Visiting Member Islands「Animal Crossing: New Horizons 🥞🏝 Ep4」

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Crossing oh what a fun game oh what an absolute joy it can calm the nerves curse the spirits but today we're gonna hopefully have it just compliment her yeah I'm a little bit upset tilted YouTube's doing some dumb stuff you guys don't need to hear it welcome everybody to the weekly members stream welcome everybody to Animal Crossing well good morning it had a good afternoon viewers the petting in your time zone and this miss Bilbo to YouTube here's what's gonna happen today I want to do some multiplayer I've been itching to finally delve into the world of multiplayer in Animal Crossing I've only done it just once for the first time last night what's so endear to me it was adorable it as wonderful as fun and now I want to do it with a bunch of people first things first though we got to be a little crossing the cover because I have not played this game I have not played this game in the last I'd say four days on screen I played it in my own time over the last two three days over the last two days two days on stream over the last two days I've been playing this in my own time alright switch audio is very loud oh yes thank you fixed good save good save chat good save so I've been playing this in my own time a little bit also I'm gonna turn on the the the the member chat if you guys want to become a member it should be the first link in the description cost 5 bucks a month goes supporting me and my content stream is still watchable by everybody it's only the members who will be able to who will be able to chat this is the weekly member stream and this would not be happening without the members thank you guys for supporting me I appreciate you all there we go at least I can see the messages easier on this version of YouTube so let's go and enjoy some stuff um also I will probably be visiting member villages or member islands today but I just want to take care of some normal Island stuff and then we'll get to it anyway hello Bruce that's right hello everyone Tom Nook - do what Bo there's a happy Tuesday 3 by this point forties news then he's getting a new member so one thing I haven't told you guys about is uh I heard someone new in my off time I recruited a friendly little hamster named clay so we have two new people on the island we have Mitzy the cat and now we have clay the hamster i'm ear did to learn more from them in the engines interactively customization workshop Oh customization workshop thank you very much also wow we have a lot of new members good new members coming through watching the stream and supporting it to spam some feel arrows and check as it's a queue and welcome Taylor Eli uh green inkling Caden in hardcore Sarah twelve as well as sorry Ole Miss was almost miss one DJ game on did you get VJ game on the filthy crew okay so what's happened in my world was the last time you saw me well first of all we're on we're on duty so lemme let me quickly uh throw on my hat here wherever it wherever is that whatever that's located at here we don't worry that hasn't changed that hasn't changed at all yeah for the people who missed the last episode oh well I you didn't miss much you certainly didn't miss much so what happened in in in in the streams downtime all right what happened since the last time you see me well I went over someone's Island and when I went over their Island ah I definitely just completely ignore that whoops oh we have we have added some things we have added some things to our island specifically new types of trees we have orange trees peach trees apple trees cherry trees I don't know how to plant bamboo but if we could we had bamboo trees we got some nice new stuff coming into our island nowadays all right we got blathers Museum up I believe that was covered recently um if I go although it's coming in from the right from the left saved let me fly I also all was tasked with the with the preparation of these three houses on the right uh to which I have prepared three houses two of which I believe have now been moved into hey can you uh can you uh there we go what do we got I got a know we got a oh I see it's literally a menu chalkboard for like outside of a restaurant oh that's kind of cute I'm a fan also I got a new achievement please tell me yes claim balloon good oh my god okay okay okay God Deniz we can literally put it down front it would be perfect so this is where one of the houses is good is going to be I need to keep on going over to the right we have house number one there's gonna be of that's from it see if I'm not mistaken the house number well technically four is uh I believe this is clays so we'll go knocking on their door in a second know what's up what's up bro eglee you want more reactions oh please you telling me how to be surprised I'm happy if you beat me I'm wrestling I'd be shocked to see it here we go new shocked reaction think sarcastic shocked reaction I'm glad to see look at me with my with my strategies hello centipede I'm unchanged by the back of you is this also the money tree I don't even consider that the money tree should be like stack right now we should have so much money dude like also speaking of so much money oh I've recently upgraded the house last night um I not only got the house since the last dream but I also I have upgraded it so uh it should be pretty good I mean let me go down here though I built the bridge and build the bridge now been built it Mitsy the stream cameo what's up Mitzi well hello Mew let's talk yeah what I'm really busy with choice all I can think about is how much I'd rather be eating spicy food whatever make up make time for that I feel guilty for neglecting my chores oh I feel that okay how's it going Mew what's the latest some day I hope the shirt umbrella with someone special will rain falls all around us oh just picture you in my mind is making my heart swell up Oh cute the plaza can be really can be a really good place to catch up with the other Islanders sometimes I walk through it just to see who I ran into you well I mean specifically this case me oh great I'll say new members new members coming through watching the spirit supporting it to expand some fails and check you and welcome ah hot ride 1964 - gamer moody games and Roberts dingleman - the filthy Coubertin Robert here we go oh she's adorable who the money tree it's time it's time oh please here it comes that's a lot of money dude that's a lot of money but I have found one a day I think I legitimately found one of these a day is this good luck we like I think I have five money treats what you need to do is you need to find one of those when people don't know you grab 10k you grab this and you bury it in a hole BAM and then it grows I think I have I don't I need to mark them on on a map or something I have so many of these okay and I think that it like this is the money tree and a tree you see that isn't fully grown as a money tree right now actually I think mystery yeah I think I actually planted some mom yeah I never mind never mind the ones up here are not money treats but I think I have five right now all I'm also putting a bunch of new so um when I visited another Island came with it a bunch of new fruits so I'm sort of dividing up uh fruits by area so I think this these are all apples the the ones on the right should be all peaches I think these are all peaches and the ones though even further over here all cherries they're oranges like like there's a lot of new fruits we got I'm trying to divide them up in a nice even way also a new member coming through watching the spirit supporting to expand some failed chickens in chat because it's our cue and welcome mocha cocka cocka cocka into the filthy crew all of you guys if you guys want to become a member uh it's the first thing in the description the one that says become a chicken join the chicken chatter something something of that nature oh great what's up salty see the eye in the Panda there we go a point of viewing on visiting member islands today by the way Oh easy there derpy no more chickens oh oh what's up my guy you really uh really really just sleep yeah alright that's cool you do that I have other things to do today put that away sorry go over he'll you'll have to stay dead for a little longer hold up dad a weed how dare you oh no I have to purchase in all the lands of weed to get is it that time is it time for the first weeding of this game no what I want to do I want to talk to a clay place a brand-new member of the island I want to see what's up with them their fossil whatever up I gotta talk with the new people see what's going on and then also I got things to sell Dan you do know how to wake up up oh yeah I've already woken him up once I just don't want to bother there we go also my goodness new member