and you see the trees and it's not just like blurs of colors per se it is pretty detailed reflections you can make out exactly what it is on all of these shapes and that that is really impressive uh seeing the destruction and hearing them talk about how down to the individual scratch like all of those super super cool and nerdy but wildly unnecessary things that i'm excited about because that pushes the industry forward that pushes the expectations of gaming forward and so that's what's always cool about these racing games is there there is a huge die-hard audience who wants to get in there geek out and really engage with this car sim but for folks like me who are just more interested in the tech of game development it's cool to see it's cool to imagine how some of those systems could translate into other games yeah i'm more of a like miles i am uh i'm an arcade racer forza horizon is my jam i'll be back playing it when the uh hot wheels dlc comes out next month and i'm sure i'll play forza motorsport a little bit um it's just funny to me to see the back and forth between certain certain groups of people online certain usual suspects trying to downplay anything xbox does or downplay anything playstation does like you know the whole the whole ray tracing thing with forza motorsport is an interesting uh point because it's something that forza horizon 5 didn't do and everybody made fun of that right remember when i was like oh no where's horizon five just only gonna have it in fort zavitza and the playstation guys were like gran turismo seven will be better because we're going to have it in in race and like in fact they said it wasn't going to like i remember like polly uh polyphony saying it wasn't going to be in race but the playstation guys were still like banging online about it for months and then it didn't have ray tracing in race and uh you know whatever and then you got forza motorsport coming out the year later and now it's like okay we got we got ray trace reflections in track right and people were trying to be like well that he's lying that doesn't end like they had to come out and be like no we mean it's in game play and then somehow it turned into well it doesn't have ray tracing global illumination that's like it's just this whole weird conversation surrounding the tech of you know like turn 10 and and i don't know why anybody doubted them like i mean i remember when they originally talked about the game in 2020 they said like yeah they're gonna be putting ray tracing in the game you're like that's the next step now it may not have global illumination but it's gonna have ray trace reflections in there day one so yeah i don't know remember the days when you'd go to target and you would see the new console yes on display on a crappy crt tv and you would see peter jackson's king kong for the xbox 360. it looks so good and you would look at it like oh my god dude how were they doing this this is the most realistic thing i've ever seen in my life and now you have people on twitter being like well there's no global illuminations with the rage racing so i don't really know that this is pushing the boundaries it's just it's a classic goal post move where it's like well it won't be ray tracing and gameplay and then turn 10's like yes it's in game play even on series s they're like well it's not going to be 60 fps and they're like uh we just showed it to you at 60fps with ray tracing well it's not going to be 120 fps or like we never said it would be well it's going to be on pc it just it never ends well it is so it's going to sound hokey and you know it's a lot of it is we we divide ourselves into us versus them you have the xbox fans versus the playstation fans you have the xball team versus the y ball team and it's just like so much of the conversations devolve into that us versus them and it's it's tiring it's exhausting 100 of the time it's in bad faith and you know a lot of us don't do the best job i think filtering that out or understanding when it's bad faith um but i you know i challenge all of us to try to be a little bit better about it because again i always see people say well this playstation person was mean to me so now i want all call of duty to be exclusive and i'm like just calm down dude please this playstation guy was mean to me oh he said xbox has no games dude that's right so i want to take call of duty from him [Music] i know i know you want that you you want call of duty to be exclusive kanye but you've been beating that drum for a long time listen i want everything exclusive i want them to have to go where game pass exists i don't care do you understand i want same energy that's all i'm asking for do you know how many times i had to sit there and watch my play i have to buy playstation why i have absolutely zero choice if i want to play certain things i have to you know capitulate i have to bend the knee i don't care that's exactly how it is we know it and that's what we are used to so i don't care if if i purchase a car it's not for everybody to drive it's for me to drive right so they went out and purchased a whole car company those cars are for xbox owners and that's how it should be it should not be any stipulations where okay we should give you this no you shouldn't you should just get over here and play over here and yes this is part of the whole war the console war the fake imaginary war the war that's going on we've been doing this since video games exists since colecovision versus atari we have been on this battlefront you paid your money you get a console and you rep your console your consoles win sometimes they lose sometimes and you have to suck it up for eight years xbox have been beaten to the floor why because it was poor choices made and they have to suck it up so now when shoes is on the other foot you think we're supposed to say no let them play too hell no you get warzone and if you want to play the main game you can come over here we're not saying that you can't we're not closing the door you just gotta pay to feed hang with me that's all you're the best king i love i love your takes i love it even even though you're going to be wrong on the cod thing like i still think it's i got hope i know we we let a man dream i mean we should we should make we should make a knees bet but you know i'd have to get on camera for that that's not going to happen yes it is yeah it's not going to happen because yes it is hey chat rand's going on camera next year he's going to hit do it 100 000 subs and we're going to do it yeah we'd be on camera when we had um he's see he doesn't know when we go to fan fest i record everything i don't know rand's already been on dude we we give rand a hard time rand's been on camera in front of millions of people way before all of us come on yep ranza og he's just waiting to come rise back from the ashes of him uh you know building his channel up to mega mega millions and uh you know as soon as we ran the man with the million subs [Music] you want that endorsement you want to see this face you gotta pay back hey i'm one of the i'm one of the og's that supported iron lord so i can come on that show with no cam you know what i'm saying oh damn dang show off that beautiful mug baby yeah he's going to do it he's going to let it out you'll see next year let that hair down all right i cut the hair the care and the beard it made me sad but um now uh one of the games that i was really surprised with at the show was red fall uh i'm really looking forward to it i love arcane however the information regarding co-op i think is a bummer and i hope they decide to change it do you guys did you guys see the how co-op is implemented you know red fall it's basically implemented in a way where only the host gets progress um so bishop mission progress right yeah well like you would you would take back your character xp and like your weapons but like imagine like so i start up a game in in co-op with cold eastwood he's playing with me and i get to level five but i can't come on yeah mission five level five whatever yeah you gotta kind of clarify that since um so so colt's like you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna play a little bit from where we left off but now colt wants to go play his game he's got to start level one because he doesn't get he doesn't get credit for story progression and a lot of a lot of co-op games do this like back for blood does this and a whole bunch of others and i feel like that is the wrong way to do it it makes me not want to play co-op miles i know you're always playing card from like evil dead and stuff yeah co-op's a big deal for me how do you feel about this red fall stuff that was one of the the biggest reasons i was excited because the possibilities of arcane in a co-op setting that's that's huge arcane has always done a great job with player agency giving you a bunch of stupid tools to play around with amazing ragdoll which is a big selling point for me and so yeah there's been some i guess confusion about how co-op works because it's basically progress through the campaign is tied to whoever the host is so that makes me think of like state of decay 2 for example where you're playing in the host world you're progressing the host game but it sounds like you still have character progression of some kind while you're playing with that person yeah so it's going to depend on how it's implemented because i'm just coming off the back of elden ring and elden ring you were when you're playing co-op you were there's the host and you were progressing them through the game and then you go through you do it again with the other players and it's kind of like we always joke about you know when we play souls games we have to play them three four times all the way through so if it's similar to that where it i don't feel it as much i probably won't be a huge deal but if i if it's like state of decay 2 where i i don't feel like i'm getting that same sense of progression it will probably be a bummer so i'm i want to get more clarification on it and i'm hoping it's not gonna impact my enjoyment of the game um because yeah co-op is that's for me that's that's one of the main reasons i'm so excited about red fall so if the co-op isn't good i'm gonna be pretty disappointed yeah cold i mean i know you play everything co-op too uh we play yeah i play half the time oh we're playing turtles together uh yeah yeah i i spend about half my time playing games in co-op um my big question is because i've heard people say this is not a big deal and some people this is a really big deal my question is the game comes out in nine months let's say i mean are they going to hear our feedback like as xbox fans speak up if they want progression to be continued through co-op um can they fix this is this something ran that that arcane can work on and change for launch as they hear the complaints i don't know i mean they addressed it in the game and former article and the like the interview and it was kind of like yeah we thought about doing this this way where we give story progression uh credit um and it really didn't work or i want to read it uh admit kumar's comments you know you know how saint rose doing it right like the new saints row game if you played in co-op and say you want to go play by yourself in single player if you did that mission in co-op it'll pop up and say hey you already did this mission do you want to replay it yeah you want to skip it yeah they're not doing that with this amit kumar says it's similar to eldon ring you see it according to the interview with harvey smith of arcane he said it's similar to eldon ring you have your own unique character it's not like left 4 dead he says please watch the harvey smith ign interview he explains everything in detail and the reasoning i know a lot of articles are written with that as a headline your stuff doesn't carry over read our big bold font and look at the picture and then go to twitter and go to war um i want them to fix this though it's just yeah because a lot of my friends are saw this info and they're like well i don't know if i want to play in co-op now and uh because we had the issue with back for blood where we we played 10 levels and our host he couldn't get on that night so we were like well let's play some let's continue on we couldn't it was like we had to start back at the beginning so now everybody's like well i guess red fall is a single player game which i guess that's not a big deal for me because i probably was looking to play this single player anyways but i would have liked to maybe have jumped into a co-op game