17 Year Old Big Time Swatter Finally Gets Caught

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I had to stop when the St.Anger started talking about how the kid will be going to jail and being anal-raped. He obviously knows nothing about the Canadian Justice System or the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/KebStarr 📅︎︎ May 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I couldn't get past his assertion that he got tons of pussy as a 17 year old. Doesn't sound like something someone who got tons of pussy would say.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/Imogens 📅︎︎ May 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/101rsmith 📅︎︎ May 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

That's terrible what this kid did and all but I would rather read the article than watch this video. All the pauses and hand gestures are annoying, this youtuber does not know how to deliver a point.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/MrGermanMan 📅︎︎ May 23 2015 🗫︎ replies


It's just him talking for 15 minutes. Couldn't it be text?

Was hoping someone in the comments would tell me which part to watch.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cabothief 📅︎︎ May 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

How did this guy get their personal information to begin with?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Maria-Stryker 📅︎︎ May 24 2015 🗫︎ replies
I'm a gleeful [ __ ] right now I mean brimming with [ __ ] joy seeing any little [ __ ] turd out there tried to go far and out of their way to ruin other people's lives and they finally get their comeuppance that's the [ __ ] right there that ends up putting a big old [ __ ] smile my face makes me want to go and crack open a [ __ ] beer and say cheers to this kind of [ __ ] because it was finally at least with this particular individual put to a [ __ ] end see 17-year old who's up in Canada was playing lots of League of Legends all the time and was also harassing the living [ __ ] out of lots of people online many of which were chicks that he was trying to get hooked up with this kid wasn't interested in just being able to [ __ ] be friends or shoot the [ __ ] or anything and apparently wasn't just satisfied with beating his [ __ ] dick or hooking up with some kind of local chicks he wasn't you go and destroyed their lives because they expressed no interest in him and considering the [ __ ] psychotic nature of his behavior it's pretty understandable why see when I think about what I was doing when I was 17 it was like him playing video games but I was out going and getting tons of [ __ ] that seemed to be the only mo on my to-do list day to day and it worked out splendidly but for him apparently not but again this is understandable because he is a complete and utter [ __ ] lunatic as a matter of fact lunacy is about the only thing that comes to mind whenever I read through paragraph after paragraph after paragraph of all the [ __ ] that he had done out of spite because they weren't interested in him this [ __ ] is just insane and it wasn't to prove a point at all it was just nothing but vengeful acts from a petulant child see his name is actually not being given out to the general public due to his age which i think is really [ __ ] saddening considering that he is gone out of his way numerous times 23 different cases keep in mind that each case has multiple different accounts of like criminal activity associated with them but 23 individual cases over 2 spanha past couple years that he's responsible for for no reason other than being [ __ ] butthurt forever alone oh so [ __ ] round REE I'm gonna show them yeah so now luckily he won't be lonely he's going to end up making Sasha Gray [ __ ] blush at the amount of [ __ ] meat poll that he's gonna be taking on a daily basis as a matter of fact he's gonna have to pick up his pants and his [ __ ] teeth every single day that's gonna be some fun [ __ ] stuff for him right there all those [ __ ] goddamn critters going up inside him so what kind of [ __ ] was this [ __ ] doing well let's see he was getting personal information of all the individuals that he played league of legends with online that do want to go reciprocate his emotions and feelings towards him since you know it was just the [ __ ] internet and it was just a [ __ ] gaming because he's a [ __ ] psycho so Eve's getting their personal information posting on Twitter opening up bank accounts on some of these people's names shutting down their utilities going in swatting the living [ __ ] out of a lot of them some of the people multiple times which is just holy [ __ ] but he had swatted so many of these different people by going and telling the police that he killed some of the people that were there and he was ready to go and take that any and all the police so that they'd obviously be armed and ready whenever they go in because they're expecting some kind of imposing threat said that he had hostages on the ready and he was going to offer them a demanding ransom and [ __ ] he had ride shut down at major amusement parks one girl ended up having to quit college because of his constant harassment but people's actual credit scores were completely and utterly [ __ ] ruined due to his actions I mean this list just continues on and on and on many times actually made the news as a matter of fact he was even so bold to post this [ __ ] on his own Twitter saying yeah I [ __ ] did it nobody seemed