The ENTIRE Kirby Deluxe Experience..

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Kirby Deluxe is what is this oh like what is that let's go I just want to be free from this house I'm gonna pull your beak off and wear it like a crown fun oh God here we go Never Killed the first waddle D that's a that's a Time honor tradition come here and give us a kiss I forgot I turned on the live chat donation thing Christ I always forget about the lips big lips all the more to kill that doesn't need to be saved from downtown I killed this hat wait do they not get sad in this game wait look at them normally they get sad but he's having the time of his life they defeated the depression allegations oh never mind why are you happy this is the only happy Cappy he's the last of his car he's like the goddamn Avatar so that's what happened to my depression pills sorry my guy a Cappy stole your paroxetine that's a quick aside fire Kirby I think is rising up it to be like one of my favorite abilities oh but first the big sword by fire ability yo but how long will it take me to get the fish this time in the demo okay maybe I took I don't know 20 min 20 minutes to get the stupid fish sword thing to appear it would be funny to get the fish sword again but I don't want to waste your guys's time again I'll have you know I come to your stream specifically to have my time wasted all right you asked for it just another day in the world of Dreamland hopefully I don't get hit by something stupid like a giant sword or a fishy dog I swear to God shut up I got the fish I hear you with the fish suffer and die 15 minute 36 fish any percent baby can we talk about this big dude real quick it's cool all right enough conversation like pop or die or turn into like smoke or something I don't know dead excuse me I'm just gonna excuse me I'm just gonna see I'm just gonna yeah goodbye I was just dodging all the enemies that way I could play the game a little bit faster oh the clutch save dude that was really scary if I died there I would have lost one of my seven lives but you know what sometimes you just gotta take a leap of faith thank you uh grandfather Ben or whatever what's the guy's name from Spider-Man Uncle Ben yeah that's the guy you missed it but I miss oh a tree hole now why they got offer me candy if you ever go through a hole in a tree and they're like hey would you like some candy uh call the police actually don't do that Carl um kill them oh I'll take this ability this one's funny but if anyone have anything to say about this one yeah hey don't move me I'm Invincible die oh what a spark oh Sparkle looks so good in this art style yeah oh [ __ ] I can tell you like the up spark I can poop Lightning I really like this hard styles with sparked it I didn't realize he could build it up on the ladder don't don't ever copy Kirby's example please if you rub your hand on a ladder you're just gonna get splinters and die you can shake your controller you can while moving what uh uh ruin my commentary a little bit I I I I you don't actually need to shake that hard by the way but I said that that's really fun well it's the race thing hey bye what the what the hell up one second I I did it guys I I beat him to the race wow just a nice wait can I not go through the game he responds right setting out oh no ability it's time to celebrate it just plays really unfitting music for the whole duration God I love this ability yeah monster flame dude it's so cool roast them come on down come on down bouncies you're going to die I will send hundreds of fire dragons directly into this Barren Forest until you come down here and die lay it and land on it yeah there we go okay father please stop think about the environment what environment oh that's right now would be like the ball monster thing did you know that according to YouTube analytics eighty percent of you aren't subscribed to failboat no don't say that now I just gave like the weakest line of commentary in my life I'm like Oh look The Ball monster and now I gotta put this clip because you didn't did a scribe promo for me in the chat minibus wait what the hell is that who left the ticket in the middle of the road I guess I'll take that oh it's this Macklemore land is open hold on megalore give me a second buddy I'll be I'll be right there hold on quit with me can you make this quick I got a trip to Disneyland okay anyway lobotomy is complete that'll be three thousand dollars please venmo be that by tomorrow can you imagine if after surgery your doctor was just like I'm so sorry um to tell you this uh Jimmy I'm it is it is in fact terminal that'll be sixteen thousand dollars hey hello there magalark can I go to Disneyland now what is this lore drop text cutting this is the tale of a different world at a different time wait wait did they do I think Disneyland isn't an alternate reality Universe for this I've never seen Kirby do a more direct lore drop how about the Kirby star eyes minigame where he I don't know that's a meteor directly through 47 consecutive planets that's Canon but this is the alternate universe okay this is messed up but it's nothing as compared to how messed up ddd's face is in this picture or guy looks like a dinner plate full set don't whisper what's this come to play in Mary magaland I'm back Kirby I'm here to play here's my face raisin ruins God that is really creepy oh it looks even weirder with the with the hat I have I'm wearing two forms of hat but it was an alternate universe how did Kirby take the mask back to this reality it's the sand level