Bendy: Everything You Need To Know (COMPLETE SERIES)

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hey do you guys remember bendy and the ink machine that indie horror game from 2017 based on Old Black and White cartoons from the 20s you know like the old 20s not the current 20s wow yeah uh bendy this game was a huge deal on YouTube like five or six years ago I remember it being one of the first big kind of FNAF competitors and it was only going to get bigger with a sequel quickly entering development after the game wrapped up its final chapter and then 3 years went by we heard basically nothing and everyone kind of assume the game was quietly cancelled but then right as I decided to make this video Boom trailer drops and bendy in the darkk Revival gets announced to be coming out this month in fact by the time you're watching this video it's already out so that's all well and good apparently I can predict the future of indie games but we're not talking about the sequel today before we can dive into the dark Revival first we got to explore the original so strap in these are fy's adventures in bendy in the ink machine chapter 1 moving pictures the game begins and I am Henry Stein an ex-employee of the old timey Animation Studio Joey Drew Studios and years after things at the studio went South I received word from Mr Joey Drew himself to come by the place I swing the door open and I am greeted with the most excessive amount of orange I've ever seen Jesus Christ more importantly the place is a wreck everything's totally falling apart doors are boarded up and some rap scallions been going around writing cryptic messages on the walls this is probably probably good actually not much else to do right now but just explore the place so I wander aimlessly for a minute until I [Music] find well that's just not safe this is the ink machine it's big it's ominously hanging by a chain and it kind of looks like an elephant and then the game's like turn it on and I'm like why not really sure what that's going to accomplish but I guess it'd be a short game if I didn't so whatever you think you can scare one so easily I oh ah I see but Shocker the rickety old ink machine isn't working turns out the machine won't work until I prepare its Shrine you know those very normal shrines you build around power switches to large pieces of Machinery well I place all the various offerings onto their corresponding pressure pads normal flip on the ink machine turn a nearby valve and yep you know this is exactly what I thought would happen place has already falling apart what was the point of this it was always is only going to make a mess but all that was just to get the ink flowing again now we can turn on the actual ink machine so I head back to the machine room which has been boarded up apparently that's weird no ah yes I thre this song before I run away from the drippy Beast that scared me only for the floor of the studio to collapse right as I reach the door apparently this studio goes underground where I find more spooky orange coffins pentagrams and nightmarish visions that cause me me to pass out onto the floor this is going well chapter 2 the old song once I wake up for my little nap I grab a nearby weapon and start trying to find a new exit and dude this place is huge I mean how much space do you uh hello uh okay bye eventually I end up in the music department with nowhere else to go ah sorry didn't mean to intrude yeah uh there's ink monsters now let me tell you whatever this ink is it's not just ink it seems to be some kind of living Mass with the ability to both create and corrupt other living things I mean how else would you explain a suspiciously abandoned Animation Studio crawling with both humanoid creatures and living cartoon monsters indie horror games are never particularly straightforward with their lore but it seems pretty clear to me that these ink monsters I'm fighting are probably old employees who were corrupted by the ink oh that reminds me uh the game's got combat now you know combat might be a strong word you run around swinging a blunt object and and that's kind of it it's really clunky I get horror games can't make you super powerful but but anyway I bash a few ink monsters solve a couple puzzles and finally manage to drain some ink blocking my path but none of that really matters because some jerk in a bendy mask sneaks up behind me and knocks me out and his name is Sammy Lawrence he used to be the director of the music department but now he's uh this he captures me and starts going on some insane ramble about the ink demon that bendy monster that yelled at me in chapter 1 who Sammy here seems to fear and worship like a god and I just happen to be the sacrifice so I got that going for me but luckily the ink demon just absolutely mauls Sammy yeah lucky for me that is not not so lucky for him but with Sammy out of the way that means bendy's coming for me next you know what's funny I never realized this game doesn't actually jump scare you when you die I start sprinting down the Halls bendy pops up and if he catches me I'm not jump scared like in FNAF the screen just goes dark and I hear a dumb Rob blo oof sound I know people think jump scares are cheap but without them a lot of the tension actually gets lost well anyway I managed to outrun the ink demon only to be confronted by another mysterious creature I see a can of soup ominously roll across the floor and around the corner appears friend chapter three rise and fall so I'm hanging out with my new best friend another living cartoon named Boris and we start delving deeper into Joey Drew Studios well first Boris forces me to make him soup three whole cans of soup that he then does not eat rude and then we Explore More of the studio blah blah blah orange hallways whatever eventually Boris and I split up and I find myself in this dark