My First Month In Animal Crossing New Horizons

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Hey everyone!! Welcome welcome.  my name's Charlie and today I'm   moving to a deserted island. I'm tired  of being around people and I'm entirely   removing myself from society to live in the  middle of nowhere with a bunch of animals...  So really we're playing Animal  Crossing is what I'm saying. I decided to play for a whole month to see how  much progress I can make with my only goal being   to get my dream villagers: Doc, Scoot and  Maple because they're adorable as well as   Wolfgang because he was my favorite villager for  my first wild world island and Lucky because he   was the profile picture of my best friend on  some online Animal Crossing forum as a kid. Alright, with all that out of the  way, let's jump right into it! To start us off I spent the usual 2 hours creating  my character so it would look as much like me as   possible and grueling over the overall unimportant  decision of where I wanted my rivers and docks to   go. I was getting super excited once we began  flying over the island and I was hoping that   luck would be on my side and I get one of my  favorite characters right from the get-go. Unfortunately I got stuck with these two  losers. Faith, a weird-looking koala,   and Boots, a stupid sporty crocodile. Look at  those clothes. Even HE knows he's a clown. After   heading to the campsite, we were all given a tent  to pitch anywhere on the island that we wanted. Personally I really liked this ~riverside real  estate~, especially with all the apple trees   around it so I put my tent there.  Once I'd finished putting mine up,   I felt a little bad. You know, maybe my  judgments on Boots and Faith were too rash.   So I offered to help Boots set up his tent and  proceeded to place it as far as humanly possible   from my own. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to  strand him on this little piece of land so I ended   up just sticking him in the bottom right corner  near the beach. Similarly I set up Faith as far   to the western side as possible in the hopes  that I wouldn't be forced to mingle with her.  Then came the moment of truth where  our island journey would really begin. Choosing the name. And we decided in the spirit of democracy  to pitch some ideas for the island.   In the interest of sticking with our  grain theme, I settled on ~quinoa~ Distinguished and beautiful,  unlike Isla del Biceps. aRe u KIDDING mE BOoTS?! Literally go back home. Yeah, it had been a single day and I already had  it out for Faith and Boots, but mostly Boots.   One of my biggest goals right  out of the gate was to save up   5,000 nook miles to pay off my very  first loan to Tom Nook as is tradition. So I started doing a bunch of things to get  points like taking selfies in front of my tent,   shaking trees and posting a  "nice" message on the community   board for everyone on the island to enjoy :) I got myself a fishing rod and started to do   a bit of fishing to fill the time. Also look at  this little idiot. He didn't even clap for me.   Literally just walked away. Eventually fishing got  boring so I had a little chat with Boots to try   and collect some miles and we actually ended up  taking a nice little stroll on the beach together. I was all business though and after a  couple hours I donated enough new fish   and bugs to unlock the museum. Instead  of saving my money like a smart person,   I also purchased not one but two of  these inflatable sofas for 2,200 bells. I have a problem~ Because I'd have to wait until  tomorrow for Blathers to arrive,   I started a pile of fish to donate once the museum  opened and continued working on nook mile quests.   One of them was to change up my passport  and I ended up nicknaming myself  Unhindered Clown which I thought  was very fitting and hilarious. Here we'll put a nice little  message here for all our visitors.  All zero. Eat... eat ur VEGIS. After paying off my 5,000 nook  miles, placing my inflatable sofas,   and tossing my extra donations onto the  museum pile, I logged off for my first day   satisfied with my work. *snap*  When I woke up the next morning I no  longer had a disgusting yellow tent. I am now a ~homeowner~ Unfortunately though it's at the cost  of 98,000 bells so... I'm disgusted. I decided the best way to deal with my crippling  debt was to ignore it just like in real life so   I cleaned up my pile of fish and donated them  all to Blathers now that the museum tent was up.   