Aphmau's In DANGER And Needs To Be SAVED!

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this is me and that is danger my job is to avoid it but no matter where i go in minecraft it seems i find some way to get into trouble but that's okay because luck is on my side and my friends are there to save me if i need it will my friends be able to save me from danger let's find out i'm in trouble sadie by hitting that subscribe button quick huh hey it works thank you so much you know diamonds don't spawn above ground right where are they no no no no i swear i saw some over here and you're going to love it also look at the pretty flowers oh these are beautiful flowers you know beautiful like you see the same color what what huh what whatever oh my goodness look at this there's a bridge and some diamonds over there do you see that f-mouth this bridge looks terrible whoever built it should be ashamed of themselves um yeah sure yeah any anyway anyway um uh so now is the point where um you uh pay up pay pay you pay you pay what yeah yeah uh uh you gotta you gotta pay the toll to get across the bridge and uh i think you know what you need to pay with you gotta pay the gold toll the gold toll here has some potatoes potatoes oh that's my sword no no okay okay gold gold fine fine how many gold how many gold um let's see this is a half a bridge so two two two two gold ingots two gold blocks oh my god you are okay fine here you go you know i will gladly trade gold for diamonds any day look at this uh oh yeah so anyway uh you just come with me now it would probably amazing this looks like a really bad bridge ian no no no it's fine it's fine what what you don't want to cross a bridge like this what are you chicken okay [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] um okay so uh kind of kind of backfired plan i wanted to you to fall but i forgot to get rid of the lava that look that looks dangerous what do you think this is water and go get help do something hang on uh gold what do i do i'll talk to you hey hey ian oh oh there you are i thought i heard you oh hey zane hey listen i know you make potions from time to time i was hoping you'd be able to help me making with one that would work on lava what happened what's going on um wha what is happening i can't see his dad help me uh what do i do what do i do zayn we got a problem there are creepers up here too all right we're we're coming down let's see uh maybe we can hop on the trees yeah okay okay he's actually being kind of smart for once okay okay i mean listen between you and me i just don't want zayn to be angry at me um please over here okay okay hang on we're almost there okay this should work that works okay okay what is happening what were you thinking going over that rickety bridge like that who builds a bridge that crap well you know it was uh so ian told me that there was gold uh there was diamonds on the other side so i went to the other side but he said i couldn't cross the bridge until he got some gold so that's what i did what's happening i didn't do anything all i did was you know i i it's like she said i took the gold she crossed the bridge the bridge you sure you didn't do anything i didn't do anything well um i i didn't not do anything but i also didn't do that you know what i believe you i believe you one hit oh my god okay okay we need to take a look at that that cannot be normal it can't be good but you know what it's never stopped me from going on minecraft adventures and i'm going to do that today so then i'm going to no no no no no no no no we're not doing that we are heading back to the village and i think you're just going to have a day off so you can rest up and we can figure out whatever that effect is on you i'm not going to be in engage i'm running away no you can't i'm running away no no no no no no no no we we are making sure you go back it one way or another all right now hey stop it get back here gotta get away from zane oh great nice oh wait no no no no question your cakes are the best i swear thank you half mel i work really hard on these especially this one i know everyone thinks that they look the same you know the same minecraft cakes you know because there's only one recipe but but i believe in you girl these cakes taste amazing and they restore more hearts because you put your special needs special so wait oh i need to go get water i'll be right back okay one second yeah yeah now we can get rid of status effects oh are you chopping trees in kauai chan's backyard you know she doesn't like that um this is this isn't quite chan's backyard this is um uh her side yard yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's fine you know what fine you you do your own thing i'm just going to be here with kauai chin eating our cake that we made together because bffs oh my goodness she's gonna be so mad at you maybe later not right now we're making bff cakes right now okay okay i'm gonna keep chopping her trees okay desperate times calls for different measures oh my god oh my god are you okay [Music] you're in danger i have to keep you safe [Music] what just happened uh well zayn you put oh my goodness come on dave let's go back you you put me in danger look what you did i did this what yeah i know but wait no ian dropped the tree on you he did but no at least you lifted up the tree but look zade that was so good well what matters now is that you're out of danger and safe and ian i see you enjoyed the rest of kauai chan's cake how did it taste oh they tasted great but man am i full now [Music] you want to know something interesting about this year what what everything is now cake fire come on give me a second [Music] you know what here take your own cake there you go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go get come on i really don't need your help okay i think you do do you realize how many things have happened to you just in the span of today you're being a danger more times than i care to count yes i have we are in danger we need to keep you safe i have been in danger in minecraft but it's not because of minecraft it's because there's some boob on the server who just i'm not going to debate that but there there's something weird going on on this server app i can't explain it there is something on this server one zayn it's called you who just like pulled out on me and then and then and then and then it was ian okay maybe i went a little bit overboard but that was just me trying to get the tree off of you i was trying to save you all right look if you promise me that you will stay put here for the rest of the day and well i i know this won't be much compared to diamonds but you make a train out of it or something you get all of that if you stay put oh my gosh this is so cool can you seriously set gold all that far away okay zayn oh my god my gold senses were tingling do you have any more can i have some can have some can have some can have something right if you're interested he gave me some gold and some diamonds so i would stay put and i'm gonna stay put right here all right zayn you know what i'm not moving my little tush anywhere i'm gonna stand right here okay okay good that's fine yay you stay right there uh-huh and let me be nice and safe and we'll just try and figure out what is going on oh look stay here guys oh hi kauai chan uh what hey it's good