creepy hallway surrounded by posters and plushies of a character named Alice Angel hm I wonder if we might be meeting a new character soon I'm Alice Angel ah here we go this is Alice Angel and for the rest of the chapter she's in charge Boris and I take an elevator deeper down into the studio pass through this big alistor and find ooh ooh Boris you good yes no Boris if you're okay with being confronted by a room full of duplicates of yourself mutilated and tied to operating tables do nothing all right cool I'm going to press on then so here's what's been happening Alice here used to be a voice actor named Susie Campbell who worked at Joey Drew Studios she loved the character of Alice Angel like she was obsessed but was eventually replaced with a new actress and she got real upset once the studio got all ink crazy it seems she became corrupted and turned into this Twisted version of the character she voiced and since then she's been experimenting on a bunch of the various ink creatures throughout the studio to extract ink from them to keep herself beautiful which explains the Sea of dead Boris we saw earlier but instead of attacking Alice says she'll help me escape the studio if I do a few things for her first and for real the rest of this chapter is just a series of chores for Alice angel I run around collecting gears get ink samples from Monsters using a giant syringe collect a few valves slice up a bunch of Bendy cutouts Spight off more ink monsters and collect five ink Hearts all while making sure to avoid big drippy bendy over here going to be honest this whole part of the game is kind of a slog yeah it adds more gameplay but story-wise absolutely nothing is happening here but finally Alice runs out of junk to make me do and tells me I can leave I hop back into the elevator and start heading back up only for Al to somehow override the thing and send me and Boris who's here again by the way I guess he got over his existential crisis crashing down to the deepest depths of the studio the elevator crashes I pass out and as Boris tries to wake me up he gets kidnapped by Alice oh no chapter 4 colossal wonders things are not going well I'm surrounded by monsters my only friend's been kidnapped and the studio is only getting more derange the deeper I go more and more riding on the walls some shrines to bendy surround by ink creatures random visions of grabby hands and that's okay because in this chapter we're heading to the carnival that's right not only does this Animation Studio go 30 levels underground but there's apparently enough space to house an entire abandoned Carnival and you know what that means clunky mini games throw the ball swing the hammer shoot the targets shoot shoot the targets shoot the hold on there we go shoot the targets and the more mini games I play the more areas of this Warehouse I unlock and eventually I find this huge abandoned Carousel Ride and a voice message starts to play from the guy who built this park Bertram pedmont you may think I'm wrong but I'm still [Applause] here so oh Bertram's the carousel that's him this his face in the ride cool and of course that means it's boss fight time but as intimidating as this looks it's actually really easy I snag a convenient axe off the ground wait for Bertram to stop his spinny tantrums and then just hack away at his arms until they're all busted and then I leave a few flipped switches later and I gain access to a haunted house attraction I hop into the rid's cart because that was the only thing I could do and I set off on honestly the worst taunted Mansion ride I've ever seen all leading to O well I guess I found Boris that's a bummer so Alice Angel kidnapped Boris experimented on him and turned him into this Blobby monster you see here brute Boris who throws me across the room to Kickstart another boss fight and this is where the entire game goes downhill the point of this fight is to avoid boris' attacks let him Tire himself out steal some of his ink and then use this nearby by machine to turn that ink blob into a weapon the fight has three phases and you got to go through this clunky process every single time it sounds simple but is so frustrating partially because Boris absolutely cheats I swear to God there's no way to avoid these jump attacks but also yeah I didn't mention this but I'm playing this on Console not PC and this fight just straight up does not work with a controller my first time around this took hours to beat but I finally beat Boris and the game's like oh no you killed your friend don't you feel sad and awful but I'm like is the game over yet and the answer is not yet because in a fit of rage Alice Angel barges into the room and tries to attack me only to be stabbed through the chest by Alice Angel and Boris yeah chapter 5 the last reel now up to this point I've been enjoying this game it's not amazing but it's cool but after that awful Boris fight I'm sorry to say the game is just kind of never good again chapter 5 is brutal man I wake up in a makeshift gel s gel sale I wake up captured by this other Alice and Boris Trapped In Like A makeshift jail cell this new Boris is named Tom he has a robot arm and he doesn't like me and this new Alice is actually nice and I think it's supposed to be the voice actor who replaced the original Alice Susie Campbell nice Alice is like here have this visor that exposes secret invisible messages written on the walls that definitely won't be used in subsequent playthroughs to make up for the lack of lore Pres in the actual game oh no the ink Demon's here bye-bye yeah AB bendy finds our little Hideout and these guys just bail leaving me behind I bust my way out of the cell push forward and eventually find a boat this part sucks you got to Pilot this rickety boat through a river of ink but of course there's some kind of giant bendy monster inside the ink ready