YOU asked for BROKEN! THIS is to go even further beyond! - History Repeated Itself

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yep you guessed it I told you this was the most broken decision ever that's right the United States of America and Russia currently at war with no one 1943 is this stupid hey I'm feedback gaming and this is the strategy game known as hearts of mine for we've got the ultimate exploit we've had the ultimate cheese it is time for the ultimate decision this is the most broken decision in hearts of mine for so before they patch it let's show it off Oh Marika I have a folder full of ideas every single day when I want to make a video I hop into that folder and have a look at have an idea that I think will kind of work would be kind of fun if I made a video for each one of my ideas I would be playing house alone for till the end of time so what we'll do for this video that's a little bit different we'll combine several videos into one this will be a cheap cheese to possible treatments that you'll get from this video defeating the Confederacy three George's and I'm going to show off that cool decision you ready are you good to go are you sat down have you got your mug of coffee come on let's go regular Ironman historical go industry civilian factories research heavy fire electronics machine tools industry select all the division delete over one and converts you the National Guard division got another five divisions we will go for one on support three on artillery and the rest on regular guns now looks good to me the first decision the New Deal oh yeah we're going to spam submarines for a change there we go submarines submarines submarines and will merge the flee of like we always do just another feedback gaming video and also naval exercises get that XP speaking of submarine spam would you like to see me spam summaries as the Netherlands click the video in the top right next up suspend the persecution and it will go for the silent workhorse kills max again back to exercises gonna go dispersed we're also gonna go for a small lobbying effort right I'm gonna go for WPA now we want that PP construction and trade interdiction but we're not going to go for the boost we just go for the standard one we want to hold on to the XP so these are the two mints we're gonna go fur we're gonna go for history repeating itself and Georgia on my mind should be able to go for the agriculture adjustment which gives you more political power because it gets rid of the Great Depression one of three steps next up we're gonna go for Earl Browder artillery gonna make our audio division artillery artillery infantry infantry boom next we're gonna go for reach out to the where group they're Democrats four more years Franklin part two right we can start making every fires now I love this national focus because it unlocks three advisors and you think in our advisors here we go again these guys are gonna be expensive no they're free and we'll go for the stability game we could only pass a new law that gets rid of the Great Depression once over two hundred thirty days so we need to wait a little bit long before gonna go for this one and eventually get rid of Great Depression by going for this one so for now we'll go for an extra research slot alright now we're gonna go for called my interdiction and we're going to spend 900 XP so we can rush it also in Navy we're also gonna go for magnetic detonator and rush that too we're also gonna rush improve artillery gonna go for the artillery designer to speed up the research for it right now we're gonna go for War Department extra search slot we've got four computer machine more factories you gotta go for logistics because we do that every game gotta make sure we're making a little bit of motorized to little bit soon as our industry is so huge you might as well import tiny little bit of rubber to see us we've got the idea of division now we'll train a bunch of weaker divisions 23 of them and then we'll convert them part of the strategy to go for the decision we need to get the unholy alliance so we need to go down this path lo these divisions boom and then we convert them into the ideal division keep an eye on bottle behind on so we can make more of that 202 days or guns 500 days for artillery in that case we'll just a little bit there we go it does seem like we've slightly deployed more divisions than we can actually make advantage of so brothers I'll split these divisions are put them on reserve and exercise them that way these divisions will get equipment first go full strength and these ones will be the second to get weaponry so that way these divisions will be all prepared to get into the action and this division is going to go all the way to Guam hmm I wonder why naval invasion to here mmm I wonder why I wonder you know what would be also really great here maxed out naval base oh yeah and also Airport might be a good idea as well yeah mm-hmm yep hmm hello what have we got going on here yeah I know every single series I showed you pan and China going at it but this time it's relevant we need Japan to start kicking China's ass the reason why is we are waiting for an event and that event only fires at when China starts to lose though now secretly secretly we're rooting for Japan secretly basic weapons and more basic weapons it is time for the unholy alliance I don't usually do this but I'm going to save the full 30 days on the research slot wait until I've got a hundred naval experience which is fairly soon and then I can boost wolf packs I'm gonna go lose a few days on this tag sale all be worth it what I could do in the meantime is import just a little bit of oil from our bodies the Soviets well buddies to come soon no Japan you're meant to be winning this wasn't part of the plan the Soviet Union welcomed us to the Comintern we shall set our differences aside for now if they only knew what was coming right