CRAZY Feminist tries to get me fired: BACKFIRES SPECTACULARLY

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so<font color="#CCCCCC"> Hui</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> mother ever natural justice</font> I thought the previously<font color="#CCCCCC"> I'd</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and dish</font> there's some pretty decent<font color="#E5E5E5"> academic</font> bitchslaps<font color="#E5E5E5"> but this one's gonna leave</font> them<font color="#CCCCCC"> all</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in the dust</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> damn</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> straight</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> started off this week dead a hand<font color="#E5E5E5"> fired</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and anyone who can come back from the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">dead shores halcón bitch-slap someone</font> into the next dimension<font color="#CCCCCC"> you see the</font> story<font color="#E5E5E5"> when I left off to go and do a</font> week's work on sciency stuff measuring the spectra<font color="#E5E5E5"> a very solvated electrons</font> was this crazy cat lady<font color="#E5E5E5"> decide she's</font> gonna write<font color="#CCCCCC"> to my employer</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to get me</font> fired by calling me a<font color="#CCCCCC"> a nazi who hates</font> women<font color="#E5E5E5"> who hate</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> anita sarkisian and who</font> is an army of<font color="#E5E5E5"> skinheads who follow his</font> every command<font color="#CCCCCC"> a which of course</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I didn't</font> rise to<font color="#E5E5E5"> the no cos crazy cat lady</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">actually now I think about it it wasn't</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">just one letter</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it was a letter-writing</font> campaign<font color="#E5E5E5"> people decide they're gonna</font> start a letter-writing campaign<font color="#CCCCCC"> or</font> they're gonna ever be<font color="#CCCCCC"> it people and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> mass</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">are gonna contact his employer with the</font> intention of getting me fired<font color="#CCCCCC"> I spoke as</font> an employer<font color="#CCCCCC"> and I said effectively he is</font> besmirching their<font color="#E5E5E5"> reputation and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> they should basically<font color="#E5E5E5"> give him the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">choice of either continuing to do these</font> kinds of videos<font color="#E5E5E5"> or continuing to be a</font> scientist<font color="#CCCCCC"> you fucking lose your job</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on you if I lose my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> job</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for</font> deciding<font color="#CCCCCC"> to go online and have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a message</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that's not the person's job or fault</font> that trying to fucking contact my employer<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's your</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> fucking fault</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">she's an upset game not just bragging</font> about her letter-writing campaign anyway like I said<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not sorry I did what I</font> thought<font color="#CCCCCC"> was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> right</font> it was a campaign other people<font color="#E5E5E5"> wrote</font> letters not just<font color="#CCCCCC"> bewildered</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a but not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">just me but I won't say who</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I took</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">down the channel I mean I took down the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">video so you'll never know who said that</font> they would but how she thinks<font color="#E5E5E5"> this got</font> me fired<font color="#CCCCCC"> and then reveling in how she</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">thinks she's ruined my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> career because he</font> got mad at<font color="#E5E5E5"> me because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I made fun of him</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> losing his job and then boasts how</font> there's nothing absolutely <font color="#E5E5E5">nothing that people can do to her</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if</font> somebody<font color="#E5E5E5"> else</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> said we could comment</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they're gonna contact my boss which</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font> apparently my husband but part<font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">reason I wanted</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to do this video is</font> these people can't do anything to me so sorry<font color="#E5E5E5"> I thought I could</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> just hear comma</font> calling<font color="#E5E5E5"> there yeah that's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> when I call</font> bullshit<font color="#E5E5E5"> on it not only did I not lose</font> my job I also corrected her on the idea<font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> there<font color="#E5E5E5"> was nothing absolutely nothing</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that people could do because just like</font> any<font color="#E5E5E5"> business if your CEO is gonna be a</font> loon who's writing letters<font color="#CCCCCC"> to people's</font> employers<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the right to</font> know<font color="#CCCCCC"> that sort of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thing</font> and take their business elsewhere<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">whole they get a sort of Amy's Bakehouse</font> company ambience to it<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know crazy</font> psycho woman<font color="#CCCCCC"> is a complete bitch to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> customers<font color="#E5E5E5"> absolutely two years ago</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> these</font> reviewers<font color="#E5E5E5"> and these</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Belongers society to</font> make up lies<font color="#CCCCCC"> and say that they the food</font> and it<font color="#E5E5E5"> was disgusting</font> Amy's nuts<font color="#CCCCCC"> I am going to really hurt</font> somebody<font color="#CCCCCC"> if they send back my</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> cake</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">lucky you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> give me a break</font> this is you guys I make<font color="#E5E5E5"> and then calls</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people who respond</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> PETA</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> more I have</font> issues with<font color="#E5E5E5"> customers</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that are trying to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">be online bullies and say horrible</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">things</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> online their online</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bullies</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> write</font> things<font color="#E5E5E5"> that are not true this guy came</font> in that started this entire online <font color="#E5E5E5">bullying the next day you went and give</font> us a review<font color="#E5E5E5"> oh my god</font> my<font color="#E5E5E5"> wife she was retaliated wrote back</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> -</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">oh right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I told him I thought he</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was a</font> loser<font color="#E5E5E5"> he was a moron I did</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> him they</font> called me<font color="#CCCCCC"> crazy</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Amy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> B because I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> stood up</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to them my babies are cuts</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they're my</font> whole life besides<font color="#E5E5E5"> my husband and my</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">business</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I speak a few lines people say</font> she's crazy<font color="#CCCCCC"> just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> she</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> has a few</font> dozen cats but can<font color="#E5E5E5"> anyone who loves</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">animals that much</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> really be crazy you</font> hearing my animals in the background the dogs and<font color="#E5E5E5"> the cat they all gather around</font> me whenever I'm<font color="#CCCCCC"> doing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> anything on</font> Kitchen Nightmares where it emerges<font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> management was actually taking the</font> tips from the waitresses<font color="#E5E5E5"> and pocketing</font> them themselves<font color="#CCCCCC"> Wow no think it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> our</font> let me ask that<font color="#E5E5E5"> table there sir</font> the tipping left<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> young lady server</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the owner takes the tips</font> and then they wonder why<font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">saying bad things about them online</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">what do</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you think happened next they</font> ended up going bust because<font color="#E5E5E5"> they</font> threatened to<font color="#E5E5E5"> stop some customers yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">karma it's only</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a bitch</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if you are one</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that's kind of how it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> broke down here</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">within</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 