Aphmau is the FAIRY PRINCESS in Minecraft!

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this minecraft server has a big secret as living inside its forest is the legendary fairy princess she's the princess of all the fairies on the server and it's her job to use her powers to protect the entire forest but when someone threatens her palace it's up to her and her magical friends to stop them will the fairy princess be able to save the server and can't she win her prince let us find out also be sure to like and subscribe thanks hello and welcome to my fairy forest as you can tell i am the fairy princess that's right sorry sometimes i'm getting used to that you know i'll be a fairy queen soon so i'm still learning but as you can tell i have a beautiful castle here i have a lovely little garden that leads up to my castle i have a nice little water fountain back here a spring beautiful i love it oh my gosh and look at all of the little oh i love the lily pads and everything okay all right so as a fairy i can obviously play with flowers i can do a lot of cool things like i have like super cool powers like a little sparkle here you know maybe some uh some shrinking down so i could just you know get closer with the flowers and talk to them hi flower that's bob bob doesn't really talk to me that much i'll see you later bob bye so i think everything is at peace today there should be no issues i've done a great job nothing has been going on so i don't have to protect anything things seem to be working perfectly wait a minute what's that oh no oh it's my fairy friend oh wow you guys got big oh my gosh mouth fmo it's pierce's garden it's pierce's garden there's something wrong oh no not nature i got to save nature that's my job all right and the vegetables and the vegetables don't forget about the vegetables okay but you said about gardening right there's flowers yeah you have to save the flower okay the flowers not the vegetables and the vegetables spiders anyways let's go let's go save the flowers away just save the flowers only what no vegetable final say the vegetables ah wait potatoes and vegetables oh no let's go oh no i see them no no no no it's all wrong now what's wrong come on i've been working very hard on getting this night nice neat rose here get all the water set what's happening i know but you've got terrible crops what are these potatoes yeah carrots these are not the kind of beets i like to drop these destroying the vegetables girls you were right yeah they're having lots of issues oh my gosh okay all right so you know what they are arguing and that's perfectly fine but i'm gonna go ahead and make sure question you camp there yeah you ladies hide i'll make sure that they get their comeuppance don't worry i'm not gonna let me get away with destroying the nature all right here we go that's right you go you go to a grocery store you get the steak where's the say it was made and a farm yeah no i i i completely agree with you but why i'm asking is why do you think i'm actually rich enough to afford things like that stop hitting me whoa what are you doing what is happening i don't know what am i doing i'm trying to film oh steak thanks ian now i can start planning it for you i got you bud time to give him his wish her to plant the steak and bam there we go and fairy powers activate here we go whoa wow just one steak did all this did you fix the garden yet yeah i mean take a look i you're right putting a steak in really vegetables in here also what hurt me hang on what's this flower what is it what is that it's poison i hope you liked it i noticed yeah i know it's pretty cool but like where did it come from was it was it the steak it was the steak wasn't it it was definitely the steak it was no magical thing whatsoever so don't go thinking that there's a kind of thing around all hail the steak okay all right but whatever you know what humans are silly let me go find out where the girls went ladies where are you guys at we're over here come over here look look look look look he's so happy wow you fixed it look at all these vegetables i know we have a new garden to play no no this isn't no one will come to ruin this garden yes what what is it about that whoa what happened here i planted the steak and like as you said everything got better so thank you bud i mean not everything there are still potatoes here also why did why did i die i don't like it who is it i don't know i don't know you probably should uh look at your own diet whoa whoa whoa what is that what is that pierce what oh there's there's some talking flowers here uh it's a whole thing don't worry about it though pierce why do you have like some sort of fairy god princess fairy godawatus i could have sworn i just saw some fairy godparents they were up there it's a it's it's it's it's it's it's the one you okay bud maybe you need to sit down you should have been eating all those closings that that was bad that was real bad all right ladies we've done our job let's head out because you like the garden fairy club let's go come on horse i'm giving you carrots eat why isn't it working is it working for you kwan-chan no it's our fairy duty ask fairies to make sure we take care of all the animals and ride all the horses and everything so you guys have to naturally just get used to like taming horses