to kill at any moment stay still too long and you're done but the boat gets ink stuck in its uh what is that called spinny paddle thing acoustic motor whatever ink gets stuck in there and you got to knock it out to keep going it is so slow like torturously slow and if you fail you got to start all the way back at the beginning I hate it and things don't get much better after I reach land and boom Sammy Lawrence just stumbles back into the game and starts swinging at me you remember him the guy who got like eaten by bendy in like chapter 2 yeah yeah he's back now I fight back and by fight back I mean run in circles for a while wonderful combat system but Sammy eventually overpowers me throws me to the ground and nearly kills me only for Alice and Tom to once again sneak up behind and kill him before he can get me is that is that like your thing but what follows I think is the worst part of the entire game worse than brute Boris worse than the boat the absolute low point of Bendy and the ink machine after shoving an ax into Samy's neck Alice Tom and I are ambushed by hordes of ink creatures and this fight went on forever I just kept dying respawning fighting dying respawning fighting die the fight just wouldn't stop what was I doing wrong well I looked it up and apparently what I'm supposed to do here is get more kills than Tom and Alice in a row without dying how on Earth would I have ever gotten that the game doesn't give me any indication that that's what I'm supposed to be doing I can't tell how many kills they're getting while they're running all over the place I have no clue how many kills I'm getting because all these enemies just blob together and why would I even be competing with these guys in the first place they've saved my life twice now whatever I straight up just lucked my way into beating this bit Tom Alice and I join forces push forward and whoops of course I fall through the floor again lose my weapon and my team just to wind end up in great a maze yeah sorry this chapter was really trying my patience so here's where we are there's a room full of ink next to this fancy piping system that's missing a few parts run through the maze grab some Blobs of ink and use those same dang machines from the Boris fight to make pieces of pipe drain the ink and enter the film Vault oh and there's Tom and Alice showing up after I do all the hard work same as usual I like this game I promise but this is it after a few more hallways I enter the ink machine itself and reach the final showdown with the ink demon and I call it a showdown because this really isn't a fight I just run around this big arena and flip switches to open a nearby door all while avoiding bendy as he just kind of runs around look at him go that's my boy and once I make it out of the first Arena it becomes one of those classic get the enemy to charge into something fights basically I just trick bendy into destroying his own ink machine and then bolt back to where the fight started and after all this chaos the thing that finally puts bendy to rest is symbolism yeah I play an unaired Rea film called the end it makes bendy go ah and then whoa I forgot colors that weren't orange existed so the ending of this game's kind of confusing suddenly I'm in Joey Drew's house and he gives me this spiel about I don't know I wasn't paying attention but then he's like come visit the old Workshop there's something I need to show you swing the door open and all right Joey I'm here let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see so the end of this game is a Time Loop hooray how satisfying apparently if you play through the game again you get to see all those secret messages and I'm sure they're very interesting and full of lore but no no no I'm done this game really wiped me out by the end so I'm just going to call it here and take a nice long break from bendy all right I'm going to play a little bit of Boris in the dark survival it's Boris time did you guys know that there was a Boris game I completely forgot that this was a thing but I figured since the Bendy and the dark Revival video is coming a little bit late we could do a little bit of a placeholder something to tide you over so we're going to play Boris in the dark survival Symphony of the Shadows I have no idea what this game is I have genuinely no clue what this game is it's a few years old but I didn't really pay attention to it at the time so I I have no idea I have no idea what this game is once there was a wolf that is a door living in a very dangerous world surviving on anything you could find and fearing the ink demon that stalked his every move you're scary cuz you can't see all of it it's Boris we're Boris we are in a room everything's orange again let's see uh a ooh find more tunes in the studio oh we got a juke box that's cool oh look at him dance look at him look at him cutting a rug look at him go look at Boris go oh he's so good I love him oh I'm plucking the banjo let's go okay oh oh oh I recognize this now I'm so stupid this is this is the room you first hang out with Boris in and bendy in the ink machine I didn't recognize it from this angle oh that's cute that's cute cuz this is the stove where you make him the three cans of soup that he doesn't eat zero of seven 0 of seven what so it's some kind of top- down isometric Boris game I assume there will be Spooks and scares at some point what's this oh I got coffee oh it's a coffee machine okay is this game like considered Canon like is this still considered Canon now that bendy and the dark Revival is out or no cuz I want I want to know how much of this I need to be taking in as I play it and whether or not I need to do a full play through at some point in the future for the probably inevitable bendy and the ink machine recap thing zero of six oh man there's a that's at least 13 things I have to collect oh