Animal Crossing Drove Me Mad (New Horizons MEGA COMPILATION)

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[Music] like many kids i grew up with nintendo me and these guys go way back baby fophy poured so many hours into mario zelda and pokemon back in the day or well more specifically i poured a ton of hours into the first levels of these games over and over again yeah i wasn't a particularly hardcore gamer i used to reset my favorite games every time they got too difficult for me so instead of going on an epic pirate adventure in zelda wind waker i instead played the groundhog day adventures of birthday boy and his screaming sister and instead of getting a bunch of stars to save princess peach and mario sunshine i just spent a summer on a beach with an entire island of people who suspect i'm destroying their ecosystem so hearing that you probably think my ideal game was something a bit more low stakes with no one to fight or save a game where you can just chill on an island or something and live out a peaceful life well luckily around that same time a new game was coming out for my favorite purple box animal crossing for those of you who don't know animal crossing is a video game series from nintendo in a genre called life simulation in these games you play as a villager in a small town who does not a whole lot really you kind of just build up a life in your town buy a house go fishing talk to neighbors do chores get put in crippling debt all the fun things you expect from a video game the original was made for the nintendo 64 but here in the states it was a gamecube game then a ds game then a wii game and then a 3ds game and from what i understand there's not a ton of massive differences between them all they're all life sims full of cute animal people and busy work and people were really into them and if you're thinking that this game sounded perfect for baby fophy who was restarting pokemon ruby for the hundredth time you'd be wrong animal crossing never even crossed my path as a kid i mean i knew what it was but i never had it and if i had played it baby fophy probably would have just been confused and bored because i was impossible to please but a few years ago i started seeing these posts on twitter anytime nintendo would announce new games people saying no animal crossing not interested please new animal crossing and emmerno crockett now wow okay people are really into animal crossing i didn't realize like really into it and at that time the series was in an intense dry spell after the 3ds version new leaf came out in 2012 all we got for the next eight years was hgtv the worst one and an app but last year nintendo finally announced a new mainline animal crossing game for the switch fast forward to today and animal crossing new horizons is here and lord is this all people talk about on twitter right now so why keep avoiding the hype let's give it a shot these are my first experiences with animal crossing or maybe i should say my first real experiences with animal crossing cause technically i did pick up new leaf back in the day but i got nowhere i had no idea what i was doing and just wasn't really giving it the kind of attention it needed but i got the basics from it so before starting new horizons i decided to pop back into my new leaf town as a refresher and this this did not help i grabbed my 3ds oh that is that is some dust booted up the game and was immediately thrown off my groove apparently some big update came to the game when i wasn't looking and now isabelle is just all out attacking me with text about all this new stuff that i definitely care about and paid attention to also christmas i didn't know christmas trees and snow were this common in april i checked out my old house and apparently all i had was a computer desk a piano terrible carpeting and a loot i stepped back outside and okay fireworks are going off tonight even though i'm playing in the day i should really reset my 3ds clock i look up to the sky to watch the fireworks there's a big flash and the fireworks spell out 2012. i feel like i just have more questions now than when i started so let's just dive into new horizons and see what happens the game begins and i'm plonked on a deserted island with a music-loving horse and a bodybuilder rhino some tanooki guy named tom nook shows up and is like hey welcome to my island i brought you all here so we can build a new society from scratch please don't read too much into that what should we call our new totally not sketchy home and i knew i wanted to put a lot of real thought and effort into the name of my animal crossing island so after much deliberation i decided to call my island an island and everyone seems to be on board with that so we all start our new life on an island each getting a tent to chillin but then tom nook's like alright cool that'll be fifty thousand dollars oh what you didn't think this was gonna be free did you nah you owe me a lot of money now get to work and thus begins my journey to build up a desert island resort completely by myself even though i was just supposed to be a guest starting to think this was a bad idea digging fishing running crafting breaking spinning making my merch in game link in the description we have hoodies now crafting again i'm slowly but surely figuring out the basics of this game i didn't have a ton of time to really play it for a few days because i was finishing up my last video so by the time i got back into it buff rhino and horse girl already had freaking houses while i was still stuck in my tent and i will not be outdone by someone who unironically says kerpal so i build up enough experience points to pay off my tent just to upgrade to a house that puts me nearly a hundred thousand dollars in debt i sure do love the escapism of video games for a change of pace i decided to visit a friend's island quickly realizing just how far behind i was this person had a house just full of stuff multiple rooms a toilet they're living the high life there was a freaking carnival in their town dude i just got out of my tent did i really miss this much just by skipping a couple days i started feeling a little jealous so i stole some of her valuable fossils and covered her whole town in holes i'm sure she won't mind well now that i'm adequately self-conscious i fly back to an island and hit the ground running i've got the museum off the ground come on down and see our nothing i'm saving up money to pay for my house and wait why are there eggs everywhere bunny time okay there's this bunny guy sneaking around an island now and he's like collect all the eggs to get cool stuff oh god i'm so sad bye so now not only am i behind and don't know what the heck i'm doing now i can't even fish cause all the fish are eggs i don't even know how that works i swear to god i've got like a hundred of these eggs except for the one that floats through the stupid sky because i don't know how to get the slingshot yet no one on the entire island has even mentioned it so i don't know what the heck to do and i got a house full of eggs ugh alright so i go visit tom nook one day and one of the tiny tom nooks is just like let's build a store but i'm like eight so you do all the work uh of course apparently i have to get a crap ton of wood and 30 freaking iron nuggets so i level every single tree on the island all nature must die in the name of capitalism but