24 hours</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the woman who</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pitilessly</font> mocked<font color="#CCCCCC"> when she thought</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> she had cost</font> someone their job and destroyed<font color="#E5E5E5"> their</font> careers<font color="#E5E5E5"> he got mad at me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because I'd</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">made fun of him</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for losing his job</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was</font> bought a massive dose of<font color="#E5E5E5"> karma when</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people simply started telling the truth</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">about their vice-president the whole</font> thing had even more bite<font color="#CCCCCC"> to it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's</font> no sooner had they<font color="#CCCCCC"> started</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> complaining</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> people were telling the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> truth about</font> their company<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know with a fake</font> reviews<font color="#E5E5E5"> it turns out that their</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Vice</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">President had earlier written</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> several</font> fake reviews<font color="#E5E5E5"> posing as a customer</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of her</font> own company<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> would you believe it</font> she gave the company a glowing review<font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> which the owner responded saying how great<font color="#CCCCCC"> it was to have satisfied customers</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hope giving yourself a glowing</font> review<font color="#CCCCCC"> now that's what I call social</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">justice warrior ethics in business</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now</font> bear<font color="#CCCCCC"> in mind we</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> live in a world where</font> feminists whining about<font color="#CCCCCC"> dongle jokes</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> can</font> cost someone their job but<font color="#E5E5E5"> it seemed</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that these</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> social justice</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Horesh were</font> quite so keen<font color="#CCCCCC"> to be hauled up to their</font> own<font color="#E5E5E5"> standards</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now for some</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> reason the</font> owner didn't<font color="#CCCCCC"> apologize for the behavior</font> of his<font color="#E5E5E5"> vice-president</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> oh no that would</font> have<font color="#E5E5E5"> been far too civilized</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no it wasn't</font> his wife's actions<font color="#E5E5E5"> that have bought this</font> on their company by writing<font color="#E5E5E5"> letters</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> people's employees to track it and fight and ruin<font color="#E5E5E5"> their lives and then bragging</font> how she thought she'd ruined people's lives<font color="#E5E5E5"> and that there was nothing</font> absolutely<font color="#CCCCCC"> nothing that people could do</font> in<font color="#CCCCCC"> return now it was everybody else's</font> fault<font color="#E5E5E5"> for proving her wrong</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">talking about blaming everybody again</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that just as a point it out how laughing</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">witches boast my stupid</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in the extreme</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I also been a kind-hearted soul that I</font> am told her how she might best solve the problem<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to put out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> groveling groveling apology<font color="#E5E5E5"> however I</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">really didn't have time to keep tabs on</font> on the details of<font color="#E5E5E5"> all</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of this because I</font> was off<font color="#E5E5E5"> to Germany to do some really</font> quite intensive research<font color="#CCCCCC"> his so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> unknowns not going to discover itself <font color="#E5E5E5">now in the meantime the video that I put</font> up<font color="#E5E5E5"> received no less than full privacy</font> complaints on this and all were dismissed by YouTube so I left at the bat<font color="#CCCCCC"> hell</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the whole thing of this had</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">almost perfect symmetrical</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Karma to it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font> think<font color="#E5E5E5"> that it could be improved</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but</font> never<font color="#CCCCCC"> underestimate the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> stupidity of</font> social<font color="#CCCCCC"> justice warriors because this</font> this transcends may come<font color="#E5E5E5"> into the sort</font> of epic<font color="#E5E5E5"> legends that you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> only find in</font> the ancient<font color="#E5E5E5"> world</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so did laughing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> which</font> take my advice and apologize<font color="#CCCCCC"> to all</font> people out there saying how sorry she was that<font color="#E5E5E5"> she tried to ruin someone's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">life</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> simply because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they disagreed with</font> her<font color="#CCCCCC"> online and how respecting people's</font> privacy<font color="#E5E5E5"> is a two-way street</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in that if</font> you joyful<font color="#CCCCCC"> II desecrate the privacy of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">others it was</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a campaign other people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">wrote letters not just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the world Ernie</font> but<font color="#E5E5E5"> not just me but I won't say who and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I took down the channel I mean I took</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">down the video so you'll never know who</font> said that they would anyway like I<font color="#CCCCCC"> said</font> I'm not<font color="#CCCCCC"> sorry I did what</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I thought</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> was</font> right<font color="#CCCCCC"> and saver</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in their suffering</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or</font> what you perceived to be their suffering <font color="#E5E5E5">because he got mad at me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cuz</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I made fun</font> of him for<font color="#E5E5E5"> losing his job</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you really</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">don't have much</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> meat for complaint when</font> you get a taste of<font color="#E5E5E5"> your</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> own medicine so</font> did she apologize<font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't know how to</font> make this go<font color="#CCCCCC"> away it's we've apologized</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">well</font> entirely first of all<font color="#E5E5E5"> despite the fact</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> said I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> really wasn't the one that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">she had to apologize to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as she tried to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">do it several times using</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Kevin Lucan</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as</font> her emissary<font color="#CCCCCC"> I did want to mention</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> I did offer to apologize<font color="#E5E5E5"> to you through</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Kevin Logan as my emissary twice and you</font> would<font color="#E5E5E5"> not hear of it</font> protip<font color="#E5E5E5"> Jennifer if you're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gonna</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> try and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">apologize to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> me don't choose an emissary</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">who mocked me over my dad dying of</font> cancer<font color="#CCCCCC"> recently I was dying of cancer</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">obviously</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a very traumatic thing impacts</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">them greatly</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and yes</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what not represent</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> social justice</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> warrior community the</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> claiming the high moral ground</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">are the same people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> who are happy to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> use</font> my dad dying of cancer as a cheap point-scoring exercise it's like the fuck's sake do<font color="#E5E5E5"> you need a hug</font> Thunderfoot<font color="#CCCCCC"> no</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> ignoring Jennifer's</font> sensitive choice of emissary<font color="#E5E5E5"> so yeah so</font> he's a horrible scumbag and anyone anyone who<font color="#E5E5E5"> who supports him from this</font> point on consider yourself my enema <font color="#E5E5E5">genuinely I'm not even fucking joking</font> there further she