and the sand level has the sand ability yeah what are the two new abilities finally we get a chance at it here we go come here the sand tan I already made like jokes I was gonna make for this ability in like the demo video no but can you just replayed the sand hand clip sand hand sand grab sand burial what is this this game just gave sand pie jump why is this an attack that this is there's an ability code jump high jump is higher oh pardon me sorry I forgot that Kirby has limited jump light oh hello there a damn giggle hello there buddy please one more time I'm sorry I'm sorry it's not that funny I just lose my mind that you can turn and slam things into the wall anyway die hello there buddy what do you got for me bonkers Hammer ability okay I love sand but like come on wait let me grab a knife let me grab a what shut up chat don't make this weird I simply used my sand hand to grab his nut I don't know what you guys are finding weird about this uh dress-up masks um where is mine hello mine I hate the mind's mask looks a lot like Kirby is pogging am I insane oh it's the skull heads oh hit him with the fire can I not put it out with water I don't know about you guys this game feels a little unrealistic wait isn't this the level I get like a really cool ability in what's it called a flare Bean Flair beam yeah this yeah I remember this one son let me tell you something what is dead if I ever die while doing a beam attack then get brutally murdered by Kirby and have my Grim demise animated by thousands of people for eight months straight I want you to take my revenge of course they're all dead you mean the world to me I love you son waddle do me proud I love you too Dad [Music] well that was weird oh the ultra ability not gonna lie this bean ball is actually pretty mean hi having the time of my life anyway further is wearing the mask of a skinned fish never felt prouder interesting donation message but thank you all the same oh that's just a little that's a little more but that's where my face went I cut it off in favor of mine now this is on the cart well if you're not gonna use this I might as well sell it thank you waddle me why yeah so I know that like eventually mechability shows up I would imagine we have to wait until like another world for that I really want to try it though it looks so cool you have random copy of Billy Essence but do I oh I do can I gimmick into Mech there's no way right like we only have five chances to get this oh wait oh my God oh my god well that works yo what I gotta see what it does I I don't I don't want to look at everything I didn't actually expect to get it what is that attack we can fly CB oh hi jump no that's okay I have a mortar strike he's flying after me he's upset he's like get back here please this is supposed to be my level wait a second is this son I'll get you this time my boy I'll get my revenge for him fall oh I'll get you this time Kirby beam attack oh my God wait where is he well [ __ ] we got him again wait no look at the the back ability I had to random internet to get it early oh my God he actually got me this time he hit me with the Ultimate Team attack he attacked with the beam ability I'm done dude you cannot run you cannot hide your next fight shall strip your pride what do you mean by that what do you mean by that wait what is this whoa what is this world boss again wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I've seen the memes I thought he was a much later appearance but I see the chat going crazy do I finally get to meet him in HD it is there he is the Kirby community's favorite Mr daughter I don't get the hype it gently no daughter Riot Riot Riot Riot Riot I don't get it what's the height behind daughter he became more powerful than you can imagine wait go to Magdalene for a daughter Mask wait is that how it works yeah he's there okay it is pretty cool that he's entertaining the wildies that's that's a point for me hold on Chet you win L Mister dooder would you and now what I have you in Checkmate no he got us you can't call me bad now chat not without insulting Mr duder too which wins our love of Mr dooder or our love of filming shortcomings that's don't praise the false prophet don't show me I'm Mr Deuter the world beloved Mr dooder on the way through I don't know I got his parasol oh no is his body's gone hey there duta glad you're playing now instead of the boat maybe you can figure out how to reach the level one on end game gonna end you all wait tornado yeah wait can't I like up tornado or something in this game now yeah I get up tornado okay down tornado this game has it all dude I'm just gonna like yup oh I can sideways tornado it just keeps giving oh wait a second the Mega Million okay you know what tornado sucks [Music] Melody oh first time I've seen that one huh oh this building is so cool okay so now that we actually have the okay so talk to me full charge blaster in full charge storage oh wait a second what I can hold oh look at this group is like an aura to him wait so this at any time just like oh hey there my friend my best buddy in the world oh I love walking along the beach nothing bad happens to us [Music] that's so cool I have like a fire fist attack I really like this a lot try down attack what's that it's a dumpling oh my God it's an explosive dumpling Kirby can lay landmines it's so weird whenever I see Kirby with fingers like a whole thingies here's a dumpling oh wait where's that coming don't go into the water oh the Mexican drop of land mines but it wasn't built with waterproofing why