Aphmau Is SICK And Needs HELP In Minecraft!

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i'm sick in minecraft and my friends are going to take care of me but i'm not actually sick i'm only pretending in order to see what they would do when i'm not watching by using my secret base we get to see what happens when my friends are alone well i'm sick will i discover their secrets or will they be catching me in the act [Music] now is that you yeah i'm coming in oh oh you look terrible what's wrong what what happened to you oh that's fitness no no no no don't talk don't talk kawhi can't get up here look at her she looks awful yeah i think she's sick oh what are we gonna do do something do something about it here here here here here here here here oh ooh soup that'll help call my nervousness what's wrong with you [Laughter] don't worry about me what about you are you all right oh it's okay i'm just no it's not okay are you sick yeah i'm not feeling no oh she's sick she's sick this is terrible oh my god why are you guys screaming what's going on she's sick she's sick wait are you yeah i'm not feeling too good all right just to think for this give me one sec huh where do you think he went what did he's doing i don't i don't know he just said like he had he knew what he was going to do hurry up all [Music] oh i knew this would come in handy someday and i'm finally ready all right all right great great great this is good all right so tell us what do we need to do to make her better oh wait uh i don't know i'm not a doctor you did you just said you this no no no i just wanted i just wanted to put this on just in case you know you never know oh guys guys guys look look look don't worry about me okay yes i'm just a little under the weather but you guys can play minecraft without me today okay and maybe you guys can just take care of my house you know while i'm out sure yeah absolutely we'll watch we'll make sure your plants are watering [Music] you just stay right here i'm gonna come back and check on you every now and then okay okay please focus on getting better okay i will i'll see you later bye all right bye all right now time to see exactly what they do when i'm not around all right what is this this is rotten too oh i'm just gonna leave that out all right so this is my secret base area see i can kind of like look around see where everyone is maybe they're on the first floor let's see what's going on over here i mean come on honestly i see you i see all right how about this right here oh i could oh that looks pretty good [Laughter] what what hap what the floors just okay what the heck is going on in here all right no just uh you know inspecting things this is dr wood why what do you mean what's going on inspecting things okay so explain to me why you're in here dying inside athmose house okay look i am a medical professional and i do not explain my methods to you sir it would take 12 years of schooling good day sir good day this guy is just unbelievable i need to check on apps see how she's doing how you feeling not patience too good but you know i'm doing pretty i'm doing all right yeah i'm doing pretty good okay that's that's nice to hear well listen i was trying to think of a way to help you get better quicker so i actually went and made you this beet soup here i thought you could use oh you really uh thank you you really dropped the beat there didn't you okay i'll let you have that pun but listen that's gonna help you get better all right just make sure you enjoy it while it's still hot and i will be back to check and see how you're doing later all right thank you bye good thing he's gone okay all right so now oh and just one more thing you don't need this uh game console here i'm just gonna take that what are you oh did you just oh okay yeah i'm good i don't need it don't worry i can get better without that yeah i mean you know the old phrase starve a cold feed a fever and borrow bacteria so there you go wow oh thanks zade i appreciate it take care bye thanks mom to my game console that's it so pierce was in here just looking all over the place [Music] well i mean as long as she's up there i don't think she'd mind me borrowing a few things let's see what we got in here all right you know what it's worth losing my switch oh why did this happen ah good thing i have some defenses in my house so there's more to my base than it just being really really cool and projecting like the outside world down here i have a whole system of little trains and everything and i'm gonna go check on kawaii chan actually because pearson zane you could tell they were up to no good but kauai chan no not her she's a sweetheart okay she's an absolute sweetheart and the whole point of me playing sick right now is just to make sure that everyone is doing good on the server while i'm gone but still on here so let's see how they're doing okay she's probably just baking a cake or something simple let's see up here oh oh what's going on oh my god oh my god what's happening oh my god what's happening okay what's going on what kawhi kauai what is going on here um nothing uh yeah clearly nothing's nothing but we really need to make it look like it's nothing because pierce is on his way oh okay yeah yeah we gotta get these out of here uh uh okay hello anybody [Music] uh home a second i promise if i if i just come in for just a second we can explain this out all right it's fine it's fine we're just we're just going to come out to you here we we're just trying to uh freshen up um yep just clean them [Laughter] i think you're being a little paranoid there's no chickens running around here i didn't say anything about chickens being around here just that they were missing from my house are there chickens right no no no no no no not at all why would you think that i don't know maybe that chicken face sticking out of your door all right what oh you're imagining stuff wait a minute wait a minute oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no check it out yes absolutely don't worry about it okay it's going just fine oh i think i know what's going on here oh dude you're suffering from chickenpacks [Applause] of course we need to go check out right away i have an idea get back here she needs peace and quiet no time here she can't be bothering her at this point she needs to rest now this is extremely important i promise you i haven't i have a plan i have an idea and hello my sick patient hello how are you doing today hi i'm doing good i'm sorry aphmau i tried to stop him but he just made a mad dash up here it's okay well of course so what what why are you here yeah you okay because i have a plan oh no you know i we there's some hijinks that happened just a moment ago that reminded me of how i always feel better when i have some chicken noodle soup so here you go have some chicken noodle soup right there oh thank you so much i'm sure it'll make you feel instantly better absolutely