thought the<font color="#E5E5E5"> best way</font> to get on the good<font color="#E5E5E5"> side</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">she was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hoping to apologize to was by</font> calling them fanboys and<font color="#CCCCCC"> I hope with</font> this<font color="#E5E5E5"> apology you'll consider</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> calling off</font> your fanboys yeah I don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you've</font> quite<font color="#E5E5E5"> grasped</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the fundamental reason</font> that you were doing<font color="#E5E5E5"> this apology in the</font> first place it was to placate<font color="#E5E5E5"> by a genuine act of</font> contrition<font color="#CCCCCC"> the thousands out there</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> who</font> think<font color="#CCCCCC"> that what you were trying to do</font> and trying<font color="#E5E5E5"> to get</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people fired because</font> you disagreed with them on the<font color="#E5E5E5"> internet</font> was an incredibly douchey move people who could have ended<font color="#E5E5E5"> up losing their</font> jobs with their careers<font color="#E5E5E5"> ruined because</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sort of letter-writing campaign</font> in a world where merely<font color="#E5E5E5"> a dongle joke in</font> front of a<font color="#E5E5E5"> feminist</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can cost someone</font> their job in the<font color="#E5E5E5"> world where being a</font> veteran who calls bullshit<font color="#E5E5E5"> on a feminist who</font> thinks that<font color="#E5E5E5"> she got post-traumatic</font> stress disorder<font color="#E5E5E5"> from Twitter will cause</font> that<font color="#CCCCCC"> feminist</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to write to his commanding</font> officer<font color="#E5E5E5"> to try and get him discipline if</font> you're in the military<font color="#E5E5E5"> and are</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> erasing</font> me about my<font color="#E5E5E5"> PTSD</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that's her</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Twitter</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> PTSD</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">expect that I will</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> be speaking</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to your</font> commanding officer<font color="#CCCCCC"> even for a feminist</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> is really really messed up you tell</font> her that<font color="#E5E5E5"> the post-traumatic stress</font> disorder<font color="#E5E5E5"> that people get</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> from watching</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people they know love and care about</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">being</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> blown up in front of their eyes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font> really<font color="#E5E5E5"> really not the same</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> thing as</font> someone<font color="#E5E5E5"> calling you</font> melody on Twitter<font color="#E5E5E5"> you tell her that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> she'll try<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> mess up your career and</font> this is no hypothetical about<font color="#E5E5E5"> she will</font> try<font color="#E5E5E5"> and mess up your career this is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what</font> she says I give it every day<font color="#E5E5E5"> I've</font> decided I'm contacting<font color="#E5E5E5"> commanding</font> officers<font color="#CCCCCC"> as I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just did they had</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> their</font> info<font color="#E5E5E5"> on their Twitter I just contacted</font> someone's commanding officer<font color="#E5E5E5"> really</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">melody you tried to mess up someone's</font> military career because they didn't think<font color="#CCCCCC"> that you had post-traumatic</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> stress</font> disorder<font color="#E5E5E5"> from Twitter and in an almost</font> surreal case in Canada<font color="#CCCCCC"> where</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> merely</font> disagreeing with a feminist online<font color="#E5E5E5"> led</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to some getting arrested</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and potentially</font> facing six months in jail<font color="#CCCCCC"> or sure cake</font> yeah the first<font color="#CCCCCC"> guy in the history of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">mankind</font> to land a probe on<font color="#E5E5E5"> a comet</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or Tim hunt</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the Nobel Prize winner who was sacked</font> without even being asked the details <font color="#E5E5E5">merely on</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the accusation of a feminist</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah demonstrate in a world where a</font> Nobel Prize winner<font color="#CCCCCC"> can be sacked</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> merely</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">merely on</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the accusations of a feminist</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">a feminists whose stated goal</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is ending</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">your job and thereby your career should</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">be regarded</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> most serious</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> charge</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that it is and demonstrate you can</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bet</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">your</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bottom dollar</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if I actually been</font> fired<font color="#E5E5E5"> they would be doing their little</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">happy dances in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the street</font> and demonstrating<font color="#E5E5E5"> your apology to</font> everyone<font color="#CCCCCC"> should have reflected just how</font> serious<font color="#E5E5E5"> what you did was and how serious</font> you<font color="#CCCCCC"> are for making</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> amends</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for</font> your apology<font color="#CCCCCC"> I really</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't think you're</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">gonna play Kate anyone by spitting in</font> their<font color="#E5E5E5"> faces</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and calling them fanboys and</font> so since it was<font color="#E5E5E5"> this apology to me that</font> the apology came with a link<font color="#E5E5E5"> to a fun</font> anything campaign<font color="#CCCCCC"> asking for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> $25,000</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">saying how I was an evil evil</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> man she</font> made a mistake of running<font color="#CCCCCC"> into this very</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">very evil man it's pretty bad</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> its</font> economic cyber terrorism<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's we've</font> apologized<font color="#E5E5E5"> how wow that's what I call us</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">insi apology</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from a social</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> justice</font> warrior naturally he leaves out<font color="#CCCCCC"> the bit</font> where his wife was writing<font color="#E5E5E5"> letters to</font> ruin my<font color="#CCCCCC"> career</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> has he mocked</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">pitilessly</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> when she thought she'd</font> succeeded<font color="#E5E5E5"> now she was some completely</font> innocent damsel<font color="#E5E5E5"> wandering happily and</font> innocently<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> carefree through the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">internet until she had the misfortune to</font> bump into<font color="#E5E5E5"> the evil dr. Mason she made a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">mistake of running</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> into this very</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> very</font> evil man<font color="#E5E5E5"> who</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> viciously cyber ravage</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">helpless maiden for a purpose</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> only</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> his</font> glowing<font color="#E5E5E5"> red eyes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can tell recently we</font> had a little<font color="#CCCCCC"> encounter with a fellow</font> named<font color="#E5E5E5"> Thunderfoot aka dr. Phil Mason and</font> he does some<font color="#E5E5E5"> YouTube channel some</font> experiments for scientific stuff but mostly he seems to generate his time doing videos on misogyny and anti feminism<font color="#CCCCCC"> they're putting fake pictures</font> on our on our posting here<font color="#E5E5E5"> what is what</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">is the point if I say yes and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> letter and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> know if it's mine or not if you</font> can prove it's mine what who<font color="#E5E5E5"> cares I</font> don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> care it's dumb gotcha get this</font> let's get<font color="#E5E5E5"> real</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">getting fake pictures on our on our</font> posting here then they're going to our <font color="#E5E5E5">Google+ page</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and putting all sorts of</font> photographs on there that I can't remove some<font color="#E5E5E5"> of its pretty pretty pretty bad</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> quite nasty</font> they're attacking my wife<font color="#E5E5E5"> they're</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">attacking</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> me remember