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all right let's see what to recap hmm star vs the forces of evil no not now Avatar I still haven't seen it Steven Universe maybe I can squeeze a few more videos out of that but nah hmm screw it I just want to talk about the owl house so if you don't know the owl house is one of the latest hit cartoons to come out of the Disney Channel it's a fantasy comedy adventure Slice of Life thing in the same vein as Gravity Falls and star vs the forces of evil and it is really good I mean it's only one season in but I'm already hooked and since we don't really know when a season two is coming I figured why not go ahead and recap everything that's happened so far you know for fun this is everything you need to know about the owl house so far so the owl house is all about this girl named loose she's a quirky nerd with an overactive imagination that always gets her in trouble in fact the first time we see her she's in the principal's office for accidentally letting a bunch of snakes loose at school and her mom is just tired of it so she's shipping her off to a summer camp to make her normal top tier parenting right there kid too creative are they too happy just make them someone else's problem for a while and when they get back they'll have the personality of a plank of wood good job job but while loose waits for the bus to camp out of nowhere this random owl snatches one of her things and runs off with it in the middle of the day weird she chases the owl into this abandoned run-down house goes through this really creepy looking door and somehow is transported to a crazy Fantasy Realm huh well that was fast this is the boiling Isles a magical realm built from the remains of a Titan also known as just like a really tall dude all the stuff we consider fantasy junk on Earth yeah all that's real in the boiling Isles fairies Griffins demons witches and more speaking of witches while loose is still freaking out over somehow jumping Dimensions she meets a witch named Eda the owl lady it is a bit of a scam artist sending her pet owl to the human world through this fold-up portal door to collect garbage she can sell to people in the boiling Isles she's also wanted by the police it's a fun fact for you so when loose draws a crowd to eat his little Flea Market booth a cop shows up to arrest her but it is like ha nah dude his episode one I ain't getting caught and speed feeds off taken loose with her they soon wind up at eda's house you know The Owl House wear loose meets Ida's roommate the Ferocious the evil the king of demons he's just a tiny little baby eat on loose make a deal Eda will help loose get back home if she helps them break into a prison called the conformatorium to steal back king's crown it's not like loose has any other options so she agrees they get inside the prison find King's uh Burger King Crown freaking click bait start a prison riot and Escape in one piece Ida keeps up her half of the deal and opens a portal to send loose home but uh uh given the choice between an awesome fantasy world where she can be herself and a boring summer camp that will literally erase all her personality loose makes the pretty obvious choice to stay in the boiling Isles which is good because if she hadn't we wouldn't have a show so now loose is living in the owl house while lying to her mom that she's at summer camp because apparently there are cell towers that connect between Realms she's working for Eda learning to become a witch and finding out that the fantasy life ain't all it's cracked up to be foreign yeah Lucy's excitement over her magical Fantasy Life goes south pretty fast since eda's not really holding upper end of the bargain instead of teaching loose about magic she's mostly just giving her odd jobs and chores so in the meantime loose goes exploring and makes a couple friends Willow and Gus these two are students at heckside school of magic and demonics yep we got a wizard school on our hands Willow and Gus sneak loose around the school cause she's not really supposed to be there and of course hijinks and Sue and Lucy's band from hexai by the end of the day and Eda loves that we already know she's a bit of a rebel but she really hates this witch school and the entire magic industry is that the right word see in the boiling aisles there are these things called covens they're basically your majors in Magic School the specialty you choose to dedicate your magic powers to sounds cool but when you choose a coven all your other magic is locked away that is unless you make it into the Fancy Pants Emperor's coven it hates all that so she never joined a coven which is a big No-No that's why the cops are always after her she's sticking it to the Man man and then there's Lilith Lilith is the leader of the emperor's coven a super powerful witch and eda's sister being the head of the emperor's coven she's the one in charge of hunting down Eda she's always trying to catch her arrest her and convince her to just join the emperor's coven already so yeah they don't get along it's pretty easy to see why Eda hates all this coven stuff but even with all that she still hasn't done much to teach loose any magic herself well at least not directly see one of the few times Ida reluctantly decided to actually teach Lou something she was like Ugh fine just make a circle in the air using the power stored inside the gross green sack attached to your heart and boom but I don't have a green sack attached to mine don't care goodbye going to sleep forever well that was a bus oh God giant monster so yeah fun fact it is cursed she doesn't remember why all she knows is that she has to take her medicine or else yeah so while loose is dealing with that she discovers that even though humans have no magic ability she can cast spells of her own using an ancient method called drawing by drawing these glyphs loose can actually do magic and no one really knows how it works but she just happens to learn this handy dandy new skill just in time to turn Eda back to normal hooray it is not a now Beast anymore King still hasn't done much for the overall plot and loose is finally learning to become a witch but there's another witch in training who's not too keen on Lucy's Antics introducing Amity she's the top student at hexide and she is head loose on her crap list ever since she got banned from school at least that's how it started after learning more about each other through several near-death experiences Amity and loose start to see more eye to eye