or whatever i just i don't know i i don't really care for this how they like any of the co-op games that do it like this king you uh you looking forward to playing red fallen call up at all or or is um that game is probably going to be game of the generation be honest with you especially miles is loving you right now oh yeah oh my man listen um i once i found out in that game that um you can invade people worlds which is not really a good thing but because you really found out how weak you actually are because you go in there thinking you're really strong um but i find that game to be absolutely amazing and i understand uh with the whole you know um you get you get cash you get whatever weapons you get and you get your character progression uh but you don't get world progression and a lot of games are doing that lately i guess it gives longevity to said game right uh there's nothing wrong with it if you want to play a game that your progression does carry over i say seek those games out i have no problem with it i have no problem with because i play repetitive games always i play fortnite i play destiny so to go do a mission over again really doesn't matter to me at all uh the fact that i get to hang out with my friends and i say hey let's do two on you and then we do two on mine all right cool are you the host for two then i'm the host for two and i and i get what rand is talking about they did five levels and then they wanted to lead off where i mean uh take off where they left off but um listen they're trying to give some legs to the game because a lot of times people go inside the game with their friends beat it and then they go back to the game and their game is beat no you go back to your game you start from square run you know yeah oh so it gives legs to the game i like it i'm listen i've been conditioned to it exactly from elder ring to be honest with you because i have people join me and i join them and it kicks them automatically like we beat the boss and your man is like bye they'll call me back like so i like it it's cool for me it gives legs to the game to be honest with you yeah yeah i think it's one of those situations where like king's touching on the beauty of eldon ring is you can play that solo get the full experience and really dive into it but then the multiplayer just enhances it whereas some games when you're playing co-op you gotta you know go on your google calendar but all right boys what is your wednesday at 6 p.m looking like so we can continue progressing through this game everyone has to like coordinate their schedules to make progress in this game where as something like this has the potential to be like well i can play solo and then i can just bring my character into my buddy's game and help them get caught up and you're not like ruining the experience for someone else so again i think it's i don't think it's doom and gloom based on you know the details that we've heard but um i understand if people are bummed and just want to do the the one-to-one co-op experience yeah um so todd howard he announced fallout 5. yes he did uh king when when we get in this game man when we get in fallout 5 1 20 30 20 30 damn like when it's done who cares like you have to go out the door first man like i yo i real i can't stand that you know i have a problem with with this generation okay i really do i sound like the old dude that's on his lungs get off my lawn i sound like that guy you guys don't appreciate anything you didn't even sit down to finish your meal yet and you're looking for another place finish what you got in front of you would have never survived in my house trust me when i tell you starfield is going to keep you satiated or very long time and then when you pick your head up and you realize oh my god five years doesn't pass oh they've been putting out games throughout this whole time and they got around to it they don't do quickie games they don't do games that you know uh what is a microwave games you pick the wrong company if that's what you're looking for that's not it you're going to have to wait for the greatness and it's going to come he told you we're thinking about doing this and we're work that whiteboard they have to finish this one first you just saw the frame rate issues and the hit detection issues on the characters on this one let them work this one out and then this one is going to be really good within like four years four years think about no man's sky four and don't don't do that right four years the game is gonna be really good and then you're gonna hit its stride then they're gonna have all the dlc and all the expansion parts and all this other great stuff for you and you're gonna love that part and then you're gonna get yourself over to to that game but come on man damn just listen i get starfield first that's all i don't care about anything else also you could be saying i just want can i get elder scrolls first because that's the next one yeah right so i mean people are and i've said on my channel elder scrolls six is that what it is yeah elder scrolls six is 20 25 maybe 2026 but maybe even 2027 so fall out fallout 5 is like 20 32. it's at the very tail end of the console generation and then there'll be no ps6 you'll be like 65 when fallout 5 comes out you know yeah it's like it's a long time is wolverine wolverine presumably 2024 2025 so miles what about you what about the people that say xbox should make them give up fallout and give it to somebody else so we could get it sooner because i have seen that crop up here here and there yeah like we have a lot of people who talk about why they love bethesda softworks rpgs why they love skyrim why they love fallout why they're excited about starfield because it's a bethesda thing and they're like but i don't want to wait for bethesda to do it so i think we have a ways to go on fallout 5 unfortunately because they told us that elder scrolls 6 is in pre-production pre-production so we got a hot minute before we're even playing elder scrolls six and then once that gets out the door then they can jump into fallout so yeah we are realistically looking at 10 years i would say potentially 10 years before we get fallout 5. and that's when when you say that number to people who love fallout like no i can't wait 10 years for fallout and that's a long ass time so hopefully we get something in the interim lean into your obsidians maybe to do a a spiritual successor to fallout new vegas they can fill that void for a couple of years for folks who just really want it but yeah the core mainline fallout 5 oh we we a waze we ways off yeah yeah it's i mean mr maddie plays like was freaking out and it's just like you know that's his that's his favorite game and he's just i told him bro like you're looking at like 20 32 you know we got we get what starfield next year i figure it's a good four years for elder scrolls six so let's say 2027 probably another good four years for fallout 5. boom 2031 looking at a decade we're gonna have the x xbox series x two or three outbursts and that shouldn't even be weird i mean you're you're looking for at five to six years for triple a games anyway and you're already looking at starfield needs another year and elder scrolls needs another three years so miles say in a decade is very actually kind of conservative because as the years have gone on games have taken three years and they leaked into four then the five is the norm and now six is almost the norm you're looking at god of war ragnarok taking nearly five years and the foundation of the game was already built they're just making a sequel on the same engine the same combat mechanics they're rebuilding new worlds and new quests and new dialogue a new motion capture they're not building that game from the ground up and that game's gonna take almost five years to complete this is the new normal yeah daddy i don't know maybe i'll like fall out by then colt um but this this this oh no don't run this this this topic is a miles topic i put it in here specifically for you oh okay what we got dragon dogma2 go on miles oh okay okay let me set the stage here this has been a roller coaster because ahead of this you know there's the nvidia leak with dragon's dogma too i was like is it happening are they doing it and you know what in our predictions i was like you know what yes this is the year dragon's dogma two i went you know a little too far and said it's gonna be revealed with xbox that didn't end up happening and then capcom announced that they had their showcase which was going to focus on previously announced games but then the director of dragon's dogma retweeted that showcase and people like what's going on here there's nothing new but he's still retweeting it and then they had the director of dragon's dogma 2 come out during the stream in a dragon's dogma jersey and he's like come celebrate 10 years of dragon's dogma with us in a couple days on this other side stream so they scheduled a stream within a stream to talk about 10 years of dragon's dogma and then they're going through they're talking about the origins what kind of influenced them talked about their dungeons and dragons and tabletop game background and how that helps shape dragon's dogma one and then you're sitting there for minutes and minutes like is this really gonna be it is this really gonna be the entire showcase and then at the very end like oh and one more thing and then just pops off his jacket he's got a dragon's dog with two t-shirt on he's like it's happening and so we got confirmation the dragons dogma 2 not only in fact is real but isn't is currently in development and is being developed on the re engine so thinking about the possibilities of dragon's dogma 2 in re engine which is just objectively one of the best most efficient engines that we've seen in game development oh man oh dude i'm i'm so ready dragons dogma was this weird cult game that came out a weird time before dark souls had really blown up in the mainstream like dark souls 1 had come out but that foundation formula wasn't really broadly accepted and dragon's dogma took some of those elements incorporated skyrim and monster hunter and and dungeons and dragons and put out this really dense intense hardcore rpg and it didn't have a huge humongous following like it sold fine for a new ip but it didn't set the world on fire and then it's been really really silent sense we had the darker risen expansion come out and they added even more difficulty to an already difficult game but the fact that we're getting dragons dogma 2 boom that when that got revealed you know what the whole final fantasy 7 remake news is like you know what okay i can deal with that because we got dragon dog with two baby let's go yeah that must have made you and i still didn't take the l for that because like i said they didn't announce these events beforehand if they did i would have been like yeah okay so no else for rand on that one take the l no no no no no back pedal your l's okay no no l's um yeah you know i mean i pretty much gone through all the topics i wanted to hit i know king's got something he's got to do uh in 15 minutes king right yeah yeah i got um i'm on with web day ooh so i i need to hit up all the super chats so i don't want to hold anybody up so if you guys want to stay you can but you know we can still talk but i know king's got to go so i want to thank you so much for coming on king love having you on the link in the description make sure you guys sub to iron lord's podcast every sunday it's honestly one of the best gaming podcasts out there one of the best xbox podcasts but don't let cognito told you i said that um thank you for coming on king oh thank you for having me uh miss you jazz uh colt love you yes sir miles you know mean you share a lot more in common than you think oh dude dude love you lo love hanging out with you dude i know we got some deep connections some old school connections that i absolutely love yeah for sure and this jack uh dragon's dogma oh my god once they said it i just lost my crap right there and paris yo you know i love you can't wait to hang out with you uh i think um we was trying to go to gamescom but it's just too close around the corner and that's just not going to happen but uh colt we'll hang out again soon yes do it next year next year e3 everything's back to normal esa's coming back they're going to try coax people into their into their coliseum and we're gonna hang out it's gonna be great rand will be there nick says king is a closet tcl user oh yeah uh basically if they uh cut the check i'm just like sony i'll go wherever