him hmm</font> remember the murders<font color="#CCCCCC"> of all those kids</font> that's<font color="#E5E5E5"> what we're fighting that's what</font> writing<font color="#E5E5E5"> this letter campaign is about</font> it's not about Thunderfoot the man it's not about his free<font color="#CCCCCC"> speech but it's pure</font> hate<font color="#E5E5E5"> this is the kind of man that</font> listens to Thunderfoot<font color="#E5E5E5"> this was the</font> enemy<font color="#CCCCCC"> I support my wife I think she made</font> a mistake of running<font color="#CCCCCC"> into this very very</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">evil man okay take it down Thunderfoot</font> stops<font color="#E5E5E5"> this kind of stuff</font> I<font color="#E5E5E5"> won't somebody think of the employees</font> and he's cute pet dogs<font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is who he's</font> hurting<font color="#E5E5E5"> these technicians and my</font> dispatchers and just my estimators and <font color="#E5E5E5">bookkeeper</font> these people have families<font color="#CCCCCC"> children</font> wives<font color="#E5E5E5"> homes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I wanted if he's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if he's</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">watching</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> us I wanted him to see the</font> faces of of the folks<font color="#E5E5E5"> that he's hurting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and these are all innocent people I'm</font> innocent nah<font color="#E5E5E5"> forget those letters to someone his</font> employer calling him a Nazi who hates women<font color="#CCCCCC"> and it's racist to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Muslims no no</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">this was brought about by their actions</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all this evil man's fault shit</font> talk<font color="#E5E5E5"> about using a human shield</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I mean imagine</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Amy's Baking Company</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Kangol but when somebody think about the</font> innocent employees who<font color="#E5E5E5"> will</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> be hurting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">when you write a review</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> saying</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that we</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">pocket their tips</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I win and every</font> customer<font color="#CCCCCC"> when</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they leave a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> tear better</font> go straight to the owner<font color="#E5E5E5"> and not to the</font> server<font color="#E5E5E5"> do you think they'd be astounded</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">let me ask that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> table there or to look</font> at<font color="#E5E5E5"> it in another way it simply shows</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they don't care enough about their</font> employees<font color="#E5E5E5"> to make a simple honest</font> apology<font color="#E5E5E5"> for the rather self-evident</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">douchy behavior of their</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> vice president</font> or to fire his<font color="#CCCCCC"> vice-president his</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wife</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">after</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> all she makes it perfectly clear</font> that<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what she would do if it was</font> one<font color="#CCCCCC"> of her employees</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> doing something</font> like<font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I am an employer</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if my</font> employees<font color="#E5E5E5"> are making hate videos</font> I think his<font color="#E5E5E5"> employer should look at his</font> YouTube channel<font color="#CCCCCC"> and decide</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what does</font> this mean and have<font color="#CCCCCC"> Phil Mason explain</font> himself <font color="#CCCCCC">I said I'm shining</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because I like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> their</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">content</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> she's a she's a fucking good</font> person<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm an employer if I had a young</font> man<font color="#CCCCCC"> who was doing the shit that Phil</font> Mason is doing and I mostly hire young men I'd<font color="#CCCCCC"> can</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> him I wanted he's if he's</font> watching<font color="#E5E5E5"> this I wanted him to see the</font> faces of of the folks<font color="#CCCCCC"> that he's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hurting</font> it<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you know what I would be so</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">grateful for my customers who turned him</font> in because that<font color="#CCCCCC"> is a stain</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on the</font> reputation of<font color="#CCCCCC"> that University I don't</font> care if he's a subcontractor<font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't</font> care he's<font color="#E5E5E5"> nothing to me</font> she made a mistake of running<font color="#E5E5E5"> into this</font> very very<font color="#E5E5E5"> evil man</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as though reek</font> doesn't care<font color="#E5E5E5"> that he's conflicting this</font> type of damage<font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't care if he's a</font> subcontractor<font color="#E5E5E5"> I don't care</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> nothing</font> to me this is my little<font color="#E5E5E5"> girl</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gold doggy best</font> friend here honey boo boo<font color="#E5E5E5"> and she and I</font> really really<font color="#E5E5E5"> would appreciate your</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">support in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this difficult time and</font> anything that you can<font color="#E5E5E5"> contribute to help</font> us get<font color="#E5E5E5"> through this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the song slot in</font> this<font color="#E5E5E5"> winter further it also shows a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">certain lack</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of understanding of supply</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and demand</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the number</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of people</font> renovating porcelain tubs is probably fairly constant<font color="#E5E5E5"> and if your business is</font> going bust<font color="#E5E5E5"> your employees will still</font> have the skills to fulfill<font color="#CCCCCC"> that demand</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">keeping the lights on and keep it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> right</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people page so they don't leave that is</font> they will still be mending porcelain tubs it's just they won't<font color="#CCCCCC"> be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> doing it for a</font> company where<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> vice-president</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is some</font> crazy cat lady<font color="#CCCCCC"> but like I say</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font> merely artful camera<font color="#CCCCCC"> a thing for</font> amateurs<font color="#E5E5E5"> and fail videos</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> these</font> transcends that<font color="#E5E5E5"> because it turns out</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that agent of doubtful this</font> of $25,000<font color="#E5E5E5"> that they were trying to</font> raise<font color="#E5E5E5"> from their fund anything campaign</font> was a rather<font color="#E5E5E5"> strange number to just</font> pluck out of the air<font color="#E5E5E5"> and it is why</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">25,000 and why</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't they need it less</font> than<font color="#E5E5E5"> a week</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> after I revealed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> how</font> viciously<font color="#E5E5E5"> their Vice President had acted</font> to keep the lights on<font color="#CCCCCC"> that they</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font> wanted<font color="#CCCCCC"> 25,000 dollars</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> after</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> just one</font> week<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know cuz reasons so agent</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">doubt started looking around the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> local</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">courts in the area and what do you know</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they are</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a court ruling against them</font> fall for<font color="#E5E5E5"> $25,000 a ruling that was made</font> weeks before I<font color="#E5E5E5"> had this exchange with</font> them you have got<font color="#CCCCCC"> to be shitting me</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> the description box she put a link to a fun to anything campaign here's that fund anything campaign it's called<font color="#CCCCCC"> Brigade incisor review attack</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">defense fund and she's trying to raise</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">$25,000 as a goal what else could that</font> $25,000 be going towards well if you do a Maryland<font color="#CCCCCC"> court records search</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and just</font> do a case search right here and then<font color="#E5E5E5"> plug in the name that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> she</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">docked dropped herself to Thunderfoot</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">USA</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> nine to Prince George's County</font> business owners say they are fighting <font color="#E5E5E5">for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> their company's survival