apparently if you eat any of the fruit you gather you become the freaking hulk so i'm running around my island fully decked out on cherries trying to get iron nuggets out of the four rocks on the entire island and i accidentally break all of them in like a minute well crap now what looks like hey do you know you can fly to other islands to get more stuff uh no i didn't but okay so i spend some of my experience points to get a ticket to fly to another island once there the deep voice dodo bird that flew me there is like i run around have fun but don't leave anything here you ain't prepared to lose cause we are never coming back ever i burn the flight plans after we're done and everything no questions no go have fun and don't tell anyone your real name i come home with two more iron nuggets a palm tree some coconuts and reassurance that this entire thing was definitely a bad idea i met a ghost that gave me some flooring for my house this game's weird next day i decided to go around and de-weed my island today you know for the first time after like a week of playing yeah i kind of forgot that was a thing you had to do so now i have a ton of eggs and 900 clumps of weeds in my house but at least my island's clean also i finally managed to get the rest of the iron nuggets i needed completely on my own and got the store built but while scavenging for iron i also uh stumbled upon a guitar amp and some pedals check it out i actually have that one in real life but i also find some fossils that would be great for the museum but instead i sell them all to the nooks so i can pay off my house crawl out of debt request an expansion and immediately fall into even more debt this game is a never-ending cycle of torment but hey now i've got a store in town and a bigger house to put all the stuff i'm gonna buy with all my no money so now what i gotta be honest i'm feeling a little impatient with this game and yeah that's probably just cause i'm doing a video on it and only so much can happen in a day so whoa what it's tomorrow already how'd that happen tom nook's like all right big day today we got our first three new islanders coming here soon do me a favor and build and set up a bridge for me would ya i also may have promised these guys fully furnished homes instead of just tents so i'ma need you to do all that for me well i've pretty much accepted the fact that i got totally duped into doing this guy's dirty work for the rest of my life so i get to work i have to craft a bridge set it up to be built to place three housing plots and then craft six unique objects to furnish each respective house that's nearly 20 things i gotta craft and i'm running low on supplies so i'm running around my island chopping at every single tree to get more wood again kind of trying to rush it a little and i guess the game decided to put my impatient butt in its place because it just pummeled me with wasps i kept trying to run away from them but i got caught every single time so i'm running around the island tm covered in welts woozy from passing out three times in five minutes still chopping away at trees and building beds for people while everyone else just stands there and finally after several hours i'm finished and for all that hard work tom nook gave me a fence boy i sure do love my calm and relaxing life and animal crossing and with that i think our time on an island has come to an end for now i joked around and got a little impatient by the end yeah but ultimately i've really enjoyed my time in animal crossing and i really can't wait to keep growing my island and checking in every what was that i'll teach you to put holes all over my island you oh god no stay away i thought it was just a joke [Music] so not too long ago i made a video about my first time ever playing animal crossing the world was going crazy over the release of animal crossing new horizons so i decided to jump into the fray i started an island was put into crippling debt and you guys seemed to enjoy watching my misery but i only really played about a week's worth of the game and several of my friends were very quick to point out that i was absolutely garbage at it and that i should have had a lot more done in that week than i actually did surprise i'm a failure so i wanted to give the game a second shot and see if i can really see it through to the well not the end the game doesn't really have an end but there should be a point where the credits roll so that so let's not waste any more time and start wasting time when we last left fophy's adventures on an island i had just set up housing plots for our first three island newcomers and tom nook gave me a bunch of fencing in return so i used that fencing to make my house look all nice just look how pretty it is and now we got three new peeps on an island there's a frog named jam bed a pig named spork and a little mouse bella who's in constant lydia from beetlejuice cosplay plus we still got tank and rene palin around the island but uh they've been here for weeks if not months and i couldn't help but notice their houses are still totally barren am i am i doing something wrong here eh whatever not their freaking parents get a job horse i head over to see tom nook and oh uh right i have the town hall now which means isabelle's here now yay i know that one is izzy here can help you with a bunch of different stuff like changing the island's theme tune or even the flag i asked her about changing the flag and a menu popped up to pick a design and i wanted to do the brief history logo like the one on my shirt just bigger so i clicked on an empty design slot thinking it had let me make a new design instead it just selected the blank design and isabelle went nuts for it oh my god it's perfect well i did absolutely nothing but sure let's go for it please rise for the presentation of our national colors which are no colors i then head over to nook's desk to see what's next for an island apparently the big job now is to give the island more cred we gotta start looking more like a legit island resort and less like eight people on a pile of sand in the middle of the ocean and the one surefire way to do that is to get world famous musician kk slider to perform on an island but that's a big job that's gonna be a real team effort and take a lot of work from everyone or just me okay sorry i uh i have things to do so the goal now is to just make the island less crap and see where that takes us right now we're a one star island we gotta get to three stars we need more villagers more landmarks and more naturey stuff so i run around and start doing the basics pulling my weeds talking to my villagers donating to the museum attacking the pig attacking the pig and most importantly i set up a campsite and a few new housing plots so we can get some new islanders the first to show up is a sheep named curlos i truly couldn't care less about your personality i'm on a time crunch so just move here please in the meantime after yelling at the sheep for a while i run down to the nook shop and yes yes yes yes yes sold placed now i have two amps just like real life i also ran into sonic the hedgehog here and bought a paper bag with which to hide my shame from the first animal crossing video it's not my fault i'm garbage but then i ran into spork who told me tank was stuck at home sick no not my kerpauli boy take my medicine oh wow i feel better already here take