the money is you know i saw i missed it here but i saw someone say uh zeong said the real question should be which do we see first on xbox fallout 5 or a new final fantasy wow that's wow that's about like the exact same timing yeah i would say i would all i'll bet one large papa john's pizza we get a new final fantasy before we get fallout 5 on xbox basically right putting one large papa john's on the line who would i mean a new what do you mean a new final fantasy well i mean crisis core is coming out this year but it's that's a i think you just mean like seven any of the seven remakes or 16 right yeah okay yeah i guess yeah first i'll catch you guys later guys thank you so much king big king these guys king one of the funniest dudes in the community by far love him hilarious dude always enjoy chatting with him do you uh do you two want to stay while i read these super chats or do you you you need to get it yeah let's not let i'm down to hang out cold cold i'll hang for a little bit all right i'll hauling for a little bit yeah so uh let's see we got uh let's keep this party rocking undisputed nerd saying um dragons dogma 2 feels like the perfect game pass a cult classic getting a sequel that could be a massive hit p.s i spell cult wrong on purpose colts should do a series of reviews titled what they need to do and i might have to you know i'd rarely use summoning circles you know because you know it's it takes a lot a lot of energy and effort but the last last one i did was dark souls 3 fps boost and we know how that one played out so i might have to uh test my luck again and see if we can get dragon's dogma dark arizon fps boosted on xbox and you're right let's slap it in game pass too build up that hype build up that energy because the world needs to know that dragon's dogma is in fact better than final fantasy vii oh okay okay uh soma king says hail the king uh king is he was here and now he's gone uh face 23 brooklyn says microsoft buys a multi-platform publisher and takes some games away for playstation if i want to play starfield i need to get an xbox or pc if people want to play final fantasy 7 remake you have to get a ps5 it is what it is how do you guys feel about that because yeah there's there's i guess an interesting conversation there does well i mean the difference is uh sony does not own square and they don't own the ip so it is bad optics and um xbox doesn't own starfield ip or bethesda but they bought them so now they do own them so it is a big difference and it is kind of where we look at um square and we always say why don't you just buy them sony like you can pay two hundred thousand dollars and they'll probably go for it right um but they've just got this situation set up yeah i'm serious like that it's it's such a joke right because they've been they've been doing the exclusivity deals them for so long it's kind of a cocaism where they could just pay pennies and get square and they'd go for it because they just sold tomb raider to embrace her for nothing right um but it's just one of those things where it's another game that sony doesn't own and sony doesn't make and they're and it's completely exclusive so everyone just kind of says well you know if you want to play it you got to get it on playstation which you did i have a playstation 5. i don't care for final fantasy so when everyone was winging as my uk buddies would say i was just going i'm playing turtles with randolph thorne 19 the man with a million yeah i mean and i'll play i'll play final fantasy on playstation i don't really i mean i prefer to play on xbox with controller and achievements and stuff but you know i mean it's why i got to play playstation 5 in the first place to play the games that don't come to xbox if i really wanted to so yeah and obviously if it was a if it was a franchise i really liked like i really really like dead rising a lot and i know it's campy but i really like it and if that was never coming to an xbox i would be complaining like the final fantasy guys do but it's kind of convenient in this situation i'm like sucks to be a final fantasy fan it really does i mean i guess it sucks if you only have an xbox and you are a final fantasy fan and you want to be able to play it yeah you know yeah again i i do feel for those people because yeah like like we're talking about all of us here have a ps5 so when stuff like that happens it's like okay that's a bummer but i'll play it on ps5 but i understand that yeah you know consoles are expensive it's not as simple as like well i'll just go buy a ps5 for some folks so now yeah for those people like yeah i do i do feel for them yeah yeah uh we have uh one from eaglesfan76 who says do you do think now having a live show you miss out on some of those magical moments with the crowd reaction that is only thing with pre-recorded shows i mean clearly uh yeah you missed could you imagine the audience screaming if kojima was there like i mean i was there i was there i th the moment lasted all of like 20 seconds i was trying to grab my phone because i left my phone in my pocket so i could just enjoy the show and i just wanted to i've got this meme of kojima with his sleeve up and he's got a halo tattoo oh yeah and i was gonna post it out immediately and i couldn't find it and i looked up and the the kojima announcement was over in a flash people were going crazy and we didn't even have the full arena at the last c3 it was it's a 7 000 capacity theater i think it was full this was more like 500 people but we it was loud and electric it's great it's a good uh anyway you just gotta go i think i mean i think xbox misses that too i've talked to phil about it and he loves the fans being at the show i i've talked to phil and aaron about it and i i remember when forza rise i can say this now thank goodness when forza horizon 5 came out um i was playing the game with greenberg and some other people and we were talking about e3 and i said i know i'm not asking you so you can say something that we can run with but how does how do people like you and the xbox team feel about the events and that's when i'm waving my arms like i'm on camera so you see that he said that we want to go like say the word and we're there like we're just waiting for the esa to say hey we're ready to go back with the pandemic and everything like it's very difficult to know if we can go back but just know the team wants to come back and they absolutely did this year they threw it together last minute they said they started planning in january it's usually a year-long ordeal they threw together a really good fan fest so with esa saying they want to come back unless we get another new uh virus or something i think we're back and i would like to know out in the world and i'd like to know in the chat like would you be good with going i know it's an expensive trip out to la depending on where you live or even if you know it's an expensive thing to do and if you can get selected but would you like to go because i'm absolutely wanting to go again yeah i mean you're gonna go oh yeah oh yeah i didn't unfortunately get to go this year because i haven't just traveled remember yeah exactly right yeah miles and i were supposed to yeah that's what happened we lost their number or something no no they they called and i just said click i was like oh phil phil what's up i was like you got phantom dust on deck and he's like not this year and it's like call me next year dude not this year not ever you slammed down your cell phone like you were hanging it up really violently hit him with one of those yep uh i got a super chat here for a dollar from brap the pony appreciate it man no message uh we got one from frost did that not upset over the showcase just kind of get the feeling microsoft isn't catering to its mature audience who enjoy deep storytelling games with fire graphics i'd love to see a coalition horror game fair enough coalition wasn't there so yeah i hope yeah we don't know what the collision is working on um but yeah i get what you're saying uh supernova says jedi fallen order was released in 2019 and jedi survivor announced coming 2023 but we do not know about first party the road map is not clear it's not acceptable the ps5 every year is great first party games on the xbox still not i mean i think you can look at this year and say that both playstation and xbox are struggling on the first party front i don't think that's unfair to say i mean yeah xbox certainly is uh yeah i mean xbox you got pentameter right it's gonna it's they're probably unrounded yeah actually playstation has one of their best years in a long time they've got six major aaa games this year mlb for spoken uh god of war ragnarok uncharted legacy the last of us remake and one more rand last of us uh seven gran turismo yeah yeah oh yeah yeah six or seven big games yeah so they got it yeah i mean you know a lot of their games were delayed from last year because you know everything you know the pandemic affected everything so it delayed a lot of their games but they got a lot of games this year um but their road map outside of uh spider-man 2 and wolverine is is not yet to be determined yeah and i'm sure they're gonna have another show later this year so uh yeah they'll probably announce like more stuff for next year but i mean they got they have they have a whole bunch more games and xbox has realistically their worst first party year ever like you know might be pentamete might be good you know it might be an indie darling but i tell you what that was the one game at the showcase where i knew what it looked like going in because i had seen jesus shared a screenshot with me when i had seen the documentation for it and i remember mentioning the jazz i was like i don't know if we should really be hyping up this game i mean i know joshua is a great developer but like nobody's going to expect what this game looks like because i think and then when you talk about it being disco elysium inspired that invokes a certain mental image and when that game showed up uh people were like what is this like i saw a mag on boomshot i was like no no like what is this right so i mean xbox says what the crowd reaction was was was pretty uh muted i don't know what the word is yeah it's definitely an artsier project for sure it's but the thing about josh shore is he's amazing and i always tell people that game like journalists and reviewers are going to say like this story is something you have to experience you need to check out pentamen it's a high eight or it's a nine or something like that could be possible that because he's made some really special things in his career but when it but at its when you just get your eyeballs on the screen you're like huh yeah that's kind of a yeah you know i mean what do they got this year as does falls and pentiment it's definitely and grounded if you're right i mean but not grounded it's been out i've been exactly two years not a new release it's not not a good year not a good year not a good year at all uh but we'll get through it shout out to dealer gaming in the chat what's going on dealer hope you're having another hope you're having a great day uh okay moving on to the next one um we got one from supernova again who says the reason we raised the bar high is that microsoft is only one annual event unlike the rest and i hopefully uh i think i think that changes i think there's a good chance they have an xo 2022 i think they definitely want to have one considering they did fan fest um you know so like i hopefully they have more next year i mean they might have death loop this year we don't know that might come out in september uh high in life is called yeah that's true i was talking about strictly first party yeah first but yeah you know i know they'll they'll have their own console like exclusive storage at xbox stuff so uh i was strictly talking about first party um ralph wilgam says paris king david and colt in the house have a great show guys all four of you are amazing don't forget to add miles in there but i don't think my phone yeah yeah the andrew says they need to have three shows uh 12 months pc game pass and the future uh face 23 once again says next 18 months for ps5 is for spoken god of war ragnarok last of us remake final fantasy 16 final fantasy 7 remake or rebirth spider-man 2 factions 2 multiplayer yeah so and they'll probably announce more stuff if they do another september showcase which they probably will um aaron says exo march e3 june gamescom late august easy so that's that's what he wants i don't ask you a question let's can we uh talk really