I played Splatoon 3, so you don't have to

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you totally should, though

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/superdave100 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
Splatoon has always had a banger story mode and some people aren't even aware that it exists since I know you're too busy losing inter 4 I played every single level in Splatoon 3 so you don't have to anyways let's make a little Splatoon our squid kids androgynous actually a world where gender doesn't exist what a great society I think I'm gonna go with octaling though I think my aqualink is cool yeah I'm happy with this little buddy's turn oh my God that's awesome that's so cool I don't know what purpose he serves but his purpose is friendship and I'm accepting this is the best Splatoon game yet and I'm no I'm right I know I'm right turn off motion controls no I've played Splatoon too long to fall for that trick little buddy is like I kind of want to slap him in the head and see if his eyes Point straight after oh this is uh it's like Splatoon one well that was like Splatoon 2 but this is like wait oh it's gone but again for the third time oh we have a campaign to do there but uh but uh but but uh but a not today I walk like I got bullied in Middle School [Laughter] I think we should do the campaign actually oh thank God someone finally destroyed France [Laughter] they made out for the great sapfish and now we've got to get it back oh my God little buddy I hope he's not the final boss now starting today your agent three uh again I'll help you fight the octarian I feel like just I look like a victim here um sorry that was an accident that was two where did you oh my God what let's just be very careful going forward it feels like I got tentacle you know I think I should really take tentacled out of my vocabulary oh all right octarian's in the crater yikes all right level one oh I was I I thought I had a stroke because I suddenly couldn't read that language and then realized uh it doesn't exist is this the that one that's the Marvel jump okay I love this game like this Splatoon is definitely not a multiplayer game to me it's like I will play it for a little bit oh I threw a little buddy oh dang okay you know what one for science oh that's it that's the end level little buddy you can get it no no little buddy you can get it okay we're just gonna pretend that one didn't happen not too bad how many level actually no I don't want to know I want to go I know nothing about this game oh that's cool yeah go eat it oh he ate it which is what I told him to Juba like wow you know that's a that's a cool little uh branching level mechanic type thing this just feels like some Roblox yeah it's just Speed Run 4. giving me metal Harbor vibe from Sonic Adventure 2 and there's no reason why it should you know it's they're really not oh wait I'm going in a circle they trick me oh my God I'm stupid all right let me get this small fry I miss again got a fish oh you're just gonna wait here huh I was like how late can I touch it oh what what did I just do is that like a Lego Oh I thought it was like a minikit from Lego Star Wars okay I can afford to get through thank you small fry okay so I'm glad I tested that and I'm glad that the results were that I didn't die I think Splatoon music is really just like gurgling piss but like in a good way you know does that make sense like I'm not trying to be mean I'm just trying to be descriptive can you can you make it up there buddy no okay that I should not be getting stuck maybe it's because I don't read okay now we're good yeah yeah you know what not hard not hard I got it easy level easy game yeah okay I think that was pretty good voice acting um is it down maybe oh that looks safe actually easy does it and now I can walk through it well oh God I can't say uh uh Lebron but it didn't feel right I agree oh is that him is that the guy Ah that's right just as platoon was meant to be played I forgot that is how Splatoon bosses work isn't it oh my God I'm gonna be cool guy here oh okay it felt like famous last words every time so sad I love it when they bring back old characters even if they die okay so this is what's been below Paris the whole time suddenly the French make a bit more sense oh wait are they not good guys dang that's a deep cut if I've ever seen it I feel like Splatoon one is Splatoon 2 kind of followed the same plot and now we're in Hell actually even worse French how all right so uh can little man drown oh there they are wait there they are and this is our captain oh that's so cool that makes me unreasonably happy uh are we gonna mention the humongous rocket over there yeah Jesus where are we I will not read and then complain about it later and I refuse to change I think it'd be cool if I shot agent three and they just uh killed me oh here's another level all right what is it it's no Alterna your only choice well I gotta get power eggs oh Salmon Run moment is salmon run like crucial to the plot suddenly you know what correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's related oh but normally I'm wrong so we'll see genuinely the Splatoon campaigns are my favorite part of the entire game so like whenever you don't see me play it a lot after it releases it's like I treated the same as you would like any like RPG or something like you know you kind of play it once I mean some people do play the same RPG multiple times but uh that's what we in the business call uh sociopaths octopods at rest so they don't even have like level numbers on them that's they really shook up everything you were expecting and I really like that you don't have to play every level but what if I do huh huh I think Splatoon music is pretty polarizing but I will say I like it I I really do like the Idol songs the most because I'm gonna out myself here I have really been going through a vocaloid phase lately okay oh wait so I only have to get the little zap fish anymore I just have to grab this giant robotic I'm trying to not say dildo I guess drill would have been a good word actually there were several better words my favorite producer right now for anyone who's curious is Mitchy M Lego Star Wars Minikit I'm sorry but I'm right oh wait here's a level right that's a new one and there's another level oh whoa there's a lot of levels gotcha I understand