The King and Queen Of MONSTER PROM In Minecraft!

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this is our minecraft monster school and today is monster prom it's the biggest event on our server and every monster is invited but prom becomes fierce with time to fight for prom king and queen now each monster must prove how good or bad they can be to win from exploding creepers spooky gas and even monster drama no one is safe from the chaos that comes with monster prom how intense will the biggest event get you'll just have to watch to find out oh and be sure to hit that subscribe button for this cute little zombie girl thanks it's no fair master promise tonight and my stupid zombie parents will let me go because we're afraid of the sun oh man it's no fair i've always wanted to go to the school's monster prom look at the school it's so beautiful uh maybe i can find a way to convince my parents to huh well well well if it isn't the cute little zombie girl what are you wanting stupid dinner dragons a monster left oh i just wanted to come over to show off how cool i am and i'm going to monster prom and you're not nerd smell you later zombie girl [Laughter] it's gonna explod oh wow um i guess nothing happened uh yeah i'm so cool i don't need ian he's so lucky he gets to go to monster prom and i don't uh i can't believe i'm not that lucky it's okay let me go see if maybe my parents have changed my mom dad hey [Music] hello uh dora hi um so uh can i go to monster prom zombie daughter we talk about this as your zombie parries we just looking out for your own gourd by making me miss monster prom uh it's not a good idea what if the sun comes up to get you oh my come outside you two look it is night okay it's night monster prom and monster school all happen at night oh me not notice when i [Music] i can't go oh no wait i don't actually have a dress or a date or anything more problems didn't think of that we thought you would be not going so we no get no dress it's okay what zombie mom look over there [Music] oh my goodness there must be a player it's okay maybe i'll just stay out of the zombie problem for once i don't have a dress i don't have a date i don't have it's not like those things are just gonna appear out of nowhere [Music] hey cute zombie girl i'm your fairy god boyfriend my my what wait those exist of course they do now let's get you a beautiful dress so you can go to monster bro wait what what are you doing don't worry don't worry it'll be fine just trust me ah we don't think it's actually a good idea [Applause] oh my gosh oh man now i need a date oh well you know i could be your dude really i mean that's kind of why i came over to ask you my car exploded and there's a car right over there let's just go to monster are you sure you know how to drive this it's a golf cart of course i can drive let's go oh my god i can't believe i'm going to prom not a very cool car though yeah it's not very cool at all i'm so excited you look really nice in that dress thank you oh my gosh come on let's go in all right all right let's go oh what if everybody's here hey guys hey oh hi oh look at you look at the cute cupboard oh yeah of course we got dates it's param duh yeah introduce me to who you guys have well i found a lovely day in here who's also from the nether this is me oh she's oh and you should hear her sing she's like oh she's a gasp oh let me sing [Laughter] all right cool oh and this is uh this is christina by the way uh say hello christina these are old friends she's my girlfriend from canada yeah quite young she has to go here question she's the hottest girl here oh my gosh [Laughter] oh here's a flower for you a flower [Applause] why don't you give me good tasting flowers huh [Applause] i mean nothing i get a little excited now i want everybody's attention for just a moment sure what's up i want you all to take this in tonight isn't just a night oh it's certainly the night it is tonight we are going to find out who among you is going to be the prom king and queen i can sense your excitement but here at monster school we do things a little differently than everybody else okay they are going to have a challenge glad you asked for every win you achieve in this challenge you're going to earn a skull and whoever ends up with the most skulls gets the title of king or queen from the netherlands in just a moment as long as you stay right where you are now at the end of this maze there are going to be two skulls that you can find see which one of you can actually grab the skulls first oh and um try not to get burned like that i said it's amazing i don't know but we got a home on your mark get set go go go go go go go go go okay okay okay i'm doing it i'm doing it for you this [Music] now pick your pads i'm a little stuck sorry guys it's not this way uh nope hell no it's not we're gonna try the left there's a big arrow that's [Music] go go go go go go go go go go i got it i got it i got it i got oh that's kind of the point of a maze there almost there oh we found it we won we won hey we found them you found them oh come on i'm still back at the beginning well look at this we have our ax we have our winners for the first round now and aaron oh man oh no oh yes that's what makes it all the more interesting little late for that one noy all right follow me down here it's time for the next phase of our competition whoa okay as you can see we have a ton of zombie villagers here and it also looks like we have six giant black cauldrons spread out throughout this area your job is to collect as many villagers as you can and toss them into your respective cauldrons to make your very own potions and stews okay there are going to be two skulls up for grabs in this one so we can do this may the best ones win this will be easy mac it's like pigmen wrangling back in the nether yeah we got this i'm doing this for you creepstito wherever you are where did she go seriously but i think she's like it seems like she doesn't want to be around you