my power rangers cosplay as a thank you just knowing you're safe is reward enough but i will take her cosplay suit because i love the power rangers i'm the red ranger if he forgot his normal mask and had to improvise i don't really know what i'm doing over the next few days things really start picking up nook's cranny gets upgraded and several new villagers start moving in curlos is here permanently now i knew yelling would work we got a book reading purple wolf named logo this old lady monkey named elise a koala named canberra who i don't think i ever learned much about she was just kinda here and a blue bunny named hopkins who is my favorite by far the cutest villager on the entire island so cute that i'm willing to ignore the little thing on the back of his head implying that he's not a real bunny but instead some kind of sentient inflatable creature i i don't know man people thought zipper was weird but this this just kind of makes me uncomfortable but he's cute so i'll ignore it at this point i think we're pretty full up on villagers and we're even getting some occasional visitors including oh god red red is this sketchy fox dude who randomly appeared on the island one day trying to sell art and see all the other island visitors just kind of show up and it's chill but the day red came around isabel actually warned everyone on the island announcements that some suspicious unidentified person had been spotted on the island and to be extremely careful around them is red gonna kill me well no he's harmless but once i ran into him he definitely made me want to run away immediately dude's like hey man i know we just met but you and me we connect we're like cousins and you know what a good cousin would do give me hundreds of thousands of dollars for art that may or may not be real what do you say cousin uh nook i take back every bad thing i ever said about you you are fine just keep this weirdo away from me but now that an island's got some word-of-mouth buzz a decent population and a handful of visitors it's now time to focus on improving the scenery i'll spare you the details because literally all i did was plant like three dozen trees and as many flowers as i could with little rhyme or reason to the layout i can't see i built this rinky dink carnival spot near the beach with a fun teacup ride that guess what you can't ride built a little kid's play spot over here for all zero of the kids on the island built a nice fountain over here with a little table next to it and that's it that's pretty much everything i did in terms of making the island look better sky present sky present i got it i got it i got it i got it yes what is it oh heck yeah another guitar amp now i have three just like in real life man this is a good day but i feel like i might be forgetting something oh crap it's renee's birthday i sprint down to renee's house to wish her a happy birthday and i find her having a cute little party with tank and no one else dude there's only like eight other villagers on this island and not a single one of them bothered to come to renee's birthday party god now i feel sad so i wish renee a happy birthday and she asks if i got her a present uh yeah i didn't think about that but then i remembered renee's a music fan and i just so happened to pick up a guitar amp so i said yes as a matter of fact i do have a present for you pulled out my new amp gave it to her said happy birthday and she absolutely loved it oh man this is what animal crossing is really about cute moments like this are what really make you fall in love with the game well back to work one thing i've been doing a lot is trying to build up savings every day on an island these glowing spots appear on the ground dig it up and you get a thousand dollars but the hole's still glowing and apparently if you bury ten thousand dollars in the hole a tree will sprout a few days later and you'll make thirty thousand dollars back which is a really cool way to make extra money that the game never told me about i had to find that out from a friend but after a while i had well over a hundred thousand dollars which i accidentally buried in a money hole instead of just putting in 10k and i only got 30k back so i think it's time to find the new way to make money turnips one of the biggest ways to make money in animal crossing is the turnip market basically the stock market every sunday this cute snotty pig girl daisy may comes around and sells you turnips that tommy and timmy over at nook's cranny will buy for prices that vary throughout the week sometimes you make back your investment like crazy sometimes you barely break even and sometimes you wait too long all of your turnips rot you're out thousands of dollars and now there's ants all over your island take a wild guess at which one happened to me i'm really not good at this game even so after two days of non-stop playing and time skipping so much that i currently can't remember what month it is i finally did it i now have a bustling island full of satisfied citizens tons of fruit trees and flowers and some cool little hangouts spread around the island i go over to isabelle to ask about island evaluation and we did it baby three stars and by we did it i of course mean i did it tom nook hops on the phone with kk slider the next day everyone gathers around to hear him play the game's main theme and with that the credits roll i know animal crossing goes well beyond this point you get stuff like terraforming which really changes up how you build your island but for now this feels like a pretty satisfying ending i'm really glad i decided to give this series a chance it's really unlike any other game i've ever played it's been so fun to play with friends see their islands build my own island and see all the cute characters the game has to offer but unless you guys just really want to see more i think this is the end of my animal crossing adventure for now oh don't worry there's still plenty more to do you work for me don't you forget that everything you've been doing has just been playing into my plans perfectly oh yeah it's all coming together [Music] okay i admit it i really like animal crossing for real man when i first played this game a couple months back i was not expecting to get invested at all i figured it'd be just like most other games i try to get into i'd play the game for a day or so have a decent enough time and then i'd get busy with work and never play the game again but after one video of just goofing around in the game and then another where i started really trying to get stuff done i'm pretty dang into my animal crossing island now in fact animal crossing has invaded my life so much that i even wrote and recorded my own original animal crossing music just for fun it's playing in the background of the video right now [Music] aren't you proud of me and you guys really seem to like animal crossing too pretty much every comment on the last animal crossing video is asking for a part three so why not i'm not going to become some kind of animal crossing centric channel or anything but i don't know maybe every now and then we can just pop back over to an island and see what's going on plus i gotta be honest that adventure time recap took a lot out of me so i really wanted to just chill and play some animal crossing this week not really looking to get a ton of stuff done like last time just wanna chill out