quick about death loop and keena bridges spirits like are those games coming to xbox this year they're new we've talked about the people who only have an xbox they can't get final fantasy or are they going to get death loop and keena bridges spirits this fall well as far as the death loop thing uh if and that the term i mean the contract is what's going to you know either let it come out or not and we just don't know how long the contract's for i think we'll see on xbox like as soon as they're allowed to talk about it they'll talk about it and it'll be like it's coming xbox like next in two weeks we just don't know the contract situation as far as stuff like kinah or kenna and sifu and stuff like that they've said that they want to bring that those games to other platforms they're like console launch exclusives we also just don't know we just don't know if the version is even being made yeah we just don't know when like uh those games will come maybe at some point but then also you know sony may go out and buy the kina developers and then own it so uh you just never know but yeah they i think both developers have said they're not like forever exclusive that at some point you know those the games might come to other platforms so okay let's see um silver says why does microsoft have so many issues with the messaging surrounding these events they can easily temper expectations by being upfront and transparent but they seem to always miss the mark yeah miles why do you think they didn't tell come out like a week beforehand and say hey the showcase is going to be strictly focused on the games coming out in the next year i know i saw i saw a lot of people annoyed with that the fact that they didn't come out ahead of time and and set the expectations for 12 months ahead of the show obviously they started the show with that and i wonder if the reason they didn't is because they seemed to make a big deal of it during the show like sarah bond stressed that this is the first time we've ever done this so i'm wondering if they just wanted wanted to have that as a surprise and that's the reason they didn't come out because normally we'll see aaron greenberg we'll see somebody come out and say all right just to set expectations here's x y and z or whatever but this time pretty pretty silent in that regard so i think that combined with people saying that like oh banjo is going to be there at a bunch of the other typical rumor mill stuff that happens right before these shows like built up this fever pitch of excitement and anticipation but yeah i feel like they could have easily come out and said yeah this is going to be a week and then maybe some people would or sorry this is going to be 12 months and then maybe people wouldn't be as upset but i personally think the reason they didn't was because you wanted that moment they wanted that moment yeah i mean yeah it ruined my er someone's uh met says it ruined all the content creators predictions yeah i mean sure uh you know i was predicting for a typical microsoft show but if they had said two weeks beforehand it was gonna be 12 months i could have nailed that because i would have known but yeah i mean i guess there was like you know i watched this one prediction video from somebody that was said double fines gonna be working on banjo i think i think cold eastwood made that code called eastwood video what was that you now to be to be fair to be fair i told people i told people there was two games that i put in my uh inside reports or leaked rumors report video on purpose i wanted them to will them away uh the uh the second one would make people even more angry than me willing away a banjo-kazooie remaster which i think is ludicrous of an idea for xbox to even spend any time or money on that the other one uh don't get mad at me but i don't think uh xbox the coalition needs to be working on a gears collection remaster unless they're farming that out to iron galaxy or some studio that does great ports and they can like really kick it up a notch but um those two things i really truly did want to uh will them away a gears collection would have looked nice this fall no i mean because i'm all about optics as well because i i do xbox representative content where i'm talking about where xbox is city and where they're going and i am very upset this year about the halo gears and forza cycle that's been going on for 10 years and it really was going to be another forza game this fall and another gears game and then halo dlc or whatever um and xbox is much much more than that especially now yeah so yeah it was that it was a difficult thing to deal with people were pretty cool about that last that's the last video i did was like a month ago anyway yeah um let's see uh george says agree with colt david colton david xbox has to give updates to games like about hubley 2 fable contraband gives a bad look that two to three years pass without updates bring xo yeah i think a lot of people feel that same way it's like well you showed me fable in 2020 when am i going to see fable again 2024 right um lucky mo says i disagree with paris i'm new in game pass sea of thieves made it interesting fallout 76 too that's the good thing about people's opinions like they're different so paris and myself and colts saying we don't want to see fallout 76 that's just our opinion and other people have theirs which is probably why those games were in the showcase yeah actually that's very very well put yeah there was another pete hines segment last year right where he came out and said these are all the updates same segment it was the same yeah uh-huh it was it was kind of funny to see like a redux of that yeah i mean i know i i i i messaged somebody at xbox i'm like listen i i don't like that segment because i can't i don't like i'm not gonna play those two games so it's like a waste of time but i understand uh like why you essentially are showing them right like i get it they're played by millions and stuff so uh kyle says no elite three control no elite controller three announced what do you think um [Music] maybe next year although did you guys see the rumor about a playstation 5 pro controller coming yeah yeah we talked about that what do you think miles let's go that's i would love i would buy a ps5 pro in a second because i'm spoiled by the elite in the paddles like i've been frustrated with the elites build quality because across my elite one and two i've had to send that thing in six times without exaggeration plus me learning how to fix parts at home because i was tired of sending it in so i've been pretty unhappy with the overall build quality but when it works it is the best controller ever made i love it so much like i can't even play first person shooters now without it like trying to play my one of my elite two went out when i was playing elden ring and i tried to had to try to play with a regular controller and i was like crab clawing the b to sprint and rotate the camera it's like man i can't do this so yeah if playstation pro puts out or if playstation has a pro controller that mimics the elite let's go let's go baby colt are you uh i mean what's your what's your predictions on uh an elite series three call do you think that's gonna happen at some point of course not here miles do you think that's gonna happen at some point they're gonna do an elite series three i hope they do um because again i think now that i've used the ps5 one thing i do like is i like some of the features that are there with with the with the triggers and with the rumbles sure it can be gimmicky but there are experiences where it really makes a notable difference and i would like xbox to answer that and maybe improve it in some ways as well and i don't want that tied exclusively to the elite three i think that would be a bad move and it would also be dear god 250 or something outrageous for that controller but yeah i the elite two even the newer models still have some fundamental build problems that need to be tweaked and i would hope so you know what they say third time's a charm maybe with the elite three they'll have figured it all out yeah maybe they couldn't do haptics they couldn't do specialized haptics on the elite three because xbox wants everything to be uh level across the platform so you wouldn't have games have haptic design into them that wouldn't be you know available that's what i'm going to disagree to because i'm going to i'm going to i'm going to die on this hill i think when this series 3 comes out that that controller is going to have haptic feedback i think that's whack if i'm being honest i mean it probably is wow but also like what are you gonna pack into a series three that you can justify actually making one outside of saying it'll last about like they did this six months they did the elite two without bringing anything oh no no delete two at 60 new features go back and watch that video i remember talking to james shields about that when he was working on those things like they had all these new features i'm just saying like what new things could they pack into an elite series three to get people to pay for it again you need to put a microphone at the bottom so you can blow into it of course but i don't know what else i'm saying gyro it doesn't make a lot of sense and i know i'm probably gonna be wrong uh but haptic feedback is one of the best parts about the dual sense controller like i can it's cool get rid of the distance triggers those are horrible uh the haptic feedback is where it's at though yeah like put that refresh the bass controller and just do that and then that way if you do want to add that to the there's at least the one-to-one because the problem that xbox had with the xbox one is they had the the rumble triggers but because they were the only ones using it like it wasn't widespread you would have a handful of games that used it and first party and then that was it but now that you have playstation on board doing it and you would if xbox just did that as well devs could have build it and it would just be there and work and again i really really hope that's not tied to an elite three only because man that wouldn't help adoption for for them but yeah um elijah says yo king what's with the crocs man you okay the king's been posting pictures of that on social media so what's up i'm out of the loop on the crocs game what's up with that he says i'm praying for you bro don't ever forget jesus loves you with the perfect love i don't know uh cognito and those guys um i think it stems mostly from cognito because they talk about a lot on on defining duke but a lot of them out there hate they hate the crocs as much as they hate the tcl uh just for kicks and the whole uh you know yeah it's all it's something they do like and i made sure when i went to e3 or i went to the fan fest thing this weekend that i didn't wear flip-flops because people really hated that i wore flip-flops that event um yeah they really people really don't like flip-flops so i threw my flip-flops away and i bought some new kicks so i was looking styling when i was there looking fly with them first kicks flying fresh bruh yeah uh alvin says i don't care if i come off as a fanboy but bethesda doesn't make good deep complex rpgs and hasn't since more wind i have faith [Music] come on now there you go i mean again like you said earlier we're all entitled entitled to our opinions not that one sometimes they're bad but that's okay uh garuda says i was at fan forced uh fan fest in melbourne which is australia there was dead silence after most of the trailers and it was super awkward xbox always struggles to set expectations not most they were oh i guess not i don't know how melbourne reacted to it but that middle section was pretty rough for about 20 minutes or so yeah there was i was trying to ask my friends that i was with um which games got no applause and i know fallout 76 the pit the pit was my least favorite dlc from fallout 3. very depressing to play like just very dark and just dreary and drab more than anything there's like one color in there and then it looks the same in this one i don't want to talk about it anymore yeah i'm done talking about it you'll be upset you okay i'm okay bro phillip guys says thoughts for you guys one show for game pass showing third-party games that's coming another show for xbox bethesda and a third show for activision blizzard hmm well i know there's also a chance that blizzard might do their own shows in the future right i think they've kind of talked about that so i wouldn't be surprised if there's like one show for xbox game studios