I Completed the Museum as Fast as Possible in Animal Crossing New Horizons!

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thank you to gamma star for this video idea in what is undoubtedly the most ambitious challenge for me yet i am going to see how long it takes for me to fill up my entire museum starting from a brand new island that includes 80 fish 80 bugs 40 sea creatures 73 fossils and 43 pieces of art making for a total of 316 things that i need to donate while finishing even one of those collections is difficult enough we're going to be time traveling through several months simultaneously looking for parts to all five exhibits and donating things as we go i don't think that i need to explain how difficult if not time consuming that this'll be so let's just get started because i think we're going to be here for a while three two one go while i am going to try to do this as fast as possible this will by no means be a speedy run there's no way around this run taking many hours and many days to complete it's just the nature of something this arduous i will keep a timer up here though in the top right along with a counter to show my progress as i go like i said earlier we must start from a new island this isn't an official category in animal crossing new horizons speedrunning but in every other category it requires you to start fresh so that's what i'll do as well i'll be starting on the 1st of january the reason being is that i want to start this challenge at the beginning of the year and slowly tick off creatures as they come throughout the months so once we catch everything in january then we'll move on to february and then march and then so on i fully acknowledge the fact that this isn't the most efficient way to do this run but with the amount of things that we have to collect planning the most efficient route for this will be a nightmare so this is just to keep it as simple as possible i i'm trying to look at the one that has like the most like rivers that are on elevated parts of the land and i would probably say that that that this one would qualify for that so sure let's go to this one nothing special to the early game at all really just do the tasks that are assigned to you by tom nook as fast as possible making sure to pick up some extra sticks to make some flimsy tools later on so that we can get a jump start on catching bugs and fish yo kevin and flo that ain't bad dude that ain't bad at all this is not a complicated speed run with a lot of tech and mechanics to explain but allow me a minute to explain the total catch requirement mechanic in the early game i'm going to be catching every single bug fishing creature that i possibly can even if i've already caught them before the reason why is because some creatures have a total catch requirement or more simply a minimum amount of creatures that need to be caught before that creature starts to spawn this is mostly based on rarity rarer bugs like the hercules beetle takes catching 100 bugs before it begins to spawn the saddled b shear requires 20 fish to be caught before it spawns and basic creatures like the sea bass common butterflies and the seaweed for example will spawn from the start of the game so that's why i'm starting out by catching everything that i can to get the rarest stuff to spawn as soon as possible you're witnessing the first of 316 collectibles right there okay five creatures donated to tom nook will peak blathers interest to set up his tent on the island part of the process of filling up your museum is to of course have the museum built anyway you might think that because we're focused on filling up the museum that we might not need to do things like pay off our first home loan but it's actually a requirement reason being is that we need to build nooks cranny later on to get daisy may to start selling turnips turnips rotting ones specifically will spawn ants and flies since we're starting in january here's a list of all the fish bugs and sea creatures that we need to catch this month many of these creatures are available all year round but i want to do them in january so that i don't have to worry about them later so if it seems like a lot well it is but this includes stuff that we could theoretically catch later on that i would rather take care of now some notable creatures on this list are the stringfish the barrel eye the tarantula the red king crab among others that will be quite difficult as well so we're gonna be spending a lot of time in january rest assured the museum tent is now built and blathers will teach us the recipe for a vaulting pole that will allow us to cross the river and dig up some fossils for some easy donations fossils are a nice passive way of getting donations but of course as time goes on we'll inevitably have a few nagging fossils that we still need to find and donate but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it yeah oh and i got a fossil as well okay let's donate that it's also worth noting that artwork will be quite a pain to acquire i plan on doing that at the end of the run so i won't go into too many details as to how i'm going to tackle that but red should start showing up as soon as i've donated 60 things to the museum and we'll stop by whenever we can i'd like to donate all right so i yeah i should just need the iron nuggets which i do have so we've gathered the necessary materials for the shop so that'll be ready to go in a few days daisy may will start coming to my island every sunday morning so be sure to pick up a few turnips when we can we're also going to find some spots for house plots it seems pointless but we need the recipe for the latter which we can only acquire by placing down these plots i don't plan on furnishing them although i wonder if doing so and having more villagers move in would make it easier to get the flea perhaps oh well that's a problem for future diagonal current diagonal however now has the museum fully built so this comes with the convenience of being able to donate in bulk which will be quite handy on a run like this the rest of day one is pretty much going to be spent catching as many things as possible to meet the total catch requirement of some of the rare creatures but that's not to say we still haven't made good progress we got a couple of decently rare creatures along with getting most of the year round stuff out of the way as well one final thing i'm going to do today is to buy some red roses from leaf these red roses should hopefully breed into black roses for the purposes of spawning a peacock butterfly later on day 2 begins today's goal is to get through most of the catches that we still need in january we still have quite the grocery list of things to catch and by this point we've caught enough creatures to hopefully get some rare stuff to spawn as well we'll start out though as i do with every new day that we time travel to by circling the island and digging up whatever fossils i can we're still at the point where most of the fossils that we need are ones that need to be donated still but we won't be so lucky forever each and every one okay so that's five more beautiful the typical threshold for when the rarest stuff starts to spawn is 100 of that respective creature for example 100 fish to start spawning the really rare fish let's check we're at so far 86 so 14 more fish before every single fish is able to start spawning something cool happened during day 2 that isn't really relevant to the run but a cool accomplishment nonetheless check your email you're invited to the twitch partner program oh thank you thank you to everybody who helped me achieve that goal enough about that though we're past 100 fish now and looking to start checking off some of the really uncommon catches the