goof around and see what happens so with all that said last time on an island i attacked the pig through medicine at the rhino forgot the horse's birthday got three stars in island evaluation got the guitar dog to perform on the island and reached the end credits and after all that like i said i got busy and didn't play the game for about a month and boy is the game salty about that because it won't stop reminding me i walk out of my house with this crazy bed head get it cause you haven't paid attention to me in weeks then as i walk around the island and talk to all the villagers everyone's like oh my god we thought you were dead where the heck have you been all right game i get it i have a run around the island and uh can't help but notice that a lot of the trees i planted never grew like a lot of the trees after like a month apparently most of the crap i planted on the island never grew because they were either planted too close together planted near the water or i guess just didn't freaking feel like it but these trees did grow i don't get it so i guess i'm gonna have to deal with all that crap at some point but in the meantime good lord there are so many bugs on the island right now like i get it it's summer but this is just too many bugs i mean i can't even go two steps without oh dude look at that i think someone dropped like a mystery item or something let's pick it up and see what it oh god oh god oh what is that a leaf bug oh oh god i hate that so much did too many bugs well i guess i can at least take some of these new bugs over to the museum yeah yeah yeah that'll be nice and i'll get to see the curator blathers he's always really cute and pleasant whoa okay my return to animal crossing is not going exactly as i planned i'm not really feeling relaxed kind of the opposite actually let's uh let's just head over to tom nook and see what new stuff we can do well you've pretty much done everything i can tell you to do you're on your own now kid but uh keep keep giving me money all right so far everything is scary and nothing is helpful guess i'ma just start doing stuff then and there's actually a lot of new stuff i can do now i didn't show this in the last episode but after the credits rolled tom nook showed up and gave me access to the island designer app which after shelling out 12 000 nook miles because this game wants to bleed me dry gives me the ability to terraform the island and really change things up i can make paths construct cliffs and waterscape whatever that means this it is this and let me tell you waterscaping freaking revelation like holy crap why would you ever spend two hundred thousand dollars for another bridge when you can just make more land the other stuff is eh i mean i definitely used it but it doesn't hold a candle to waterscaping that junk gets a 10 out of 10 from this guy anyway first things first i dug up all my tree failures built out this cliff over here and replanted every single one in the hopes that they'll actually freaking grow this time and i painstakingly laid out a ton of pads across the island for literally no reason it's just dirt what the heck am i doing now one thing i haven't really messed with at all is my house i made it a bit bigger in the last video but that's pretty much it well i did a little work and sunk a little money into it so i'm proud to present to you guys my house do you hate it i feel like the bathroom towel flooring mixed with the blaring orange walls makes it a really comfortable place to relax after a long day's work it's still a little simple right now because i'm not made of money but i got my guitars my bed my diy desk and a little place to listen to music oh and i even had a new room installed you're gonna love this is a toilet i yell at the toilet wow this takes peeing in the ocean to a whole new level okay i think i've spent enough time doing hard labor and interior decorating let's take a break and socialize with some people on the island oh hey lobo my favorite forgotten member of the star fox team what you up to my man uh i want to leave okay so here's the thing i've gotten pretty dang attached to this group of villagers this is my first full animal crossing town man i love all these guys except canberra i still don't really know much about her and i know a bunch of you in the comments last time kept saying i got all the ugly villagers and you know what you're right but ugly villagers need love too dang it you think i'm gonna tell elise to leave just cause she's really unpleasant to look at no she's having a great time i'm not gonna ruin that and lobo here isn't the first villager to tell me they were thinking of moving but every time this happens i get a legitimate feeling of sadness that i haven't felt since i was a kid and you had to send away your chows in sonic adventure 2. i don't want to lose any of these guys so i say to lobo oh man i'd miss you and suddenly all desire to move magically disappeared from lobo's brain as he continued to walk around the island happily doing absolutely nothing something tells me these villagers aren't that smart oh hold up speaking of which looks like we got a new visitor over at the campsite i mean i'm completely full up on villagers anyway so it's not like they could really move here but let's just go say hi and oh my god hey lobo about that move so this is mary or as i call her cat mabel she is the cutest freaking thing i've ever seen and my new goal in life is to get her to move to my island but because my island has the max number of villagers which is only 9 for some reason the only way for her to move in is for someone else to move out but i don't want to lose anyone except canberra i don't really care if she leaves but when i talk to mary she says the only person who might be open to leaving is bella okay no you may be cute but bella is my favorite villager i mean i know i said hopkins was my favorite but uh he's been kind of creeping around my yard all day so i'm not super keen on him anymore but i am not getting rid of bella we are besties so you can take your stupid little random guest card game and get off my island so mary did not end up moving to the island but you know what maybe i'm being a little too sentimental i mean if my villagers are ready to move on to new islands after only living here for two months then who am i to stop them it's not a great financial decision but i shouldn't be holding them back if you love someone set them free right so you know what next time a villager says they want to move imma let him move no matter how much it may hurt me oh spork wants to leave eh all right i can live with that not really sure why you'd want to leave though speaking of my villagers another thing i've spent a lot of time doing recently is relocating their houses originally i just kind of spread them all across the island willy-nilly but now i want to line them up all neatly and put down some fencing because isabelle keeps bugging me about fences for some reason and the best part is that moving a villager's house costs 50 000 and you can only move one a day because this game is unending torment so here i am dropping 50 000 day after day just to move houses around on the island not only that but i just dropped 100k on a new incline and i'm like 400k in debt from expanding my house that's a lot of money for toilet room so the funds are uh depleting pretty fast the turnip market's