now here's okay reading and talking very difficult that's that I just can't believe what I'm looking at this game has it all or am I gonna get Scarlet or Violet uh which game has the MILF in it Pokemon Mill for Pokemon [ __ ] true being bisexual is like the Pokemon Emerald of sexualities wow I like how they adopted like the Octo expansion approach for these levels oh the skyline is beautiful I just have to survive Now High key this is the Mario Party mini game and that's why I'm goaded on the stick whoa whoa this gets crazy whoa whoa okay actually that's fun okay let's clean the these guys and get the Legos if you can't beat them oh no it's [ __ ] scroll long ago our splattered lands or um look I'm not gonna be reading all the lore in this video if you want that go watch some nerd [ __ ] somewhere else I don't know become one with your small oh thank God oh you know what I'm I'm in my element actually I just need small fry to do all the work I like these little levels they're not hard but they're just fun they look I don't want a game that is difficult I want a game that makes me smile and go oh look at that he he oh this is a level I haven't been in here yet dip Splat and jump oh wait is this a Spider-Man move oh that's so sick it's it's me it's Spider-Man is this like good in multiplayer because it's badass it deserves to be good if not make it good oh my God I want to see the speed run but only of this level oh and you just Dash straight oh that feels good I need more of that where are the rest of the levels oh oh that looks scary and like a boss and bad and scary and strong and stuff uh let's go do these other levels though I'm not done here yet there's got to be a key I mean sure probably yeah but like oh okay okay okay you want me to go yeah sounds like this is a level that is really good at making me feel stupid uh uh I feel like I should have a higher IQ than what this game is telling me Oh that oh oops okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry Jesus Jesus be cool be cool be cool oh we're not no reduced no reduced okay we're just wait little buddy okay so that's where I came from and it just put me in a perfect Loop because reasons oh okay I whoa I I I think I should have fallen off okay you know I'm starting to feel good whoa where'd you come from what huh why wait okay wait I'm gonna follow his Trail he they just where did I come from here okay I'm gonna oh oh oh I got it I got it you just foreign something makes me feel like that is the correct path to go all right so drop wait that's different oh that's where that guy came from I'm not saying I hated that level it's just that my therapist will hear about it okay oh neat uh the [ __ ] Blaster 3000 awesome this is this is not my kind of weapon for sure my favorite thing in any game is always going to be the movement it's cool this one's cool but I want to be able to like Splat the ground really fast okay Jesus that was not my best showing if I can be honest I don't like this weapon does this say I didn't beat it is that wait oh anyone like the umbrella if you do like the umbrella you are not welcome here this is not a safe space for you whoa whoa okay I got Mario party that scared me whoa whoa okay I don't know why I was so surprised the second one okay so there's gonna be jump scares around every corner now I know now I know okay I can looking at the ground I know when it's gonna flip they're right here why why was I surprised at the end of the level that more guys are spawning okay there's more cups okay that that one actually did trick me and I was talking about how I'm not gonna be tricked again okay okay we don't Get Fooled Again they're done got damn it it's just fool me once you know shame on you fool meat 37 times uh yeah that's on me I think I got that's all the levels I'm pretty sure but I can just clean up the goop like it's a Isle Delfino you know uh wait do I have enough because was I like 1400 like wasn't it like a lot little buddy carries this run oh my God and now we can afford it oh wait now we can afford it there they are deep cut and big man we love big man we have little man and big man in this game they have everything why do you all look like I hit the random button in character creation okay so we're just gonna yeah okay whoa we're just moving on to the second area no bosses it's like unsettlingly strange you know what I mean it doesn't sound correct yeah honestly deep cut just gives me Team Rocket Vibes oh getting a strong reading from way up there uh where do I want to start probably in this level twirling swirling whirling oh wait little man found something he's so good he's so good the hero of the run all right let me uh nope you can't see me you can't see me oh my God you're not supposed to see me that was not really a level at all I feel it was more of just a self-guided tour of the world well there's a lot of levels Just In Plain Sight little oh a little butt oh he can jump oh this dude's awesome girl I'll do this level first sure why not whoa this is like squid game for real why it's not actually why did I say that my favorite kind of Mazes are the ones where you don't have to do them this love honestly this is a top level for me right now just like I'm just confused at what this what what oh yo the vertical maze oh that's so cool exploring the same terrain that works in different gravity that's always been like on my list of stuff that like gets me happy I don't know why whoa I like that level God I am I love playing new games uh break the targets get to the goal can I just stand here yeah that's awesome because I think Sonic made me scared to jump on Rails because normally when you do that you just die oh God how much oh no oh no well that's sad well luckily I I Now understand it and now I'm not gonna make that mistake again oh no oh no oh no oh oh oh no yes okay oh Jesus Oh that this looks good this looks okay okay I I definitely just had to pray for that one oh there's a level here when you know it yeah you know what I I have an idea I have an idea so they clearly want me to fight these guys right yeah that's my idea right and now I have the ink and now there's nothing to worry about excuse me just playing bumper cars for a second uh-huh oh this is a boss isn't it the future stares back I see why do we have a rocket here do we go to space that would be a very video game thing