rarest fish that i've caught so far is the football fish which is decently rare but not all that impressive our luck will soon change though four fish nice alright sweet uh 39 a good idea for ocean fishing specifically is to gather manila clams along the way and check your shores for any fish that you need fish bait is something that i anticipate needing a lot of for this challenge especially for those fish that are hard to get or more specifically the ones that spawn in weird places like on your docks or in your ponds since these spawning spaces are so small and specific you really don't find many fish there and if it's a particularly rare fish on top of that you might be waiting for a while so despite the fact that i hate crafting fish bait it'll make this challenge so much easier in the long run alright i guess i'm just gonna sit here and press a for the next uh 80 hours isn't this guy isn't this fun how they decided that you don't want to like bolt craft in this game and you just gotta like kind of sit here and um just press a uh isn't this fun when i was super young i used to stay up late reading books by super low light so i screwed up my vision to the point of needing glasses not hell yeah to that but hell yeah to the koi i finally got around to buying a wetsuit from nook's cranny so we can do some diving diving works the same way where we need to catch everything we can for a while in order to get the rare stuff like the lobster and the spider crab to start spawning here ooh red king snow crab okay sweet 54. nice that's a rare one i gotta focus this fish is big that's a honker tuna blue marlin yes blue marlin all right sweet that's one tough fish knocked off the list here and that's the gist of day two we're up to 59 total things donated which is over 18 percent of the way there doesn't sound like much but nobody ever said that this would be a quick challenge on to day three and we're going to try to hopefully be done with january today i went into day three naively optimistic that i can knock out the rest of the fish bugs and sea creatures that we still needed in january spoiler alert we won't but we will make good progress today aided by the fact that it's snowing on this particular day snow helps with spawning fish and considering we still have some tough fish to cross off namely the sturgeon the stringfish and the tuna it should hopefully help us quite a bit snow and a little bit of bait let's check in with live diagonal who's currently crafting some bait and see what he thinks of this wonderful process that is bait crafting all right time to sit here and press a boys this is my favorite part of the game is when i just like sit here and like press a like over and over and over again because i can't like craft more than one thing at a time very good and our first round of bait will be used to try to catch a sturgeon right where the ocean meets the river [Music] i usually don't have much trouble with sturgeons but for some reason today they aren't my friend since we've crossed the 60 donations threshold blathers tells us that he's now accepting works of art for the museum this is great because the sooner we can get red to come to our island the better again we'll worry about the art stuff after we've finished everything else in the museum along with fish we have a couple of sea creatures that are keeping us from moving on as well some rare some not so rare but the absolute hardest of all the sea creatures this month is probably going to be the sea pig we've been making good progress today a couple new catches such as the venus's flower basket the pearl oyster and the abalone but the sea pig and the red king crab are still no-shows despite our best efforts i don't know if it's just me but they like rarely ever actually like listen to me when i say no pickles so i'll just like take it off after i get it you know there's always a point you know thank god finally we get something new lobster please sleeping let's go dude [ __ ] you know try to like son of a [ __ ] finally jesus the luck didn't stop there though okay that's a sturgeon all right i need full focus on my part here full focus okay um good our total donations by the end of the day winds up being 72 this includes 21 fish 12 bugs 20 deep sea creatures and 19 fossils no artwork yet but red will start to come around soon our goals for today okay stringfish that's the number one tuna secondary but much appreciated anchovy i don't understand how i haven't gotten an anchovy yet but if we can get an anchovy today i'd be very happy if we get those three fish we can move on to january at 9am on a sunday so that we can buy turnips and get a pop-eyed goldfish rancho goldfish bluegill raja brook butterfly pill bug and then after that blowfish barrel eye spider tarantula fly an ant so with our goals laid out we work now towards finishing up the last few fish that are available before we can move to a different time in january most of you know this but we have to time travel not only to different months but different times within the month to catch all the things that we need we've been doing this challenge at 4 pm in january but some fish for example only spawn in the mornings so after we get everything done in the evening hours we're gonna have to time travel to sunday morning to catch everything available then as well plus we'll have to buy some turnips from daisy may if we even get to that point today whether or not we do is entirely dependent on how lucky we get with catching the tuna the stringfish and the anchovy but before we worry about that though we have a very important visitor oh yes i do need to talk to you because i'm gonna need to get the paintings occasionally yes yes this is actually great that you showed up here um no i i say no uh yeah sure he gave us a twinkling painting which is always real so this marks the inaugural donation to the museum one of 44 art pieces done after gathering a little bait i'm off to the pier to look for a tuna is this bigger than a sea bass i have no idea i better not choke this though i choked it i [ __ ] choked it whenever i say to myself that i can't choke it i always end up choking i like scare myself do y'all get jumpy thumb when you fish as well because every time dude i gotta like close my eyes my heartbreak was quickly alleviated and we got the tuna a major goal accomplished for today got it tuna flick and go freaking go anyways i'm happy to report that i got a string fish [Music] i said i'm really happy to report that we got a stringfish god damn it in brighter news i have collected 200 manila clams now here's to 200 more since i have no luck with the string fish i'm gonna take a break from it temporarily to skip to sunday morning again the main thing that we need to do is buy turnips from daisy may and let them rot to spawn ants and flies we also need a few things that spawn in the morning hours like the rancho goldfish and the raja brooks birdwing butterfly and the bluegill just to name a few you won this round stringfish but i'll be back anchovies yeah i'll buy them we'll just let those sit there and rot for a little while rend returns for another visit so let's check out his wares all right let's see what's real what's not mona lisa does she have resting [ __ ] face um yeah resting [ __ ] face mona lisa is fake um thin water stream that one's real coffee stain is fake this is the only real one i believe so that's two paintings donated as soon as that comes in the mail now let's focus on some more sentient donations i need a pop-eyed goldfish and i need a rancher goldfish maybe is that that's one bigger i think right that's one bigger close my eyes so this guy's kind of tough [Music] rancho goldfish done and done not bad at all actually after making a few more