Baldur's Gate 3 is Fantastic! - Noclip Podcast #139

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foreign Hello friends and welcome to episode 139 feeling fine Frank Cali how are you doing my friend I'm good uh yeah this is so I this the only thing that rushes my head last week I had to deal with uh flat tires on my bicycle I fixed my own bicycle now I can ride it fine and it's easier to ride than ever because the last I don't know two weeks have probably had a bad tire so I'm happy and I legitly want to ride my bike after this is over so I'm excited damn wait did you have a slow puncture for two weeks I didn't know I didn't know I was talking to Jeremy about this like a week ago this is my first time dealing with it like a week ago I was gonna ride my bicycle and then there was a flat tire so I had to go to Target buy a pump pumped it back up I thought it was fine started riding my bike halfway through the ride it was flat again so I had to walk like five miles back home and push my bike I'm so dumb I pumped it back up again I was like okay this seems like it's fine wrote again same thing happened I was like okay so I'm very stubborn and so yeah I'm just impressed that you managed to cycle a bike for presumably a long period of time without ever pumping the wheels off I'm right I didn't know I so I learned something every week so that was like yeah is it like a mountain bike or is it a road bike it's a hybrid it's called a gravel bike but it's like yeah I can do Road and uh mountains well all terrain yeah so yeah a nice one you got the did you get the uh the tube replaced that's what it was yeah and so I know it's like changing guitar strings I know I could probably learn how to do it myself but they I it is it is annoying it is annoying I went to if you're in Southern California I went to Pure ride cycle in Mission Viejo like incredible customer service they're very friendly so I got it I you know I had someone else take care of it it was great and uh and then yesterday it was nice yeah use offer called no clue Cycles 15 off diegetic ads here yeah built in for the podcast um Jeremy Jane Have You Ever Had A A pogshar have you ever successfully repaired a a broken tube yes a thousand times and Frank it is the guitar strings thing is the Perfect Analogy because it's one of those things where you need a specific tool to do it and even if you've done it 1000 times every time I start I'm like I don't know if I know how to do this uh but yeah I uh I used to ride my bike in Boston down Comm Ave to college I lived like two miles from Boston University where I went to film school and uh the streets are just littered with broken glass I lived in like a student ghetto wow and so every you know every weekend you would just hear people getting drunk and smashing bottles in the streets uh so I had I probably went through about 50 to 60 tubes oh my God in my college career that's wild so I'm an old hand at it yeah not even like like actual Proper Cuts as well that's that's killer I always liking this to uh trying to put a Band-Aid on in the shower oh it's just like when you're doing that whether it's the glue or the patches or whatever it is I'm like that's not gonna hold like I have no confidence that that's gonna get me home you know what I mean yeah and and if you're trying to just change the tube on a road bike they're so thin that but you need to apply so much force to get it in there that it's like fingers or like yeah that last bit it's like the you know when you're like trying to put the lid on the Big Gulp and it won't let the light won't snap on the corner yeah it's the worst man man oh man well Frank howley's summer of cycling continues look at this your arm is feeling better show us can you use some calisthenics with the YouTube audience can show us some full range of motion here I can finally lift a kettlebell again like oh god oh look at that he's doing one-handed oh my God one-handed for our friends over in audio land Frank Kelly is pumping iron like Arnold Schwarzenegger does it feel like you're coming every time yeah yeah very much so uh welcome like I said to the Noka podcast episode 139 of course this is all supported by the wonderful people over noclip and our amazing battle pass holders Battle Royale games Arno Richard matherson James Brown Jason Drury Mark Rojas Ryan Cobb Cody Krieger Tucker Morgan Crimson cyclists Sven whose Crimson cyclist probably replaced a tube or two uh Sven huster Carson Tim Robinson Forest Pruitt Andy Fegan Darren Birmingham our Eric Hamilton Schneider a bit of a pause there for Eric Eric Hamilton Schneider I'm relaxed Alex sharp Alex sharp Alex sharp I feel like Alex sharp always gets the sort of wrong end of the stick because the camera he's like the January 1st of this affair you know what I mean like everyone's like tired after you're hungover from camera lad just a great night of Cameron ladding yeah um and then Alex sharp is like on the cool end of that so Alex sharp though is in good company with his brother in names Alex gouche uh George sakotas Jacob godserve silventro it's actually an all caps so maybe it should be true uh James Andrew Adams toe here tilliev and rycin I love our battle pass holders and all of our patrons because it's kind of like Formula One drivers it's just names from all over the world that you'd never normally hear if you were like at a high school elementary or something when they're reading at the role or what did you guys call it when they read it the names like attendance attendance oh yeah yeah yeah what did you say here present something like that yeah yeah we said onsha which is uh here in Irish okay that's cool yeah and they read your name in Irish too so why was Donald duir I think I jokingly at Gamespot to you one time called you Danny o'douier and you're like how did you know my last name in Irish wow yeah yeah good ROM good memory there um Tim Robinson like memory I've been watching that Boku no yatsu masumi what how do you say it again oh yeah oh Tim Rogers video on Pokemon Yeah Tim Robbins Roger sorry not yeah no it's all right I love that's probably my current favorite YouTube video on the entirety of YouTube It's amazing he's he's currently visiting his school his childhood school I love that part yeah his video essays are absolutely insane in that video game I know we talked about it I feel like last year when when that movie came video came out you guys were talking about it yeah um I've had a a blast uh watching that one why did that come up oh yeah my favorite one was Kevin McSweeney was right beside me and his name is Irish was quivin Maxwell which is like some sort of Star Trek [ __ ] anyway we're not here to talk about weird Irish names we're here to talk about actually we might end up talking about weird Irish names in a second um because we're here to talk about video games and I think the most uh prescient video game we can talk about is right now is the third Baldur's Gate appropriately titled Baldur's Gate three myself and Jeremy have played it it sounds like we have both played it but not much of it so we probably can't come to many broad conclusions about the quality they're in uh but Jeremy well have you enjoyed your uh your initial steps into the world of Baldur's Gate into Kevin Van ord's beautiful larion Studios is uh uh incredible 21st century um I'm assuming Baldur's Gate 2 came out before the 911 I'm not sure anyway what do you think of all this gay three Jeremy Jane well uh on that note seguing from 911 to Baldur's gay three uh yeah also I think they should have called it Kevin venord's Baldur gate Baldur's Gate three I think that would have been a really good title um yeah it came out in 2002 did bollocks though coincidence I think not um I I [ __ ] judging by the start of this game true absolutely true um yeah I I absolutely love it so far so I am currently uh for for uh Keen Watchers of the YouTube audience I for quinoa Watchers of the video audience I am not in my normal office and that's because I'm at a house sitting with my partner up way up in the uh Forest lined Mendocino and so beautiful I had to play a little Baldur's Gate 3 before I left for this trip because I'm in a Discord group with my friends who are all playing Baldur's Gate 3 and I have begged them to not send me screenshots and yet they persist to send me screenshots because I mean who am I to to put a lid on their enthusiasm for what is probably the greatest game of the 2020s if I'm after three hours I feel confident that it is the greatest game it's pretty [ __ ] good you ever Jay it's really good I uh I mean Divinity original sin 2 is one of my favorite games of all time in fact I I don't know if I've mentioned this on the podcast before but I when I played Divinity original sin 2 I did not have a gaming PC because my gaming easy is my noclip edit PC did you mentioned you streamed it yeah a few weeks ago on G-Force now for 150 hours streamed it so like