Jaiden plays Pokemon Violet for the first time

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this is Scarlet and violet folks we finally get to play the new Pokemon game that everyone has been already playing all day I am an honest person so I have a US account what you can change your look in your hairstyle what that's why the character looks so Bland because they're not supposed to look like anything specific oh this is so cool is there anything that's like my hair there's like no long hair option what this is like the only one I can do this one I'll do that change look let's change look there's eye shapes oh my God this is insane guys Pokemon has never done this I like these ones these ones are cool I wish I wasn't like I'm going with the purple eyes purple is so cool this is the one in Rolling me an UVA Academy UVA Java it was the hottest Uber driver you've ever had um I never went to OVO Java oh I'm so excited I haven't looked at anything in this game oh who's that guy I wanted that hair you guys are gonna learn I'm not the popcorn reader people avoid me Paul Diaz a sprawling region bursting with Lush nature and magnesium magnificent magnificent Landscapes it's also of course home to the mysterious creatures known as Pokemon oh I saw this guy the regional Pikachu UVA Academy is here to help you learn even more about these precious Partners who's that it's like a Mario mushroom oh my God what's that Black Taurus holy [ __ ] oh my God he's so cool I like Taurus now while our robust curriculum of course helps our students draw forth their fullest potential oh it's within these Halls that you'll find okay we the faculty and the staff and Uber Academy I only hear Uber Java oh hello already we're seeing some Legends Pokemon violin oh little Aries they look like Ari oh look at driftlem hatrum and Appleton oh I love this character oh it's me it's me for real she just like me look at this nice house good morning Jaden good morning mother oh and you're already in your uniform and everything what a beautiful house this is what's your first day at your new school after all okay so we're like 16. pull your engines before you go racing out the door the school said that I'm supposed to wait in my house why hello tostada she's here for Pokemon where's the door do forgive the intrusion this guy is so swaggy I've never seen a Pokemon trainer Rock the premiere balls baller damn that guy is sick and you came in person to help my daughter at the first day this principal puts in work I gotta say okay tostada she's standing right in front of the screen hi tostada all right hear me out the mom though no is she I forgot to look I forgot to pay attention I think she's pretty I don't think it's Pixar mom status you know none of these characters are Pixar status the mom's hot we're all entitled to our opinions who am I to say anything yes I'll grab my hat and bag going outside oh my goodness they're just right there oh faithful go I love his little fire stem I didn't know it was fire how expensive is it for the school to pay for everyone's Pokemon let's be real here is this like a private school or is this a public school the grass cat I love sprigatito boy Coco That's My Boy and wagsly waxley's grown on me but I think it's still not my favorite oh my goodness the Waddles I'm choosing by Coco I love reptiles I love fire and I love reptiles what can I say hey buddy what is it he's so small oh my goodness look at him run oh my God this is so cute look how small they are the tree looks good the lighting is nice I imagine game freak will never have an ugly tree ever again you know that they sat in a meeting and definitely were like let's at least make the trees look nice because people are gonna be scanning those Secrets oh is this an exploring game I saw it was like open but I don't know how open it is weakat is adorable I think it's like the cutest starter they've made in a while why is he floating his feet are not touching the floor take that fruit buddy oh his stem looks so good it's like glowing and pretty who is this this girl has been drawn on the internet I will tell you that right now but yeah the starters normally have to grow on me I like these ones I like sprigatido boy Coco quaxi is fine have you seen the final Evolutions I haven't I'm so excited to see boy Coco I want him to be Godzilla I'm so nervous he's gonna be too chunky and ugly Wanna Be Friends yes I'll be friends with the e-girl nemona she's a champion okay I'll battle the champion do you think she picks the opposite the super effective starter or the not as effective starter hello big man yes I do want to go with way Coco I want him to go with boy Coco All Year yay I'll name the Pokemon after donations oh did I well I hope I learned where the nickname guy is soon I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to I'm gonna re-nickname him as soon as I can I can't believe you actually chose Foy Coco if she chose springgetito I think it matches her hair so we're gonna teach them reminds me of tostada that blank colon three stare yep she's going to sprigatito look how cute it is spur oh my goodness spaghettito looks creepy in this lighting oh my goodness look at him he is running around on the beach oh he can't keep up with me I'm running away from him no all right let's battle you better win this fight that's what I think too nice well I won against the fire type and grass type quite actually I feel so bad for him now he's just standing there like my friends left oh poor guy I want to bring play Toko out little guy oh little man come on up the stairs dude you can do it yeah okay where do we go it's fine but what if there's Secrets around oh I'm rewarded yet again I'm always right when it comes to Secrets always how do I find all the secrets you gotta have a mind for it you gotta be able to snip out the secrets you gotta practice it Ramona will take us to school she's so tall why am I so short sandwich from Mom no key item oh okay very important sandwich this way go I love way Coco the Poco path oh my God what are the little white guys swap get a big spider oh my goodness I want that spider so bad he is so cute let's chunk I'm not a big fan of pigs I don't like lechonk I don't dislike him he's just not a Pokemon I would want to catch but I do want to fill out the Pokedex as much as I can so I'll pick I'll pick him up you guys convinced me okay he'll just be in purgatory forever [Music] yay do I get to go get the spiders I want the spiders so bad you're mine tarantula that's so look at his eyes no le chunk over there sweating I'm having this guy on my team poor Vex Auto heal him oh so cute I want Vex out I'll be honest oh my goodness look at him scampering around what a guy look at the bubbles you're mine Bonk oh this is probably not a Vex fight tackling String Shot absolutely not I'll switch over to gav oh wait I was supposed to catch him sorry oh my God no it's okay guys it's okay don't freak out look it's a this is another one oh my goodness for the first time whoa it's okay guys we're gonna catch this one what have you done your monster I'm sorry no why did you kill it didn't kill the other one did I level up oh I leveled up I killed all of them oh my God there's one all right let's try this again Jane the destroyer of all Pokemon I have my boy Coco and my tarantula and that's all I need Jaden The Hobbit Slayer stop it no this one this one I'm not killing this one he's fine look he's harmless I'll do round I don't know what round does that's fine we're gonna catch him this time there I didn't I didn't I didn't kill him there we go we didn't need Amber you're right you're right oh fletchlings oh oh Fletchling fall time I don't know if I want to put in spoopa I don't know if I want to fill out the decks but I love catching as many guys as plausible I'm a completer what can I say I want that spoopa where was he there you are you can't hide from me let's just throw a ball at it nice he's hanging from the tree oh my goodness you see him guys wow this is like really open area already it's a pretty vibrant game I mean the textures could be better like compared to Arceus it is so much prettier than Arceus they worked on their shaders and they actually put colors into it can I run faster I'd like a faster way of transportating I just look back at the game mysterious crime what could it be are they doing like the zation zamasenta thing where they show off the legendary like immediately I don't know how I feel about that oh there he is Hound door they made houndor the bully Pokemon look oh come on look at this yeah come on oh did I fall oh I could have swore she hit that ground put them in rice it's definitely worth a shot we'll probably need a lot of rice for him he wants the sandwich the iPhone wants a sandwich no Mom's sandwich the best key item Pokemon has ever had no I'm gone oh so how does this Pokemon work was he built whoa you didn't hear it from me but hey seeing you leave love watching you go oh my goodness that's good I really miss in the original 3D Pokemon games when there's like the line render around all the Pokemon like how the electricity has like blue line around it I miss that so much I think that's what made a lot of the Pokemon games look good the early 3D ones can I not I can't save right now we're still going we'll keep going until I can save again how's that all right oy Jaden oh down here ma'am I'm managing I did fall off a cliff and definitely touched the ground I feel like we can figure a way out because I see the way out right now looks super strong well no he was getting bullied by a Hound door I stand corrected oh now he's the bully low quality cave is you know it's an improvement you gotta admit the Pokemon games are improving like for a billion dollar company it should look better but they are slowly getting the hang of it they just had to get inflamed for the trees whoa that's so many more hounder than I thought there was gonna be coming out of here just kidding this bro has already fought as demons in one this is very pretty though I like how bright the glowing Moss is or whatever it is you're gonna buy it but it looks awful at this point you don't buy a Pokemon game because it looks good you just buy it because it's a Pokemon game that's what I do level 40 Hound Doom oh I didn't even get to oh poor boy cocoa like they put some fur in on them the shirts look good this guy looks good whoa that smug look what was that all about holy [ __ ] he just like whipped him oh not scared bringing the babies Oh lots of babies oh hero up here quick see this lighting is nice oh I'm not gonna complain about these Graphics at all sure I could complain but I'm going to not and just enjoy myself he needs another sandwich this guy runs on sandwiches though I'm so surprised they have like a mini map hoppip the Baboo who's this guy he's got skunk hair he likes my giant Robo lizard I'm not talking to you you can shove off okay is he is he like the main rival I love when like male characters have like the under eyelashes what in the world is this Pokemon doing out here I met at the bottom of the cliff that Pokemon saved her but it seems kind of worse he ate a sandwich yeah it's kind of slumpy afterward this guy is very phallic looking like those rocket boosters do not help his case at all how about I test your worthiness glove it all right big talk from someone who has a tiny squirrel these memories what Memories did I miss something he's trauma dumping I'm sick of these memories of my childhood and