Anita Sarkeesian Attacks Fallout 4 and DOOM 4

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it's that time of the year once again III is upon us gamers the world round have their eyes and ears open to seeing the biggest names in gaming take center stage and show off the best wares that they possibly can from brand new IPs that they're going to usher into this generation gaming pre-existing franchises that have made the foundation of what gaming it is today and what kind of new iterations and installments that we're gonna see of them sometime down the road in the near future that won't be playing the living hell out of and I love this every single time it's several days straight of nothing but gaming goodness and things to come just like that is [ __ ] awesome as a matter of fact today was one of those very days we got the seed the triumphant return of the Nintendo World Championships something that we have not seen in decades it's been such a long ass time I talked about it this was [ __ ] cool [ __ ] but the sztyc aim out with guns blazing naturally with that we have the dumbest [ __ ] come out of the woodwork and decide to go and flap their dick suckers but all the things that got them so triggered goodness gracious we don't want anybody offended somebody call the politically correct police we need white knights we need to defense committees we need the dynamic duo of Macintosh and sarkeesian at our beck and call to make sure that we don't see anything scary or awful out there especially violent that's the name of the game right now but the stove is dropping bombs left and right anybody out there are in the right mind seeing this ship it's just like that right there looks amazing we got a new dishonored game tuned for got to see so much footage of doom for goddamn I had an infernal hard-on for that and then some six hundred and sixty six inches of piping hot goodness then we got to see more gameplay a fallout 4 it was great it was a trifecta of Awesomeness but naturally these two cluster [ __ ] - ass Nuggets decided that they needed to go and have a problem with this stuff and some of the [ __ ] that they were saying was not only not surprising and very [ __ ] typical and cliche of these two [ __ ] oh it I got the like that mr. McIntosh has me blocked on Twitter amazing cuz I never talked to you before so why would you have somebody like me blocked that's amazing because Anita doesn't look who has two bigger balls that's that's that's got an amazing it's about the only time that she's gonna end up getting some kind of a thumbs up here from me so let's go on into some of these little tweets Anita sarkeesian had said this level of extreme violence shouldn't be considered normal it's not an excuse to say it's expected because dude that's the problem she goes on to say it's really troubling and depressing that the ìiî audience is enthusiastically cheering for bodies being ripped apart she says only a few minutes into the Bethesda press conference and it's wall-to-wall glorification of grotesque violence I can barely watch Johnny poo had this to say this [ __ ] is sick there is something deeply deeply seriously wrong with anyone cheering for this Dhoom 4 trailer gamers cheering loudly at scenes a brutal dismemberment god this is depressing as hell welcome to the gaming industry then he says this little gem right here literally every shot in that entire Bethesda sizzle reel featured extreme violence nothing else this is modern game design modern game design modern game design any time I think about these two clowns ever saying anything or even being brought up into conversation I kind of imagine them like this make it double let's keep in mind those ARS don't stand for rocket by the way and it's pretty [ __ ] savage Team Rocket seems more competent than those two but moving on to more concerning matters they are troubled by the the showcasing of graphic violence within both series being doomed for in fallout 4 we're already very well aware that these games for decades now one of the two which was one of the founding fathers into pushing the boundaries of mature content within video games has had these for the entirety of their existence and they were acting as though this is something new the thing that I find a little more funny about this is that so offended so offended that you are so triggered by the displays of blood and gore and all this other crazy [ __ ] on screen during the trailers in the gameplay that was showcased during e3 I had wondered wait a minute didn't Anita sarkeesian pose beside a gigantic pile of all of her video games showing that yes indeed she is one of us she is truly a gamer did not in fact buy this in one big lump sum off of ebay or something like that no no no no but these are all in fact game sets she not only owns and enjoys and plays but obviously approves of and then I was looking like wait a minute doesn't she have fallout 3 and doesn't she also have Fallout New Vegas that's strange wait a minute wasn't I seeing some other stuff in there kind of like Shadows of the Damned isn't there a part where you're running over a gigantic titty in that game and part of an ass gee I coulda swore something like that happened in the game but I could be kind of