under</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">attack</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> from</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thousands of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> online</font> commentators the couple is asking for help from<font color="#CCCCCC"> the FBI</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from Google and from</font> wusa9<font color="#CCCCCC"> to tell their story</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and clear</font> their<font color="#E5E5E5"> businesses name</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well I think he</font> mails have stopped and the phone calls <font color="#CCCCCC">it dwindled the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> target was jennykelly</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the company's VP you'll get a list of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cases and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if you just pick the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> one right</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">here that's active in 2015 you'll find</font> that there's a<font color="#CCCCCC"> judgement coming against</font> them<font color="#E5E5E5"> for Wells Fargo Bank starting in</font> August<font color="#E5E5E5"> of 2015 two months before</font> are the<font color="#E5E5E5"> drama with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Thunderfoot oh but it</font> gets better<font color="#E5E5E5"> because shortly after agent</font> of doubt drops this bombshell<font color="#CCCCCC"> they make</font> an update to their fund anything<font color="#CCCCCC"> page</font> saying<font color="#E5E5E5"> that $25,000 really won't make</font> any difference<font color="#CCCCCC"> to them anyway</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they're about</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to file for bankruptcy</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">because they're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> at</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> least $100,000 in the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">hole</font> and that was before<font color="#E5E5E5"> any of this stuff</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">with me I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> won't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if he's if he's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> watching</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">this I wanted him to see the faces of</font> the folks<font color="#E5E5E5"> that he's hurting it then of</font> course they put up this privacy complaint against agent of doubt because <font color="#CCCCCC">you know people shouldn't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be able to see</font> public<font color="#E5E5E5"> call records</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and as far</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as I know</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that privacy complaint hasn't yet been</font> acted on<font color="#CCCCCC"> that is they were going</font> bankrupt<font color="#E5E5E5"> long before the despicable</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">actions of their vice president became</font> public<font color="#E5E5E5"> and deep down</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> know they would</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have loved to have pin this on me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> know look how<font color="#CCCCCC"> this evil dr. Mason</font> bankrupted our company<font color="#E5E5E5"> recently we had a</font> little encounter with a fellow named <font color="#E5E5E5">Thunderfoot aka dr. Phil Mason and yeah</font> bitches<font color="#CCCCCC"> it is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> dr. Mason normally I and</font> no one else gives<font color="#E5E5E5"> a shit</font> but seeing<font color="#E5E5E5"> us you want to make a point</font> of it<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah it's dr. Mason son of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Professor</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Mason</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I'm also the bringer</font> of capital<font color="#CCCCCC"> karma because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it turns out</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Jennifer and the local</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> news</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they</font> they went<font color="#E5E5E5"> to the USA nine to Prince</font> George's County business owners say they are fighting<font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> their company's</font> survival<font color="#CCCCCC"> under attack from thousands</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> online<font color="#E5E5E5"> commentators trying to shut them</font> down<font color="#E5E5E5"> a couple is asking for help from</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the FBI</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from Google and from wusa9 to</font> tell their story<font color="#E5E5E5"> and clear their</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">business's name</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if everybody be</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> like oh</font> you would have to<font color="#E5E5E5"> be you know when you</font> finally<font color="#E5E5E5"> grow up and you actually get a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">job you will</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have a responsibility to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">your employer</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not to ruin their brand</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> tell<font color="#E5E5E5"> will how they were being subjected</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to cyber terrorism</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> pretty bad it's like</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it's economic cyber terrorism</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sure</font> they left out the<font color="#CCCCCC"> bit about the</font> letter-writing campaign calling me a Nazi who hated women<font color="#CCCCCC"> she all that</font> letter-writing campaign<font color="#E5E5E5"> to ruin</font> someone's<font color="#E5E5E5"> career was</font> cyberterrorism<font color="#CCCCCC"> that was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> YouTube activism</font> the target was jennykelly<font color="#E5E5E5"> the company's</font> VP<font color="#E5E5E5"> married to the owner and a YouTube</font> activist<font color="#CCCCCC"> bewildered</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> ape had proposed a</font> letter-writing campaign against<font color="#E5E5E5"> Phil</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Mason aka Thunderfoot</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because of you</font> know basically<font color="#E5E5E5"> Thunderfoot is said some</font> terrible<font color="#CCCCCC"> things and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he has</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a terrible</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">channel but the real target of this is</font> not Phil Mason the man<font color="#E5E5E5"> it is his</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">subscribers who basically are Nazis</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">while me</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was simply pointing out the</font> stupidity of our arguments<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm a</font> provocateur the target was jennykelly <font color="#E5E5E5">the company's VP married to the owner</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and a YouTube activist in February</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Keller kicked a hornet's nest</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> she</font> attached her real name to<font color="#CCCCCC"> a letter in</font> video she sent<font color="#E5E5E5"> to the employer of the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">British scientist and anti-feminist</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">YouTube provocateur Phil Mason known</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as</font> Thunderfoot to his<font color="#E5E5E5"> 400,000 subscribers</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">shit</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> no</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> PI's then and yeah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> being of the</font> professional news organization they are <font color="#E5E5E5">they decided to contact me for comment</font> and tonight Mason didn't respond<font color="#E5E5E5"> to my</font> request<font color="#E5E5E5"> for comment but he did retweet</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> supporters video<font color="#E5E5E5"> mocking Keller's</font> apology<font color="#E5E5E5"> pray tell how did they contact</font> me for comment did they email<font color="#CCCCCC"> me</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> did</font> they call nope apparently they sent me a single<font color="#E5E5E5"> tweet 24 hours or</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> less</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> before the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">broadcast of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> piece oddly enough</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> me</font> about the same time we're spending<font color="#E5E5E5"> 12</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hours a day</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in a research lab</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> making kit</font> for measuring stuff that's never been <font color="#CCCCCC">done before</font> and tonight Mason didn't respond<font color="#E5E5E5"> to my</font> request for<font color="#CCCCCC"> a comment yeah that's</font> because<font color="#CCCCCC"> I had no idea you'd even asked</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">for one</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> well maybe I should give you a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">call</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> streak of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the dice today Garrett</font> Haake<font color="#E5E5E5"> didn't respond to my request for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> comment<font color="#E5E5E5"> about the gamma raped reporting</font> of wusa9<font color="#E5E5E5"> because let's be real Garrett</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">how poor do your journalistic skills</font> have<font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be when you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> doing this story</font> about<font color="#E5E5E5"> someone emailing someone's</font> employer not<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> be