Playing as Little SHARK Girl in Minecraft!

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lurking in the waters of this minecraft beach is the legendary baby shirt she's the newest addition to our minecraft server and she's super sweet but watch out because she'll use her sharp little teeth to go hunting anyone who threatens her underwater treasure what kind of mischief will these minecraft players face while babysitting a baby shark you'll just have to watch and find out oh and make sure to dive on into that subscribe button oh this is so cool yay [Music] [Music] i sing they'll they'll want to go away [Music] oh wait do you hear that guy no yeah what coming from over there wait why is he i think it's the singing who's yeah we're in the middle of the ocean but it is so cute wait wait wait what is that is it is that it is it coming out from over there i think so hold on yeah let's go check it out go check it out hello hello oh look at this little tiny little thing ah hey no be careful she's got some sharp she's got a sword it's a little scary but i think it's okay hey little one just hold on okay stop moving the boat that's what's scaring her it's fine come on i i don't think the baby wants to come over ian sing the song what i don't want to sing the song why not [Music] oh my gosh fine [Music] baby [Music] i can't believe you made me sing that song i don't like oh my goodness oh we're adopting her come on let's take her home fine pierce thanks for picking me up guys really appreciate it oh yeah no problem that was sarcasm come on anyway uh see i gotta park the ball and wait you brought it back with you yeah i mean kawhi chan wanted to okay yeah she's very cute but also extremely deadly did you not see me fly approximately a hundred thousand feet in the air [Music] this is a little less dangerous feeling i guess what hey you hey don't you dare after i sang for you and everything yeah are you sangfer come on man listen listen i i i didn't sing anything i don't know what you're talking about a dumb song exploring at a very high pace we got to keep an eye on her that's my house no no no no no no no you don't need to go in there you don't need to go there there's there's it's a very lovely place only for pierce's okay are you a pierce i think hi oh no no nadia does not need to go for a swim oh yeah wool is not great when wet no no it's just going to expand i got it i got i got you nadia okay i got you wait i don't catch you where are we gonna keep her anyway uh well in our houses duh i don't want her in my house and i certainly don't want her in my house she does not respect my roommates all right well fine if nobody's gonna take her i'll take her home okay hey i'm gonna take naughty home i'm gonna take my myself home a pool don't you love your new home you got a little craft friends and also basketball we have a little pool oh my gosh oh yeah i forgot you do have a pool quiet chime okay okay i can see this look at this big old section of water for it uh hey hey hey pierce can i have a word with you over here yeah i don't know well the baby gets used to the pool and you get comfortable yeah it gets exactly what here's this she's just she's just plucking like random wildlife from the ocean we don't even know what this is i know we can't trust that little mermaid it's true it could be extremely dangerous i i feel very personally threatened by this thing and i know i think it needs to be gone i think it needs to go right back also okay fine if you're not doing anything over there then i'm to make her a snack i think she's hungry yeah oh okay i mean we should always take her to uh pierce's sheep again if she's not yeah i know i i got a big plan for this you're right come over here wait did she did she grow legs i'm confused i'm extremely confused but oh this is our chance here oh wait where'd she go huh oh there's baby calm down stop stop what you're doing here's here's what are we going to do in the water i think she's calling for the the mother of the ocean here we go [Music] that baby shark is troubled [Music] don't give her cookies she she's trouble she's mean i don't watch her she's not mean to her see she threw pierce in the water he can't swim oh you're right um that wasn't very nice you know oh there you are fine yeah sure i'm fine i just had to drown it first oh good she's leaving here come on i don't want to go underwater i can't breathe underwater i can't breathe i i definitely know i can't breathe underwater guys come on she can't be out there all by herself well what do you propose we do about it i don't got no fins oh fine here have this and then what what is this what is this down here guys she's got like a like a like a temple here or something it's a treasure room guys guys you got to come see this i'm coming i'm coming i'm taking a walk hang on hang on i got to make sure the airlock is ready a little baby shark no you don't you don't mind if we take a look around your treasure room do you don't touch me [Music] i'm asking he did ask nicely uh-huh you're right fine maybe i can just uh look at these oh wow finally made it forever i i do not want to do that again but whoa hey this is pretty fancy what is this what is this a trophy i think sharks had trophies it says best shark huh didn't know you could do it that young yeah you the best little shark wait it says best 15th place shark oh no 15th place just kidding just kidding best shark fresh shark it's fine it's fine hey why didn't you make it guys i just oh well oh well i suck it in well i don't think nope it's fine it's fine you know why don't you guys play with the baby i'm i'm doing a little something over here it didn't go too well for me let's see what they're up to it's fine if i can keep her distracted i'm gonna get some of this treasure baby you better get me some of that back hey baby shark wherever you go uh hello please hey come on what's going on pay attention to me and not to the the blue guy taking all your stuff sharks come here what i'm distracting her what else do you want from me it was happening what's what's [Music] you know she doesn't even know what treasure is she's just taking all the shiny stuff that she finds she doesn't know the truth yeah now it's my shiny stuff [Music] no not both sharks no no no no i'm okay i'm all right i can make it i can make it i'm gonna make it i've gotta wake up the treasure and here and here and all of this for the pretty lady who's taking care of me there we go perfect okay just uh there we go oh hi are these for me oh you should have oh i'll take all of these wait what shouldn't she have what is that um is that is that diamonds that's diamonds isn't it that's a whole treasure chest full of diamonds that's a lot of diamonds there's so many