okay i can do it and here look you're gonna need you're gonna need something like this so here you go oh it's apples i was giving them carrots some saddles and some saddles there you go now all you gotta do is just be friendly with the horses let me see you guys do it okay i'm gonna watch this one okay i want oh i want this one over here yes okay the unicorn come on the unicorns are the most fantastic of them all why isn't it working oh my goodness you ladies call yourselves fairies oh my goodness all right come on ladies we got it we got to tame all these horses i contain a unicorn horse in one easy go want to see how i tammy unicorn horse watch watch watch watch i will summon the horse to me watch easy easy just came right to you oh it's picked me up now watch this watch this since it chose me i'm gonna be able to fly oh there we go oh my god see you too can do this okay it's just it just takes some time and practice put on the fairy prince so obviously you'll never be able to do it you guys can i believe in you okay i believe you can do this just keep trying to take the horses you got this okay oh wait what ladies ladies we have we have a gawker we have a cockroach oh my god why are you here you're not supposed to see us oh you almost got me who's believing what ladies and gentlemen what are you doing oh pierce pierce perfect they're called horses they're right very good in in the valley they were riding horses uh-huh why why would why would fairies ride horses when they have wings ian god no they were riding the hor no pierce you're not listening the fairies were riding the horses apparently because someone is trying to tell me that fairies exist and they are i guess too small to see in this horse that's too small is that what i use i saw him with my own eyes and they're right what what well you got to watch where you're going there bud it's pretty far down ah i guess i didn't see didn't you feel the tiny fists upon your ankles no i felt by the ground giveaway i don't know what you're doing oh my gosh and then i give up dumb fairies ladies we're free to go come on let's let's get back yeah take that tree you were looking at that human boy his name is aaron and i think i think he's a prince i think he's a prince he lives in this big castle over here and i have a big castle oh my gosh but afmal you know that fairies can't be with humans but he's so unbeautiful but it's okay mac look he's he is pretty handsome your eyes would be so cute together yeah he is handsome but that's not the fairy way he's fine you know what you know what shush just because he's a human yeah maybe maybe our love is forbidden but i can do nice things for him so watch and learn ladies oh he's replenishing he's replanted trees he loves nature oh my god for everybody and my supply later ah this tree looks pretty good you gotta check it out don't get too close be careful it's okay it's okay i got this don't worry um should i go for you tiny fairy maybe i can do something really nice for him uh i'll go for this one over here all right but what about this one let me try this real quick okay so let's gotta chop it see if i can do something really nice for him here maybe just a little maybe he won't notice if i do something like this oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that have you ever been cutting wood for too long i'll do some magic i don't know what what is even happening to this tree i better stay away from that tree there we go watch watch watch watch watch this okay i don't trust that tree so i don't know about that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wood can't wait i'm going for him of course i did that for him uh oh hopefully he doesn't see me this is amazing how did this happen you know what i'm not gonna question oh my gosh he's so handsome i know wow you must really really like him okay you know i'm gonna go i'm gonna go over here and i'm gonna make him something really nice something really nice over she has caught it bad yeah she has look what she just did diamonds wow getting these diamonds out is hard work oh i'm hungry guys i'm gonna go have a picnic with him be careful oh don't get too close but who did this humans have cooties remember i know but he won't be able to see me he won't be able to see me but at least i'm small enough that he'll just i can just pretend like i'm having something with him you know i mean i don't know where it came from but i am loving this potato someone must be looking out for me huh what the okay now this is weird i i'm just gonna go no no no you can't get found out you're the fairy princess but i love him about you barry yes i know you're i know you're real i see you very and i see that what you did for uh for for that human and you know i'm i'm sorry for being so mean earlier and i see that you just want to help humans like you turned his wood into diamond and i don't know maybe you could turn my stone into gold or something like that you know huh huh and then i'll stop attacking you what do you think um that's not the phrase where you have to be nice first then he was really nice oh is that so well then what if i do this i got a fairy and you're coming back home with me oh my gosh that's my favorite coffee mug oh no oh no oh no i keep falling down get away we have to do something we have to do something