still not really working out for me planting money trees can only do so much so i'm uh i'm starting to get worried if i'm not careful i could oh oh no that base is just too cool but god it's 82 000 lord there is no way i could ever i bought it and i'm broke now what was that uh um uh nothing so on that note guys i think we'll need to pick back up on this another time don't worry next time we visit an island i'll be back on my feet and we'll be well on our way to reaching a four-star or even a five-star island and repaying all of our debts but for now i think i'm just gonna have to wrap things up [Music] oh i see you've come back for more foot of a ferret shenanigans on my island i'm sorry to say after fophy got a little loose with his finances he's been a little busy so until fophy manages to uh pay back his dues i'm afraid he won't be able to provide you with his frivolous entertainment now if there's nothing else i can do for you i will say good day oh my god is he gone okay good god that was the only place i could think to hide let's get out of here so yeah as you guys may have seen the last time i played animal crossing on this channel i went completely broke after some intense island renovations some really bad luck with the turnip market and a few impulse purchases look a bass guitar like that does not just fall out of the sky wait so i went broke and since everything in animal crossing costs money i kinda had to stop the video there but since then i've had some time to get things back in order i planted a lot of money trees picked a lot of fruit and sold a lot of fossils to timmy and tommy i'm sure selling all of these priceless scientific and archaeological discoveries to the children working with the man who scammed me into this life of hard labor in the first place is totally fine so here we are back on an island for another round of animal crossing and it's september 15th now deal with it now since my last episode animal crossing has gone through a couple of summer updates so i wake up bright and early at three in the afternoon and i take off to see what cool new things i can do now look they're swimming and so i get my snorkel and wetsuit and i am ready to dive oh man i can't wait all right you guys remember red the sketchy fox dude who tried to sell me art a couple episodes ago the one that freaks me out so much that i just totally booked it away from him yeah first freaking thing that happens when i boot this game back up is i run into him and he's like hey man i still got all that art for sale cousins discount eh i don't know still sounds pretty sketchy but he insists that it is absolutely 100 not sketchy and to prove it all i have to do is come with him alone to his boat that he only ever parks on the abandoned far end of the island seems safe enough and i guess it wouldn't make for a fun video if i just ignored him again so let's go see what red's got for why is it so dark in here yeah i am immediately regretting this decision oh wait he has a guitar effects rack um maybe this guy's not so bad i give the creep my money i take my stuff and i leave very quickly still trying to forget the potential black market dealings i just engaged in i throw on my wetsuit and snorkel i take a running start off the pier and i dive headfirst into the water for the first time and it is super boring swimming is slow and that's saying something for animal crossing so after diving around for what feels like 12 hours i decide that swimming is a waste of time and i never do it again good update nintendo the only other new thing i wanted to check out were the fireworks but really all i got out of that was this balloon this is the best thing and i will only ever be doing this from now on so i think now's the time to check up on my villagers and this time i want to start with canberra i've made no secret of the fact that i've never really connected with canberra i always kind of forgot she was here to be honest but this time i want to actually try and get to know her and she's gone yep girl decided to move why am i sad i barely knew anything about her why am i legit sad now so i guess that's not happening let's move on to tank and renee if you remember last time i couldn't help but notice that these guys despite being here the longest still have next to nothing in their houses not even beds and as someone who recently had to replace his bed and go without one for a few days in the actual real world not kidding i cannot let an island's very first residence go bedless for another video so i craft each of them one wooden simple bed as a gift a nice neighborly gesture if you ask me but then a little later i run in the tank and he's like so i bought this sleeping bag and it wasn't really what i wanted will you take it off my hands oh sure dude awesome that'll be two thousand dollars whoa tank buddy what the heck i mean fine i guess oh thanks man now i can buy that weight bench did tank just scam me did i just build this guy a brand new bed from scratch and give it to him for free just for him to pawn off his old sleeping bag to me for 2 000 so he can buy a weight bench when he couldn't even be bothered to buy his own bed how dare you tank to think i gave you my own medicine when you were sick too good lord i've never been so disrespected wait here he is again what oh my god you cannot be serious you're thinking of moving i gave you my medicine i built you a free bed i bought your stupid sleeping bag for two grand and now you want to leave nah no no no no i am not gonna let you skip town after scamming me like that i'm keeping you here for life piece of garbage ugh at least none of my other villagers are this it hey hopkins thank you doing this weirdo started creeping in my yard last time and he's still freaking doing it he just won't leave i went up and talked to him and he legit said he's been watching me lord i cannot believe i called this guy my favorite at one point okay so things here on an island are starting to become problematic i'm honestly getting a little overwhelmed here so i think it's time to get away for a bit and with both canberra and spork you remember him with both of them gone now we have some openings in town and i have an excuse to hop on a plane and go to a new island where no one's putting me to work no one's scamming me and no one's watching me while i sleep so let's go villager hunting alright first island and we got this guy named lopez who's uh a deer gazelle and telope i can't really tell he says he's a deer so let's just go with that and i mean he's fine but he's not really clicking with me so let's try again okay island two and uh-huh zell another deer really well i guess that's just destiny stepping in let's see if he's interested in moving and oh he said it was destiny too that's that's actually really cute and i do dig his style it just screams i saw the guy from maroon 5 wear this in 2004 and i'm still trying to see if it'll get me a date almost two decades later and i'm into it you know what i've decided zell you're moving to an island welcome to my nightmare stay away from the bunny don't trust the rhino and if the tanooki offers you a job say no trust me alright i'm back home i've had some time away and i even met a new friend we've goofed around for a while but now it's time to get down to business an island's been stuck at a three-star rating for a little while and i say it's time