we're gonna go for the air war plans division oh my goodness right these boys are exercised now we add them on to the main army they'll go off on a little journey we do have a mr. commando here he's the best guy for the job meaning the e when he's out of supply he doesn't suffer a big penalty and also we'll add on our logistics Field Marshal all right soft attack for artillery extra bite for the submarines soft attack for the guns making our planes most efficient and working on electronics and in this case working on encryption and decryption to get more spotting chance those guys are done exercising now so we can stop exercising and that way we can make up the losses right we're gonna go for our support and work towards escort fires this gives a 300% buff for a fighter three so what we can do is go for that now go for the fire - now that's way ahead of time but when that finishes that means a fight three we'll have a 300 percent bonus so we'll be able to get that in at least maybe 99 of even 940 here we go escort fires this is my second time recording this I made a fatal error when you go from the holy Alliance the Soviet Union can say no they say no because you don't have enough communist support make sure you go for the advisor as early as you can gain some support at least 25 and then select this if they say no you'll not get the alliance and you'll not get the future decision that we just for good measure we'll go for another one get a rush for improved computing machine and gonna go for a disbursed industry 3 we've got quite a lot of excess political power so we're good for research grants well amend the budget and we'll go form our medium lobbying just to get more support bank we are no longer depressed now we can go for the doctrine boost here the final submarine boost so all waiting for right now is the Pinay incident and the only fires after when Japan consumes a bunch of cities inside of China it doesn't take long to fire it's only about 30 days but they need to make some headway into China before that will actually happen and that event will allow us to do some spicy tricks this is gonna be a weird game because we're gonna be rooting for our allies to lose on two separate occasions as you're imagine it's going to be really weird so China please lose come on good Japan right they've made some headway now they're pushed to the plains in northern China it shouldn't be long now I'm gonna go for electronics concerned we're gonna go for superior firepower where are you there you are and a mobile tank designer here we go in my previous game I send an attache china that's a really great way of grinding XP but sadly it actually buffs China a little bit only a small amount which is something you just don't want to do because you want Japan to win 100 percent 100 so now we can hire one of the other three guys we'll go for the financial expert we get to rush the Chain Lightning 360 days 1940 heavy fighter 3 oh boy I think it's these cities here here here and here I'm not certain though but I do know it's whenever if the event fires they always control all the east and coast all right let's move our Navy to Guam the whole thing that's right the entire tip the whole thing you need a little bit of fugitive point from the Soviet Union just so you can move it across the Atlantic right split off there's these submarines we'll call this 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 we'll tell them all to go to that new squadron ah this is the event we were looking for the Pinay incident the USS Panay has been sunk in china this can only mean one thing whoa tensions running high between United States and Japan the recent penne incident has spun out of control outrage in the United States that led to several prominent politicians to demand an immediate reprisal against Japan all right pop the main fleet into reserve we got a sub fleet now now we split these babies off we want big fat 19 wolf packs now we don't you want yeah these will actually do we don't want more than 10 because remember this guy suffers from a penalty do we have a Seawolf no we do no but we could do with the guy who's got lots of attack this guy's pretty good he's a spotter the first of all we're gonna raid in safe waters to begin with he looks pretty good yeah that looks pretty good to begin with just to cover the whole of hold of this region or we could also do is cut off the north and the south there's no way convoys can get out of here dude just convoy in the safe regions to begin with and then as we have success with the homeboy rating we'll move out from there concealment expert smokescreen specialist yes yes yes mini naval tutorial select split off when damaged and also put reinforce automatically so these will always try and be 37 sighs so what you'll do then is Mark these two go into the theater what will happen is when that task force takes hits it'll reinforce to make it at least 37 if there are some in reserve that is Japan you have gone too far right now we can help our Chinese buddies so we're gonna go for the support the anti-fascist war boom and we can also to send them 6,000 guns once and then a hundred artillery a month this is a bit of a waiting game we just need to work down how many combos they've got when we limit their amount of common noise it means that their troops are stuck on the mainland then because I intercept in the main islands of Japan and then we can safely do a naval invasion soon now we want to go for war plans division because it unlocks some cool bonuses against specific nations in this case Japan anti-air a little bit behind on that but we'll catch up so if I was sent 307 and we've lost for yay that ratio is getting better and better this is a really dumb way of helping out the Chinese you basically buy licenses for all their equipment this is such a cheeky method technically this is an exploit as well this video is just full of love