is the mech less waterproof than my iPhone 3GS now now I don't care give me Mecca Billy respawn it wait a second wait this might be even better is it the ice one is the ice one everyone stops I've been waiting months for this moment I'm sitting up everyone had attention everyone had goddamn attention yeah well are you not feeling jazzed right now did you not see how Kirby moved his little hands like frankly I'm enthralled this is the happiest I've been in the last 27 years of my life this is what I use my influence for okay anyway I'm gonna play the video game it just makes me happy anyway ball [Applause] I love slow ride you didn't see them you can see him wrinkling within the body oh you're gonna stay with me friend oh well look new friends new friends to add to my flesh wonderful new friends that we can be together with forever anyway I'm gonna kill you all oh just break the whole house down I said the whole house I set the whole house there we go good whoa lying with this thing make ability get back here no why doesn't it reappear wait wait I'll do the extra Dimension that should respawn him when I come out don't worry bro You're Gonna Lose It Anyways I genuinely hate you all please tell me they respond they respond surely yeah yeah let's go baby all right we move now I can fly Shirley yes yes what don't you dare L don't you dare l no you dare L I don't want to see it he did it w finally a w he's been at it since 1988 but he finally got a one first of all he wasn't born in 1988. hello it is me a child I do not like Kirby just wearing adeline's head hello it is me Adeline charging my Adeline beam here I am a human diving into water that humans can breathe look at me in my neck and other such human extremities ah yes the perfect enemy for me to beat into submission while I try out new attacks wait does this ability have a down up attack whoa yes it does yes a a normal human based maneuver exploding my fingers yes what else do I have here then rocket Dash shock knuckle downbeat while using the shock knuckle as a rocket break that's cool down in hold B then release all these abilities but do we have a single cutting attack guns blasters lasers all fold to a single wine rope shock counter be right when being attacked while guarding there's also more things this blazing Palm Inferno Palms it's gonna be really careful when pronouncing this one this is that burst how many ability give me the enemy give me give me something to kill a fish oh my God this has a melee I've actually blown away by this ability oh hello a shoe it's Kirby in a Mech in a shoe look at me a human child wearing my shoes look at me in my Converse oh talk to me what masks do I have now I'm really starting to get a bit of a portfolio for myself here whoa that is a big entrance what is this guy again hello what is that thing I'm fighting like a rock it's like where is it locating Target oh is he oh wait it's you fatty puffer this dude reminds me too much of of the dude that from from the game hello Fatty puffer would you like a dumpling except the dump oh that's that's certainly a fatty puffer I am waiting away from death oh I countered I did it you're just gonna see through all this blubber okay we're both flashing for both of them no that was the real counter though I love fatty puffer Chad what do you think of them I love obese Kirby animals got to be one of my favorite genders and I couldn't agree anymore hello it is me the human now in pain look at me I can too experience emotions why is this a mess holy Ice Area hello there thank you for showing up I have been very cold for a very long time hey please don't go this seems like a perfect time for a mini boss here have a dumpling have a dumpling have a dumpling have a dumpling have a dumpling Derby confidence peak video game combat wait a second Super Bonkers and hello there wait I didn't mean to though if you can we do that cutscene again yeah thank you [Music] yeah quizzes oh match for huge Hammer I'm understanding you're gonna be so much fun oh hello there no not this level not this level so I'm already stressed though you guys don't understand the stupid level is the whack-a-mole level this is like what kept me up at night like in like the middle of high school there's a fish for this one too I need you to actually all shut up okay here we go okay no no no I'm not gonna let you get away this time it gets harder I promise I remember this being hell oh it gets harder why did the level end it definitely got harder no dude I remember in like high school it took me like forever oh God am I bad at games that's another level okay okay okay thank you thank you I knew I knew it got hurt I knew it got hurt that's just the introductory level it's killer shoot I don't have a skill issue I just didn't remember it right it's not a skill issue please that's big that's big that's big that's big that's big I always get one on the stupid thing it's not a skill shoe it's not a skill issue it's a lack of information it's not a skill issue okay okay I'm taking a break to give mentally recover give me like one day and I'll never struggle again Kirby are you ready to brutally rip off more faces and spill more blood onto the freshly paved streets of Wadley town boy that's eagerness I like to see okay we need to talk I played the stupid egg mini game for 40 minutes straight and still won't have a perfect score he locked up my thumb last night for playing it so long but I got 140 stamps for the play session okay my goodness Nova oh oh my [ __ ] god what is that oh hell no no oh my oh