man oh we're up to uh 13 + 5 18 that's that's 18 things I need to collect oh dang so far so nothing oh hello this is just so thrilling for me standing in the corner by myself ooh ooh ooh one of these I guess there someone wants to learn my steps they'll just have to get their hands a little dirty they'll have to stick their hands in the poopy uh I guess the only thing left to do is to take this elevator into the studio let's see what's going on here how spooky can we get day one level 34 okay so what's the point of this game what actually do I do in this game locate the needed supplies okay oh here's one we got a cog so it looks like we need a radio a wrench a cog which we've already got a book a plunger and another Cog what's this okay we got the wrench we got the wrench we're making progress oh oh oh dear what huh what did I do new safe house tape found so I scavenged the corpse of of another Boris and got a thing that that was really random I have no idea what that was supposed to be so we've already got two of our count count FY count six supplies that we need and so far not a spook to be seen another Cog perfect we got a lot of hiding spots though something's bound to happen eventually oh we got mini games gamer we got mini games Safe House scrap so we found garbage cool radio good for Tunes oh spook them spook them spook them that's not right a oh ooh oh they actually do jump scares in this one okay I didn't see that coming a I'm back here a come on all right got to do it again so that was one of the things that I mentioned in bendy in the ink machine it's like it's weird when the ink demon shows up or when any monsters get you you don't actually get jump scared at all you oh is this is this procedurally generated or something like this is different I guess this is somewhat procedurally generated or at least randomized because this is a completely different layout and we got different things to collect too oh oh so this like a Binding of Isaac kind of thing did I do it this time ooh there's bendy here's the boy okay bye we just got to get two wrenches and then I guess we got to get back to where we started oh oh oh he's just out oh he's just out oh that's bad oh that's bad for me I didn't realize he was just out oh yep yep he's just out so you have to avoid him the entire time so this works a lot differently than the actual bendy game and I guess maybe the like Stinger sound effect only gets if he catches you okay cool oh there's no hiding spots here oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no am I able to like avoid him or what dang it how was I supposed to avoid that there was no hiding spots and then he was just there what was I supposed to do all right we're going again oh yeah we're going to different levels each time that explains it okay what do we got this time bone plunger spoon spoon radio and boook I know I shouldn't like waste my run juice my soup run uh because because I'll need it if I get spotted but this is kind of a slow walking speed I kind of don't like how slow this is book all right we're halfway there radio good okay good oh hi bye hide okay okay he's gone that way so I know not to go to the left mind your surroundings cool good stupid it's like trying to sneak around the like Hall monitors In Those Old Harry Potter games am I good to go up here now no this seems to be the majority of the game so far thinking you're safe not being able to see where he is and him like laser guiding himself to you I keep trying to go up but every single time I try to go up I get spotted so it's just been completely fruitless plunger good good not good not good not good every time every time he's always right where I need to be come on come on on why would you do that why would you do that this is not particularly fun I'm just going to be honest my experiences so far are not particularly that of having fun I know exactly what I need to do and exactly where I need to go but the AI on this stupid ink demon keeps going exactly there he's taking no other course of action thank you he's going somewhere else God I might actually have a chance this time watch him just teleport watch him just be here still okay got the plunger now we just need a bone where is a bone good come on how how how guys I think this game might suck I I I I I'm sorry to say it I think this game might suck but I have I have to get one I have to get one successful round before I stop playing right I have to succeed one time going to be 100% honest losing interest in this game relatively quickly grab spoon good got spoon okay okay the game's cutting me a bit of a break this time pretty much all the necessary pieces were right where I was heading naturally and there's a hiding spot herey all right I just need a book please be a book here relatively soon and I can just get yes okay good good do we have no we don't we don't we don't he's going to get me here he's absolutely 100 % going to get me right now ah yeah yeah I don't like this one all right Cog all right we're starting off strong starting off strong with Cog thank you all right we already got two we already got two okay actually we already got three we already got three of our six necessary things that's not bad hi sir sir sir sir sir come on come on don't screw me over game game do not do not screw you know what I'm deeming this game non-canon and therefore unnecessary for me to continue playing goodbye quick we got to play the new bendy before people stop caring yeah okay so a few weeks back I played through the original bendy and the ink machine that horror game from 2017 about the littlest man and it just so happens that right when I started making that video a sequel that everyone thought was canceled dropped out of nowhere it's been like a month since then so I only have a few hours left to make a video about it before it becomes irrelevant