3 MILLION dollar food scanner: BUSTED! (Tellspec and SCiO)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 519,988
Rating: 4.8181252 out of 5
Keywords: food, scanner, kickstarter, indiegogo, scam, scammer, busted, thunderf00t, spectroscopy, near infrared, infrared, light, spectrometer, science, chemistry, thermal, camera, satire, tellspec, scio, fail, 3 million, million, health, wellbeing, raman, detector, laser
Id: VHjmlQdzpW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Hotdog: Not hotdog
People are so retarded. But Thunderfoot takes these things far too far. It only takes 6 minutes to debunk this bullshit, but somehow he makes it go for 48 minutes.
Great content, but it suffers a bit from the science communication aspect. He repeats the same basic explanations over and over while testing his devices with several foods all to demonstrate the same simple point. I feel like these 40+ minutes could've easily been a 7 minute video.
What's with that Linus Techtips guy always appearing in Thunderf00t's busting videos shilling for those scams. How gullible can one dude be?
This guys just needs a good video editor who can make these 2 hour feature films into 5 minute informationals.
There's a face on the apple at 5:29 https://imgur.com/SkgIEB2
He's right, but for the wrong reasons. The agricultural nutrition field uses Near infrared spectroscopy systems for an insanely large number of different nutrients. The lab I worked at actually compiled data for the black ones. They are good for determining dry matter, but the spectrum they detect is rather small. More sophisticated systems are about the size of a microwave and at our lab are compared to thousands of samples by validated wet chemistry methods. The spectra are actually fairly reliable on samples that are ground to pass through a 1 mm (this is the key) screen.
So obviously fake. I can see so many problems with how this is supposed to work that I don't even know where to start.
People complaining about how thunderfoot videos are too long. I like them, it's something different and good to see him go into deep detail on many topics.
Yes he repeats himself, I don't mind that as it helps drive the point home. These videos are more suited to watching in bed at night than trying to slack off at work.