here you can have one one yay i got two oh um hey hey um yeah don't you think uh maybe we should watch the the baby shark for a while she's been such a good baby no absolutely not have you seen her oh oh i mean i mean yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no we should definitely baby who shows her appreciation anyway we'll we'll take care of the baby for yeah absolutely uh-huh uh i guess you i guess you can oh this could be a bonding experience [Music] [Applause] you you relaxed quite shannon we got this yeah we got this out of control get in the house there we go okay all right pierce clearly she's got a bunch of treasure and maybe uh she could get us some you know possibly yeah hey how you doing little squirt right here she's she's definitely walked oh give her a snack or something yeah uh hold on oh hey hey fish fish hey take a look look we got a fish wait did you have a fish in your pocket that's not weird shut up here have this fish here whoa anyway uh oh thank you yes yes take that away from her anyway yup uh baby hey uh you seem to like treasure look at all the nice treasure that we have yeah look at all these diamonds and gold and things look at look at this one isn't that fancy that's such a fancy diamond right there yeah and uh yeah oh yeah it's okay i'll take that that's fine anyway anyway uh hey you've got more of this at your place right maybe you could bring it over and we can play with all of our treasure oh yeah yeah hi why no no no hey hey hey hey subtle saddle hey calm down huh uh hey what do we do she's not calming down i'm trying to think she's drinking my furniture here she is uh hey you know what i i don't know much about sharks but i know something about babies maybe she's just cranky because she needs like a nap or something yeah yeah go to go to sleep um hang on uh do you know do you know any uh other shark songs to put put them to sleep i only know the one goodness sleep tattoos okay she doesn't like that one okay oh definitely not oh you know what maybe maybe she it's just cranky because she's not in the water maybe she only shows naps in water uh okay but you know i that's that's my fish tank she's looking at my fish tank what if i just take her and go yeah there we go okay okay that that works that's plenty of room there's plenty of room for her she can stay in there well now there's that was more room for her because all your fish are dead uh wait wait yeah sorry sorry to tell you but no she's very upset this this isn't working oh oh no oh that's my fish tank oh she's letting the other fish out buffer fish listen i i forgot to explain that fish tank actually has a lot more fish in it than it looks what and they're all poisonous puffer fish yeah i noticed get it back in the tank damn it get it get it out [Music] oh [Music] okay i'm gonna leave thank you to the whoa okay okay i'm sick i gotta make it back before it she's making a break for it no we didn't lose her she's breaking everything in my house and all right come on let's get on my chest okay sir yeah go go go go go get my testicles okay all right after that baby no but one more jet ski baby bring my legend [Music] i didn't even have no sharks could drive jessies yeah she's not old ones have a license for that thing [Music] don't you dare i got it it looks like it's a good shape wait where did she go [Applause] i hate this bubble i don't want it oh okay okay baby baby hang on let me down let me down i have oh baby oh okay okay so you like diamonds right oh i got you some special diamonds so you'll make me nicer you're just gonna give the baby divots yeah what are you doing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait-wait pierce it's fine it's fine it's fine these are these are these are special diamonds okay yeah that seems very strange yeah that doesn't look healthy um here have a cookie instead you know what you two deal with the baby i i don't i don't want to deal with this anymore oh no uh hey baby look at distraction wait what are those one of those they're black and white and they look like they're going to make me run all over i see you brought some friends wait she's got friends [Applause] wow they're really good [Music] i'm so sad it was gonna be so nice but now it's not i can't okay oh my goodness oh hey baby how are you doing where are those icky boys being mean to you oh i'm sorry how it's okay here why don't oh no no no it's okay how about we go back outside and back to my house and i'll bake you a cake yay okay come on this way follow me [Music] yeah oh you know my favorite part of that song is hey hold your different peers i told you to be careful with those sorry i'm just trying to oh right here oh yeah i think we had a pretty good uh good pirating there good job here yeah we did it let's get out [Music] what are those what oh boy friends peers take care of them uh sure yeah how are you do you like you like mud my house stop oh you blew everything up i'll take cover in pierce's house i just wanted to collect enough money so i could send one of my sheep to sheep college there are other ways to raise that money okay sure but stealing it is very easy and nice and i don't want to do stuff okay okay okay you know what hang on baby stop stop with the dynamite listen oh that's a lot of water listen i'm gonna get it get in there i'm getting babies i think maybe we got off on the wrong foot i mean yeah or whatever i don't know i don't know um so uh why don't why don't we just call it a truce and call this whole thing off right huh yeah i'll i'll give up my pirate ways get get rid of that and um oh and we could be friends i'll give you this time it's one side you know except for here in the wall recently what's up whatever please i don't want to get i don't want to get caught by walruses it's the fourth worst point way to go can i have it please stop please stop this little baby shark you're not so bad after all [Applause] okay mother i have grown up and now it is time for me to head off into the ocean oh my little baby's grown up guys hopefully pierce you will learn your lesson what i hope you don't come back learning oh he's back doesn't sound like me [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,098,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft baby shark, pranking my friends as a baby shark in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, baby shark pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a baby shark in minecraft, pranking my friends as baby shark, pranking my friends as baby shark aphmau, funny minecraft pranks, aphmau minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments
Id: 8EJwVf4e58M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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