Afterward, I crafted a vaulting pole, bought the  tool ring and then put the vaulting pole onto the   tool ring allowing me to now access all the other  parts of the island where I picked up weeds and   dug up some more fossils to have inspected. In no  time at all, I donated enough new things to unlock   the real museum which would be built the next  day. I really wanted to upgrade my pockets and   also save up for nook miles tickets to go villager  hunting so I spent a bunch of time collecting all   the shells from the beach and selling them  for miles. While I was doing this I also   stumbled across Gulliver for the first time and  helped repair his phone because he is helpless. Once I'd purchased the pocket organization  guide I still had some extra miles in my   pocket so I began the hunt for my perfect  villagers. Right out of the gate the first   island seemed pretty boring. It just had regular  trees and flowers and stuff, not much going on. But then, I met Fauna. She's cute, adorable, sweet, amazing, perfect. I couldn't leave her behind and so I invited  her to come live on Quinoa with me. Now that   I had a villager to live for, I returned to my  island with new gusto and started gathering the   materials for Timmy and Tommy to open up Nook's  Cranny. The wood was relatively easy to source but   I was having some massive trouble gathering the  iron I needed. With no rocks left on my island,   I needed to get some more nook miles tickets to  farm materials there but I was fresh out of miles. This is how I ended up doing my  first group stretching session.   My second island wasn't nearly as lucky as the  first in the villager department so I just focused   on grabbing the materials I needed and just like  that I'd finished gathering the iron for the shop.   This meant that Nook's Cranny would be  up and running tomorrow and I chose this   really nice little location for it next to the  waterfall. By the time I logged on the next day,   Nook's Cranny had been built and who was inside  but Mabel. She told me that she wanted to start   traveling to the island to sell goods and maybe  even set up a shop here in the future! Who knows? WE know. I'll get you to move here eventually and get you  to bring Sable with you. Sable is so precious.   There wasn't really much to get in Nook's but I  did buy this candle for the ~vibes~ as well as the   recipe for pitfall seeds. Let's just say... I have  some plans for those in the near future. I had a   lot more miles to collect if I wanted to hunt for  villagers so I spent that afternoon doing a little   bit of everything. I did some rock hitting, some  fishing, watered my flowers, and placed my candle   in the exact center of my house. My island was  developing fast and Nook asked me to help prepare   three houses for some potential new villagers  and craft a bridge to place on the island.   After crafting the bridge, I decided to place  it right here next to my house to link the top   and bottom of the island. Then I began to place  down the three villager homes and prepare all the   items needed to decorate them. This required LOTS  of apple picking and wood cutting. Eventually,   I finished decorating all three of the homes  and although I was excited to get new villagers   I was not very pleased to be getting bossed  around by Tom Nook for the fifth game in a row. It's been years. As I was walking around the island the  next day, I stumbled across Harvey.   This little mustache dog that,  in my opinion, if you squint   and kind of kind of tilt your head a little could  look exactly like Harvey from Stardew Valley. It's the mustache, it's the mustache. The museum had just officially opened so  I collected fish pile part 2 and donated   everything to Blathers, grabbing all my extra  fossils to evaluate for good measure and selling   the extra ones for money to pay off my loan. I  also splurged on the pretty good tools recipes   meaning I could finally water my flowers  more than once without the can breaking! What a great day! While purchasing that, I decided to get the  lattice fence recipe too which inspired me to make   a little garden plot with my carrots. Ultimately,  I want to have some sort of cute plant botanical   kind of theme where I can integrate the carrots  into the island design a little better. For the   time being though, I figured I'd just grow them  and sell the carrots for a little extra dough. I'm gonna say it again, Fauna is one of my new  favorite villagers and we were just chit chatting   the next day when she gifted me a bottled  ship. This item gave me a super good idea   for decorating one of the beaches on my island.  To do that though I'd also need this bucket. Two of these buckets. Oh my god okay. THREE of these buckets. Also this trash bin. Starting with these items, I wanted to make a  little fishing dock area around the entrance to   the island. I'm thinking some planks on the  ground, some railings, maybe a restaurant,   who knows? But for now we will make do with  three buckets and this ship in a bottle. Another exciting thing was that one of  the new villagers had moved in and I was   super eager to see who it was, but it  just turned out to be this weird bird. After collecting some bells from the money rock,  I finally had enough to pay off my loan, allowing   me to upgrade my house once again. While running  around the island afterward, I stumbled across   good ol' Red for the first time and swiftly headed  to his little boat parked behind the island.   He had the same candle I already own which made  me laugh and also this. What a statement piece. So *bold* So /brash/ I ended up buying some random painting for the  museum and after drawing some art of my own, I'd   finished for the day. On the sixth day, I decided  to hop onto my island at night because there were   lots of different bugs and fish and such depending  on the time of day. First of all, it was SNOWING.   