my my commitment to larion's vision is it runs deep within my soul um Baldur's Gate 3 is unbelievable I mean it's it is so similar to Divinity original sin 2 and all the ways that it needs to be but um but the World building of the I mean I haven't played all of Baldur's Gate one and two I've dabbled with them a little bit I've played all of dark Alliance um so I I'm not a super hardcore Baldur's Gate fan but the World building in the Baldur's Gates game of games are like I don't know there's just Divinity original sin is this kind of like it has Darkness to it but it's this sort of classic fantasy of like it almost reminds me there's no unicorns in it I don't think but it reminds me of that type of fantasy like like almost a Lisa Frank version of of like Lord of the Rings fantasy Baldur's Gate is more like tentacles and Scorn looking like terminals with tubes coming out of them and [ __ ] um and yeah it's just like it's it just for my money that's what I want out of fantasies I want to be I want to be immersed and I want to be like on a mystical Journey but I want it to be frightening and alien and cold and just like mysterious I wanna my serious Adventure needs to feel mysterious you know what I mean yeah one thing I want to ask you actually about it um because you've played Divinity original sin too and I've I've not I've not played Divine Divinity Divinity original sin I am I'm divinity-less in the world um the way in which like the camera and Mouse stuff operates I always had in my head that Divinity was way more isometric is it or is it like this where you can like really get in there because like if you plug a controller into this game it just control it's the it's the Witcher like the camera goes right behind the car like they swap the game like changes it goes oh you don't you run them in a controller cool a camera's gonna go right behind the character now and you've got hotkeys on your on your shoulder buttons I was like that's incredible oh really does it control like that too with a joystick you you literally no character control and camera control like you were geralt in The Witcher yeah no way I did not know that crazy I saw someone post a video on Twitter and I was like no [ __ ] way and I just plugged in the controller and I suddenly I was like just running around that's unbelievable it's also it speaks to like if you just build Goods systems and a good world and good writing and all these things that the the change in perspective is almost like what feels like a totally different genre of video game is almost just kind of a trivial change of perspective you know what I mean like I I picture a world in which Witcher 3 has a mod where it controls like a classic crpg and it would probably be a really good video game but it was Divinity isometric sort of more awesome uh if I haven't played it since you know probably like six years five or six years uh if I recall it's pretty much similar I'm pretty sure you can zoom in rotate the camera and everything yeah yeah it's a level of detail a bit more in this or because I mean the originals into is very detailed it's pretty similar maybe this is just like an extension of my crpg sort of like uh second comic or first coming rebirth as a crpg evangelist um that I just I I never got around to Divinity or anything the thing that blows me away about this I'm like you know we talked about it a little bit a couple weeks ago when I was talking about my crpg stuff where like I don't know a lot of these games are menu heavy and a little bit I don't know I'm not sure if it's Jank but it's it's they're a little bit like wordy you have to read a lot and there's like you have to like concentrate and I don't know what it is but like there's an element of like a lot of action games like when you play Call of Duty as a first person shooter the way in which like things appear and communicate to you on the screen is very like uh I don't know Punchy and direct and it's just Flawless and everything works really well and I remember like when World of Warcraft came out that was a game that got me into fantasy stuff because they did such a good job of a kind of like um I don't know not simplifying or dumbing down all of the stats and stuff because why I was quite a stat heavy game and like you know all the the systems heavy game and all that sort of stuff but it presented it in such an incredibly like well-produced way like it was thoughtful in like where information was located so you weren't constantly bombarded with menus but then also like just the sound design and the animations and the pops and the the like you know when you level up Ding and the punchiness of like it almost has like a Pachinko or like a mobile game feel to it and while this K3 is like it feels like the quality of the game feels like World of Warcraft and feels like I don't know like the way in which the camera moves and all that sort of stuff feels like the best moments of like a Mass Effect 2 or something like that like if in a way it's you know we like complain or like we Gamers writ large have been complaining about games coming out of certain Studios that just don't feel like they're polished or finished or anything and for the longest time I think I was a little bit you know um empathetic towards those Studios because I'm like making games as hard and these systems are hard and 4K and all this sort of stuff and then larion comes around and this game was just like [ __ ] perfect like it just runs perfect everything looks great like all the like systems and it's just effortless and it seems to work amazing and I'm just like [ __ ] like all games why aren't all games this good like I don't I've never played a ball of this gate game I do not do DND stuff and I am like completely besotted with this game I've only played like maybe three or four hours but like I'm like oh no I'm I'm going through this this isn't like me dipping my toe into you know uh into some of these other games I've been playing for the past couple weeks like pillows of Eternity too or you know games I'm not quite sure if I'll see them through although I do want to play more of that this is like oh no I'm like addicted like wild out this is yeah so good yeah the um it's funny there's a term in uh specifically I've seen it a lot in like Dev videos about Indie Game Dev people talk about like juice uh which is adding things like screen shake and audio feedback and like happy feedback all these things that kind of you know it doesn't change the actions that you're doing in the game but it changes the way that they feel um and I I feel like uh the the sounds and the like visual effects and the visual feedback and like all of the things outside of the gameplay in this game are so good that it uh it invites you to like keep investigating these really deep systems because it is really complex like how long did you spend on the character creation screen because oh my God first of all this is like just making like the most [ __ ] characters in the world oh yeah all of them are just gorgeous I mean even the ugly ones are just like yeah I could get into that though yeah and you can select penis a through e of course oh yeah yeah there's only two vulvas though but there's like there's like six decks I guess you know you got circumcised you got an uncircumcised um yeah you're also like can be super fluid with like voices genders body types all that sort of stuff um obviously then there's like you know Dragon people and lizard people and you know two different types of small person and two different types of Elf and all this sort of stuff who did you make what was your idea I spent Forever on that thing it was so much fun the music was beautiful as well yeah I was gonna say the music is so good yeah that's that it goes to my point about like juice is just that even though this game is so complex it's constantly inviting your attention to draw back to it so even when I staring at a huge thing and it's like I have to read all of these spells and see what they do and decide if this is for me in the background is like a beautiful woman's voice singing like Celtic Melodies yeah and I was like oh man I just want to be down by the river like acid spells um yeah my character is a uh my character is a non-binary half-orc cleric um yeah uh named jair uh which is j-a-y-r-e but it's the way that you say my jair which is what everyone calls me yeah but it's a j-a-y-r-e because it has to be fantasy you know exactly it's a y in there see I have an easy out I just pick Irish names I just go straight for the I used to have like Frack or something in World of Warcraft it was just like rage uh this one I picked a uh she's a lady wood elf um no a half elf but her half elf is from the wood people and her name is edwilogue which nice Irish listeners will know is the Irish for leaf which seemed thematically appropriate um yeah and then yeah and then you also make like a second weird character who