eventually loose learns that Amity is just under a lot of pressure to live up to unrealistic expectations Amity learns that loose is just trying to find her way in this crazy new world and eventually they become friends which is nice but I mean they don't really see each other a ton it's not like they go to the same school or anything hey kid I don't really know what I'm doing so uh you're going to school now okay bye okay sure her Ito went down to hexide spoke to the principal got the ban lifted somehow didn't get arrested in the process and now loose is going to which school hooray school is cool being at hexides going all right for loose or well it's a cartoon about magic school so obviously going all right means constantly getting in trouble fighting off monsters and nearly dying on a weekly basis you know high school but then Grom comes around Grom is hexade's version of prom there's music and dancing and a fight to the death between one chosen student and a monster that manifests itself as their greatest fears you know high school and this year the chosen student is Amity oh boy well at least we got to know her a bit before she dies actually loose decides to take amity's place and face her own fear Instead This goes okay until it doesn't the Grom monster takes the form of loose's mom scolding her over lying about going to camp and loose just can't confront it but then Amity steps in to save loose from Grom the monster shapeshifts to become amity's biggest fear and all it does is take a piece of paper out of her pocket and rip it up the paper read will you go to Grom with me loose sees this and was like ah you were afraid of getting rejected you stupid idiot and then the two defeat Grom together through the power of dance so everything was fine in the end but wait the other half of amity's note has become unfolded the entire note reads loose will you go to Grom with me so while the fandom freaks out over that let's pop back over to Eda while loose is going to school learning magic and making friends it is struggling her curse is getting worse it takes more elixirs and more of eda's own magic to keep the owl beast at Bay Lilith keeps telling her that if she just joins the emperor's coven the emperor could heal the curse himself but uh yeah that's a no-go then one day loose and her friends take a field trip to the emperor's Castle right around the same time Lilith barges into said Castle after another failed attempt to arrest Eda loose follows her to the emperor's room and this place this place is creepy man there's a giant green heart pumping over the throne and as Lilith approaches the emperor is struggling to breathe but then he cracks open whatever this is pours hot soup in his eyes and he's suddenly better this is normal it's very normal but yeah this is Emperor Bellows 50 years ago he rose to power claiming that he could speak to the Titan that birthed the boiling Isles and said everyone was doing magic wrong they were all using magic freely like Ida but Bellows was like no so we created the coven system and punished anyone who didn't fall in line Emperor Bellows promised to heal eda's curse if Lilith can arrest her and bring her to him but if Lilith fails she'll be fired and treated like a criminal so while loose is sneaking around the castle Lilith attacks and takes her Hostage to draw Eda out the two then meet at the castle for a duel they're flying through the air teleporting zapping each other oh it's really cool but then Lilith's like oh by the way that curse that ruined your life yeah that was me I did that and I feel bad about it but I'm gonna throw your kid off a cliff now oh that's a thing now truth's out eat as Furious and loose is falling to her death and flashback time so way back when Eda and Lilith were kids they were training at hexide and for their final exam they'd have to battle each other to decide who would enter the emperor's coven but Lilith knew Ida was better than her so she put a curse on her that she thought would stop her powers for a day instead it just turned her into a giant owl Beast Eda didn't even want to join the coven you didn't have to have to do any of this but that oh well this is reality now Eda is now forever cursed for no good reason and Lilith just takes her place at the emperor's coven Flash Forward back to the action loose is still falling to her death but Ida quickly casts a spell to save her using up the last of the magic keeping her from permanently becoming the owl Beast alright cool so we all hate Lilith now right we're in agreement here sick but the emperor promised to heal Eda right that's why Lilith's been doing all this well guess what bellowslide refuses to heal Eda and now he's gonna turn her into petrified Stone and force everyone to watch whoopsies oopsie poopsies loosen King managed to infiltrate the castle and find Ida who comes to her senses long enough to give loose the portal to the human realm and tell her to go home Eda is then carted away to be petrified big poopy but then Lilith shows up and asks to work with loose to make things right big poopy but of course the emperor immediately captures them big poopy Bellows makes loose a deal he'll let loose go to save her friends in exchange for the portal to the human realm we don't really know why he wants it yet but it's probably for bad reasons but Loose agrees only to pull a fast one on the emperor using her magic to rig the portal to explode stopping the emperor's plans but destroying her only way back home loose then stops the petrification escapes with her friends and heads back to the Owl House Lilith redeems herself by casting a spell to give herself half avita's curse which turns Eda back to normal but her Magic's still gone but hey now loose gets to teach Eda how to do all that cool paper magic stuff everyone is safe and they all lived happily ever after for now yeah all this was just season one The Emperor still has some tricks up his sleeve it all has to do with something called the day of unity and this giant machine he's building out of the remains of eda's portal door plus loose's mom keeps getting all of these letters from Lucid camp that she definitely isn't sending so even though so much has already happened in just this one season the owl house is just getting started but I can't help but feel like I've forgotten something I've covered every major plot point across all the episodes I got most of the big Cliffhangers but I just feel like something's missing I forgot who okay maybe I should have just done