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Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 1,010,710
Rating: 4.9216499 out of 5
Keywords: science, denial, blacklivesmatter, abolish, ban, stupid, dumb, potholer54, thunderf00t, philip, mason, witch, witchcraft, africa, cape town, university, pwned, fail
Id: 1i80qaETtw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
One of my friends from The States phoned me this morning asking if it's true, as the video ended up on his feed...
I legit felt embarrassed to say yes...
noooooo we ended up on thunderfoot.
pls don't do it ethan. think of the children. papa bless
Well gosh darn, our SJWs have reached international standards. What a time to be alive.
Well, if science is racist, then so is her cell phone and computer so she had better stop using them.
I have already said my say in an earlier post, but I still feel so embarrassed. And the thing is she truly and utterly believe the rubbish her mind. Guys, this is our future right here. Our leaders are busy regressing our country. I am probably very wrong, but our country and Australia I think was very much on par regarding technology before apartheid, since apartheid I feel they have surpassed us by far. The reason being our leader's forward thinking. Also, colonial this and colonial that, but she grabs her phone to tweet, facebook, whatsapp, ALL colonial inventions. Sorry, but african science will never be able to compare. Shame, this is easiest the most stupidist (I know) woman and she thinks her exceptionally backwards culture has the right to prescribe modern science. Now the whole world think we in Africa are all this dumb.
So. Fucking. Stupid.
It's not just embarrassing, it's deeply frightening and it's tragic. Because how many 'woke' people on campus would echo her sentiments to varying degrees?
It's terrifying to think someone would quash or advance scientific progress not because it is sound and can change the world for the better, but because it takes a certain cultural or racial framework. We hear calls like this - calls of so-called "academic justice" - more and more frequently, and yet how many people (like the person dissenting in the video) have the courage to tell the hive-mind masses that they're simply, utterly, unforgivably wrong?
Politicisation has no space in the academic project. Research and ideas should be based on merit, on validity, on reliability - not on identity and crass notions of popularism.
I think there should be a selection process before engaging in these meetings. A class representative selected by the teacher. Then the other students can just write their ideas down and have a private meeting with the class representative before the class representative goes to present their opinions.
This would avoid dumb remarks like this being made in public.
I'd also like to see this thing die out soon. Mostly because I'm tired of looking at her face. She's dumb, we get it. Plenty of dumb people in the world. Let's move on with our lives shall we? There's a point at which shaming dumb people turns from teasing to bullying.
As much as I think that girl is wrong, I can't help but feel sorry for her. She is becoming the laughing stock of South Africa (internet users at least). Can't imagine the psychological distress she must be going under.
Being ignorant and raised to believe certain things does not mean your life should be ruined because of it; however, I do think the arrogance and ego deserve a bit of a kick in the gonads.
All this is going to do is perpetuate her and others' belief that science is racist, because Western people are looking down on a black person and her culture.