come you do have it a member street going new member coming through watch on the street wood supporting it to spam some fairly old some checkers its IQ it welcome soryo Cadell for the Phil flee crew see I feel like a middle school teacher whenever oh sorry whenever one subscribes and I don't know how to immediately read the name because I'm like um Daniel M be close it's like no not not not exactly I feel like I have to try and decipher the name and I'm being like watched and judged by the rest of the class okay okay oh hello I don't know you were that you were clay clay playing here Oakland is in here that was also looks like it's made out of clay very convenient hello look look at this friend by the way I saw him and I'm like I want him on the island look at him I don't even know what he he looks like a weight lately I like a wrestler lei Li like a Libre play hey failure man I took your advice and moved here as quick as I could my bug friends are gonna like it I bet I'll meet more bug friends here pretty smug energy I'm gonna finish I'm packing today yeah you know get the bugs out of there bug jars and set you get my snack jars put away well starting tomorrow let's play every day thump thump elect imagine he just punches me let's play every day ah stop anytime ahh it keeps hitting me please have a good day thump ah don't waddle err it's raining but not on this parade I think that's actually one of my favorite life it's raining but not on this parade what kind of beautifully emotionally like confident kind of line is that good what it's raining but not on this parade bug here we got a newcomer I'll talk to them they're lifting their furniture that's how I like to introduce myself I wish I could to baby to be right crafted their furniture it's a rainy today but not on this parade I'm gonna use that sometime in my life that's some strong mental energy I vibe with that all the way down dream house perfect very nice oh wait actually was my house proper upgraded I got a check I got alert was my house upgraded to like the new size okay cuz apparently got larger what are we working with now Oh did more fire can be please oh this is a wonderful dude I might as well purge the fire for now is wait just to store all the fire I want to store all the fire that's so much fire to store I think I'm gonna run out so much fire I mean like how much do I have why is this look even more intimidating what just the house in the middle of the void a white floor backpack or black background it's just the bed I don't you think can I make a chair if I can make a chair I just want to replace it hold on how do I do this I just need soft wood oh that's easy I like it at all and the next to some out of this stuff I have so much wood guys if so much I've stockpiled on the dang stuff what oh right uh was normal wood fires okay uh shake grab something let's craft okay the chair let's do it don't ask for what that's all thank you just take these with me kind of like we didn't share that it's just so intimidating well that if I turn I don't think this helps much only a little bit but this just this welcome III want to actually make the velvet room making the velvet room in this would be so cool you're just walking the music starts playing I wonder how possible it would be to make the vit like like a like like a persona velvet room I mean I guess you just make it all blue and I put like a desk or something doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo didn't leave that there for now I'll definitely forget about it later okay hang the fog face on the wall dude Jack I don't think you realize it is on the wall I want to make sure you guys know this is all POG face all the black along the wall you guys know that that's not just black that's very specifically POG core that is the inside of the mouth like will this is the belly of the beast is clarified on the last maybe we are inside of the POG this is all all POG mouth not sure if you guys realized I think it helps with like this whole fake void that like when you look to the side right now it shows you the side of the floor over here what is this like that what did my jaw say you're inside the pocket swallowed you whole it's very it's very foreboding like wait yeah once I upgrade to like a new house and I get another room I want to have a room that's just this just so I can intimidate people I will leave this here though it's a very useful thing to have I mean also if I can just store this I'm using this then I can store this guy you're probably selling I'm gonna sell it and store those I think I can sell everything here except for the fossils okay what are you all the denim pants up put those away put these away too okay I'm awesome but you know what I don't have any of these stored I might as well throw those into storage as well okay let's do a quick run - blathers let's do a quick once on the island and then the next part in today's livestream isn't my own Island no no no no no it's the ORAC your guys's islands it's the islands of the members we've so we have so many points Oh denim pants daddy's pants IMed okay first goes please talk to me my guy I hate that Timmy and Tommy are only open early looks crannies only open past like 10:00 p.m. though or uh before 10 p.m. also heyy two new members coming through watching the stream it's pouring into space affiliates the check is it's a cool welcome papa leo pal 1 2 3 as well as pique the feel fleet crew welcome welcome all stinking swirl of austin you've got animal Crossing's downloading now I bought this because everyone playing it oh dude well I hope you enjoy some why so many members it's a members stream people want it what's up people i rare fossils wonderful to have cultural development of Denny's I love how he says the cultural development of Denny's like it isn't just like a mediocre restaurant to be fair I love Denny's with all my heart I love Denny's and I think the food is amazing Tom my go-to place for gourmet the cultural developments you know what I mean all I'm saying is I got sponsored through Denny's I would sell out I would sell out so hard if I get a need to sponsor me I would be over for you guys I would sell you guys out so fast for free Denny's runs it's over I would cash in my youtube channel right then what's happening I'm sorry am i dumb no I'm not dumb I don't need to do what I need to now I sell chat saying Wow no I would cash out fine by me good the second I get a Denny's sponsorship I'm cashing you all in what is that I want it what is that she's like you're interested in or that I said that said pop a tiger in paper tiger thousand five hundred Belle's all-in okay thank you kindly what do you need I want to sell okay yes this is how much in doing it that's over five if that's over 1,500 I'm buying in another Oh that's over 1500 I'll take two I'll take another one oh I just released a little echo they do or it's like purchase purchase that's both of them talking that's them like talking to lately that's like both of them talk and then like one just echoes the other I thought it was just a little like like they're just saying it twice Kelly nervous tic kind of thing they were all say here okay Daniel do we invite you at dodo codes yes dodo codes will be the way I joined thank you thank you okay and the reason I I didn't know that was because I have a friend oh I have a friend who does that it's just like a small little nervous tic where they just like say the same thing like twice in a row kinda like under their breath so I was just like oh okay it's just being reflected here hello hi there failure I managed to finish putting things away at home so I'm finally freed up to meet and greet all my neighbors really grateful you came by on my first day don't here to welcome me Oh before I forget I'm glad I ran into you because I have a little something for you hello gift for my new neighbor what you got something popular back home it's a stand a stand mixer my original home I mean I know this is my home now what stand let's see it oh okay that's cute thank you into the storage stand ah so today on cooking with failure we're gonna be taking star platinum as well as oh hey yeah you seen them together I hate I hate the jokes that make and you remember coming through watching streaming supporting it too for some reason Spence fulfill aerials in check as its arguing welcome Kiron they're curing curing sounds correct curing Errol the filthy crew thank you thank you paper tiger Haley put them right here please item you have to sit in this in the chair of the sub screaming lions there you go this year it's just screaming in stereo like you just sit down in the chair all you can hear is oh I like it well I'll just leave that there it's intimidating yes those are my velvet room attendants ah area that's beautiful oh okay well I've done what I