and not a problem you know i could just get you the beet soup if you're not feeling the chicken noodle stuff i mean i know that you how much you like that no i'm not chicken don't worry about it i'm not gonna chicken out of this one what are you oh uh hey huh what what what is this egg doing over here by the way just just like float egg around is that is that yours no no i don't know where that came from actually it's an excellent egg though it's pretty extravagant it's a good pun but i get i guess i'll just take it out of here you really gotta store your eggs better all right okay okay it's time for you to get on out of here okay just come up with me all right hey oh unnecessary sir sorry this is like that i'm starting to realize that phd stands for pierce has dumb that may be true but also i have my i have my blab coat all right so i have another part of my room i have some secret cameras around here it's so nice something to give me chicken look at them what are you doing here sheep get out of here what's going on in pierce's house uh sheep stop it all right so pierce is not there uh put that away hawaii and zayn all right so they're still here oh they're they're tending to the chickens okay all right they're still doing that thing i can't they're making chicken oh my god okay all right what's going on over at zane's house see if anything's going on at dan's house oh no he's got a creeper spot oh no oh no oh no oh no i knew he was up to no good he's out to get revenge for his chickens that's it i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go to zane's place all right i may be sick but look or playing stick at least shh you should never play sick guys by the way okay so yeah come on come on come on come on come on come on oh all right um where is pierce where is he going what is he doing come on he can't blow up saints houston's been like the nicest person okay there we go oh here we go oh my god he has friendly creepers oh no oh no those are prank creepers okay i got this i got this i got this i know how to solve this there we go there we go all right all right act natural is to get them out of the house oh hello hey what well welcome to the prank party i guess yeah just just hang out here all right uh i'll well hey don't don't don't mess with my creepers excuse me [Music] he may have taken my switch but i'm not going to let his house explode oh you're going to have creepers of your own i see [Music] no i guess i just didn't realize how much everyone is just wow just giant troublemakers and what's that noise was somebody coming up here what does this sound like okay uh in here hello anybody maybe someone in the house let's see um oh pierce again i'm sick and he's a doctor this is terrible who's there someone in my house uh no no no one no one's in your house hmm that's familiar uh-huh uh-huh just gotta go down the stairs all right i see what you're up to mister just so you know i have a little few tricks of my own all right don't mess with me when i'm sick doors closed oh you go nope [Music] is everything all right it looked like pierce died again so i'm just making sure everything's okay up here wait she's gone it's uh ass was at the bathroom i was in the bathroom you know it's not it's good it's good it's good i was just the bathroom don't worry just oh you don't even want to know just uh blew up i mean pierce blew up not me had he blew up in the bathroom oh okay okay i i think i get what you mean wow you really humored yourself with that one didn't you look i'm just glad you're okay all right i heard a lot of commotion and i'm just glad you're doing fine i'm like pierce who cannot help but die over and over again on this place yeah he's serious flaming balls of rock would fall for the sky today boy is that what you call going to the bathroom pierce really wow pierce grow up what you're a doctor i'm dumb you know pretending to be sick for a day really showed me a lot about everybody i mean they're all on the server i mean it's really interesting oh wow she just murdered that chicken it's really interesting to see what they do you know to see what they do when you're around but you're not around what is pierce up to she's just kind of standing there looking in his chest i don't trust you you've been like crazy all day oh no what's he doing what's he doing okay he left with tnt you know what that's normal that's not true for pierce i'm just gonna i'm just gonna talk it up to pierce being being pierced you know all right zayn and kaijan look like they're doing pretty good zayn's just moving around in this house all right she's just pop no pierce no please don't do it don't do it pierce don't do it don't don't do it pierce don't do it what does she have i think that's the friends and seal oh she's got a flint and steel in her head no she does i saw it oh no i mean she's either coming up to me or saying it's probably oh no oh no oh no i see them over there oh they're going outside oh no he's been the nicest person oh no no no no no no no no no no i can't let that happen no no no no it's not zane not zayn not zayn okay oh i gotta get there before they do i know i'm sick but okay all right other cart come over here just keep going just keep going just keep going just keep going just keep going just keep going come on insane you can't why is everybody going after zayn today even kawaii thought she was on his side okay okay what's going on over here wait what what's actually happening okay that was my round who wants to try it next ah but you just went i wanna go come on it's it's so hard to find one of these things and aphmau is always hogging it every time just let's just enjoy it when we get a chance absolutely now i can finally play i've been waiting i really don't think you've got the skills to match me in this one oh come on maybe not but i'm gonna learn i'm gonna learn very quickly and we're gonna we're gonna i'm pushing to the limit all right uh-huh oh but that was cheap come on i i i was looking oh cheap you call it cheap i call it skill come on back me up here come on obviously that was the sheep of the game right um [Music] she recognizes true experience when she sees it all right all right ass doctor i'd suggest i'm sure she must be miserable [Music] get it
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,975,341
Rating: 4.8556619 out of 5
Keywords: aphmau sick in minecraft, aphmau sick, aphmau is sick in minecraft and needs help, aphmau needs help, sick minecraft, minecraft doctor, minecraft friends help me, minecraft no swearing, minecraft prank, minecraft secret base prank, minecraft mod, minecraft sick mod, minecraft aphmau ill, aphmau in trouble, aphmau in pain, helping aphmau, aphmau feel better, aphmau in danger, aphmau minecraft danger, aphmau prank, aphmau funny, funny moments, minecraft prank funny moment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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