and game pass and then you know a show for just bethesda and then a show for you know just activision blizzard is that something you could see in the future miles i i personally don't while it's cool to have those hyper-focused showcases like that and that appeals to a core audience i think xbox really needs to do a better job of having shows for a wide audience and so like if someone knows like i don't necessarily love blizzard they're tuning out they're not going to watch that show or if someone is like a hardcore fan of bethesda or isn't they're like i'm not going to watch the bethesda show but if you sprinkle those in like you're having a show with a bunch of other stuff and there happens to be a bethesda game not only will you get more eyes on it but it's it's just automatically a more universal appeal so i i personally don't like the hyper focus shows as much as those appeal to a hardcore audience i like the more general shows where anyone who's excited about games can watch it and they'll be something cool right um we got one from infinite umbra who says what's up fellas it's not that xbox fans were upset with the no man's sky comparison it's that poor journalists and fanboys used it as a bludgeon to diminish starfield that xbox fans post pushed back against so colt yeah cole anything to add on that with the journal um i mean we covered it pretty well early on in the show like i i just i want to keep reminding people that there are only about three mainstream or popular games that are like starfield no man's sky star citizen and uh elite dangerous so that's just bound to happen and then as we said it was bound to happen when you saw the laser like drill it was the first thing i thought when i was there i was there at the show and he pulled out the laser and and and shot the iron and i was like oh gosh because i've tried to play no man's sky i find zero enjoyment in it i've tried and that's just me why should even add that i was worrying my words yeah i don't know what to say i'm still upset i'm just like i think a lot of people fixate and get mad about people criticizing something or assuming that people are criticizing something but i mean we we should be able to just laugh it off and move on and not make it this vendetta against that person who's like this looks like no man's sky what the and just yeah people don't get like there's a difference between how starfield will do it and how no man's sky like in star field when you scan a a floor or fauna or or a creature or you discover a new area you get a little bit of xp and you're kind of chasing that next level where you can add your perk points you can unlock a new ability so exploration always feels so satisfying but everything's procedurally generated in no man's sky so exactly there's just similarities and everyone gosh dang it you people in the in on twitter social media reddit or in the chat that are saying you know bethesda hasn't made somebody said like two hours ago but this hasn't made it g a good game in a long time i'm like what what like what do you what you mean fallout 76 what's other one they haven't made that's good if somebody could say skyrim wasn't good or fallout 4 wasn't good it's like oh come on give me a break i hate that fallout 76 i hate that that game came out when i saw it i'm like this is not what we what we asked for but i'm like i guess i don't have to play it if i don't want it if so are what ryan i want to say what about the clicks though what about what about pc gamers saying star feels just uh ugly no man's sky you know like here's what i'll say here's what i see so much again this goes back to the the us versus them thing that i was talking about you have the gamers saying the journalists hate whatever and there's this just constant battle between these groups quote unquote what i will say on this situation is if you think an article is written in bad faith you really think it's a bad take it's written in bad faith do not share it do not share it if that is truly and genuinely how you feel don't feed into it because all you're doing if it is quote unquote all about the clicks or or whatever if if if that's how you feel and you're sharing it out then then what does that do that just incentivizes it amplifies it um and again if you're excited about starfield be excited there's there's no the reason you shouldn't be right now i coming off the back of the launch of evil dead the game where i was super excited about it despite people trying to like downplay what it was and what it could be and blah blah like there wasn't a ton of hype for evil dead the game like there was there was not a lot of hype at all but i was still excited and i wasn't gonna let anyone's opinions on that downplay that and i was able to look at you know the criticism of the game or the criticism of what was shown and be like you know what cool i i see where you're coming from and move on and if i thought it was just a bad really bad take bad faith take just just move on please please be better about that because again why are there people like i said uh after the showcase the next day said i'm more excited about starfield than any game that's coming out easily and that was my tweet and i knew people get upset about that and of course miles you wouldn't agree with that for you but like why do people come into a post where someone says hi my name's cole eastwood and i'm super excited about this game more than anything they're like that's trash there's always people who are just raining on everyone's parade walking into the like the comedian says walking into someone's pickle store and opening the door and going i don't like pickles and then leaving like why i'm not asking for people to be kumbaya because it's not going to happen but like why are you doing that it's just again i i don't know cole i don't again people like talk about pot toxic positivity or or whatever but like ultimately we need to be able to just ignore annoying people online and that's really what it comes down to yeah teach me how to do that what'd you miles i'm trying to get better i'm not always the best none of us are perfect i sometimes get caught up and engaged with it and then in hindsight i'm like why'd you do it dude you're not you i'm not adding anything to this all i'm doing is riling other people up sometimes people come come at you with they're half trolling but they're half asking a question and sometimes you can kind of get people to come to understanding but most the time i think uh social media is just made for people to you know brands brands got it right ran's almost never on there yeah he's got his nose in the blog people people just dm me and tag me and all these crazy stuffs and then i'll see it and then it's like i have a lot of guys muted but then like some of my friends will quote retweet their takes and i'm like gotta see their awful takes and stuff and it's just like come on so you see this take dude yeah yeah and i moved on with my day it's just like stop it like if you don't if you didn't quote retweet it and the dunk on them like it wouldn't get any traction and nobody would see it and it would die out but uh yeah moving on from that my bridge four brothers slo-mo backslap says i'm an hour behind where you guys are at currently but i'm glad some of you are coming around to my way of thinking a quarterly inside xbox that actually delivers relevant info and [Music] year like i said gameplay potentially uh in the next in the first six months of 2023 and who knows uh what's coming later on so i mean it's about time to do more shows can't always just do the one let's go quarterly that's that's that's the way to do it yeah quarterly you can have miles host the one in spring and colt holds the one in the fall and you know yeah there we go welcome to the xbox not direct yeah rdx on effect says no goldeneye or xlmecca for 12 months or more um just because it wasn't at the show doesn't mean goldeneye's not coming out in the next 12 months i'm you know that's one thing i was really happy to see no goldeneye 007 you were happy to see that oh i was ha i was so happy didn't show up why waste time to a 25 year old game like damn you sound like you sound like those bad faith playstation guys no i play old games no no it's just it's just who it's goldeneye it's 25 years old it's in the 64 game just announce that in a blog post and release it you don't need to put a trailer one minute trailer at your showcase it's old ass game it's just i'm sorry randy i disagree if they shadow dropped that that would be the internet would be going wild whether you care or not the internet would be hyped up about it oh i'm sure that's right everyone miles right everyone's super excited about that game that they're going to play for about five minutes play for like 10 minutes and realize oh my god this wasn't as good as i remembered thank you you enjoyed this when you played it okay you're always making fun of me no i'm just kidding 99 just you know what come on now i just got a thing for golden eye just you know i just i will say this as much as i would be excited for it goldeneye ruined an entire generation anyone who uses inverted controls probably grew up playing gold tonight and it's i use inverted controls oh my god you do yeah i'm averted hundred percent baby i know dealer is and why are you working for gold and i i'm i'm 100 i mean i play golden eye quite a bit with with my boys yeah see i don't know i don't know what particularly made me be inverted i i don't know it's goldeneye i would i wanted somebody to do a why was it was expensive inverted default inverted was default in goldeneye you couldn't change it and that was probably a standard controller user because of halo the combat evolved and halo 2 because that's how i learned how to use uh dual thumb sticks with a first person shooter so i don't know weird great well now we know rand is super amazing okay inverted you know my wife's inverted too so no disrespect to the inverted crowd inverted inverter is the only way to play it's not the default for a reason that's all i'll say they you know what they say miles is your preference on inverted or not inverted is based on where you perceive the pivot point of your head oh yeah get get some stuff in there so for for rand he perceives the pivot point in the back of the head so when he pulls down down your head goes the head the chin goes up and you and i perceive the pivot point on the nose you push down the nose goes down you push up the nose goes up yeah anyway that's where that comes from i like also like you got educational in here but it's cool that i can jump into a game that has flight controls like midway through the game and if it's inverted it feels normal so we're actually the weird ones that we could play a game with regular and then go inverted when it's flight exactly uh-huh exactly it's not a problem when i'm flying but when i'm shooting um oh dude i i am getting some games where like some of the games is like normal and i just i just can't i just can't i just i just can't play i can't i don't know if i'm saying i do it but moving on for that we got one here from darren that says final fantasy 7 remake has more to do with it being advertised as a timed exclusive square doesn't have the balls to confirm when or if a port is coming didn't they put on the tag on the actual label con you know exclusive to playstation consoles until blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 20th 2021 or something yeah it was awesome and then that came and went and they're still like wait a minute what happened yeah yeah that's where a lot of this has come from was that initial reception if um if a big journalist like straight up asked what's going on with final fantasy you said it was they weren't i've reached out i've reached out to square on numerous like legend of manna obviously i really care about the answer be though if they answered like they can say i'm pleading the fifth but their answer i'll tell you verbatim is we have nothing additional to share at this time verbatim and the real answer is we took a huge back from playstation and in this agreement we can't talk about that so we can't say anything we have nothing further to share at this time is literally what they reply so yeah uh it's not necessarily that no one's reaching out it's just i don't think they're gonna come out and say what the business dealings are at least with final fantasy 14 when people ask about that they do say it's like we just don't have the developers able to work on an xbox version yeah that is it's cool to hear updates on