wanted to do for this for this little visit I got nothing in my inventory other than the essentials um Wynn went quickly visiting Tom Nook I forget where I'm currently at with like things a new member coming through watching the stream and supporting it to span some files and check as it's our cue and welcome girl Stevens the feel free crew well room is much roomier or home as much roomier yes yes no problem how much is it gonna be 198 understood I will be glad to pay you out to that I mean I'll begin a lot of money soon with those money trees so I got you covered customization is okay I can't wait to use it well what is this streak dude new member coming through watching the stream and supporting it to spin some failed chickens and chat because that's our cue and welcome nugget waddly speaker that's a good name no get waddle beat you can put custom designs on some objects we'll do that later dare I say as much as I want to do that as much as I want to do that I want to right now but as much as I want to I did say this was gonna be a member stream focused event and I don't want to get too in-depth with something else there will be stuff I will do it will not happen right now anyway what's up dodo Airlines I got some fly-in to do hey members my wonderful members if you guys aren't members if you guys are members like new members go over to UM go over to my description scroll down a little bit and there will be a link to join the server make sure your server settings are linked up or make sure your YouTube settings your discs or settings have your youtube link to them that way I can play and I can play in some of your some of your worlds here okay life boat dock give me some give me some codes give me some codes people in life boat dock give me some codes I'll go to the first one I saw first one I see first one I see first one I see was aa Whoopi's I believe this is gamer letters specifically gamer letters okay so if you guys want to join in I suppose members you're more than welcome to try and hop in I just ask that you wait for me to get in first okay I just tried to copy the code that doesn't work I need to I want to fly [Music] gamer letter with me there is okay please we're going to is visiting online play Roger but alright this my first time doing this I don't know how long we'll spend on each Island could be like five minutes I think five minutes is a decent time to spend on an island just look at that get the lay of the land you know what I mean okay search via dodo code which will be six let's plays no no not that no not that that's incorrect let me back out it's not the wrong shrimp sticks oh you don't need to cry buddy it's my type oh no I don't want to die not like that dude he's gonna get sad again no Orville Schneider will come back any time I don't worry I'm right here I know oh my god hold on hold on here we go let me slow down a little bit come back any time open up Orville's dialogue pack I want to fly followed by dare I say someone's Island to which I respond online play to which I finally say Roger also why can't you just keep me connected to the internet I'm like I'm Ethan at court it in and don't worry I ain't disconnecting how do you want to travel with dodo code the code will be six let's plays why be be hopefully we can actually go through okay letter island let's do it let's fly let's see what we got also oh my god new members coming through watching the Stearman supporting it to spam fulfil chickens a chat because it's our cue welcome merchandise that's a great name merchandise as well as uh Nicola Jane kill the filthy crew welcome welcome hard court Sarah oh no you have to mods can you please help them help direct them to where they need to go because it might get a little bit confusing if I'm trying to word it out new members follow the mods instructions you just got to go to the discord server and have your your discourse settings your YouTube in your discord settings what we got here your captain or almost a letter I'll hey am I looking at so what the tree is dead dude a bog walkway I'm happy to see ya members listen to Taylor they got the info hello hello what do we got here OOP there you go oh I like the fog walkway i apprec-- some nice decor the POG walkway looks so weird when it's all like vectorized like that well I got you I got you covered well technically people can't join me here no come here this is annoy this person no not you boy ah you're annoying me you screaming at me don't worry about it it's a flip flip I'm just gonna try and blow out your eardrums here you gotta be like a lot of time the trends scare him oh yeah was always looking away mug him one I need a higher tone not what do you need stop talking to me there we go that's the kind of Turner looking for some deafening there we go it's perfect oh great hon by the way if I visit your village I will pillage I will steal all your apples and oranges I'm sorry to say I will take all of them and you will not stop me I just unlocked this power the power to feel surprised oh no you you might like the power to sweat I don't have that I don't have sweat glands yet I'm not at that level yet though I like your little like like Middle Island there we go I wonder if this actually came naturally it probably did considering here it doesn't look like they're at a terraforming level yet that's such a cute little like mid-ground ah oh my goddess where's your house my guys let me see what we see what you wish it what you got what you got in your house I think I think I'm gonna take my leave so I can keep up keep up the tour's I can't I got you a following don't worry well we're like sync that's wonderful what is this oh this is so pleasant what this is so pleasant really good oh it's like a pot thing going on oh did you left that on I'll turn that off no I got you covered what that's clean that's bad wait I actually really like this I mean a little bit weird to have your dirty dishes out of fry this point well I'm gonna have the old middle I'll have a little nibble of some of these cute oh no how you got some of these things like what what does this drop from like a balloon a big balloon Oh a vacuum cleaner looks like a pokeball thing yeah I got I got I got bench chair [Music] it's how you dance an animal Krusty I don't know what to say okay I don't have the emotions for dancing and break a switch I can't I can't press a block like lottery oh yeah I can just play the lottery that's right that's right thing I ran into this before yeah I gotta win big I don't think it's gonna be possible I'm not getting any luck oh never mind we take it home all penguins all money oh boy hey gamer I like your place I like your place I like your Island but I think this might be where I take my leave I'm gonna go and do a quick pose on the hog walkway if you want to grab a quick photo but otherwise I think um I think I'm gonna start this thing head on out of here okay head on over this way thank you very much for the tour I appreciate it let's see gonna do a quick yeah yeah a quick joy emote there we go all right oh man thank you for having me all right I should kid a leak you all do like I'll do like a little goodbye I'll get my little goodbye thing that looks like a waiting person by the way I think that'll be my way of saying goodbye to people I'll just do a quick little wave take me home blimey that was fun I want to go home okay you have a wave no you're not wrong you're not here you're literally not wrong sigasi you YouTube emotes use YouTube emotes to communicate okay we're getting interference what do you mean does not put their Nick phone in there yeah well what what do you mean I can't think y'all from an island if someone here is in the middle of talking what what do you mean let me out let me out what close your nook phone gamer let me free sorry I had a menu open no problem no problem I can't leave if so it has a menu open strange what what's the purpose of that [Music] okay next Alan we visited and I might look to speed up the process of visiting Islands I'm gonna head I knew you guys a heads up next one we're going is Nintendo DSi shop being so good I can't wait to have people over on my island oh it's gonna be so weird okay I think a good way of doing this might be to visit some people's Islands and then have a bunch of people visit my island for like five minutes at a time that way we still get like a bunch of people coming through okay okay but I'm just going in order of the codes ever seen Danny's Airport I want to fly I want to visit someone online take a look [Music] don't dude never mind come on dude I wish I didn't have to dialogue through all this not gonna lie one thing I appreciate the the dialog roleplay I wish it was a little bit quicker to get on to get going Roger okay next person that put their code as mentioned Nintendo DSi search for dodo