Aphmau Is JEALOUS In Minecraft!

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mal is jealous in minecraft my friend trots her diamonds in front of everyone on the server and we're all super happy for them but when they keep shoving their diamonds in everyone's faces and think i'm too nice to get jealous of them i'll show them just how jealous i can get but remember i'm only pretending to be jealous to teach my friends a lesson but getting jealous is tricky especially when it may call upon an unstoppable monster can i control this emotion or will it control me so let's find out oh hey be sure to like and subscribe wait you get to let me oh i want to do that so jealous just kidding thanks okay all right got my iron pickaxe and i'm ready to go and get some material because i literally have nothing oh i only have like this pickaxe and some potatoes i really need to get a lot more stuff oh baxter by dia dialing his friends you and me are gonna have a great time oops hey oh hey that is super rare oh you need my new hat yeah no i uh it's it's really nice uh one of a kind and i'm really happy to have it it baxter's been really nice to me so far it looks so cool man i i've never what no i can't like these hairs this is so cool where did you get it oh yeah i got it over uh behind the corner of uh nadia business but i gotta make sure that these hats are very unique just to me what are you jealous of something i mean no i'm i'm i'm really happy for you actually of course you are right because uh everybody should be happy for a man who has a lava for a hat okay bye-bye pierce is so lucky hey ian how's the minds going oh it was fine i didn't find any gold this time you know all i got were a bunch of diamonds you know there were diamonds all over the place and yet not one single piece of gold or how am i supposed oh man that is so cool you're so lucky oh and i bet you're like super jealous that i have them and you don't right wait i mean i i guess that's what i feel i've never really thought of it that way but i'm glad you have something nice because you deserve it yeah i did that what yeah you did wait there's a nice diamond no no no just be jealous of me i found something cool you wanted you know whatever i mean you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna use these diamonds to um to uh oh to fix the holes in my house cause you know that's all what these diamonds are good for me anyway anyway i gotta go have a good day uh okay but you could use diamonds for more than up oh you know what that's fine that's fine pierce has a really cool llama and ian has some amazing diamonds and he's gonna use them to fix his house they're his diamonds i shouldn't care it's fine you know what i'm a little annoyed at that but i am happy for him i'm just gonna go get me some diamonds and see if i can get as lucky as ian all right i got a pretty good haul here i got like some diamonds some irons oh a little bit of gold and some stone but you know what oh yeah yeah well you know after i patched up my house with the diamonds i found i had even more diamonds so i made a whole nother house right here oh my gosh that is so cool wow you are so lucky ian uh-huh you're jealous of the house right not really i mean i found two diamonds and it's not as much as your diamonds but you know what i found two um yeah uh i'm gonna go back home now and uh start cooking my stuff so uh yeah i'm going this way yeah you want you want me to come along uh i mean you don't have to if you don't want to i'm just gonna hang out i'll beat you there oh wait what what i got an end to pearl kind of racist there oh look at this completely diamondless house wait did someone say that they have a diamondless house yeah that's that's right pierce oh that's really sad so sorry you really should be working on becoming richer what is this how did you get that oh i met a merchant who really wanted a lot of button today and it just uh happened to be in my lucky day because you found the llama so you found the merchant you're so lucky wow yep and watch this thing even has turbo you ready for this sure alright go oh too much turbo how dare you bump my car with your house it's not very nice i mean i guess your car's a little damaged but uh do you want do you do you want to take it back no no no it's fine i'll just go uh i'll be right back i i got something back out of the goodness of my heart i am gonna take some of these extra diamond blocks and put them in your house you know since i had so many well i'll just take care of that i'll be right back [Laughter] wow you really are super you how you guys have a lot of cool stuff yeah you know i it's amazing what that merchant really you really wanted button today man i'm glad you guys are having so much fun look at you're so lucky uh so can't believe your house by the way i i lied at my house but mine's too rich so i feel like maybe you're like i mean diamond blocks uh i mean you can pierce that you you can just land on my house uh are you okay okay [Music] ian