donations to blathers we're on the tail end of january with only a handful of creatures left to donate the only thing that's really holding us up though is the string fish it's one of many fish that i anticipate giving us a lot of trouble over the course of this run but it's getting a little ridiculous that at the end of day four we haven't even come close it seems to think we still have the coelacanth the barrel eye the golden trout the mahi mahi and many many others to catch wait you're here again you're here again uh yeah he he just is oh he's just back okay well this one's always real so sure let's do it with day 4 wrapped up we now have 90 total things donated we've cracked into the art section with two pieces donated along with 27 fish 13 bugs 20 sea creatures and 28 fossils we interrupt this video with an important news announcement it's my dog's birthday today happy seventh birthday on to less important matters we begin day five i'm starting today at nine a.m still in january goals for today stringfish obviously i've been trying to get the dang ol string fish for days now right now the goal is a raja brooks birdwing butterfly and then after that we're going to go to 9pm in january and we're going to try to get a blowfish a barrel eye an ant a spider a tarantula a fly and a string fish our falso collection is coming along quite nicely and i'm no longer at the point where it's basically guaranteed that every fossil i find is one that i need this will only slow down further as the run goes on but hopefully we don't get too many fossils holding us up at the end i also used the nook miles ticket to hunt for a raja brooks birdwing butterfly with the unfortunate realization upon arriving that it's snowing snow eliminates the chances of most bugs spawning in this game including the birdwing butterfly but i will make light of this situation by bringing some flowers back home from the island with the hopes of getting to spawn back home the moody painting and the quaint painting have arrived in the mail and we get those donated to blathers totaling now to three paintings donated i have no friends and i really want to join people in animal crossing don't guilt trip me progress is sort of grinded to a halt at the 14 hour mark so i decide to time travel to 9 pm a few days later in hopes of having better luck with some of the nighttime creatures that i need to catch all right so a couple couple bugs that we need to get are the ant spider tarantula and fly let's start with the spider let's just go around shaking some trees um also that is like the spiders like spiders exist right we do be living in a world with spiders there we go it seems as though it was worthwhile to skip to 9pm because my luck has turned around quite a bit wow all right take that sweet hi oh dude all right sweet um all right yeah okay barrel eye and blowfish that didn't take too long the barrel eye and the blowfish are two catches that i anticipated taking quite a while now i've only had that luck with the string fish another goal of mine during the 9 pm time slot is to get a tarantula i spend another 2 000 nook miles to travel to a mystery island and now what i'm doing is i'm removing all the flowers the trees the rocks and anything else that can spawn bugs that aren't tarantulas essentially i'm going to try to make a normal island a tarantula island [Music] after about an hour i come to the unfortunate conclusion that the tarantula just hates me what i really think is the issue though is the fact that snowflakes that you see floating around are taking out potential spawning spaces for bugs since from what i understand snowflakes are basically treated as bugs in the game they fly around you catch them with a net boom that's a buck so i think we're gonna be better off trying to wait until the snow melts and get the tarantula oh well the snow melts on february 25th so since we have pretty much everything that we need in january at this point barring the tarantula and the stringfish we're going to go ahead and skip to about a month later we don't need much in february but one of the things we do need is the aforementioned raja brooks bird wing along with the tiger beetle which is a new spawn this month nook's cranny remodeling is fantastic news because they sell upgraded tools saves a lot of crafting time you know raja broke baby i only had until like five o'clock to get one of these so that's actually kind of nice i was really not expecting to get one of these nice been streaming for four hours crazy right crazy i don't know who said that they had to get going but i hope you have a good rest of your day thank you so much for being here appreciate it very much yes yes [Music] i knew it as soon as i laid eyes on it i tried to keep it low-key i tried to keep it low-key dude i tried not to freak out too much oh yeah break the fishing rod brother oh after what feels like forever we finally got it one hundred thousand black basses died in the making of this stringfish but we got it and that's day five done i think numbers-wise our progress today wasn't very good but if you look at some of the creatures that i managed to get you might understand more easily why i'm proud of the work that we did today day 6 and we're now in march the snow coated ground turns an olive green and new creatures emerge amongst the warm air of the spring months to come i could go on all day about all the new things that appear in the springtime but a lot of these catches don't really amount to much of note i'd say the biggest thing that we have to worry about now that we're in march is the golden trout it's the bane of many people's critter pedia and for good reason its rarity combined with the fact that it only spawns in high elevation rivers means that it's going to be a big pain to catch then again so did this guy so yeah son of a [ __ ] dude are you serious are you [ __ ] kidding me [Music] i spent five days trying to get this john and i get it when i don't even want it i mean i'll take it for the money you know it'll go towards buying art later in the run but [ __ ] sake dude i don't know i don't know whoa [ __ ] all right yeah that's sweet okay oh nice and then that's a that's a cherry salmon that's not a shar um so now we just need a char which is sweet i don't think that's the case in this game um [Music] all right we're like getting like a little bit lucky today i gotta be honest with you like i was genuinely expecting a char and a golden trout to be like something that i may not even get today i would like the audience to know that these three fish i anticipated taking quite a while took a total of 2 minutes and 38 seconds i hope that i don't need to hire a harvard astrophysicist to defend any cheating allegations anyways we march on and continue collecting all the things that we need this month a couple of tough benthic creatures that i'll need to get are the spider crab and the umbrella octopus naturally i expect these bolts to take a long time oh my god jesus christ my luck this is making up for everything jesus god let's just call this comeuppance for how long it took to get the stringfish and besides we still need the umbrella octopus but with how lucky we've been getting today i don't anticipate that taking too long damn two spider crabs before i get one umbrella octopus feels good man i didn't quite feel it in my like uh you know hollywood mansion over here in the hollywood hills but uh yeah apparently it happened so what the [ __ ] up with this how can you in good conscience expect me to get three spider crabs for getting one [ __ ] umbrella octopus this is another [ __ ] spider crab i'm pretty sure dude i can't believe i've caught this is gonna be like my fourth spider crab without getting a single umbrella octopus