There's A Steven Universe Game TRILOGY? (Complete Series)

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steven universe is dead okay it's been a year and a half the show's over it's not coming back it's dead and as much as i hate it i just have to deal with it but while the show might have ended like three different times there's one thing in the world of steven universe i still need some closure on the video game yeah there's a steven universe video game steven universe save the light i've talked about it a couple times before it's an rpg in the same vein as like paper mario it came out back in 2017 and i was so hyped for it i got it i played it i really enjoyed it but i never finished it yeah if you can't tell i'm not that great at finishing games might be why i've been playing a lot of games that don't have endings lately but today i say no more four years later i am gonna sit down and play this dang game from start to finish and you guys have to experience all of it recap style but first i gotta say if you enjoy my videos and want to see more be sure to hit the big red subscribe button right below this video and ring the little gray bell next to it that'll send you notifications every time i upload so you'll never miss a future video also you like this shirt you like this shirt i'm wearing well it and a bunch of other cool foot of a ferret stuff is available for sale at my merch store which is linked right in the description below oh and before we get into the recap i should mention this game takes place like right in the middle of the original show kinda around seasons three and four so there will be show spoilers ahead and if you need a refresher on anything steven universe i got a whole other recap for that and last just to be clear that this video is not sponsored i've just wanted to do a video on this game for years and with all that said this is steven universe save the light so fun fact this game is actually a sequel to the mobile game steven universe attacked the light i played it it's fun the story didn't really warrant its own video but it's where the plot of save the light actually starts so one day steven is just sitting around playing an rpg on his ipad get it when garnet amethyst and pearl show up having just returned from a mission and they brought back this cool little pyramid of light thing with them this is a prism it's an old-school gem weapon that in the right hands can be used to create an army of monsters made entirely of light and steven hears that and is just like cool this giant light monster shoots out of the prism and then breaks into a ton of smaller monsters who scatter all across the earth a whole game's worth of stuff happens and the gems face off against the final big boss light monster but we know steven universe never ends with just a fight nah steven starts trying to talk to and reason with the monster he does his normal routine you know you don't have to fight you don't have to be a weapon you can be whoever you want to be of course it works and the light monster then transforms into steven i i don't think they understood the message but that's the end of attack the light and the start of save the light steven takes light steven back to beach city and shows him to connie who's like whoa that's pretty cool hey what's that in the sky okay this giant prism ship comes down to earth conveniently landing right on top of greg's car wash and out pops this ominous yellow gem this is hessonite the original owner of the prism and she's like uh that's mine keep your hands off my stuff stinky ugh you got it all messed up she takes back the prism and sends a whole new wave of light monsters out into the world and with that the game is on stephen connie and steven's dad greg set out to fight light monsters find the crystal gems figure out what the heck is going on and try to save the prism and light steven and gameplay-wise it means i get to run around a fully 3d beach city and fight monsters this video is not a review but i will explain the gameplay real quick every battle in the game is turn based but only kinda each attack costs star points once you're out you can't do anything but they replenish slowly over time and the enemies just kind of attack when they feel like it it's a pretty fun setup and i've always really enjoyed this opening part of the game there's all these cool details you can find like look i found animal crossing you can find steven's lion chilling on this hill doing absolutely nothing and uh-oh oh no oh no yeah i should probably mention this game can be a little glitchy at times connie you good connie you you don't you don't look like you're okay eventually after making their way around town the gang finds garnet on the beach she says she saw a big spaceship fly over the forest nearby so they all go check it out more battles and puzzle solving ensues before oh hey amethyst then a cool boss fight happens and oh hey pearl alright level one's down and we finally got the classic crystal gems gang all together let's go on an adventure oh god the gems then travel to the great north aka the ice level steven's like what are we doing here and garnet's like shut up but just then another new spaceship appears and it looks like peridot's ship but that can't be peridot peridot she just called steven she's at the barn with lapis playing video games well after fighting probably another hundred light monsters we finally catch up to the ship and find suddenly they pulled out some kind of evil potion that