my mother and my father let's go whirl oh dude that was awesome yeah I beat up this very traumatized man and his squirrel is he saying that he wants ride on maridon's Pokeball how do you have it anyway that thing's your problem now not mine I didn't even want my ride on he's such a problem he looks like you know I want to get used to swearing more on live stream I got shy I'm just gonna be my true self does this game look good the only thing positive thing I have to say about this game is that the colors are nice but let's be honest it doesn't look good I think it's crazy how Pokemon Obsessed the Pokemon world is like we get excited about Pokemon because it's Pokemon but in this world people love Pokemon like we don't see giant buildings made out of like little dog cartoon heads or like leashes weasels in this game congratulations the huge day for boys good morning good morning what wait what what's going on there was a spider at the bottom of the stairs I don't wanna I Don't Wanna Hurt this guy or guys just trying to go up what's this hey let's battle what's that hoppip doing he's gotta get out of here holy [ __ ] tarantula I love Terron Tula look at his eyes a little sleepy tired goofy smucky lies oh my goodness what's his name I don't want to say it wrong I forget what it is wigglet yeah oh I see the weasels wiggle oh hello guys they're just watching a completely finished game oh my goodness look at walking wiggle oh little buddy I love wingle but I I hate pelipper look at all this exploring can I go down the waterfall very nice find the olive you're right oh I need to find small of I love smallav so much oh my goodness I like how they just watch they're like what it's a big one and a small one oh wait a secret I love Scavenging that's like my favorite thing to do is just run around and get items oh my goodness it's the dough one it's the dough dog Fido I gotta get rid of Bobble I'm sorry guys I know how much you like Babu but I want to have a team of I want to have like all the new Pokemon on my in my thing is that a Wooper is that that like muddy Whooper oh hello little guy oh my goodness oh you caught Whooper off guard oh I'm sorry I'm not a big fan of lechong so he gets to go why am I fighting only children don't pose like that I can't believe they named him lichonk I just want to end it he's so small he's so much smaller than a lechong do I like the newer Pokemon I like the newer Pokemon I think there's a lot of good ones here's the Pokemon Center you can come here to take a lot of things related to your Pokemon okay so it's like an open situation okay so if it's like raining they just have to endure the elements I want her phone case do you get to have like new phone cases mnemonics what what is that word is that a normal word am I English was my least favorite subject all right oh my God it's toilet bird you know about pelipper all right God I wish I didn't they're all over the houses I love this dark Tauros he's so cool sir skit I'm such a circuit fan can I get him no I guess not what's this what the [ __ ] is this ew what is it strudel what is this thing I'm trying to look at it is it a bug do I want to add them to the party he's weird it keeps enemies away from its territory it paints markings around its nest using a poisonous liquid so he's an artist what is this thing what give me gold coin who is he is he like the is he like the spirit tomb wisps at air typing as if she's she's pretending like she has stuff to do whoa he's enthusiastic I could The Courier his name is Iker I've never heard of that name before brigatito I'm so interested to see what that Pokemon turns into I've heard it's not bad but I heard it does stand up what is this is this like the the mechanic of the she's just busting it out she's mega evolving he's got a little chef hat no it's a light bulb Ratatouille terrorist alive what is this oh I feel like something was supposed to happen there that's unfortunate bro I'm I feel like I'm ruining the build up of this game right now I was supposed to see something cool I think oh he exploded yeah glad there's glass all over the floor now someone's got to sweep that up I hope that in our lifetime we do get to see a very nice looking Pokemon game I don't know when it how long it'll take but I I sure that's like my one wish in this world is to experience a good looking Pokemon game are we there yet no oh look at the drift bloom bloom I think I have like a bad sense of smell what'd she say come here she's gonna get that old lady and I'm not gonna be here to be a witness humongo power grass egg power level one what is egg power and what is humongo powder you can see Power what is this and what is why is there different types of Teensy power do you care how big your Pokemon are what do you have to say what does this mean how big do the starters have different sizes how big is Gavilan hey let's see here it's perfectly average sized that's enough of that guy oh that's so cute yes let's put that on the spring attita one is so cute though I think that's the best one out of all of them oh my God they give you so much right away how do I pull up the map it's not like this flying taxi oh my goodness do those birds carry that big old thing what is this oh okay now is not the time to explore the darkest cave I've ever seen in my entire life wait I'm not controlling it oh that was like a long walk away for the game to give me look at this hair oh my goodness red white and blue how much effort does it take to maintain that you can tell what designs are gonna be cosplayed and which are gonna be popular that one's such like that's like Tumblr girl Vibes I look pissed don't you dare bully this tumbler girl she's just hanging out with her Evie backpack the teams have gotten less and less threatening every generation team star is the first one that's like not threatening at all okay we're just gonna battle in town I guess is anyone else like whenever something's really cute they like clench their jaw that's what I've been doing like all my life whenever I see a cute animal I just go I think it's really bad for your teeth so I've been trying to stop but then I can't like appreciate the cuteness of the animal I can't experience it if I don't clench my jaw for 7 reason no don't click it did you see she was gonna click it oh Terra orb is pneumonia actually like really tough or something because people are scared of her struggle bug oh oh he's so cute oh I think it's funny whenever it's like a huge build up and then he moves first it's a big staircase this is such a grand school look at this school there's like a tree house and everything and a Observatory or whatever this is not a public school this school makes a bank where is she going we've all been there or you just commit to the wrong direction Psyduck has a little office job he would do so well in a little cubicle Champion ranked student council president that's so many titles I guess that's why people are scared of her she's like Champion president of this whole school oh this guy's cool he's got the same hair as um the other guy Arvin maybe if you're tired you can go lay down she's just sitting here like this go lay down if you're tired pitiful can I ask you a question what's your question what's your favorite thing about Pokemon I like everything about Pokemon awesome what do you hope to get out of it I don't know fair enough I have a question what do you want to get out of school I don't know that's a totally fair answer do you sleep I slept I put on Twitch Plays Pokemon for sleeping I'm not gonna sleep on stream I'm sorry to tell you that there's no way I could get a good night's sleep while like 11 000 people are watching me did you know they're great in sandwiches too gotta chew first NPCs all of them it's full of nutrients meal Powers you remember me right no what come on I'm all about the picnic life I want to make the best picnic in the world and I want it to have me full of sandwiches look at that kid look at that kid in the the between the pot now there are a total of five different types of her herbal mystica is this guy a druggie he's like yo bro oh I just want to take my herba medicine and go explore and have picnics I love sandwiches whoa Monsters of area zero is there Area 51 in this game blurry Dawn fan this is like someone is trying to prove that Don fan exists caught on tape Don fan I don't have any friends oh I read that wrong here You Waltz up you've gotta help me out okay nope wait I don't need an answer yet okay I don't know what you want from me man give the idea some serious thought please please this is Jaden correct I hacked your smartphone what is this there's so many there's so many things going on in this game what do you mean a hacked I think you just got my number someone asked for my phone number and then it was like I hacked her phone this is like Attack on Titan Pokemon and now there's hackers in The Matrix I've come up with a plan to bring down team star it's children and force them to disband for good what is going is this an adult okay I'm never against the downfall of children I will be honest no need to reply this second why is everyone asking for my reply and then I give it to them and then they say uh actually wait on it why is everyone obsessed with sandwiches in this universe everyone is eating one a sandwich keep your voice down did you know the hacker known as Anonymous is in this in my smartphone director they're going crazy Schrodinger's Patrick the hacker got to me they're in my head I I gotta go whoa what's that guy the crazy hair I like the girl who's on the left that's cool whoa she looked awesome the coolest title you could ever ask for not to brag or anything oh yeah you're the champion I want hair like that girl she's awesome who's the guy who's just not facing the camera excuse me ma'am ma'am ma'am excuse me ma'am ma'am oh my God what is this I just want to talk to the really pretty lady not now Professor please don't teleport me ma'am ma'am ma'am ma'am hello I'm now flustered taking time out of your day to attempt to converse with me I'm sorry oh God I want to know what her deal is rejected look I just wanted to talk to her I didn't know that she was gonna be all dumb like that have you enjoyed your time I met so many pretty women I got bullied by one of them many would call that a win the great creator of paldia that's a funny name oh my God that is a great crater I was thinking it was like gonna be a Grand Canyon kind of thing again guys giant robot monster again holy crap this is a big dorm room there's a kitchen my my college dorm didn't have a kitchen whoa I like the one with the all dark she's cool any any character with like evil Vibes like dark and black and mysterious and I love characters like that I'm edgy yeah I like the edgy characters what can I say I I'm just being real with you guys I like the edgy carry characters what's that big lizard Cycles are we're riding out a motorcycle Pokemon is he the pre-evolution of meridon take care everyone have fun kids by the way the world is extremely dangerous we are not responsible for what happens to you oh I'm just off I guess goodbye oh just kidding I'm gonna jump into the crater the first shred of Free Will and I just jump into the Grand Canyon Insider advantage this poor guy is like he just wants friends to get to smoke and get high with I guess so there's like three routes like just the gyms the Titans and team star beating up the kids Cassiopeia here they're like don't forget we have