another Steven Universe video and we're back back to what you ask why back to the ongoing plot recap of the Disney Channel animated series The Owl House video series whatever yep it's time to revisit the Owl House the Disney Channel cartoon about a teenage girl getting lost in another dimension but not the one with frogs or the one about racism I recapped season one of this show last year and now that season two's wrapped up it's time for me to regurgitate everything I saw back to you guys but with far worse drawings and explanations and everything else as always things are definitely going to be oversimplified here if you want the full Owl House experience watch The Owl House these Recaps are basically Cartoon Cliff Notes just keep that in mind so first where'd we leave off in season one well for a full Deep dive into that there's my season one recap but basically a girl named loose trips into a world of magic learns to cast spells with paper and meets an owl lady named Eda who becomes her new mom and King is also there new mom Eda hates the emperor fellows because he makes everyone join something called a coven which means they can only practice one kind of magic indicated by the sigil they all get branded also Bello sometimes has heart palpitations that nearly turn him into a giant monster and he has to consume the essence of these things called palaceman to stop it this normal is the most normal and new mom Eda also turns into a monster sometimes because her sister Lilith was mean but after fighting for a while they make up and decide to share the curse equally then loose fights Bellows because he's evil and doing evil things he keeps going on about some stupid day of unity and it's annoying so she beats him up but blows up her only way home in the process oops okay Season One Mini recap over now it's season two and Lilith is just crashing at The Owl House repairing her relationship with Eda getting used to her new curse and befriending that big owl worm thing that lives in their walls Hootie they seem to be getting along Lilith and Ida are struggling without their magic but Loose is teaching them to use glyphs loose herself is basically the same as always going on adventures learning new spells trying to find a way home and definitely not super obviously crushing on her former rival Amity all that blushing is just because of the allergies meanwhile Bellows is rebuilding the portal to the human realm and preparing for the day of unity which is kind of the big bad ticking clock of the season but besides the day of unity the main focus of this season is Lucy's attempts to get back to the human realm and I mean yeah that's kinda always been the point but things actually start to pick up steam when loose gets tipped off to an interesting fact she's not the only human to have visited the boiling Isles so she meets up with Amity and the two go digging at the local library where they discover ancient diary logs in a Mouse skeleton it doesn't matter this was the Diary of a human named Philip witterbane who got lost in the boiling Isles a long time ago and wrote about the things he learned as he tried to get back home almost like a journal okay I'll stop but Loose is now one step closer to finding a way home and she got to spend some time with Amity who now has purple hair and gives loose a kiss on the cheek I swear to God I've never seen two people blush more in my life starting to worry it's some kind of circulatory issue Lou starts studying as much as she can from Philip's Diaries and learns about something called Titan's blood yeah you know those giant skeletal remains this entire civilization is built on yeah that used to be a Titan they're like gods in the boiling Isles and apparently even just a little bit of their blood is powerful enough to tear the fabric of reality and open portals to other dimensions but since the Titans are extinct their blood is extremely rare and obviously Bellows is after it too so to make a long story short after a series of wacky adventure people nearly die both loose and Bellows end up with some Titan's blood Bellows needs it to rebuild the main portal but Loose decides to build a portal door of her own it's pretty unstable and not fully functional she can look into the human realm but not enter it so loose is able to get a glimpse of home where she finds oh okay another loose well not really this is v a shape-shifting demon from the boiling Isles who's been living in Lucy's place since she's been gone yeah it turns out Lucy's mom has had absolutely no idea she's been missing this entire time completely unaware but of course once she's faced with a this scenario some questions had to be asked loose's mom finds out about everything she lets V stay with her but is naturally heartbroken that loose chose to stay in the boiling aisles instead of coming home and just as the portal starts to fail loose promises her mom to come back home and stay loose is then pulled back into the boiling Isles the portal collapses in on itself and that is the last she sees of her mom for now but Loose isn't done hopping into other worlds now teaming up with Lilith to travel back in time loose wants to meet that Philip guy and try to get his help but of course he is from a very long time ago and apparently time travel is absolutely definitely something you can do in the boiling aisles just no one ever actually done it until now loose and Lilith just out here casually discovering time travel they hop back in time and manage to find Philip Who's acting a little sketchy not gonna lie but he does agree to help loose if she helps him find this mysterious character he's been looking for The Collector so the three of them all head to well the Titans head loose and Lilith helped Philip loose and look there's so many L's why are there so many L's loose and Lilith help Philip open this big door and Phillips like oh would you look at that it's time to uh time for time for me to uh it's time time for the uh it's time time betrayal a giant monster that Philip knew would be there attacks Our Heroes while Philip just Moses on over to grab this shiny round tablet with a moon on it and dips luckily Our Heroes Escape Lilith punches Philip in the face and they head back to their time oh and Phillip is definitely Bellows look at him he's eating palace men hating witches he has Bellows but Loose doesn't know that yes so now let's shift focus on to someone who hasn't really had a whole lot of Spotlight so far King The Good Old King of demons or at least