I guess turns up at some stage yeah I have not gotten to that person yet uh yeah so I'm curious how they'll tie in there was one cinematic thing that I thought might be alluding to them but I wasn't sure um because I'm still really early on in this game uh also this I won't spoil any story details or anything but it is very funny structurally how much the intro is like divinity original sin too oh is it really okay it's very very similar it's kind of like a Bizarro version of it like I felt like I was playing like an homage to Divinity original sin too um but yeah no but there was there wasn't ship a whole thing about a ship yeah um the whole intro was on a ship uh cutscenes are also like wow level like oh they're it's unbelievable the writing too is like I so I've uh I I've dabbled in Diablo for I have not played it myself but I've been watching a lot of friends stream it and I've been watching videos of it just because like I'm a huge fan of crpgs and action RPGs Diablo one and two are two of my favorite games ever so I was very curious about what Diablo 4 is like like and it's funny comparing Diablo 4 to Baldur's Gate 3 just from purely just like looking at them and comparing them because Diablo 4 is incredibly polished and you know the voice the performances the voice acting is really good it looks unbelievable but the level of writing in larion games is just on another level like the the emotional Pathos in me just like shoots up when I hear these characters talk they just feel like real people um I'm trying to think of an example I don't want to talk too much about any specifics even though it's early in the game but there was one character I met who initially when I was talking to them was kind of very jokey and like poking fun and then I spoke to them later like maybe an hour later at camp with my party and they were they were very kind of like serious and dour uh and feeling very bummed out about the state of things and it's really interesting because I I feel like that's such good character writing to have like to to have them contain multitudes you know it's easy to lean on an archetype of a character and be like oh he's like the comedic character he's like the guy who's always cracking jokes uh but but real people aren't like that real people are like sometimes they're in a bad mood sometimes they're joking around sometimes they're just like feeling prickly that day uh and yeah I don't know there's just a real level of depth it doesn't feel like the game is trying to make you like these characters and implicitly it's trying to like invite you to be curious about them as a as like complex beings not just kind of like tokens symbols of archetypes or whatever yeah it's uh there's there's so much like every like you said like every little element of the game I feel like I could spend five minutes explaining or talking about why I think they do it better than other things like yeah even the character creation stuff was effortless it was so much fun to be in that world it also wasn't like overly crazy with some of the personalization stuff like it had such a great fine balance of I'm gonna mess around with this and the way they communicated because when you look like a d d character she's you know and and you've got the the you know the d d book there and you're looking at like okay you know tieflings they get like you know one uh two spells and one can trip or any of this sort of stuff but the way that they do it in this word the menu sort of is linear and when you choose your class it like shifts the menus around and lets you it's so like it's you can just tell this thing was designed within an inch of its life like I think we could do if we were to do a documentary on this you could do a whole documentary about the like a whole video about the Character Creator you could do a 20 minute video about how the [ __ ] dice rolls work in this game yeah like talk about did you say the juice juice yeah the sounds and like the like it's it's crunchy and it's so it's it's more trembly yeah it's yeah you're right yeah the sound design is unbelievable and like the the D20 when you roll it and all the like stuff comes it's like they they got a bunch of people who work on pachinko machines or like match three games or something yeah like to they just squeezed all the juice on it's so satisfying and when you get that like it'll like lands and then it tells you like oh you got like eight and then there's your plus three here which goes on to it and that's the role you were trying to beat and then success and success comes up like it's like oh man it's so good I know I feel like I'm winning a slot machine bonus every time I get payroll I I it is a good point though like um because like you said the games like this it's it's uh it's kind of the industry standard going back these are menu heavy games they're text Heavy games they're systems heavy games and they have to be because they're essentially not imitating Dungeons and Dragons but taking a lot of those conventions from tabletop and trying to transpose them into a crg format and so inherently they're going to be very data heavy because if if you want to create a game where a player can do a wide range of options you need to give the player a wide range of options and to do so I mean the combat in this if you look at the bottom the skill bar there's way more stuff than Divinity original sin 2 because they're like you know here's all your spells here's all your attacks and stuff but there's also like push trip like whatever all those little things the physical apps jump yeah exactly um yeah and and I think it would have been very very easy to do that in a less streamlined efficient way and and have a game where anyone who isn't super steeped in these type of games is immediately like their brain just turns off they're like why I don't want to learn all this this is my first combat ever and I have a thousand options I can do you know what I mean yeah I wish I am yeah my my eyes glaze over like that's I have and and I think like a lot a lot of like me talking about this stuff over the past couple weeks is Me Maybe being at a place where I am able to do this now maybe I wasn't didn't have the patience for 10 15 years ago um just on that a couple of other things I want to sort of like dive into and sorry Frank I know you're sort of like this it's hard for you to jump in here I'll ask you about um uh your experience or if you have any questions in a second but the the uh the combat in this game so I was playing jagged lines three a couple weeks ago and I've been continuing to play that and I've been really really enjoying it and one of the things that I enjoyed about it was um there was ways of like splitting your group apart and having some of them engaged in a combat and then having other ones like sort of prepare yourself like prepare where they go and all this sort of stuff beforehand the the combat system in in Baldur's Gate 3 is I have I don't think and I'm trying this is like again if you if this may be ignorance on my part having not played a lot of games like this or Divinity Originals into or any of the modern incarnations of this sort of stuff but it is so like free form and dynamic and malleable in a way that like my head with these games is often based on the chessboard of like this is the grid this is how much I can move I'm thinking about x-com right I'm thinking about jacket Alliance as well to a certain extent you know a lot of these games where it's more about you know especially when it's turn based it's not you know it's it's about where are the angles where the line of sight and it's all very gridded and the rules are there but because of all the different like combat systems and because of I don't know the way in which the like the grid works there is no grid and it's just so free form and to the point where like I was you know I saw some bodies there and I went into stealth mode and you can kind of see their influence cones and then two of my crew engaged in the fight and then the other two were just like walking around like while the fight was going on I had all of these enemies come to like the right side of this Castle because that's where they thought all our people were and then I had the other two like stealth around the back and there was like one Mage that was right on top of the the castle and she was like pinging my people I couldn't get up there to get her so I had the Rogue go up and just stab her in the back like but it wasn't in the turns he was just like freely doing it and then when the open just went shanked her in the back it was like it's crazy I've never played anything like this that's why these games work so well as Co-op as well uh I've played only so Divinity original sin 2 I've played a little bit of I have like two failed campaigns with my friends where we got like 10 hours in and it just fell apart uh which anyone who's ever tried to maintain a