he's got a good grip on me now do i hear do i hear some other flies buzzing it doesn't matter i got this one we're gonna get home you're gonna you're gonna give me some gold and then i'm gonna prove to everyone that fairies are real and pierce will finally believe me and stop making fun of me all right all right little fairy oh you helped the coffee we are very mischievous i am not mischievous what are you doing nope hurry hurry what are you stop it you know all right fine ha now we're going to control the magical elements my house very very very fairy hey hey ferry how's it going listen listen i know we may have had our differences earlier but um oh nature almost as bad as vegetables you gotta get get those out of my house ooh i you know what i do i do not like vegetables so uh here you go thank you i very much appreciate that no no fire is worse than vegetables ah ladies i'm out let me break this cup let me break this cup really quick there you go got it here's a cage he almost got you but it's okay because at least at least i left something for my prince let's go back to the castle oh no my favorite coffee mug is shattered i wish i got to see him again my prince but we got important things to do i know i know but yeah what are we gonna do about that pesky human ian i don't know i don't know we just ah we have to figure something out at least he hasn't found where the castle is or you know anything that would i found it what i think he found our castle uh oh he's here he's got cameras i need more i need more guys he's got cameras he's got a camera i thought there wasn't a force field around this i thought he couldn't see it oh i must have let my guard down whenever i was looking at aaron no all right all right get rid of this cuteness with that all right use your fairy powers come on let's go find where he's got everything else we can do this okay and we can destroy the evidence all right all right destroy the cameras ladies as long as he isn't setting up any traps or anything we should be fine get him get him get him get him get him you know what get rid of that oh there's another one over here okay okay perfect get rid of it oh i see another one this way hey get rid of him get rid of him get rid of him i think i saw him go this way is he gotta ah guys he's got a trap what trap is he making next berry's gonna come get flowers which is going to release the dog and as everyone knows dogs fairies i got this guys don't worry oh i can't believe they're gonna fall for this brilliant trip it's a magical cake well i don't mind if i do oh come on i'm going to say that on camera for later hello human how are you uh well you know to be honest i'm feeling a little sheepish at this point you fairies like flowers still right you think they're pretty good but you know what else i know someone here likes sheep a lot like this guy wait wait what wait what no no no no no no that's that's bad that's bad no no no no no no no no see i'm not a real sheep i'm not okay all right guys let's go put the force field back up come on we got this all right casting the invisible spell now whoa there we go that should hold up the entire castle so nobody can see it again and wait you guys hear that sound now what is that let's go let's go let's go don't tell me oh no yes it finally worked what are we going to do hello fairies what are you doing what am i doing well you see i what no stop stop dragon dragon calm down don't go too nuts yet now hey hey hey no i'm talking to you hey i've had enough of your shenanigans in your tomfoolery and for breaking my favorite coffee mug which i will never forgive you for so i have taken your precious human and turned him into an ender dragon it was a very easy actually anyway the point is i'm gonna have my revenge finally so um yes bye fairies no nature come for me dragon come for me attack the fairies and the town i'll get it i'll get him i'll get him get him i'll get him don't worry he's gone now i need to help the dragon i'm back that's not bad oh no get out of here dragon listen to me wait wait dragon hold on i can help you okay just just hold it no no dragon dragon don't listen to the fairy dragon that perry is not your friend i'm your only friend you took me back thank you you're welcome it was even he put magic potion or something in my coffee it tasted terrible magic potion can't believe you i didn't no that was not what happened at all wait we can't be together we're i'm a fairy and you're a human okay but like whatever let's date it together oh yes of course yes awesome and our first day is gonna be burning ian's on fire from before even though they're breaking the fairy code oh so romantic dumb fairies yay
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,690,262
Rating: 4.883471 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby fairy pranks, pranking my friends as a fairy princess in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, fairy pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a baby fairy in minecraft, pranking my friends as baby fairy, pranking my friends as baby fairy aphmau, babysitter pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, aphmau fairy princess, minecraft fairy princess
Id: k8bZhYTQj8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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