Feminist Hypocrisy

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Oh man, as soon as you saw that chick you knew exactly what was about to come out of her mouth. Also

So you're saying it should be OK for men to hit women? Nobody should be hitting anybody!

A valiant attempt at deflection, but still reinforces Karen's point. If nobody should be hitting anybody, why does the system see women hitting men as OK?

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2014 🗫︎ replies

why do these people always sound out of breath when they ask these questions??

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/scttydsntknw85 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2014 🗫︎ replies

Next on "I don't think it means what you think it means": systematic

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DebonaireSloth 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2014 🗫︎ replies

Y'know, I can understand why some people may not like being catcalled but really, is it that serious an issue? As a guy I am way more likely to be attacked walking down the street.

I'd take a whistle over a beating any day.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JohnnyReeko 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2014 🗫︎ replies

This speech happened at my University after our SJW student's union refused to allow the formation of a Men's Issues group on campus (2/3 of the prospective founders were women). I even went to the Harassment and Discrimination office to file a grievance against the union and ask that my tuition not fund their discriminatory stances. It was denied outright.

The crazy girl in this video is the type I had to share lectures with.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dat_gap 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2014 🗫︎ replies

SnapShots: 1, 2, 3 [?]

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ttumblrbots 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2014 🗫︎ replies
at YouTube I'm here going to do another response video to something controversial and this time I found a great example of feminist epoxy before I really get into this I must really express I'm not anti women's rights I am just against the overall way the feminist movement has been handling things just to sum it up I'm against how often feminists will ignore men's rights while hiding behind the veil of equality in fact there was recently a televised discussion between for feminists as to debate whether or not men are disposable what you're watching right now as I'm speaking is Karen strong who is a men's rights activist and overall gala terian is speaking at a cafe event Cafe is a Canadian Association for equality after she spoke she had a Q&A and the first question which was religious a concerned parent was voicing a really large concern he had with how situations were being handled with his son at school and then the second question completely ignored the answer to the first question and it ignored what feminists consistently ignore and I'll get back into it after you see it it'll be about ten minutes long but enjoy I want to share with you an actual incident that happened to I have two boys eleven and thirteen years old this actually happened to my eldest son was in grade eight he was in a schoolyard playing a grade one girl walked up to him slapped him across the head and said you are not allowed to hit girls you cannot hit me back hmm I'd like to at least she was being honest you know an adult woman who would do that would probably find a way to turn herself into the victim so got two parts here one I wanted to share this actual event I have found that my boys are having a real difficulty at school yeah very inhospitable my eldest son has been targeted by a number of events that actually wanted them led to a criminal charge based on false information but the question I have for you is what can parents what can boys do to avert to avoid being trapped in his condition like what what should my son have done um you know the really horrible thing is is what I told my son he was his about 6 and he was they they plowed the parking lot at the complex where I live and they piled up all of this packed chunks of snow right all in a big pile at the end of the parking lot and he was up there with a girl from the neighborhood when he should not have been and she tried to push him off and this is this is a fairly tall about ten feet tall pile of snow right and so he skidded down right sorrell on his bum right hurt himself a little bit and then he threw a piece of this snow up at her because he was mad right and I think he had every right to be mad and when he came in and he told me about it it was really upset because he was scared that he was getting really seriously hurt and I actually told him right you'd be really really careful what you do when you're around girls because I still might get her mother at my door right to give me heck for you throwing that at her daughter right like it's not fair it's just not right but you have to be aware of what other people are going to think I know she was in the wrong you know she was in the wrong but any outsider coming in is going to assume that you were the aggressive one that you were in the wrong as just a fact of life that you're going to have to deal with until we can figure out a way to change it I mean like that's the really sad thing is that you just have to disabuse your kid at age six of any sense of fairness or justice right or equal treatment you have to tell him you know I mean like that that little girl who hit your son it's the most honest thing she could say and everything she said was true yeah well what astounded me is I wondered how would a six-year-old child learn this concept oh they know they know but FEMA C domestic violence commercials too and you know and it's never okay to hit a woman and they maybe they heard it from their father when their brother was you know poke at numbers you don't hurt girls right I mean like or their mom it's just it's it's pervasive we teach our values to our kids I mean like my dad the only time he ever raised his voice voice with me was when I wasn't respecting my mother so thank you Karen Thanks all right hi first of all I want to know I'm a rising student I just want to address that it's funny that you call Naomi Wolf a feminist when she's actually a rape apologist and basically blamed the victims of Julian Assange's rape so she's actually not really a feminist at all who annoying me wolf you mentioned heard of the game um she actually as far as I'm concerned she says she's a feminist and she is but she's ah I don't know about that being skeptical is not rape apology you also said that men deserve a safe space on campus but I would have to say that every space in society is actually a safe space for men men don't get cat call when they walk down the street I'm sorry I'm an openly gay student never I fucking walk down street being Java me okay people why because woman looked at amendment two cat go woman if I wear short skirt I get her ass when I walk down the street that Balzer do I know they're not good and saying is the world safe space for women no women deserve a space safe space on campus queer people deserve a safe safe space on games trans people deserve space safe space on campus enough why do many to save space okay why do men need a safe space because the very idea of an event of an event where men are talking about men's issues in in a non-sanctioned manner right by the powers that be right in other words they don't have feminists puppeting them right pulling their strings telling them what to say okay or they don't have feminist ideology to do it okay when that happens then you have what happened at the world war in feral protest I don't know if you watch the footage of that right but if I were one of the men who was trying to attend an event talking about male suicide and all kinds of other stuff and I had some woman who knows she can get away with it up in my face calling me every name in the book screaming at me I don't think I'd feel very safe right okay and and frankly men are the majority of victims of public sphere violence I'm not saying that any of those statistics or male suicide any of that stuff exists because because it does men are the victims of war workplace violence workplace soup-like suicides low enrollment rates that's that that's not systemic oppression Society really I think that I think that when when a six-year-old girl when a six-year-old girl can hit a another child and get away with it and never ever have to suffer retaliation because he's a boy okay I think that's systematic how because if the system intervenes and punishes the boy for hitting back right it's systemic because we hear the same word what you're saying that Mister be okay to hit women no fish beating anybody who's first please hit back you can hit a woman to hit in the head what okay thank you for the questions okay let you appreciate the questions and the conversation that it resulted in yeah the girl completely ignored the fact that men are human beings two men have higher suicide rates than women and a big part of that is because men have less of the support system and I could get into really deep things about in society Matt and you know growing up these expectations of masculinity and how there is an expectations in with boys and how we're taught that you know to suck it up and but overall society does not create an open space for men to be vulnerable and express things that are bothering them or hurting them in general when I hear from men's rights activists is they don't want to get rid of women's rights groups they would just like an equal and fair amount of representation between both genders if you want to see the video and its entirety she answered questions for an hour and a half and she had a thirty minute speech so I provided all the links below including the link to what Karen was referring to about the the feminists who were attacking the men at that group and he should really check him out and yeah thanks for checking out guys
Channel: Tyrant60
Views: 1,518,755
Rating: 4.8001227 out of 5
Keywords: Women, Equality, Truth, libertarian, peace, humanist, indavidualist, freedom, anarchist, socialist, Feminist, feminism, insane, hypocricy, GirlWritesWhat, Karen Straughan, TG, Gay, Lesbian, Bi
Id: BuFuyp8aq2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 19 2014
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