that you're actually here um there was something i was wanting to talk to you about within it hey i don't want to hear your lovey-dovey stuff you guys haven't been done with this not really we'll talk about that in a second um like like i said i'll stay right here i'm coming i'm right there right behind you yeah i have gold it is i'm gonna sit right here under the moonlight you know maybe i should go inside my house oh hello aphmau i see what you have there you have a creeper egg and a merman egg what these no no no see these are just fine look look look look they're perfectly safe let me just get it yeah oh my gosh that see oh my friendly they're coming after me you know i can just deal with them in one way because they're friendly you know you've been in danger this time but i bet i could do something a little more fun with them more fun with them what do you what is happening to them just a little experimentation you know speaking of which whatever happened to that enderman [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared oh no oh no no no no no no no no no i'm going up here get away get away oh away from her i will keep you safe okay zayn how's everything going with protecting you what did we get the creeper uh i i think so the enderman's still here for much longer yeah i'm gonna go see if kawhi chen has more oh my gosh ian zayn are you it doesn't matter if i'm hurt how are you [Music] hey look you're back to normal hey it's dead i think count down and fight me like an enderman oh okay all right so ian oh you know what leave him up there leave him up there zayn uh leave them up there and leave them out there just just get them together just get them okay uh ow and only one more mom ha what what no no everything should be back to normal okay all right come on laugh go go inside now right now in the door that wasn't me i had to open yeah all right guys we have we had a good mining look at all this iron we got yeah yeah we didn't get chased by any mobs we actually went off without a hitch this time it's the bane of our collective existence it is not oh my goodness but listen listen i just made the greatest roller coaster on the server okay yeah yeah you know i understand you've been having a rough day it's a it's dangerous in minecraft so i thought i'd make something fun for all of us to try so i made a roller coaster you can come here grab a mine cart hop on in and we'll send you on your way and it'll be a great time and you with no negative connotations ian that's ridiculous you're telling me you built this whole cart path and you expect us to be safe yes are you kidding me no death now you're not writing this card come on we are going home you are not getting on this thing what are you doing no no no no no no no i'm not afraid to ride this you need to get out of that car you need a half mile what is that what are you doing what's going on it's my turn you're not supposed to have a gnt cart oh wait is that not how it works what now hold on i'm telling you you might give me a little little i'm going backwards it's fine yeah i didn't really like channels alone here for the moment yeah oh wait what's just on tnt uh what oh hi um uh hey wait why aren't you in your cart um why am i going backwards what's happening what is happening they're so cool okay wait a minute zayn i've told you i can take care of myself you saw me take care of myself over there you know there's no threat he ain't satisfied yeah and you can thank me later because i have kept you safe now come on we're going back to your house dude thank you you know i do appreciate ian has you got to watch out for him he has blown up more of this server than what we have left yes but most of his side of the hub okay my side is perfectly fine he's not going to do anything to my side oh i appreciate you this giant hole in the ground is one you uh it's it's literally one hole saying it's you know what fine you know if you want to follow me that's your thing but don't try to stop me from doing what i want to do because i'm a grown independent minecraft what is this oh hello there really independent now listen listen listen listen i'll i'll i'll deal with you later right now i have had enough of you following my plans and not uh falling for my traps so aha good luck getting in your house now i can't even all right fine you know what ian fine i i will prove you wrong you ready i'm gonna get in my house right now ready ready three two yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah watch it wow so sad oh no if only i had anticipated this huh yeah whatever what what did you do what's that what's that well who's foolish now you fallen right into my trap and what is that what is that hold on like escape spikes i kind of did wait what um i'm over here oh um i didn't plan on you stepping to the side because the spikes so um listen i gotta go and uh no no i got tell you what ian why don't you stress test this a little bit more spikes spikes i think you could use a little more testing don't you i'm not in danger zane it's just ian okay what just ian you do realize that you almost became swiss cheese there right look i could have just done this see hardcore hardcore i'll see you tomorrow saying bye bye one safe night laid down oh what the huh what what hello what happened to my house oh hey alf go ahead come on downstairs i'm about to put the finishing touches on this everything's there and done there i made your house perfectly safe can't get hurt in it ever again come on it's soft it's bouncy it's your favorite color there are doors you can get through and oh hey you haven't seen the best part yet i'm about to put the final touch to bring everything together to make sure you're never hurt again i'm getting you a guardian what the what is that guardian zane okay okay did you try to make an iron golem because that is not an iron golem oh no i know what i'm doing i gotta make something a little bit more juiced up from the situation [Laughter] saying you have no idea what you've done [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] minecraft server is gonna be just fine now zayn it's destroying the houses zayn was this worth it you don't have to go super super like mom dad's parent oh my gosh look at the weather yes there's only one thing [Music] i don't know i don't know what you're more scared of whether we're zane right now i'm scared of the wither i'm scared of the wither zayn is just not really thinking that big okay all right fair enough oh come on [Music] now's not the time you know what i i'm going right into my house i i'm gonna go to my safe house [Music] i've had it with the winner i'm getting it again seriously how
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,806,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau in danger, Aphmau minecraft, saving aphmau, aphmau needs help, aphmau danger, aphmau in minecraft danger, we need to save aphmau, we saved aphmau in minecraft, minecraft aphmau in danger pranks, aphmau funny danger in minecraft, saving aphmau from danger, aphmau is in danger, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau pranking friends, pranking friends in minecraft, aphmau dead, aphmau heaven, aphmau poisoned, aphmau help
Id: 1ySC4FYbYrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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