to do you either fight gotta go to space are the only two options in the game oh oh hello uh you're pretty tough are we just gonna 1v1 oh I I don't think that's a fair dance battle to me okay this is gonna be fun this is [ __ ] get rid of the tentacles uh my favorite game I don't even know what that joke means all right now we just go up there they've had this boss in like every Splatoon game but now we're just killing a woman oh let me oh hello I'm gonna do this uh regain some composure of some momentum a lot of these bosses are overwhelming they feel like they're supposed to be hard they look hard and then and then it's easy right it's not gonna get harder then oh my god oh holy oh hello wait okay I have a genius idea hold up hold up hold up hold up oh God what [Music] they push you off the stage I got gimmick I got so gimmicked all right look I had a good idea okay I I I there's nothing wrong with my idea I I just got outplayed but I'm still recoiling like emotionally physically mentally from however I died do I do I need to fight all these guys I the answer is never yes oh they just want to introduce new mechanics to me that's all it is hello please stop that ow oh what's this oh the yeah I'm gonna get rid of them just I'm just gonna cease their existence uh it's just a little premature Extinction nothing crazy there we go easy level well that was pretty quick oh that that level was hidden hello switching things up all right you know what never mind I'm just gonna play the level I feel like I didn't see any down here which uh ah I seen I don't think there's anything we need tread heavily oh wait do you find something I feel like if you leave him alone he will return with like a whole 401K portfolio you can't leave him alone for too long otherwise he'll have a whole new startup and we're now playing crab game crab ball crab wall ball oh this is uh wait I can just go I don't have to Ink it look how fast he is yo he's trying his best let's cheer for crab guy what are you gonna do about this you're drowning you're drowning l l plus you're drowning actually that one's really funny oh wait can I just oh oh oh oh no slide miscalculation excuse me coming through now I gotta hide in the hole yeah yeah now it's easy wait I should just knock all these out first while I'm here actually hey hey it looks smooth sailing though the level unless I fall all right be cool be cool it's okay it's fine okay be cool be cool be cool be cool okay okay I thought I missed all right everything's fine walk sideways it's faster oh it's a crab that does make sense huh I I guess I I think it makes sense it's human nature to want to walk forward okay let's get this and what's this level uh the ink conservation project uh reach the goal without running out of ink I assume I can't refill right oh wait I yeah I think I should start over I immediately just blew everything so let's just honestly hand off the trigger right now oh but if I get right here I can okay okay that was a necessary one oh okay puzzle game okay let me let me think of this that one oh yeah got it you only have to hit one of them and it's this one watch as my genius unfolds I'm like 50 sure I'm right and I hit those odds every single time okay so this is a necessary shot this is just like a bowling alley and we just hit it right here whoa and I just I almost oh excuse me uh oh did I do all the levels here already oh oh why is World 3 always like the ice world oh oh okay ice ice is slippery you can't I'm glad I learned the easy way and not the hard way the hard way being death uh take down octarians and climb to the goal okay wait do I have to kill them or can I just like beeline to the goal is it one of those okay and away we go get a little guy nice let's just go in here not the next level but real oh rails scare me I think just because I grew up on Sonic it's just like every time I see a rail I just expect one wrong move and I'm dead okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey [ __ ] hey all right here's the level we haven't done can I I oh those are beefy ones I'll get this one it's probably nothing probably nothing yeah it's nothing hey hey little oh hold up hold up hold up if they just both started shooting at him little buddy honestly carries this entire story mode High key like like not even Loki this is the highest of keys good job little buddy the hero of the Run uh hey your little buddy found something well he's he's always finding something wait how do I that's that was that's mean oh new level though hello proceed with caution oh well I didn't even read it all right here we go keep an eye on the sky and hitch a ride to the goal oh whoa oh oh okay I will very fortunate I dodged that first one wait how far does this go you know I shouldn't find that out wait wait whoa whoa whoa oh can I you know what that's that's valid that's fair understandable I won't complain this is conveyor belt tightening that feels intimate fling's a roller why'd I do that I I just saw a funny word and clicked it the whole floor is moving what why they didn't take any ink at all [Music] wait oh I have to destroy everything uh oh oh okay okay I got it now I got it now whoa that that's a wind-up oh God damn oh whoa whoa where that line up from whoa oh you know what let's oh that's evil that's evil that's so evil oh oh God okay okay we're good we're good we're good hey this is stressful okay three or oh thank God no no God oh my God [Music] oh uh try curling okay sure okay curling bomb uh topics oh wait I see I see what we gotta do oops how wait what do I okay oh wait uh you know I see it I see it trust me I'm an iOS 8 ball master oh what did I say I I am a fiend at arcade games so there you go easy game looks away yeah it's a little mini game okay what's this level uh time trial and errors okay break all the targets Before Time runs out I guess there's a time trial wait what the hell I did okay if I ran out of ink on the last one oh Jesus uh what else do we have I think we've done a lot oh there's a split in the road I saw it on the map so once world four one's world five uh all right buddy I guess we're going that way landfill Dreamland oh this place sucks and let's just knock the boss out right now get it over with oh I am out of money can I what if wait hold up can I jump to it that works okay okay you know what I can do this I can do this uh yeah yeah