children to beat up we need to send these children to jail whoa I like the dark crew guy fire crew they are learning what the people like I will tell you that pyramid scheme I think that that would be so funny if the one of the evil organizations in a Pokemon game is just a pyramid scheme and they just Target children track down the herbal mystica once you got those herbs I'll make you the best sandwich of your life this guy is getting too honest once you find these special herbs I'll put it in your sandwich and it'll be the best experience of your life I think the route you take is like a personality quiz who of the content creators went for the the Herbalife route out them now a history class is available you can't be like all right kids you get to go explore the world but also you can take this history class if you want okay people are saying they want to go to the weed guy so we'll do that stories say it clings to Cliffs practically becomes part of the stone and attacks from above holy [ __ ] this guy drops anvils on people Looney Tunes ass Shanks oh rookity oh I want to catch so many things what's that guy he's a little other Cube good thing yesterday I realized that I didn't eat dinner like I was like going and I went to bed and I was like did I eat like obviously I ate breakfast and lunch but I just got so tired I was like all right time for bed so I had to order like a Taco Bell burrito because I was like once you once you realize you're hungry you're like oh I'm starving looks like my nature isn't that good uh I'll get rid of that Lear no wait I can ask him for advice Gavilan wants to forget round okay do that where am I I got lost immediately I'm lost where am I it's called a skill issue I'm not good at directions and you may make fun of me I give you permission you're about to see me get very lost many times in this playthrough I want to see so many Pokemon oh wait that's wait what the hell is this little man oh my goodness well I want to catch this thing I'll name him little man little man no stop telling me stuff I don't care about yes I know I can Crouch bro intruding on my life mariadon is the same speed as just running battle me for I am mighty okay oh my gosh this guy is like the champion of the desert why is this Pokemon does he have what what is this he's got leftovers why why is this random guy have leftovers on him skittle's not even like a Pokemon you normally put Leftovers on I'm gonna just revive Javelin yeah no Vex can also be alive too all right we're gonna we're gonna try that again now he dies thank the Lord ooh incinerate that would have been ideal in that battle stop what the [ __ ] is this what are these guys look at their eyes he's a weird guy I like him besides the the Pikachu cheeks his noise is terrifying is he like a Mecca sloth is cute I wouldn't I don't think I would describe describe him as cute but he's funny what about the giant one on the side of the mountain evolving oh [Music] whoa all right I don't know how to feel about it he's Croc Galore crocolor he's still small why is he still so small he's got like a bird nest on his head is anyone else seeing this there he goes where'd he go oh my god there he is oh God ew why'd he do that with his eyes he is scary when he's big look at the way he's just looking why does he blink does he blink oh he does he his pupils blink well potato tomato isn't gonna live through this can we live one no we can't all right yeah super effective my team is not that prepared anger shell oh gosh wait so his ability is basically shell smash like a free shell smash if he goes down low enough what the hell what's he doing oh bye literal coward I'll get you oh my god did he just was that me oh no okay I could have swore he just turned around and whammed on me I died he's fully healed what is up with Arvin and having the smallest Pokemon in the world skovit and sheldor oh poor guy whoa did you see him he was out in the mud I'll be back we found it finally it's glowing there you go a sandwich packed full of herbs so wholesome wholesome sandwich moment he wants a sandwich right on this is not like the sandwich my mom made this sandwich hits a little harder yeah you can have it though down you go ride on can Dash now he Powers up through sandwiches I really owe you the coast is clear what what's he up to what what's he have Cliffhanger all right what's this what is this small itty bitty Nimble it's so cute little guy now there's a spark no we're not experiencing a spark we're we're going what's up with the treasure treasure chest what a little man give me ghoul what is he I want a gimme ghoul he evolves when you get 99 gold coins 99 so there's 99 little of these guys in the world I only found one I wanna I want that's so many there's no way all right I mean 999. 999 coins how I guess I can just go to the gym badge every Pokemon is ready to beat up Vex and it's so sad voice critical you guys said it not me I see it though I can hear his voice coming out of that character too hey guys somebody's critical here Bernardo lives no damn what is this a dog ew it's an ugly dog that's the ugliest dog Pokemon has ever invented oh he's cute now he's not cute oh he's like biting his lip he's like oh Harry's schoolmates no we're not whenever I saw a person in public that I knew from school I would walk the other way one time I was out grocery shopping with my dad in high school I saw my science teacher and I don't know why but I didn't tell him I was like oh it's my science teacher I just decided to hide behind him for no reason I just didn't want him to see me and I didn't feel like walking away I was moving around really weird and he's like what are you doing and he said it like loudly and the guy the teacher saw I don't know what it is about this game but it's not as a fun to explore as Arceus it's still like fun to look around though we found them small live yes we're adding him to the party I'm sorry but potato tomato we gotta swap you out oh my goodness I'm so happy oh cool oh he does not tread water very well I'll tell you that is this the gym look at the small of on the Roof oh my gosh you gotta get a large Olive ball rolling I love how this town just loves small of okay these sound effects whoa It's like soccer football excuse me ma'am oh okay the small of Roadblock kill him nice don't cry this is your job I didn't even take the shortcut on Toontown ass I love how this town Prides themselves on their small lives what oh fix oh he's so cute okay well um this is not what I expected does he evolve again because I don't think I want him on the team anymore whoa he is just a stick bug stream got stick bugged we sure did look at the small love on the top I passed but at what cost the sugar bug are you wait who's she's the sugar bug do people call her the sugar bug that's weird paladian woopers called pooper that's not true are people just saying that or is it true I'm gonna just bring out gavelene and just rock her world honestly oh tarantula is such a like a tier Pokemon teddier said break free from your cocoon you know how bears are in their cocoons all right let's incinerate you oh I should have did my own terrorized or not I it would have been hype all my sweet little Pokemon dropped like flies well that's sad when you put it like that a little guy capsicle capsaic kid like capsaicin is he like a pepper but he's a little bird so I gotta catch him wait what traditional paladian dishes can be extremely spicy because they include the shed front teeth of his what gimme ghoul is out of here he's useless until I get a million dollars okay now I'm on the what oh I tripped on him oh look at this battle of the ages two tiny tiny grasshoppers here and he's out for blood what is this it looks like every Instagram girl this is like a five foot tall Instagram girl it evolves into Lady Gaga I think this is my least favorite Pokemon I've seen so far of the new ones why are there such little guys there's little guys all around Tad bulb oh see oh my gosh this guy cannot jump for to save his life we gotta take a long route ma'am I'd like to fix all my guys they got beat up by a tadpole whoa whoa immediately drowns put them in rice what the [ __ ] is going on there he said no you get distracted for one moment what is that is that bird doing what I think it's doing what is this oh my gosh what is he is it a Pokemon what happens if I get hit by a rock that's super Fair excuse me excuse me I arrived it's a stork ew why does he have a flap no not sketch look at this fight who do you think wins in this situation that's sad it's so sad I'll Screech yeah I still will never not see the light bulb as a chef hat it's so much cuter but no don't know what to do now I don't think I'm supposed to be here yet I'll be honest we can go to Gavilan and see what he can do we can probably just like heel stall holy crap why did that do so much more damage does it drop the babies like bombs that would be so awesome I would respect Pokemon endlessly if they made a historic that drops baby bombs can we poison him oh what is he doing that was a weird animation it says flap like a third arm oh God that's this the animation combined with the sound effect was really funny on that one I wonder what happens if you just like one shot the Titans I'm sure you can they probably just don't die anyway they probably live on like one HP or something time to go find more herbs and minerals the essential oils of the Pokemon world why does that sandwich look at like it's the worst sandwich in the world oh we hit 69 hours that's the funny number guys we did it oh we can surf now well that doesn't make sense you beat the flying guy you can surf now don't you dare touch that oh he's pissed he's just a dog oh it looks like one of those dogs that Librarians have real bad hurt he never fully recovered have you tried the Pokemon Center the most useless advice in the world this guy was hurt like he's in chronic pain did you try going to the hospital [ __ ] yes I still want to jump into the crater so badly like what's the Worst That Could Happen his eyes are so teeny tiny you can see what he was blind before he was blind he had some essential oils and he can see again now what is going on oh he's like a little pool floaty that's just a really funny picture in general there's so much empty space no I'm not that like didn't hit you I didn't I found a guy swablu I want a swablue really bad actually hi I'm just gonna walk around you and then startle you laughs you caught swablu off guard head empty Suave blue did you know scorpions can be constipated huh I didn't know that this is such a safety hazard I'm gonna jump off the stairway when I get to the top whoa I didn't think I could just do that the fact the phone saves you is so funny yeah I should fight These Guys these are not students these like full-grown adults Seth you can do it oh Seth you gotta get out of here let's uh go to sketch he's got the kicks Dunsparce is so much bigger than I think he is oh that was a bad idea normal stuck in this that numble is stuck in the mountain someone help him he's trying skill issue why is this dunspar so tanky for why Bernardo okay so this is the time we can get Seth out here there we go Seth did it all by himself oh what is this it's like ruins what's that pink thing ew what is that it's like a tiny fairy cave man Bank um no I don't like it but I'll I'll try to catch it Tinker Tink Tinka twink is that an evolution oopsie I didn't think he was gonna be weak to fire if he was fairy type