Apparently it was officially winter which was  cool but I was mostly super, super excited to find   Mabel hanging out and selling some clothes. Even  though I only had three thousand bells to my name,   you know that I purchased three sweaters,  jeans and a pom pom hat. After collecting a   couple money trees and discovering this little  dung beetle rolling a snowball??? SO cute. I stumbled across this random villager I'd never  seen before. Also remember that weird bird I   mentioned before?? Yeah, well his name is Jacob  and Jacob pulled me over the next morning and   gifted me this GIANT vine which I absolutely fell  in love with. This will work SO well with my plant   theme but I still hate you Jacob, sorry. Jacob and  I parted ways and I moved on to some of my chores   and really struggled over building a snowman. I  thought that the snowballs were supposed to be the   same size. I think that may have been how it was  in an old game or something but all of them were   very angry to be misproportioned. That's my bad.  That's on me, yeah. When I headed into town hall,   good ol' Tom Nook gave me the lowdown on the KK  Slider situation. Apparently, our goal was to have   KK Slider, international dog pop star, perform on  Quinoa. And in order to do this, it was all on me   to build a campsite, find some new villagers  to move in, and make the island beautiful.   And so, begrudgingly, I crafted a campsite and put  it up toward the top of the island, buying myself   a rice cooker as a reward. When I played animal  crossing as a kid, I think I remember hearing that   having a lot of flowers makes your island more  perfect and you know I would have killed a man to   have a Jacob's Ladder on my island so I had this  kind of subliminal obsession with overloading my   islands with flowers. Like on my first New  Horizons island, I had so many flowers I stole   from island tours that it was actually pretty bad.  This time around I'd like to restrain myself and   prevent the same thing from happening I'm hoping  that by saying this I can will it into existence,   but from the looks of things I'm already treading  in dangerous territory. By the next day our first   villager was visiting the campsite and I was so so  excited to see who it was and when I walked in... I saw this adorable, adorable face. Marshal.  And again, Marshal was not one of the villagers   I originally wanted but when I walked into that  tent, I just fell in love with his spunk and his   adorable squirrel face and I couldn't help  myself so I invited him to move to Quinoa.   Once I change into some Christmas apparel, I  continued building up some plots for villagers   to move into and purchased a duster which I used  to harass Faith. I just genuinely don't understand   what the purpose of the duster is but I found  it very funny and I was happy to have bought it. After doing a bunch of tasks for miles and  placing a new plot for a villager home,   I went on a couple island tours to try and find  some good villagers. Although the first one   didn't have a great villager, it did have peaches  which was very exciting because another thing I've   always been obsessed with in Animal Crossing  is collecting all the fruits. I don't actually   think I've ever done it though so hopefully I  can on Quinoa. The orange is just so elusive.   The second island was super super cool and I  got a bunch of bamboo shoots and also found the   pink octopus villager. I know a lot of people  really like the octopus villagers but I'm kind   of not into them. They just don't really fit  with the vibe of my island I feel. After four   unsuccessful islands, I gave up for a bit because  I was just sick of the disappointment. I grinded   miles for a couple hours and did a little more  villager searching because I still had hope. Not much but... but some. I found a money rock island which   was cool. I've never found one of those  before, but after stumbling across this   specimen, I literally just gave  up. I can't do this anymore. The next afternoon, I realized  that this elephant had moved in?   Eloise? I don't like the way her hair looks. I  don't really want her on my island. Look at it! It's just *hanging* there. It makes me so uncomfortable  A lot of my focus for the time being was on the  foundational island developments like building   a couple more villager homes and starting the  construction of a bridge to the left side of   the island. All my hunting for villagers kind  of distracted me but I realized that the Able   Sisters had been open for like a whole week so I  decided to pay them a visit. They were actually   selling like the EXACT outfit I wear pretty much  every day. I was super hyped because my character   looked just like me but then I got stung by bees  immediately after and I was a little less hyped.   Now that I've upgraded my house for the third  time I not only have a massive front room but also   another room to the back of my house. I decided to  place a bed directly in the middle of this room.   It looks extremely ominous but I kind of  like that vibe. We were about a third of   the way through the month and we still hadn't  gotten a single one of my dream villagers so I   had mentally revised my goal to just getting one  of them. Day 13 on the island was toy day which   meant Quinoa was visited by the lovely Jingle.  