Playing Minecraft as a BABY Reindeer!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pr_use 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
this baby minecraft reindeer is out to make friends on our minecraft server but when the other reindeer won't let her play their games my friends adopt her as their own their job is to raise her to be the greatest reindeer of all time and traitor to win the reindeer game with her little red nose she's ready to pull slaves and have magical snowball fight this little deer has a lot to show will she be able to win the games and become the star reindeer let's find out and be sure to poop that red subscribe button with your nose other thanks to play with hi guys what huh where are they going wait come play come on i'm a reindeer too look i have a red nose but you guys have my noses too and mine glows but that's okay so i um wait what where where are they going why don't they want to play with me hey you guys there guys i'm sitting over there what what do you mean what what's where where are you there's an adorable puppy on the ice a pop pig puppy come on come on over oh wait i got a nice bone for you oh yeah yeah get it off the ice get off the ice let's get it over here come on puppy come on come on [Music] she doesn't seem to want the ball hey uh huh what just she's gonna let you know i'm pretty sure that's uh a baby reindeer oh does that mean that the other ranger don't want to play with you that's so sad it is super sad oh you guys are so mean you guys suck [Music] [Music] okay guys guys guys wait no it's gonna be all right guys let me tell you i know wildlife and this is not a reindeer this is a puppy a very exotic looking puppy i will say but yeah definitely a puppy well we're gonna play with them regardless absolutely [Music] hey whoa hey how did she get 40 cuter that's not allowed [Music] a cutie like you oh i think i know why so they want to play only with big reindeer she's a cute little reindeer puppy oh is that right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait watch right now is the time santa's choosing which reindeer gonna lead the sleigh this little one is look this little one has like a cute little red glowy nose so those other reindeer are trying to get rid of the competition because they're meanies which means we have to get rid of them first come at me oh you come right here hey hey hey hey it means it just means we have to get rid of them by preparing this little one to destroy them with the santa's radio games that's kind of where i was going with it but you know that makes sense i got the perfect plan come on guys i got the perfect place for you little reindeer puppy come on in today we do need to talk about this but like it was funny at first but now it's like we're here and she's not a puppy man but guys she might be besides we're let's get into some serious training here if she's gonna be one of santa's reindeers then she needs to train like a mighty wall okay you can't train wolves not with that attitude hey donut no we'll see dear anyway yeah but the thing is is that she in this world it's either eat or be eaten and she needs to eat now come on little one let's teach you how to pull a slice i'll show you a step later you have some water no bed got even a dog house in the back it's so cool crazy she likes it right dear house sure great so what are we doing first we're going to teach her how to pull a sleigh come on little one all right yeah let's do it yeah on the ice for you seems pretty important pretty pretty essential the whole sound check it out okay i think it's a little too big for her yeah classic santa but like don't they need like eight or nine tiny reindeer to make that move like that's pretty big come on guys you're really being a downer with the negativity she can do it would you do it for in apple how about that okay i think we need to give her something small to fall first we gotta train her uh well i guess the training is kind of a thing i'm not sure [Applause] oh [Music] i'm kind of proud to see how strong she is [Music] here's oh good she dropped me oh okay oh hey guys oh i'm glad of you to join me and and figure all this out huh really appreciate it here thank thank you so much wow she knows how to strap into a sleigh herself whoa oh yeah she's doing it okay i guess i can take a beating if it means that she figures it out cool great oh look at her a lot of pep in her step all right we know that she can pull it but can she fly hey here we go yeah wait wait wait wait here's what what what are you doing exactly how we gonna teach this little baby how to fly duh what do you think i can't believe that seems like a bad idea don't you think maybe we should try from a place that's got some uh uh lower stakes and lower elevations yeah i don't know what you guys are talking about this is perfectly fine this is how my parents taught me how to fly and it's you know this one's gonna learn too uh let's let's do a test run first just to make sure something's smaller now watch baby watch pay very close attention so i'm gonna set this down i'm gonna step up on here and your objective your job is to go from up here to down here while you know going a little bit longer than just falling directly right you got to make sure you go back up afterwards a little bit you want to try yeah yeah go for it and yeah that was pretty good that was a pretty good test very nice very nice level one complete now let's try level number two come with me as i now come over to the edge hey hey where are you going oh oh i see you're scared oh okay that's fine that's fine you know what here i'll uh i'll i'll demonstrate for you okay come here sir thank you all right now watch as this towel learns how to fly and see and you see that was a perfect test because we now know that that cow can't fly but you can fly so it's going to work out great so here we go she got an explosive start to get off the couch oh that is so weird how does she explode i know right hey guys hey welcome hey pierce hi i i swear you did something pierced and i don't know nothing all right that baby reindeer just exploded it was you know what whatever it's fine whatever babies explode the end right all right let's get back to training we got it we have a lot of time left come on so look baby reindeer you got to be ready to show up those other radiant kids with the reindeer games okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no night night night nice come on no one puts my baby in a corner and gets away with it sure but uh all our babies yeah we've only had her for a couple hours okay look at me baby if you see those other mean kids you go after them and anyway we are gonna trade her in the art of snowball fights yeah yeah snowball fights classic reindeer games just gotta throw some snowballs at things and make sure that our aim is good look at her hey hey hey fight hasn't begun yet rule number one of snowball fight you cannot throw a snowball until the fight has begun that's okay that's okay you're learning you're learning that's fine all right let's go let's get let's move come on come on okay snowball fight welcome to the snowball arena two teams will enter one team will leave victorious the other team will then leave a little bit after the first team a little bit more suck there she goes look she's a natural all right so uh we need to we need to split up into teams and we need to take each other down to the first team to get uh to get two soggy uh losers all right well it looks like the baby ranger's uh kind of sticking to you there kawhi chance how about no i died for you two all right it cool great