that's what he calls himself he's just a little guy how could he have been the king of anything well Lilith and Hootie were thinking the same thing so to prove he's not lying King takes the gang all the way to this Castle On A mysterious Uncharted Island according to King this Castle is where he ruled over armies in a glorious feasts but it is like yeah so apparently none of that king of demon stuff was true Ida just found King eating bugs in this Castle took him home with her and made up all the king of demon stuff to make him happy so King's life is a lie but that doesn't explain what he was doing in this castle in the first place Well turns out this is where he was born hatched from an egg and left on his own after hearing the Roar of what he believes to have been his dad King might not be the king of demons but there's definitely a lot more to learn about who he really is and King is now determined to find his dad and get answers but speaking of parents between loose getting closer to going home and King looking to find his dad new mom Eda is starting to get kinda nervous she's really grown to love her little family and now it feels like everyone's trying to leave so she does what anyone should do in this situation drink the pain away but after enabling her unhealthy coping mechanism she runs into a group of Rebel bards fighting some of the emperor's Scouts now there is one thing that can cheer either up it's sticking it to the emperor's coven so she helps The Bard's Escape only to discover yeah who is that this is rain Whispers they're actually the head of the Bard coven secretly rebelling against the emperor and his coven system and they just happen to also be eda's ex but they still seem to get along so you know it's fine it's not weird don't make it weird Eda decides to run with Reign's group of rebels for a bit to stop some of bellas's plans he's been arresting a bunch of wild witches and forcing them to join covens for some reason I mean that's kind of what he was already doing but he's doing it harder now but the bards are caught by two other coven heads Darius and eberwolf Eda nearly sacrifices herself to defeat them still fearing that her family doesn't need her anymore but rain's like dude shut up like actually shut up and they give themselves over to the coven heads to let Eda Escape man The Season's been heavy so far everyone's got so much to deal with and with all this happening at once I know exactly what you're thinking what about hoodie that's right this Mickey Mouse voiced owl worm building thing is finally plot relevant see Hootie sees just how much everyone's going through and decides to help out but of course this is Hootie the dude who barfs in almost every episode he's in so naturally it all goes horribly wrong until it doesn't completely by accident hoodie helps King discover that he has supersonic scream Powers he helps Ida come to peace with her curse unlocking this wicked looking Harpy form and he helps loose finally ask out Amity and you know what that means more blushing are you okay this much blushing can't be healthy do you need medical assistance does she says yes obviously meaning that loose an Amity are finally an official couple Ray Udi has served a purpose and everyone had their status quo changed in one Fell Swoop man it's like they had to squeeze more of their story into less episodes because Disney wouldn't give him a full third season or something I don't know so that's what all the good guys are up to what about the the villains well as we know Bellows is still working on rebuilding the portal and prepping for the day of unity with the collector and we don't know much about him yet we just know he's super powerful though technically he's trapped in that Moon tablet communicating with Bellows as a shadow on the wall and Bellow struck a deal with the collector he teaches Bello super powerful magic to help with the day of unity and in return Bellows will use some of his Titan's blood to set him free from the tablet I'm sure he'll keep up his end of the bargain but it's not just Bellows that loose and the Gang have to put up with this season there's also Bello's nephew and right hand man the golden guard AKA Hunter this guy's a pretty consistent Thorn on our hero sides throughout the season but after a few run-ins with loose and her friends you can see him start to question what he's doing especially as we see how Bellos mistreats him and hands him empty promises so he'll do what he's told man so many Mysteries with this Bellow Sky if only we could find out what he's thinking like really just travel inside his mind so loose travels inside his mind she brought Hunter with her it was an accident but this gives her a great opportunity to find out more about bellows's plan and show hunter that he shouldn't trust Bellows the two go exploring through Bellows his mind and we finally get all the answers first off the day of unity Bellows promised the people of the boiling Isles that the day of unity would Purge the world of wild magic and create a new Paradise for the worthy and well at least half of that's true but the full story is way more concerning see Bellows has been working with the collector on something called a draining spell that he plans to cast on the day of unity which will zap all the power from Every Witch branded with a coven sigil and wipe out not just all magic but all life in the boiling Isles and all in the name of protecting Humanity from Evil so yeah that's not a good thing though it does explain why Bello's dedicated so much of his life to creating the coven system and the bogus stories behind it it allowed him to easily brand nearly every witch with some kind of sigil the dude's nothing more than a witch hunter who used snake oil tactics to gain power even changing his name to Bellows because Philip kept getting run out of town and also let's not ignore this Bellows is old like wailed remember this is the same guy loose had to discover time travel just to meet he's been consuming The Souls of Talisman as a way of keeping himself alive but all those Talisman Souls jostling around inside of him have warped and corrupted him so he's always on the verge of transforming into this hideous monster but that's not all Hunter sees firsthand how Bellows his story is about wild magic hurting his family were all lies to sell people on the coven system he even faked being attacked by wild witches in front of a crowd of people with the help of yeah that's the golden guard that's Hunter and I don't