maybe maybe I can do this actually that's not working uh I guess I guess let's just do this level get some coins right uh I'll just I'll just stick with this one it's all run and Gun whoa whoa whoa whoa sauce English much no I I saw a shadow and freaked out a little bit what oh that wasn't correct was it maybe maybe I need to go that way instead yeah I feel like these games would be fun to speedrun I want to see how few levels you actually have to do because I feel like the answer might be shockingly little I just like doing that it just feels satisfying you just grab it instantly it feels good oh that's 2K wait hold up can I do the same thing wait hold up hold up wait no no I I can okay that's a no yeah this should be enough I need a thousand more points um I'll do this just for the 2K I'll take the 2K break all of the targets okay well maybe actually now I'm kind of thinking I picked the hardest one okay where do they oh whoa whoa whoa what the okay uh I'm gonna assume I lost yes got it look the first one's the hardest one because it catches you off guard [Music] uh-oh what's uh yeah let's let's go oh that's okay yeah I can do that with the sniper you know what let's try it let's try it uh what's this uh #pawn snail like a boss hashtag Eddie is gnarly hashtag chaotic Sunshine hashtag fresh headgear hashtag shellfish be fresh fish hashtag huh I'll take the extra 700 okay let's try it I get it now I understand the level I know the pattern which is the you know knowledge is half the battle as they say please don't tell me I have to fight big man the reading is coming up from just ahead okay stop where you are oh I like how all the bosses are just deep cut but kind of revamped old bosses but I honestly love to just throw hands with them you know let me just ink all of this first you know just uh get it all oh okay here we go oh my God you have to throw a little buddy into the depths of hell but that is such a jump scare it it feels like you're about to what okay okay this is fine this is fine okay see we're good we're good wait shiver fell off hey get over here let me get over here meet them here oh what what I I why in the fridge how is that what what what what am I supposed he [ __ ] has Hyper Beam oh my God shiver does not know how hard they're going to [ __ ] die yeah what are we building here this is like the Manhattan Project I'm just collecting [ __ ] and I have no idea what I'm doing good work agent three I mean we didn't find grams but we found another treasure yeah oh do you read me come in Gramps on the line uh you've woken from your hibernation have you cuddle fish who are you anyway I did oh oh yo did I call it or did I call it um all right so let's go back here we kind of did the boss a little premature I was just excited so now let's go see the rest of the levels um okay here's a new level guys uh flying worst class get it more like flying worst class am I right oh wait wait look at this platform yo um more like flying worst class am I right more like flying worse class you know what I'm saying uh yeah this guy this guy knows what I'm saying yo more like flying [Music] foreign to see what the pathing is for the speed run because I feel like you only have to do three levels God I feel like every time they give you a chance to use the charger it's never the correct one do I lose if I hit one of the X's I haven't yet but now oh what did I lose oh you can lose interesting oh oh I was really scared that felt a lot more scarier than it actually was but hey okay oh here's another one pretty look at that oh wait she's gonna give me some money thank you I'll do this one propelled to great awesome oh okay look at all these guys you know I'm just gonna go ahead just go ham look I'm sure a lot of people would play that passively but hear me out they're [ __ ] all of them this guy's so stupid he just deserves to be put out of his misery help the entire world he's not helping his team I feel like this would have been a really easy level to kill myself on I'll be I'll be real I'm a bit surprised it hasn't happened oh oh I was like I can't just say that into killing but okay okay we're all good we're all good Splatoon one I honestly it's crazy that you had to use the GamePad for that one and we were just okay with it you know like we just we just let him do that I like the splatting the splatling and this not white colored ink okay now we just jump over here how does Splatoon do rails so much better than Sonic when that's like Sonic's thing that's that's not it that's not okay okay we're charging up oh okay okay big finish coming up oh is that it oh that wasn't I felt like that should have been hard okay buddy just buddy buddy come on there you go I I did not see that there play this one called uh charge now Splat later I mean I guess they they want me to like just get all of them but I can just avoid everybody if you think about it oh oh I have to I have to kill him okay okay sorry sorry now now we'd go here that's fun they feel satisfying feels like you're actually killing someone you know because that's how I do it like do a backflip off the rail I'd make a little spectacle of it and if any law enforcement is watching this that was a joke you know let's not get too hasty here uh can you get that for me little buddy eventually we got a uh stamp em out this is just gonna be like the super ripe the the stamping one oh oh look at that little guy oh oh oh oh oh what the wait did he die or did I okay okay well unfortunate for him I guess whoa whoa okay I'm using a load your weapon go easy on me hey hey hey hey hey be cool be cool be cool all righty then oh my God oh my God where are they okay okay wait I got two I got two be cool be cool be cool we're good it's right there huh oh there they are they look confused what oh my God they're just uh always feels good to be the level on my first try splash the block party is this oh another silver Block Level I need the little buddy to go ham agrees the hard carry of the Run okay that's just the jump scared me I feel like this is the same energy of saying Persona Vibes but I'm getting like spider-verse energy from it you know what I mean wow that level I feel like I just turned my brain off and nothing happened and here I am at the end somehow that's we still had two more I think I'm gonna clear some of this wait the perfect path uh OCTA brush or ink brush