code is going to be dope for y0q three I believe okay push me through we won wait we're going to where I know um no that's okay maybe nothing maybe hold on I'm not sure if I want to fly over that wait no also a new member coming through watching the stream is supporting it to expand Safilo so yeah it's been some filter cancer chat because it's there q and welcome Paul astringent is filthy true oh I know we're gonna interference check again ah close your menu my guy oh yes I close your menu I'll give it a couple more attempts is the code wrong I deny what do you mean okay know what so it is working yes I I'm gonna go like I'm gonna try like a couple more times okay you check again okay Oh silence is joining I see unfortunately gotta get through some other people's so maybe maybe I should hide the codes until I until I attempt to join in oh I'll go give it two more attempts my guy so what else is joining isn't his fault my apologies Nintendo DSi oh I will try and get to your island - wait I'll trying it to your island one more time at the end because I did want I did say I was gonna get yours Harker Sara uh do you see what the mods are saying come on I think the mods are trying to instruct oh we're good nope that worked out we're off sure to scare you all thank you yes uh you're correct dr. Packer okay let's just call you actor cuz I just read the first thing because confusion in our community also thank you for the support Mathias wolf Brock yes hiding the codes death of the Rena T yes correct correct correct I just thought because I had the huge stream delay i might be able to get away with it it was my mistake almost to Bermuda oh no word yes let me start going down Mayday Mayday Mayday we trap that camel ending comfortable okay take a nice calm normal village no no oddities I appreciate it let's see oh hello no olives if someone is on their way here I see uh I understand okay I see what's going on here I see what's going on here so every time someone joins okay it's a it's a it's a whole it's a whole event I thought they would just join okay my request members do not join in the island I join ah this seems dumb gamer I think gamer I think I'm gonna have to disconnect from this island if there's gonna be a cutscene every single time someone comes in this is really cute I've never seen this before I think I'm gonna have to I think I'm gonna have to come back through cuz then anyone can join but see Tila I didn't think that was a bad thing because no one can do anything to the island so I'm like okay if anyone could join it's just like if people can join it that's cool I didn't realize though it was a whole cut I we had to watch dam to connect Nintendo DSi I will be back later what's up Game Master from Bill Nye that was my own mistake okay now can I get out of here before we wasted an entire no no no no no no let me out let me out quickly please close the window no I don't want it though I don't want to though I can't get I gotta close I got I got I actually closed the game I gotta actually boot out of the game quick I just offed myself I'm just standing still I'm like I can't take this anymore I just snap my own neck we'll be right back that oh we got stuck in Bermuda dude Bermuda it was the one I told you here we go it's a bamboo Casa I actually got stuck in Bermuda what's thank you for the support PJ then everyone DS feed from you does a dangerous place I can't go there dude don't go to Bermuda you get stuck anyway from that back I suppose okay Nintendo DSi I will once again check out your place another time you got you got my promise it will be looked at if I miss it on today's stream I'll give it an extra time on another stream okay now where's the next one I'm going to next one I'm going to is super dudes okay so I will hide it this time I want to fly online play Roger oh my gosh I got trapped on an island what a unique fake search for you dodo code there we go don't mind me for a second I can't believe it forces everyone to watch a cutscene that's kind of dumb okay and we're back oh wait what my dumb see I wish I wish when I said try again or you come again another time it didn't get me back to the Start menu again because I just had the whole beat okay if I hold me it skeeves it up I just have to do that they asked the reconnect me to the internet every time it's not done optimally dodo code okay so and tries one more time Bam Bam anybody's mistyped tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu okay that is exactly as you typed I'm sorry to say my guy I think you need to recheck your code that does not seem to be the to be the code in question yeah I want to fly I want to visit someone okay yeah pressing B is definitely a little bit faster online play gonna press it the wrong time Roger okay oh my gosh no you guys for sticking it out with me here here we go Sophia dodo code then we're going to this not that also if you guys notice if you're using a pro controller sometimes it like just like when you're typing in letters it like juts around or like it's very easy to miss type on this keyboard I swear here we go we're own grave we're so first it was Bermuda and now we're headed to it headed to a grave odo does do not grave what again that spongebob EMU what oh so did we crash and die the airplane like tough luck buddy tough luck buddy okay well good visit I love Animal Crossing then my internet crashed what does that even happen okay I'll try again or you know I'll come back to you next I'll come back to you next Deb the first I'm going to now is the one scrub that one scrub oh my god three attempts down maybe one of these will work out that one was so close to working yeah I was like oh for sure this is gonna be the one boat Dodos do maybe actually get to the island okay here we go next one dodo code here we go hide the thing go - should I say yeah that wasn't scrub which would be oh boy this is the whole event isn't it for ya okay connect Evan double-check your codes by the way to make sure they're correct saves us a little bit of time we got a flight we're going over to the coral coast everybody let's fly but will we just die is the question here we go we're all say let's do it by the way Taylor as mentioned please do not post our codes in chat you have to post them in the lifeboat dock on the discord server check the description and the instructions from the mods earlier on Madoka was wrong because I closed the gate by accident I had to get a new one I see superdude understood okay woo boy what a kyani I'm still still still tilted but we didn't crash and died yet here we go this is your captain where I'll imagine it disconnect right now lose my mind okay we're sorting nice and easy at 6:48 p.m. they all read hippo down below what a quaint little place it should barely see being tat be inhabitant in the mods message I don't have access to it because youtube doesn't it give me that access imagine imagine if I could though wait like you know be so cool let me do that Tess Tess is me the local scrub a Larry yell we got the words coming I should have mentioned by the way um if you guys say anything inappropriate I will just dip from the island immediately I should be expected though I like I like your art it's very nice actually got you did the bubbles the bubbles are very good a free drink maker oh thank you what is this oh top espresso maker Oh what oh can I not place here I cannot I will keep that in my pocket there thank you very much they have like a drum kit down here I like it definitely not how you play the now how you play the guitar not from this angle very nice like a spinning number wheel oh stop that Oh hot number one I appreciate it up and down the slide I cannot well here take me take me take me take me something you want to show off I'll do that you guys lead the way when I get here take me to the things you while you guys want me to see all this like follow along do my own little loose exploration in the very beginning here right in here all right see me to me let me in I'm gonna hold the door oh oh there you go it's a process you had to load what do we got oh this place is quaint what's back what's back here what license place locked off can I move things I can't what what exists behind the door what's back there okay like that lucky dude I don't like that look okay what do you mean oh this place is quaint though this is incredibly quaint roblox server but you have to see energies like a roblox server where I'd just like join the root why I joined the server it's like hey you want to see something like play it's for mute all over again dude what do you mean I got it dude I got a no show me it's gonna be too long I am ready ready wait Alan let's go say I'm ready for the consequences I could use the NSO good night hold on can't move stuff on island so uh rip oh no wait can you not move anything