so you go through every single model that they've ever bought every single models in this case 32 different designs that we will never intend to buy or use or manufacture and there you go they just gained 32 cities so they have 51 which is mr. patent why are we allowed to do this they're so broken we've reached a point out that we're not intercepting any Japanese combos why it's just the AI has marked all of this has blocked all of it but now it means we need to be more adventurous and into their wards so we'll start with the South China Sea to begin with and then start to move towards the East China Sea the Yellow Sea you know what all of it at this point we've dominated them so this what we can do is increase the risks are high risk means the more like to engage not only convoys but they'll engage the escorts if they think they can win - look at that taking out seven destroyers at the loss of three subs oh what's this supply here for Japan for five five I think you've run out of convoys Japan oh no all right let's get the death stuck Navy give it to a new fine Admiral Ernest King he sounds like a quite the gentleman naval invasion support here here and here and here and it's time for us to go my boys time to go with the super death stack defending is I got to be careful when I got 23 days with a fuel on another note we've got three hundred political power so how about we get rid of this undisturbed isolation BS and go for civilian economy here we go and boom we're here so poor at this point to pause and then get them moving because otherwise they'll pin you in and you'll never be able to get out of this spot attack immediately get where you need to be and boom badda boom I'm gonna attach and I'll just let them take care of that I don't want to mess around and there we go Hiroshima has been claimed and we're in a beautiful position right now great a spot it's always good to keep one division on your main port otherwise there will naval invasion on top of you naval invasion on top of you it words do you speak heed a these divisions are like so much attack they're pretty damn mean so if you've got multiple front lines on one general if you draw a front line you might see it doesn't go to the right front line like what's going on oops here no it's there which one so what do you do this did you draw your front line like you normally would you go and you press tab for some reason the first time press it doesn't respond but the second time oh oh oh there we go that's the one we want yeah so you could tab cycle through each front line and now a lot of people do as I do that quite often and then I don't actually explain it something yeah explanation time with feedback gaming at this point here we've got those 14 divisions in reserve we can bring those forward we have control of the Seas now we don't need to worry about enemies intercepting us what for the most part we don't write it's also important to change out the GEMA because this general is only good for landings in this case we want to go for our big 7 attack mr. Patton if I was smart in the downtime I would have gone for intervention in Asia and the war plan orange and that would allow me to execute a plan that gave me a temper to the attack against the Japanese that's just a an FYI for you guys it seems pretty lame name fy'y but now we're gonna use this opportunity to go for our first doctor intact that's right the reason why wait so long as we wanted 100 XP heavy tank you say what a great idea also if you want a better strategy than mine a piggy bank at least 500 political power before you call it declare on Japan hiring a bunch of these guys was a mistake we needed the political power to jump up to partial Mobe and also get off disarmed nation there you go fYI not the prettiest borders but that'll do you are now a puppet of China achievement unlocked China right now we're gonna go for partial mobilization the Chain Lightning is done oh my goodness look at all this crap from from China ah now do we have to click through all of the en we do oh my goodness there isn't a click Albin can you imagine this is a real-life situation like the us like approach is China because we want every single variation even the one planes that are out of date can we have a license for each and every piece of a girl they'll be so dumb all right Chain Lightning there we go and we can also put a slightly better engine on it kind of slightly tiny down a little bit but I think it's time to build some military factories not that many just a few just a handful just to get the military industrial complex lubricated if you don't made the mistake that I made in this game you would have already gone for limited conscription and this one turns into a hundred and fifty political power when you go for it instead of having to jump onto a different conscription law and that way you can rush Rock Island but mistakes happen so save your political power don't make my mistake when you've got so many civilian factories it doesn't even matter where you build them because you just got so many there we go reach we've reached that point already since we've got so many submarines I might be a good idea at this point to start building some convoys heavy tank to know we could support Rock Island so we can rush the last two texts for artillery training some more of these divisions now we're gonna get at least five army groups each with 24 divisions of artillery infantry oh here we go a communist majority this is troubling but they truly do represent the majority the majority do pretty much the president is the old owner doesn't follow it no here we go the Communist States of America which in a way it's kind of cool because that means I've just skipped democratic socialism which doesn't give me any bonus anyway now we have Walt Disney and now we've got our artillery research bonuses we can finish them whoa I never actually spotted this but