exploded at me and then i died you so this is square dot she's a homeworld peridot working for hesse knight and she only seems to ever show up in video games one boss fight later and the gems successfully steal square dot's computer terminal don't don't don't worry about garnet wait oh my god you gotta be kidding me oh i love this game man anyway with squared out in the computer terminal now in hand the gang head over to the barn and meet up with peridot and lapis peridot and square dot get into a bit of an argument square dot's like dude what are you doing you're an embarrassment but perry's just like open your mind man eat the rich and in all the arguing the gang gets squared out to accidentally dish on hesse knight's location the strawberry battlefield square dot then nearly attacks in a rage but garnet poofs her and we never see her again bye bye square dot you don't get a redemption arc peridot checks out the computer terminal to try and pinpoint hesse knight's exact location at the battlefield but says it'll take some extra time and resources so she just joins the party and this is where the game got really fun for me see of all the characters in this game perry runs the fastest couple that with this badge i found that increases a character's speed 30 percent and oh my god the other characters can't even stay on screen so peridot leads the gang to the strawberry battlefields and starts searching for materials to repair the terminal in the meantime perry dishes a bit on hessonite telling steven how hessonites are military commanders and the hessenite they're dealing with is a big deal back on homeworld becoming a legendary war hero after she used the prism to wipe out tons of rebel gems on earth so yeah hes not bad and after gathering enough materials peridot finally locates hessenite at the sky arena you know that place pearl got stabbed so it's off to the sky arena oh hey a boss off to the sky arena the gang arrives just in time to find hesse night in the prism and eavesdrop on their conversation hassanite's like come on man you used to be cool now you're just embarrassing me she's been taking the prism all across earth visiting different locations from their battles to jog the prism's memory and turn it into a powerful weapon again but the prism refuses to change out of its steven form so frustrated hessonite pieces out and heads right back to the strawberry battlefield ugh we just got here now we have to go back well kinda hess and i heads back specifically to this giant crater in the ground there used to be a massive pyramid temple here but the gems kind of blew it up and now it's just a big hole but when the gems get back there they find another teeny tiny pyramid at the bottom of the crater that definitely wasn't there before they enter and find themselves at the top of a very very very very long staircase yeah i'm pretty glad i had paired up for this what how'd you get here at the bottom of the stairs there is a hole we went down a hole found another hole i jumped down the hole our heroes land in this giant ancient looking chamber with a depiction on the wall of steven's mom rose quartz being attacked by a bunch of light monsters that's gotta have some kind of effect on stephen uh nope nah he's fine up the stairs through the door and across this very long bridge and the gang once again finds hessenite she draws her sword at stephen and is like you you're the one who messed up my prism i am going to kill you now peridot amethyst who's here now apparently try to protect steven but hassanite straight up wrecks them in a single strike garnet and connie try to take a swing at her only for hessenite to wipe them out too poofing garnet and sending connie and greg who's here now apparently flying off the bridge this gem means business dude pearl attacks are next and they have one of those like anime style mid-fight sword clash conversations but while hessonite goes on about how she has the power of god and anime on her side a steven snuck off and grabbed the prism but just as he grabs it there's a sudden flash of light and then we cut to connie who somehow survived a massive fall off a bridge she gets up and is met by peridot and sapphire of all people well at least we know two of the poof gems reformed the three of them team up to explore the pyramid and find the rest of the crew except you can't play a sapphire they uh they only programmed moves for garnet i guess meanwhile greg amethyst pearl and ruby all either reformed or managed not to die upon impact and start doing the same thing everyone's running around the pyramids solving puzzles fighting monsters and hoping steven isn't you know dead and they did it all with a smile isn't that nice but what about stephen well he's oh god oh god he really is dead look at him he's lost in purgatory suddenly the beginning of this video feels kinda insensitive oh wait ah okay never mind he's not dead he's just in one of those video game plot exposition dream worlds he's fine but here we learn a little bit more about hessenite from the looks of things hessenite was a celebrated general who was given the prism by her leader yellow diamond she used the prism to fight and win a bunch of battles during the rebellion but was defeated by who else rose quartz aka steven's mom aka pink diamond in disguise aka uh steven but we're not supposed to know any of that yet rose knocked the prism out of hasanite's hands and i guess it just got lost in the shuffle during a retreat seems like an awfully important thing to