Unfortunately, Jingle is terrible at his job so   I was tasked with crafting some wrapping paper  and then handing out gifts to all the villagers. uuuuuh hello???? Oh my god, who are YOU!? How long have you been here? I thought that maybe because it was Christmas  I'd be granted with a good villager from an   island tour but I was incredibly wrong so  to process this tragedy and to get miles   I decided to partake in a group stretching  session. Everybody was there, even Jingle,   which kind of made me laugh. Like, don't you have  a job to do? Why are you just stretching with us? I also decided to change my town  tune to the Gerudo Valley theme for   no particular reason and also changed my flag. There!! Look at THAT It's a plate of Quinoa.   It is truly my ~magnum opus~ To further get into the Christmas   spirit I hung these stockings in the middle  of this empty wall and then created a little   post to remember the day by. At this point, I'd  mentally given up on having good villagers and   I felt betrayed by the Christmas spirit but when  I entered the campsite the day after Christmas,   something AMAZING happened. *pure shock and joy* OH MY GOD.  oh my god. OH MY GOD  NO WAY For some reason though   I wasn't able to invite him to move on my island  which got me really scared. I checked around the   area so I knew there was one plot open but  for some reason it just wasn't happening.   After talking with him over and over for like  two minutes straight though it finally happened. I had a dream last night I moved to this island  and you and I were hanging out just like THIS!?   It was so real what do you think it means? I think it means you're moving here.  wait WHAT!? After playing card   games for over 10 minutes and winning a bathrobe  as well as a stereo, I was starting to lose hope You know how sometimes you just feel at home in  a place well I'm feeling like that right now!!  Okay, okay, let's run with that feeling. OHH YOU'RE KIDDING ME  Oh. My. Frick. I want to ~screm~  I drew my card, what color do  you think it is? Red or black It's gotta be black. It just has  to be black. I swear to frickin'   god if I get this wrong and I have  to stand here for another twenty--  WOOOHOOOHOOOO *jammin'*  I take back EVERYTHING I said. I believe in  Jingle and I believe in Christmas miracles   and I've never been more happy in my life. Look  at how cute! That little hat the squishy jacket.  I love you, Wolfgang <3 After putting together a perfect snowman I  started to do some island hopping and found   this little monkey Deli who I thought  was very cute but not cute enough.   Defeated, I spent the afternoon collecting a  bunch of shells I could pawn off to get bells   for the bridge donation. The next day was New  Year's Eve and I'd never seen the New Year's   Eve celebration in Animal Crossing before so I  was super excited. There was a MASSIVE countdown   clock in the middle of town square and I  had my celebratory hat on so I was ready.  Before the countdown, I pretty much just  bumbled around the island and stocked up   on the Christmas ornaments just in case I  needed them for any crafting in the future. Goodbye 2021, hello 2022! 7 6 5 4 ~ungh~ 3 ~ungh~ 2 ~ungh~ 1 YAAAAY happy new year!!! This is so cute! May this year hold exciting adventures for us all! This video is definitely not coming out anytime  near the new year but happy new year anyway! On the first day of 2022, THE KK Slider said that  he wanted to visit Quinoa. My island however was a   hot mess and I couldn't let KK Slider see it in  this state so I spent the entire day preparing.   To begin with, I fenced in all the terrible  villagers starting with dumb Faith.   I also spent like hours making some  really bad planks and water puddles.   Definitely gonna need to find some better  custom ones online but for now they'll do.   ALSO big news, I happened to run into Paddy  while I was decorating the island and she said   she wanted to move out which was such good  news! I need better villagers ASAP. I knew   there was another villager that had moved in as  well so I decided to stop by and see who it was. NO NO NO NONONONO no. You don't understand. This stupid freaking  gorilla Al was on my first new horizons island   and I literally could not stand him. I want to  cry right now. Here is one of the posts from   my notice board on the island I referenced. Yeah, I was not thrilled. But that's okay,   it's 2022. New year, new me. I decided to  partake in some calming activities to take   my mind off it. I built a snowman,  donated more bells for the bridge,   fished a little, decorated... and then began to plan MY REVENGE. First, I crafted a heck ton of pitfall seeds.   Then, I put up fences around Al's house so he  couldn't escape and planted some pitfall seeds   right in front of the door. I also decided  to block in ugly squirrel and Boots just   for KK's benefit. For some reason though,  even if you fence off their front door,   sometimes the villagers can get out and this  was one of those cases. Boots was literally   chasing me around it was terrifying so I decided  to bury a pitfall seed and lead him right into it. hehe. loser. After adding some cute decorations around  the campsite, I felt that the island was   finally ready. The next day, KK came to the  island and we had a lovely little concert,   but my work here was not done yet. No no no no no. Honestly it hasn't even started.  