Aphmau Is The ENDER DRAGON In Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Indoraptor1234567 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
this ender dragon makes her way into the minecraft overworld when my friends are able to take the dragon's egg from the end they unleash the mighty ender dragon but shh that's the ordinary dragon it's actually me and i'm out for revenge to find out who stole my diamond will my friends be able to handle me at my full power or will i take this whole server for myself you always have to watch and find out hey wait this isn't the end just be sure to like and subscribe before the vids over okay thanks damn this is so exciting are you ready to fight your first enderdragon why am i ever i've been practicing all this time wow nice nice shot oh i was just practicing for the dragons oh my goodness speaking of all this armor and prep for the ender dragon uh [Music] yeah yes speaking of this where'd you guys get all this diamond from oh my gosh you have so much did you guys go mining [Music] wait what'd you say what'd you say the boys helped me they got all the diamond for me to make this yeah did you get the diamond from we were just so nice so so honorable uh tell her don't tell her don't tell her don't tell her we stole it from you okay i'm sorry you have so much diamond it was so easy you stole this we did we know you have a lot of diamonds we figured he wouldn't mind because we wanted to keep skips safe as we go ahead and take out the energy it was all for kids i'm sorry i didn't know no it's okay kim you're new here so you know what you know what the rest of you and mac can't believe you were in on this it's fine don't worry you know what i'm gonna go scout for the ender dragon first you guys uh you guys get ready i'll go bop the ender dragon a few times all right i'll meet you at the stronghold okay okay all right i'll get you there your funeral have fun i swear how could they steal my diamonds ugh i mean i know this is a big event for kim but still they could have asked first you know but don't worry because i have a little secret up my sleeve [Laughter] let me jump on in here okay all right i'm here so you're probably gonna notice that uh it looks like someone's already been here right well you wouldn't be wrong at all hey under man what's up so you'll also notice that there is no ender dragon here hmm i wonder why that is oh i don't know maybe something like a am actually the ender dragon that's right but i have another form you know just a different form i have this form and then i also have this form see i am also the ender dragon so when they come here oh oh that's right i gotta set it up i gotta make this look legit so in my server commands let me uh let me do something like this guys guys i'm finding the ender dragon oh my god wait what we have to help [Music] guys we have to go save her come on come on all right let's go let's move wait hey she died forever oh careful careful that's at least that's a really really dangerous fight be careful you're the other dragon okay whatever you do don't look don't look the enderman in the eyes [Music] that's a big dragon [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can do it you can do it oh look at this dragon run away [Music] i'll make i think i have a great idea so let's play a little game with them something a little funny let's do this okay we're all back yeah let's regroup let's do it we can do this we can do this video one more time remember don't look at the eyes wait what where is it anyone see the dragon i don't uh maybe just maybe it's not a render distance well let's get close to the center i must have defeated it with all my arrows sure yeah yeah sure that's yeah great wait hold on she might actually tell the truth take a look hang on i can't you're the greatest the experience points to me she must have she must have gotten it oh let's take it with us wait the egg the egg doesn't do anything yeah you can't do anything with the egg dummer there we go she's okay now the egg is up here part of the server and out of reach from everyone because uh yeah i i i i'm gonna be honest i don't know what to do with it this has never happened before this is definitely weird right is it like yeah it shouldn't be happening not normal kim don't expect this to happen every time this is i don't i don't know what this is on here to see this yeah speaking of which where is she nobody just dies forever in minecraft so whatever what what is that it's a hardcore server i don't i don't think so uh maybe i didn't set it up i didn't set up hey no no no no no no no it was a hardcore server jeez oh that's a good thing to check hold on let me go there you go all right now we wait oh no no what it's not hardcore mode okay bad news that that means i have no idea what happened to half now yeah um well maybe she'll maybe she'll like i don't know hit us up later in the meantime i i guess we'll just chill huh yeah yeah you know i'm gonna go do stuff in my house i'm gonna go to apple's house and see if there's anything in there i could take okay last time we took things so so let's just uh let's put things into perspective i normally can't come to the overworld as an ender dragon because i have to have a player bring me and they brought me they have no idea what they've unleashed here so uh i'm going to just uh take my time a little bit you know see what's going on maybe i can yeah sorry i just needed to check out my sheep okay all right that's fine that's fine how about i go back over there to pierce's house oh what is this a letter oh the letter p for pierce how about i spill it with tnt just to see how much he would like that maybe it'll become p and p uh yeah that's all the girls you know let's just go ahead and continue uh and if you wanted to have some button you should have told me when we were here in the first place yeah i ate all the food in my house here's why beers what turn around uh okay okay oh what size are we there doing here wait hold on is this still in the the hub nope it's not the hub why what is it okay we gotta be super careful okay whatever yeah what what if what if we just you know um you know get rid of it a little okay you you can do it without breaking all right uh have fun with that in your house i'm gonna go bye wait oh that doesn't look great hi dragon friend oh well you're releasing my house okay i'm gonna go bye [Applause] [Applause] i'm sorry but i gotta go what where's he doing oh he must be in there look at him let's go see if i can go get him in there you'll never get me ender drag in this part this room is too powerful for something like the likes of you um i could very easily get you pierced actually ender dragons are very good with lasers so i just uh hello oh hi how's it going nope don't want any oh my god that's it that was great all right let's see what else i can do don't steal diamonds from me so what if we made a snack revise out of piercing in so like just sit in the pot wait why aren't you using this idea yeah why us