to take things to the next level all the way to five four stars yeah i've heard getting to five stars takes a long time so i think we'll just keep it at four right now and to get there i gotta do some hardcore decorating time to put random crap everywhere now here's a map of my island the plaza is here the museum is here nook's cranny is here and the abel sister shop is here oh right i got the able sister shop now i think i forgot to mention that right above nook's cranny is this town square area with three premium real estate locations also known as houses i didn't want to move and then the campsite and all the other houses in town are down here fenced together into this one residential area near my place that leaves all this free to decorate and so far i've not done too much with it no one in town ever comes over here anyway so i just kind of left it alone i mean i did set up a little rinky-dink carnival over here and then planted all my fruit trees a few steps away but that's pretty much it so we got a lot of space to work with now i'll save you the details of how i crafted a bunch of stuff bought a bunch of stuff and then put it all on the ground and just fast forward to the new and improved an island that's right come on down to an island and experience the wonders of our island lifestyle relax and fish on our sandy beaches complete with microwave for some reason take a dip in our state-of-the-art seaside swimming pools just kidding the game won't let you so instead have the time of your life at our local fun fair with snacks rock climbing tests of strength and two identical teacup rides pumping out the same song on a half second delay you're sure to be on the edge of your seat and your sanity all night come by my house and creep in my yard all day because apparently that's just something people like to do here carlos get off my lawn of course an island is world renowned for its music boasting concerts by vkk slider every weekend and for the rest of the week enjoy shows and karaoke at our outdoor amphitheater where literally no one ever performs because my villagers still won't come to this side of the island it's not like i blocked it off i set up a microphone and radios to sing to and everything why won't anyone come over here and of course what visit to an island would be complete without a visit to scenic junk and bears hill i uh i just threw a bunch of random junk on this hill i had a lot of bears but we got a few places to rest including a sleeping bag generously donated by tank we got two toilets multiple cardboard boxes construction equipment there's kevin over here and of course there's like 10 stuffed bears and it's admittedly a mess but i mean hey maybe it'll work and that's pretty much my island right now so let's head over to isabelle and see where we're at drum roll and heck yeah we did it an island is now a four star island and i i have no clue what else to do for real as much as i love this game i kind of feel like i've just been doing the same thing over and over again this time hoping that this bear that i put on the ground will be the one that takes us up to four stars and when i ask isabel what my next step is she's like man i don't know just keep decorating so yeah i think we're starting to wind things down here i mean we hit four stars we said goodbye to some old friends welcomed in some new ones and island's got a lot of cool new stuff going on and i'm still doing the balloon thing i'm not really sure what else is left to ah crap i forgot nook nook i'm here to pay off my house look i know i'm a little late but i got all the money right here and just put the money on the desk no go i gotta stop playing this game [Music] is it over is it really over oh thank god all right everyone you can come out now 2020 is over it's the new year and if there's one thing that defined the last year of my life it was animal crossing i spent so much of 2020 building up my island meeting new villagers and doing all the things i probably would have done in real life had we been allowed outside this year and i turned the whole thing into a fun series of videos that you guys seem to really enjoy so i wouldn't feel right ringing in the new year without taking one more trip to an island to spend the holidays safely in quarantine with all my fake animal friends god i miss going outside now last time on an island i bought stuff off the black market got scammed by the rhino was stalked by the bunny invited a deer to the island after the koala and pig left and finally reached a four-star island rating that all took a lot of work and wasn't exactly relaxing i didn't expect to scream in these animal crossing videos as much as i do but here we are so this time around i don't want to stress too much i just want to chill with all my villagers and enjoy the last month of the year oh yeah i started recording this video a month ago at the start of december and fun fact about december that's when i happened my birthday is december 1st so the first thing i got to experience when returning to an island was a birthday party i stepped out of my house and tank is just there waiting watching he's like yo come with me dude i just got up can you give me a second whoa he takes me to his place where renee and bella are waiting for a cute little birthday party there's cake presents and even a pinata tank's like no you really gotta swing at this thing if you wanna are are these cupcakes tank did you put cupcakes in the pinata now they're all over the floor and i thank you tank i collect my floor cupcakes spend a little time with everyone at the party and eventually head out to see the rest of the town hey jambet how's it going oh my gosh where have you been man ah i bet you were off on some wild adventures yeah i know it's been a while wait have i not just been in my house for the last three months does my animal crossing character do things when i'm not playing uh that idea makes me uncomfortable for some reason so uh oh hey uh hopkins how are you doing oh my god phopey you're back i was so worried i haven't seen you in forever uh that's sweethop yeah it was nothing to worry about i was just i have been waiting outside your house all month do not leave me again okay hopkins hasn't changed a bit and i'm very very scared let's let's just move on actually after four videos i think we need to take roll real quick just to remember who all actually lives on an island at this point currently there's me tank renee jambet bella lobo curlos hopkins zell and elise okay maybe not elise yeah i talked to elise one day and she said she kind of wanted to move and as much as i didn't want anyone to move away right before the holidays i decided to let her head off to new horizons oh wait and since last time we also said goodbye to canberra we've got two openings on an island right now that i want to fill before the holidays come around nook miles ticket board a flight hop to a new island and eventually i run into an ant eater named annabelle you look funny you're gonna live on my island now and oh crap a reindeer named eric okay that is perfect for december absolutely 100 yes i want to reindeer neighbor for christmas and with that an island is once again at capacity just ignore all the free space here here here here and here there's just no way we could accept anyone else and all this just in time for it to start snowing now in the gross