Anita Sarkeesian Called Me Out on Twitter

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Aww. This guy is awesome. Why are people trying to jerk him around? I never cared when people gave TotalBiscuit hell (he's great, but he's kind of a bitch), but this is too far.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 27 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so Anita sarkeesian decided to go and take it upon herself to go and drop a little pipe bomb on the Twitterverse and went and decided to go and put myself and three other fellow youtubers on a full [ __ ] blast by saying this each time an angry youtuber with 250,000 plus fans decides to slander and strawman me the harassment increases exponentially to those words I think everybody should focus on especially you mr. Keating because it seems that you took those words out of context that being slander and straw man because apparently you're not well-versed within definition about those words which I just so happened to be because you weren't slandered and you weren't straw man I mean currently right now if anything is currently going on with slandering or straw Manning it's kind of you doing it to yourself every single time that you decide to go and open your [ __ ] mouth you kind of just pull the rug out from underneath yourself and make an ass of yourself but point being more so that any time that somebody is critiquing you which is actually what's happening you've been criticized but you want to go and label it as something else because self victimization is a hell of a lot more profitable than you know trying to go and do some kind of noteworthy thing right I mean you you essentially play up the role of a damsel in distress very frequently it's kind of interesting to go and think about that that doing this all you're doing is waving a flag I'm saying help me help me everybody go after them because you're a victim right but the thing is what's ultimately happening is you have four random youtubers keep in mind that they're all men but for youtubers have decided to go and criticize you and challenge you that's all that was really happening here you were actually being challenged and that's not something that you're exactly used to you're used to one sided arguments not used to debates you're not used to criticism you're not used to anybody even talking back to you're used to a teleprompter with words on it that you just go and you repeat or some kind of little script that you go and you memorise word-for-word whereas most of us we're speaking for Batum we're speaking with actual quotes word-for-word quotes and then pointing out all of the gigantic [ __ ] holes that the Hindenburg could crash right to [ __ ] through and all the [ __ ] that you say not just you but all your associates I don't even need to go along with a mile is cheap like [ __ ] drones that you have which is more more like a cult than anything if you consider that to be a [ __ ] fan base worth having around I sure as [ __ ] feel [ __ ] sorry for you because if anything they come up in two categories lobotomize and neutered and that's really it at the end of a day look at any of those mindless [ __ ] dribbling [ __ ] and you'll be able to see an entire flock of [ __ ] idiots don't want nothing more than a [ __ ] Shepherd to guide them right off a [ __ ] cliff if need be because they'd sure should go if you said that way oh and by the way pay me all the way out because dammit sarkeesian doesn't do [ __ ] for free I'm doing everything for the better betterment of gaming and for women everywhere except for I'm gonna make sure that I'm charging tens of thousands of dollars even if I don't show the [ __ ] up cuz man 2014 was really [ __ ] good for you wasn't it oh wait can't criticize or wait slander I don't know we're getting all our words confused today can't go and criticize anybody for [ __ ] that they actually do because any time that you go and do that it just means you're jealous [ __ ] idiots right but here's something that's kind of interesting notice that in your pose you had posted four male youtubers four men and you did not acknowledge the hundreds and thousands of women that have criticized you the ones who have criticized you via comments on YouTube videos not your own though because you disable those comments and ratings oh what a shock and wait wait it happens on Twitter too none of them have really been silent I hope that more of them decide to go and rise up in the ranks and start speaking out on you because you do not represent women nobody voted you in let's make that perfectly [ __ ] clear okay nobody voted you in to go and be a [ __ ] mouthpiece or a representative for an entire gender in the biggest entertainment medium in the entire [ __ ] world okay your [ __ ] brand which that's all it is a name and a brand that's all you're interested in and if anybody thinks otherwise they've been drinking the [ __ ] kool-aid far too goddamn long and I'm officially overdosed there is no [ __ ] way you give a [ __ ] about anything other than the Anita sarkeesian name and feminist [ __ ] frequency okay registered trademark and all the other [ __ ] crap right that's all that you care about at the end of the day we everybody is really [ __ ] buying into your [ __ ] uh I call malarkey montuno why here how about this that the ABC video that I decide that I'd go after you and ABC News I mean what if you consider them to be a worthwhile affiliate to go and join up with oh man that you done [ __ ] up right there ABC News is already a [ __ ] sham to begin with but it makes sense meaning the the partnership does make sense when you think about it it's a [ __ ] joke at the end of the day but right now as it stands two hundred twenty two thousand two hundred and fifty two views 1104 thumbs up honestly I'm surprised I guarantee many of those were just for yucks and thirty thousand four hundred and ninety five thumbs down now that might not say a lot right but you know what does say a lot the comments section just go to the comment section because they haven't disabled that yet but they did go and do a couple of things they did do some cleanup which I felt was interesting my comments so on there for some reason I'm waiting for it to be deleted I know that there's been a couple other big youtubers that they had their comments deleted and the interesting thing about it was their comments in no way shape or form when it went against the the user guidelines that there was no threats there was no disgusting words or anything there was there was nothing it was simply critique and they had it removed or you've requested to have it removed the thing is it innit it's also interesting because when you were on Colbert Report where again you got to exhibit the tried and true one-sided argument thing but on there Comedy Central has a YouTube channel and comments are disabled for that video but six hundred and seventy thousand views it's quite a bit seven thousand eight hundred and thirteen thumbs up twenty one thousand thumbs down now one thing I