mean they look similar I mean that is Hunter but this was a long time ago how's that work so yeah here we find out that Hunter is something called a grim Walker basically a copy of someone Bellows knew a long time ago and he's not the first Hunter is just the latest in a long long long line of copies all the others went against Bellows at one point or another so he uh got rid of them Hunter learns he's not who he thought he was loose learns exactly who Bellows is and the two manage to escape Bellows his mind but now they're in more danger than ever Bellos knows they were in his mind so they gotta hide Hunter leaves the emperor's coven and starts hiding out at hexide school and loose just takes a little trip to another mysterious Uncharted place with Hootie and King where they all meet oh More Kings dude is this King's family well no unfortunately these guys are just regular old witches who call themselves Titan Trappers according to them though Titans are supposedly extinct there's still one more out there and they've dedicated their lives to learning to trap that Titan so they can kill it you know mercilessly and with murder heck they even dress up like Titans to trap it huh well this has implications so King just a little guy King is a Titan the last of the Titans those unfathomably gigantic creatures who are basically the gods of this world the creatures so powerful that even just a drop of their blood can create interdimensional portals yeah King is uh one of that and he's currently surrounded by an entire town of people who have dedicated their lives to trapping and killing his kind naturally loose Scoops up King and bolts out of there don't worry she took hoodie too they all make it back safe and the owl house has been ransacked yeah uh the emperor had the whole place trashed luckily Ida and Lilith were able to escape and everyone eventually reunites Eda Lilith loose King and an entire secret Rebellion group yeah so turns out rain in their bards are all okay and the two coven heads that captured them before Darius and everwolf were actually on their side the entire time cool oh and there's Steve he's Steve these guys all formed a rebellion to stop the day of unity and they've got a plan see Bellows needs all nine of the coven heads magic to power the draining spell so the group wants Ida disguised as rain to take their place so the owl Beast curse can corrupt the spell which means after a lifetime of avoiding it Ida finally had to join a coven and be given a Sigil meanwhile loose finally meets back up with her friends Willow and Gus plus Hunter who's now on their side he's like best friends with Gus it's cool and of course Amity I kind of feel bad that I've not been talking about her as much she's been dealing with a lot of her own family stuff this season her mom is super controlling very business oriented and she's been creating these robots for the emperor's Army meanwhile her dad has just kind of been letting it all happen even though no one is Happy eventually he does kind of talk to Amity and they start to work things out but the mom just total lost cause she knew about everything Bellows was planning she was just a total dislike there's there's definitely a divorce in the future but Loose and Amity finally reunite and even share their first kiss which is an incredibly sweet moment you can tell it's important because the animation gets fancier but before too long loose gets kidnapped and taken back to bellows's Lair you know the Titans had Bellows himself attracts a massive crowd to the day of unity ceremony and Begins the draining spell he then quickly Zips back to the Titan's head where the collector's like this is awesome you're gonna release me now right right yeah shocker Bella does and hold up his end of the bargain and straight up tosses the collector's tablet down a Chasm this is also where he put the other Hunters when he killed them you can see their remains They're All Dead down there and all this just in time for loose to finally get dropped off at the lair so once again it's loose against Bellows meanwhile at the ceremony Ida and Reign's plan does work to corrupt the draining spell until the coven heads catch on to their plan and force Reign to take their spot in the spell allowing it to fully activate draining all the life and power from any witch branded with a Sigil so fun everyone's about to die but back at the Titan's head loose pulls a fast one on Bellows again and uses this glove she found straight up just lying around his lair to Brand Bellows with a Sigil meaning he's now being affected by his own draining spell but instead of reversing the spell he collapses and transforms into that giant gross monster right as loose's friends show up to help out including King who manages to find the collector's tablet down in that chasm and starts chatting The Collector immediately recognizes King as a Titan which means he has the power to set him free so the two strike a deal King sets The Collector free if the collector stops the draining spell one pinky promised later and the tablet cracks open unleashing huh that guy from FNAF okay seriously this is the collector he's a little kid with the powers of God he stops Bellows mid attack like it was nothing and then with one Boop of his forehead he does this uh I think Bellows is dead I mean he just got splattered by an otherworldly Cosmic entity with powers Beyond Comprehension I I I I I don't think you can come back from that the dude then stops the draining spell with just a wave of his finger saving millions of lives in a second but then he gets kind of carried away and starts bending the world around him for fun putting loose and her friends in immediate danger their only option to make it out alive being bellows's portal to the human realm I see where they're going with this unfortunately King wasn't able to escape with the others leaving him and Ida in the boiling Isles as loose Amity Hunter Willow and Gus all become trapped in the human realm officially bringing season two to an end yep loose takes everyone back to her house where she can finally reunite with her mom and then the credits roll yeah things definitely got a lot more intense this season and unfortunately there's just not a whole lot of the Owl House left after this the upcoming third season is not only going to be the show's last but it's not even a full season it's just three 44 minute specials but even with the show so close to its end we've been left on the biggest Cliffhanger so far what is the