forever these are fy's adventures in bendy and the dark Revival no time to waste let's go so uh real quick in the last game I played as this guy named Henry Stein returning to his old place of work Joey Drew Studios old timey Animation Studio famous for the characters bendy Alice Angel and Boris wolf among others but the place was abandoned run down and crawling with monsters born from this unearthly ink junk I then ran around got scared by a bendy monster solved puzzles whacked a bunch of people fought bosses definitely didn't get frustrated at any point ever this part sucks and in the end I saved the day by making bendy confront their own mortality which caused the heat death of the universe except not because the game then just started over and then I stopped now play the sequel so hey it's the 70s sorry I couldn't resist and we are an animator at archgate Studios named Audrey apparently this place acquired all the Joey Drew stuff after he passed away oh right uh Joey drew the man who created bendy he's dead now he will be missed yeah I guess yeah the important thing is that bendy and the studio are owned by archgate now the studio itself has been renovated and expanded with the help of something called the Gent Corporation we're working really late and we just got to have our coffee so we hop up from our desk and start our adventure and wow this game looks amazing I mean it's no graphical Powerhouse or anything but compared to the original the improvements here are wild though I I do kind of miss all the orange oh well I should also say the game runs really well even at Max Graphics settings the game is super smooth though uh for some reason that smoothness didn't really translate in my footage most of the raw footage from my playthrough wound up looking like this that's fun so uh big shout out to my friend rabburn who has a much more powerful graphics card than I do and helped capture some extra gameplay footage so that this video wouldn't give you a headache thank you but anyway uh getting back to the game here I wander around the spooky studio for a while reach an elevator and start to head yeah somewhere I can't actually tell if this is going up or down from old man so this is Wilson He's the bad guy like for real his only character trait is being the villain in this game and I mean not to judge someone by their appearance but look at this guy listen to his voice Audrey are you familiar with the five nights set Freddy's timeline yeah Wilson is villain and now I'm stuck in an elevator with him and then the power goes out good good we eventually wind up in a place that just going to take a wild guess here is not where I was trying to go wait a minute there's no coffee here it's just a demonic Shrine again yeah so uh this bit's pretty familiar there's a room of six pedestals surrounding the ink machine which I think shrunk in the wash since the last game and I got to go find the various pieces of junk to put on the pedestals while Wilson fiddles with the electricity but uh-oh surprise surprise Wilson tricked us no you're you're kidding didn't you hear his voice by putting all the stuff on the pedestals we activate the ink machine which starts flooding the room Wilson then grabs us Rambles about showing us the truth real slowly he plunges us both into the ink and boom bendy in the dark Revival I wake up later and the Orange is back oh and I guess Audrey's an ink monster now that sucks and with that the game really starts we're back in the bowels of the studio with no choice but to push forward seeing just how much the Gen Corporation is like industrialize this place in the process but the deja vu just keeps Deja Ving that's a joke right as I stumble into one of the more recognizable locations from the first game the Heavenly toys room famous for being the room where I hid from big drippy bendy that one time ah it feels like it was only last month uh I mean yay Alice Angela back remember when she stopped an evil version of herself from killing me in the last game tagged along for a little while and then the game just kind of forgot about her yeah now she's back and she's kind of giv us your basic post-apocalypse speech you know the one yeah I remember my first day here too here's an itemized list of all the different types of enemies you're going to come across and all the catchy little nicknames we give them am I being vague enough to be ominous yet detailed enough to be helpful okay cool bye all right then the only thing Alice really told me to do here was to just head to the upper levels of the studio so I guess that's what we're doing and I got to say this game is really cranking up the scare Factor oh oh turn around all right oh okay that's where I'm supposed to go that was that was clever I there's more jump scares spookier atmosphere and a lot more tension because now there's stealth no more just bashing people in the head with a pipe now got to sneak around without being spotted and then bash their head in with a pipe I love blunt force trauma but it's not all pipes and collapsing skulls because a little while later the game teaches me how to banish ink creatures instead of killing them I just sneak up behind them and use my special glowy hand that I apparently have to send them back to the inky Abyss the game tries to sell this as the less violent option but uh it definitely looks like they're dying and they definitely scream like they're dying The Scream there going to be a story at some point in this game like I've been walking around the studio for an hour now and learning all the new mechanics which is nice but nothing's really happening yet and I oh my God it's him it's bendy the littlest man he's real yeah uh I I guess I never really thought about how we've only ever seen bendy as the ink demon we've never actually seen him as just his normal self he looks so wholesome