I'm just no good What's your deal oh there's another Tinky Tink Bonk right in the head so this is a fairy Steel type fairy steel is so insane why is he so sad he looks like another a robot from My Life as a Teenage Robot I don't know why but that's just what he looks like to me I'm going over the wall no I'm not what but this is the that's the principle the name is Clive the blazer with the short shorts is definitely a very interesting move it's the blazer with the short shorts and the knee-high socks wait so the director even is going against team star even though it's just a team of children I'm so confused on what team star is up to or like why people want to bring them down I don't know what we're about to do how old can the students be because I don't like the idea of someone being like a senior and calling themselves a student and going to school I think that should be very illegal mccrow oh I love macro Seth this is not your battle I keep sending out like leading with the the wrong Pokemon let's bring up Bernardo I think this is a Bernardo time let's talk about the Locale decals yeah that's like it's awful how bad those those flags are let's be honest here I was kind of just about to take it just be like yeah that's what it's supposed to look like but no you're right let's make fun of it oh this is a good place to train just a bunch of palmy wait why is that one standing up it's like bigger palmo wait is that the evolved form but it's like the same thing it's the evolution but it's like the same thing it just stands up Bernardo too I like that idea oh we can go to like a Titan yeah let's do that I should fight some people that barricade oh my goodness we should not fight anyone hey he's got he's got a guy he's got this guy that Pokemon was made to be a motorcycle is motorcycle shaped what is this a dolphin that's just a dolphin he's playing with like a little hoop ring yeah these people just have Dolphins oh my goodness Santa kinda I love these guys what is that wait what who's he a little man and his little [ __ ] what Bernardo hey buddy this is just the same Pokemon but standing up so to evolve him we need to take a thousand steps together if we do this send him out and then just run around is this okay so this is like steps with Bernardo okay well I'll just run around until Bernardo evolves what is that a Pokemon is this a Pokemon brambling this is like giving me Del Mease Vibes wait why is he buffeted in the sandstorm poor guy he's a tumbleweight and he takes the damage I'm just curious what this guy turns into Larvesta just jump off the cliff did I see that right I don't mind brambling he's a little weird but I like the Whooper Gap is evolving [Music] whoa whoa okay Claude sire he's like one of those little squeezy guys what the [ __ ] is that tentacle on the map do you guys see that where is he he's just Squidward sitting sitting there standing there where is he Squidward looking ass wait what the f what is this who's this excuse me sir sir is this what sketch turns into chainsaw man ass looking guy look at all the pommy looking they're like go go pommy [Music] I'm not catching this guy he killed like half my team and now I'm just he's just gonna die to the sandstorm okay we got him [Music] that shadow is going oh whoa where's that tentacle is he like down here oh the Toros oh it's him come here get him now get him now throw the ball yes it can Sprint at over 70 miles per hour while carrying a human wait the the rider's body heat warm cyclists are and lifts his spirit I don't like that the first sentence is fine the second one is not that great I didn't like reading the second sentence the quaking Earth Titan oh is that him over there whoa oh my God that's terrifying we should start doing some raid stuff because I feel like I'm starting to fall under leveled I could just fight all these guys yeah excuse me he just ran up and slapped my ass rufflet what the hell dude not okay rufflet is canceled he sure is what the heck was that he caught me when I was like the most not paying attention he ran up and goodbye rufflet I'll never look at rufflet the same again over there sicum it's the walk-up he just walks up and like clubs him he's a bonk no you don't need to fight the fan P Bro I think you got well that's what you get you've picked play stupid games win the stupid prizes Seth you you ran right past him oh there we go he figured it out rufflet is after me again what's your problem shark attacked I already have him stop it oh my God I was reading Chad bro real foot does not leave me alone someone needs to stop him like immediately but I never even went here brother bro stop it what's their problem for one centers over here that wasn't a very smart move I was in a very smart move that wasn't a very smart move oh let me up no at least we have an item shell shock is evolving oh my God no belly Bolt that is not the Pokemon I expected it appears that his eyeballs are actually organs for discharging electricity generated by the belly bolts belly button Dynamo he is getting right back into the box what is that what is that oh stop it you don't need to is that what is oh I couldn't even throw the Pokeball What is this room the room got caught steal poison oh that's cool what bird was that they were just going crazy on the sounds it's like Ari I like that small of hangs out with sun Kern I think those guys do make a good good little pair what other Pokemon would be like good friends I think mudkip and Whooper would get along really well you know they have a lot of con a lot in common they're also like the same size have I talked to you yet oh yeah that was you no oh my gosh he's like oh they're she's talking to some guy there's this Pokeball it's just floating it looks like it looks like young goose is the trainer you'll never guess what my my Pokemon is my Ace Pokemon is let's challenge me to a battle I'll win I'm good the Pokeball is still there oh wait I I didn't realize he was level eight what a silly silly game this is any tip to reject a girl the hard way wait what without the hard way any tips on rejecting someone the hardest way possible I want to do damage why are you guys asking me like relationship and love advice I of all the people I am not the person I should do one raid just to see what they're all about it's a ground to be ground type whoa whoa whoa what is going on why is there so many of them what wait wow how come everyone attacked him like they ganged up on him this is a mugging good Lord the legs are just the legs kill me I'm sorry that's hilarious oh look at this that looks good oh his feet wow that's a beautiful animation he can run at 30 miles per hour that's just like you know this Squidward I can't make the sound I tried to you know the Squidward like stepping sound imagine that but like 30 miles per hour oh I like how murkrow walks he really shakes it honestly I want to play with Pokemon just look at this sunflora well I'm trying to oh my gosh this lady bro let me see it I gotta look from very far away oh the dark taros I want that get him five my babies someone said what's his name someone else responded his name is Guillermo just a complete lie yeah this is Guillermo toast out of your ass this is your ass toe status let's go find the gym look at the play place see this is how I get distracted I'm like Wow Let's go to the gym what's this fun little children's play area if I'm gonna start exploring I think I need to just gung-ho and do all the fun tasks because I'm trying to explore and I don't have like the fly I just barely unlocked swim so I need I think I should just go and do the fun stuff I'm ready for sunflora hide and seek our sunflower just gonna follow me around like 10 of them oh there's some over there do they count they're not even hiding there's like three of them right there let's not hide and seek if you're just standing out in the open I'm gonna have a herd of sunflora after me once oh my gosh I need to take a picture of this one what kind of drink do you want what no I thought he was asking me what I wanted from the vending machine I was like oh he's so nice he's gonna get me a a Sony Pop there's one I think I see another one in the whoa bro bro there's no need to run wait what why are we fighting why are you resisting little buddy what do I do do I kill him do I bring back nine alive sunflower and one dead one there's all the need to run I guess it's like if my follow-up question is do I have to kill him I guess he is in the right to run well I I guess I bring one dead sunflower to the to the lady grit was that necessary was that the thing I had to do okay he's like yeah that was stupid of me to fight look at them go oh my gosh these poor fellows the last one is always the hardest is there any up here I knew it you wanna battle where he's throwing punches bro is fighting ghosts I'm here with all my buddies whoa look at his belt that's sick I want that belt oh crotch shot you want to see the the belt how do you get his hair to be like that people are calling him Anthony Padilla no this guy definitely lays pipe I'm just saying right now art is creation and he's an artist frilly pipe I'm just saying it right now I gotta get out of here I do not like the charged energy that he is extruding I guess I can just sweep here just kill all his stuff oh oh he's pissed oh my God bro has got lice marking my eyes you're one of the Elite Four I also teach art I'm one of the strongest people in the entire world I also have a finger painting glass is that a bird what is this oh my God it's Johnny Bravo in bird form squagabilly Bernardo Bernardo really needs to grow up oh what's this town look at that there's like fun lights and stuff oh it's this guy again the director slash Clive Clive is such a funny name especially to give yourself as an alter ego are they gonna say like this guy's actually Clive and the director is just like a brother or something I'm never seeing houndour the same ever again after an absolutely bullied the [ __ ] out of muradon I don't remember his name already I don't think I declared a war I think I just beat some people up oh it's that guy he's so funny he's like a little Power Ranger what does he turn into actually I'd love to see it is it like a Bisharp thing do you know this little fella go fight him oh don't fight the people oh God I'm not looking that wasn't me I'm not responsible wants heat very nice of them to just like let me buy all their sodi pops this girl is oh my God I'll say it right now I don't say it I don't say this often at all and mean it especially but this girl is hot and not in a pun way I would never say it in a pun way oh wait the tar the torkel brought out the Sun is that the sun is that the sun animation he's got speed boost what the hell why why is this thing have speed boost oh gosh do we just do we lose well now he doesn't have the sunlight why does he have speed boost he's broken him I don't think he can uh I'll be on him though since you guys are saying you can what you guys bro chat come on chat you gotta be on my side Bros try to yawn them no try it again maybe this time he'll fall asleep he's gotta fall asleep eventually maybe this will just get lucky and he does in the middle of battle how do you take care of this thing is there anyone in this world who's like you know people are like oh if you could own a Pokemon what would you want to have like as a pet is anyone has has anyone said the Starmobile yet oh why does it keep doing that the one pixel pixel of Health feeding