i'm like i'm i'm big mad i want to be i want to let the jury know that i am big mad okay after about an hour and a half of looking for the umbrella octopus i time travel to tomorrow erroneously thinking that my luck would be any better under the light of a new day okay did that water these flowers because i would be happy if they did no i need that ladybug kevin kevin kevin no kevin i need that thank you thank you a ladybug and an orchid mantis round out today's catches so at the end of day six we fell slightly short of everything that we needed since i never did wind up getting the umbrella octopus but our progress today was excellent nonetheless we're up to 36 fish 25 bugs 23 sea creatures 43 fossils and 3 pieces of art totaling 130 donations or just over 41 percent of the way there at the start of the next day we continue the search for the umbrella octopus with the added goal of hopefully getting a peacock butterfly today as well problem with the latter creature however is that the roses that we planted earlier those ones that we planted at the beginning of the run the ones that have just sat there for days now yeah they haven't made a black rose yet you'll recall that peacock butterflies only spawn on black blue and purple flowers so before we get too far into shenanigans today let's make sure that we're more vigilant in watering these um how many of these none zero nada not a single fossil oh my ass this is the first day that we actually had no fossils to be donated quite unfortunate however a good sign that fossils are getting close to done so yesterday's diving session yielded no umbrella octopi and instead we just end up getting a bunch of spider crabs let's hope our luck is a little bit better today [Music] hey [Laughter] come on [Applause] [Music] thank [ __ ] god jesus christ jesus it only took an additional five spider crabs but we did get the umbrella octopus eventually knowing my luck will probably get a bunch of these guys showing up later when we don't need them we did get a mighty haul of bells from all those spider crabs though again this money might be useful later on for buying art with the umbrella octopus out of the way now our focus shifts towards the peacock butterfly i'm going to do a little time skipping to hopefully get a black rose to spawn in the same vein of that video i made where i let the flowers spread for an entire year i'll log on i'll water the flowers and then skip ahead another day until i get a black rosebud [Music] be too hard to get there we [ __ ] go all right so now that that's grown i think we'll just like put it elsewhere so that's done now we're going to time travel again this time to 9 p.m in march it's another simple checklist this time with the only two things needed being the firefly squid and the tarantula the firefly squid isn't too bad but you might remember our struggles previously with trying to get the tarantula hopefully this time with the snowflakes gone it should be easier to trim up a mystery island to spawn tarantulas easier or i could just you know get the one percent chance of a tarantula island wait dude this is tarantula island this is tarantula island dude wait that'll make it easy yeah um well you know easy is in the eye of the beholder all right um that was easy back to diving school nice thank you thank y'all really feels like we're breezing through these last couple of months but indeed we're on to april i made the intelligent decision to not do this challenge during cherry blossom season as i suspected that cherry blossom petals will give us the same issues as the snowflakes did in regards to limiting our bug's spawning rates good job me for thinking of that so i'll list off all the things that we need again a killifish or crawfish a snapping turtle a guppy a neon tetra a sea horse a clown fish a surgeon fish a butterfly fish a zebra turkey fish a common blue bottle agrius butterfly madagascar sunset moth long locust darner dragonfly jewel beetle flea lobster sea pineapple peacock butterfly that's the list of things that we need wow that's a lot of stuff luckily most of it's pretty trivial with the addition of that one black rose the peacock butterfly proved to be not too difficult either wow dude that wasn't bad at all as the summer months arrive we'll definitely have a greater list of things that we need to catch summer seems to be the peak season for most creatures in this game to spawn so while i can put off a lot of the stuff that i need to catch until later it's best to do it now we got some real ass kicking months coming up and it's gonna take a lot of time and effort oh wait oh i got the one for fish how many is that yo that's 40 fish wait that's kind of a milestone though that's half the fish that's now half the fish that we've caught um i'm gonna get another uh drink of water and i am going to use the restroom i'll be right back using the restroom in a speed run bro that's time loss what are you doing i'll be right back finally ugh that's day 7 in the books now and we've tripped away pretty well with the stuff that we need in april not everything mind you but a good start we'll hopefully have april finished up tomorrow today's goals the madagascan sunset moth the jewel beetle and the lobster [Music] thank god finally we get something new lobster why did i think that i still needed a lobster either way we're in april still and looking to be done so that we can move on to may outside of foolishly thinking that we need a lobster we also need a madagascan sunset moth a jewel beetle and a snapping turtle which will come out at night whatever i already have a lobster i already have i already have a lobster why why why why why did why did nobody tell me that i already had a lobster the sting of realizing that i already had a lobster is dulled a little bit though oh hi nice amazing sweet great that's everything we are like completely caught up and with that done we're off to get a snapping turtle at 9pm during my many rounds on the beach i've collected a fair amount of bait along the way the snapping turtle is pretty rare so i reckon this will come in handy before that though we made a noteworthy achievement after donating a couple more fossils we've crossed the halfway mark with 158 out of 316 items donated which means we're on pace to finish this challenge around the 52-hour mark i mean i guess i'll see if i need a moth i don't know do i need a moth i do i can't believe i haven't gotten a moth how the hell have i not gotten the moth interesting no luck with the snapping tort yet but i did see my first giant water bug oh wait i need this i need this why do i not have this written down it's not like it's a oh nice sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet all right so that's two things all right so sweet we're completely caught up again and with that that is the last thing that we needed in april so we're moving on to may at 9 00 am and we have quite a list of things to get this month frog nibblefish betta rainbow fish giant trevally mahi mahi great purple emperor queen alexandra's birdwing bandit dragonfly pond skater diving beetle violin beetle rosalia potassium beetle sea urchin gigas giant clam scrub spotted garden eel if we manage to get all those it's a bit of a stretch we can move on to may at 9 00 pm and get a catfish angel fish scorpion slate pencil urchin and a vampire squid and a stretch that is as there is no way in heck that i am going to get all of these done today there is something on that list of creatures though that will give me more trouble than anything else that i need to catch in this entire run something so rare and hard to catch that the mere thought of this beast makes me shiver in fear is not the mahi mahi is not the giant trivally but it's the dreaded