i just i just wanted to mine and not have to worry about anything today but no they just wanted to blow up my house and sadly maybe i feel something else ah you know what it's fine i'll probably see them some other day anyway right no whatever i totally won no no no no no no come on there's just no way yeah i was gonna be jealous for any of those i mean i mean you have a point she does let us get away with pretty much everything and she's only upset for a little bit how much do you think we could show off her before she gets jealous huh we could show off everything she'll never get jealous i know right finally i can debut my polar bear jet ski combination i know that is crazy okay we got to get more crazy stuff to show off that will make her jealous yeah yeah that was just gonna be good to get jealous against this we gotta keep trying i can't believe this i cannot you know what i'm not gonna cry i can't get jealous too i can do i can i can be jealous yeah if i if i come over here i have to have all my jealous tools all right so i'm just gonna put all this stuff away i can make me look jealous i think i know what jealousy looks like uh let's see so if i do if i just uh well first i gotta drink this potion it'll give me some effects here we go there we go oh okay all right this will make hopefully make them believe that i'm a little jealous if i have this green thing hanging over me because green is the color of jealousy oh speaking of green i got this marker and then this and if i do something like this i can maybe put this on my face to make it look like i can do there we go oh wow is this what jealousy looks like oh my gosh you know what i did my best that's all i could do okay i gotta pretend to be just gotta pretend to be jealous okay let's let's go i am not happy okay let's go [Music] hi kauai chan i like your ears and tail they're super cute i wish i had them i i have a feeling nothing happened nothing happened hello there hey how's it going we're just here with our double jet ski polar bear atv um uh amazingness combo wow only one of its kind you'll never get one i bet you're super jealous wait huh wait wait what's going on hold on i got i got to remove polar bear from my eyes yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on yeah you stay there for a second hey what what i recognize this expression it's jealousy i am jealous forever here don't worry about it unfortunately [Music] we got a severe case of the jealousy no no no no no that's not not the case at all she's definitely just she's just food poisoning she ate something bad obviously not our fault yeah okay just sit down let me take a closer look i've never seen anything like this her eyes are as green as that one it's never gone like this [Music] jealousy [Music] no this is your fault you're the only ones who could have done this oh well then i hear my buzzing calls no no no no no no no you get back here you're gonna face your problems like a man okay okay okay okay fine fine fine all right guys guys it's fine it's fine i have a plan what in just such an emergency i have brought cookies to cheer aphmau and everyone up oh boy cookies so you want some cookies oh so here you go oh oh yeah um ian these are raw you didn't even bake them are you kidding me just more like cookie dough is pretty good hang on let me let me take care of this oh here we go hey you got to bake them right you don't it's fine it's fine you got to bake the cookies i like them crispy anyway i am going to make this crystal clear you need to resolve this no stays jealous it's going to unleash a monster that could be so dangerous it can destroy the entire server jealousy monster how could you have made her jealous and not realize you would have done that that's not a thing oh really i just wanted some good cookies now you shouldn't have gotten too close to the cookies they're they're still wait what what was that did you see what i made oh these are jealousy slimes it's like don't worry i'm getting what you show us i love you getting real bad it's like my plan is working oh zayn i'm trying to sleep oh i'm so jealous i don't want my brother to be my bed no you are not sleeping right now if you go to sleep while you're jealous things could get even worse okay we are taking care of this right now ian yeah i'm right here what are you talking about what is happening you need to fix this right now before things get any worse if this jealousy monster gets out of control the entire server could be in danger okay so what do you want me to do about it well you're the one who caused it so you need to take responsibility and fix it yes i'm really jealous of your cool house ian how did you even do this it's like illogical yeah it's it's a lot of times she's jealous of your house i i guess she can have the house but how am i gonna move it over to your house that would take forever push it or something i'm jealous push a diamond house mirror i'm gonna push this [Applause] i'm pushing as hard as i can give me a moment i can do this