a normal dog is already expensive imagine having to purchase a car battery just to feed it whoa why'd she she walks like a soldier I guess it makes sense with the with those boots what what is this pose why is why are we shaking hands like this she looks like evil and I'm kind of it looks like I'm struggling but my face is neutral just shut it already no why are you being so mean plotting something about the the academy what are they gonna do oh God you can't mess you can't joke around like that not in not in America oh Pokemon company be careful now I understand why the school is so uptight about them they're like well they're plotting something against the school we don't know what is Cassiopeia actually Penny what does Penny have to do with Team star because the team star was picking on them is I think that's going to be my my oh maybe not I was literally just proven wrong hello it's me again or proven right wow what the heck do you have sandwiches on you Mariah Don loves sandwiches well actually it drooled can he really drool it's really awesome I love how brain dead this character can be sometimes why are you going to school I don't know why are you fighting To Be A Champion someone told me what's this Pokemon it's awesome is she like the secret boss or something what's she she's definitely like a two-timer she's a double facer double Crosser Too Faced double Crosser oh evil ass guy in the middle of a meadow what's he doing in a meadow uh where's the next gym oh this is it's this lady oh this is like the streamer girl yeah let's do this one next come on Bernardo yeah we're walking buddy oh we're walking oh look at you wait why is it evolving on this screen I thought like sometimes it's on just in the Overworld and sometimes it's I guess here why does it look like Princess Bubblegum does this thing evolve again because I'm not a fan still I'm still not impressed I'd like to see it evolve one more time because if that's like a final Evo then that's weird shallows oh my God cellos is in this game where do I get shellas little guy sorry I'm about to destroy you oh Magikarp just fell out of the sky why is he jump so high what's this bird is that a new one please let me no come back bro I want to see you how do I get him no I don't want to talk to you no not you Meryl get out of here he's Landing yeah gotcha watch real oh that's so cute he's got the Fletchling eyes let's spark that's really he can handle a spark oh he can handle a spark well touche I'll get rid of Vader for now because I want Paul to start getting up some experience whoa there's just Gyarados in the shallow water Tommy I don't think Bernardo let's not let's not fiddle I I know you're feeling confident and I understand why you are but we're not gonna mess with it this is another one uh the character designs that I saw where people were excited pretty gym warm up with me sure wait I guess we haven't battled Simona in a while Laura gato is this the evolution do we get to see it I'm so excited what's it look like it's standing up oh it's cool I like that I'll be completely honest I like that that's a good mid Evolution I think sorry bro I think it's interesting that she says she she's so proud of her Champions rank status and I've beaten her every single time we fight she's a streamer I don't know he's a streamer if the final Foy Coco Evo doesn't align with my fanfic I'm gonna Riot I wish nothing but the best for you we'll Discover it together I hope she raids me I'd love an Iona raid your eyeballs are mine she's fun I like her her big old sleeves the gym leader it's a true streamer We're Not Gonna collab unless you you show me your worth what is that I love that shaking animation iono hype Squad she sends out the the lackeys oh no it's a tier three sub and you win you lost tier three sub you've been banned my devotion to miss iono coping he's like please don't ban me please don't ban me I wonder what internet the Pokemon company had to like study streamers like how do streamers talk they definitely say hot diggity dog hello he's here guys hello he's actually here how is it going the good old one-two punch you don't know where he is first he's in chat now he's right here this is my favorite part of the game really yeah people were saying it was really fun she's just funny yeah she's got like power Vibes you know chainsaw man yeah I just think it's funny that she's just chilling for Subs you're here for views and then her tier three Subs had to fight you and for her honor I like to imagine they've been banned for losing wait why is she standing next to me oh because she just got a 5 000 Dono whoa this girl Shields oh my God I hate this thing valuable I hold I wholeheartedly hate it I got clocked uh Cloud side or two yeah wait what's this oh I haven't seen the ground one yet oh I haven't seen the ground one either it's like Super Mario it is wait Miss Magnus with the light bulb on see you really toast out of you do not need to depose for the camera I like this girl a lot though she's cool yeah I like how she's always talking to the camera though that's a nice touch and they gave her fangs yeah fangs is Peak character design in my book anything with fangs who is this girl I feel like she could be the champion Penny could also be the champion I feel like she's like the boss of Team star or something though Gita oh my God can I tell you something cursed yeah somebody in my chat will you heal again yeah somebody told me that Nurse Joy looks like Belle Delphine and I cannot unsee it oh my God I know I know no I thought she was I liked her new design I did too I did too but if I saw it you have to too you you bring me down like this so many times for the people saying who keep it that way because this game is uh let's make fun of Jaden not knowing how to read maps in the game I just put a lot of like markers down so I can't mess up oh I didn't know you could put markers down because you don't know how to use maps well I didn't know I'm gonna use a fire stone uh capsaican yay well look at him he's an angry little Ari guy he's floating though they all float Seth is evolving [Music] oh that's sick oh that's so cool we still need to do a couple team star things and one last gym leader over here we just caught like the ice dragon guy we beat two of the gym leaders this guy here the second strongest of the team of star bosses okay so that means we should go to that person can we see the team yeah you can see the team we got Vader we got Gap gaveling Lady Gaga Paul and might might is the newest One have you considered playing Team Fortress 2 I really don't know anything about that game and who might you be young lady friend of young master I'm not sure since you seem unaware okay this is the base of Team Stars fairy Crew The Rush bar Squad okay oh it's a cute mobile oh Ortega so you're Jane okay talk about underwhelming oh okay being called underwhelming by someone super Suave and overdressed that just hits hard for some reason like they're just correct he's your favorite is it a he or she or they it's a he yeah that's what I thought Fanboy gym leader wait so who's building the car is it the little femboy I want to tell you something you son of a wealthy family and heir to the major apparel company because I was being bullied the principal is like oh so my school does bully people huh well I've never seen it so I didn't think it was a problem team star confronted the students who used to bully them what with their cars they built their cars and they're like we're coming back to the school that school sucks yeah this is like every school in America yeah that's reasonable if someone starts charging at you with a modded car you can't fight that look at these three big guys I like this girl she's cool I like how like strong she is under leveled yeah I know well we've been under leveled for like everything the girl boss of Team star this is like Beyond girl boss because when I think of girl boss I think of you know mentally manipulative girl but this is just fighting girl holy [ __ ] wait let me see that thing again oh oh my God that's some like death note [ __ ] damn look at that animation looking like the flying whisps that's awesome what's up with the crits bro don't quit again we win we living we live in we beat it nice very under leveled guy Como is my favorite one he's just got like the weird hair and he's got the weird Vibes I love guy Como all the victims of bullying disbanded and now they just go back to school I don't think that's what they're gonna do I think they just keep doing what they're doing now who's the big boss Cassiopeia defending the big boss is me the twist whoa I didn't mean to keep it from you for so long but the right moment never came the big boss is trying to disband team star what so I'm using the code we made together to force them to disband surely you can just talk to them you can just be like hey guys I'm worried about you how about we like stop this and go to college so where's the gym oh it's over here the emotional Spectrum practice wait what is this the gym challenge is going to therapy no not therapy this is a group therapy we're doing he's like I just had therapy please go easy on me no some people are ready for therapy and some people are not I'm just weeding out the weak ones mental issue duel let's see who's more [ __ ] up in the head oh she's a makeup artist she's a psychic makeup artist what's up with the physics on the back of her dress you're a cute trainer thank you but you cannot flirt with me I just had therapy session oh my god oh that's the girafforig evolution I like it it's bothra oh that's that's Lady Gaga duh hit it hit it hard the crystal form looks kind of brutal with the hat it's so cool I really like the effects oh that was a crit terroristolized gigaton Hammer so like I went to therapy just to go up to this makeup Guru who like believes in astrology and stuff gita's got some like Splatoon ass Arms by the way she's definitely an octoling hello tostada we just beat the the eighth gym oh your last one yeah I did this like fourth on accident really yeah we did all this stuff I think I guess it's a team we're rocking with hello Jaden so this is it you've decided to face the Pokemon League I like how her eyes are like dark dark blue with yellow that's really nice color theme but I do think she looks like an octoling wish you the best of luck we'll be in shortly uh I have no idea the order of what we're doing so I guess we can just go in oh you fight her now let's get started eh let good old Rika be the first of the Elite Four to take you on I'd say I'll go easy on you but I'd be lying I wish I looked like Rika I wish I was Rika where's cash wait so she water type yeah there we go might too fast let's go might I love might so much he's so cool hit him with a Bad Romance Lady Gaga toxic protect stall in the Elite Four it's not like I let you win or something you're up next where wait oh it's this girl if the tiny little girl has dark slash Ghost type I'm gonna be kind of pissed because it's so easy they've been doing that Trope for so long go on Raja Smosh them I will be doing this smooshing thank you poor little girl light screen might save her though or not because we're like plus five well that was a sweep Mr Larry wait it's Larry again Larry's in the lead four really wait he's a gym leader and an elite four that's so interesting they've never done that before Larry's back he works two jobs he's got two jobs and a cubicle job someone just says Saul Goodman