but I accidentally give him this little static shock that makes him cry and run away I guess the real ink demon was me well anyway bendy runs away I'm heartbroken beyond belief and I just keep exploring eventually finding a door in the animation Department that I can't go through until I find this ink dude his five missing drawings but just as I start searching the place for these pictures the ink demon himself finally decides to show up huh kind of funny how the ink demon didn't show up until after that little bendy dude disappeared H that's probably just a coincidence just like the first game the ink demon pops up seemingly at random makes the whole whole screen goes spooky and you got to hide fast or else I got eight so I'm running around being stocked by a tall black and white monster and collecting a bunch of pages surprised no one's made a game like this until now anyway I got all the pictures and brought them back to the guy who then opens up the door and immediately starts beating me up how ungrateful he deserves to die oh what's this oh hello I think you're missing a few things oh well now you're just missing okay F okay uh I I think I might have just cursed myself is she just going to keep popping up yes she is okay okay More Exploring more bashing more stealth more scares oh I can teleport now that's fun and finally finally I reach an elevator to take me to the safer upper levels of the studio boy it sure would suck if a villain suddenly came onto the interc to override the elevator and send me crashing down oh no this has never happened before man this game really is recycling a lot of moments from the first one I wonder know what that's about where am I e spider so here we have the game's first boss fight and considering the boss fights were the absolute low points of the original bendy I got to admit I was pretty nervous about this but honestly it was all right run around hit these things to make a did something happen I don't know they were just shiny so I hit them and then bash this big spider until it stops moving forever I'm sure these experiences won't leave any kind of lasting impact on my mental well-being I love blun Force TR well I'm even deeper in the depths of the studio now so much for the last few hours of progress and there's no telling what's lurking down here but to be honest I feel like at this point the game's probably shown me most of its new stuff I doubt there's going to be any surprises left I I believe there's something special all especially Audrey Joey Drew okay I did not see that coming okay well technically it's not the real Joey Drew he's still very much dead and it is still very funny but this is a copy of Joey Drew made from the ink and he just starts lore dumping according to Joey this studio is basically a parallel universe that doesn't follow the normal rules of time the whole place is on a loop the same things happening over and over again hence the ending to the first game and all the similar events we're seeing in this game but with every new cycle the whole thing's starting to deteriorate and I guess it's up to me to try and break the cycle Joey points me in the direction of these dangerous ink creatures called Keepers who have been working to freeze the cycle themselves he says I'll find my answers there well you know if they don't break all my bones first Joey then Homer Simpsons through the wall and I'm alone again but with a new objective find the keepers I guess and I mean I've explored a ton of this Studio by now I'm sure there can't be that much more to see oh you're kidding you're kidding right you're telling me that inside this studio is a city am I really looking at a city skyline inside a building Jesus man bendy really looked at the security breach Pizza plags and said huh cute speaking of cute look who's back it's the guy it's the boy I apologize to bendy for accidentally electrocuting him that one time and we team up to explore this insane new citya area look at him Benny's my friend now I love it this is the best game same story as always there's a locked door I got to find a way in but as I started looking around people got to stop doing that Joey Drew pops back up and is like come to my house and then where am I okay we're back at the start of the first game that that's actually pretty cute and I'm sure it would be filling me with all sorts of warm Nostalgia had I not played the first game last month but why am I here well Joey Drew sits me down and I'm not kidding here shows me a PowerPoint presentation on the lore of Bendy and the ink machine dude Matt and I were just joking in the FNAF recap someone actually did this well here's How The Story Goes Joey drew the real one remember he's dead very funny had lost pretty much everything after his Studio had started to fail so he became bitter and blamed it on Henry Stein the former animator that we played as in the last game when Henry left the studio Joey decided to use the ink machine to create a new nightmare world that he controlled even creating an ink version of Henry to toss into this ink world to torture him you know like a normal person and all that is basically the setup for the original bendy and the ink machine we were playing as this ink creature version of Henry being put through a never-ending cycle of Torment created by Joey Drew himself that also explains why the studio didn't go all SEP aone in this game until Audrey became an ink creature but uh continuing with Joey's slideshow the real Joey then met a woman named Allison Pendle who he became fast friends with even hiring her to voice the character Alice Angel replacing the previous actress Susie Campbell you remember her Alice Angel yeah you remember her and Allison's positive influence on Joey's life even led him to create the Alice Angel who's been helping us out across these two games I mean maybe