Anita Sarkeesian- BUSTED!

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previously I thought that Anita sarkeesian was just incredibly dishonest but it turns out and how no that damn was I giving her the benefit of the doubt her level of dishonesty beggars belief it really does just beggar belief on the scale of creating her own fabricated sexist comments such that she claimed that she's persecuted that's the level of dishonesty that we're talking about and since drug past this officer well-researched a piece of media this is an incredibly ambitious project because of the scope and scale of the research and production involved so what's the evidence for this I hear you ask well that is black and white as it comes but we'll come to that in a moment the sad thing here is just how many people she's duped she was given an ambassador's award at the Game Developers Convention and then I found this on YouTube I love video games so much that I had to quit them because they were taking over my life but Anita sarkeesian's new video illustrates some shocking trends that need to be addressed just a heads up the gameplay footage in this video is not safe for work which is part of the problem yes she's been featured on YouTube nation who were only too happy to justify was he balks comments and ratings as unsettling as all of this is the thing that disturbs me the most is the kind of personal backlash that Anita and her channel have faced she's had to turn off her comments and hide her like just like ratio this is not okay please watch this video and share however if you go to places where you can discuss her videos which is basically anywhere where she can't delete your comments you'll fight example after example of how she's just cherry picked and completely misrepresented games two very clear examples is why she used the game watchdogs on the very mission where you have to try and shut down a sex trafficking ring well how can you possibly portray that as objectifying women well she found a way and almost never get to be anything other than set-dressing or props and someone else's narrative this is the essence of what sexual objectification means and since that concept is at the heart of the women is background decoration trope let's take a moment to define it please she takes our mission while you're trying to shut down a sex trafficking ring and portrays that as sexist another game that came up a lot was hitman this is how she describes hitman absolution players were meant to derive a perverse pleasure from desecrating the bodies of unsuspecting virtual female characters it's a rush streaming from a carefully concocted mix of sexual arousal connected to the act of controlling and punishing representations of female sexuality so deeply skeptical because you meant to be a hitman you had not gone around killing random people indeed you're penalized for killing people who are not your target and even more so for killing innocent civilians that is the game actively disincentivizes killing random people like the gills in the strip club so it's the place where the missions of which there were plenty I watched about 40 or so these people playing the mission turns out there are two ways of doing it and only one those takes you past the girls doing their makeup and one doesn't so about three quarters when the easier route and about 1/4 went past the dancers most of them sneaked past the dancers like you meant to do and none of them actually attacked or killed the dancers because you'd get penalized for it I just can't take much more a dong I don't know what to do look you're new here Dom is the price of this business be smart every club has one like him a Dom she wanted me to do a show in the back room I just can't take much more time I don't know what to do look now we're gonna walk past these two women doing their makeup one of them eventually walks toward the area that we're gonna go so we have to watch out for her ain't no time cops everywhere and if you know what he doesn't give a flying fuck that's why he cops all the cops they are not about to fuck with him when it gives them free titties every night today gets sick we were just working with look all heard the stories mark what's going on around players are then invited to explore and exploit those situations during them play through the player cannot help but treat these female bodies as things to be acted upon because they were designed constructed and placed in the environment for that singular purpose players are meant to derive a perverse pleasure from desecrating the bodies of unsuspecting virtual female characters so in summary this is how anita sarkeesian's video deconstructs the representation of women in popular media she takes a game where you are actively discouraged from killing innocent civilians then because one mission out of 20 involves a strip club of which only about two parts out of seven are actually in the strip club and all that only a few percent involves the erotic dancers almost every second of which was used in her video then because no one who actually plays the game kills the dancers because you get penalized for doing it she then presumably goes and kills the dancers herself and drags their bodies around so she can claim this the player cannot help but treat these female bodies as famous to be acted upon because they were designed constructed and placed in the environment for that singular purpose players were meant to derive a perverse pleasure from desecrating the bodies of unsuspecting virtual female characters now we're going to walk past these two women doing their makeup one of them eventually toward the area that we're going to go so we have to watch out for her it's a rush streaming from a carefully concocted mix of sexual arousal connected to the act of controlling and punishing representations of female sexuality Jesus Christ woman you are a liar without shame it's like complaining that bricks are designed to cause vandalism in a crime-free town where vandalism is actively discouraged and then going and smashing your own car window with a brick just to show how much bricks cause vandalism and how much the town has a big problem with vandalism claiming as an eater duster just because you can that you are actually invited and encouraged to do it the game makers have set up a series of possible scenarios involving vulnerable eroticized female characters players are then invited to explore and exploit those situations throughout and play through he's literally as stupid as saying games where you can fall to your death you're actually being invited and encouraged to fall to your death and that this will make people want to do it in real life paradoxically and someone ironically those who most strongly believe that media is just harmless entertainment are also the ones most likely to uncritically internalize harmful media messages in short the more you think you cannot be affected the more likely you are to be affected this is not just slightly dishonest this is pissing on them and telling them it's raining dishonest and the game developer Awards and YouTube nation just laugh it up the thing that disturbs me the most is the kind of personal backlash that Ania and her channel have faced she's had to turn off her comments and hide her like just like ratio this is not okay please watch this video and share know Anna the reason that she disables comments is because if she doesn't people will simply point them to videos like this one where it is outrageously black and white clear just how dishonest she is being there just in case there is any lingering doubt here I should answer the presenter and a connor just so we are clear how dishonest and Nita psyches is being it would be like adding this pop-culture deconstruction to your video the message that Ana is normalizing and encouraging here is that threatened deadly firearm violence against women is not only permissible but should be actively sought after if this is meant to be humor or not does not change the fact that just for being herself this woman is being threatened with death by a firearm a clearly misogynistic message ana stresses this point by emphasizing the level of overkill that the protagonist should adopt yeah that would be about as fair a representation of your video as Anita sarkeesian's video was a fair representation of hitman cherry-picking a tiny fraction of the video and manipulating and misrepresenting it out of all proportion yeah this is why she has to disable comment to shield her viewers such as yourself from learning the truth about just how dishonest she is you were taken in hook line & sinker along with many others into believing something that is simply bullshit this is not okay please watch this video and share
Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 1,031,688
Rating: 4.7500963 out of 5
Keywords: feministfrequency, feminism, versus, facts, funny, owned, pwned, tropes, women, damsel, in, distress, games, gaming, anita, sarkeesian, star, trek, double, dragon, lol, punched, balls, dragons lair, computer, stronger, men, ted, tedx, Game, feminist, frequency, dumb, stupid, fail, noob, epic, Ownage, Win, Video Game (Industry), Fails, Epic Fail, Destroyed, hitman, burnout, gta, sex, sexism, sexy, win, anita sarkeesian, part 4, background, decorations, ana, kasparian, thunderf00t, remy, simpsons, cool, anna, akana, Thunderf00t
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 11 2014
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