I guess cool now I'm a skill top player oh this is like a little Mario Kart though okay okay hear me out hear me out Splatoon give me a stage editor give me a level editor oh my God could you imagine the ink brush races I'm getting like Halo 3 4 flashback because of this oh yo that would go so crazy hold up we need that foreign [Music] oh that's so cute have a little smile on my face because here's the thing if they gave a Splatoon maker that just would have been Among Us One More Level I don't know where it is oh oh there's a level oh there it is wait oh wait there's another one okay so I guess we got a few more levels octo Hoppers don't have a sense of humor and they hate puns more like worst class am I right uh uh yeah it's all the same I'll do this watch for obstacles I I can't see excuse me oh I'm just gonna speed around this not not optional I mean it is optional yeah see you later that guy he just fell off the stage and you want me to waste my time fighting them when natural selection will just take care of them by itself watch out agent three don't give him the opportunity oh I did nothing I just held forward and was rewarded with it they like they do not want to touch me I promise it's just they just let huh oh here's another level uh this one has to be the last one right and it is I'm using a bemused Muse aim carefully and copy the template [Music] oh Christ I remember these levels much much much later huh that's it right oh okay wait what happens nope nope don't want to know do not want to know uh we're out we're safe good bye just absolute riveting gameplay all right and that's every level for this world on two world five the Eco Forest oh oh I like the sunken city I mean it's probably like very depressing and the lore behind is devastating but it looks pretty cool no response from Gramps figures we haven't even seen the final boss yet they didn't really comment on the salmon run thing though which is kind of surprising are they aware of it or has that just been underground going on in the background you know oh okay this is like a Pac-Man moment okay oh 100 ink brush was the correct play I don't die here do I look I mean how would we have known if we weren't gonna find out all right I got some pretty decent route so yeah some pretty decent routing here no no reason to stop while I'm in the middle of talking wait wait maybe oh I saw the last one I saw the last one right that's it okay oh three thousand Jesus I am being farmed over here uh love is high risk okay sure oh ggs shake my hand whoa whoa okay whoa hey why didn't I kill everyone whoa okay look at these Dukes oh that one of all the ways to die we agree that's the worst one right oh what what's what is this hello I'm getting out of here lost the battle won the war well we take those I suppose [Music] why does this look like the End of Evangelion oh no I'm scared what happens next all right uh what is this what wait oh okay whoa oh this is like I can see this being the same thing as getting a throwing knife Montage in Modern Warfare 2. this is like the coolest [ __ ] in the whole game it's just a throwing knife I wish that insta killed because when you just shoot them between the eyes I feel like they should absolutely die oh and also when you drown that makes sense oh oh I see what I have to do here God that's so sick honestly that should just be a core mechanic I think every weapon should have that because it's so unique and badass okay let me see what do I have to do here I wanna I wanna okay I just have to hit this right that's easy okay which opens this oh my God which opens this holy she gets to go so fast uh-oh and then that just feels satisfying to pull off you know yeah there's a little panic in there but it feels good I can do that it doesn't it's nothing crazy it just wait failboat is secretly watching and crying oh did he take a while what's this that looks uh the upside to enemy backsides oh attack enemies backs to reach the goal if it's not required I am holding forward and there's nothing you can do about it ow no excuse me this just ignore me just pretend I'm not here yeah the best kind of level oh what the [ __ ] what okay so now I got something I need to watch out for I didn't but okay well all right let's just from downtown dude honestly I don't even know oh no no no no okay careful careful there we go oh let me back up I'm gonna die okay press enemy fire and reach the goal oh that sounds to me like I'm just gotta keep on moving oh okay A little obstacle course to get through all the oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay no I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good so good at the game so good at the game never died before in my life oh that's not the right way oh oh I just do this I just wanted ink I just wanted ink around me that works it worked we're safe uh okay so there's another level down there there's another level down here what do we got simply zip castic this game really makes you feel like you're Spider-Man you know oh my God this is so sick they could have made the whole game just be this and people would have cheered I I didn't know where to go so oh well what the hell hello saved it [Music] wait no we're back we saved it we saved it we didn't die and we're good oh my God I just went in full panic mode first try baby we did it oh all right then simply zip cast God you know what I'll say that that was zipcast zipcasting that was ziptastic whoa and that is death simply zip-tastic yeah I sure hope it does okay rails yay yay I was hoping we would do this again well I I do not want the rail levels to take longer than they have to if I can be honest I'm fine with just doing this what yeah I was thinking the exact same thing we should start the level from the top I agree look I'm just saying rails in video games have never worked it's just like like Sonic that's exactly what's supposed to happen don't lose focus uh that's not what happened what what oh I die I I I they got me I don't know what I thought was about to happen but I was scared I felt genuine fear um where oh here's another level this one is called the barriers they've got you covered you get it oh okay whoa hello hello oh wait I just had a genius idea hold up hear me out whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay uh actually I think we're trying to build the rocket that's what it kind