can actually say about this al guaran-fucking-tee missus thumbs up are from Colbert fans tried and true no matter what he's talking about who he's talking to whatever the [ __ ] case may be we're going to give a thumbs up just based purely off the fact that it's his content but right now I just I I have to say I was kind of shocked whenever I had seen the post like wow that's that's kind of impressive [ __ ] Anita sarkeesian got to go in quick counting money for a couple of minutes soap I noticed me it was it was really really surprising but what was more surprising was the amount of people going the [ __ ] off on you even in your own Twitter post though I I've got to see firsthand how many of them that you've blocked and many of them did not actually do all the threats did then do old if like a rape allegation none of that none of that [ __ ] I mean you always talk about death threats and rape threats and all this other [ __ ] damsel-in-distress right meanwhile I again and I've stated this previously I have dealt with this [ __ ] I just recently had somebody tell me that they would slit my throat in front of my son that's what I was told on Facebook Wow and you want to know what I didn't go and make a big [ __ ] deal back that was just the other day one of many and [ __ ] I've been dealing with all the [ __ ] time but I'm not gonna make a big deal by because I understand it's the internet it can be a den of [ __ ] wolves but you already know that it's the Wild West it's an open frontier whenever you go into side that you're going to make the allegations that you make and you're going to tell people that you're your [ __ ] doing this for them and that you're a representative of them you make so many bold [ __ ] claims no [ __ ] Sherlock of course people are going to be pissed off and the thing is you have so many [ __ ] idiots that are willing to just go and support you even if you went and told them directly to their face that you've been lying the entire time there would still be an unfathomable amount of supporters because some people are just that [ __ ] dense that thick in that stupid just no matter what won't change because they don't want to be changed they aren't they aren't open to the idea of betterment they never were to begin with does a saw an idea latched on to it and that was really good I can change hump and [ __ ] that's all that they wanted to do that's all but you're saying that's you've been slandered you've been a straw man boo-fucking-hoo you haven't been you've had people that did their research did their homework and decided that they [ __ ] criticize you you didn't like it because you didn't have control of the [ __ ] situation for once and now that more people are rising up the fact that we have to under and fifty thousand plus subscribers has [ __ ] all to do with it why don't you talk about the women that are are going after you why not why don't you take them up on the fact that they want to do public forums and open debates with you live ma do you ever go and take them up on that you want to know why cuz they'd [ __ ] bury you under the weight of your own ignorance you'd be [ __ ] naive to think that you'd be able to go toe-to-toe with most of them like I said without a script without a teleprompter and with that some [ __ ] a [ __ ] editing not not $150,000 worth a kickstarter editing mind you but you you you really would get [ __ ] married I can tell you that a hundred percent I'll say it once and I'll say it again you know I got women rise up and say something all about this [ __ ] you aren't a [ __ ] feminist Anita you make feminists look bad you're you're you're a [ __ ] scam artists here you're you're you're a [ __ ] sham you're you're a [ __ ] grimy as politician that's all that you are you're a [ __ ] door-to-door vacuum salesman to need a sarkeesian feminist frequency brand I'm here to sell to you and you waved as banner a [ __ ] feminist equality and [ __ ] meanwhile it's just about you it's about your agenda and that's really all at the other day nothing else nothing more and if anybody's delusional enough to think different then you have not been paying [ __ ] attention but what do I know I'm a privileged straight white male I'm public enemy number [ __ ] one according to her that that one [ __ ] video the 25 invisible benefits of gaming wild male that proved without a shadow of a doubt when I said earlier about brainless and [ __ ] lobotomize them [ __ ] those [ __ ] epitomized it it was [ __ ] it was [ __ ] laughable the fact of women gamers in general [ __ ] look at you in general disgust should send something to you but that would just go and show the hollow words that you've been speaking the entire time and the fact that you have an entire foundation that's essentially got new no [ __ ] grounds there's nothing there that [ __ ] would cave in with any amount of pressure applied to it and you [ __ ] know it I need a better camera battery by the way but you're getting the point you're literally just a [ __ ] con artists and [ __ ] at the end of the day that's all there is to it ladies please by all means spread the word spread the message of this [ __ ] and get it out there Anita does not speak on behalf of you you speak on behalf of you nobody voted her in to speak for you what what is more important one individual that claims that she's doing everything for somebody or a bunch of individuals rising up echoing the same thunderous message tell me I don't speak on behalf of all [ __ ] gamers I speak on behalf of myself if anybody happens to agree with me or disagree with me what the [ __ ] ever at the end of a day but this this [ __ ] no the way that comes to a stop is by everybody going and denouncing it for what the [ __ ] it is it's a bunch of fraudulent [ __ ] [ __ ] lies you're all being [ __ ] scammed everybody knows that then if you just scream azimio like hey that's [ __ ] fine it's a free country right but women should be speaking up 100% share this [ __ ] video share share the information share the idea I don't even give a [ __ ] you ain't me to mention me I just want more people [ __ ] talking about it that's it you only need a [ __ ] it you can be like I [ __ ] hate that guy blud that's fine whatever I'm literally okay with that I just want people to literally be invested and get into it that's it and I'm gonna go and clean clewd this video like I always do nerds nerd at Saint gamers game the [ __ ] on
Channel: AlphaOmegaSin
Views: 714,577
Rating: 4.9035649 out of 5
Keywords: Feminist Frequency, ABC News (Production Company), When Jumping into Gamergate Turns into Fearing For Your Life, Anita Sarkeesian (Person), Anita Sarkessian twitter, Feminist frequency twitter, anita sarkessian colbert report, anita sarkessian abc news, Anita sarkessian kickstarter, Anita sarkessian busted, anita sarkessian criticism, anita sarkessian rant, anita sarkessian not a real gamer, alphaomegasin, gamergate
Id: mhFCdQjthxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 26 2015
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