uh because you a snack now get in there come on now does it have to be so hot i'm getting kind of uncomfortable here yes very very hot oh ender dragon oh wait look look it's working ender dragon okay okay yummy potato so great yeah yeah i'm feeling pretty good right now i don't i'm not kind of uncomfortable at that yeah [Music] and then of course everyone likes bacon right and the final ingredient this is what everybody loves yeah yeah broccoli everyone loves it broccoli nice smelling them kim went inside her house hmm oh i have a good idea you know how about we give her you know she's been really nice and she's new let's go a little easy on her maybe she'll take us back to everyone else and uh what if we just open this up and open and then an egg huh i wonder if this is another clay i'm gonna try to get everyone else over here let's see let's see where are they at oh i hear one why does everyone say that everyone's house is on fire and there is so much fire oh okay all right we gotta figure something out here not to freak you out but i found another egg what what what what are you writing about another egg i don't know it's in my house what's it called it says uh friendly enderman that's not a thing yeah i don't know about that one exists in minecraft no no you better not oh whoa what bradley where'd it go i don't think it's the very friend no all right no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] how many can i make okay okay we just we just got to stay here kim as long as we stay in the water and the water doesn't go away we'll be fine wait what the dragon why me no no you do not want to ride the dragon you don't want to ride the trucking shuttle see that egg is really only falling to kim not everybody else so uh you know i've been so busy oh my gosh okay okay a little little end egg egg dirt dragon whatever thing you like food right yeah i see you were getting excited for the the potatoes and the bigot listen i i understand nobody likes broccoli so i got you something that everyone does like a burger i like burger all right you know i'm gonna take that as a guess okay um he only gave me one i'm not appeased [Laughter] you want more burgers i got i i got more burgers here more burgers wow nice i can give you as many burgers you want just a lot of burgers yeah that's uh that's gonna hurt ian hmm don't worry i got a backup plan what dragon i present to you thanks just all the pigs you could possibly need please fall for you there you go look at them they're so oh no okay i present to you zombie pigmen oh no no no no no protect me burgers all right what does uh maggie came up to are they still in the house oh let's see okay so this this is called t and t and this will definitely kill the ender dragon so all we gotta do is put some down and then we light it and then that's how the end of dragon will explode and it'll be perfect we have to line it in my house [Laughter] take this [Music] it's just my roof at this point i can't even get there anymore don't worry guys i'll just slain this one too like i slain the other one yeah sure okay yeah you definitely played the first one what happened what are we gonna do about this no no no okay so we've uh we've learned one thing that oh yep it's blowing up more tnt on your house so yep that definitely solves it this dragon likes destruction okay maybe he doesn't like broccoli definitely not broccoli no no no no no no everybody knows to appease it what if we do some destruction of our own oh maybe we maybe we get it so we start worshiping its destructive ways maybe we can then become like friends with it and then take it out yeah we can show it how cool we are with destruction and to do that i think we need to blow up aphmau's house what yeah but when she comes back she's going to be really mad what she's dead for now she's here she won't be mad now she's not going to miss it she's not going to use it okay so let's uh fill it with tnt let's go yeah i've got some tnt all right here you go okay have some kim there you go a little bit of tnt for you yeah yeah you're doing it here it's raining that that was a little weird all right quick honestly not the weirdest thing today i load it up load it up load it up actually uh max i got to get matching why don't why don't you keep kim outside away from the dangerous tnt yeah yeah did you light it early early no she'll never find us here guys just blend in just blend in this is our home now this is what we do we are chickens we live as chickens can't confirm i feel like a chicken don't worry you guys stay here i'll keep us safe i got this oh no what's your plan wait you won't want to go after the dragon like i've been doing it's sort of working i mean i i appreciate the enthusiasm but we got we got to come up with real solutions here kim we believe in you just also this thing doesn't want to take arrows it seems we got to do something a little bit more than that what if we lure her in with some tasty treats like carrots the dragon doesn't like vegetables yeah remember when your whole house and farm got burnt down to crisp listen listen that was broccoli carrots is a whole other story he bought me a whole bunch gold yeah okay i mean dragons like shiny stuff right sure yeah shiny shiny i like it all right you know what never mind never mind that's not fun to ask why that was the time for action yeah actually uh okay we know we oh okay and cheeseburger perfect yeah i'm gonna throw some button down in just just as a little extra bonus here just throw something in there yeah yeah exactly just in case just like me get that broccoli out of here we need a well-balanced diet all right let's okay okay i got cheeseburgers [Music] one huh oh oh that's right you know what let's make kim's little dreams come true how about this frame okay keep don't worry we got you wait let's see dragon has dead [Music] what happened to you yeah where have you been no i died forever she was alive you guys got the end portal here crazy give me your soul oh my gosh you're so nice thank you you probably kept you didn't steal my diamonds you kept my house intact this whole time my house is perfectly fine your house i can't believe that yeah your house is perfectly fine yep that's enough adventure for you for today no more adventure okay no no what i'm hungry [Music] uh i i need to sit down and eat a cheeseburger i'm going home
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,847,978
Rating: 4.8804121 out of 5
Keywords: Playing minecraft as a ender dragon, becoming minecraft a ender dragon, becoming a helpful ender dragon in minecraft, turning into minecraft a ender dragon, minecraft morph mod, minecraft aphmau, minecraft a ender dragon, aphmau, minecraft, becoming a mob in minecraft, how to become a mob in minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob survival, lets play minecraft as a ender dragon aphmau, minecraft no swears, ender dragon minecraft
Id: Haq0M8rfsW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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