long-term Co-op any sort of game understands how hard it is uh but but yeah it's just a blast like these games were so so if you even in single player in Baldur's Gate 3 when you initiate conversation or like interact with a terminal or something like that you'll see in the bottom it says your name has initiated a conversation uh and the way it worked in Divinity original sin 2 is then if someone initiates a conversation I can go over and interact with that same person or object or whatever and it'll it'll cut me into their cutscene so I can see what they're doing and interact um yeah these games are just they're they're so seamlessly uh hinged between Co-op and single player experience like I I feel like either one kind of feels like the Divinity the definitive way to play it you know what I mean the definitive definity definity or original sin uh here's the other thing is this an immersive Sim uh that's such a good question I mean because like the amount of like options that are not explicitly said to you yeah that you can do is crazy like I am I I am like every time I'm stopping the game I'm just looking at everything in the world and going what's the trick here like I've I've heard about people like possessing cats and like getting everyone to look at the cash like all the bodies to look at the cash or like get them in to chase the cash so that they can like isolate someone to [ __ ] them up like all like all of these like animal possession and like all of these like tricks you can do the jumping where you can like cross you know areas and like all the Spells you can cast on people to change them in some way or influence them in some way like I feel like there is going to be like videos of pro DND people who are just like doing the craziest [ __ ] with this game because and the game seems to let you want to like just like I I don't understand how I haven't run into like a thousand bucks because like yeah the thing just seems so crazy systematic and complex and also free form like most systematic and complex games feel like that great you can feel the chessboard right there it feels that whereas this game feels so organic and free but then also it runs well and it doesn't seem to break all the time so I don't know what's going on yeah it does kind of just feel like the closest because I I've never played D because I've just never had a group to play with I've never been invited to play D D with anyone because I would accept a heartbeat but I feel like these games are kind of that that's what appeals to me about them is it's almost like I can play DNT by myself and the GM is just like or the DM or whatever you call it uh is is in the game it's like written into 150 hours of story or whatever but along the way it's just like oh you want to be like a goofy weirdo oh you want to be like a stealth like you know machiavelligan Monster uh and the game just like facilitates whatever you want to do it's unbelievable uh yeah it is funny to think it's like an immersive Sam uh just just because I don't usually associate that with this perspective but then weird West was very immersive semi and that was top down so yeah exactly yeah and and it has like there's so much like you know things you can do in the world that have knock-on effects like physical physically based things you know where it's like putting grease on the floor or you know fire and all this sort of stuff like there's so much and especially with the characters because like I have a character who's who's um uh impervious to fire damage and then I also have somebody else who does magic missiles so like I'm able to like set up situations where she can like make a little explosion of stuff happen around me and then I'm just like chilling yeah in Divinity original sin too I had an undead character and then I had another character who specialized in poison and poison heals Undead and hurts the living uh and so I would just I would send in my Undead Rogue and he would backstab and then I would just nuke the battlefield with poison and it would just be healing him while he was like decimating everyone that's awesome yeah yeah the builds you can do with I mean the emergency of some stuff just in terms of interaction in the world is cool but for me I think the the way that the battle system is is like immersive semi and systems driven and just so open to different play Styles and stuff it makes you it's almost like it feels like a uh like a puzzle game without that genre box around it where it's just like yeah the puzzle is just figuring out your play style and figuring out new tips and tricks and little like things you can tell yourself and be like oh next time I'm gonna like oh the uh you know healing hurts Undead um there's a bunch of skeletons around I'm gonna bring my healer out and just have him like AOE heal everyone yeah and I'm not I don't feel like I'm rushing through or anything I feel like saying I'm enjoying spending that time yeah it's really special like it's I've only played for you know I only started yesterday at some stage or maybe the day before um and I yeah I absolutely love it I feel like the past the summer for me has been a lot of trying a lot of games I'm not sticking to any one of them you know I've I've had jagged lines was one that I've dropped back into a bunch pillars of Eternity too um but and then obviously like I played other ones like planescape but I bet it's not that pretty quick like just like dabbling and now I feel like this is the one I'm going to play for like three months like this feels like that game so it's [ __ ] really good I would I mean I I do want to like I can't overemphasize I don't want to speak about like my personal experience yada yada like it's that important or anything but I do want to over emphasize the fact that this is not a game that I had any interest in in previews I do not know this genre very well I don't know D and D very well either from a playing it or the lore side of things like I think I mentioned that Dungeons and Dragons movie I really enjoyed even though I didn't know really you know I know what a can trip is so maybe I know more than like you know bloke on the street about this stuff just by osmosis because of video games but I was not like excited to play this game necessarily um and I and I love it so I think I think like if people are on the fence like it's it's worth uh worth a dabble yeah I think it's impossible I think if you play this game I think it would be very very difficult if you if you truly if you get past the Character Creator screen if you crack a beer and you sit there for an hour and you read all the Spells and you get past that I think it's it is like I just think it'd be impossible to not be Charmed by this game I just think it's incredibly well written even if you don't like fantasy even if you don't like crpgs I just think that this is kind of an undeniable force of of narrative like of Storytelling of systems of like gameplay and just like it's firing on all cylinders I just think if you like video games you would like this game yeah it feels like a mass effect too or something where even people who won't play these games are like oh yeah okay I'll check this out uh Frank if we convinced you to play Ballers K3 yeah my my thing is I'm waiting for the console release um because like I spend so much time on the computer that like if I'm gonna play a massive RPG I think I want to sit back and I've been honestly laying in my bed and playing like lost judgment which is a very like oh nice dialogue cutscene heavy game but I've enjoyed just sitting back instead of lurched over my computer um so I'll wait for the PS5 because I also have a few friends who are uh obsessed with trophies and also want to co-op it so I'm like yeah that sounds like a good gang um good show September 6th is when it comes out on uh PlayStation 5 um and also Mac which actually considering I have a Mac laptop that I use for editing that might although this game is probably going to take up most of the I think it's 135 gigs I think yeah something like that it's a big download and then Xbox series X and S is TBA so yeah um one of my questions so it seems like this game is extremely beefy does this even run on Steam deck or have people tried it I've tried I can't imagine I've tried it it's um it's uh they released a patch since I did it but I don't know if that necessarily did anything to do with the performance uh okay so it it definitely sounds like a helicopter taken off and this this was in the Character Creator like I didn't go for it in the Character Creator on this thing before I went I need to download this on my PC and I have had I think Brian altano a couple of other people in the industry I've had had the exact same thing it might have been Dave oh she's as well at New Blood and I think maybe he said it where um yeah he had the same thing as me where it was he he opened it on Steam deck and then spent 10 minutes in