to notice this and catch on immediately after the he posted a live stream eight hours eight [ __ ] hours folks eight of him live streaming swatting people live for the entire world to see because he was a [ __ ] braggart and he that's what he wanted to stroke his own [ __ ] eager since nobody want to stroke him and that was how he was going to go about it and it's just holy [ __ ] man I think that the idea that this [ __ ] went on so long for no reason other than somebody wasn't [ __ ] interest in you you pathetic little [ __ ] [ __ ] Nick I don't even know where to begin because if I had the capabilities and the resources to attain anybody's personal information to you know their social security numbers their [ __ ] address their emails which he had definitely had all the stuff on different people I'd be targeting legitimate threats out there in the [ __ ] world and making their lives bad because they haven't [ __ ] coming not some random chick who's playing a game that you're interested that's not interested in you personally like me I know that my morals are obviously completely [ __ ] different in the [ __ ] that I would do with these abilities completely [ __ ] different but I just think about like that's how do you handle the [ __ ] like that's really how you handle it I hate to see what this little [ __ ] would do if he actually went up to any of these women in person like when you threw a [ __ ] tantrum right there on the [ __ ] floor would you piss and [ __ ] yourself probably just judging from all the [ __ ] and and then even [ __ ] better is he's pretty [ __ ] proud of everything that he's done apparently when he went to the court hearing about all the [ __ ] he does little smirk on his face oh yeah I'm a bad [ __ ] but the best part about is that's all show that's all glitz and glamour for you you're 17 you're eventually not gonna be just in basic ass County Jail or anything you're gonna go to a real-deal prison and you're gonna not smirk ever again because you're going to be a target and an easy one of that you would be best used as a [ __ ] welcome mat for everybody else because you were going to be [ __ ] done this this [ __ ] just holy [ __ ] like I have the entire list of stuff right here and it goes on for quite a while I mean it's 20 23 cases is a whole [ __ ] ton but all the individual things that sleep what what the [ __ ] you know you're getting people's phone numbers and blowing up their phones with a whole bunch of [ __ ] home them all hours of the night you're [ __ ] with or school with their jobs with their family just because they weren't interested in you and then doing this [ __ ] to go and send a message to other people out there because you're [ __ ] scary apparently how and I I think about this okay you had some brain capacity to achieve all this right where in your deluded [ __ ] mindset did it ever [ __ ] tell you you know by doing all this this will totally be able to allow me to achieve the one thing that I want and that's a girlfriend or just a one night said anything at all like that that'd be great where where did you find a [ __ ] correlation between those because that doesn't [ __ ] exist that shit's evaporated it's just not there vacant space it's I I'm just [ __ ] man I've heard about swatting cases that are pretty goddamn bad I've heard about online harassment cyberbullying cases and some got pretty out of hand some had way worse and results I'm talking about people end up getting killed or people committing suicide themselves luckily within all this I didn't get to read about anything getting that extreme luckily unfortunately but it's just the idea that you were you you wanted to go and condemn other people because of your own insecurities and because you couldn't handle rejection the idea that that's how far you needed to go because of that and the thing is even if it's all explained to own black and white and [ __ ] understand in a bowl in any in every single language that he could ever [ __ ] understand still would never sink in because some people are just set in their ways they are so so self-righteous righteous you know they're they're so selfish they give no [ __ ] about anything it's just me me me me me me me me me me me me me me that's all that's all it is this is a is a [ __ ] manchild I say manchild he's going to be 18 soon you and even crazier is to think about you did this at home obviously you did this at home your parents were in any [ __ ] wise or to your actions and and and that's the thing some people like oh man blame the parents you owe me [ __ ] parents aren't keeping 24-hour tabs on their [ __ ] 17 year old come on now the idea that I'd have to wake up and then here oh do you hear what what your son had done today no but worst case scenario that I've ever personally heard my son beat somebody up I'm like oh okay well that's pretty [ __ ] bad right you know I'm gonna have to go and talk to him about this then go and figure this [ __ ] up oh no your son actually has 23 cases of criminal activity pending against him right now oh and he's admitting to all this [ __ ] and he's going to be in prison for like [ __ ] ever to realize all this shit's happening under your roof to realize that you raised a kid who ended up acting out like this you won't ever see that [ __ ] coming and there's lots of people are brought up in the safest most loving most supportive environments in the entire world and still can become pieces of [ __ ] because won't guess