gigas giant clam i wasn't expecting to get it on the first day that i'm in may but you'll see soon enough this thing was easily the hardest thing to catch in the entire speed run i jumped into the water at the 29 hour 17 minute and 49 second mark of the run to look for it keep that in mind for when i finally get around to catching it here is a detailed list of everything that happens in between the start of the search for the gigas giant clam and when i ultimately find it i catch another umbrella octopus i catch another umbrella octopus right after one minute later i catch another umbrella octopus one minute and 46 seconds later comes a fourth umbrella octopus cut a lobster caught a lobster again what the [ __ ] is this i have never seen this before do you want some lobster time's taken daniel what are you doing we get another umbrella octopus we get another umbrella octopus we get another umbrella octopus we get another umbrella octopus that's 10 now by the way that's 10. am i doing a good job visualizing the descent into mental anguish i hope so because this really sucks that's 13 umbrella octopi now 14 15 lobster pascal visits me my boy visits me one percent chance by the way the lobster is a two percent chance and the umbrella octopus is a three percent chance for reference i don't know what the chances of great purple emperor is but we got one we try again the next day we get an atlas moth we get an angel fish a snail and a coelacanth we get a scorpion we got brewster ladies and gentlemen we get brewster before we get a gigas giant clam that's how long this is taking [Music] all right big screen big screen [Music] oh he's there there's the boy oh son of a [ __ ] you dirty dogs just when you thought i was out you reeled me back in oh my god a whole direct oh my god a whole direct a slate pencil urchin and a vampire squid as well and then and only then do we finally get it five and a half in-game hours later hey [Music] some odds in end finish out what we needed mostly for may but i reckon to believe that nothing will make us struggle as much in the rest of this run as the gigas giant clam did today 195 donations to round out what is now day 10 of this challenge 57 fish 46 bugs 31 sea creatures 59 fossils and two works of art [Music] anyway today's goals are a giant snakehead a piranha a dorado a ribbon eel which i actually think i've already caught a whale shark a sucker fish sea grapes mussel gazami crab that's everything at 9 00 am which is what we're on now an arowana agar an arapaima a saddled be sheer a sawshark a hammer shark a great white shark a firefly goliath beetle rainbow stag mosquito and tiger prawn at 9pm which maybe we can get to today june has a lot of stuff that we need to take care of so we'll see so indeed we're now into june and this is where the run really begins to ramp up i feel i went through that list of stuff that we needed pretty quickly but you might have heard a lot of sharks somewhere in there summer marks the beginning of shark season and getting all of them is going to be quite the painful process but those aren't the only troubling fish other honorable mentions go to the dorado the arowana and arapaima to name a few we haven't checked in on the critter pedia app in a while and this is a nice way to visualize the progress that we've made so far i mean i guess this is actually good to like go over everything that we've caught so far if you all want to get an idea i don't think i've checked the um i don't think i've checked the whole critter pedia in a while but you can see behind my stupid fat obese skull we got a baryl eye and a coelacanth which are huge and i say that we got like over half the fish so far like i think this is easily over half the fish i think that we're probably getting if not past the halfway point for the bugs definitely past the halfway point for the sea creatures sea creatures are coming along pretty well even if this little number right here took me a hot minute or two to get and by that i mean it probably took me around four hours but that's okay the giant snakehead is a tough catch so i'm happy to get it now so that i don't have to catch one later wait what are you doing you should be in the museum donating it dagno please stop stop stop well i'm sure that that'll be a fun mistake to correct later in between catching the snakehead and selling it on accident we got to 50 fish caught in a row quite impressive given my tendency to jump the gun when fishing i'm getting my [ __ ] crossed up yo foggy poggy didn't even have to use bait i already know this is gonna be new ain't it the whale shark marks my 60th unique fish that i've caught that's 75 of the way done with that section of my critter pedia he likes depressing music and movies but it's just not for me i like uplifting stuff but i understand that it's relatable for some peeps and that's totally fine yeah and again to each their own 200. the only other finned fish i need is ironically the soccer fish usually the nuisance of all the anglers out there but for once exactly what we need i'm man like i i want a sucking fish dude i want a sucker fish i want it to be the little thing the thing that's usually disappointing that's what i want it to be this time i don't remember that nice dude it is a sucker fish let's go sweet i mean it's the first time i've ever been happy to have a sucker fish over a shark but i'm happy about it took a while but we did get the sucker fish and i said earlier that it's possible that we might get to the nighttime catches today and if we catch everything that we need as far as benthic creatures than we will and that list of things that i need from diving really isn't all that bad needing only a gazami crab a mussel and some sea grapes i don't know i feel like the general consensus is that most people wanted a shop for him but um i'm actually quite happy that he's in the museum i liked it man i don't know i can understand it either way nice a couple of things that come to mind include storing amazing what amazing progress we've made today dude those three took less than 10 minutes to get my luck today has been unusually good but now we're moving on to june at 9 00 pm and this is where the rest of the sharks come out along with a gar and an arowana this is definitely going to be the tougher of the groups of creatures to get in the month of june not the firefly though because those things are everywhere nice so nice we caught it twice we also managed to get one of the sharks that we needed oh um never mind okay focus don't talk just focus we're back baby and i was about to say that feels like a big fish man the school is then yeah maybe you can get away with that but yes [ __ ] off saddle be sure the gar and the settled bee shear came quickly enough so i'm gonna shift my focus to using another nook miles ticket in hopes of getting the goliath beetle and the rainbow stag upon arriving at set island we noticed that it's raining i don't know why but rain has been showing up at the most inconvenient times in this run still it provides better chances at getting some sharks and the rainbow stag can still spawn in the rain so maybe not so bad um anyway this is gonna be a hammerhead shark and i'm gonna be happy let's go finally wink 214. gonna bite it's big it's a honker it's let's go and that friends is every single shark done i really really wasn't expecting this in the span of just a few hours sadly we do have to leave this island without a goliath beetle but that's alright we're gonna have to do a whole trip to a mystery island next month anyway to catch all the rare palm tree beetles such as the horned atlas and the horned hercules and the like so there's really no harm in waiting until then to get the goliath beetle but outside of that