Aphmau Is HURT In Minecaft!

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my smile is hurt and everyone on the server wants to help me feel better but what they don't know is that i'm not actually hurt only pretending to see what my friends will do when they think i'm too hurt to take care of myself and they have some pretty interesting ways to help me out but i also have some fun mischief up my sleeve let's just see what ways they'll take care of me ah i think it'll help me feel better if you subscribe i'm just kidding but it does help thanks i made a cute drawing pierced oh look at that oh my it's a bunch of squares that's really nice this is a very good square thank you thank you i like to think that my art mimics real life anyway it's so cool there's nothing cooler than drawing haha i mean maybe i mean draw is pretty cool at all maybe i wish i could color like you do look look at you covered in the lines and everything man i wish but you know what what i think you would be even cooler if you did something a little bit more i don't know risky maybe maybe maybe maybe what is it what is it oh i don't know i don't know if you can handle it uh i can handle anything i can be the coolest i'll do all the yeah yeah yeah okay uh well if you're really that cool and you're both cool artists and also a cool person yeah how about you try and climb that tree what tree that tree uh yeah yeah actually right there yeah that one looks pretty good go ahead and get up to the top of that one then i'll think you're really cool all right yeah do it yeah all right yeah hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on why why you're wanting her to climb that tree up there ah that tree over there oh no yeah yeah this one's far more dangerous it doesn't matter which one you pick you are not peer pressuring her into this no he's hearing the pressure no no no no no ian ian pay a little more attention and control your son here my son what are you talking about my son see automatic denial that's why you're a bad parent bad parent excuse me i'll have you know he has gotten all of his shots and is totally potty trained i don't have any proof of that you need to sit here and start trying to take control of the situation anyway while the parents are arguing okay yeah yeah i'm gonna go ahead and do it i'll even give you some diamonds if you make it all the way up there yeah this yeah this is not going to stand here okay you know what since pierce wants me to do that i'm gonna play a little prank on them using this potion of invincibility and maybe some of this red crayon that was drawing with them just put this on my leg there we go perfect alpha it's okay you can come down now i'll give you the time it's okay get your lure off of me hi pierce i'm up here i've got a job i know what you're doing up there oh fear scared me he gave me pierce pressure no i didn't give you a pierce pressure pressure price for this very important difference this is exactly what i was talking about all right here we go i'm gonna do it three two one no no no no no no no no no no don't don't know oh okay take her to the hospital the second door [Music] okay this is not going to heal on its own we've got to do we need to get her ice and more bandages to stat uh uh no noy can you go find something nice for us okay look at it there's no ice there's no winter biome anywhere near here where are we going to find that guy go find one no go go go go go go go don't yell at me yes uh get her a juice like five juice boxes goosebumps she's got it yeah we can get her an iv just put it in her veins directly oh anything else anything else maybe like i don't know some chicken nuggets some food hungry you're hungry yes yes of course uh yeah i'll get some soup we're gonna make the most powerful healing soup you've ever had just wait here i need to find the ingredients all right oh yeah i gotta sit down okay all right guys i've convinced the mom hurt now i just gotta keep it up and i can get some cool stuff i'm gonna do something like this where i get up and then fall really hard what was that did you guys hear that go check out her go check out you all right [Applause] [Music] but here's the soup this will help you i tried thank you oh i don't like this soup i like i like zayn's soup oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we can get you uh the right kind of soup yeah [Music] [Music] i'm going to get some soup wait is that juice i'm going to get some nice stuff all right of course it's going to be really fun you know it's nice sorry it's just asking do you want some juice oh my god this here let me pick you up and bring it back there you go okay strawberry juice wait wait strawberry strawberries like fruit podge like the red the red stuff strawberry talking about it and it's chopping all right fine strawberries are red and so is blood pierce white hold still this is for the bathroom no no no no no no no i got made of fruit pipes sacrifice yourself for her house guys come on i'll be right back oh i can cause lots of mischief with this