there went nope I gotta and the the main reason for me I think it actually might run okay but the main reason for me is that the game is so Lush and beautiful that like I actually didn't want to play it on the screen like it felt like it was like you know when it feels like textures are being like crunched a bit too much and they're kind of like you're not getting that detail I've never had that on the steam deck in my life like most games look incredible on that thing um bus yeah I I think technically it might but it's kind of like I don't know yeah I don't know what other type of game but it's so Lush and beautiful like I'm playing on the my edit machine mostly in the studio because it's got the best graphics card that my pc at home is not great it's like pretty old it's like maybe five years old at this stage um and uh I have the widescreen monitor that one of our uh patrons actually sent to the studio last year when we got this place so I'm playing on a widescreen monitor on that thing and it's just like [ __ ] Yep this is it this is the way Christopher Ronaldo wanted me to play this video game um yeah the uh the steam starts having crazy too it's got I think it's Peak players was 665 000. wow for a 24-hour Peak it's in like the top ten maybe top six or something of uh highest concurrent players on Steam wow um which is really crazy I mean it has 117 000 reviews on Steam in less than a week wow uh it's in very positive these and also I actually I guess it's not less than a week because this game wasn't Early Access for a while so there's that but it's had recent reviews so that's the past 30 days is 60 000 and over on legally positive so yeah this thing's a [ __ ] force in nature I mean the the last thing I'll say about Baldur Escape 3 is that I think I I feel like larion is so committed to this this vision of I talk a lot about old games in a in a way where I'm like waxing philosophically about like like your grandad about how games were different back in the day but I really do feel like larion is kind of this this Bastion of holding on to an older era of PC game design that I personally grew up playing and they're the games that I felt were you know like magical worlds for me to interact with games that got me interested in in crafting narratives and learning about game design and all of these things um and uh yeah again I'm not I'm not trying to like [ __ ] on Diablo 4 but it is hard not to compare two big crpgs that came out pretty close together and playing Baldur's Gate 3 and knowing that this is a studio who is committed to not having any microtransactions I think the only thing you can buy is if you get the deluxe edition I think you get like a Capers I can't remember okay yeah but but there's no like store in the game where you can buy little Trinkets and stuff and to me me I know a lot of people are not bothered by that stuff but to me it is it is such a atmospheric hit that it's like playing Baldur's Gate 3 is like other games where they're trying to sell me something I feel like I'm at the bar and someone's coming up to me like hey [ __ ] you look pretty good naked and I'm like leave me alone dude like a [ __ ] I don't want this like I know I can say no but I don't want you coming up to me and Baldur's Gate 3 is just it's like my it's like the bar where everyone's looking and they're just like just enjoy yourself like just have an experience you know what I mean uh I I'm not I'm not trying to like make a bad faith comparison to Diablo 4 I just It Feels So substantially different to me as as a tone of experience even outside of the dear Jesus of the world outside of the story outside of the systems it just feels like they wanted to make an unbelievable PC game package it put it in your hands and then be like all right you gave us your money you just like have your experience and everything is in World um if you find a cape it's in the it's in the game if you find a helmet you found it like on someone's dead corpse and uh I don't know it just it feels substantially different to me I know a lot of people are not bothered by that stuff but it really detracts from my experience when there's microtransaction stuff around a game that otherwise I'm supposed to be I'd like oh I'm the hero of time but I need like three dollars to get these shoes yeah the the the games of as a service application of a lot of these genres is questionable like in some stuff it feels like it works like purely multiplayer games I feel like pubg and that type of thing for a night absolutely go for it make like completely makes sense like those games even in the past were all about if it wasn't the studio doing it you know releasing Quake map packs on CDs it was communities making levels for kind of strikeronial tournament you know what I mean like that's that's part of the vibe and people like that but yeah other games like you know BioWare it's hard to talk about this without thinking about some BioWare stuff with regard to either the quality of the single player experience or what you're talking about with them games as a service is fingers sort of getting in there and and messing things up a little bit and the other thing I think is really impressive about Larry and this is again coming out of a place of ignorance is that like when I'm playing this game I don't feel like this is an old type of game I don't feel like this is a throwback to a genre that has all this fandom behind it it feels it while this Gate 3 feels more modern than just about any game I have played in the last four years like I cannot think of a game that felt like the future yeah in a long time in the same way that uh Apex Legends feels very similar to older FPS games that I would play but the the modernization of the traversal of the like taking Battle Royale and doing interesting things with it and refining that like I think um yeah I I I'm hesitant to say that any genre is like an old school genre I'm more keen on the idea that genres are like you know like movie genres like you can make a Neo Noir you can make a Neo Western and I think that uh yeah I think that's a more healthy perspective on sort of genre resin game development is that um that the genres are like a template and working from there you can move forward and modernize and upgrade and keep quality of life moving forward and uh so I feel like this feels like an old game to people who played these games back in the day but I think someone who has no experience with the crpg would fire this up and be like oh this is a 2023 ass video game right apparently according to Wikipedia as well it was made by a team of about 450 people which um considering the game that I've been playing feels like pretty good uh pretty good money I think yeah 450 people who know what the [ __ ] they're doing um based all around the world as well I believe they've uh obviously they're based in Ghent and Belgium they have a fairly sizable Studio in Dublin Ireland I know um I think they've won in Guilford and Kuala Lumpur and Barcelona I think so that they're kind of you know fairly spread out but um yeah I think I think this is I'm very pleased for these people they seem to really give a [ __ ] about this particular genre and obviously their first licensed game they wanted to knock it out of the park and yeah it sounds like they knocked it out of the park this thing's burning what is gay three play it now available now also if you have a larion account if you are the type of Seeker who likes to buy games on multiple consoles uh apparently there is cross safe available I'm not sure if that's between PC and con I don't know because right now it's only on PC but they said that I think it's your most recent five saves will be available um I could be wrong maybe that's two PCS I don't know actually if that is cross uh console and PC or whatever so I retract that statement do your own research uh baldness gay three super game check it out and let's talk about a game that is almost as relevant as Boulders gay three Frank Haley you've been playing Grand Theft Auto 4 Lost and Damned yes my uh my Saga to get all the long lost achievements that have missed my youth I am I am I've been going down all my XBox games XBox 360 games looking at like what are games I like just didn't make time for back then uh the way I landed on Grand Theft Auto 4 the episodes of Liberty City is interesting weeks ago like rumors came out like oh someone someone found a Red Dead Redemption graphic on Rockstar's website like someone found like a PNG deeply embedded they posted that on like reset air or something and then for weeks it was rumors like is there a remaster of Red Dead Redemption coming out what's going on um and you know now we know there's just like a new a new Port coming to PS4 and PC but in those two weeks I was like oh a remaster Red Dead Redemption I can't wait to play that and then I started getting hungry for Red Dead Redemption and I was like well maybe I