he could have just stopped torturing an innocent clone of his old friend and cooworker with a never-ending nightmare cycle but nah just create another person to torture and toss them into the fry too and a lot of that is just clarification on things we kind of already knew the big shocker here is the reveal that Joey Drew created one more thing with the ink machine a daughter named Audrey so yeah Audrey the character I've been playing as this whole game is and always has been a hyper realistic ink creature more advanced than Henry or Alice some kind of hybrid I think and with that Revelation out of the way we flash back to the town I was at before I grab a key and push forward but bendy's nowhere to be found not that bendy wait I I knew it I knew you were too cute to not be a secret demonic entity yes this little bendy guy has actually been the ink demon this entire time and those crazy electronic Towers somehow manag to incapacitate him turning him back into regular old bendy they also deactivate my Powers anytime I'm around them hm these towers are also the work of the Gent Corporation with the help of the keepers those guys Joey Drew told us about a little while ago yeah these guys are scary they talk like Doctor Who monsters the subject will stop and in the designated location and they will kill on site so I got to be super stealthy starting now but while sneaking my way past the keepers I also managed to learn more about their experiments particularly that these are the guys who manag to as they call it sedate the ink demon turning him into harmless little bendy but in the process they basically tortured him and I don't care if he's secretly a murderous demon who's killed me multiple times he is also my friend and I will protect him at all costs oh who's this funny guy goodbye I push forward a bit more and eventually find myself in a room full of like like containment pods for the Keeper's various test subjects you must be really lost to be asking me for wait a minute I know that voice that that's us like from the first game that's Henry I never actually got to see what he looked like in the first game he looks sweaty Henry tells us how to defeat the ink deman and reset the cycle he's done it before and of course it all has to do with that real of film labeled the end from the first game the one we played that made bendy goat yeah you know the one so our end goal in this game is exactly the same as the first one then I mean I get we're doing this whole time Loop cycle thing but this is starting to feel more like a soft reboot than a sequel yeah anyway let's see what else is in here oh hi Bertram I see you left the Carousel Ride you're looking good dead leaving now uhoh okay yes I did get captured by one of the keepers but it was a it was a scripted thing instead of killing me this time I just pass out later waking up on what is this a train really we're doing we're doing a train now a train in the studio okay sure why not and to make things worse look who's back I am watching you while you sleep Audrey good old creepy Wilson he guides me through this crazy laboratory part of the studio that he runs with the help of the keepers and he dishes on some more lore Wilson here convinced the people of the studio that he killed the ink demon which we know is obviously a lie all they did was turn him into a marketable plushy but he does seem to have a plan to break the cycle for good with the secret weapon being me though I'm not sure like how or why yet he also says he needs me to help him save his dad's life little out of nowhere and because it's Wilson I don't believe a single thing he says but but I mean I'm stuck in the studio Alice is nowhere to be seen my only friend is the thing trying to kill me I I I don't really have much Choice oh and the keepers don't actually kill me when Wilson's around so you know that's another reason to go along with all this Wilson expositions at me for a while as he takes me to this surprisingly fancy living area for real like all of a sudden I'm in a mansion and once the dude's done lore dumping he leaves me with Betty his assistant who shows me to my room guess there's nothing to do now but get a drink of water gross and get some rest oh no I hate it when Twisted Angel people magically appear in my bathroom and knock me out it's the worst so yeah now Twisted Alice's back that evil version of Alice Angel created from her original voice actor Susie Campbell who made us do a bunch of random chores in the first game before getting stabbed by good Alice and just like last time she wants to steal bits of Audrey to help make herself more beautiful and Jesus Christ they gave her a Tommy Gun dang Alice ain't messing around this time oh my God I tried to sneak up behind Alice and use that banishing move on her since you know she's just kind of standing there but she catches me and is just about to kill me when yeah yep of course just like clockwork good Alice shows up at the last possible second and stabs twisted Alice Through the chest exactly like the first game it even happens right at the end of chapter 4 just like last time man they're taking this cycle idea really seriously but after several hours I'm finally reunited with that Alice and she even brought Tom with her they warned me about trusting Wilson but do offer to help us break the cycle and then I leave the next like hour of the game is just a really long stealth section with a bunch of Keepers but once I'm through I find my way back to Wilson's lab W look at all this crazy multicolored rainbow ink what's all this for this is the first bit of color I've seen in hours holy crap oh why is it so dark up ahead oh okay it hadn't loaded yet never mind I finally reach the actual lab and find Wilson and he's like it's time Audrey please be sure you have completed any side quest and have saved your progress