wasn't it they still can make their own [ __ ] choices and some people choose to just not give a damn about everything and everyone around them and just want to go and act out well I'm gonna ruin your life cuz you know like me [ __ ] you man I hope that your life is made into a complete and utter living hell and and you know what there's give me people say well he just needs help I can already tell you this much this [ __ ] doesn't need help he was well aware of all of his actions the entire time that he was going and doing this [ __ ] over and over and over and over again this was [ __ ] vindictive and it was [ __ ] vengeful and it was done on purpose okay it this was nothing nothing but one [ __ ] person not giving a [ __ ] about anybody but themselves that's it that's not a mental illness that's just a shitty person end of story for me through the [ __ ] book at this [ __ ] make a goddamn example of him in court that's what I want to see put this little bastard up on a [ __ ] pedestal and let other [ __ ] realize that can be you Jack that can [ __ ] be you if you want to go and act a [ __ ] fool and do this kind of [ __ ] you think you're [ __ ] bad-ass and [ __ ] be in the keyboard warrior you have your [ __ ] non amenity behind you you know got that [ __ ] screen between you got the internet which is you know the Internet and then the law that seems like oceans apart right until it [ __ ] catches up because this [ __ ] got cocky that's what it was way too cocky I don't even know how the [ __ ] he got away with the streaming thing and the tweeting thing that [ __ ] me up when I'm on Twitter I'm late all maiya check out new [ __ ] Goku design what the [ __ ] did they do with Lex Luthor that's all I posted today so far but just see that's what I'm doing this much focus Lee can't personal information look everybody this girl doesn't like me am i cool now it's like no you [ __ ] backwards-ass logic happen [ __ ] don't you are [ __ ] cool you [ __ ] sackless little [ __ ] [ __ ] your [ __ ] dick isn't any and you're going to end up having lots of [ __ ] innies soon enough [ __ ] prison it's gonna be [ __ ] high tide on you oh I can't [ __ ] wait either this man it's you know what [ __ ] him [ __ ] him and [ __ ] [ __ ] are doing this kind of [ __ ] if you did capability so seriously if you have the capabilities to be able to [ __ ] hack and get all this kind of [ __ ] go after the big bad wolves out there that are [ __ ] up society itself from within I'm talking about all the [ __ ] politicians in the world are [ __ ] up things all people they're in charge of all these businesses that are corrupt as [ __ ] and have done really bad things you know there's tons of people a third are really [ __ ] bad nobody's going after them but I'll go after a league of Legends player cuz they don't want to touch my dick just slap the [ __ ] out of you that's what the [ __ ] you need right now is just your ass beat and some B's like a violets listen to wait I guaran-fucking-tee you I can get somebody to [ __ ] quit doing this [ __ ] if I slap the [ __ ] out of them until my hand becomes all sore and guess what BAM got a left one I can just go to [ __ ] work with that and you know what there'll be a [ __ ] line behind me [ __ ] man I'm having a [ __ ] drink of water right now everybody there I had [ __ ] to get off my chest it you know it's it's praiseworthy to see that he's going to get what's coming to him but there's plenty other people are going take a spot and do similar [ __ ] and it's just [ __ ] sad that that's the kind of Saia society that we're breeding and that's the kind of [ __ ] that some people consider normal like that's what they consider normal I knew the rejection has been handled in tons of different ways over generation after generation after generation after generation so this [ __ ] isn't new it's just a new era in how it's handled in a different kind of way but this is just [ __ ] insane man 23 different [ __ ] accounts ha oh my god it's like man if you're getting rejected that many times maybe you need to [ __ ] rethink the way that you're approaching situations oh wait that would say don't take into account that you have to [ __ ] do some self-reflection ha ha ha perish the thought right opinions thoughts whatever please read through that [ __ ] say whatever share the story this story should be shared seriously share this wherever the [ __ ] you came doesn't matter on social media on [ __ ] read it on Facebook on Twitter on [ __ ] 4chan on tumblr I don't [ __ ] know I don't [ __ ] care the story itself is something lots of people should know about because this is something that's been happening all over the [ __ ] place and this is probably one of the biggest accounts of it being brought to light and especially under a [ __ ] magnifying glass like that insane lunacy like I said folks lunacy that's what this is so anyway this is awful magazine as always nervous nerds in gamers game the [ __ ] on
Channel: AlphaOmegaSin
Views: 563,065
Rating: 4.7776804 out of 5
Keywords: AlphaOmegaSin, Swatting, Swatting prank, Swatting reaction, Swatting live, Swatting gone wrong, Swatting arrest, swatting strangers, swatting streamers, swatting caught on camera, online harassment, cyber bullying, league of legends, league of legends fail, swatting rant, alphaomegasin rant, alphaomegasin swatting, alphaomegasin reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2015
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