able</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to get there</font> email<font color="#E5E5E5"> now for wusa9</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we have professional</font> ethical journalistic standards<font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">sending someone who's working 12 hours</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> day<font color="#E5E5E5"> in a lab a single tweet to someone</font> who<font color="#E5E5E5"> gets hundreds per day</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if they</font> don't magically get to it in time<font color="#CCCCCC"> we'll</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">just claim that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they never responded</font> and tonight Mason didn't respond to<font color="#E5E5E5"> my</font> request for<font color="#E5E5E5"> comment</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and interestingly</font> the clip that<font color="#E5E5E5"> they use I mean comes from</font> this video<font color="#CCCCCC"> why are actually without</font> laughing<font color="#CCCCCC"> which is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> email to my bosses and</font> the one<font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> she sent to the local</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">newspapers and to the police he's openly</font> racist against of Muslims<font color="#E5E5E5"> point you</font> might think this is a troll<font color="#CCCCCC"> but I happen</font> to know<font color="#CCCCCC"> this is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> actually someone</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> who</font> actually really<font color="#E5E5E5"> believes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this crap</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> then</font> you can actually<font color="#E5E5E5"> be racist against an</font> ideology most people think it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> sporting</font> if you you're if you're gonna be<font color="#E5E5E5"> racist</font> it needs to be against a race rather than an ideology but whenever she's an <font color="#E5E5E5">idea one he hates Muslims Nazi ideology</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">too</font> he hates women and mostly<font color="#CCCCCC"> feminist Nazi</font> ideology<font color="#E5E5E5"> his followers</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> are mostly white</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and male Nazi apologists revisionist</font> sympathizers who he commands like an army really<font color="#E5E5E5"> he openly supports Hitler</font> and there's a good<font color="#E5E5E5"> thing for Humanity</font> but the<font color="#CCCCCC"> pro news team</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hey didn't think</font> that this was a relevant part of the <font color="#E5E5E5">story</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> focus on</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no this was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> part<font color="#E5E5E5"> that they needed to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know about me I</font> anticipated <font color="#E5E5E5">YouTube provocateur Phil Mason known as</font> Thunderfoot to his<font color="#CCCCCC"> 400,000 subscribers</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">feminism</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is she in many ways</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there's a</font> more serious threat<font color="#CCCCCC"> than things</font> recreations<font color="#E5E5E5"> but she hopes his university</font> with silence<font color="#CCCCCC"> of censoring and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of course</font> all the white knights<font color="#E5E5E5"> rushed to the aid</font> of this poor innocent defenseless<font color="#E5E5E5"> damsel</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">who done nothing more than getting</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font> letter right campaign<font color="#E5E5E5"> to get someone fired and ruin</font> their career<font color="#CCCCCC"> I spoke as an employer and</font> I said effectively<font color="#E5E5E5"> he is besmirching</font> their reputation<font color="#CCCCCC"> and that they should</font> basically<font color="#E5E5E5"> give him the choice of either</font> continuing to do these kinds of<font color="#E5E5E5"> videos</font> or continuing to be a scientist<font color="#E5E5E5"> and send</font> it<font color="#E5E5E5"> to the police calling them a Nazi and</font> then start a fund anything campaign<font color="#E5E5E5"> for</font> $25,000 curiously exactly the same <font color="#E5E5E5">amount is a court ruling against them</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and none of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this made any difference</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">anyway</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> even before this</font> incidents<font color="#E5E5E5"> they were at least</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> $100,000 in</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the hole and preparing to file for</font> bankruptcy <font color="#E5E5E5">David Futrell</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> oh yeah that's the sort of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">feminists he needs to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> defend and the</font> daily<font color="#E5E5E5"> costs they</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can help</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but use this</font> to show<font color="#CCCCCC"> how the internet</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hates women and</font> the emissary of laughing which below you will find<font color="#E5E5E5"> a fundraising page set up to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">help pay the wages</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and therefore feed</font> the families of the innocent<font color="#E5E5E5"> people</font> whose livelihoods have<font color="#E5E5E5"> been put in</font> danger by<font color="#CCCCCC"> Thunder fund is incredibly malicious</font> evil and reckless actions<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> asked you to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">look deeply with inside your conscience</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> finding within</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yourself</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to give a</font> few<font color="#E5E5E5"> dollars or a few pounds or</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> whatever</font> you can to this<font color="#CCCCCC"> fundraiser try to try</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> help keep these innocent</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people in</font> jobs and to tell<font color="#CCCCCC"> thunder for Andy's ilk</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this kind of activity</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">fucking acceptable so if you can spare</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">anything any amount of change in any</font> denomination<font color="#CCCCCC"> go and click below and go</font> show your support for<font color="#E5E5E5"> hard-working</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> who don't deserve to get fucked</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">over all banging on about how this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> was</font> running<font color="#E5E5E5"> nothing to do with the actions</font> of laughing which being a complete bitch <font color="#CCCCCC">anyway like I said I'm not sorry I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> did</font> what<font color="#CCCCCC"> I thought was right and somebody</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">else sent me can comment they're gonna</font> contact my<font color="#CCCCCC"> boss which is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> apparently my</font> husband but part of<font color="#E5E5E5"> the reason</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I wanted</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to do this video is these people can't</font> do anything to me seriously<font color="#E5E5E5"> how</font> delusional<font color="#CCCCCC"> do you have to be to get this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">far</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> still think that the only</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> reason</font> I did this stuff<font color="#CCCCCC"> it was nothing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to live</font> with all the<font color="#E5E5E5"> crazy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> shit that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> she did no</font> it<font color="#E5E5E5"> was because she</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> had</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> vagina</font> so Thunderfoot and his army of misogynistic<font color="#E5E5E5"> kids have driven another</font> atheist female from the community a community that<font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> vastly lack</font> in females in the first place<font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font> because<font color="#CCCCCC"> she had a vagina because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this is</font> this<font color="#E5E5E5"> is proper heightmap harassment ship</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and surprise surprise Thunderfoot did it</font> to a<font color="#E5E5E5"> woman who'd a thunk it how</font> delusional<font color="#E5E5E5"> you have to be fat male</font> feminist delusional<font color="#CCCCCC"> and in the past they</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">said well I'm not misogynist but he's</font> driven another female atheist from the Atheist community here<font color="#CCCCCC"> on YouTube and of</font> course<font color="#CCCCCC"> we had</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> PZ mayest man who thinks</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> getting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> through</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> nor free thought</font> blogs is somehow a blot on someone's character<font color="#E5E5E5"> let's just have a little recap</font> there shall we PC since I left<font color="#E5E5E5"> free</font> thought blogs<font color="#E5E5E5"> well was that minor</font> incidents where the<font color="#E5E5E5"> co-founder of free</font> thought blogs quit his own<font color="#E5E5E5"> network</font> because he thought it was so toxic<font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> know this guy innocently<font color="#CCCCCC"> you might be</font> happy to<font color="#CCCCCC"> note that ed Brayton</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> after my</font> departure from<font color="#CCCCCC"> tree thought blogs</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> where</font> he