while I'm over well that sucks hold on boys chat now oh that's dumb there we go know we'll never know dude we'll never know what was behind there wait so can't I use my voice to type oh yeah I could cuz I can use like they're gonna text the speech thing or a speech to text so I can say like the secret stays secret I could press send does that work all day it does it's actually kind of cool that'll make you fast that's me too tight Thank You octave for this for the message there all right unfortunately I do not have a I do not have a keyboard to plug in let me let me so I can say like anything else to show I like a little question mark and then xpress saying oh oh this is really cool that's about it all right hey thank you very much for showing me the island scrub though I didn't I am gonna be forever tortured by what's behind that door Ida it makes you uncomfortable the look they gave me where is this like you want it what is it oh yeah I got just grub I gotcha Covered scrub you got I'll let us know now what what would know Jay actually I'm not sure if you want to know cuz then they think then you're then you're in on it then you're part of it here uh where's where's where's my emotion wheel align I'm working on it give me a second give me uh give me a give me a delight yeah the little pop off good scream here we go Oh God all right all right boy thank you for having me friend you oughta take care whole where's my emote for waving there yeah I'll do that yeah it's actually kind of cute you'll feel greeny quiet a low dose creamy screamy you when I get to your island you better you you hello hello there we go Bermuda Bermuda no in that case I literally his kicks iiiii kicked my um my uh power strip I accidentally dreaded my foot forward it happened to hit the the the the thing I might the little button on my power strip my bad we're good we're good we're good I'm here I'm here hello I'm here my bad it again Oh God dude I was so scared cuz like my entire screen went down everything went out I was like what just happened cuz on that power strip um on that power strip controls like my mic my monitors and I'm like did that control my computer did I just off the stream okay next person we are visiting will be the Goldie maybe there we go okay how can I help you out today I just sorry about that I want to fly and we're going I want visits wait hold on if I do like can I talk right now no apparently not online play Roger okay oh my god dude too stressful okay where am I going Goldie why people are saying that Goldie changed our code Goldie can you just edit your message to have your new code in it by the way if you guys ever um are doing this thing where it's like oh here here's the like you know poster codes and discord server um and your code happens to change just edit your edit the message to have the new code in it that way your you still have you like your place in line if that makes sense because I'm not gonna see the newer messages I'm just I'm stuck my scroll is stuck in one spot she said it's the same okay sounds good search for dodo code I appreciate you guys transcribing the future messages for me okay turn this off going to each nope close oh my god it's so touchy it's so touchy sometimes um doo doo doo all right let's see what we got let's hope November no Bermuda this time oh I like the island name let's fly also new member coming through watching this stream it's supporting it too spans afield she gets a chat because it's our cue and welcome a rat Spencer one two three four to the filthy crew okay you up Goldie Island knows no voice chat I appreciate it I'm more concerned about just sending the messages okay let's see what you got what's we got in the in Goldie's town I know she's run some other people in in before okay let us see she has the tarantula the maze though the what sorry oh okay I mean it looks normal now nothing looks off it just looks like a nice little town so it is a lot of her things bla bla bla bla close the game uh I mean it looks nice I especially love Wow what nice flooring she happens to be standing on thank you I got ya oh I got some Nook miles thank God him before I close the dialog here occasional tourist hello oh like jams on oh my god what's blowing up okay okay my things are blowing up here same pant we deliver the same pant almost almost mine's pink yours is blue all but it's like the same style this is good wait you never smooth uh like corners these are each made for the one they did she could have just done this with like a single white square what you got go just pooped a little bag this is a present Oh wrap oh sorry one for you know once I open it's a play at that oh hey let's go make Shiva yeah we have an actual shirt that's a foreign concept to me yo how do you can you give people custom things I don't think so cuz like I can only like wear it and then I don't believe I have the ability to like to like Goldie you can go ahead and show me how let me just put on the right thing here you can't ah maybe if I had like um if I had the UH the able sisters yeah show it off goalie which I got just don't worry about what I just flash to the chapter oh oh this is super organized what this is so cute get an actual place is farming hi Everett oh okay I can't force quietly well I can well that's cool Oh God nope okay stick a shot at the tree I'm sorry I'm sorry I stole the most you try to cut me off I think you're fine yes yes I'll played out played my footsies game is too good we have one to see another day the ball I'm gonna dribble this melon yo what's up hand me down alright what else you get here goalie oh very nice hello there hello there friend I recognize you what do we got that stupid music hey oh oh I mean very very somatically approach stop ah very thematic ly appropriate I like it a lot Oh attention to detail that the back wall to post this of males Oh birds for a second I love that okay say I love how the fan ah blows like Late Late look look here look at that plant as tough as the fan comes by I know you can only see my big old head for a second look how the plant starts moving as as the UH as the fan comes through I love that detail man it's so cool it's wonderful oh I love all the tiny details of Whitney this way the leaves move yeah like as the fan goes by I saw that on Twitter oh okay I understood got it live we got we is this just like a house type I suppose it is yeah I was curious well what is it someone someone is on their way here Oh someone's day please do not join in on on Island visits people it creates a an extra an extra bit of delay or is this Who am I at the purge from the members of sigasi she's out she's out she's gone was again put it could just be a friendly friends list to kind of join please do not join when I went out when I'm going go into other people's islands okay nicely Kathy begin pers okay mate am I still over here look six Agassi no Rukia from Naruto okay you guys the coffee crap good there you go go specifically more of a comparison also what's up with this like one dead she with all the alive she's looking at it like it did something wrong like this gonna be sigasi in a second it's stumpy oh oh it's gonna be like a terror for me or something why does this oh my god of all things cow ring craft vibe there's one there's that's this is natural what the heck there's there's one area to wind craft that you have to like go around to the back and then you like go through a path and that's a wow that like gave me odd nostalgia this is natural oh hello hello friend how is this natural I'm sorry what an amazingly beautiful island that's crazy I love me with a little whack a little Benny set get up here I understood the system is rigged oh I've been looted oh sorry Pat what do we got mum crowd mother crowd mother crown Oh delightful oh so cute remember when she was chasing me down him you know bloody murder with the ax out remember when that was going on yeah yeah yeah I think she remembers only thing you get I'm gonna go to one these people silently get megalovania [Music] that's right run run oh I can hear them calling for me I'm gonna cross the river well good trade hold on oh it's okay I'll go over that way no okay it looks agassi work with me here okay very nice oh very nice what these like fish saplings basically fish they got shoved into the ground they're growing I gotcha oh it's very nice I like it a lot the mask is gone oh God real quick stand still form for me I've been outplayed I've been outplayed no no no ice cream yet no sound comes out I've been got no it's over it's over I've been done I've been done dirty I'm officially dumb I foot weeds all over my Beach it looks nice I stand by that weeds look okay in in moderation okay III all I see on the bottom here yeah oh great okay I do think I'm gonna start to take my leave though anything else uh anything