my God no so with all that said in addition to this horrifying mask that I got last night God I hate how it shimmers in the light we got this little guy which is um odd let's play Kirby ass Kirby no it's terrifying Kirby takes pain yet he feels nothing no it's so cursed please don't let this be a one-time game of Nintendo what do you want me to do here oh I see how does this work again yup I'm following now yup never oh I would not survive natural selection okay it's another race this time I won't kill him I will simply beat him and then kill him step up about time you made it there we go actually got I promise this isn't on purpose I I don't even know what to say about that one just hit me L my leech detail wait all right I'm back baby I saw the little arm flap oh bowling pins oh no oh God I [ __ ] using this who cares if you need to use seven balls to get a strike wow you did it good job here in Kirby everyone is a winner look at all the bodies the zero mask looks like an unpopped pimple all right I never need to hear that one again thank you we'll use fire like a loading icon it's the monkey I remember you you break the floors oh there we go but can I just stop running stay away please what the hell are you when I was angry oh we kill him like this right we we kill him right oh come back down what are you doing die before you shoot that please okay thank you stop Kirby you've done it my star cutter finally has a sample back God Jesus Christ this mask it just looks like I'm flying with a big old graham cracker in my mouth green ball monster I'll say the light oh my God that shatters him that actually busts him what the hell thank you disintegrated wait see if you can get the car now what do you mean by that chat stone is car transformation no not again please I just want to progress I thought we were gonna have a video without doing this for once please no all right let's do it oh boy if you guys are enjoying this content maybe you don't even realize you're not subscribed consider subscribing this is hell you put me up this chat you have to live with the consequences now oh never mind there's no consequences look at this rotund man and the car the car is real okay good I can actually stop now we got like three of the rarest ones back to back thank God you didn't get the hell logo foreign [Music] that would be a good way of getting the Hal logo uh oh what is that this is a new one pixelated Kirby this isn't even the owl logo that's like that's a full pull right there there are five gold ones one of them is hell what do you mean you can't just keep pulling the odds up like that there's four more to go I'm not doing this I'm not doing it we're stopping soon [Music] move on oh my precious give me rockability oh it's crash stop oh is that gonna hit me still disability is trash and speaking of trash Hey look it's high jump here we go here's the um look at this a high jump exclusive puzzle gimmick who can never make it through there without the high jump ability I'll tell you what I'm actually curious if we can just do the high jump puzzle with another ability wait ha so bad dude it's another five jump puzzle dude there's no way right now so slow wait another win for high jump high jump can't even have a puzzle he can't have damage output you can't have more than two moves it can't even have a unique gimmick what does this do hey wait no wait hold on there was something on the right oh there was something on the right let me go back my head I forgot I just have things I could use like give me a gun die ball monster who needs to use abilities Kirby's strapped I found out why I might want to use abilities don't boot me all the way back out come on little Chad you talk for a bit all right that's enough talking little chatty please I'm gonna use the gun no I'm gonna use it come here Buckle I'm ready for him this time he's dead he's done he's done please die completely isolated spot on the map I'm the most stubborn person on this platform and now that I've died three times I won't only do this boss with the cannon no more bits no more jokes I'm winning five in the middle W amazing job see the worst is when you guys are like oh my God you beat him congratulations that boss was designed to be sweepable by like a 12 year old who will Drool on half their Wiimote It's the final level right me winking at all the Kirby fans oh boy guys nope no mask no mask I just want to play this just Kirby for a little bit there we go oh the ball oh there it is oh my God it's a giant ball monster you know how to put these ones down let me actually use a tax on you now let's go a lot of some mortar shots at you what can I just like okay I don't want to deal with you anymore what are you doing what is that I remember what's going on here let's do it serve them up with a big old fish oh please I gotta get a fish Slice on him up here up here right now ah I was ready for you one more hit come on come on if there's a script then here it is right through the head to fix it in post okay hold on one second though you are my favorite YouTuber I'm so sorry the very first try the lore is back in this the Earth yours both swings the emblem the hole in the when the wind's all there trip to my home how Kendra exists in another dimension it just like my theme park does wink and we're off oh a dragon hello there bud oh hi hey hey why you shooting at me we're just here to bring Disneyland to every corner of the universe what is this well thank you [Music] they got on the Discord call it a roaring at us wait magalore I'll