of feels like to me also I only have Splashdown what why did I just did I just do this on infinite loop I mean I'm sorry but I'm kind of failing to see the challenge here this isn't even like a Superman versus Batman conversation this is like a Superman versus a normal guy conversation how do you beat this you know I think they need to give us custom lobbies I want to play a versus game where I can do this oh oh I'm coming oh I'm on my way oh I'm getting there at a moderate Pace uh of oops uh oh uh we this is a pretty linear path it looks like we only have like one or two left hey uh shooter on shooter on Rails okay oh we got checkpoints this is easy it's harder when you use harder weapons all right well it's pretty hard here so that level was not nearly as bad as I would expect from any level that has rails in the title uh zipping over the neighborhood another Spider-Man level it's been three thousand I you know honestly I'm the money guy at this point I can get rid of everything oh God this really does make you feel like you're Spider-Man I was gonna say they could just make a game of you doing this but I guess that's just called Spider-Man oh I just like that if you do that you go through it it feels climactic it feels awesome it's just so much cooler than just walking through the end all right we did zip over the neighborhood huh you'll go far if you shoot okay uh made the platform move try to see what the gimmick is here not following yet excuse me surprise die [ __ ] oh wait die [ __ ] sorry hello so uh I think that's every yeah let's look at The Archives let's see if we got everything here oh my god look the oh obviously there's a story here obviously it's depressing but it still looks pretty badass uh bet you missed us another one uh here we go defeat the enemies oh okay we're doing one of these again just fog of War I see oh oh oh I just realized it's a little October are they here no hey it looks so conf oh oh oh oh they just super jumped oh got it oh hello oh they're down there look I'm just saying I'm playing a win five minutes later I'm down to come down I just want to see where they are okay oh my god oh that felt good oh there's more oh God don't let all last one are they hit me how do they see me I was hiding God that hell drop Felt So Good I have so much money there's so many of those little good boy points whatever they're called oh no I need you to eat that while I look at torture tour oh okay hello you're gonna die you're gonna die you're gonna die you're gonna die you're gonna die elf oh where's this one take us oh God there's so many levels just hidden in uh random sunken buildings um Mission flight God wait is this just the oh it's the jet pack well I can just fly right that's a no uh so I guess just jump over here uh let me go under that it's just like Flappy Bird if you really think about it that feels satisfying though going up like wait how do I oh am I good am I alive am I alive all right have you done this level no I I got distracted I just the shiny things are always so appealing oh an ALT what is oh yeah you know wait wait what what the [ __ ] I don't even need to fight them I can just do this yeah excuse me why would you put the goal in front of the enemies I'm just gonna take the gold yeah that one's weird all right sure I know there's still other levels to be done but uh okay we'll do the boss it looks very big because it is the most uh obscurious you know you can read this is the Big Man fight right look I I don't want to do it guys just just so you know I'm just as happy about this as you are now okay I thought he wasn't gonna fight us for a second oh oh no way oh my God no way that's so sick his goopers that don't forget that's so cool oh it's the manta ray from the Super Mario Sunshine oh that's so cool he has a funny little little goop and everything oh my God look I'm just happy about this because Sunshine is like Nintendo's least favorite Mario game this is the most loved this game has like ever gotten since it came out where are they oh there they are whoa ow oh oh I think that's it right I think I did it the boss fight was super anticlimactic after the reference well that was definitely one of the references of all time that made me so happy oh I forgot that's impress me to pick it up oh they didn't need to do that but they did that's cool uh I'll take a look at this in a second sorry guys I'm a little busy today I I just gotta I gotta make sure I played all the levels you know you know how it is hello hello coming the blue and pink is such a nice oh wait uh that's right uh let's just start over reading comprehension is hard sometimes the level tells you not to use all your ink and you just ignore it okay so I I think this is more of a stealth Mission actually just uh just walk in here huh well that sucks I I think honestly this is a pretty good strategy nobody really wants to mess with you if you don't act like you want to mess with anyone yourself oh got lucky with that cycle honestly uh yeah just this walking simulator's going uh pretty pretty smooth uh wait no level okay calm down buddy we should go quickly okay I can do quick I would even say that's the only thing I can do oh the floor is sinking oh oh you know what this level was made for me here we go this reminds me of uh uh oh whoa okay oh first try first try we did it okay easy all right been here before I guess we'll just go right here oh can I just jump down here okay uh what do I want to do uh I'll do that I'll do the zap oh oh I see I see where I'm supposed to go right there down there yep oh god oh no oh no okay okay that was probably the best place to fall I I just I forgot the stage was moving for a second oh God oh God what that's like I don't know that level wasn't hard but it wasn't my favorite I think it's because there's a lot of waiting in it and that's probably one of my least favorite game mechanics oh no no go back back God wait hold up yeah I'm glad I died there because like now I realize uh I miss the level here reach the goal using a roller a fate worse than death I feel like a lot of the challenges lately have just been like by most standards kind of difficult and then this one is just like it's a child's playground I'm just gonna no I'm not gonna kill everyone I'm gonna go right here oh cool that was what what was that level it felt like it was just supposed to be way