replay Red Dead Redemption 2 that's like an 80 hour game I don't know and then I was like wait a minute I never played the episodes of Liberty City oh you never never touched them what happened was with Grant when Grand Theft Auto 4 came out I was in high school I loved like the GTA 3 Trilogy like San Andreas Vice City and then I loved like uh Saints Row that was like arcady goofy when GTA 4 came out it felt like such a simulation and so like such a jarring like shift in Rockstar's design that was like oh this isn't fun I still played it I liked it but like driving cars felt stiff like you had to eat all the time to reclaim your health like cheats disabled achievements it was like I don't like go bowling with your brother yeah it was like too much for me like back then dating Irish girls and getting them drunk in the Irish bar yeah it was great so like at the time I bounced off GTA 4 I just didn't really enjoy it as much I eventually went back and beat it yada yada GTA 5 I liked but like so when when Lost and Damned came out and and Gay Tony I just ignored it so I'm hungry to play a Rock Star game I'm hung I still might play Red Dead Redemption when the remaster comes out um so either way uh this Porsche yeah the port yeah no more not a remastered the port um but anyways uh lost and damn and Gay Tony were like 50 off on some Xbox DLC sales so for five bucks I was able to scoop finally I I held out long enough for the price to be right and I got uh Grand Theft Auto 4 Lost and Damned uh and I beat it in like a week I think it's like an eight hour game which is amazing better than 80 hours for Red Dead Redemption 2 and um so it's brand new to me but I loved it there's also a really cute like symmetry of like I've been riding my bicycle so much and this is a game where you are leading a group of bikers um and uh there is also a parallel of the story of Red Dead Redemption 2. both games are about like outlaws like kind of a Dying Breed you're getting your gang leader is kind of losing it and going crazy and you kind of want to get out um and playing GTA 4 so many years later it feels like a new game because like it's been so long since I've been in that New York Liberty City that like I could appreciate everything more that map compared to GTA 5 is so much smaller so it's not as cumbersome to get to like your next mission whereas GTA 5 it seemed like a nightmare to all of a sudden Traverse like an hour to the north of the map whatever um and the whole the whole map is open from the start in both of these DLCs right yes as well yeah I forget I feel like in the original you were always gated by Mission progress you were yeah though the bridge was closed because of a terrorist yeah and the start of four and the start of three as well yeah uh the start of three it's because of the inciting incident of three which is the bomb that goes off or the yeah I'm pretty sure they closed it down because Baldur's Gate two came out that's what it was yeah yeah there was terrorist related activity around that and so like I know it's such a random thing to bring to the show but it's like I played the game I liked it like the shooting and everything this sounds so funny weird to review like a 15 old game but like I really like playing it like shooting everything felt satisfying I think what it was is like having played through Red Dead Redemption 2 over quarantine I finally appreciate what Rockstar was going for like I felt like there were always like a decade ahead like with what they were making so finally playing lost to Dan was like oh I really like this this is great and now I started playing Gay Tony okay Tony's great which like hey Tony's a good time immediately the missions are so bombastic and like every mission's Big also the UI is more it's more yours yeah yeah I feel like it's funny I feel like if GTA 4 was Gay Tony I would have loved it because it is Vice City it is everything has the Euphoria lighting everything is like very jokey it's very it's like I feel like Gay Tony is what the GTA 3 Trilogy like that tone of humor like everyone's openly doing coke and it's there's so many like dumb jokes and I don't know but so it's it's fun being back in that world and playing it and it runs incredible on series X I think it's like 60 frames per second instant loading so I think uh yeah I don't know [ __ ] hope so yeah Now's the Time if you haven't played it Now's the Time while you're waiting for both day three to come out on Xbox yeah just go check out The Ballad of Gay Tony that's awesome uh sorry Jeremy we're gonna say something there that's uh do you have Gay Tony on your lips I've never played those games although Gay Tony is a good friend of mine did you ever play Four I played Four uh I four was kind of the last GTA game that I really enjoyed um I played five and I was kind of not that into it I actually I think I bought it uh when I got the job at Gamespot maybe when did five come out 20 it was right before America yeah okay ten years ago this year yeah 2013 yeah yeah I before I worked at Gamespot I kind of took a few years off of playing games as heavily as I had in my youth and uh spent a lot of time just like you know going around and taking LSD with my college friends um and then I got the job at Game Spot and I was like oh I need to get I need to modernize and so I played Assassin's Creed Black Flag and GTA and uh and my PS3 died in the middle of GTA 5. wow yeah yeah and I just I I was like there's no way in hell you're gonna because those those missions are fun the first time you do them and then when you replay them you're like oh I'm just hearing the exact I'm just driving for 25 minutes and listening to the same lines of dialogue that I find hard to reap I'll adore them like GTA 5 I absolutely adore it it'll be 10 years old on September 17th this year okay yeah so that lines up and uh yeah I I adored it and I was it was when I was moving to California so it was very I played it I remember I did a 24-hour live stream on Gamespot UK because we went and bought it and it was before it was in America right because we were in Europe so we were like at a six hour jump on everyone and I went down to Oxford Circus and bought it at the HMV there for you know whatever and then took the two back to the Gamespot offices and then played for 12 hours or six hours or something I think our live stream is all gone now I just remember like listening to Tangerine Dream On the loading screen when it was like installing the game thinking this is the [ __ ] best music ever like what is going on and then I got into Tangerine Dream um but I loved it because it was like I'm moving to America so it felt like this like beautiful like welcome to America you know to talk about video games as well like I my Visa stuff was just done then I was just waiting to go and like all those creamy like red forever sunsets that you get in that game in California it was just like [ __ ] Heaven I'd love that game that's that kind of special place in my heart it also is like a reasonably like obviously it's cartoonish but I feel like it gives you the flavor of what what America is kind of like like if you've never been to America and you played GTA 5 you would have a very exaggerated version of American culture but you wouldn't be that far away from what it actually feels like to be inside of it especially I don't know I feel like I feel like the world has become more gtaified in the uh in the intervening years I've always thought that the reason why I don't know if it the reason why it works for everyone but I think the reason why it works for people who and I guess I'm an American now but people who grow up outside of America or who aren't American or whatever is that because these games are made by non-americans mostly like obviously a lot of tech is made in San Diego and stuff but a lot of the design is happening in Scotland and because of that I think a lot of the things that shine out as American to non-americans that might resonate that much they they get like pulpified so they get like extended like I always talk about yellow school buses is something that like a lot of them Americans don't realize is hyper-american because they do not exist outside of America you don't have yellow school buses um so to stuff like that there's like things like that like the type of the color of the sunsets or the way like street lights are or stuff like you know what I mean it's all these like tiny that are Road markings and things like that that just feel so and like even like I was flying into um La a couple weeks ago and like going by you know what is it Ventura county is it up on the North West up there where you're going down by the beach there as well and it's just that whole thing just looks exactly like it doesn't five and three and there yeah it also is fun to just you know as someone who was born and raised in America it is fun to have like when you you're living in the Imperial core