disappointing real world it doesn't snow much where i live so i was stoked to see the snow start falling on an island and there's even a few cool new things you can do once winter rolls in there's snowflakes to catch ornaments to collect the cedar trees get all decorated with lights except the ones that don't and your plans to decorate the yard for christmas get completely ruined dang it and these little snowballs start showing up around the island kick them around for a while and eventually they'll get all bulbous and you can build a snowman out of them and if you build the snowman just right they'll be like oh damn me you've done it i'm perfect look at how perfect i am what an exquisite specimen i am good lord that was annoying this this is much better so winter's pretty cool but who cares about winter without christmas well technically in animal crossing it's called toy day every year on december 24th this dude named jingle shows up to do santa's dirty work i walk up to the guy he hands me a mysterious sack and tells me to deliver gifts to everyone on the island so you're asking me to do your job which is also santa's job alright it's a little sketchy not gonna lie but it's not the worst thing to happen to me on this island plus i'll never pass out the chance to live out my third favorite childhood christmas movie so let's become the santa claus i delivered everyone's gifts and jingle gave me a picture of himself toy day sucks but hey now that toy day's over we've got new years to look forward to but yeah i don't know i've got some time to kill beforehand so i might go ahead and sell some fruit maybe build a bridge and yeah what the heck let's splurge on an expansion for my house i've actually been doing a lot of redecorating lately a few episodes back i unveiled toilet room the room of only toilet but these days toilet rooms got a lot more going on now there's toilet other toilet bathtub bath with no tub science desk video game guitar pedals and my favorite synthesizer always good to keep your expensive electronics right next to large amounts of running water and now after giving tom nook nearly six hundred thousand dollars i present to you room number three the third one now i can do all that desk work that i totally have while listening to the one record i own i don't know really i just like the firework walls and all these instruments my friend sarah gave to me now i have a saxophone [Music] and thank you sarah consider us even for when you chased me down with an axe that one time so now that i've stimulated the economy of an island while also being financially responsible enough to not end up in debt take that nook we've finally reached new year's eve and it is a party dude we got this huge countdown timer in the plaza and look isabelle and tom nook actually came outside for once things are getting wild i show up around three ten minutes to midnight grab myself a fun hat some party poppers and a glow stick and i am ready i run around and talk to all my villagers to get them hyped but i noticed that zell annabelle and bella weren't around so i checked in on all of them just to make sure they're having a good time because dang it introverts deserve hype too i make it back to the town plaza just in time for the final countdown happy new year happy new year everybody happy new year junk and bears hill happy new year easter egg that's been sitting here since april happy new year concert venue no one uses happy new year all those who've left me and happy new year to you guys it's officially 2021 and looking up at those fireworks spelling out 2021 i'm reminded of where this whole stupid animal crossing adventure started back in episode 1 when i visited my old town in new leaf fireworks are going off tonight even though i'm playing in the day i look up to the sky to watch the fireworks there's a big flash and the fireworks spell out 2012. and even though it's only been about nine months it really does feel like we've come full circle since that first episode i've done and learned so much since then what a year [Music] oh hey it's me fophy i know it's been a while since my last animal crossing new horizons video see when i made that i kind of assumed that was going to be the last episode of the series but no every time i think i'm done with this game i always wind up coming back eventually so i just live here now this is my home forever uh and by that i mean animal crossing got an update last year i went on all sorts of yeah adventures in animal crossing new horizons and by january i kind of thought i had seen everything the game had to offer but last month nintendo was just like nah here's a ton of new junk for you to waste your time on oh and why not have an entire new game as a little extra dlc oh okay so let's see what's new so for anyone who hasn't seen my last five animal crossing videos i was tricked into a life of hard labor at the hands of tom nook who sounds like patrick warburton because i want him to i moved to a desert island with a rhino and a horse i called the island an island because i'm funny i built the island up to a four-star tourist location with zero help from anyone jerks i went broke i climbed out of debt i screamed a lot i was scammed several times got chased by an axe murderer killed a snowman and celebrated the new year it was fun so now that we're all caught up i emerge from my house step out into the wildly overgrown front yard for the first time in nearly a year and start making the rounds to see all the new stuff and of course by new i mean old stuff that they're just now adding back to the game and acting like it's new i head to the museum talk to the curator blathers and he tells me he's trying to open a cafe inside the museum see this cafe called the roost has been a part of most animal crossing games since wild world on the ds so it's not really a new thing but it is cool to see it finally come to new horizons but of course blathers can't do this on his own he's gotta have his old buddy brewster come back to run the place so he's like we've got to find brewster but uh i don't have a walk cycle animation so i've got to stay here you're on your own of course i am no one else ever does anything around here well luckily to find brewster i gotta go through one of the other returning features cap'n this dude's got a boat and if you pay him a thousand nook miles he'll give you a ride to a random island where you can i don't know do island stuff and captain sings you a little song on the way it's nice so we head off to find brewster you know this worked out pretty well i just get to kill two birds yeah probably should have seen that one coming now i feel bad anyway yeah we hop to a new island and brewster is literally right there i go up to him and i'm like hey blather send me here to give you this job offer you down okay well that was easy couple days later the roost is officially open let's check it out [Music] glad i waited 20 months for this so i leave the roost never to return and i start running around my island i say hi to my villagers they say they thought i was dead it's a funny little joke we have i attempted some group stretches you don't know that i'm off maybe everyone else is i visit my friend sarah and steal 200 000 from her it's a funny little in joke we have and i plan a garden you know the usual stuff now before we move on we should probably do another quick roll