if you change the economic law or conscription law or we're now it's just economic law you need to pass it through the Census and Congress I guess a lot of time I've always changed it through focused all right in time to get lobbying support also going to go some war propaganda right we're gonna try and rush the modern tank so we'll do that by going for tank experiments after going for heavy tank 3 so that way we can get a boost on the patent here we go you know unusual turn of events the Americans are going to be equipping the Germans you guys are probably cause so good fuse right now what is going on oh no Soviets please don't lose that would be terrible no please don't lose no no no we're running out building slots it's become that time time to build them in the Philippines come to do some prospecting just to get down my CV count also something I could do is look where the steel is and build infrastructure there feel Minnesota yeah there we go max those ones out loads of extra steel also aluminium mostly in Texas also chromium in Japan thanks to the Thompson machine gun Germans have been able to break into the Soviets and now they are on their last legs it's crucial for the strategy that you do not join the war so these little call to arms requests you must say no to all of them because you aren't going to help similar to in China Japan you're just going to sit on your hands and wait and see what happened we're about to reach the magic number and that number has been achieved 80% so when you complete the National focus which is the unholy alliance a new decision appears and it is called join the unions it says the effect when selected communist States of America and acts as the Soviet Union so the way this is meant to work is I meant to be at war with Germany and when the Soviet start to lose I take over the war on the Soviets behalf but as an added bonus i annex the entirety of the Soviet Union but the moment I'm not war with Germany so what's gonna happen right now yep you guessed it I told you this was the most brokered decision ever that's right the United States of America and Russia currently at war with no one 1943 this is so stupid oh man I don't even know what to say this is so dumb and every single one of the axis divisions must now retrieve the subete you do I look at 200 divisions oh thank you so much two hundred visions and we get all of their equipment as well in this case a lot of these divisions are under strength anyway but you get the picture right yeah that's pretty pretty broken all that work that Germany had to do to get all two here pushed right to the Ural mountain range and then all of us would be like nope nope not only are we inherited the entirety of their army but we've also inherited the Navy as well look at all these ships oh the Stalin a type one destroyer not very impressive meanwhile hmm the UK so what was one of our treatments were gonna go for we're gonna go for the three Georgia's Georgia one Georgia - and the third Georgia right here South Georgia to go that we need to annex the UK look in the current war between Germany and the Allies the only major is the UK let's hope it stays that way what we need to do is to enable invasion of the UK it's time now for some heavy tanks single battalion we now have the modern tank done for the minute we get a nice surplus of heavy tanks we'll start working on moderns right submarine time will start easy at first then we'll work our way up right we're good to go I predict the most difficult part of this is if the UK brings in its allies as majors that is where things are gonna get really annoying as it currently stands UK is the only member of the Allies that's a major rip Canada British trading is now crippled just need to worry about that main fleet and we can get our superflee escorting hopefully we'll be all right right there we go first Army's on its way oh you fool Mexico you're next easy let's go for lunch a bunch of other troops as well go currently no other major powers all are so easy you've all had the painful experience of Australia or the Raj or Canada becoming a major whilst all over the UK just mean I know you're paying okay I felt it too there we go done and that is our first objective and turn and now I wanna hit done what are you doing Dave why he just hit done that was so stupid who now the axis are looking very beefy there we go achievement unlocked now there's only one more knot to crack and it is you guys time for war plan black and also we're gonna drop down to limited exports right so this is the situation heavy fire is flying overhead we're currently out this tank division artillery and infantry kind of your firepower build girl a little bit behind on modern tank production break I'll catch up with her in a few days defending here cuz Turkey had during the axis but supports loads of infrastructure probably another two months and we will be good to go we also have to take care of a home as well we've got Mexico and Canada on hindsight it probably would have been a better idea to take out Canada and Mexico in the peace deal just to prevent an north and south borders being encroached one strategic bomber hmm I wonder what this is for it is time I have no idea what to expect are they gonna try to attack me no you'd probably see our impenetrable line of forts and be like mmm I think we're gonna pass on that one guys grab all the planes pop them here oh we can't get a superiority to drop nukes I guess we could go here and be like hi Germany how's it going boom we're gonna do is reduce their war support below 50% that means there won't get any defense bonuses when we attack them and those are the little tricks of our sleeve as well that we can pull off and nerf their ability to counteract as when we'd fight them back boom boom who are the majors Italy Germany Spain France all conveniently in Europe let's do this let's push the main northern front on