the heart of the Imperial core it's fun to have someone hold up the like fun house mirror to you and be like this is what you look like right and you're like yeah that is us you got us you know what I mean like it's fun to have it's fun to be poked fun at uh in that way or something to have your culture uh turned into a caricature like when you go down to the boardwalk and they draw you with like a huge nose and you're like ah you got me yeah you got me yeah you got me I mean like yeah just make sure that guy's not like an anti-semite or something yeah that's true that's true yeah make sure make sure that there's not an alien tension under the drawing right uh well I think that's all the games I have a couple just quickly to mention get through them all I've played a bunch of suitor regalia I'm really enjoying it oh nice recommendation I also made a bunch of holes of Torment which is Frank's recommendation I have been loving that on Steam I like how the character progression is spread across the three classes or the multiple classes um I've only got three so far and I'm not sure if there's more than three is it more than yeah the I think I right now I have four unlocked I don't know how many there are but it's everyone has a different play style which is pretty cool it's fun and it's like you can let it be Auto fire or you can do it yourself and like you kind of at certain stages you really got it or with certain types of characters you kind of want to do yourself but um yeah it's cool it's like super intimidating and rad and I love the vibe of that game and then I played a shitload of Quake I finished John Romero's book it's really really good I enjoyed the end of it um I was resab when it was over I felt like I was having Story Time with John Romero every day and then I then he was gone for my life um so uh I I really enjoyed it um and then for the last like three chapters um of the book I just played Quake I completed the first two slip Gates and quiet and play quake in a long time and they brought it I played that version of Bethesda released last year I think it was right yeah just kind of quality of life I mean it basically plays the exact same as Quake um but yeah it just runs on you know widescreen monitors and does all that sort of stuff so yeah Quake let's go video game go play the good news was like it leaked on like the like the Korean ESRB equivalent let like there's gonna be a quake to remaster or something so oh yeah yeah that's what yeah best grenades in the business man [ __ ] crunchy [ __ ] twist them throw them they got the little tick tick tick tick boom great sick grenades those are the games but we also have some emails to go through here podcast at if you want to send in your emails or if you want to put them in the Podcast chat over on Discord also if you have any questions you want to stick them in the YouTube comments stick them there we give them a quick scan as well uh we'll run I've got a meeting in like 30 minutes so I guess we can we'll get through these ones um as quickly as we can sorry we had a bit of a pre pre-meeting before this about some exciting projects so we can't talk about publicly so I bled into our time a little bit um Frank you got this first one from Ali can't in the Discord yeah uh oh this is Ollie's question this is related to role-playing and games and the differing approaches when you create a character in a game do you make an exact replica of yourself maybe an idealized self or try to make an original character that fits within the environment and is removed from who you are IRL I've always leaned towards the second option I liked making an original character that made sense within the world with a name that fits thematically and give them a backstory uh that made sense to me like I know who I am and I'm someone who couldn't fight a dragon I'd [ __ ] myself whatever way you approach character creation creation I think can say a lot about you what you want from playing a role uh playing game that's a really good question I I typically kind of land in in between the two I kind of like to make a character who is in world like their backstory is is diegetic to the world but the way I play them is often as kind of an outsider to that world like I like to be a trickster especially in things like Baldur's Gate where they let you do bizarre stuff I like to uh I like to just go around making mischief and being like a Trixie little guy or something nice um yeah similarly I kind of I try and find one who's like an eye and a bit of an outsider um and then I I try and give them a good Outsider Vibe like I had when we did d d with during the pandemic with a bunch of X sort of like Giant Bomb whiskey media people um we had one going every week I had this weird guy he was like a his name was Shepard and he was it was a robot that was part of like this robot war that happened because I forget what campaign we're playing um but he was a Bard and he would basically uh play a discordant Shepherd tone that would debuff the enemy so you know like a Shepherd town that like feels like it's constantly rising or it or going down or you know lowering or whatever it like it it's a you can Google Shepherd tone you can have infinite basically it's an infinite sound that feels like it's constantly going up but it's shipped to shifting octave or something I'm not sure how it does it so he would play this like [ __ ] up Shepherd town that always felt like was going down and bum out the the other people but then this war was over and he would like use this so like it was like a way to like create like a character that was felt like it was like the I don't know the way I kind of saw myself like whenever I played soccer I was a goalkeeper like I've read I read a book about the mentality of goalkeepers and people who like there are people who are like Outsiders and there are people who want to be Outsiders and it's kind of more what I am maybe like I feel like I'm always wanting to be by myself and somewhat outside I mean probably everyone does in some respect so I always create characters like that that are like Abyss like like a halfling makes sense to me because they're probably not liked by a lot of different but they don't have a home maybe that way you know um or like a like my character's a ranger which is generally a sort of a solo type of person you know so that type of thing I always I never play games like cooperatively that way and even in a party like I always I I like the Lone Wolf thing a lot more I like project IGI you know just like a solo thing I like your I like your one one arm one-man band kind of thing so yeah that's kind of how I do it Frank what about you for me it's just whatever I'm hyper obsessed with at the time so this has been the summer of paramours like the last three creative characters have been Haley Williams uh the beginning of this year when I watched all of euphoria I had like Sydney Sweeney characters uh a decade ago when I watched Mad Men I made a Tony Hawk 4 career and with Don Draper so it's just it's just but I like it because then when I load up my save I'm like oh yeah I remember when I watched uh Mad Men or whatever and it's like I don't know it's uh I'm trying to even think of like yeah like Dark Souls characters at the time like it's just whatever um what's the flavor of the week or the month is that so that's cool it's a nice mark I there was something I had done in recent years and I didn't do a Baldur's Gate because it's fairly sexualized the game is and it felt incredibly not appropriate but I did it with games like um why did I play Replay recently I think maybe Fallout 4 I played a couple of years ago oh um definitely with them Elden ring as well is I'll make my daughter like I'll I like name I'll like do the character kind of looks like her and like name at her and you know and then like make choices like I might and it's like I don't know it's like a very it's a when my experience of having a child and she's now five is like that you're always looking back because you you know what that is like I only have one child right so I have no idea how to like parent an eight year old I don't know what eight-year-olds are like yet um so it gave me like a it gave me a window to think about what she might be like in the future which was quite Pleasant um and yeah so I I've done that a couple of times too um which is quite fun I'd be interested to hear if other parents do that is that like a a thing or like someone in your family like your dad or older brother or something like that that's very cute that's like a good it's a good shortcut to making you care about that character too I cannot let this character die they must survive and it also like shows you it exposes either the things that you you already admire about your child that are particular to them because that's the thing I think was as a single not a single parent as a parent of a sink of one child not multiple