just accidentally forget but that's what happened the prism was abandoned for years until the crystal gems found it and brought it back and now we've gone full circle once steven learns a sufficient amount of backstory he wakes up and is found by connie peridot and sapphire they then make their way further through the pyramid find the rest of the team and ruby and sapphire reform garnet just in time for a boss fight anyway steven starts getting visions from the prism because of course he is and this allows him to see where hess knights run off to apparently she's found her way to the forge you know that place where bismuth tried to kill steven yeah there in the game it's just been a place to upgrade weapons but once we follow hessonite there it opens up to reveal the final dungeon but after fighting through wave after wave of increasingly powerful enemies oh no hassanite got away she hopped onto her ship and sped off to her much bigger warship hovering just above the earth and as powerful as the crystal gems are they can't just fly into space well i guess except lapis but you know can't play as her in this game so that leaves the gems with one last option hey wake up that's right after an entire game of just lounging around lion finally does something using lion's portal powers the gang hops right into hessianite's warship and just like that we've reached the final fight tessanite's like hey stupid dummies i fixed my prism so now i'm going to make you die yeah yeah so hessonite managed to revert the prism back to being a weapon under her command and six it on the gems a big fight ensues and steven starts trying to snap the prism out of it it's a cool callback to the first game's final boss i don't know i think it's neat and steven manages to get through to the prison but as soon as the prism starts to hesitate hessonite's like oh fine do it myself and the real final boss starts and either i'm really good at this game or this fight was actually pretty easy connie learned this new move where she just stabs enemies a million times so she's like crazy op also hessonite spent most of the battle just attacking the prism instead of the gems a rude and also a pretty poor battle plan so the gems finally knock out hessenite and she falls to the ground she admits that the prism isn't defective she is she's not perfect like she wanted to be and wow this sounds familiar yeah so the ending of this game is like weirdly similar to the end of the main show which wouldn't premiere for like two years except instead of being about a massive revolution aiming to top one oppressive intergalactic empire yes about a triangle hessianite admits that she's basically nothing without the prism but since it activated for steven he should be the one to keep it but steven's like man are you missing the point the prism should be allowed to choose who it wants to be so steven lets the prison decide for itself uh or i guess i have to decide why am i allowed to make this choice have i been the prism all along and wait i want to go with hess knight you can choose to let the villain win i can't believe that's even an option no no let the prison do its own thing jesus so the prism goes off to live its life hessonite just kinda leaves and the gems head back to the barn and have a pizza party no seriously this game ends with a pizza party i freaking love it and that is steven universe save the life or at least that was my playthrough apparently there's multiple endings and a bunch of side quests i couldn't even get to in this video but legit this is probably my favorite tv show tie-in game i've ever played it really encapsulates the vibe of steven universe in a really special way the art the different locations the voice acting from the original cast it all makes a steven universe fan like me feel right at home but now it's over and i have to go back to living in the real world where steven universe is dead oh thank god there's a sequel steven universe unleash the light the latest and probably last game in the steven universe light trilogy of rpgs by grumpyface studios i've talked about the other games a few times but i've yet to tackle this one cause you know fnaf but i think i'm finally ready to hop back into the world of steven universe and see how this trio of games ends but i gotta warn ya steven universe unleash the light takes place immediately after the finale of the original steven universe series bridging the gap between that show and things like steven universe the movie and steven universe future so there will be spoilers here for the games and the show but i don't want to waste too much time so basically in the show steven helped three alien dictators realize they need therapy and they said okay and then in the games the gems fight this ultra powerful gem weapon called a prism which was controlled by hessianite a war general from the gem home world but then stephen was like look inside your heart you idiot and the prism decided not to be a weapon anymore hess knight decided not to be evil anymore the gems had a pizza party and that's pretty much it now that we're all caught up here's steven universe unleash the light the game starts on homeworld where steven is hanging out with the diamond's various pearls pink blue and yellow and talking about his plans for this new era of peace for the gems but then one of them says there's still the matter of the prisms yeah prisms as in more than one apparently there have been three prisms this entire time and just no one thought it