vowed to wipe<font color="#E5E5E5"> me out of the community</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and happening forever be a pariah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> uh we</font> briefly met up in the youtube<font color="#E5E5E5"> comment</font> section<font color="#E5E5E5"> to reminisce about all times</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> it went a little<font color="#E5E5E5"> something like this</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">lul ed your mighty attempts to drive me</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to the community as a pariah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> which</font> wouldn't<font color="#CCCCCC"> buy F dbstyle its countless</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">harassment</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> FTB is doing it of course</font> resulted in me<font color="#E5E5E5"> losing about</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 300</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">subscribers almost every blogger on free</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">thought blogs tried their hardest in one</font> coordinated<font color="#CCCCCC"> blow to poison the well</font> against me and only<font color="#CCCCCC"> 300</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> out of about a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hundred fifty thousand people</font> unsubscribed<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's only about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 30 people</font> for<font color="#E5E5E5"> every person</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> who wrote a blog</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> face</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it free thought blocks is a sinking</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">ship</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> proto bed free speech is only a</font> bad thing<font color="#E5E5E5"> if you're injured to which he</font> responded ever deserve for me <font color="#E5E5E5">ever get guys when</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that's your</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">co-founder and he's quitting your</font> network<font color="#E5E5E5"> because he thinks it's too toxic</font> warning now curiously in a video entitled free thought blogs<font color="#E5E5E5"> and feminism</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I had some statistics from that video</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">one of which</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was the traffic for free</font> thought blogs<font color="#E5E5E5"> at the time and what do</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you know it's about half since then in</font> that same<font color="#CCCCCC"> video</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> screencap</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> how much traffic<font color="#CCCCCC"> I was coming at the</font> time and that<font color="#CCCCCC"> was actually</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sort of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">comparable to the entire</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of free thought</font> blogs<font color="#E5E5E5"> at the time and what do you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that traffic is now increased by a</font> factor<font color="#CCCCCC"> of three</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to four</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah busy miss</font> little infographic thing will help<font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font> see how driving me out<font color="#CCCCCC"> of the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> community</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">such that I will</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> forever</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be a pariah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> has</font> worked out for you and<font color="#E5E5E5"> your social</font> justice warriors<font color="#E5E5E5"> ship easy it's almost</font> like<font color="#E5E5E5"> being capable of producing real</font> content<font color="#E5E5E5"> and of course real papers is</font> more interesting than viewing<font color="#E5E5E5"> some</font> mean-spirited<font color="#E5E5E5"> old man waxing on about</font> his<font color="#CCCCCC"> mole superiority and now everyone</font> else is<font color="#CCCCCC"> just pass</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> holes and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mindless do</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">bros and then just top this all off the</font> week that<font color="#E5E5E5"> I started being both fired and</font> dead<font color="#E5E5E5"> Hannibal the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Victor</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you know the</font> crazy<font color="#E5E5E5"> feminist</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Serkis Ian</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> fan turns out</font> he's<font color="#E5E5E5"> got a rap sheet</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> something</font> sexual with someone under age but I want you<font color="#E5E5E5"> guys to hear from me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> before you hear</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">from Thunderfoot that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I have extensive</font> information comprehensive legal <font color="#CCCCCC">information that is official and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">leads me to believe these allegations</font> against<font color="#E5E5E5"> Hannibal are not false this is a</font> really difficult thing<font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> me to talk</font> about<font color="#CCCCCC"> because Hannibal was like one</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> my best friends<font color="#E5E5E5"> like I'm gonna disable</font> comments on this<font color="#E5E5E5"> video because I don't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">need people saying oh you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to be</font> friends<font color="#CCCCCC"> and me</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cream they're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> feminists because because</font> why did you expect actually<font color="#E5E5E5"> JJ</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't</font> listen<font color="#E5E5E5"> to them</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cuz honestly</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I think</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you're being outrageously</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> naive if you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">think that Hannibal was only interested</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">in you for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> your sparkling personality</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">even more ironic is when these</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">validations were first published</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I was</font> immediately skeptical<font color="#E5E5E5"> because they were</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">published on a website with a history of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">making baseless allegations of sexual</font> misconduct<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah Hannibal might be a fat</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">obnoxious lump</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> whose mortal enemy</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is a</font> gentle incline<font color="#CCCCCC"> seems to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be a general</font> thing with social<font color="#CCCCCC"> justice warrior</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">feminist men but as far as I was</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">concerned he was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> still innocent</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> until</font> proven guilty<font color="#CCCCCC"> or someone produced</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> actual court records<font color="#E5E5E5"> and some random</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">accusation from some dodgy website</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">wasn't gonna cut it nor did I actually</font> have time<font color="#CCCCCC"> to look</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> into it at the time</font> you know<font color="#CCCCCC"> because I was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> doing the science</font> stuff<font color="#E5E5E5"> someone else however did it turns</font> out the<font color="#CCCCCC"> while I like innocent</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> until</font> proven guilty<font color="#E5E5E5"> that Hannibal was actually</font> proven guilty<font color="#E5E5E5"> and it's all there in the</font> public<font color="#E5E5E5"> court records</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and there's almost</font> this sort of<font color="#E5E5E5"> ted haggard</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> esque</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thing to</font> it that these male feminists<font color="#E5E5E5"> the more</font> they talked about how rape offends<font color="#E5E5E5"> them</font> the more<font color="#CCCCCC"> likely they are to be now</font> should we say sexually maladjusted however even at<font color="#E5E5E5"> that I was probably a</font> damn sight<font color="#E5E5E5"> more charitable</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> than Hannibal</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that he would have been to anyone else</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cuz honestly I don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> know about the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">details but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> America can</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be very prudish</font> about sex with someone<font color="#E5E5E5"> one hour before</font> their 18th birthday is statutory rape <font color="#CCCCCC">with a minor and one hour afterwards</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is</font> fine<font color="#E5E5E5"> without knowing the details</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm not</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">gonna</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> burn the man nor do I particularly</font> care<font color="#CCCCCC"> to know what the details are</font> because even if I did is<font color="#E5E5E5"> not something I</font> particularly care<font color="#CCCCCC"> about I