that regard that there is maybe a world where that happens if they have the resources but yeah the the complete silence on final fantasy vii remake suggests it's a contractual thing yes jodicus says if xbox fans want more final fantasy persona you better show up for these games only way you pressure these companies is show them there is a player base on xbox i agree with you i mean i agree it might not be though well i mean i also want you're kind of in a situation where like uh you're trying to build one and like crisis core is not gonna sell well on xbox so they're gonna look at they're gonna look at that and be like well they didn't buy crisis core and it's like well you didn't put any of your games on like the system so how's there supposed to be an audience you didn't you didn't you didn't cultivate one you know you just use it as like an excuse it's not far off to say that if you're a major final fantasy fan you probably bought a playstation so it it is a perpetuating cycle like you said that it may just make it very difficult for certain jrpgs to to uh thrive on the xbox because the fan base just went other elsewhere i guess i'm i'm forever an optimist so it's not something i'm giving you know giving up a hope on and again like if you don't want to wait don't wait i mean i met like i said earlier if if you're a fan of tennessee seven thing for fan you've probably bought it you probably went to where it is and that is what it is but in terms of xbox's potential in japan i don't think it's hopeless i know i see that yeah conversation and that opinion shared a lot is there's nothing xbox can do or they'll never break through in japan but they've been doing a lot of right a lot of really smart things this generation that are setting them up for success and again as much as xbox fans are tired of waiting because they are they really really are a japan situation in particular will take time a lot of time yeah um [Music] let's see uh god the blessed one says the hate towards starfield is because these numb skulls are either sony ponies fans of another space game bethesda haters are trying to be too cool to say it looks dope period hmm damn interesting um how do you guys feel about that is that is it well i mean this is it's hard to it's hard to say this because i think the game looks really awesome but does it look like the next level game i've never seen before in my life no i watched john lennon's fantastic breakdown this morning and he explained to me while i was watching as a viewer some of the things that i didn't see on the first couple passes like how the lighting is wait it's like 10 times better than fallout 4. but when you look at the game what's the first thing that happens miles if even if you're an xbox fan you go does it look as good as does it look as good as the best game over here does it look as good as witcher does look as good as horizon forbidden west no it's it doesn't look the same but is it is it bigger than those gate is it bigger than horizon forbidden west yeah by a long shot it is a lot more um so i gotta ask you ran like when you think of next generation is it do you feel like starfield looks like it's somewhere in the middle between on its way to next generation when you see it from the outset i mean nothing i saw if starfield blew my mind whatsoever yeah i mean it does look like like the next step for bethesda like i was watching i was like well this looks so much better than fallout 4 yeah it really does so and i i think that's important to talk about too because again going back to elden ring that was another conversation from people who for whatever reason didn't want to be excited or more aggressively didn't want anyone else to be excited as they said this doesn't look like a quote next-gen game and when we're looking at elder ring compared to dark souls 3 for example it's a huge jump that game looks so so much better was way more ambitious way bigger did way more things with physics and environments and enemy design and ai and all of these other things that really go into effect the direct experience and that's kind of how i felt about star field it didn't necessarily blow me away it wasn't like when we saw hellblade 2 and i was like yo is this real is this what the game is going to look like in real life starfield that being said still looks so much better than anything bethesda's done before and it looks way more ambitious than anything they've done before and it's not fair to discredit all of those other things and say well it's not the best looking game ever that was the same conversation with halo infinite too it's not the best looking game ever so blah blah blah blah blah but that's again we fixate on the visuals and we want the best looking game possible but um and that's fine but also there's so much more that goes into a game than just the visual presentation yeah um let's see moving on from that one we got one from private ghost it says sony paid good money for gt72 and we see how that turned out uh zane bashir says kind of know why final fantasy 7 is a playstation exclusive making a remake of a game then splitting it into parts and make people pay full price for each part is only capable on a sony console that's pretty crazy that's a three-part game at 60 bucks pop probably yeah they are 70 for the second one right it's ps5 yeah in the third because when they brought it to pc right it was 70 right they've they set that expectation that they're the square enix games will be 70. jeez uh d.b cooper says i love y'all but king david is the goat when do you all feel like we'll see i love stevie cooper's name that's amazing yeah when do you feel like we'll see what's coming out after the 12-month window well that could either be later this year the nexo or you know uh i think we'll get a taste at the game awards we'll get a taste we'll just yeah we we thought we thought we would see a vowed at the game awards last year it's going to be an entire year delay of when we see a vowed game play i don't know if we were just kind of spitballing but i know i had talked about what if uh because jez had seen some of the gameplay last year or when was that uh that was mid last year i think yeah i think it was about this time last year so i thought oh you know it's not far-fetched that they'd have two two to three minutes of polished gameplay ready to show it at the keely game awards and uh no show so at this point who knows i'm willing to bet uh a papa john's papa dia another one one one lar i forgot what i had one large on the table for but a papadi we see the koji kojima xbox game at the game awards it's probably i think there's actually something to show not this year though one papadea i think this year i'm saying this year one papa dia interesting that could happen i don't know what that is but i'm assuming that it is a papa john's quesadilla and i'm i'm here it looks it looks vile i haven't had one yet but i keep telling my buddy as soon as the the hard mountain dew comes out we're gonna have a night where we get together crack open a hard mountain dew and a papa john's papadia and just absolutely ruin the weekend and ruin your colon hold on quesadilla it looks disgusting it looks bad it looks incredibly amazing miles i'm gonna give it an 8 out of 10. [Laughter] the same grade as the xbox showcase it looks fantastic miles hates it oh my gosh what was the the what was the pizza hut one called the pizzone oh yes that's right the zone the zone where you bite into it and it just liquefies the roof of your mouth and turns it into it looks like scorn the game molten hot mozzarella just searing the roof of your mouth guys you can't now i'm thinking about ordering a pizza for tonight oh no dude i'm literally having pizza tonight so let's go are you having papa john's because if you better open you can you need to order the papa do you have an episode you know what you're putting on the line i haven't had papa johnson forever i haven't either it's what's hard mountain dew it's alcoholic mountain dew it look yeah it's it's malt malt alcoholic mountain dew whoa can i get that without alcohol in it [Music] i mean you could just get baja blast i think you could just get mountain dew if anybody's watching my show they know i drink copious amounts of mountain dew on the air what about miles you all about little caesars bro no little caesars d-tier pizza wow d i will say it loud and proud i will i will in the 90s they were fire but not so much but if i have two pizzas and one one paper pouch it was fantastical hmm anyway back to your show exactly let's let's talk about the pizza for another 30 minutes yeah we'll talk about pizza and the different types uh jonas says i don't blame playstation i blame xbox for being lacks on big multi-platform franchises uh face says no microsoft had to deal with team ninja with two with the walloon game to reveal that was multi-platform two days later yeah apparently it came out that some of the reveals at microsoft show were embargoed for two days they couldn't announce what platforms they were on besides xbox for like two days afterwards i wanted that marketing association yeah um that's dumb it's a weird thing it's a really weird thing to do but yeah you have the the new because after two days the new cycles moved on to something else and there would be people who maybe thought it's only an xbox thing i don't i don't know it's the thing to find from your your classic youtuber who got to it when he got to it like me i haven't even reported on the showcase outside of my show i we we flew in uh flew into portland oregon and drove home i was home a half an hour before my show started i like sat down turned on my camera and everything went hi everyone next question uh we got one from la byrne who says final fantasy just one ip best way to combat final fantasy is for xbox to create their own must-have jrpg medal of honor was top dog until call of duty happened yeah i mean i see people saying like you you own lost odyssey your own blue dragon why don't you remake those or you know lost last name blue dragon aren't even in game pass yeah that's weird to bring that back like family like yeah it's like why isn't lost last name blue dragon in game pass is there some some reason they're not you know scare why not you know make a remake of lost odyssey i mean i get what he's saying like make your own game i think what's interesting right now is i mean we have a lot of these conversations when you look at the short-term exclusivity for whatever xyz game whatever why isn't xbox buying more timed exclusives whatever blah blah blah xbox right now they are looking bigger picture so like this person is talking about instead of just trying to buy limited time to exclusivity they are trying to build big partnerships because xbox publishing japan has has hinted that they are working on a couple really big projects and so like like they're talking about instead of buying exclusivity what if you just have this project that exists on your platform that is a big deal for that audience and i think even though that takes longer and is harder to do i think long term that'll that'll provide more fruit for xbox as long as they're consistent as long as they don't do what they did at 360 do a bunch of really cool exclusive games and then just let them sit forever and never touch them ever again okay uh let's see here uh michael says did anyone rage out by the lack of xbox support final fantasy 7 remake play the final fantasy games that have been on game pass i mean i don't know i some of them probably have some of them just probably want final fantasy on the platform and are upset about that but uh rel says if wulong hit on xbox it'll be hard to keep jlpgs off xbox i'm sure neo series will come to xbox if it hit yeah i'm surprised neil can never came to xbox but i wonder if that's maybe a con contractual thing but yeah i don't i can't think if it was published by playstation published by playstation overseas uh but it's not published it by playstation in the us so i don't know i don't know what's up with what's up up with that series it could just be you know sony paid for it and maybe they feel it's like not worth porting to xbox but we got team ninja now in a new game so and some game pass neo slaps both neo one and two are really really good uh fried melon says i believe at this point xbox needs to purchase a japanese developer after abk or strike an ea playstyle deal with one even with the strides they've made it's still their biggest weakest weakness yeah i mean xbox is kind of cozy with sega miles what do you think the