was important to mention obviously one of the prisms was owned by hessenite but the others are currently owned by the gems pyrope and demantoid the pearls tried to contact them about deactivating their prisms but never heard anything back so garnet amethyst pearl and steven all head out to investigate they take a warp to this gigantic fancy prism palace and almost immediately pyrope and demantoid appear on like floating face time screens and they're like oh oh it's you very productive conversation so the gems are left with no choice but to get inside the palace and confront pyrophone demantoid in person but there's this big rainbow door in the way that they can't get past on their own just then completely out of nowhere hessonite's old prism shows up to just say hi to the gems in all their soul-searching since the end of the last game they've developed a new form and new name for themselves so this is george they look like a squishmallow and they've decided to tag along with the gems to help with their mission or at least that's what it looks like george talks in this prism language that only steven seems to understand so the gems are just kind of you know taking steven's word on all this but george does help out by opening up the rainbow door so the gems can enter the palace and of course it's not that long before they get tossed into some battles so now i think is a good time to give a quick rundown of unleash the light's gameplay like i said it's a turn-based rpg just like the last game but where save the light was developed for consoles unleash the light was developed for mobile first and came to consoles later so things have been a bit simplified instead of running around big expansive locations the stages are broken up into much shorter levels that you explore by just jumping from screen to screen no more steven falling to his doom this time unfortunately however the battles themselves are basically untouched it's still turn-based moves still costs points to perform and you still have to press buttons at the right time to block or do more damage you know paper mario there are a couple of new tweaks but it still feels very much the same as the other games it even brings back some of the sound effects and music from that game so i kind of got into the swing of things pretty quick so the gang keeps spreading their message of peace by killing everything that gets in their way but eventually they reach a roadblock [Music] that was my ringtone don't ask me why my ringtone is aaron hanson yelling yeah boy just don't question it i forgot to put my phone on silent let's keep going but eventually they reach a roadblock yes another big rainbow door but this time they're gonna need three matching keys to open it pearl just casually hacks into the mainframe to find out where demandoid is hiding and then she pieces out to gather more info while the rest of the gems head out to follow that lead to demantoid and collect the rainbow keys and because the game says we can't have less than four characters in our party the gems are now joined by lapis which is pretty cool because she was one of the few gems you couldn't actually play as in the last game and oh my god i mean look at this lapis attack is insane she's wiping enemies out in like two hits jesus so with the new team assembled the gems start tearing their way through level after level beating up enemies solving puzzles and doing side quests along the way and eventually pearl catches back up with the gems to share what she's learned about pyrope and demantoid apparently these two saw steven dismantle the diamonds empire and instead of embracing their new freedom they decided that this was the perfect opportunity to swoop in and become the new gem dictators and because they both got prisms they just might have the power to do it and thus pyrope and demantoid become the latest in a long line of potential war criminals that steven has to give a stern talking to dang it you realize it's an rpg right we have to fight things like eight whole stages go by before the gems realize oh demandoy's not here and then hop to another planet for more stages more battles more killing in the name of peace oh speaking of killing in the name of peace look bismuth is here she heard about everything going on with the prisms and decided to help out even bringing this box she brought a box this is the prism containment chest which i'm sure you can tell is meant to contain and deactivate prisms so you know i'm sure we'll find a purpose for that eventually in the meantime bismuth joins the team and subsequently breaks the game not only does her main attack hit multiple enemies at once but she can also mine for materials and craft buffs for the rest of the team including one that cuts the points required to attack in half needless to say i mainly used bismuth for the rest of the game several stages later and the gems finally catch up to demantoid and she's like you guys are lame your prism is dumb i will now do a kill on you and we launch into a boss fight but i employed my strategy of used bismuth all the time and demantoid went down pretty quickly bismuth breaks out the prism containment chest only to be attacked dropping the box leaving demantoid free to steal it and here the game gives me a choice i can either knock the box out of demantoid's hand or i can protect bismuth by attacking the prism now what i probably should have done was protect bismuth it seemed like you know the moral thing to do but in a moment of panic i instead