no it's Larry anyway time to get to work Living Like Larry Tropius oh I should have started with uh might my is so good honestly he took like a took that like a champ I'm Paul's hanging in there for being pretty under leveled but we should live because the sun was out oh we win all right what a treat to see him again that took the win from our wings Larry giving me the side eye for no reason well we gotta switch Vader out because we want to save him miss it again gap's huge gap's insane gab avoided two Hydro pumps ah good job Gap W Gap okay let's just uh icicle crash it this thing dies yeah definitely I feel like Mike can be faster no it's a level below it we love this yeah barely wave Rush yeah that's definitely a one shot a crit Glade Rush damn come old Great Dragon Gallivan lives I forgot God damn it I forgot you can't burn him hurricane misses definitely or faster than it though there we go good job Paul now we get to beat the champion I like how Rika is like the only common collected one everyone else in the Elite Four is like a mess I'm utterly incapable of holding back when it comes to Pokemon battles isn't that the whole point of Pokemon wait do you kill people do you kill Pokemon Lumina crash what is that sound impressive yes that was the correct decision stop looking down on me this is a very underwhelming team like certain Shield Leon had a really good team he was like the definitely the hardest champion oh god well I've spoken a little too soon I wanted to get on hammered so bad holy [ __ ] I wanted to hit that thing with a hammer just hit it quit kill it kill it kill it Lady Gaga now's your time no no are we faster than this are we faster than this chat what is this glamora I want to look at the speed it's 105. okay rock poison we'll just send out Paul and hit it quickly come on Paul yeah we did it very underwhelming yes but can we talk about how weird her team is I need to re-look at what she had Champions are the jewels that shine the brightest Champion Jaden yay nimona hello you became a champion no huh you got jokes uh anyway yeah I did no come on it's me you don't have to lie no okay wait you did though didn't you no you Champion yes no no you Champion yes no okay we reached the end yes ha I knew it you weren't believing it all it took were a few more no's and I would have successfully Gaslight you let's battle okay I didn't get to save I didn't get to buy healing items no I'm not ready no don't gather the people oh the mice are here out of every single person gathered here I'm the most excited by a mile I'm not I didn't save so if I lose then it's for real I don't think I'm ready for nimona I feel like she's gonna be really strong finally worst case scenario we have 117 hours to beat her so true Iron Tail oh that was so good oh hit hit it no why is everything so fast oh my God he tanks it I thought he died kill it kill it right now good job uh we can take one more oh my gosh she's gonna lower my accuracy crit see that crit I clinched that through sheer determination no you didn't it's a six percent chance to hit okay this thing dies absolutely earthquake just kill it oh good job Gap kill it kill it yeah yeah beater we beat her we had much more trouble with the champion and I don't think that was reasonable because her team was much worse than nimona's she just didn't have a ground rock thing you're gonna cry she's I'm like bring out another is she gonna cry you she's pissed oh you did it it's incredible you're the strongest out there Toro saw all of it you knocked me flat I was giving you absolutely everything I had number one is fun I like nimona nice hello penny Cassiopeia thanks for coming what's up with that face the big boss Cassiopeia they were both me all along I just can't roll it over and let you win without putting up a fight yeah I'm ready then allow me to introduce myself properly I'm the big boss of Team star the name's Cassiopeia Penny of Team star let's get guitar Hammer Doom do I have a speed time God and Umbreon is tanky [Music] good job Paul penny is not that hard like the Eeveelutions aren't hard to take out and they're very honest with what they are about to do to you oh maybe it doesn't kill this time I don't know if it kills oh it still does no I want to bring a Vader I want to hit it with a hammer all right hit it kill it long ah okay real hammer Dead Penny is angry it's all over now you could have just not fought me you could have stayed Anonymous forever it's finally over guys I'm done oh that phone case is awesome though I want that phone case it's so cool Hammer Time hype yeah the gigaton hammer is really fun I was the one who brought you team star into this world and I'll be the one to take it out all I can say to you guys is thanks even though we never met in person you were all kind to me they couldn't hear her through the window huh what's them they're all here yo big boss long time no see oh this is nice more like long time no me right are they gonna animate any tears Hasta la Vistar oh they're not even in sync on behalf of the Academy I have something I would like to say to team Starr you have my sear yeah that's right you do owe them an apology they were getting bullied relentlessly they started having to band together to fight back and then the school's like bro what are you doing yeah this school is a hundred percent at fault the school always is 100 at fault kids are just doing like kid stuff that's the school's job to step in the Academy's order for team star to disband and my threat to expel those who did not obey are revoked the school is like we're sorry also keep up your gang Behavior sorry making you worry Bibi we're all okay now this school was apparently bullying specifically these one two three four five six kids of course they're just gonna band together and try to seek revenge no don't bring me into this I don't have anything to do with any of this do I have to do community service with them yeah who do I I don't think so but who knows the school always chooses like the wrong form of punishment for now at least I think our little group should go their separate ways just leave don't break up just leave can't stay here but you go somewhere else bro's got a crazy gamer set up holy [ __ ] five monitors I need OBS N1 Discord on the other I got my live chat on the other one and the other one for just random web browsing bring the Violet book to the deepest depths of the area zero oh we finally get to go to the crater are you gonna go we might find treasure hey over here whoa what happened with all this sun the sun is beaming down on us you enter and you're like oh Jesus I can't see this is zero gate where the sun shines a thousand beams Penny you talk like way too much Penny based Penny true Bros profile picture is like a grinder image this is definitely his grinder profile picture to begin with I'd like to ask you all to make your way down to the great creator of paldia oh it opened not quite looks like someone's controlling this thing remotely ready for the worst I've been experiencing the worst why am I the one that's experiencing the most danger okay don't hold me like that Arvin I had concerns you might fail given the crudeness of the only available axis method arvin's like huh interesting dad you should now make your way to zero lab in the deepest part of area zero however the entrance to the lab is barred by four locks and he's like four locks I can't hack four locks what are we gonna do it appears you have reached your first research station what the [ __ ] is that a deli bird oh no it ain't he's got a little skis as feet though oh don't approach it look at his face oh my God whirlpool it attacks with its little little sack his head is so cute though oh Arceus did not create these probably not but who did I suppose the time has come for an explanation some of the life forms that you see residing now within area zero are future Pokemon okay the zero lab where I'm located contains a time machine time oh my God Arvin I if possible I would like us to speak when we can meet face to face yeah we're all taking like the idea of time travel being real really lightly Penny's like you ain't just thinking about it I guess I've got no choice then but to tell you what I know what you sent me right on to me was the first Pokemon that was successfully retrieved from the future by the time you took him and then he also we also taught him about sandwiches and he's like these are delicious family huh yeah that sounds nice Arvin Arvin is trauma dumping absolutely this is a pretty area the texture repeating is awful but I get what they're going for so the professors down here somewhere waiting for us Arvin have you even seen your dad have you only like Skyped with him if so I'm really sorry about that bud arvin's like I don't know if I want to meet him can I just oh God oh God what what I didn't think you'd let me no I did not hurry back from the bottom of hell what I died Dark Souls you died green I can't believe they let me do that I dragon that's not a robot right oh actually hydragon in this game looks awesome I want to catch one actually I guess I can get I can't throw a Pokeball at it no it is a robot what iron jugulas what wait what why is he named that iron jugulous uh I don't want to kill it it's probably still Dragon right yeah but it's I feel like there's such a better word than iron jugulous I like all these robot Pokemon I'll be honest I think they're cool I can see a lot of people not liking it because it kind of like muddies up what a Pokemon is but they're cool and I just like it you can do whatever you want if you make it cool Hello children okay I'm sorry what what's going on is he a robot ew this is creepy ew I don't like it like at all if I was Arvin I'm traumatized all over again tarot just invented trauma trauma too stop that you're creepiest out bro what the F this is not okay now I wish the Pokeball was here to comfort me it was becoming like a comfort thing um yeah I'm gonna heal yeah I think I'm gonna go to sleep you just experienced the most traumatizing thing with the your group of friends and one of them is like I'm going to bed today is not gonna keep going the weird hello you know it's like it's like a line and not an L like that's below weird can you hear me now please forgive my previous transmission this is me when I'm trying to type something but an animal keeps running across my keyboard this is definitely a plot twist that I did not expect um wait where do we go we go back to the original lab or am I supposed to go out here what there is a shiny a shiny Gabite wait where where go back there's a shiny in the cave no where what was it again what goodbye the shiny sucks oh is it like one of those you can barely tell the difference yeah oh I don't feel bad for missing a shiny one of those like identical shinies Arvin is this is his trauma dump Arc he is dumping whenever he can what with the four of you working together are we doing a Raid Battle I gotta say even though like Penny's like the FBI's Most Wanted fugitive I really like the in-game party yeah I like the four of them I think it's great like Penny like it's a it's definitely a ragtag group yeah I like how Penny just drops that she stole money from the governor yeah she didn't like she didn't even need to admit to embezzlement but she did that was a that was a conscious toy she made your husband hold it huh why oh also provides me to do the same at this point what high chat hi Chad hi chat oh hi chat hi chat wide this just