okay okay okay now we've got things all set up for you yeah does she does she put it directly on the wound is that how it works oh oh no pierce come on she eats it then it's supposed to heal after that oh okay so like it goes it goes through her mouth into into with the injury are you wait a minute i look at that injury do you he's staring at me weird he's staring at me weirdo i don't want to hear any more about this she is injured and we are trying to help her i feel okay but maybe a change of scenery would help ah i knew the suit wasn't gonna it was gonna take too long all right all of you wait here i'll be right back uh okay okay hey can i try some of that soup no whoa whoa did you just build this oh yes pierce stop asking unimportant questions now please don't worry about it thank you whoa wait you don't need to lay here i've got a bed for you right here yeah make sure you're nice and comfortable all right okay that's a bit reverse but yeah that that's going to work oh yeah no she's she's looking she's looking so hurt uh apple picked fast oh pierce can i talk to you outside for a second oh okay don't worry about that anymore i'm okay mac i'm sure that's zayn well this one has like a nice talk with pierce you know so that way they can have a good talk it uh what was that what what was that hold on i'll be right back okay zayn everything's okay i'm coffee yeah everything's just fine all right that takes care of that now if you need anything else at all you just let me know i will be sure to keep that mean old pierce away from you oh yeah thank you zayn i appreciate it you're so good to me it's the least i could do we gotta make sure you're all right after everything you've had a hot harrowing day for sure i don't know what that means but i sure did i'll be right back i'm gonna get you a towel oh thank you thank you thank you okay i get it i get it i get it won't throw anything [Music] wait a minute wait a minute hey look look look she's what never mind what what nothing but she was just she's just she's just laying down look at her look her look she's taunting me she's taunting me with her what are you talking about she has been laying there this whole time i don't know what you're talking about she hasn't moved since we've been talking are you ready for this all right we're gonna play red light green light when i say green light you need to turn around all right so red light green light go turn around [Music] [Applause] there's nothing here pierce you are trying to hamper her recovery now get out stop fight i'm out i'm gone you haven't seen the last of me i'm back are you okay is there anything i can get you um how about uh like some chicken chicken will be what i mean salad yeah salad okay got it got it thank you don't you be eating chicken on me we need to get you nice broccoli some vegetables peel you right up get you some carrots it's gonna be great i'll whip up a salad for you all right now we're just setting this carpet up to match your bed spread and there a nice red and white carpet for you what what what's wrong but i like purple oh of course just like the lamp there okay just give me a second here we can fix that and there we go nice purple carpet but it might look better with the red you know what you're right yeah let's let's go back with red see what we got here and there we go no problems at all red makes me feel scared i don't oh okay oh yeah that's fine fine let's go back to purple then because purple is clearly your favorite here so there it is now i'm hungry troll makes me too hungry can we change it back to red yeah yeah that that's perfectly fine i mean i've got plenty of carpet tiles here just give me a second uh right back to red at the end yeah no problem no hunger how about like an in-between of like magenta can we do that magenta makes me feel good i made me feel better i don't have magenta you know what that's fine it's fine it's fine i will go find some magenta carpet and we will make this room perfect for you so let's see if we can find something here thank you magenta where do i find magenta oh my gosh okay finally he got out of here now's my time to go get pierced because he is going to try to out me and i can tell all right let's put some potion of invisibility boop there we go perfect all right let's see let's see um pierce pierce pierce where's his house where's his house oh pierce's house perfect okay all right let's see all right so pierce must be in his house um doesn't look like he's here maybe he's back here i oh that should be good and now i gotta bring the windows what what what was that this probably is the bird breaking moving oh maybe i gotta break a few more windows widows frankie birds say birds what these birds doing all right i gotta wait what's going on wait what is this doing here i can i can survive this i can handle this i just gotta i gotta go around i can't i can't land on him i gotta land around him just gotta just gotta step down here and i think we're oh oh oh oh oh ow no no no whoa what [Music] what happened let's call it a rude