i'm a buff boy i can do this well you know what at least it didn't explode wait what is that noise my second diamond house man your explosion was smaller than my explosion earlier when you exploded my house i'm super jealous of that why making her even more jealous fix this now before something else comes to attack us hang on okay okay maybe uh between like um between the extra diamonds i had the ones i built with the house and repaired my i might have one or two diamonds left maybe one okay good go get them fine just make me go get diamond to push my i got some steak for you why don't you get something to eat in some jealousy slime you want some of that i don't want no jealousy slime and why is a snake oh man this snake is rare i like my steak well done go grab some welds on steak too i got the diamond don't worry i got it right here competent butterfingers i tripped yeah no no believe this gonna do everything myself around here that zombie doesn't like gold way too much [Music] i'm sorry for all this stuff that i did and you know as as a result i feel like i'm going to give you a vehicle of some kind here it is jordan yeah you like it it's brand new state of the art what even is this it's gorgeous what that's for baby no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's perfect for you it's just your size you know your little leggies could reach the pedals without you know stretching out too much and uh right over there that it it's the new red ryder 3000 tri-state someone appreciates the new tech i want to try to eat stuff you care about my truck oh good shape give her something else no really i don't have anything else to give i mean creepers did you not hear what i said about the jealousy [Applause] [Music] yeah okay um you know i'm gonna go chill i will be back oh hello exploding up my keepers oh just just get away from those please oh another try okay just try it out another one there's nothing you can do i'm gonna be jealous forever uh no you will not be jealous by the time you see this i swear okay close your eyes i can't everybody see me [Music] all of your favorite things yeah okay so i'll go first you know i i found all the diamonds in the in the cave um unfortunately we've used all the diamonds and i don't want to give away all my gold but i do have a whole ton of other precious metals like uh this iron ore that i found you know you you can have this and uh yeah that's useful then yeah useful that's that's uh what's important here anyway um uh pierce you want to go next uh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh anyway so here you go uh here's here's the new llama his name is salado and here you go i don't know what you're gonna do with it but have fun yeah i go what what [Applause] i don't think she liked it i mean i mean you did have a special llama earlier that was kind of a normal one oh you you don't think the lotto was special what do i like like tywin's give her the diamonds i don't have diamonds listen okay question's on her way with her gift too so you know oh yeah yeah casey what oh there we go oh well okay give you a hug oh i'm feeling pretty jealous about this cake i kind of want to take it [Music] you oh us to um take the cake inside and cut it up you know yeah yeah yeah oh i've changed my mind i'm gonna have this taken jealous bugs hey i don't feel so good huh just hold on hang on let's talk about this thing already all right you know what i'm kind of stuck i can't see where i'm going what's happening i don't know where i go it's still weird what's happening it gets very weird did you no i didn't anyway i'm going to eat it i i don't know what happened what happened this is all your fault oh oh oh she's so big she's so big oh no she's multiplying and now there's the event [Music] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] okay you know what i think i think i'm gonna just be myself and be happy for everybody i don't need to be jealous [Music] oh casey come on let's make sure she's comfy right this way just rest your weary head there you have a very nice nap then okay i'm gonna own the world and not be jealous no one is so full of problems oh she's plotting things come on let's get out of here oh that's so dastardly cute okay okay i think we can take the cake now oh no it's starting again
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,579,867
Rating: 4.9034815 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau is jealous, aphmau crying, aphmau jealous minecraft, aphmau pranks her friends, Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau is jealous, aphmau jealous, does aphmau get jealous, aphmau pranks her friends in minecraft, aphmau pranks, aphmau funny moments, aphmau is dead in minecraft, aphmau is missing in minecraft, aphmau died in minecraft, aphmau family friendly, aphmau no swearing, no swearing, family friendly, minecraft best pranks, aphmau is, aphmau
Id: FCvS5dL36P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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