brutalize the lizard you know what's really funny too whoa hey wait a second planet robobot this is a whole 3DS game the Kirby mask constantly smiling Kirby Against All Odds is my favorite thing see like there even when he's being crushed to death he's still a smiley friend oh that whoa Jesus Minecraft piston jump scare all those little guys standing up what's the name of those little guys Pokedex tell me the name of those little dudes oh I'm sorry I I should not have pulled that lever it should definitely put a sign on that lever that says this kills the populace I could have just been trying to turn on the lights as suddenly I'm a mass murderer hey Daddio I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a how room in this world not entirely sure if I care about the Hal room immediately I think they're cool to see but right now again I just want to guess wait a second this seems very Hal room looking oh what's up here is it the howl room yeah there we go I do not care about these abilities hello what is this thing is it a boss room oh cool you know what I'm gonna take this guy down with high jump super I coming through okay how much damage does high jump actually do though oh we're cooking now boom Shard shiny jump attack my question now is will this flight take longer than me trying to get the fish sword with ultra sword careful guys don't blink you might miss me getting 1 8 of his health down have health I didn't think we were gonna get this far honestly okay nice that did 71 damage what's he gonna do again charge me one more time that's over for you this is the quickest anyone has ever beaten this boss people have been trying to beat him in less than 15 minutes for years no one ever thought of trying the high jump ability yeah look at that super ride this game is like oh you thought there were six worlds there are seven oh my God what is this level we went from like Mech world to Hell yummy off high jump I'm actually kidding I would rather high jump than Leaf hey is there a water ability still around or like hey that's okay because we're about to random into water so we're fine oh you just do this oh you can just walk away from it and just get whatever ability you want right here I'm crying oh no zero is sad guys watch a heartache and cry oh Binding of Isaac moment do you think you cried on thank you no it's another race I'm good though What's Happening Here no we go back in close that open that close that close that open that close that I think I said the right words what do you want me to do about that that was that was his skill issue if I am too fast in a race why is it my fault okay hello wow father you solved the escort puzzle did you do it all by yourself don't belittle me like this block put that in the video not like who are you gonna listen to chat or your friend failboat there is milk in this game but the only mammals are Rick and pick so until proven otherwise we have to believe the milk is hamster milk you know what these are the Kirby theories I like to hear you're Ultra chili everyone shut up no no redo it uh it's my favorite moment look at this little stupid spinner out with his hands what Spar what was that wait it's fine it's optimal now I get to rewatch The Animation yeah I like that I jumped come on how can I pass up on using this ability thank God I got high jumper oh oh you dogs you tempting me to try this to something that isn't I jump hold on incident goes away I'm just gonna hold it yeah let's go Mech I don't know where I would be if I didn't take high jump into that room I'm not sure why I have this hate campaign against high jump oh boy we're getting to the end amazing Point chatty D father you shall refer to me as little as fondonatious chatting field what I'll give you the power what if Kirby just like hits me like a [Music] [Music] [Music] what the hell let's do this baby boss stage four one more attempt at the egg mini game though I'm so close I'm so close to an easy 30. this is the hardest final boss in the game eating ones oh and the music build up oh and all the power-ups hello there lizard do you not see the shock on my face ah yes four heads just more eyes for me to get sanded all those heads and all those eyes and you still can't aim correctly are they just dead oh my God oh bad oh God what is this Bravo Kirby your help defeating latia was invaluable Kirby takes a Santa Billy beat him up the source of limited list power the mass Brown macalore obtaining this Crown has been my ultimate goal all along now my font has changed and with it the world will now follow the time has come for the entire universe to bow down to me and my new serif font I'm really proud about it he betrayed us Chad God I wanna punt magala so bad I could kick that boy so far you don't even know oh it's the boat I spent all that time putting it together now I have to break it down again looks a little bit smaller actually since the last time sure the dragon with fire breath is powerful but can it really and truly parallel the unbridled strength of a fully charged high jump attack I don't think so ah takes one failboat to Noah fail but I I gotta work on my one-liners anyway let's go build a sand castle on him oh here we go ultra power megalore oh my God oh my God why is Sam so strong he's done one attack my man wasn't ready for the beach oh he's not dead that's right the shield that's right there's a snake enemy in this game the little dude no stop it stop attacking me get your balls out of here get your watch out of her easy there chat Ultra beam attack oh don't move