we also never got around to doing some diving at 9 pm meaning that we also did not get a tiger prawn again though no big deal as i reckon that we can get that tomorrow without too much trouble so now we're at 69 fish 49 bugs 34 sea creatures 61 fossils and still two pieces of art haven't seen red in a while sadly but progress on everything else has been very very good you got my halloween costume i'm not wearing that oh my god and the headpiece i can it is june at 9 00 pm we only need a goliath beetle a tiger prawn and a man face stink bug before we're okay to move on to july so we've now more than a little over a hundred donations left i have plans to knock out a large part of those remaining specimens in the month of july specifically a lot of new bugs begin to spawn in july including most of the cicadas and pretty much all of the rare palm tree beetles that i mentioned earlier fish as well have a lot of new catches and there's less of a focus on deep sea diving now since we only have five of those left after acquiring the tiger prawn just now which means that today we're pretty much going to be full focus on daytime bugs and fish with the entire time tomorrow being focused on bug catching that's not to say that it's all about fish today though i certainly won't turn my nose up at any new creature that shows up no matter where it resides is there's so much effort for you to get out of the pool use the toilet and then come back is it really that much effort let me list off the things that we're going to try to catch at 9 00 am in july a sweet fish a napoleon fish a puffer fish an ocean sunfish a grasshopper a brown cicada a robust cicada a giant cicada a cicada shell a blue weevil beetle an earth boring dung beetle a sauce tag a mayama stag a walking leaf a moon jellyfish and a giant isopod it should be like very easy to just get all the cicadas pretty quickly that's a robust locator i believe just [ __ ] trained for this goddamn napoleon fish for a hundred years i've tried to get this napoleon fish well maybe a little dramatic with the time frame there we definitely are happy to see the napoleon fish after searching for it for about an hour something else i expected to take a long time was the cicada show it looks like kind of oh cicada shell dude that's actually quite nice to get i was like i don't think you can scare him away but if that was like a rare bug i definitely would have scared that away add a fossil and a grasshopper to that and that is a good bit of progress made today don't forget about this guy augers champion skipping right to next day we're looking to finalize everything still remaining in the daytime hours of july but first we have read once again i already see i think two real ones i already see i think the mona lisa is real and i think that this tremendous statue is real so that's another thing for the exhibit before we go all in on the nighttime beatles the one thing holding us up is the giant isopod by no means an easy catch at all i feared that it would end up giving us as much grief as the gigas giant clam would hilarious alright cornering method i guess i should have listened to chat cornering method kind of undefeated kind of undefeated and with that done we're free to travel to the wee morning hours to catch well a lot of bugs before we do that though we want to maximize our spawning rates for the rare beetle so i'm gonna dig up all the palm trees that we have on our island and bring them to the mystery island that we plan on using to farm up those bugs i need a scarab beetle i need a giant stag i need a cyclomatostag i need a golden stag giraffe stag horn dynasted horned atlas horned elephant horned hercules and a walking stick you might also be wondering why we're doing this at 4am specifically well that's because we're looking for the evening cicada and the walking stick as well which necessitate time traveling to weird hours at night so we should start getting most of these bugs pretty quickly a couple even before we flew off to the mystery island we quickly get our fossils inspected and we're off i mean i kind of hate how this is pear islands i'm pretty sure there's so many goddamn um like trees on this island compared to usual so like usual in the miles island so i'm going to do like extra chopping but i guess not a big deal so to prep the island we're going to throw down the palm trees that we dug up dig holes in the upper elevations so that we don't have any bugs spawning up there that i can't reach without laddering to chop down trees dig up stumps pluck flowers and just hope that we get everything quickly enough we mentioned earlier that we'll worry about the goliath beetle at a later time well now is that time even though we've pruned this island to the tens we still have some bugs that spawn that we don't need which is annoying the tiger butterfly in the common blue bottle for example you might assume that because they're butterflies that they need flowers to spawn but some can spawn without that restriction so in order to make room for better bugs to spawn we annoyingly have to catch everything that can't be scared away in order for it to be despawned to make room for better bugs either their family kind of nice i was i didn't know those who spawn on palm trees [Music] no no no no i whapped it i whapped the tree i missed it i missed it that's gotta be like oh that hurts oh missing that giraffe stag hurts because it's definitely one of the most difficult of all the beatles to catch along with this guy what do you think about brewster cern i'm like oh i think uh brewster is good wow so brave so brave so true bestie look there we go 246. sweet beautiful didn't get inside my own head that time so after vindicating myself from the previous blunder we leave this island after another hour of searching for one bug that i did not manage to get and that's the horned hercules kind of sucks that we're leaving without being completely caught up but we'll try again tomorrow at the end of day 13 we're at 73 fish 71 bugs 37 sea creatures 64 fossils and three pieces of art we're at 9pm in july so we got to get a horseshoe crab and we got to get a hercules beetle which was the only beetle we managed to not get yesterday if we get those things then we will go to august and we will get a soft shell turtle a moire eel a ray a migratory locust a rice grasshopper a walker cicada and a flatworm if we get that then we'll go to september and we'll get a pike a salmon a king salmon a mitten crab a cricket a bell cricket a red dragonfly if we get that we'll go to september at 4 am and get a monarch butterfly if we get that we'll go to october at 9 pm and get a spiny lobster and we're done after the spiny lobster done it felt surreal to say at the time but indeed we are very close to being done with all of the catchable creatures that we can donate while this video has only been about 50 minutes thus far i'm up to almost 50 hours worth of effort into this challenge don't say youtube.com don't spoil you now really though it would take quite a bit of luck to get the critterpedia done today on day 14 but it is theoretically possible before we work on getting the hercules beetle that we failed to get yesterday we do a little bit of diving in hopes of getting a horseshoe crab a decently rare creature but hopefully shouldn't be too bad nice we get the island nice and pruned up once again to make it an ideal spawning area for rare beetles and for scorpions were you any good at violet no no um no i was not eh oh my god dude that didn't take long at all oh my god what the [ __ ] dude that was so fast that was so fast don't [ __ ] it up i am literally going to take this as slow and easy as possible i'm going to take a step i'm going to stop i'm going to wait for