chances are for like something like sonic frontier to hit day one game pass bro that would be interesting but right now the conversations surrounding sonic frontiers aren't super positive it's not a healthy one well i don't know if that would be the holiday game pass banger that everyone wants but again we've seen up this budding and expanding relationship between xbox and sega and we're getting persona so maybe they'll lean into that more and maybe i think it would be interesting would it set the world on fire it depends how good or bad sonic frontiers ends up being yeah uh georgie oh this one's that directed two miles and it's not a nice one miles enforces that nice guy toxic positivity there it is toxic positivity what does that mean what is toxic pockets so toxic positivity is this ideal that you downplay any and all criticism under the guise of positivity i push back firmly against that um because people can have criticisms people just on the internet just don't know how to articulate themselves they really don't you know you only have 240 characters right so it's actually rand told me that um a little while ago it was really amazing he said twitter is not a place for nuanced conversation you only have 240 characters and tone and explanation are never going to come across properly so why bother and i'm like dang i wish i could listen to rand's advice more often because i'm on twitter way too much but you know most i i like to try to have the conversations on twitter i don't think it's impossible it's just people i don't know some people have a heart in it the correction is that's my main my main problem on twitter is i have this uh all this knowledge because i pay attention to video gaming stuff way too much and then people come out with this bad faith opinion or bad faith um factoid right and i'm like no i can't allow that as the encyclopedia britannica of this video game discussion i want to give you my expertise because you don't know what you're talking about but i'll try and do it uh with some with some stank on it uh some stanks like like i'm a little bit of a snarkiness you know like my my really good friend told me cole i can't stand when you come off as uh really snobby about how you you know have the answer to something like oh i'm like tommy boy in the car while he's eating m m's we have a thick candy show i'm surprised you didn't know that like tommy boy finally knew something that richard didn't know and that's that's what we do enjoy it have some fun but quickly rude quit calling people names calling people names or insulting them because their video game information or opinion doesn't line up with yours knock it off yeah let's we can have some conversations on twitter i'm firmly in that camp and again yeah it's about how you articulate yourself because at the end of the day when we're talking about video games when we're talking about anything in this industry somewhere along the line there is a person at the under other end of that and so if you just want to be disgusting and vile and just spit the most horrendous things you've ever seen online towards someone that's your prerogative you know freedom of speech god bless america you can do whatever you want but that's just not how i carry myself and some people twist that into toxic positivity i guess i'll give you guys a little bit of um insight uh as a guy who's 76 years old and been on this planet for a long time um most of the time when somebody comes at you like very rude and vile and uh uh what's what's the word like just very uh insulting and comes at you to mock uh most of the time that person is going through something very difficult in their life and i'm not saying that to say we should be careful and we should be sensitive i'm just giving you a heads up that the person who acts like that they're having a very difficult time in their life and they're projecting it out and and uh hey misery loves company this really is true yeah i've been there before hk gaming says you like waffles why do you hate pancakes yeah that's like i did a joke tweet a while ago to see if people could turn candies into a fight it was a it was just a funny goofy social experiment and i said this candy is the best candy and it was haribo gummy bears i said that's the best candy on earth oh gross and even that thread somehow devolved into like racism and horrible horrible comments like racism it's candy it's i want to have hope for humanity but if we can't even talk about our opinions on candy on twitter without it turning awful i don't i don't know what to do the whole thing about like these four movies three can stay one must go can turn into a very nasty argument so anyway yeah anyway i'm glad we're getting yeah this is going pretty good do we even need jazz i miss jess right now yeah i know right i love jokes i i miss i miss jess but he be here with with his takes too you know i'm gonna be interested in seeing what what he would make of all this because i know i know he would have really something to say about the whole starfield stuff like he was going off to me about it and like the dms you see the ratio he gave dreamcast guy in his dreamcast guys video no i didn't yeah dreamcast guy like tweeted out like people are hating starfield blah blah blah with you know the typical you know youtuber thumbnail uh and i i'm i'm i'm good friends with dreamcast guys so this isn't like a shot of him or anything but like jazz literally retwied replied to the tweet with just lull and like oh gosh yeah he just like completely ratioed uh dreamcast guys like tweet about it is kind of funny um let's see we got brett saying they win sometimes they lose sometimes and then there's sega uh jacob says i disagree sony paid for one year time then one more year then it was fully exclusive so technically square and or sony broke their contract well i don't know about that i don't think anyone has the full details right now and if we would be seeing a a breaking report if anyone had that info for sure it'd be nice if somebody would go and ask those questions though like they did with rise of the tomb raider you know uh rdx on a fed says cod has to go to switch if not exclusive uh right well they've said they want to bring cod to the switch or yeah i mean they've already said that so yeah rather miscon cisco says thanks for all the show rand is such a great host well thank you uh leonardo says will starfield be rated teen i saw no blood yeah you know that's interesting it'll be rated m also said there was no gore but we also didn't see anything up close uh if you played fallout 4 for as many much as i have there's plenty there's dismemberment and all that stuff in there we also have seen melee weapons so they'll they'll be blood yeah because even skyrim is rated m and that's i feel like in the grand scheme of things pretty tame like there's skulls and there's blood but also has almost zero language in it miles yeah i don't know if you knew that there i don't really think there are any swear words in the game at all um but fallout 4 has lots of strong language and dismemberment and like fallout makes more sense with the m rating because yeah the undertones the mutants the monsters the the blood and gore and severed body parts but and yeah all the uh raiders and stuff but yeah yeah uh deaf side says xbox avengers 1. x2 plus xnc plus god plus rdx plus ilp hmm we need to that many people on one podcast that's a lot of people oh my gosh a lot of people remember when somebody said to us miles why don't you guys all stream this showcase together yeah you were like that would be chaos just let's have 50 xbox youtubers on one show together and see what happens and just see what happens chaos would happen uh dave ramos says do you think we'll ever see a triple a of episodic title as a person in games maybe 10 hours a week smaller to decibel chun chunks is alluring a triple a episodic title i mean it was rumored that perfect dark was episodic but that's i think that's been yeah uh washed away because we've seen people try like hitman tried yeah and then they basically had to stop that for the second game i i think the industry they were kind of like yeah episode's gonna be the new thing but even like the ones who did episodic moved away from it um uh the people that did like life is strange and even telltale like they just started to drop everything uh like once again you know like once like the full package is life strange is like yeah i don't think i don't think episodic works anymore i don't know i think there was just everybody just pushed against it it was just like yeah consumers don't want this or because gaming's so different than everything else you could get an episode in march and then the next episode isn't until like a year later it wouldn't work tv and stuff like that it's a little bit different because you know it's just faster to make stuff so i mean maybe if you could do like tell me why where xbox did tell me why and they released an episode every week because it was all finished and they just did it weekly i don't know interesting i don't know if like that was good for them or whatever but yeah hitman they tried to do it everybody hated it and they're like all right we're not doing that anymore and then this the series went on to i mean it was already popular but hitman 3 like broke all these sales records and stuff so yeah because the original one it bummed me out because the first episode was so so good yep but then we waited yeah like what six months it was like six months for the second one or something and by that point you're just like ugh it moved on like i didn't even come back because i was it had been so long yeah uh neon noir says golden golden eye remake was already leaked years ago it was finished in 2008 and blocked by nintendo it's pretty good would have been a hit on 360. yeah i believe that's the case i don't i don't know what version of this we're gonna get when they do release it i mean the 25th anniversary is in august that's got to be when it's coming out and it's probably going to be nintendo who releases there's the current rumor yeah that the nintendo direct at the end of june potentially is when they're going to announce that it's coming to switch online and then after that it'll be announced the remastered version i don't know but the achievements are on the xbox website right now so there's something sitting in the back end yeah joe sinister says so guys now that persona 3 4 and 5 is on xbox finally does this mean the floodgates are open is persona 6 a day 1 on xbox that's the unless the world's yeah like once again like if a series has been exclusive for x amount of time whatever but like we saw with yakuza we got a bunch of yakuza games building up and then like a dragon boom new release day and date on xbox and even judgment judgment came and lost judgment yeah day one yeah let's go persona six yeah and i was told when when phil goes to japan he really is at japan he doesn't just go to kind of check out what's going on in the business like when he flies all the way over there they have several things that he is trying to accomplish and we've seen major headway in japan and super weird to see the series x even as well as series s doing really well when they did almost nothing before and we're starting to see the payoff of japanese games on xbox it's only just begun because last generation it wasn't just japan that didn't want the xbox one it was much of the gaming world didn't want that console so there'll be major changes just takes time but they're making headway with games like yakuza and persona and all this is all happening i mean i mean you would think with the persona games coming before persona 6 that persona 6 would hit xbox but you never know yeah you never know nothing's official it's official but one interesting development i think if playstation paid for it it wouldn't be there but it looks like persona is now uh going to releasing on xbox that that that was already like they got those old games over there so that's just the start i i just think it's i can't wait miles you know what i can't wait for i can't wait for colt to play persona 5 royale yeah dude you're going to stream it cole i may have to i've had people been telling me for five or six years on my channel how much i have to play it um it's one of those games like 100 people consider to be like one of the best yeah that's like 120 140 hour game isn't it i have a crackdown i haven't finished it because yeah somebody my friend told me just doing the main campaign not doing all the side quests was like 90 hours and i