collector gonna do to the boiling Isles what about King Eda Lilith rain all of them what's gonna happen in the human realm what about a baby we don't know yet but what I do know is I want to watch Bellows get splattered again oh man that is brutal and here we go after three years and three seasons the kinda the hit Disney Channel cartoon The Owl House has finally come to an end this show about a girl named Lou stumbling into a new world of fantasy and Adventure meeting new friends like Ida and King finding herself and saving the world was such an amazing experience even if Disney wanted to sabotage at every chance it had I mean where I live the finale didn't air on YouTube until 1 30 a.m Disney why do you hate this show so much but whatever the show aired its final episode earlier this month than as is tradition here now I gotta recap the whole thing for you guys with some bad jokes and even worse drawings now if you're just tuning in this is the third and final part in an ongoing series of Owl House Recaps and that means right away we're gonna be getting into massive big boy spoiler territory so where we leave off in season two oh yeah uh loose Amity Willow Gus and Hunter had all been flung back into the human realm after the events of the day of Unity where the evil emperor Bellows teamed up with this Cosmic entity called The Collector to cast a dangerous spell that would wipe out everyone in the boiling Isles King freed The Collector from this little Moon tablet prison he then absolutely destroyed Bellows with the flick of his finger and then he started wreaking havoc on the boiling Isles plus we learned that Bellows used to be this jerk of a human named Philip woodabane who loose accidentally helped when she traveled back in time to talk to him not knowing that he was Bellows oops we found out that King is actually the last of an ancient race of magical behemoths called Titans and that the giant Titan corpse that this whole land is built on is actually his dad fun fun times loose and Amity shared their first kiss which Disney Disney was just so cool about and we found out that loose's rival turned friend Hunter is actually won in a long line of clones of some dude Bellows used to hunt witches with which I'll just spoil it right now it was his brother Caleb he doesn't play too much into the plot of the last few episodes so it's just it's his brother Hunter is a clone of bellas's brother Caleb yeah uh yeah if you're just hopping into this series you've missed you've missed a lot and I mentioned basically all of this last time but there were two little things that I did miss first right before the day of unity loose actually got her Talisman which are those cute animal things that turn into witch's staffs but right now it's just an egg and it'll only hatch when loose bonds with it by sharing her innermost desire but since everything's so tense and chaotic and complicated right now she doesn't even know what to think so until then egg oh um and then there's Bellows you might think this dude would be dead considering his entire physical being was splattered against a wall like one of those sticky hands but nah he's just goop now living breathing goop and you see this foreign yeah that blink and you miss it moment at the end of the last episode is actually Bellow sneaking his way into the human realm I uh I I kind of missed that part and it's not that I just forgot to mention it I I turned the video off by that point I I just completely missed it so at the start of season three loose is back home for the first time in forever and she and all of her friends take up shelter at her mom's house so loose is finally able to reunite with her mom Camila after months of being stuck in the demon realm oh and don't forget that shape-shifting demon who took loose's place for a while V still there too she seems to be doing well again I'm sorry if you missed everything up to this point there's a lot to keep track of and even with the whole our home is being destroyed as we speak and we have no way to stop it thing kind of looming over everyone the gang gets on pretty well in the human realm they learn about human stuff they try to build ways back to the demon realm and loose comes out to her mama's buy which is super sweet but obviously as much fun as they might be having they gotta get back to the boiling Isles but in order to do that they need Titan's blood a rare magical substance that is the key to creating portals between Realms luckily the shack that Amity Willow Gus and Hunter are staying in just happened to have a map to Titan's blood buried under the floorboards yeah that's uh that's convenient and after enough digging Hunter's palaceman Flapjack managed to find it was that oh right uh that's another thing I forgot to mention last time Hunter the Grim Walker with no magical powers got a palaceman is a cute little Cardinal named Flapjack and their best friends so with the map to Titan's blood in their hands the group goes out to investigate but hunter stays behind for a minute only to be attacked by evil goop yeah so remember how Bellows got slushied by The Collector and then managed to ooze his way back into the human realm well some of his gross goopy self has been hiding out in this Shack and when Hunter touches the scoop Bello starts to infect his mind making Hunter see visions of bellows everywhere and kind of driving him mad so there's a lot going on and things kind of reach ahead on Halloween night when the gang all go to a local haunted hayride Hunter once again sees a vision of bellows in the distance and realizing that Bellows must be after the Titan's blood too he grabs loose and they go off to investigate on their own eventually reaching this Nifty looking graveyard this is probably not nothing nothing possible bad could happen here no and here Bella's possession of Hunter takes full control Bellos as Hunter attacks loose right as the rest of the gang find out where they ran off to which means we've got our first big fight scene of the season and it's got the fancy animation too if Flapjack does their best to help in the fight but Bellows just grabs them and cracks them open without a second thought this freaking jerk mean to birds and this is the last straw Hunter manages to regain control of himself long enough to grab the Titan's blood and toss it into a nearby lake but Bellows takes back over and Dives head first after it nearly drowning hunter that is until Camila just jumps right into bringing Hunter back to the surface like a freaking