crazy wait a minute what if I dead space 1 & 2 especially Dead Space 2 I mean that game was notorious for the amount of violence in it but wait there's more she has Mortal Kombat 9 if that is not one of the most violent [ __ ] games out there I don't know what is but it's amazing that hypocrisy was shown once again good [ __ ] golly somebody go and call the presses we suddenly are onto the same [ __ ] that we've seen time and time again these [ __ ] cannot keep all their ducks in a row at all you could not ever find them to say something [ __ ] sensible at all but again you got the oceans of [ __ ] mouth-breathers they were just like really good I'll believe anything that you say just thinking for myself and do my own research seems really [ __ ] tough but you seem smart enough and I'm obviously really offended because you told me to be offended we have more works of fiction that are basically going to be put in the middle of some crosshairs because you don't like anything that's inside of it and you were trying you were reaching so [ __ ] far Plastic Man and [ __ ] mr. fantastic are both looking at you like wow [ __ ] actually got some skill you're reaching so far to find a problem with this [ __ ] yeah you didn't bring up a single iota about fallout 4 now including a female protagonist has its main character being optional within the game wouldn't that be something that you want to go and say hey thumbs up for that oh wait nope nope can't [ __ ] say that because you try doing and countering all the points at tons of people brought up there that it's sexist and somebody's arguing with you basically except for I've seen first hand on my own [ __ ] Twitter feed tons of women going and raising objection towards the stupid [ __ ] slanderous [ __ ] that you sling every [ __ ] day you yet again time and time and time and time and time again ignore their very existence yet you're speaking on behalf of them and for the betterment of gaming inferred them as a gender right give me a [ __ ] break your your [ __ ] clown shoes you're going after Bethesda you'll go after some other [ __ ] and that's all fine and good because I think a lot of people are starting to come to the realization that you're full of [ __ ] [ __ ] literally you spew pot garbage time into timeout with no [ __ ] foundation to be able to stand on no grounds to be able to be on be like ya see look there's validity what I'm saying but there isn't there is nothing you have nothing you can not ever in your entire life the both of you be able to go and reach out and speak to people and make real changes in the real world instead you go after pop culture because it's way easier it's a trending topic right you would have want to go and try to save people that are literally in danger everywhere around the entire world I assure you there is [ __ ] problems of plenty within humanity right now that are going on every single [ __ ] day and your biggest problem is the representation of something that you feel is not appropriate and it shouldn't be that way you will like the look of it you'll like the sound of it you don't like this and you don't like that but you've always had the option to not purchase it to not look at to not play and to not [ __ ] hear it yet you want to go and tell everybody else in the industry what the [ __ ] they should be doing you want to go and get angry mobs after everybody and what I'd rather do is get an entire [ __ ] sensible mob to go and call you out on your [ __ ] I'm going to be buying two games from Bethesda millions of people ride the entire world are gonna be buying the games from Bethesda nobody wants to realize that this is these are fictional characters and official world and that's all ignore the role prompts ignore the role people write don't actually make a real difference don't make a real impact go after pop culture it's a trending topic on the Internet use those hashtags right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah your [ __ ] joke I've seen through your transparent asses for a long-ass [ __ ] time that's why I continue to go and call you out under your [ __ ] [ __ ] cuz you allowed me to go and have the ammunition to go and fire all this stuff off right off the top my [ __ ] head beat oh wait look at that use my [ __ ] brain for something unlike you guys well then again you're basically [ __ ] millionaires and I'm living paycheck to paycheck so what the [ __ ] do I know right anyway so anybody can say whatever the [ __ ] they've won in the comment section don't give a [ __ ] don't give a damn I'm gonna be going off the plane and some [ __ ] games after this and I'll go and conclude this video as always nerds nerds and gamers game the [ __ ] on
Channel: AlphaOmegaSin
Views: 559,048
Rating: 4.8874002 out of 5
Keywords: AlphaOmegaSin, DOOM 4 Trailer, DOOM 4 E3, Fallout 4 Trailer, Fallout 4 Gameplay, Fallout 4 E3 2015, DOOM 4 E3 2015, DOOM 4 Gameplay, DOOM 4 Multiplayer, Anita Sarkeesian Rant, Josh McIntosh Rant, Anita Sarkeesian Josh McIntosh, Feminist Frequency, Doom (Video Game), Fallout (Video Game Series), Fallout 4 PS4, DOOM 4 PS4, AlphaOmegaSin Rant
Id: 6brJwqjd4xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2015
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