awakening that was a creeper to your bedroom who did this i was sleeping soundly and then birds broke my window and then there was tnt and then i stepped on the wrong side of the bed and then you know what another one you know what i i don't have any proof yet but i think i'm pretty sure i fell did this no that she's not you can't be serious she is no she's not her laying down over in the medical area uh-huh are you sure about that are you excited wait whoa what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] we can't stay here otherwise they're just gonna keep popping up yeah i noticed them get out of here running run okay guys guys i made a pack i made it back oh you have the ice too oh thank goodness what took you hold on guys hold on guys i'm in a show i'm going to prove to all of you that aphmau is in this spot safe and sound no she's been off sneaking around oh come on that just had to be an angry bird or something that didn't realize the window was there okay oh thank you for the eyes oh my gosh i'm going to take this there you go you did it since you're the one who hurt me do you think you could put the ice on sits on the butter all right everyone just step out for a second you did that yourself pierce don't screw this up okay okay okay do you know what effort i went to to get that ice i know i'm working on ah pierce why'd you do that i'm okay happened i don't even know out the door out the door i just need some rest oh everyone looks like okay we thought it would be best you just just get some fresh air for the time being and then just enjoy a nice calming look at the pool while everybody is swimming around in the lake oh thank you this is so fun are you having an okay time yeah it would be better if my leg was not hurt are we aha if only your leg did hurt this whole time huh it hurt you know falling out of that tree it moved with you so much that you couldn't get in the water huh only you didn't dare her to do it exactly seriously pierce i am sarah okay she's the one who did it though come on there you go you made me take responsibility for murder the victory yeah i i'm just having you take responsibility for your own actions that's what i'm saying but i'm hurt you're trying to dog dare her i didn't even single dog he said he was gonna give me his diamond himself there was a bride but i think she'd actually take it i didn't think she liked that can you possibly get yeah all right all right i see where this is i see how things are going you guys need some astonishing proof in order to see that i'm actually the one on the right here so here we go you ready hey athbot what looks like you want to get a good enough actress but not always convincing you know all right thank you guys i'll be fine here by myself oh he's looking at me [Music] look at me what what not menacingly i know you are feeling guilty about this whole situation no you're wanting to redirect your anger at yourself about it no i wanted to redirect it to other people if i could help it there you go hey look i know you've been messing around with the tnt and stuff so whatever you've got that you've been trying to prove this with just put it in the trash here and let's be done with it okay all right you know what in the interest of of lowering the tension around here i'm willing to give up my tnt for this all right thank you still have my firmly held beliefs that that bow is definitely playing around here but i don't care just like that i want to give up a little bit all right here we go so i'm just gonna toss this in here oh i'm just gonna watch this unfold and uh yeah i'm just gonna throw it it's pretty convenient trash can here honestly all right it's done okay thank you i got it taken care of don't worry um where is she [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] problem let me hear i got my strawberry milk uh let me out of this hole let me out of here wait you don't have to fight anymore wait you get out the fight what are you talking about i'm i'm okay i'm fine my other leg my other leg grew back and and and my and my my my boo boo's got fixed yeah and everything's fine don't worry you don't have to fight anymore your friend was it was the miracle spa no it wasn't it was zayn's friendship he he healed me because friendship is magic i'm just glad you're okay thank you i got my strawberry milk too look i found it yeah i'm not buying it [Applause] that is not very cash money of you let's get out of here guys we can't stop them it's over bye
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 15,104,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau is hurt, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau died, aphmau is dead, aphmau dead, aphmau dying, aphmau hurt, aphmau funny prank, pranks to play on your minecraft friends, minecraft friends, funny prank moments in minecraft, aphmau died in minecraft, aphmau death, aphmau is dying, minecraft funny pranks, aphmau hurting
Id: DdmnObzp52E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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