don't move stop moving stop moving attack is it the sword give me the sword give me the sword yeah come on baby one last slash one slash oh wait it's a struggle Ultra sword attack hop off little guy wait actually can we do that again I didn't have it I didn't use the fish no no come back I swear the final hey can be a fish oh yeah wait I forgot about this part remember when I said come back what if you didn't oh I don't like that Kirby bosses man they always do this like dust them with the sand tornado yes I can [Laughter] just looks done oh boy giant bean blast oh too bad I'm a pile of sand oh one second I got a little bit of water what is a man who a lord what is a lord to a god what is a God to a god Slayer what is a god Slayer what cute little pile of sand on the ground dude if this guy ever steps foot on a beach he's gonna explode yeah build a build some real estate on yeah get him hey he wasn't ready for this income tax what does that mean oh my god oh Lord help there we're fine maybe we're not where's that being going that's cool that's really cool and all but if you died yes all you did was give yourself a new eye for me to toss sand into a fight would have taken three seconds total with high jump God you're just right check Twitter check Twitter what's going on with Twitter now trending magalore Jesus Christ is alive what goes on in this post game dude well only one way to find out one day magalor was having a good day then he got sliced in half by Kirby and felt his skin burnt off by the Ash and black flames of the occult and was sent to Hell welcome to Kirby subscribe for your weekly dose of video related trauma welcome back to magalore's Sticky pickle situation they're like the White House back there oh my God it's America this is hell what's happening here oh oh my God it's a whole dimension of the ball Monsters ah oh my whoa I cannot be taking hits Jesus taco roll that was pretty good oh the taco came back out of the story that happens to a lot of people okay but real I don't get what the apple slices why isn't Apple slice of hell what is the fruit done wrong stage clear magic points 120. okay what does that mean to me that goes magical skills oh here we go up to three attacks in a row let's go with that one absolutely let's do the up attack as well so now I can like up ball here I come this cassette the ready oh yeah look at the top sorry you made me act up for a second I'm gonna get changed oh I love them my guy is a gusher ah dude did you see they're strong actually I'm going to die oh no oh this really is not good they were the pasta though I don't know what the pasta did to get sent to hell that does elude me a little bit someone out there someone out there messed up the preparation of pasta so badly that he got went to the land of Sinners stage clear the best part about this about this game mode is that it doesn't have a stupid like mini game at the end for me to just fail disgracefully every time Jack can finally shut up about L's and W's hate to burst your bubble but you only got gold Rank and not Platinum bit of an L if you ask me the idea is just to constantly link together damage I guess I guess of the Mario Kart tour of experience that I've had over the last like two years is flashing back to me the only thing that would make this worse is if this game had like micro transactions in it mini boss oh okay blast them don't blast them alternatively not yeah there we go we got a big b oloby oh God it's not stopping I thought that was me who died who died what happens if magala's hand get caught in a door does he still have control or does it just just lay still great question megalore slam the door in your fingers I want to upgrade the magic sphere and then give me a little bit more levitation I'm I'm struggling right now I want to see how far I can go without doing a health upgrade I have found how far I can go without doing a health upgrade burst that to a pit but I just do we not have lives oh God we don't have a life we really are in Hell a failboat look what I can do you okay little chatty we had so many Magic points from there extend how long it takes before that my combo ends oh dude absolutely you're telling me this gets me platinum's easier consider this an investment to the anti-el defense fund two hello there I'm a little spider just a little dude I'm in hell for crimes against the state I'll do it again I didn't like them in the original game just makes him look at his hands I just like kill a man like what have I done he called a taunt Oh Come at me come at me right now come back and die 24 combo and City come on and die do it you killed me once now I kill you Sans have sinned uh only a gold still no pee bruh my four-year-old niece can get pre-ranked easily why can't you shut up is this us boss boss levels okay Mr DOTA what crimes did you commit mail fraud anyway here's some skulls oh this attack does nothing I gotta upgrade my attacker but I have been upgrading my attack these guys are just strong oh my God ow this guy's genius [Music] oh that's a cool attack and all but if it was a fish it would have been cooler get him kill the flies kill the Flies get him one more hit yeah Mr daughter hell oh wait give me your Apple slice I still understand the grand plan with these things runs I can't even bring myself to look at chat for that one my heart won't be able to take it oh look at this new world knew me oh man okay this Dash ability is real nice all right now we're talking oh I see I'll gladly take all these I would love to say however it seems I