earlier in the game I know we're one of the other levels is and it's good to find this one uh dive and dash so I reached the goal within the time limit ooh speedrun level Oh that's oh that's fun that feels good nine seconds left though oh Jesus what ouch oh checkpoints ad that makes sense I guess yeah I could just take shortcuts of my own I really didn't have to follow their path did I no I don't it just critical thinking is hard sometimes yo honestly if I had to rank every level in this game this is high up there this is fun I could again a lot of these levels just feel like I could play a whole game of just this and you know what I would yeah imagine if that level was multiplayer like oh I God I wish they did more with this game this could be Nintendo's best-selling game if they really wanted it to be oh there's a key I assume they're gonna be multiple keys yeah I guess just use the advantage that you have all right here we go bada boom dead oh God I am uh starving I have one other Mission somewhere that I know where it is and by that I mean I did and now I don't oh yeah this level this is the one I was looking for I just fell off last time I was trying to get to it he said hoping he wasn't about to make the same mistake twice like I'm glad they put a campaign in this game because they really didn't have to uh reach the ink without touching enemy ink okay this is like the impossible quiz kind of stuff it's just when you press right click and you just cheat the whole game oh wait oh that didn't count you know what I was over complicating the difficulty here okay okay this is fine this is fine Ram's gonna do this oh oh oh oh oh I see I see I see I see I see easy got it that was a fun little challenge that wasn't really like fair at all they're like it definitely did not follow its own rules oh God no no oh my God I I stepped in that tiny little I I don't I don't think I should have counted I you know what ref didn't see it doesn't count and then it's easy yeah yeah see see simple game God stop stop this game why no no I I didn't see nothing officer I didn't see I thought maybe that Splash would help me and then I remembered like the hard part wait I'm gonna try this oh okay sure sure that counts what a level that was are you sure all right is that 12 level 12 enter the stamp gauntlet I guess oh wait wait smash all enemies within the time limit but then there's a reward for not having any weapons color me intrigued well a final checkpoint I'm all right I'm almost done this is uh okay like I know I can stamp them but I thought like I'd have to kill him right oh oh I see I see the time limit okay so I have to kill 40 and the time limit you know what that's possible that's so doable like that was that was a raw attempt I think for a blind attempt that was pretty decent wait actually okay it doesn't start hold up hold up this is genius wait wait watch this watch this [Music] see the passing is better just right from the get-go see see that was pretty good passing now we're now ready to the next one's long but come on come on it was impossible easy clap easy clap and I think oh we can go into like the late game right maybe perhaps oh so this is like the end the end Jesus yeah I'm ready by the power of chowder combined oh not the Montage I expected look cool oh I'm so happy that agent three is the cat oh they're doing a thing is this killer whale are they doing what they can fly oh that was a super jump I guess oh my wait God they made the captain so badass okay I guess OG Asian three can go Super Saiyan okay Captain are you okay or you simply can't go on you sprained a tentacle plot okay deep Cuts here but why like uh why oh that thing all right we're done with it yeah you can have it okay such a boss move actually why don't you be our well okay [ __ ] that was easy why is why is my little character just not even paying attention so I guess we're just gonna climb up uh jump in a rocket and go off to an unknown destination uh probably space oh oh this is a level oh all right solve the first puzzle off to a good start oh my God wait I okay so I have to do these whole fights with just uh yeah we'll see how this one works oh there's a balloon though oh all right we hit a checkpoint though yeah we'll beat the [ __ ] out of that fan for me buddy uh through the fence oh no that's that's a window I I was definitely scared I thought this was gonna be a a whole lot more you know what I don't I don't think I'm gonna try and find the good old-fashioned way like I did last time I I think uh yeah we should just take the easy way out I I will say I don't know if this is a comparison that makes sense to people but this whole game has kind of felt like portal 2. elaborate um no wait equip oh I guess that makes more sense actually that's a that was a weird level wait hold on I'm still jamming sorry oh how did oh okay well let's be honest I that one was pretty embarrassing I I had no reason to let that one kill me oh God I'm just I'm just gonna I'm just gonna Escape I don't wanna deal with all this or do they just want me to use all of them just to be like hey look I used all the specials oh that one was crazy oh more like worse class am I right okay I'll figure it out oh I was trying really hard to figure out where to go it was uh uh okay we don't gotta talk about that oh now we're going in the little sewer thing can I just walk it's a little less anticlimactic but it's nice to know I have the option oh oh uh it's cheese Okay I uh yeah I guess we got some climbing to do I wonder if that little fuzzy goop eats me in whole I'm just gonna guess yes and uh oh you know what I forgot I can just ignore people okay you know what uh The Climb is even sweeter the second time okay so I've learned don't touch the goop you know you know okay you're laughing but I did know not to touch it that doesn't mean wow oh that's the giant sapfish no well what's he doing there it's probably because you need the energy to power a rocket or something like that that's my guess actually that wasn't much of a guess because it was quite literally what was happening you know what I maybe I'm not as smart as I thought I was oh they tie it all together oh it feels good I was like how how am I supposed to fly around and grab them all God they have everything here okay careful I am in goop City right now and you you don't want to get caught I guess