everybody having a good time all right assume the positions battle starter all right and three two one go yeah get out that was through a little early ah hold on hold on hold on that's unfair you can't you can't have me twice in the same second okay i need to get you down hey [Music] hey she's doing it she's doing it she's she's flying she figured it out look at her guys [Laughter] all right then guys now it's time to practice another reindeer game boom wow sometimes santa loses some of his presents on the sleigh so it's up to the lead reindeer to pick them up it's a race to collect the presents all right all right yeah let's how are we going to work this one out well we're going to have the baby reindeer puppy and cheers just a reindeer uh oh oh me okay close enough all right okay you're gonna race to find the presents so on your marks get set go go go go go go go go go go go go you're gonna get that one okay i'm gonna go get this one already i got one gotta get it i'm ah you can't get it now ah it's all fine what why [Applause] there's the other reindeers don't do that yeah we'll take care of the big reindeer later in officially sanctions no i know you're teaching her way too many bad things we're gonna have to go calm this baby down now sure self-defense has arranged your game somewhere oh well that was a hard day training so i know all right baby show i wanna feed you some boo don't you like carrots yeah you want carrots they're so nice and healthy oh baby what do you mean no fishing out like carrots no i thought i thought reindeer like carrots yeah right baby come on you gotta eat something uh i think she wants something else uh-oh you can't okay look i'm an advocate for cake too but you are still a growing baby and i don't think you wanna eat cake right now okay baby like healthy carrots yeah okay for you making strong and no she really doesn't want the cake hey look babies only get cake if they eat these healthy carrots oh baby come on none no no no no no i think she's about to say a bad word no you should not use language like that little one what hey guys hey uh i believe i keep getting just getting exploded i'm not gonna forget about this young miss oh hey look kate oh man you're slaying your enemies i missed lunch today i am so hungry i'm just gonna whoa that was good for you what do you mean that is so weird why does she keep exploding i don't know good like this is actually getting hazardous to my health so i think i'm just gonna stay like five feet back from all of you from now and i hope that's okay no offense do you think it's her nose maybe i don't know possibly i mean it's floating she's full of energy do you see like glow more before right before she destroys me in my face every time i wait what what no i i just thought of something you know the naughty list you don't mean oh no baby you need to be careful you might be on santa's naughty list no no no not the naughty list hey you know what it's not so bad i've been on the naughty list for years welcome to the club baby i was on the naughty list once it was terrible oh come on nicole keeps my house warm it's really nice every year okay you're looking nervous it's fine it's fine baby okay all you gotta do is get just gotta go do some good stuff and then offset all the bad stuff that you've otherwise done all right then everything will be fine ah good stuff good stuff i know what to do i know what to do [Music] uh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on let me go take a look uh hey what are you doing what are you doing hey i guess let's go [Music] [Music] reindeer on santa's team oh that's a lot of puppies ah this is my happy place yeah i mean it's a little bit uh it's a little last minute it's a little like doing your homework after it's due but you know what i bet you this puts her on the night nice list probably yeah wait huh did anybody hear that you're right she is up a nice list we gotta go we gotta go i think he's here she's here oh oh i think over here guys i think i see something hold on come on come on i see santa left it no hold on let me let me let me grab this thing let me grab this thing hold on hold on hold on and yike and hey hold on here let me take a look at this okay so according to santa's letter he can't make it to the reindeer games this year oh that's kind of sad but he really is feeling feels bad about it so he decided to deputize pierce as an l wait wait what am i wearing hey what anyway it's i guess it's cool uh and i now invested with uh with elephant powers i have the ability to take the lead right here this year okay all right that seems irresponsible but all right all right well uh let's get out there let's uh let's do some some reindeer judging come on right here it's time to pick the lead reindeer for this year come on come on up obviously it's gonna be our precious little reindeer yeah she's the best okay even though i reigned here reindeer i uh though i personally enjoy ours puppy i have to be impartial santa put give me a very important job here okay i gotta make sure that i'm paying attention and judging objectively the best reindeer all right and we already know which one is the best right nope okay first off yeah looking pretty good pretty good good coat eight points on the old antlers looks pretty good very nice very nice yeah well a good great entry this year all right and oh look at your little coat your little jacket thing is very nice and your nose is so glowy a little small for for late lead but you know what that's okay that's okay all right let me take a look here okay ooh those hooves look strong i could be getting some good lifting hold on hold on i gotta i gotta think up through everything uh yeah okay you know who it's gonna be right hold on are you threatening a judge of santa's judge excuse me just uh you know getting ready to cut an apple right yeah sure okay anyway so i have here my results number one i appreciate your your all the work that you've put in this year you have a an excellent resume uh but unfortunately yeah you have a little bit of a bit of a coat problem in the back here oh if you just pressed your uh coat just a little bit hey hey hey what are you doing oh ears ears yeah right she jumps save him she helps me saved my life hey i can't announce my results until you put me down all right thank you all right well given the circumstances number one is disqualify get out of here scattered out good and that leaves two and three and uh i mean three next year all right i promise next year for for you it's number two of course it is of course oh number two was it a bully no well yeah no it turns out bullying doesn't win you anything it only wins you anger all right wait wait where's she going she's wait i think she's playing with them oh she's hearing him playing with her too guys i think we've done a good deed today and look we now we hey we have an in with santa now this is gonna be great we can get anything we want ah nice look at you you're so cute i'm going to be with my friends now okay
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,328,616
Rating: 4.8887701 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby reindeer pranks, pranking my friends as a baby reindeer in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, reindeer pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a baby reindeer in minecraft, pranking my friends as baby reindeer, pranking my friends as baby reindeer aphmau, babysitter pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments
Id: 9Yb6AJoCHko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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