have to go this way ow that did half of my help that did half my health got it I don't get hit ever dude this upgrade was so important thank you for the hell ice cream what is this extra Fire full Cannon oh that's really cute it killed like seven people I still find it cute and done give me a p that's P right that's silver that's just silver isn't it protect the magic bulbs oh Christ what if Kirby but Tower Defense oh I'll get that bulb next time please stop appearing waddle though I'm running out of ideas for super commentary you guys gonna just gonna attack her like oh no no no no no no I was joking hey don't don't put no pick up speed I think I start sprinting no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get away from it get away from the ball pull don't go there stay back no it's a b-man bush there'll be a big waddle dude please no we've seen enough of you in this game stop the bit is dead you stepped into my domain now buddy megalore does I actually have never met you before but I have seen your videos don't jump in it no [Music] he was actually about to kill me Father what is your favorite type of attack physical emotional or being nice combo keep it going I'm gonna die oh I'm actually going to die I did not see my health easy P rank please easy peasy is it God damn it upgrade magic sphere upgrade combos upgrade levitation upgrades people father it is important to raise your health up there is no telling what monsters will do to you you're so right you're so right let me boost my levitation oh we're kicking now oh my God we actually have a lot of levitation now that went from like nothing to everything who Dash boss oh look at all this hey I died oh my God stop it oh god oh that shot away we're fine oh Jesus Christ he goes on the ceiling [Music] flop on the ground ow I'm gonna die this whole lack of Health thing is starting to become an issue I want to focus I can do this with low Health okay wait for him hey why you go to hell fiery puffer um money laundering we're fine we're good we're good we're good this is what he shoots the fire don't become invincible I'm dead oh dude I'm not gonna upgrade health I simply won't magic barrier here we go fire breath no problem using a little bit extra damage there oh Jesus father stay determined I absolutely will I will defeat you boom fire the beam get him ah come here give me your gems oh my God I took his eyes do you guys hear my struggle to just try to not call it a beam attack time to hit him with my nondescript laser blast next magic barrier oh I'm moving I I actually have the I see what's going on here it's teaching me about pain that was unfamiliar with it before but I'm glad they're finally showing this to me to learn how pain affected me I went to therapy but you do you I guess I mean whatever helps you through at the end of the day okay so it does it just is no stop okay there we go ow ow stop stop stop hey but we came out on top you know I got shut up see this is why you don't need to upgrade HP it's a waste of time just upgrade the shield and don't ever get hit and then oh what am I gonna do get hit no I haven't okay look hello what are you doing dying I bet thank you for the meat something is a little bit gross about eating a poppy bro's meat they're just just a dude all the enemies in this game like are non-humanoid in design what was that about a dude's meat no no no light like okay I know you know no no no no no no the bit isn't it's a cannibal bit no jacket no you're the ones making it weird today see if the mushroom dropped food I'd be like oh boy delicious if the turtle drops food I'm like oh sick yeah I'll eat some I'll eat I'll eat a turtle smoothie poppy Bros Junior dropping me I'm like oh that's a little weird you would eat a turtle there's turtle soup Chad you aren't winning this argument everything you say makes it worse I don't know are we really arguing this the alternate is eating a human being bro just say you hate Turtles I don't hate Turtles you guys are if they drop food I'd be like oh it's animals hydrath or whatever your name is I would eat them I would eat this Kirby boss Kirby boss teal is based upon edibility but exactly what I expected this turn into oh God I am at half Health oh good so is he well I I need to I need to whoa oh God he's turned yellow oh I don't want to eat this one now oh oh he played my jump why does he have piss hair why does he have piss hair why does he have piss hair magala kinda looks like an egg can we eat him oh oh me like oh I'm not so sure about human meat we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good I like when you are on the wall like that and then you can't oh he's like oh and I'm like he's so close to death he's gonna teleport twice three times but stop it oh come on he got his damn feet wet eat the spot I gotta like get my act together this is just embarrassing it does so much damage wait a second uh upward magical sphere we have to upgrade our arms this move is so good I am begging you to upgrade hell father please I don't need to upgrade hell you and megalore have something in common slash you can't spell your names without else so it makes so much sense chat is on something different today I can do this I can do this I'm gonna do jumping ball and then not jump about and then hit me joke's on you you won't do that ladder part Hitler's running coming download please please please I almost had the perfect one a phone a ball give me that stupid Apple slice bronze what no no no big p rank come on I love that there's like hell bouncies it's