sometimes maybe i don't know i i i'm okay it's fine it's cool wash your worries away by trying to wrangle as many other zombies as you can okay enter at your own payroll [Laughter] oh jesus [Music] oh [Music] sorry it was me i got nervous whoa that's so rude together i got you i got it i got it i got it okay um [Music] it's all for you creepstein it's all for you oh my gosh don't worry all of his villagers are starting to [Laughter] i'm the most impressed by who who the winners of this competition are noy and mack what come on you're like [Music] take your skull as your prize [Applause] i guess they won fair and square by cheating true true wait for me creepster i promise we'll get this done wow she uh she's really uh mad at you huh yeah i women am i right someone is in it i'm just going to teleport out of here now how do you think he gave us these things the last event was pretty extravagant to put it in another way but now we need to see how well you all are able to hunt i can and more specifically it's a scavenger hunt oh okay now i want everyone to take these lists you're all going to find going to be looking for certain items and things inside the school here there are two skulls that are up for the winners of whoever finds the most items in this hunt the quickest uh-huh ender egg place powder and punch insane oh did i say go yet uh no but the book says to all right unbelievable they go there you raise my wolves or something thank god i was i thought that would be obvious by now okay then all right that's a good point actually fine one skull for the guy who just punched me oh come on i want one oh hey hey yeah stop it stop it i did not [Music] all right so aaron let's put up and try to find these things okay i think i know exactly where to find them oh uh your your hair is a little yeah it sounds weird yeah hold on let me take a look at ah my spikes are starting to fall down oh this'll never do how am i going to take pictures of prom night with my hair getting all unspiked maybe just fix it a little bit there you go there you go i got to go fix this thanks that bell you're welcome wow this isn't really crazy but i guess he's a really crazy mob it's gonna find the ender egg let's see oh ian ian has and her eggs probably hidden all over the school i think give me the ender dragon eggs hmm is this detention what would you do if pierce find out he's not going to find out he'll just don't let him know you can't live oh hey pierce how's it going oh no you better go get your man could listen it's not my fault she came on to me i i liked her she she was the one flirting with me and um give me like my eggs see you later ian where could he be wait a minute teachers only oh of course this makes sense come on come on there he is just snack here you just go hey i hate it when these things get what yeah oh here i have to get your candy wow so yeah i forgot to have zombies drink sorry can i have my golden school now please i got everything i got you your dragon name yeah she's good okay um inspect these inspect why is he doing that yes uh blaze powder you just smacked me up across the face and i'll do it again ah yes it looks like you've got everything here so afmou and aaron win this part of the competition [Music] all right everyone for the next competition you have searched you have collected you have scavenged and hunted sometimes all at the same time but now it is time for you to reap your rewards and be quiet for a moment can't just breathe it's okay it's okay i'm fine i have your fun prop types i'm just gonna be here well at least now you get to eat all of your feelings in a cake-eating competition in front of you all you see four zombie berry cakes now whoever can finish all their cakes off first will be declared the winner okay okay now take your positions [Laughter] don't worry ready three two one consume yes [Applause] [Music] why can't i get outside oh man aaron you gotta you gotta get him you're okay i mean if it helps but come on come on come on how's it going come on come on come on you may feel that wall you're about to hit when you're starting to consume but don't give up you got to keep pushing creepers oh wow you're really uh working on them cakes aren't yours looks like you ate too many feelings don't touch them how dare you don't look at me oh like i i get it i know i'm sure you're sorry about this but like i saw what i saw i know what i read she got him a laptop [Music] oh to be able to go all the way to the end to collect such flowers the winners of this competition are pierce and creepstina [Music] wow i guess the explosions are more powerful when you're about to explode from food we're back together it's been exciting i can't believe we've been back what's that the competition has come to an end a winner of this year's monster prom [Music] yeah yeah yeah thank you thank you and because of it we're going to have a king and queen this year what oh my god that can't be the honors of this year's monster prom and aaron i thought for sure we had it uh you know creepsteena let's blow this popsicle stand they we're we're too good for these folks come on let's go let's get out of here you're actually gonna blow this place yeah um let's light this place up that's not the point of this we took too long to set this up [Applause] [Music] man and if i don't know how to eat my eating like singing [Applause] oh my god
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,094,460
Rating: 4.8808756 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau monster high school, monster school, monster high school, zombie life, zombie girl minecraft, aphmau zombie girl, aphmau werewolf, aphmau, aphmau funny moments, aphmau monster high funny moments, aphmau funny, monster high minecraft prom, minecraft prom, minecraft monster high prom king, minecraft monster high prom queen, aphmau prom, aphmau aaron prom
Id: JCIrzxh1joc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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