else you want to show me for now oh that's how that works okay is that like they're about to type kind of thing I guess so you're doing like a little thinking yeah thank you for having me oh this place is cute I have a keyboard to type oh yeah I mean you're definitely typing very very fast it's a very nice like spread out island to do you know what I mean like everything is in different locations it's easy to easy to you you get to see the entire island just by going to everyone's house ah it's very nice thank you for showing off Goldie okay the old clam touch can't afford it you're wait wait hold on no what no no the intimidating message seems like it's time to go home what no wait no no nope it sucked into the plane Orville comes down with a knife seems like it's time to go home Carrie go all right coming on back the Denny's well then who is next on the list you know what we're gonna do we're starting to hit a greater wall in the stream because I don't want this to go on for too long I do have some things I need to take care of tonight let's do this backwards now let's have you guys visit me members I am going to post a code for you guys come by and visit whoa on scroll all the way down let's go all the way down and I'll post a code for you guys see I'm gonna take a while to load though oh you're right oh no you're right because that means we have to watch every single person person touchdown no I don't think that's the play I think it's better to keep on visiting single like single islands and only just getting like a few more yeah I don't think that's gonna be the play let's keep on looking at islands because otherwise we're gonna have to be here for like a while just to get people in what I was checking out new places okay yeah my toe today is gonna be a visiting other people day okay therapy penguin what was your discord name um hold on I'm going down I'm going down was this when I'm so far back on the on the on the messages here all the way back up here we go golde poster code multiple times and I'm using her as like a landmark I'm not sure where okay okay I found where I was I found where I was so I believe the the only edited code I see is from Tyco Kalra but they were the next one anyway so when instead in Chavez derpy penguin there's one person between me and Goldie ah depth yeah but you didn't edit your Oh derpy pang would I understand you didn't edit the code it's still the same one what was the issue with yours Oh yours was the internet crash that's right that's right that's right yeah okay I'll join you as real fast because you're you were in line before okay if your online play Roger okay yeah unfortunately with this segment we don't get to show off a lot of people's islands just cuz it takes a while to get into one will get faster with his time goes on but it's we'll have like a system of like showing off only a certain number of things okay but for now we can only show off a few per stream so the competition is fierce Oh drumsticks OH double check your code their depth I'll try re-entering it hold on maybe I mistyped maybe I mistyped try again another time I know you guys can't see anything hold on I want to fly though I'm just dialoguing I want to visit someone online play it's got to let me connect chat while I'm talking what's your favorite candy I asked this before I ask again see if it changed okay no code definitely layers one more time okay it was the one posted at 6:19 p.m. make sure I typed it perfectly dude do but to do don't oh alright typed in as written and drumsticks nope it's not available there are no islands that have that code I'm sorry derpy penguin I need you to edit the message from 6:19 p.m. with the new code if there is a new code okay dan I just fixed it yet the message does not seem to be edited again the one from 619 p.m. the first one above goalies in between that one scrub and super dude yeah we were at different coves I just fixed I regardless the message I need editing is the one at 6 9 p.m. these six nights oh there we go that's perfect that's the one I need you edited thank you ok I want to fly also don't forget don't forget you you're currently listening to me with like a bunch of delay because YouTube is sucks right now so I might have already responded to you but YouTube's throwing me any bones today and you want to travel don't worry and just menuhin it'll be available the screen will be available in a second ok let's see I'm gonna do the d-pad seems to be an easier way to type do nope it's not joystick is still better ok I'm all set entered as written let's see what we got we got a flight headed over to East grave that's that's right let's fly how many pork more people are gonna visit we'll see cuz I don't want the segment to go on for two longer but I still like I like visiting aliens it's fun this is a fun bit I like this a lot but we have a schedule to keep to today I appreciate the support Lane the walnut if I save you $60 to go by Animal Crossing for me I said it to my house y'all why don't you just buy a noble crossing I'd also have paid for delivery you know the whole thing in tax like I don't know 60 just wouldn't cover it of course the effort of sending it again I have to click like five times on Amazon like nope all right where are we going East graves prepare for the lady oh hello welcome it's me that's me they're talking about a fossil spot praying for the big hello okay ever visit hello right ah right in my face dude ah exactly you burnt down my eyes God and go back into my den you sad for now there we go that's why this is the last island you'll never see again popping that right in my eyes coming on in so you very much in support Lin yeah okay ooh my crab well what's the name what's up start knocking on the glass I thought this is like a door it's just gonna try and jump out the window I think it's worth samurai our secret spy words I'm having do you think I already haven't Chloe showed me your wall oh thank you yes ever I don't worry I've already I got the one in the 3ds I perfect did all the things I could oh thank you for me par to be okay I'm sorry it's still like resonating with me oh why thank you I need to get you guys something something to hear open trench coat see what we got whoa I actually have a jacket just like this or very close to this is really nice hey thank you goes great with my dream pants actually feel good I look very sketchy no don't just the guy in the Denny's out form oh I gotta get some like dark pants now - it'd be great you know just the guy in the Denny's al form outfit he might just give you an espresso machine hold on okay oh my god I think was playing footsies Harry young stuff that into the trench coat the bottle uh thank you log dining - evil Oh hold on I might have just stolen your recipe okay here from me to you that's how you make a log dining table well hey thank you for showing it showing it off to me death I appreciate it let's take a let's take a photo in front of the thing it's rainy screen II like a screening in front of the welcome Daniel yeah so it's war got him it's gonna be good for a good screening one person is clapping versus shoving a rod through their face there we go well I'll do a quick emote I got you covered there you go bleh thank you for having me my friend i'ma head on down and uh and take care of things oh no that again not again please how many of those you got Oh God please stop I can't see uh you know take your depth okay oh it's really fun off we go East grave I want to go home cool so the next person happily don't go into let's see up I mean technically that's what I wanted um next person you should be take Cole bruh if I'm not mistaken okay Oh besides I'm gonna be open to members not sure I'm gonna be doing the dev stuff so we'll see what gets done hold on no no no gives it to ranch out on the POG mouth did it D spawn when I went through the door there was something taking in the pod kind of like when I say where'd it go did he eat it did he eat the took did the pawn eat the tarantula where did it go it was concise I can't stand here for too long dude that ain't safe it took up they all bite out of the dang thing get out of here oh god this guy this new member coming through watching the screams of porting it to spam some Phil Hales and shag is its art cue and welcome some gross Picchu to the Philly crew what's up Simon Simon uh Simon is one of my old roommates best friend dare I say and also one of the creators of the behemoth screaming one of them one at one of the co-signers here what's up Simon gross creature who's the sleeper Wow Wow gives me five bucks you know what you know what you know what Simon next time uh extend we go to Denny's unlimited pancakes on me I got you covered my friend for the five bucks that you paid to me this month here yo what's up my guy go chat it's like you