hero Bellows finally ejects himself from Hunter's body grabs the Titan's blood and just pieces out back to the demon realm but hunter is left barely clinging to life that is until Flapjack still heavily injured flies in and sacrifices themselves so that their magic can revive Hunter the gang then get up dust themselves off and hop through the portal after Bellows even Camila oh uh V stays behind though so say goodbye to them for the rest of the video bye V I like that you were voiced by amethyst so while all this was going on back in the boiling aisles The Collector is just messing the whole place up he's like this is fun let's play a game and everyone else is like yeah the collector's been running around turning everyone into toy puppets to play games with but keeps King around to be friends Flash Forward a bit to when loose and the Gang make it back to the demon realm and oh my God look at what the collector's done to this place this is dang Lisa Frank nightmare or is dippy fresh when you need him geez but either way they push forward and eventually find their way to their old school heck side where they meet a bunch of survivors and start to hatch a plan they gotta get up there that castle hovering above the Titan's head is called The Archives the collector's castle where he's storing all the people he's turned into puppets and up in the archives The Collector just likes to hang out with King who's trying desperately to rein in the collector's destructive Tendencies but while The Collector isn't looking King sneaks off to this secret lair deeper in the archives where we find Eda and Lilith both safe sound and not toys the three of them are working to learn about the collector and find a way to eventually stop him so things can go back to normal but King wants to be careful The Collector as powerful as he is is just a kid and it doesn't seem like he has any family left can King knows what it's like to be the last of his kind he understands The Collector and wants to help but also knows that he has to be stopped meanwhile back at hexide just a whole bunch of craps going down breaking it down real quick one loose uses memory magic to find this crazy glyph she once saw Bellows use to travel directly to the Titan's head that'll be useful too kikimura shows up I can't remember if I've mentioned her but she's crazy and starts attacking the gang three after a series of unfortunate events involving Willow getting overwhelmed and losing control of her powers Hunter somehow develops magic powers he never had before using them to save his friends and most importantly four while hiding from kikimura loose and Camila finally have a heart-to-heart talk where Camila apologizes for trying to turn loose into something she's not and having finally realized that all she ever wanted was to be understood loose's palaceman egg finally begins to hatch and just in time for the rest of the gang to catch up so they can all escape to the Titan's head and that's the last we'll see of kikimura say bye everyone bye I never really liked you once everyone's safe and sound at the Titans head loose's palaceman fully hatches revealing a worm on a string okay no well it kinda this is string bean they're a snake shifter a weird little snake thing that can turn into whatever other creature they want it's cute and for a brief moment everything seems okay that is until the collector attacks and wait is that rain what are they doing with the collector ah right yeah I forgot about that so while all this was happening goopy goop Bellows needed a new body to inhabit eventually finding his way into the archives and possessing rain Whispers former head of The Bard coven rebel against Bellows and eda's old romantic partner while possessing their body Bello starts to manipulate The Collector telling him he's in danger that King is going to betray him and that loose is back to stop him which to be fair isn't entirely wrong it's just a little exaggerated so right as loose's palaceman hatches and everyone feels safe for a moment we see The Collector in Bellows spying on them the collector is now led to believe that everything Bello said was the truth so when Bellows tells the collector to attack he does and with that we're in Finale territory story no going back now and right at the start things aren't going that great The Collector turned loose's friends into puppets and is using them to trap lucita and King in waking nightmares but when the collector Goofs up his Amity and says I challenge you to a witch's battle loose is like um actually it's witch's duel and quickly catches on to what's happening the absolute power of Lucy's freaking dorkiness momentarily breaks the illusion so her friends can tell her how to snap out of it so using her light glyphs loose is able to wake herself up and do the same for Eden King and for the first time this whole season loose Eda and King are all finally back together the reunion is short though as The Collector Pops in to play some games with them and by play games I of course mean Place their lives in Mortal danger for his Amusement yeah the collector doesn't really have a grasp on the whole concept of death and what that means to Mortals he kind of looks at everyone around him as well toys so we got another Montage of loose in the gang being put through the collector's wow key games their lives are in danger man a lot of montages this season huh it's almost as if they were planning to make a lot more episodes but for some reason weren't allowed to and had to cram a whole season's worth of story into just three episodes but what are the odds of that anyway while all this was going on Bellows still controlling rain flies off to their old castle with just just a real bad idea so remember how I said the boiling Isles is built on the corpse of a giant dead Titan and remember how Bellows his old throne room was built at the heart of the Titan and even though it was dead the heart was still beating and remember how Bellows can now possess whatever or whoever he wants yeah that's probably nothing let's check back in on loose after trying to play with loose Ida and king for a while and then very clearly not being into it it being the imminent threat on their lives The Collector gets sad and the gang is finally able to just sit down and talk to him and here we get some long-awaited backstory on The Collector apparently apparently a long time ago the collector's siblings called the archivist sent him down to the boiling Isles to play with all the Titans that