ones is that I don't it's only when you're hanging out with other parents you realize the ways in which your child is sort of like who they are like you have that comparison so I think it does that and then also gives you a little bit of an insight into your biases as a parent like the ways in which you might want them to be which is sort of like something you need to keep in check so you're not like try you know subconsciously or consciously trying to force them to be a certain type of person you know so it's kind of like a fun little exercise that way and then also in eldering you just like [ __ ] killing people and [ __ ] and that's cool so true yeah maybe my daughter grows up to be a [ __ ] weird Demon Hunter I don't know yeah my parents were always pushing me to to just back into decks when I was a kid and I was like I I just want to learn magic guys why can't you accept me for however wizard got that I don't want to be a rogue uh Jeremy I think you're up for this one yeah Jerry Corcoran we got Jerry Corcoran not Johnny Cochran but it's very similar to sounding uh Hey guys heard Danny talking about ant stream arcade and his issues with it and I thought I'd just dropped in with some thoughts as well and stream was originally run on Kickstarter they later took a bunch of 10 cent money which annoyed me and as a huge retro gamer and recovering collector I decided to back it at us here that got me lifetime access at the time it was only offered as a Kickstarter reward it was 250 euros needless to say the price has dropped a bit which also kind of annoys me yeah that is annoying uh but I get why I live in Ontario Canada and my experience with the service has been similar to Danny they didn't launch from the Canadian servers which they didn't tell backers and it was super laggy frequently artifacted and a lot of the times games would fail to launch um they've since added a Canadian server and well it's better it's still not uh sorry I just scroll down it's still not acceptable in my opinion there's still too much input delay and their encoding engine doesn't handle fast motion well I've tried to raise this with them in the past and they've generally tried to blame my connection that I have a three gigabit fiber apparently it doesn't matter beautiful Canadian International yeah wow uh truth be told I have a massive ROM collection so I don't know why I even needed to back a streaming service in the first place I think I had big ideas about being able to play stuff on the go from my phone but using it over a cell network is just a no-go they do have tournaments and leaderboards but given their clearly small player population they're rarely very interesting this relaunch on Xbox with the substantially lower pricing feels kind of like a last gasp for the service as it never really took off and I don't think it ever had a large player base I could be wrong but I do wonder if this was just too small in each to be sustainable especially considering the service mostly has games that only appeal to Enthusiast retro players who know how emulators work anyway just want to throw those in cheers yeah I think Jerry sums it up pretty well there and the fact that he has a very similar experience to me is you know so much damning maybe if I have used it since in the the week since we talked about it mostly and it's been the same I think you know the lag is definitely annoying but the the visual stuff like the the weird encoding like chunks you get you know games like sensible soccer just don't work because every pixel is moving all the time when the camera is moving a lot of Amiga games aren't like that like battle chess was completely fine because there was no lag didn't matter and input wise only one object moves at a time in that game um so yeah I I'm I'm thinking maybe my lifetime subscription is not going to be my lifetime maybe the lifetime of the service I guess we'll wait and find Nash but uh thanks Jerry I you know and for what it's worth I live in you know the Bay Area and the connection is still not great and I also have you know super fast internet so yeah I don't I don't think it's that um yeah it's weird it also probably costs a lot of money to stream all this video when the games are like two megabytes so I don't I don't know if it's the best business model it's like having doordash but they deliver the each ingredient separately you know what I mean so they blew Ribbon or Blue Apron yeah yeah it's a different Dasher for every yeah tomato and they got a tomato guy they got a potato guy exactly yeah so yeah that's a bit of a shame uh thanks for those emails folks podcast uh no clipped off video if you want to send in any more Frank's been going through those as well as on Discord and in the YouTube comments so if you have any questions stick them in our survey is almost over thank you to the 4 500 people who have responded so far to the noclip survey uh you can do that over at r no clip that's or for robot because I say or instead of ah how do you say ah how do you say r somebody shoot a documentary on Monkey Island slash no clip um the tapes uh some good stuff hitting the archive recently I I've almost gone through all of the um the press releases that was not press releases the uh press kits that I found um we have a lot of uh sick trailers up there for dead to rights to Tekken 5 Biden keros Zeno Saga 2 all these Classics you've not heard about in Forever Tales of Symphonia a game called project Delta which got canceled a dead Rush which was a canceled track game where you before they were working on Call of Duty games non-stop um which is a like a driving game we also have a trailer for SRS Street Racing Syndicate which has a great segment where you can quote unquote get women because that's what 2004 driving games were like Ace Combat 5 and a bunch of others today I rendered out a uh great recording of a game spotting episode 21 hosted by Rich Gallup that'll be going up soon and I also got an interview Kaz horai from before the launch of the PlayStation 3 they'll be going up in the next couple of days along with the rest of the trailers from that um press kiss dump that I found and then the Press kits themselves are going up on archive so if you want you can literally open them and play around with these flash files and the menus and see the screenshots for all these weird games it's very funny um in the in production we've a lot going on Dwarf Fortress is still getting worked on um our two secret projects have been very kept us very busy uh Jeremy was filming down here in the studio yesterday we had a very Infamous famous game developer in the noclip studio for a fun conversation I also flew to Seattle to film some interviews on Monday so there's loads going on and we'll be able to tell you about those documentaries hopefully in the next couple of weeks I am also flying to Europe the week after next I will not be here next week because I'm going to uh on vacation next week with my family but the week after that I'm flying to Europe and I'll be there for about a week um recording another secret documentary which you'll hear about soon enough the Burger King stuff's come together really well Frank did an awesome job on um uh the segment down in SoCal it was terrific we all had a great laugh watching that um yeah and loads of other little bits and Bobs going on and loads of very exciting projects we're working on hopefully we'll be able to tell you about them pretty soon and then last thing to mention Saturday September 2nd at 2 30 Pacific in the Monarch Theater will be at Pax West Pax West Saturday September 2nd half past two in the Monarch Theater just after lunchtime come say hey and we're just running off the final details on that um panel we will be most likely showing footage from the two secret documentaries that we can't tell you about um I had that thing and probably have some guests and other stuff as well so if you listen to the podcast you like no clip stuff come hang out we will be there um if you'd like to support our podcast get access to on the early documentaries and loads more head over to noclip gentlemen I have to go right now because we came right up to the end of the thing Frank Heidi waiting for the rest of your week uh Friday night gcw La death match wrestling it's the best alley catch Maki Ito I'm excited great great idea Jeremy Jane you're up in uh I'm going to the beach baby I'm going right now damn enjoy the beach thank you yeah um and I'm gonna play some Ballers K3 pop and you know maybe edit some documentaries I don't know I don't know we'll see uh thank you all so much have a great week and we'll see you next time around peace thank you foreign
Channel: Noclip Podcast
Views: 13,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QOEmogmSlrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 18sec (3978 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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