My main objective now was to collect as many nook   miles and bells as I could so that I could add  some more bridges and stairs to the island and   start actually decorating it. I also realized  that I could finally do one of the boat tours   with Kapp'n so that's exactly what I decided  to do. I had never ever gone on one of these   before because I stopped playing regularly  before they were added so I was excited to   see what different types of islands there  were. The first one was nothing too special   but I was obsessed with these little hedges and  ended up filling my entire inventory with them.   Again, I have a problem. I also found some  gyroid fragments which I'd literally never   seen before but I was still excited to  have them. When I showed the fragment   of Blathers he asked me to find Brewster  and I almost lost my friggin' marbles.   I loved Brewster SO MUCH. Unfortunately I couldn't  find Brewster that day because I'd already gone on   an island tour so I decided to plant a bunch  of the bushes I collected and stumbled across   this villager. Look at her! Her name is Velma.  She's so cute but again I feel like she doesn't   fit the vibe of Quinoa. However, something  beautiful happened on my second tour for the day. Okay who do we have here? HELLO!? She's so cute! Welcome to Quinoa Poppy!! I was feeling pretty good about  finding Poppy so I ended the   day there and returned the next morning to  set out on a Kapp'n tour to find Brewster.   I convinced Brewster to move to Quinoa  and after a quick Google search I realized   that if I buried the gyroid fragments and then  watered them they'd turn into regular gyroids. uhhhh is it working?? Oh they're steaming Okay is that... that's a good thing right?? Because Brewster was moving  to Quinoa to open up his café,   the museum was shut down for renovations.  That was okay though because I dug up my   gyroids the next morning and decided to put  them in the corners of my creepy bedroom.   I feel like it really lends to the vibes. To  finish off the day, I went on an island tour   and it ended up being an island filled with bell  trees??? I got a good couple thousand dollars that   I could put toward the zen bridge and I also got a  bunch more carrots to plant on my island as well. Did I go overboard? Yes. Do I regret it? No. Not yet at least. Most of the night was spent collecting fossils  and harvesting carrots and fruits to sell.   The most exciting thing however was  that the café was finally finished. ooh it looks just like it used to!! I need a coffee.  Oh my god, the drawn out coffee  pouring. I can't, this is so exciting. [in the best Brewster voice]  Drink it while it's hot. What does Brewster sound like? dRINK IT wHile IT's-- [nope] Things on the island were progressing pretty  quickly with Nook's Cranny upgrading as well   which was exciting news. After selling  some of my extra stuff I headed to the   Able Sister to change up my look a little and  lo and behold I found the best outfit to ever   exist. For some reason they were selling  this caterpillar costume and it paired   perfectly with these green bandages so OF COURSE  I bought it and cosplayed as a hollow knight grub. Sable was not amused but you know  I was and that's all that matters.   Funny enough, this day happened to be my  annual remember that Harvey's island exists day   so I took a little visit to Harv's island and  there was like a whole campsite thing up here.   I have never seen this before but  apparently you can pay a ludicrous   amount of money to open up different  shops and stuff so that's pretty cool. Doubt that'll happen anytime this year. Do you want to move yet? Nope, goodbye. Do YOU want to move yet? Nope. When I visited Marshal to return a lost  journal from the ground, he had Jacob over. That. Little. Traitor. We don't fraternize with the enemy, Marshal.  You should know better. I was getting closer   to completing the first bridge and I only  needed about 40,000 more bells. Unfortunately,   I didn't really have a good source of income  and I couldn't find the tiny turnip lady to   participate in the stalk market so I was out  of luck. However, my luck returned the next   day when I headed out on a Kapp'n tour  and was greeted by this beautiful sight Isn't it so pretty? I'd never seen any of this stuff before. There  were like bushes and glow moss and vines??? It was literally insane. I also found the  recipe for the great vine on the beach so   it seemed as if the animal crossing overlord  approved of my plan for a plant-themed island.   I realized at this point that Nook's Cranny had  finished upgrading. Totally forgot about that   but it was HUGE now. I went back to what I was  doing after like an hour and finally purchase   the cliff construction permit. This is basically  what I've been working up to this entire time.   Now I can modify all the land on my island in  any way I want and I had a vision for this little   stretch of the island behind Nook's Cranny in  particular. I thought it looked really nice and   I could change the bushes for any season too so  it's versatile as well. I continued working on   this cliff design the next day and pretty much  finished it up on the right side of the island. To celebrate, I harvested some  carrots and visited Marshal. YES. Good choice. That is  what I'm talking about buddy.   