roam the surface and The Collector made friends with all the little baby titans just like King but the sheer power of the Titans scared the archivists apparently the only thing more powerful than a collector's magic is a Titan so the archivist started wiping them out one by one and that made the big papa Titan real mad but then he goofed up and blamed the collector for what his siblings did trapping him in that Moon tablet and sealing him away for as long as it took to get to this point so the collector really is just a lonely Kid looking to make friends but doesn't know how so loose decides to teach him by showing him how she became friends with Eda king and the others bringing him to multiple places across the boiling Isles that meant a lot to her wait what what's that over there ah okay so while loose was teaching The Collector about kindness and forgiveness Bellows ditched Reigns body and hopped right into the Titan's heart now taking control of the entire boiling aisles that's that that's maybe not going to be helpful and with the power of a Titan now at his fingertips what's the first thing the Bellows does moss everywhere evil death bringing moss Bellows his Moss spreads all across the boiling Isles consuming everything in its path and soon forming a smaller but still treacherously large Titan itself as Mossy Bellows Titan just starts spitting blue all over the place but the collector having processed what loose taught him decides to pull a Steven Universe and just tries to hug it out oh God okay no loose flies in in the last second to save The Collector but in doing so she got hit and the infection started soon it fully overtook her disintegrated and left loose Dead and Gone cause of death Moss obviously this enrages Eda and King who both go into full monster mode and attack Bellows and The Collector starts to process that loose is dead and what that really means meanwhile loose is fine well kinda she is dead but she's not gone we see her floating through this weird interdimensional Purgatory where she meets get this Papa Titan yes King's dad V Titan the boiling Isles is built on and the one Bellows is currently puppeting also he's voiced by Aaron Hansen from Game Grumps this guy look at me he does a great job anyway Papa Titan is like moose you looked after my kid real good as a reward here's literally all my Powers okay go save the world I'm gonna die now bye and then loose just shoots right back up to the surface now reborn with crazy Titan superpowers she saves Eda King in The Collector from Bellows and flies off to the Titan's head The Collector goes off on his own to protect everyone in the archives Having learned the error of his ways and loose Ida and King just go on a moss Killing Spree helping to stop Bellows his invasion of the boiling Isles before plunging right into the heart of the Titans saving rain who's been stuck in the Moss this whole time and then just ripping Bellows out of the Titan's Heart by hand and with Bellows forced out of the Titan he loses control all the Moss evaporates and the boiling Isles is saved hooray but Bellows isn't done with his plan completely foiled this guy makes one last desperate attempt to gain control he shapeshifts to take the form of his former self Philip witabane and lies through his teeth he's like oh wow did I do that that's awkward right well it's a good thing you're here I was actually cursed the whole time that's that's right and you freed me and yeah no one's buying any abella's crap anymore and loose just backs away while Bellows is pelted with acid rain and literally stomped out of existence by Eda King and Reign so bellus is dead loose then loses her Titan Powers The Collector helps turn everyone back to normal and return them home and all our heroes get reunited with their families and wait hold on did no one die like besides Bella some flapjack yeah huh would you look at that basically everyone survived well dang The Collector knowing how much growing up he still needs to do flies off back to the cosmos loose gets reunited with her friends and family Ida and King meet Camila For the First Time The Gang get reunited with hootie who barely had a single line this whole season wow and it seems like everything's back to normal fast forward a few years in a classic season finale time Skip and we see loose in the human realm packing her things for college in the boiling aisles yeah take that amphibia with your heartbreaking commentary on letting go and moving on the owl house actually lets loose maintain a life in both the human realm and the boiling Isles I'm sorry I didn't mean it and as loose packs are things we get a beautiful end credit Montage to see what everyone's up to now looks like Willows become a grudge B pro which is like a wizard sport I can't remember if I mentioned it before Hunter's carving Talisman now and even got himself a new bird funny internet videos Amity is well I'm not 100 sure what she's doing but she looks like she's killing it speaking of which amity's dad has been working with rain and the former coven heads to develop a way to remove coven sigils as the boiling Isles ushers in a new era of like freedom and peace and whatever and then there's the brand new University of wild magic where Lucy's about to attend Gus is here teaching people about the human realm which is really cute and Eda is the Headmaster yes rebellious school-hating Ida is now the Headmaster of a University and King is taller and everyone gets together to meet loose and Camila as they make their way back to the boiling Isles and they all throw her a huge surprise party even The Collector shows up to throw a crazy Cosmic fireworks show everyone then piles in for one last freeze frame to send things off and that was the owl house and oh wait hold on yeah there it is now the denial starts thank you foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 582,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: owl house, the owl house, owl house season 3, owl house season 3 episode 2, owl house season 3 episode 3, owl house season 3 episode 1, owl house react, owl house theme song, owl house full episodes, owl house collector, owl house pilot, owl house animatic, owl house luz, owl house amity, owl house king, owl house eda, owl house hunter, owl house belos, owl house recap, owl house everything you need to know, owl house complete recap, footofaferret, footofaferret owl house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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