spoiler territory and I think it's cool okay pull it back up when credits roll okay chat I'm not reading you for from this point on so we're we're in this together we're just experiencing the game if Meriden were I think you guys have been good about not spoiling but I'm gonna do what Jacob says I want to see a battle uh but it hasn't even wanted to let us ride it ever since we came down to Arizona area zero oh my God what happened to the to the light oh my gosh it's getting worse I missed it I missed it those it ate all the Irvine Mystikal we found too the light is going crazy me when I opened Discord light mode nimona why don't you experience a little bit of emotion go on Jaden let my ride on out okay I'm glad I saved all right come on Jaden now we got more ride on it's time to open that gate oh what is this another one I see he's the one who has eaten six sandwiches the family reunion it's happening nimona I don't think you've seen a single wild animal in your entire life this does not look like wow this looks like a hostile environment oh right on he's so sad somebody's not right poor guy no he shoulder swiped him man this thing from the back a little sus oh what's wrong nimona I think you had the you're not smart yeah exactly the bonus face is so blank do you think the other Mariah was one of the dangerous Pokemon nimona I think you need to stop putting using your input because you have been wrong every single time what the Robo fat Robo fat guy Rubble Rubble oh my God they got us surrounded I see the opening it's through high Dragon the fraless thing here they're here to roll out any they're not here to roll out a friendly welcome mat clink clunk and I need to eat another Ricola my throat is really sore they're all future Pokemon is it hi is that hariyama he looks so funny so much more phallic than he used to be I've never seen hariyama as phallic but seeing him in this form I'm like damn hariyama is he ruined for me now we're gonna fight all of them foreign wanted that thing dead double dead triple dead wow they're strong we just one shot it I'm glad you're on your our side but you're still really annoying Penny based pennies can say like only based and only cringe um Tara still lies not me please oh you idiot Pokemon in the future are not even any smarter than Pokemon in the not future God the future must be terrifying well good thing you don't need to worry about it penny they're running away yeah and we're gonna have a gigantic mess if they get out the clumsiest rum runner in the world okay let's go we don't have to fight High Dragon right I like how mechanical his little wings are why do they only attack gavilion oh nice one he definitely dies here I feel like I'm like perfectly leveled for this part of the game I could be completely wrong but I feel like leveling up to 55 and then taking on the rest of the PO the end game was the perfect amount of level you ruined my whole childhood I'm just catching Arvin in 4k this whole time but it's not like seeing you cowering and scared out of your wits makes me feel any better about it all Arvin stops a trauma dumping challenge obtainable human detected who talks like that is he a robot let's end that Crystal is it like flowers just a reflection oh I don't like that ew I don't like it no no don't don't come any closer hey Jin thank you for coming no it's not my pleasure was that I was like was that him that's a little overboard whoa he's got a master ball no back into your ball that one is far less tractable and far more aggressive than you've traveled with oh he lost to that one he's like you don't have to rub it in I feel like we we got that um I'm not yeah I know then who are you I'm AI the real Professor passed away he's dead the Pokemon is not to be blamed uh yeah it is he killed someone and he's gonna do it again and he is not sorry is the original Professor who failed to accurately judge its full power from the time I first reached out to director wait so he built an AI and then went and died and the first I reached out to director clavel is that you or is that the other guy I'm now confused again I was never more than an AI Jaden the reason I asked you to come to me is because I have one last thing to do here at the xerolab and I desire your help in short put a stop to the time machine well can we throw all the deli bird in there first I don't think we need future deliber in this time zone this time realm this elevator will take us down to the lower level step inside don't look at me like that AI did not learn the posture etiquette it's truly a great relief for to me that you came is there anything you want to know what is an AI no what is this time machine time machine is the device that the original professor and I worked on oh wait so he built the AI they teamed up the original one the other one died so they were like friends why does he have to build one that looks exactly the same as him is it like a FNAF setup and can draw them back here to the prison when he was alive Professor turo had a great fascination with Pokemon from another age uh the future Pokemon even as we speak the time machine continues to automatically draw future from to this time and they're all he's there and they're only taking Delhi bird is there anything else you always should ask what is an AI really is artificial intelligence I know a computer draws the on the original professor's knowledge and memories to calculate all my actions and thoughts Humanity does not in fact possess the knowledge to develop such a sophistical sophisticated AI at present but the crystals that make up the zero lab have made such a thing possible that's why I can't leave what happened as I explained before he [ __ ] died during the destruction of the research station his physical body received Grievous injuries and he died on the spot is this the first person to actually have died like canonically died in Pokemon like horrifically like on accident I now managed the zero lab in the original professor's place what is it that you really want uh what's the great ball that's on the floor the original Professor had a dream of a world in which future Pokemon might live alongside present-day Pokemon in harmony but these Pokemon have gained a strange power due to their adaptations in the distant future and this power has proved too terrible their very existence brings destruction to the ecological balance of I've bro I you lost me like a while ago the original Professor would say that blah blah the area zero is working to keep the future Pokemon here wait so the crater is behind all this are we scooby-dooing the the villain it's like the Creator and I would have gotten away with it while we begin to see Pokemon appear that can break the barrier such as iron Treads wait he can and run rampant across the no and when they do they're rich and varied ecosystem have been trampled I may have created as a copy of the professor and yet I cannot seem to find the logic and such allowing the tragedy Jaden I've heard you're pretty cool and good at using Pokemon please destroy the dream that we once cherished okay this is kind of just like an a nod and smile kind of conversation like he is much smarter than me and I'm just training my little alligator and he's like will you destroy the dream that we once had and I'm like okay you're the smart one here so I assume that that's what I'm supposed to do oh Crystal it's a repeating pattern what the [ __ ] is this what is this place behold what creature are we what creature are we fighting in here this is the time machine using the pterestalt phenomenon uh can I save I think I want to have a picnic there's not much space for your Pokemon it doesn't seem like it can hold a host a picnic I think it's lying to me I think that there's plenty of space for a picnic here walking cautiously on this Crystal floor do I talk to you or do I talk to this I talk to you to stop the time machine you will need to use the professor's ID which is in the book we've got a data leak we've got a data leak I gotta close it I gotta close it there is no audio or music playing but there is a data leak right there I'm so glad I saved actually there almost was a data leak for the entire ending of the game to stop the time machine you will need to use the blah blah blah we knew this already he loved that volume since he was a child nerd if you place the wait he was he loved a book so much he put his I he used it as his personal ID what is just one issue if you try to stop the machine I will most likely attack you what evidence sad sad face uh my own desires can be overwritten by the system's programming he's like hmm curious I might kill you if you took one more step forward I might blow your brains out hmm curious I'm a battle machine oh my God does he like turn into a Pokemon does he like robot out does he Transformers Digimon into a weird thing do we beat him up is Professor turo the final boss if so that this game is so based uh Professor turo acts as granted initiate your idea was imagine walking up to a bar and they're like ID please and you just hand a book he's like what does this prove he's like everyone knows I really like this book oh God it's up to you now Jaden what is this we could have had a picnic I'm just saying please defeat me bro I've kind of got chills oh my gosh his font changed at last my my dream is Within Reach ew oh this is oh this is spooky okay oh God his eyes he's Twitchy oh the camera angle he's initiated battle he just throws the ball whoa iron mouth I mean our mouth iron Mouse is mechanical movements I I don't know who you are his tiny tiny O's oh my goodness what is this iron moth is awesome is he had like a team of all of the robot Pokemon I don't know is it still a fire type I'm gonna fake out other or not every damage counts listen to this music this is like an awesome Battlefield this is one of my favorite like battlefields that Pokemon has ever made like the dark um the dark floor yeah it's definitely still fire type oh God the dark floor and atmosphere with the crystal gorgeous walls I didn't pay attention to what he said fire dance you can live one more right no he boosts his special attack that was unlucky maybe this is the time to have might and Glade rush it because if it gets hit by a fire type move then his attack froze we'll try it if we terroristilize then we lose our ice and dragon type which means nothing because it'll be neutral no matter what sludge wave ah you [ __ ] bro how strong is this thing thank God iron Thorns we know this one no wait no I don't um Iron Thorns it's gonna be grass crazy music oh my gosh his hair is crazy oh whoa oh my gosh that is so cool first of all I totally guessed wrong it's definitely not a grass type uh do we Shadow Ball do we we should hide we should uh Willow whisp oh Dad he lives the wealth of data in in your human brain this is so epic holy crap iron Thorns Tyranitar looks so cool I I love all the robot designs so far I'm such an edgy Edge Lord I love the robots no crit thank you is it still dark no uh well we can heal I don't want gavilion to faint I like how he's like up on a higher ledge than I am it I wish it was like a little bigger you know crit not bear just says calculated a critical hit bro shut up you did not you did not intend okay hold on let's just hit it with the hammer I should have uh fake added it actually dead iron Thorns is awesome iron jugulars I know this one did he catch all his Pokemon in master balls that's a little bit Overkill um I am going