rags is that him okay okay well here who's the next one I'm Linda worth checking out here this profile picture noob this profile picture Simon Estabrook Wow okay I'm good glad to hear okay I'm going to tight collars that's right I want to fly then we're going to missus someone online pit play online pays what Simon just did for me internet although maloca mean just yet a cholera let's hope I can connect that seems to be the reoccurring issues yay and we're going with C V X nope and then I'm not gonna say the rest cuz I'm almost dumb and I won't said the code there we go Oh almost almost said it I'm so smart okay yeah while I'm headed off to this island I'm having an another Reese's mini Cup I'm really like I need this right now god I need this right now [Music] interference clothes clothes menus clothes your menus all right let's snack whoa please do not join peoples islands by the way I didn't say the whole code I'll sue someone can guess the last if people got the guest the last year than it also enjoying gotcha gotcha let's see what's possible okay I'll give it like a second check again please once again do not join the islands that I'm currently connecting to we're all good perfect off we go I got that better but I'm gonna enjoy this little Reese's Cup Katya oh please give me the give me this Reese's Cup all please oh I needed that all right let me hop on in let's see what we got but it's Buddha bow as your captain rolls to a Maura very nice ooh I like the house will stone ceilings hello we are we got I believe have you ever seen a book what is that I'm unaware of them yo chef no no I stepped on the snatcher no I stepped on the statute I've been snatched no the walkway I took a different that was my life I died on that island dude well back we are this snatcher got me I took it funded on to snatcher and now is it Bermuda Bermuda ever since I went to that Island called Bermuda everything wrong has been happening I got snatched from units strikes again oh no dreams in a 16 that's train wreck oh no I'm sorry I'm gonna have to give an extra shout-out to tyke all right here because I did I did see the island I'm sorry I have to keep on movin on say cholera plague cholera I want to give you a special shout-out thank you for having me on the island in that brief second I will see if I if we have time I'll try and join in with you one more time towards the end uh but I will say I do want to keep on looking at new islands for now but I want to have you know thank you very much for having me for that a very very brief look I will try and join yours again later because I want to be fair to everyone right now you took me that first there's Beebe internet now it's Bermuda special shoutouts helps to take cholera do we get some heart emojis for tecala rancette I hate to have to do that to someone here but unfortunately the Internet you happy with me anything very much the sport uh hard poor Sarah twelve hey Dan great to finally be a member and watch the stream but I gotta leave now thanks for oh hey take care Sarah and also leave it sport up Chiron Earl hippity-hoppity we can Ilena's kicked me off of its property okay here we go we're going to next person being amiibo amiibo this said that like any like an amiibo thing amiibo yeah I'm gonna turn off the capture card then we're going over there boom-boom I love Animal Crossing so much its sorry for me not just play this game all the time nope I typed it in wrong I save it as though it's six at the end we should I type that in right ok confirm here I come and yep we're all set to go let's go all sent out set yeah pink pig I don't think I'll be getting to yours we're approaching like this and one more potentially kind of territory because in fact I should have already ended the stream but I'm just having fun with it we're not even into the stream but you know not in the stream but uh move on to the next segment because we still have had time to do today I'll stay with sport takara thanks for visiting even if our time was short I updated the code just in case we're getting Tycho Brahe thank you for having me I'm so sorry about the connection issue I don't know what happened I don't like doing people dirty like that so I want to see if I can visit another time might not happen on today's live stream but Tyco Kalra definitely on one of the future animal crossing streams even if you cannot make it in time for like your name in the list I will still make sure to visit you just make sure I'm not dumb and call me that on if I don't call it in I owe you take Cara sure I will eventually courage but what do we got here oh I would say like your little bridge formation - yummy bow be an evil flag I like that okay everything looks pretty calm and nice here what do we got we're gonna do this one and then one more then that'll be our day then we move on to hat in time hey can you just take me home again can you uh hey a plane plane plane uh you want um Oh help me they're coming okay what do we got here hello Ella what's up amigo so what you got here amigo look look what do we got oh hello who are you hey I never try this guy's ever first a on someone nothing okay nice looks free Annie we got oh hello oh hello well how's it going with you my friend where's the where's my emote there you go rizz amiibos thing hello okay oh so I guess this is when you get to make the flag like later on well well hesitated before picking out that peach makes me a second to bend down have a couple villages - oh you'll have slopes Oh fancy go for it go for it all the slopes actually it's so nice poor you are you stitch you are stitches you stitches I haven't seen you before you can't have you seen anything before like is that huh this move here do you belong here Oh your failure I heard you were visiting I have stitches Osen is the best stuffing so enjoy your time here Oh kind of cute Bob Bob yes you him Oh first time ever meeting you and I no not ever because I think I've made you in previous games hey are you the one visiting from Denny's you're a failure huh I knew it when I first saw you I said I don't know that person anyway when I first saw you like two seconds ago I thought maybe you were a spy or something oh you be spying on I didn't know hey I'm wearing a trench coat I remembered hearing oh we have a visitor who is definitely not a spy anyway I'm Bob welcome dad says enjoy you're gone spying day has to I like it alright doo doo doo doo doo de doo doo there we go yeah that's why I just did that little undertale song because when I walked in there I could sworn I heard that song play like doo doo doo stage this is all like one object okay dope camp oh okay okay mom Jill concentrated always happy to entertain well we got up here you know this third game okay I'm ready to meet him in a second I have to load the ability to knock that's very might though what do we got here it's a glee what saw Bigley you're visiting from off island right my name is Inga don't say it like that I just moved here myself so my tour guide muscles aren't quite there yet waddler it's so awesome to see visitors I love how popular this place is Oh foreign to me ask anyone who knows me oh yeah yeah bet Internet you got it I like it though nice little place I got to change into the into the whack shirt hold on where's a custom design see me there we go we're cops there we go now now we're on brand now we're on brand Oh I removed my ability to get down help me okay never mind fine Daniel why what what have I done what have I done to me about oh oh oh sorry I didn't know where you were I didn't know where you work where are we let's go bubblegum the song oh what a wallpaper yeah bubble gum bubble gum toy it gets intense then apparently what do we got over here okay use it one late like a different because oh okay oh sure no Chloe him yep eyeball emoji you really sleep with this on on the bureau I like the customer you really go to bed and you just look up in the middle of the night you just see uh well I know it's a fake one well if I put a skeleton in the corner of my room I hope it wouldn't be a real skeleton but I would still be equally as horrified when I woke up to it I think I did I'm glad we can agree I'm I guess I am walking around my day-to-day with that kind of shirt on sir oh we got over here.i into the text text one by did not see it in time don't push me in do you dare push me in Oh [Music] [Music] tried my Sam shrine Oh Sims oh my favorite videogame character what's up Sam's we got a slowly off-pitch version you know I think I know what it is I think I know what it is why is there just a candle okay like like okay you put out the candle goodbye sense okay now it's freaking out in there oh that's great going to another room can I read his mini-fridge makes sense what do you mean am i judging him based on his this is loadout okay well hey this