was like oh no yeah that's a lot of game people are asking if jess is okay yes jez is okay he just wasn't on this show because it's really hot in the uk and he doesn't have air conditioning so his uh computer would shut off every five minutes because it's too hot so he'll be back next week okay just a little sweaty yes steven boxie says am i the only one hyped for flintlock i need fable yes i'm excited look really cool i know miles yeah you that kind of had a dark soulsian vibe kind of a lot of really cool creatures like a couple standouts for me this year in terms of like creature design flintlock look looked amazing and nightingale nobody's really talking about that but the world that we saw of nightingale oh yeah give me weird creatures that's what it's all about you they're giving you the weird and creepy this past couple years and i'm tired of you being so satisfied i'm eating good dude like a lot of this year's just kind of catered to me and i'm just kicking back and i'm just i'm living my best life y'all that's all people are asking if jess is doing better because when he was he was sick on monday i mean he hasn't said anything to me about uh being sick anymore so i think he's over it i think he's i think he's over it uh rennell uh wow what is that what is that what is cop call you ever seen that before where is it oh um i could look it up for you my i've never seen that one before my bro uh he says don't mention episodes please i'm still waiting for half-life 2 episode 3 from our lord and savior gabe newell aren't we all why hasn't valve ever done a three like it's i know it's the meme and it's been a long meme at this point but it's why uh three dollars colombian pesos ooh colombian oh chloe who is that rennell rennell uh i've never seen that before i've never seen cop shout out to the colombian representation that's awesome yeah you've had people from all over in here somebody from amsterdam watching whoo i was when i was doing the showcase live i was like where's everybody from and someone's like i'm from iran or i'm from over here and i'm like oh man that's crazy and then someone's like i'm from north korea and i'm like doubtful i'm like that's like that that's like the view all youtubers strive for because it's the one that's impossible to get and i'm like so you're one of the few people in north korea with internet access and you've just chosen to watch my reaction to the xbox showcase you know like i wish uh let's see um wydia says what will it take for companies to come back to e3 when they can do state of plays and directs online and cheaper honestly i don't think they're i don't think e3 is coming back that's that is the the million dollar question because e3 charges so much money to have a convention and the first year a lot of people are struggling to figure out how to make it work what are the logistics of doing it online but now that we're a couple years separated everybody's figured it out and everybody understands i don't it's not i don't want to say it's easy because it is a huge coordinated effort to make all this happen but people can do it and it is way cheaper and really i think it's a lot more efficient for them too so the other problem is all of the media and their journalists employees they no longer have to fly them out to the event and pay their per diem in their hotel stay and pay them for their time they can be at home and report from all these events from home and get the full experience and it's not really the experience it's the it's the journalists getting access to the content via a stream and press release but media packets and all that other stuff that they can get digitally um but i do think uh esa is going to bring it back it's just at this point for on rand's side will enough people show up where esa takes an l next june like we tried to bring it back only half the people came and uh we lost our butts on it that could be what could happen i i just think next year you're going to get a post at some point that'd be like we decided no no rand physical e3 they decided not they backed out of this e3 because the restrictions were still very iffy early on in the year and california relaxed up on things uh later on this spring but esa had already made their decision and they stuck with it yeah i just don't think e3 is really coming back it's gonna be so hard for it to come back in the way that we know it was i don't think it'll ever be back to that level ever but whitia says i love the xbox 2 with miles down pa and rand oh true xbox two no i couldn't i couldn't betray jessica brandon colt brandon miles and randon jazz you should hear some of our conversations being coldhaven party chat or on the phone that's oh uh let's see we got uh i think the last one geez has been a lot of them gamer by choice social media shows how bad people are in the world ain't that the truth twitter's all about dunking on people and hot takes and gotcha moments yeah it's my favorite we'll we'll close this with this one my favorite was um i've got two of them most recently i said uh how excited i was that ray tracy was going to be in game for forza motorsport and i was i had tweeted it in a break while i was playing forza horizon 5 in my racing sim setup sitting in my in my chair with the steering wheel and we were waiting for dealer to start the next race and i tweeted out i'm so excited about ray tracing before the motorsport some guy tried to get me on a gotcha moment says these fake youtubers who don't even like racing games and won't even get the balls to get a racing sim and he had a little video of him with a racing wheel in front of his tv and i said my bro i am literally right now racing in my already prestiged forza horizon 5 where i've leveled up past 100 and i've turned it over to 67 again or something uh what was the other one ran somebody said uh i was just about to i was just about to ask cole if you ignored this bad take or if you engaged i didn't but i was nice to him i said i said oh hey dude that's so funny because i'm actually sitting in my racing seat i got up out of the seat and took a picture of me in with my tv like i'm in the middle of a racing session with my friend gaz and dealer and he never said anything hmm he never said anything he were here he always replies i always i always treat everybody the same it's like ever that's that meme with the kid in the school where's his veins are bulging out and he's like twitter sitting at his desk that's right oh and i also you know what's funny you make that joke rand the other day someone said colt is so out of touch he never even talks to anybody in the community he doesn't bother responding he just he just ignores everyone hmm so it's like what do you mean colt responds to everyone yeah i just about do and i treat everybody about the same like if somebody comes at me with a bad take uh usually i'll try and pretend like they're not being an a-hole but whatever um what was there was an announcement about something coming to xbox oh madden it was the madden thing that was the other funny thing that there was that rumor that madden was coming to game pass day and date because a bunch of xbox sites had it wrong on their site and some guy goes this you and you had a screenshot of my gamer score where i have zero points in madden and i'm like what what does that have to do with me loving madden i just said if this comes to game pass this would be a huge deal this is this yeah again as we touched on earlier bad fate bad bad bad faith yep yep really bad this you yeah like i have to play i have to play amanda announce how big of a deal that would be on game pass a 70 game coming to game pass every year would be pretty big deal i mean uh major league also one of the best selling games over here as well yeah yeah yeah but anyway you know how people are that's enough of that it's uh i mean whoo this i didn't think the show would go this long what are we at i came in late it's got like 1200 people uh listening to this uh keep going three and a half hours later my butt's kind of getting a little sore you know i need a little food i'm butt's a little sweaty but yeah i'm gonna go get one of those uh what do you call them pop po put up the kids you guys in the chat can be jealous i got to sit down and have a meal papa with miles dampier in real real we remember had a real face-to-face conversation i ordered some dank burger and what did you have this is oh see i'm not the only thing that looks disgusting it doesn't look like i think it looks fantastic i wouldn't get this what is it no is this like uh supposed to be a calzone like their own that's like a calzone sandwich yeah it's no thanks no thanks again i want to try one once just to say i have and i've been talking about it for well over a year but i just i can't every time i go on the website to order one i look at the picture and go don't don't do it man don't ruin your day like this like ew dude now i'm not even hungry anymore i saw this and my hunger vanished all right i guess we gotta go for guys thank you so much for having me on rand i've waved like i got a camera i'm so used to that i know he's like waving thanks thanks for coming on colt uh everybody's already subscribed to you even though uh i put your link in the description to your channel uh what do you got going on soon uh i'm putting together a video about uh some of this tech and what's going on with these new games and i decided not to report on the whole showcase because i did it on the show and it's been a week and i just came home and i freaking was tired for three days straight i'm too old for this stuff but i'll do it again next year but yeah thanks for for supporting me everybody and and uh people cereal paul messaged me so check your dms to make sure that i would check up on them uh but yeah you guys are all amazing people are saying we need to make this a new podcast the xbox three miles colton rand needs to be a new show see we're the only podcast out here not afraid to talk about papa diaz for 20 to 30 minutes at a time the xbox three ran colton miles but uh thanks for coming on miles appreciate it i know you're not doing your show tomorrow that you normally do but uh i put your link to twitter because i don't know if you want the chatter day link so you can everybody can follow miles on twitter for his awful nintendo takes and his pokemon stuff oh come on you know come on uh rand despite your constant bullying uh it was fun to be on always love hanging out with you gotta talk to colt gotta talk to rand gotta talk to king got to talk to paris briefly thankfully it was brief um if you want to follow me on twitter if you already if you don't um yeah that's like i said i'm on twitter way too much uh most of my work you can find on windows central gaming up coming off a crazy two weeks over there of coverage um but i'm getting close to 10 000 followers on twitter guys i'm getting there you're getting there well congrats and uh jess wishes he could be here but his pc is pieces piece of piece of crap and apparently they don't got ac in the uk uh it's it's it's it's 88 degrees here by me but so let me get this straight on it's so good it's blowing on me right now nice and cool you know they have beans for breakfast and no air conditioning in the uk apparently not apparently they don't have that that's just it sounds like a hellscape i'm sorry yeah so if you guys do a big favor like the show uh you can always hit the like button subscribe if you're new follow colt miles king david in paris uh link's in the description it was uh it was a really fun show it's not often we get to have the guests on we do it like every blue moon but it was fun and we will be back with probably a regular episode next week so until then you know everybody uh keep it gaming enjoy your gaming enjoy be nice there we go colt be nice you
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 281,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, xbox series x, xbox series, xbox x, series x, xbox one, xbox one x, xbox series s, series s, game pass, xbox game pass, xbox series x news, starfield, final fantasy 7 remake, forza motorsport, xbox update, xbox showcase 2022, xbox series x exclusives, xbox exclusives, xbox 2022, xbox games, xbox & bethesda games showcase, xbox e3 2022, xbox & bethesda games showcase 2022, microsoft, xbox showcase, xbox bethesda, xbox series x games, xbox game studios, xbox news
Id: kqKvWITKbcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 10sec (14170 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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