to heal it up and see what happens air slash okay free heel um icicle crash Flash game this might hurt this is awesome definitely dead though might is so good you don't need to speak like uh username text you know you don't need to use five instead of s how do I even translate that in my head what is the fight in Scarlet like because surely it's not all like this is it are we fighting like cave Pokemon like prehistoric Pokemon foreign oh the attack fell the attack drop Thunder Punch why I did a lot though ah oh that guy scouts out her flying types absolutely he does I'm gonna fully restore I don't care how unfair I'm being in this battle I just want to beat the game it's such a cool Final Boss though is for first Professor turo actually dead I feel like I feel like Pokemon is not bold enough to actually have someone canonically die because of a Pokemon attack ah Vader can die it's okay damn all lives on one they don't have friendship in this like friendship saves in this game I respect it no you oh my gosh it always misses it always misses when it needs to hit Paul can handle Thunder Punch because he's got volt absorb I should have just like baited the thing uh let's just do air cutter yeah oh nice critball recalculating for critical damage re playing around the crit here he's like ah [ __ ] I forgot to play around crit range what's his Ace is quick claw like 50 now that's what it feels like oh nice one what is he setting up the snow for Delhi bird even in the future still lacking a couple of brain cells oh nice crib iron Valiant I'm gonna do the Paul volt switch I feel like that's smart kind of lets me scout out what to do probability of you winning a zero well bro I've got like four Pokemon left and you've got one oh what is this [Music] wait what is this booster energy was used up what's up with this split is that on purpose Court Drive what is that is this it's like Gardevoir but also Gallade did they combine them is do they fuse in the future oh my gosh what typing is this is it like four typings fairy psychic fighting I guess three uh I'm just gonna hit it with this because it's 100 right no wait what isn't oh I'm thinking of rain Spirit Break oh God uh try again 70 hits like 30 percent It's gotta be reversed Paul you tried I feel like I want to weaken it out like weaken it and then absolutely hit it like a truck should I carouselize is this thing one shot me I'm gonna tearsalize psychic just like crazy stab because I can't characterize with might because it won't be stabbed Lady Gaga is awesome Spirit Break please don't one shot oh I was so scared no what is this hit it hard hit really hard oh my God okay we know it's like at least a little bit uh fighting type right Chad by the way I'm not reading you because uh Jacob said to go chat chat list my you need to outspeed this thing uh if it's fairy then we don't glave rush and I'm I'm worried this thing's like three types uh let's just freeze dry because I don't want it to miss might please go first we're great oh God well gavilite definitely doesn't outspeed this thing so we gotta go I feel like we go to Paul I feel like we go to Paul we revive Paul is like the one thing that keeps like clutching us out do we have any like full revive thing we only have a half I feel it doesn't Spirit breaks psycho cut oh we live uh we can we're gonna fully heal Paul now we're fighting all the robots yeah this one's awesome right it's so cool in fact he has master balls too yeah I said like the fact he has all six master balls it's like bro that's a little Overkill but it's fun I feel like we just out speed with Paul and win because it's very close to dying with Thunderbolt yes it definitely did it I think unless it's got eight seven Pokemon unless we have to fight AI turo impossible that was such a cool fight I love this Arena too I feel like this battle everyone is like my favorite Pokemon is done they look really cool I think the fact he like drops the master balls too yeah that that too okay his eyes are back Jaden bro don't look it's your weird it's your your dad is your dad's your relationship with your dad is gonna get more complicated you beat all the baddies without me I've always hair this dude is never getting closure this bro is traumatized for Life he's going he's gonna have to pay for therapy for the rest of his life time machine is finally been stopped you're not really my dad are you look how big bro you can't do that you can't do that to him traumatized for the rest of his life you can't you can't give him that like that like is it true is it not true you're oh my gosh this is the most traumatized Pokemon has ever made of character it cannot be an obstacle is preventing the time machine from performing does AI tarot like sacrifice himself or something what what goes on blocking all pokeballs can you do that Penny's on her phone like I'm gonna call an Uber I gotta get out of here I'm sorry children the oh my God this is terrifying Arvin don't look his teeth Arvin don't Arvin I think you need to turn around and just plug your ears fetal position we can handle this you do not need to be a part of this you're not the not being seven we fight him oh I knew it wait what what is going on do we fight him or not one more pokeball do we fight muridon oh it's meridon are all my Pokemon healed can they please are we are we doing ride on versus ride on well I have the weaker one so I think we lose oh wait what happens if I I can't do B anymore oh look at their effects that's fun Oh weird like angle but okay right on I'm sorry we didn't give you one more sandwich but you can do it buddy oh I love meridon what sandwich Powers you know the power of sand which is the other one doesn't oh yeah I'm so glad there's no memory memory data leak going on well what do I do I don't know what the typing it is I feel like I can absolutely lose this what's going on electric train uh we don't want a terablast do we what is this uh let's use electrodrift I was gonna hit you oh that anime okay well nevermind I was gonna say the animation was awesome it's changed into its battle form oh then let's try power gem I cannot read what you're saying anymore dude his his health bar is like so much bigger than mine do I am I supposed to use Terra Blast I'm not I'm not all I'm not Crystal bro you're speaking in shapes I don't know what to do why do I have a door okay I feel like I don't win how do I win he's got like three times the health bar that I do uh okay let's just do this let's keep Kara blasting endure me again please Hyper Beam is that on purpose oh just when I said they we have the Friendship thing well how do I win we took like a champ am I supposed to win this because I'm not seeing the out oh what'd I do all right I must recharge Kiera blast I don't get it oh man can we really not pull off a win here no we can't it out speeds us your Terror orbs glowing but it out speeds us Terror still lies and finish it off put it out okay do we do we do our speed too oh we got an omni boost okay that's terrorist allies terrible last okay is it just a one shot because if not can I actually lose this battle does it love me because that Hyper Beam on one percent uh one Health Point and um recharging seemed really ideal there we go we got it oh he just flumped over like that oh and that's how you destroy evil AI robots um okay there we go you did it it's not going Berserker anymore are you back to normal yes I am yes I'm back to normal Arvin I think you need to go home I'll be completely real with you I'll be your one friend and say you need to go home do not look at this how challenging of a future you may await you and you Jaden and all the children the time my time machine cannot be put to a complete stop as well as long as I'm here appears I'm part of the part of the system what does that mean he's about to lose his dad twice when I was watching you all on your adventures from down here I finished felt a sense of jealousy I envied your freedom the way you all came together working in Leagues with your fellows sought strengths and bettering yourselves face your greatest enemies the way that you never cease to seek nor to fight at Treasure all on your own ugly and the way you sort free through the very Skies I wish that I too might be as free as all you not bound your own treasure as long as I remain here the time machine will not stop I'm connected to it so I made a decision what's going on you can't just leave oh he's taking himself back to the future oh is what it feels like to have your heart race with thrill of Adventure Arvin I'm sorry that I kept the truth from you for so long turo I think you need to apologize for so much more I inherited all the thoughts and wishes of the professor and so I understand better than any your father truly loved you you can't you can't just go say anything this boy is ruined no I suppose you're right I'm sorry but I'm afraid this is goodbye no Arvin arvin's like the true sad story of this uh game bid you adieu oh one last glitch [Music] there he goes swallowed by the future how could you just go his dad left him twice he had two dads and both of them left him Arvin you're doing okay bud yeah somewhere deep now and I knew it was fake but it said my name using his voice and wearing its face bro even if it was fake it felt real you know Arvin I'm so sorry I don't know what I'm saying everyone's like what do we say you know the Panic of when someone drops something really dark and like really deep and you're like I am not capable to be able to like respond let alone Comfort this person no matter what I do the battle form how cool is that but look how awesome our Digi your lizard is let's not skip over the big win here that's right you did amazing that's my bud Jaden even though professor's gone I bet he's having a real Adventure on his own yeah thanks Penny um yeah sorry what should we do now Jaden let's go home yeah we all agree we're just gonna walk home Arvin oh my gosh I feel so bad for Arvin it's like the Long Road Home that's I don't okay if I was Arvin I'd be like no I really don't feel like it at all okay fine I guess we're doing this is that the end are credits rolling now yay we finished it that was like the most story Pokemon has done in a long time the story with turo like Arvin and turo are absolutely some of the the saddest things I've seen in a Pokemon game do just because it's just trauma it's like childhood trauma that never ends and it keeps getting worse that's insane that they went so hard on him let's sit down and chat real quick uh chat you can tell me what you think what do you think about the game because I personally liked it a lot I think it nailed the Rival I liked Arvin Penny's like chaotic but I respect what she's supposed to be I liked the open world and how you can just go to whatever you want like the game doesn't say like oh now you have to go here and now you have to go here in this open world game it kind of would defeat the purpose I disrespect the hands-off approach of just letting people play the game how they want to play it it seems like they took a while to learn that I I like the direction that Pokemon is going between Arceus and Scarlet Violet I feel like I'm interested to see what the next game is going to be
Channel: Jaiden
Views: 5,491,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2U583IDBB1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 31sec (7171 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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