Serna first but now it looks like we've broken them and they are moving to add insult to injury we now execute war plan black and get an extra 10% damage this is just broken in my opinion three damage for no reason and this will last 180 days I don't think they're gonna last that long well making some headway I would have expected Jeremy to capitulate at this point they're still holding on and our Air Force are doing build down to hundreds when he was originally thousands yay Germany's gone there make the most of this and still push into France and get France knocked out immediately there we go Ian France now we need to blast into Italy and we're also gonna do that in combination with planned silver alright Noctowl Spain we can now get into the Mediterranean then we grab Gibraltar you wouldn't believe how long this conflict went on for oh I'm not gonna lie guys this is probably the worst game I've ever had for supply ever I've constantly been chasing combo production for pretty much the entirety of this war it's been pretty painful I would advise you if he did what I did just now you know he's at least 2,000 convoys in reserve naval invasion time yeah Philippines into the Raj look at that claw the fork of Triton the boys have landed and half of them I've got trapped by so nice oh well no matter don't matter it's over anyway it's for the first time in a long time but we actually have positive convoys now hallelujah 2,000 years later Turkey's down and the Rajah's down and Venezuela he is it a joke is this a joke that literally just a big okay just to give a perspective on those because the edits obviously hide the illusion I've been out this for three hours this one was less than three hours oh man this is so painful okay but you guys can answer this one right why is Venezuela a major with its 20 odd factories and less than 30 divisions I bet you guys can't even answer that anymore can you I don't even know how this game works anymore I don't think this games troll of me he literally does this into a world conquest is this sir is this the end you say this is the end there we go it is the end and now I take everything oh my god so many countries yes that's that's impressive right I'm so exhausted oh my goodness that was so peaceful oh there we go boys that's what three and a half hours worth of grinding looks like but that's not it there's one achievement that we haven't got right now and that is history repeated itself it is time to fire the Civil War a communism what I'm gonna do is delete my entire army if feeling I know how the game is gonna do this so I'm gonna see if I can glitch it we're gonna get rid of all division templates apart from those two protests escalate into violence bashes elements in the population begin preparations for an uprising fascism in our nation we won't recycle ISM well this Pacific decolonization we gained a war goal against ourselves and this happened to session although what it is treason the neutral bloc has formed and now we train a bunch of divisions they are all rubbish these boys train like an hour hundred of them a house divided haven't we seen this before mmm haven't we seen this before this is a little bit scary because they've actually got divisions and I don't they don't have any other areas of the world though they'll issue just have the south well when we deploy them at 20% boom turn them all to modern tank divisions bit split split you have to give them a few days to reinforce because right now they don't have any strength okay there we go one two three four so gonna be a little while before we can push cuz these are all still under strength but once we get some reinforcements which should all happen in probably the next few months we'll be good to go actually a good idea would be good for army training in that way we can reinforce them a little bit quicker that's really strange they've got the American flag here when i zoom in they get a different flag there's like a really old bug with holy father used to see that in mods ah China has puppeted China all right it's good to go let's go more money even though there are 50% strength we can completely annihilate them strong because the equipment they've got is absolute trash oh how does history repeat itself over and over again I have the ability to pop it them oh I can't do that I can't do that because I might not get the achievement there we go achievement unlocked yes history has repeated itself I know we go voice oh you gotta give me some love for this one because this was incredibly painful this is a bleeding Lee hot day I've had to close all the windows and doors so the audio is nice and crisp and clean for you guys to hear and I'm sitting right now in a sauna can I get a light for that come on just a measly like just tiny like and the next goal is 1 million subs so you guys gonna be subscribed and wait let go probably in the next 10 years but seriously if you don't help my channel and you want to help me grow like subscribe and don't forget if you don't hit the belt your subscription means absolutely nothing and this is the glorious patrons that keep this YouTube channel going hope you have an awesome day and I'll see you guys next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 442,683
Rating: 4.9500613 out of 5
Keywords: feedback, feedbackgaming, brand, gaming, howto, fun, funny, adsense, gamer, game, entertainer, google, google adsense, pcgaming, branding, googleads, youtubers, entertainment, mobile games, freelancer, earnthroughclicks, earningmoney, optimize, monetize, usa, hoi4 usa, broken, exploit, hearts of iron 4, PDX hoi4, History Repeated Itself, hoi4 communist america, and this is to go even further beyond, this is to go even further beyond, even further beyond, to go even further beyond, communist america hoi4
Id: ozUgyKDkfsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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