Jeez, why is Marshal so popular with the heck? I hung out with Marshal and Poppy for a bit and  then donated the last of the bells needed to build   the zen bridge meaning that by the next day we had  our first beautiful bridge in Quinoa. Leif visited   again the next day and I impulse bought a whole  bunch of flowers to plant outside the town hall.   I really wanted to start growing flower hybrids  because I had a good amount growing on the other   side but it still didn't feel like enough.  I want golden roses. I'm not messing around.  That afternoon, Marshal taught me to smirk as Leif  looked on and after trying to win over Sable some   more, I got a cup of coffee at the Roost and  then added some more gyroids to my creepy room.  After building a couple snowmen and talking  to the villagers, I finally got enough nook   miles points to purchase the waterscaping  permit. This meant I could now modify all   the waterways on the island as well. I ended up  leveling off the river up toward the top of my   island and putting down another zen bridge  there because I thought it would look nice.   I also cleared out a spot here for a staircase in  the future and then headed to visit Poppy and oh   my goodness I'd never visited her house before and  let me just say it is SO adorable and I love it. WOLFGANG NO. He's sick. You need medicine?? I've got you. I need medicine this is  a crisis. Also your flooring is ugly. Ew this guy is still here!? What the nut? Here you are Wolfgang. I took Kapp'n island  tour and found a SUGAR CANE. I've never seen   this before in animal crossing. I also got a bunch  of gyroid fragments so I buried and watered those   when I got back home and then planted all my  sugar cane up by the campsite with my carrots.   As is tradition, I put my new gyroids in the  creepy room the next morning and then resolve   to do better as a person and as a neighbor. I  found an item on the ground that someone had   lost so I chatted with Wolfgang to see if he  knew whose it was so that I could return it. "That's not mine. If i had to  guess, I'd say it belongs to Boots" no. absolutely not. How do I drop this? uhhh I can't drop it. I   really wanted to start decorating my island  so I bought a couple path designs with my   nook miles and began laying them down. I was  a little too scared to commit though so I just   ended up putting them at the entrance and in  front of my house until I figured out my plan. First and foremost though I needed to raise  the money to pay off my loan and finish my   other bridge. I collected the apples from all  the trees on my island and sold them along   with some other stuff for a good chunk  of bells. When I woke up the next day,   Wolfgang had sent me a gift saying he couldn't  help but notice I'd been working hard lately. Like what!?? Thank you!! I feel seen,   I feel heard, I feel valued.  This is why we love Wolfgang.  As if that wasn't glorious enough, when I walked  into town square, this angry squirrel that I   totally forgot about was considering moving out  and I was like "Heck yeah, bye. See you never" That's a slot now open for a villager much better  than you. To celebrate angry squirrel moving away,   I paid off my loan, expanded my house  once more, and then removed the fences   from around this property. They served their  purpose. And as if all that wasn't enough,   Sable finally caved and started talking  to me, meaning we're best friends now. It's whatever. For my final day, I mostly spent the night  in silence, reflecting on the month that had   passed and all the progress I'd made on Quinoa.  I still hadn't gotten rid of Faith or Boots but   I'd gotten some great villagers, made a ton  of progress, and expanded my house a bunch.   I am now 550,000 bells in debt but I suppose  that's just the animal crossing experience.   Overall, I'm really happy with the progress  of Quinoa. Even though I hadn't done any   crazy decorating, I was mostly laying  the foundation for the island and getting   up to speed with all the features and  that's ultimately what I wanted to do.   i call this first month a win solely on the fact  that we got Wolfgang. I'm so happy about that,   but there's still a bunch more villagers I want  to get and more things to do so I'm pumped. Thank you guys so much for watching.  I really hope you enjoyed. If you did,   feel free to leave a like or subscribe to  the channel, I'd love to have you here! Alright, I'll see you guys next time. Byeeeee :)
Channel: CharlieBarley
Views: 1,298,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acnh new island, acnh let's play, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Animal Crossing Let's Play, Let's Play Animal Crossing, ACNH, Animal Crossing, Wolfgang, Animal Crossing Lucky, Animal Crossing Music, AC New Horizons, ACNH Island Themes, ACNH Island Ideas, ACNH Terraforming, Charlie Barley, Charlie Barley 100 Days, Charley Barley, Charley Barley 100 Days, Animal Crossing Wild World
Id: 2BEKxnl2QE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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