him to move which means that he is not scared away we are going to catch him we are going to go up to 250 creatures caught that's everything that's everything in july let's donate it and let's move on so we're moving on now to august at 4 pm we can't finish any critter pedia collections this month but we can get pretty close after we get a flat worm we'll be one sea creature away from completing that collection a lot of the bugs that we need this month are easy catches that shouldn't take us much time and then we can move on to some of the harder tasks this month such as trying to get a soft-shelled turtle hey stop hey stop stop [ __ ] i i get a lot of flack nice after about 30 seconds getting that okay dude let's go and then a little over a minute after getting that that's news to me i did not know that so we're diving now with the only thing that we need being the pretty common flatworm yeah rabid dude but i don't know justified at the same time nice all right 256 boys don't let it go and just like that august is completely done so now we go to september at 5 00 pm and this is the month where we're hopefully going to finish the fish for sure we only need a salmon a king salmon mitten crab and a pike those are not gimme fish though by any means bugs could get close to done as well we already got a red dragonfly and a bell cricket and we have to get a monarch butterfly this month as well um well it's just a regular salmon all right all i'm saying is that they wanted to sponsor me my dms are open oh pike okay i was expecting a king salmon but i'll take a pike of course of course absolutely 260. cricket i farmed up a little bay because the king salmon was giving me some trouble raw them visceral sneezes right there is a king of salmon nice 261. so our last fish that we need not technically a fish is the mitten crab i went ahead scanning my river looking for it and found that kevin was waiting there for me he has fleas oh my god he has fleas oh my god we gotta flee oh my god [Music] we gotta flee huge shout outs to kevin the mvp of the run flow flow she ain't done nothing for me waste of space get her out of here the fly was crazy hard for me i did get a fly without my god now that's every fish that's every fish wow [Music] there you go [Music] you think i'd have a pun for this occasion the first collection of the museum is complete or so i thought now let's see if we've donated every fish we've caught every fish have we donated every fish he didn't say which means i might have missed donating a fish we got to go through every single fish here and see which one does not have the owl next to it the giant snakehead i didn't donate a giant snakehead i didn't donate a giant snakehead wow dude really i mean honestly all things considered giant snake has not like the worst thing if that's the only thing i haven't donated then that's not that bad honestly um i'm a little bit mad at myself that i i must have accidentally sold a giant snakehead after i caught it by the way case you're wondering how you can tell if you've donated it if it has that owl symbol right there that means it's been donated so okay giant snakehead uh guess we gotta go back and get one of those when are those available [ __ ] damn it what an idiot man june to august at 9 00 am to 4 pm what a [ __ ] dumb ass i am dude well we all saw that coming let's go back to june to make up for our little mistake but from a content creator perspective i'm glad that i can get paid nice finally luckily it didn't take too long to get another giant snakehead and with that now we're done with fish [Music] you found the missing piece the museum's fish puzzle let's [ __ ] go getting back on track now we go back to september at any time between 4am and 5pm to finish off our last bug the monarch butterfly not a hard bug to find by any means and this does prove to be true can i'll show anything pretty much anything really huh so that means [Music] another gigantic dub so now we have fish and bugs completed leaving only sea creatures fossils and artwork while we're working on my fossils we spot a certain someone at our secret beach oh nice okay let me actually make note of this day here let's see what he's got for us yes real is right leg forward okay so this is a real valiant statue after buying the valiant statue we now move on to the final month where we will only need one more sea creature and that's the spiny lobster available in october at 9pm it's a tough catch and it was getting pretty late in the day for me so i thought i'd give it about 30 minutes before i call it quits and then try again tomorrow i had been really lucky to even get close to completing my critipedia today so no matter what i was gonna be happy when i logged off today but it seems as though my luck was able to continue until the very end bro we're done we're done we're done that's everything we got it all done today i said that that was a stretch goal and it was we did it everything the entire critter pd is done as paul dude that's pog cap off my incredibly good day with two more fossils added to the collection oh my god so after day 14 we are done with our critter pedia 80 fish 80 bugs 40 sea creatures 66 fossils and four pieces of art that leaves seven fossils remaining and 39 pieces of art remaining before we are done with this challenge so the process of grinding up our remaining artwork is actually much simpler than it sounds instead of having to find red on a new day whenever i need him to stop by we can keep reloading the same day that we know red will be in town and his stock will refresh every time here's how our order of operations will go for the remaining of the run we find the day that red is in town we buy whatever we need from him that day if we buy something from him time travel to the next day and claim it from your mailbox donate it time travel back to yesterday and his stock will be refreshed if you don't buy something from red then you can quickly refresh his stock by time traveling to 4 59 am that same morning having the day roll over to 5 am and he will still be there with a brand new selection and we keep doing this until we have every piece of art while collecting fossils every time we time travel to a new day since we still need to complete that collection as well does that make sense hopefully it does because this can be quite useful for you guys trying to complete your collections on your islands as well every day that red shows up we have a ten percent chance that three of his artworks are real and one is fake a thirty percent chance that two are real and two are fake a fifty percent chance that one is real and three are fake and a ten percent chance that all four are fake and every time that we get a real piece of art there's a 20 chance that something that we still need to donate which will definitely help us out a lot all right boring technical speech over let's settle into the rhythm here and knock out the rest of this challenge you might also assume that since i haven't really been trying to get bills over the course of this run then i might be a little strapped for cash when it comes to buying art but i'm actually doing pretty good at saving up you'd be surprised at how quickly you accumulate money after you've caught every single thing in the game it's gonna be quite the pain to find these last few fossils that we need at this point but as soon as we finish them we'll be able to focus just on artwork saving us a lot of time the flowery is always real so is my understanding that the uh the flowery painting is the only real thing so okay i mean it would be kind of a shame to get all the stuff that's always real and not ever get the things that are sometimes fake does this make sense i don't know i don't know what i'm saying