took Hannibal</font> over the coals<font color="#CCCCCC"> because of the stupid</font> things<font color="#E5E5E5"> he said</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and did in public</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">also caused a great</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> deal of distress for</font> somebody whom I'm very<font color="#CCCCCC"> fond of</font> and I can't stress<font color="#CCCCCC"> enough</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that in that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">regard</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I will fuck you over for that one</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> these days if it's the last thing I</font> ever do<font color="#CCCCCC"> I just want to make</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> clearer</font> Phil<font color="#E5E5E5"> - to quote Melville from hell's</font> heart I will Spit my last breath<font color="#E5E5E5"> at thee</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I will not forget that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> until</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm in the</font> grave<font color="#E5E5E5"> and that's the only way you're</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">gonna get</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> out of basically</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> paying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for it</font> in the end<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> will find a way</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">basically screw you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> over for that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if</font> Phil does get let's say<font color="#E5E5E5"> charged with</font> something<font color="#E5E5E5"> if people decide they're gonna</font> start a letter-writing campaign<font color="#CCCCCC"> or</font> they're gonna<font color="#CCCCCC"> compete on mass are gonna</font> contact<font color="#E5E5E5"> his employer not his criminal</font> sexual behavior although<font color="#E5E5E5"> damn straight</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">would have rubbed his</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> nose in it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that he</font> was<font color="#E5E5E5"> in no position to morally lecture</font> others on<font color="#CCCCCC"> what he thought was acceptable</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">sexual behavior</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm sure I wouldn't hire</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">him as a babysitter</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but the whole</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thing</font> about<font color="#CCCCCC"> the criminal justice</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> system</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font> once you've paid your<font color="#E5E5E5"> debt to society</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you get to rejoin it and as the good man</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Kennedy said forgive your enemies but</font> remember their names<font color="#E5E5E5"> however people like</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Captain Potato Head</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> was still blaming me</font> for<font color="#CCCCCC"> having which deleting her own</font> YouTube and Twitter accounts and<font color="#CCCCCC"> now</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">life in which said to close both our</font> YouTube channel<font color="#E5E5E5"> and her Twitter page so</font> yeah great<font color="#E5E5E5"> one there guys</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you're</font> supposed<font color="#CCCCCC"> you know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> love of free speech</font> and all of that is<font color="#CCCCCC"> fucking bullshit</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> when</font> it comes down to<font color="#E5E5E5"> it you're happy to</font> bully<font color="#E5E5E5"> anyone into silence who disagrees</font> with the<font color="#E5E5E5"> Thunder Christ</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> oh yeah really</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">oh I get how</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> works</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> she was forced</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> delete her accounts by me just like I</font> was forced to<font color="#E5E5E5"> flee</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my home and take</font> refuge<font color="#E5E5E5"> in a lap in a different country</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">for fear of retaliation</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the porcelain</font> tub mafia yes<font color="#E5E5E5"> I was forced to flee</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my</font> home by a<font color="#E5E5E5"> hate mob</font> currently <font color="#E5E5E5">as feminism</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in exactly the same way</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> I forced<font color="#E5E5E5"> laughing which to delete her</font> accounts<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm a pretty</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> tough old bird you</font> know<font color="#E5E5E5"> I had a pretty crappy dad I'm I'm</font> pretty tough<font color="#CCCCCC"> dude</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> she deleted her</font> accounts<font color="#E5E5E5"> because she's a coward who will</font> not face the responsibilities<font color="#E5E5E5"> for the</font> accusations<font color="#E5E5E5"> and challenges she made in</font> public<font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm not gonna let</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> these</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font> intimidate<font color="#E5E5E5"> me because they're stupid</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> really stupid you know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> whole<font color="#E5E5E5"> thing about the lot of who cares</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> know I've said I did it I don't care</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I'm not</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> afraid to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> own my own actions but</font> part of<font color="#E5E5E5"> the reason</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I wanted</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to do this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">video is these people can't do anything</font> to me so a few points in closing one winning<font color="#E5E5E5"> so ruthlessly logical in</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">fact-based are the arguments made on</font> this<font color="#E5E5E5"> channel</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that they cannot rebut them</font> on the open<font color="#CCCCCC"> and level playing field</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> free speech and<font color="#E5E5E5"> so out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of frustration</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they move on to targeting my job and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">career</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> too as far</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as I'm concerned she</font> does a<font color="#CCCCCC"> cincy public apology and we're</font> cool and that's infinitely<font color="#E5E5E5"> more generous</font> than<font color="#CCCCCC"> anything</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that they would have</font> offered<font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> return because if the tables</font> had been reversed<font color="#E5E5E5"> they would have been</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">dancing in the streets</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> had lost my</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">job now they may well reason that seeing</font> as they were<font color="#E5E5E5"> filing for bankruptcy</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">anyway</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> why</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> apologize</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well that's a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">problem between</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> them and their</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">consciences three do</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not write this off</font> as<font color="#E5E5E5"> me drama Nobel Prize winners have</font> been sacked<font color="#E5E5E5"> for last</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I know</font> scientists<font color="#E5E5E5"> real scientists have looked</font> at the shit that<font color="#CCCCCC"> I get are less scared</font> off because of it having people<font color="#CCCCCC"> scoped</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> your livelihood</font> simply because you<font color="#E5E5E5"> present better</font> arguments than them online<font color="#CCCCCC"> is not a fun</font> experience<font color="#CCCCCC"> and while I don't generally</font> put videos like this into<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> patreon</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">supporter feed nor am I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> going to add</font> this<font color="#CCCCCC"> one I am immeasurably grateful to</font> those<font color="#CCCCCC"> who do offer their support that</font> way as this does give me<font color="#E5E5E5"> a significant</font> degree<font color="#CCCCCC"> of security</font>
Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 5,022,703
Rating: 4.8396139 out of 5
Keywords: feministfrequency, feminism, versus, facts, funny, owned, pwned, tropes, women, damsel, in, distress, games, gaming, anita, sarkeesian, star, trek, double, dragon, lol, computer, men, ted, tedx, Game, feminist, frequency, dumb, stupid, fail, noob, epic, Ownage, Win, Fails, Destroyed, gta, sex, sexism, sexy, win, background, decorations, simpsons, cool, anna, akana, Thunderf00t, hannibalthevictor13, death, threat, news, harassment, laughingwitch,, bathrenovationhq, Jennifer Keller-Burns, hitman, job, fired, Garrett Haake, wusa9
Id: p5TMmxlsLN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2015
Reddit Comments

42 mins? What's the TL;DR?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/civilsaint 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2016 🗫︎ replies

This is my greatest fear. Luckily I'm not popular.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Theeeantifeminist 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2016 🗫︎ replies
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