chose to knock the box out of demantoids hands meaning yeah we did get the box back but bismuth yeah yeah she got poofed and i know that might seem like a big deal but lapis has been getting poofed during pretty much every battle and she always comes back just fine so ultimately i think i made the right choice here so with bismuth now taking up residence in steven's backpack she'll be fine the gems now joined by connie follow another lead to track down pyrope and demantoid they wind up on one of blue diamond's old colony planets which seems to still be controlled by pyrope just a whole lot of not much happens for a while just more stages more battles more bosses and wait weren't we supposed to be collecting rainbow keys or something oh yeah i kind of forgot about that it was kind of like the whole thing we were doing wasn't it well i've been playing for a while now we needed three rainbow keys and over the course of the game i've collected uh 20. didn't even notice guess we should head back to the palace then to just see what happens the gems warped back to the palace and unlocked that big rainbow door only to be met by another door oh and tessanite how'd you get here oh excuse me i'm sorry that's not hessonite that's a mysterious nameless vigilante gem who just happens to sound and look just like hess tonight here to help the crystal gems in secret not hessenite shows up throughout the palace to give the gems super useful hints such as you can unlock this door with a key and open treasure chest sometimes if you feel like it and don't you go asking questions the gems just kind of let this all happen then awkwardly get on with their mission and finally they reach pyrope's room empire pyrops like oh you stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid yeah for the big bad of the game pyrope went down easy but anyone who's ever played an rpg knows there's never just one final boss nah nah games like these aren't over until you fight some kind of otherworldly god creature would you look at that demantoid shows up captures george and forces a fusion between them and the other prisms creating this gigantic multi-armed angel of light now that's a final boss so it's the gems against piroupe de mantoid and the light monster but they're not alone because that mysterious vigilante gem shows back up and reveals herself to be pessimide oh wow what a surprise but this is cool we're really seeing how hessianite's changed since the last game not only is she now fighting on the gem side but she's clearly disgusted at how piop and demantoid are treating the prisms it's really cool how these games genuinely are a connected saga of steven universe stories you don't always get that with these kind of license games oh right uh fighting god i almost forgot honestly this fight wasn't all that tough either but that might just be because i saved up a ton of items and just spammed my bismuth strategy over and over yo uh i forgot to mention uh bismuth reformed told you she'd be fine and after knocking out all their health stephen stephen starts talking to the prisms he's like look inside your heart you idiot to help the prisms realize they don't have to be weapons anymore it's a strangely familiar ending as if there are two other steven universe games that end the exact same way but to be fair they do flip things on their head a bit because this time steven trying to talk sense into the prisms doesn't actually work but then hessonite steps up to the plate and has a heart to heart with george specifically she apologizes for how she treated them over the years and displays just how much she's changed this really affects the prisms leading to the big light monster disassembling and leaving pyrope and mantoid completely defeated they start fighting with each other and accidentally poof themselves like idiots the other prisms are set free just like george hessonite decides to stay at the palace and undo the wrongs committed by pyrope and demantoid and the gems all head off for more adventure and that was steven universe unleash the light pretty solid game yeah it wasn't quite as exciting or expansive as save the light and i did miss the extra locations and variety that game had but all things told this is still an enjoyable rpg that continues to just hit the nail on the head when it comes to capturing the steven universe vibe and that's pretty much all i'm looking for with games like this there is a dlc chapter about square it out returning but it doesn't really play into the main story and there's another mode that's basically just endless randomized battles but for my purposes yeah the game's over so i guess there's nothing left to say except do you think grumpyface would add me in as a dlc character like if i asked really nice make me canon grumpy face [Music] you
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 1,336,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven universe, steven universe future, steven universe unleash the light, steven universe save the light, steven universe attack the light, steven universe songs, steven universe theme song, steven universe movie, steven universe reaction, steven universe unleash the light all bosses, steven universe unleash the light full game, steven universe unleash the light trailer, unleash the light, save the light, attack the light, footofaferret steven universe, steven universe recap
Id: Svj9hyJoQwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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