very funny to me I have all enemies to be centrally the great beyond their crimes can't be forgiven oh bouncy what did you do to get sent to have what what's another funny small crime littering petty theft loitering oh yeah that's what sent the bouncies to hell they stood around outside of a Walmart for too long what about cannibalism cannibalism is not a minor crime father cannibalism is not a crime it is how you procure the meat that is this and more sentences to expect on the failboat YouTube channel alright there we go level complete I got a pot we have We Have Allison impulse the magic spear we're in the upper class now chat what if I stay hidden even longer upgrade that instantly bombs absolutely this is everything I could have wanted well nothing else left to buy this is a little bit difficult memorability oh you're fine hey look Mega ability goodbye Mega Millions oh my God it's the ball monsters I thought we were done with you oh we got little horns oh that's cute anyways we got ourselves the final Taco slice oh the apples fused oh oh my God Jesus that's a that's a that's a big apple God I love doing commentary on I'm gonna take a big old bite out of that what is that thing oh like I don't know like that oh it's a Dover the door good for them I'm glad they're leaving a healthier life anyways also again why an apple and apple doesn't seem like a very evil thing to me what is this oh God what'd you do to that Apple oh my wait actually what the hell is happening don't put the church bells what the what it's an apple tree there's a tree oh my God the crowd is covering whiskey good suddenly I'm starting to see how apples could be evil I'm starting to believe oh I was like ringing by yours afterwards oh gracious oh my God it's a diagonal also what's the lore on you huh those who wear the master Crown will gain power but so will the darkness in their hearts the tree Crown without a ruler that's a long name let's call it like wispy too no no no it's gonna be big big Vines big Vines big Vines oh get out of here the season that attack before so Kirby boss reuse attacks like I ever use jokes like if you've seen one you've seen them all oh my God I did not see that oh no no no no what does that move don't hit me with that move oh my God it's the crowd attack of course it is it's it he is a Crowd Oh my God hey could you drop like a milkshake or like he broke my shield hold on let me prep these guys good yeah okay I'm starting to learn I'm starting to learn the patterns goodbye see you in hell buddy technically this guy's insane Big Apple huge Apple I got us the whole Corporation I probably should get rid of that Apple goodbye it's perfect where are they oh my God they press Shields fast enough that's what is going on oh my God just do it to the comments you said I'm regretfullying with me I get it now but my attacks on wispy will still continue chat here's what's gonna happen you guys tell tree puns while I'm focusing this wispy be looking like a capybara make like a tree and get out of here okay that one's a little bit better than the last one stop barking on about tree puns and leave us alone you guys are really going in so I really consider branching out on your health I lost Focus dude the dash does so much damage we're not yelling out of the damage radius oh my God I have the answer and you're done you're done Master Crown just give me at least five to eighteen more attempts and your life is forfeit okay okay we're done please one more hit now what now what oh roar roar you stupid twig you brought this on what the hell is this no shot I might be the egg but that's okay cause that just means I'm cracked yeah see but now if the tree dropped me I just wouldn't eat it it would be weird what's this what's the point of this oh it shows that Apple that Apple's giving me bad vibes why is it rising up like that wait a second oh my God oh my God wait yeah that's from that's what the Kirby spin-off game wait that's Canada now that's what the Apple's evil it's the root of all evil the apple is a micro transaction God damn it it was evil this was hell all we did all those apple slices we're just putting together free to play micro transactions what have we done no oh you thought I beat the final boss no I have one more final boss to beat I just want to be freed from this help it's cruel the bomb egg double bomb that's so cruel and unusual penguin I'm gonna oh I'm gonna pull your beak off and wear it like a crown swearing a lot about that okay swearing is now allowed oh that hurts so much oh the less I think the better I do I have to go blank I have to go no thought you can stop throwing now understood guys don't post a number 30. it's a sensitive subject for me right now [Music] with the war the worst reaction time in the entire nation plays Kirby minigame for five hours straight really putting the fail in failboat so in a barrage with like quick bomb egg bomb bomb egg bomb Mike sending in nine consecutive eggs is psychological warfare I hate when you can start to see the hope formulating bomb bomb egg bomb huh let's go that's what I'm talking about where were you when bambo consumed 30 consecutive [ __ ] eggs you can see the hope well up in my eyes for a second I'm like wait a second I have a good seed going here thank you for watching and God only knows it's not this
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,921,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n6gZx89peGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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