call on the island because the lineup of villagers has actually changed a little since the last video most of the usuals are still here kicking around tank renee and bella obviously they threw me a birthday party now i'll never let them leave plus carlos hopkins zell annabelle and eric but unfortunately jambet and lobo moved away jam bet moving actually hit hard man they were one of the first villagers who ever moved to an island but now we have ice gorilla and red velvet squirrel also known as hans and pecan now you might be wondering how my first conversations and interactions with these villagers went well they didn't yeah i didn't really go out of my way to talk to my villagers a lot this time because why talk to people when you can creep around filming them this is a joke please do not do that it's very not legal but yeah nintendo went and added a first person camera to the game's photo mode so now i can explore an island fully immersed in first person metroid prime 4 looks a lot different than i expected honestly this was the update i was the most excited for it's slow it's limited but i just love seeing games from different perspectives especially a game like animal crossing where moving the camera around basically isn't a thing i spent way more time just walking around my island getting fun footage than i probably should have but enough goofing off we gotta get back to business and for that we actually gotta go off the island for a little while and hop over to harvest island this is a little side area in the game i've just never really cared to talk about because up until now all you could do was fly here and talk to this dog who probably did many very funny drugs in the 70s and also has a photo studio you can use no no never really appealed to me but now with the update there is a lot more to do over at harvest i fly over and suddenly the whole island is opened up i meet up with the guy and he's like hey you know how the old games had like actual shopping areas with a bunch of different stores yeah so we're doing that again but uh hold on let me guess i have to pay for all of it don't i yeah yeah that's what i thought so we got this big old lot here with seven spots reserved for different shops and each one costs a hundred thousand dollars you're telling me i gotta sink 700k into this i didn't think it was possible but this actually makes tom nook look generous so yeah i spent the next in-game week dropping 100k a day to get these shops built and only took a week because for some reason you're only allowed to fund one shop a day why and all that for four shops that i can already access on the main island during the week some bubblegum alpacas you can turn my watering can into a red watering can a fortune teller who tells me the villager who calls me her best friend is my friend and an old turtle that all the animal crossing fans thought was dead acting as a glorified storage shed i sure do love spending more than half my savings to access places where all i can do is spend even more money yeah i guess that's pretty standard for animal crossing at this point but you know what i'm sick of this game siphoning away all my money ever since i started this island i've had to do all the work for no pay so that the one percent can just lounge around benefiting off me i want to be the one benefiting from this crooked animal crossing capitalist system for once and just then i get a call from tom nook meet me at the airport in 10 minutes come alone oh cool i'm gonna get murdered well actually once i get to the airport nook introduces me to a character named lottie who offers me a job designing vacation homes clearly the legends of toilet room spread like wildfire and hey if i'm gonna be doing back breaking labor i might as well be getting some bells for it i say yes and suddenly i'm whisked away to a new island and honestly a whole new game this is animal crossing happy home paradise basically nintendo took an entire 3ds spin-off game from like 2015 and stapled it onto new horizons as paid dlc i arrive on this new island and meet up with lottie a monkey named nico and a manatee named wardell these guys are the paradise planners and today i become one of them i change into my uniform i'm assigned my first client and i start designing so designing homes in this mode is basically a much much much more convenient version of how you design things in the main game you know how back on the main island if you want to move a house you have to pay a ton of money and wait like a day before it actually moves and then if you're like oh wait no that needs to be like an inch further to the left then that's another fifty thousand dollars and another day long wait in happy home paradise boom then on the inside you have instant access to all sorts of furniture wallpaper flooring options it's just so much easier and i wasn't sure how i'd feel about it but after my first couple of houses i could already feel myself getting addicted here's my first house the client wanted their entire house to be a reading room so you know not a ton to work with there but i think it turned out pretty well tried to section some things off so it doesn't feel like just room with chair i mean it's nowhere near as incredible as some of the designs i've seen online but for the maker of toilet room i think this is all right second house yeah i'm not quite as happy with that one purple duck here wanted a spa for a house i've never been to a spa before so i was a little out of my element but i did my best and after those two kind of tutorial houses i was sent out on my own to find new clients let's see this person wants to live in an arcade that's pretty cool this person wants a house full of mushrooms this person wants a luxurious bathroom i can do that this dog wants a place to show off their bike we're doing the toilet one and so i present to you 3.0 the one where i actually tried not really sure how sanitary it is to sleep in your bathroom but i just do what the client asks but don't you worry the spirit of the original toilet room lives on you want a place to show off your bike i'll give you a place to show off your bike and boom damp basement single light bulbs some bubble machines bike dead center what more could you ask for what a bed how's that gonna show off your bike hope you like sleeping on concrete have fun bye so then i make a nice house for a penguin an office cubicle for a koala and i even built a freaking school and i am ready to collect my bells head back home to an island and rub it in nook's face wait what's this oh this is pokey it's our exclusive currency you can only use it here to buy more stuff to design houses and the money will not transfer over to your main island at all that's better [Music] you
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 2,467,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing direct, animal crossing update, animal crossing 2.0, animal crossing happy home paradise, animal crossing music, animal crossing island tour, animal crossing new horizons update, animal crossing dlc, animal crossing new horizons music, happy home paradise, animal crossing happy home designer, happy home designer, footofaferret animal crossing, footofaferret animal crossing playlist, footofaferret, foafy
Id: 2NdRdWzTLtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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