I can just oh God that's right that's right oh oh oh okay don't don't fly into the goop don't fly into the goop and we're good cool emergency setups activated releasing door lock what what is the rest of this game look like because I haven't really known since the start can I just jump off okay good oh well so Grizz is just monologuing as all good villains do and this character has been shrouded in mystery since its Inception so if we're approaching them we get to see them right oh please don't oh dehydrated in his prime oh oh oh oh oh so that's Mr Grizz huh or ball he's just a bear oh to the Moon we go that means the end of your employment oh bro he's had that singer prepared for a while you know it oh and the end of the world as you know it to be clear okay I'm glad he's thorough as per my memo I will be coding the planet in fuzzy ooze in an effort to restore balance but I will say that dude definitely said that line over and over again in the mirror he was prepared for that moment he's all dried up but how he's gonna come back alive in the oh my God you get him wet and he just one teardrop that's okay all right you know he's good he looks terrifying oh they're talking how can we catch the rocket oh well that would be impossible but hold up sounds like you folks need some help do they happen to just have a rocket lying around because uh what that's what excuse me are they gonna oh oh okay I got it they just built a tornado to the Moon oh okay I thought it was gonna be something illogical crew agent three so now let's just this is just a moment that fight literally happens in one piece but that's a few less quick kids actually that scene went a little crazy oh and now oh we have a little futuristic space helmet headphone thing okay okay hold up just saying putting it out there if little buddy dies I am uninstalling the game oh hello Mr Grizz hi well well such dedication to your work yeah I bet you didn't see this one coming because I'll be honest neither did I wait wait wait okay see all the wait is this a salmon run wait oh oh hold up okay a golden egg we can probably use that oh okay so it's gonna take golden eggs to remove the oh I see I see okay it's worth noting I did learn from the past uh that goop does kill you and there's no use in trying to get greedy with it can I throw it at hand whoa okay that is that is a lot to dodge wait oh it's we're in space I can probably just do this huh okay well I don't think that's how gravity works if I can be honest yeah yeah yeah oh and then I can oh well hold up okay actually yeah I saw that coming like just a little too late oh you're not clocking out that early yeah he definitely rehearsed these lines he's prepared for every scenario he has a one oh wait okay I'm not prepared for that though let's uh what's up I'm not even saying words wait wait oh gravity's oh it's oh oh oh okay wait no no uh okay well that sucks we learned apparently it is rotating uh so yeah let's let's grab this one first actually okay okay I'm being careful I'm being cool all right okay why is this turned so fast okay I'm gonna keep going I'm gonna get this and it's not gonna turn I'm not gonna get hit by anything stupid I don't know what that is oh it was not good it was not good that's that's all you need oh okay what's it gonna do in between lines between the lines okay that's good though that's good this is the Sea Bear that squid we're worried us about oh okay anyways back to the game phase three okay oh okay The Banger starting hold up we're so good oh God oh God we're okay we're okay actually oh okay I can live I can live the rotation is actually stalling everyone out I'm gonna heal this is awesome dear God okay we have five we have five is gonna disappear look at all these sweet sweet gems whoa killer whales okay we're good I got out of the way I'm sure uh a lot of people experience that death and you know what I'm I'm proud that we didn't throw that's it you are proactive aren't you I mean you're the one rehearsing lines in the mirror but it's time to clock that's my point [Music] done yeah or we're dead one of the two Octavio that's right I don't oh thank God Little Buddies alive okay okay now it's the final boss of the final phase of the final boss right I can't believe he looks like that it's time but the song The Heavenly Melody dude calamari incantation it doesn't matter how many times they play it it's always gonna be a ball oh no no don't be a hero don't be a hero small fry oh buddy go do it come on no no don't do it wait wait is he evolving oh wait tree lights United to consume the disaster it is as we're foretold vehicle oh my God he's our Gyarados are we flying through space on this giant Sun this is a big buddy this is like the end of Sonic Adventure 2. this has been a very Sonic Adventure 2 game oh fuzzballs meet the ink back this is just oh oh oh enemy's coming gotcha gosh you gotcha okay so gotta alternate between the two big buddy we need you to do something fend them off oh my God I hate to be comparing this to Sonic Adventure 2 again but why do they keep making this game like Sonic Adventure 2 what in the French hell is this game oh my God no no no don't hurt him do not hurt him oh God no ow ow please be cool be cool I'm only trying to oh ow again ow okay the lasers too okay just play live and learn while you're at it you know oh uh I I feel like we should have led with this one honestly wait what the [ __ ] foreign wow yeah that's a that's a Booyah moment if I've ever seen one I suppose this is a thin that could have used a bit more delivery I feel like he hasn't rehearsed that one oh he actually you will not receive severance pay that was very rehearsed oh and we made it out and little buddy did it no no oh my God okay oh I thought he was going through the line oh thank God little buddy saved that was my one fear going into the end game oh that was such a terrifying psychout and he's small again as he should be oh guys we did it we ended capitalism thank you for oh thank you for playing wait that doesn't make sense oh you're a mindset replica thank you oh awesome thank you oh cool okay a secret Kettle appeared uh-oh [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,806,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad
Id: ynOehFvVKmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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