makes any sense whatsoever but um yeah i would rather get the stuff that has a fake variant so that uh i can save the stuff that's always real for later i didn't really do a good job explaining it at the moment but basically my logic is that i would rather buy something that has a fake variant rather than something that's always real the more potential fake artwork that you get now the less worried you are about having to get a fake variant of it in the future the more artworks that are always real that you save for later should hopefully be good for us as little day as a great explanation but basically i would rather buy something that has a fake variant than one that doesn't assuming they're both available on the ship at the same time oh he ought to do okay we're getting pretty lucky with the fossils man i really really really was not anticipating having this much luck but he's still finding things man despite the fact that we really don't have that many fossils left so iguanodon tail and a flowery painting one more thing added 275. it's so unner yeah i got a haunted one dude oh god it's like unnerving sad to get something that's always real because again you want to save more things that are always real for later but you know you can't just not buy it right because this rockhead statue is real because he's not smiling will i get a piece of art from him this time i will because i will get the rockhead statue uh yeah we're gonna get this one let's see here let's hope we get lucky we'd be pretty lucky to have a fossil that we haven't donated and yet and yet now tell me mr blathers how many fossils two oh you should have oh you shouldn't have saber tooth arc blah blah blah blah solemn painting milady has her eyes closed that is fake coffee stain in the top right is fake this is real but i've already donated it and the ferret looks like a raccoon it is fake as time goes on it'll become pretty common to enter red ship see nothing we need and refreshed the next day we're still pretty early here but it does suck to see we finish up day 15 with a moving painting a calm painting scary painting beautiful statue wistful painting and an ancient statue i'm sorry that i'm not really commenting more on what's happening in this part of the run but it really is just constantly refreshing red stock it's certainly not the most entertaining part of the run that's for sure so we got up to 18 pieces of art donated today so 25 more to go we added a few fossils today as well totaling now 71 of 73 fossils donated and 27 total pieces remaining day two of art collecting and day 16 overall starts off nicely with a serene painting and a motherly statue in this statue i'm the mother with the with the teats out and the chat is the suckle the people who are suckling the content out of my content teats this is a perfect statue representing the life of a content creator right here over the course of the next hour and a half or so we managed to get a mystic statue a glowing painting a perfect painting a worthy painting a basic painting an academic painting an informative painting and he found something i think my fossils are done let's see here maybe i'm wrong but i think that this is definitely the last fossil that i needed along with the informative statue the iguanodon torso let's see so that will be at least one more here so 300 it is let's go the final fossil's been found so the fossils are done and we don't need to worry about doing laps around our island every day that we time travel to meaning that this should hopefully speed up the process of art collecting then over the course of another hour and a half we get a sinking painting a great statue a scenic painting a common painting a familiar statue a graceful painting an amazing painting and the right half to the wild painting that wraps up day 16 with every single exhibit complete except for the art which has seven pieces left hopefully i can't promise anything but we have seven paintings to go and at the rate that we did the artwork so far we will definitely be on pace to be done today it's unrealistic to expect that the rate with which we've gotten all the art so far will continue as more and more things get donated but here's hoping pretty quickly into day 17 we get a detailed painting and a dynamic painting the latter of which is always real someone had the great idea where i buy two pipes drop one outside of my house and another at the secret beach to eliminate the travel time between where i load in and red ship that should help a lot we get a warm painting which is always real we finish the wild painting with the real left half and we get a mysterious painting as well at this point we only need a robust statue and a gallon statue statues are naturally rarer than paintings are already since there are only two spots allocated for statues to show up in red ship and add the fact that both of those have fake variants to them and you'll realize that these last two are going to take quite a while to get but we've already waited 59 hours what's a couple more nookingtons from animal crossing wild world he doesn't have a watch he doesn't have a watch he doesn't have a watch is there a watch on that wrist does he got that [ __ ] thang on him i don't see a watch i don't see a watch i don't see a watch i don't see a watch that's real that's real that's a real robust statue what are we looking for our last donation is a gallant statue hilariously a peepee statue interesting oh the book no it has a book no no no no it has a book it's fake indeed when david is holding a book hey eyes over here that means that the statue is fake pain a little detox going on then again if this stream goes on long enough today i am not streaming tomorrow if i stream enough today to basically oh let's go let's go it dude let's go he doesn't have a book that's it that's it let's go never mind [ __ ] that i didn't say anything we're done what if i brought the wrong thing what if i bought the wrong thing what if i did it i was here i was here so as soon as he says as soon as he says the museum is complete we stop the timer and get the official timing make a donation sorry we already have that donated [ __ ] unless you are mistaken that do be a gallant statue at doobie a gallant statue [Music] son of a [ __ ] [Music] while i gleefully trot through the now completed museum i wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who's made it this far in the video this is the culmination of 61 hours of recording and well over 20 hours of editing at this point so it's easily my most ambitious project yet and i think it turned out to be just as good in video format as it was when i streamed it live this was a lot of fun thank you so much for everyone who watched live as well this was all recorded over on my twitch channel and i plan on doing many more things over there that will make its way to youtube as well so again thank you so much i hope you enjoyed it thoroughly and leave suggestions in the comments for more animal crossing new horizons challenges to do in the future see you next time [Music]
Channel: Dagnel
Views: 3,130,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing, new horizons, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, acnh dagnel, dagnel, acnh speedrun, acnh challenge, animal crossing new horizons speedrun, acnh update, acnh fish, acnh bugs, acnh fossils, acnh sea creatures, acnh art, acnh redd, acnh museum, acnh all fish, acnh all bugs, acnh all sea creatures, acnh direct, acnh, acnh fishing, acnh fishing guide, acnh bug guide, acnh diving, acnh diving guide, acnh redd guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 33sec (4173 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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