before entering the lab and thank you for playing bendy in the dark Revival which I think is The Game's you know super subtle way of letting me know that we're about to reach the final Challenge and after all this time Wilson's true plan is finally revealed it's an OC no seriously Wilson wants to create a new ink demon to Dethrone bendy one that he can control and this is what he came up with I'm sorry I know the game is taking this just so seriously right now but every time they cut back to this goofy little sailor guy it just cracks me up come on this is kind of funny but the funny doesn't last long because Wilson finally drops the bomb the secret weapon to creating this new ink demon is me dude wants to toss me into this meat grinder and turn me into his OC literally everything Wilson said about saving his dad and making things right was of course A Lie the truth is that his dad is actually Nathan Arch the businessman who acquired Joey Drew Studios after Joey died and all this junk Wilson's pulling is just born out of jealousy and resentment for his dad being negligent and too focused on work blah blah blah push well that was easier than expected so yeah I pushed Wilson into the grinder he gets turned into this new ink monster and we've reached the final boss it's me against a giant Wilson ink demon hybrid dressed as a sailor it's perfect I love it and the fight itself is okay just like the first game it's mostly about tricking the boss to destroy a bunch of stuff around them and using that to my advantage you get Wilson to bash open the fuse boxes on these signal blockers deactivate them and then just avoid his attacks until it's safe to hit him do that about three times and you're golden and you can tell the game doesn't actually want you to fail this because in between every phase ink creatures pumped full of that rainbow ink attack you and killing them actually gives you health back which makes it even more embarrassing that this boss took me about four tries to get right but oh oh we are not done yet with the towers deactivated I get my powers back and banish Wilson but uh the monster's still there they grab me no joke rip off my legs throw me to the ground and are just about to take me out but remember the towers are off which means the ink demon is totally free to barge in and absolutely wreck the monster that's cool but with them out of the way and me now minus two legs it's just me and the ink demon with no way out the demon consumes Audrey assimilating her soul into his body but Audrey's still there she still has some level of control and because clearly not enough is happening right now Joey Drew shows up again to deliver one last inspirational speech to Audrey and give her the the real of film that can put a stop to this before the ink demon just freaking snaps him like a twig Jesus luckily Audrey is able to overpower the ink demon and take control of his body grabbing the film and getting ready to restart the cycle and oh boy get ready for this for the final stretch of this game we get to play as the ink demon we're huge super powerful completely Invincible kind of clunky to control and totally Unstoppable as the ink demon I'm just plowing through room after room tearing down walls and bolting to wherever I need to go to play this film and reset the cycle and along the way everything just comes together tons of ink creatures swarm to attack me but Alice and Tom show up to help clear my path Alice pulls out the freaking Tommy Gun and just starts mowing people down and Tom rides in on that big guy we saw earlier to help fight eventually we even meet back up with Henry who leads me to the projector and wait wait wait is that Sammy Lawrence the crazy music director from the first game since when were you in this dude ah this is really really cool I love how Full Circle this all is if only my actual gameplay didn't look like this whatever I make it to the projector start the film re bendy goes ah and then oh good I'm at work yes the cycle rewinds all the way back to the beginning with Audrey now at peace with who she is working to make the cycle better for her friends you know the friend she saw for like two minutes oh and bendy's just here now there he is he's real not in the parallel world anymore just a living ink creature out about in the real world sure okay roll credits and that is bendy in the dark Revival overall a massive Improvement on the first game I think the original has a bit more charm but other than that this game is pretty much better in every way it's actually really interesting in a lot of ways it's kind of like a soft reboot but the story it tells wouldn't work anywhere near as well if the first game weren't still Cannon and because of that whole cycle thing the game is able to stand as both a sequel and a reboot kind of thing at the same time and do both really well this game Left Me genuinely excited to see what the future of Bendy is oh wait I almost forgot apparently this game has a secret ending let's check it out well the coffee's good and all but this work's got to get done Focus Audrey Focus I could have just done that the whole [Music] time [Music]
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 192,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendy, bendy and the dark revival, bendy and the ink machine, bendy game, bendy and the dark revival gameplay, bendy and the dark revival trailer, bendy and the ink machine song, bendy songs, bendy and the ink machine full game, bendy and the ink machine ending, bendy and the dark revival full game, bendy and the ink machine chapter 5, bendy cartoon, bendy lore, batim, batim dark revival, batdr, indie horror, horror game, alice angel, footofaferret bendy, footofaferret, foafy
Id: 5b24PQjyPcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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