place looks absolutely wonderful you got any more to show me otherwise I think I'm gonna move on to the look I think I'd look that all the animal crossing carriages have great alright what's up meatball okay buddy you have a you never back right I'm up and your name is failure I like that name a lot whenever uh whenever you're here visiting outset please look at me a picture wait Chloe no no stop it jumper jumper it's okay it's okay break it up break it up break it up I'm gonna let them be fighting over things what's up Oh God here she comes that's the Nets out what are you nice to be moving just chasing after my after image hello little grave you know I'll just blossom dude this is one wrong push to chaos I'm just I'm just saying you hit this box the wrong way you're not gonna like the result that's like the worst place you could have put that cute it would be cool if you could but yeah it's nice little decoration Oh oh no I'm sorry I like that you put other you just putting trash as the cornerstone to this little landmark it's great oh wait thank you for showing me around I think this is where I'm gonna have to call it and then uh I'll check out one more spot and that will be done it'll be it hold on one second sisters Time Traveller's I wanna do it myself and I'll gladly loot your your able sisters places oh we got here got some fancy wares we got some galaxy clothing we got in the fitting room yeah hopping on in time travelers what do you got here keeping an eye out for the captain's hat I don't want anyone to give me the captain's hat my one request you all take this though well it's like a masquerade mask cool persona I don't want anyone to give me the captain's that I want to find it and one day I'll find out freak no we're gonna wear the persona Matthew yeah there we go Who am I Who am I Who am I you have no idea you have no idea you'll never know I could be anywhere I could be I could be anyone Philip this is steal from us I could be anyone at all thank you look how much shirt dude is a kid all we got o clock and oh what Oh what okay thank you oh my gosh where's my emo that's so bad there we go I'm sorry uh Oh what oh I like the little synergy we got going on here all right all right oh hey take selfie with amiibo okay okay well hey thank you for having me take care you too and enjoy enjoy your animal crossing afternoon where's my uh greeting there we go have a good one see Technic that was a fun visit I like that visit okay last one for the night when went well last one is going to be leave this is going to be courage bot okay any courage bot will be the last one and also yo consolation prize shoutouts to mint silver super dude peace bear yo show and pick pig and everyone else down down below thank you guys very much for uh for first submitting codes want to give a shot to the people that just barely missed it I'm going to first time doing Eiling visits I think I'm starting it like the pace of how these work I wasn't sure what the piece is gonna be like I think I get it now no llama the other reason I don't wait you said in the Delta room stream the reason you don't play undertale the other thing that I don't play undertale is because i've already played it I've already I already know all the endings already know every everything I know the lore there would be no real reason for me to play it right now maybe one day I'll do it but Daniel - after amiibo no going down the list I have it goes ah that one's scrub Goldie ty Kalra amiibo then rmz says I'm back and then the one after that is courage BOTS once again at 6:19 p.m. they might have posted it multiple times and we're gonna go Roger and what we'll do is if I've already visited your Island um in the next member stream I would just ask that you not have me visit yours again just because like we obviously don't do too many of them like it's gonna be hard to get through everyone because each one of these takes so long so it's probably gonna be a once I visit your Island that will be it for like the next like month and then maybe it'll reset or something like that we'll find a system that works but like with how long it takes people to join how long it takes me to join people I feel that's a that's only fair okay Oh drumsticks Oh No Oh courage bot you might need to fix your code courage bot double-check your code again 619 p.m. is when you lose when you posted it I'll try and reenter it I want to fly please edit your message with the correct code if it is not already correct the night just may be mistyped yeah part of me online play Roger buh duh buh duh buh buh pop back on for a little bit ok you want to travel search for dodo code ok yeah courage bot I'm gonna give it one more shot here cuts off again I make sure I'm entering it incorrectly mm make sure I'm up they just changed the code yes please change only post your message once if you pose them multiple times it does it's just gonna cause confusion ok perfect looking for islands and just edit the message that you originally post there we go we're good kind of Bo kind of you I don't know how you pronounce that last letter the accent market has after this goes hat in time okay what do we got what do we got well switching segments can you listen to my music I sent it to you on discord I'm sorry Kirby Derby Kirby derpy ah but no I'm just gonna keep on with the with the music I currently have I'll check I'll check it later but I'm not gonna switch it for this stream I'll keep an eye on it oh is that a Power Ranger who's that okay local time is ETM zone is me but what what is that I'm not like a burial ground aren't those all like sinkholes what is that is that a squid okay sounds right I guess a little creeped on over this way hello is this all-girl sinkhole there's something oh they're presents I thought these were all um uh places that you step on in daily they bring you down I I unfortunately can't use the shovel here if you'd be able to dig them up uh I would be able to accept that you're free I have a gift for Dan to pass to you this weekend wanna come see it yourself oh yeah yeah I'm sorry about that as I know it well all that didn't cause my uh cuz my phone to go off I just hit the Bell a bunch of times my phone and my phone suddenly started ringing there's all I just turn that off ok nothing done and back down I say your request ok I'll accept it for now I probably go you know I probably will unaccepted later cuz I do want to keep this this list like relatively clean but for now I'll accept it too to use the shovels I got you covered there we go oh we got well thank you it's the plane quitting shop sign thank you I'll go in like a diagonal here my friend if you could uh if you could also unburied some of these the plate wait a second hold on don't tell me are these are these all these all plain without science oh wait I didn't I didn't do this one hold on open oh no no no that in an M we also have an elephant's like okay I was like hold on a minute how many plain wooden shop signs do I get okay why thank you very much I think I can only accept a few how many of these are fluent shop sign I don't think I can accept them all cuz I need to have a little bit of space in my inventory for that for the last place I like step one more though here here pick the one pick the last one you want to give to me also I'm sorry at war Beach if this is a beach entrenches do you do you create what I do you have a spare of the skeleton I would love one of these lasers skeleton in this game what okay I guess I'll just leave that there I guess ah oh it is you can have these are like science I only just realized that that's like that these are on lightly warning signs well it's cool I realize well hey oh I'll just chill around here you let me know when you're all set okay not go in there that's alright oh the grave yeah oh I'll chill out by sans I like your Beach I'll hang out by sans get the Nook miles thank you sup buddy how you doing a friend Oh slid in oh look I got some fencing why thank you I appreciate it oh my some money again appreciated it's a customization kit now that all now this I'll get some use out of haha thank you very much for the customization kid I appreciate it alright thank you I think I might have to start taking my leave but I appreciate it I'll follow up with you though okay i'ma head in - hey man I knew member coming through watching the stream and supporting it - man so yeah this is where i'm gonna take my leave why y'all animals have san shrines everywhere why do you why do you guys have so many shrines - fan its swear dude the third one yup hold on one second I gotta try one thing as long as we're here [Music] did you did do no wait nope we tried we tried I'm on my way if I'm not mistaken no I did octo it's our hacker it did for me oh excuse me let me in it did for me I like the first day I tried to do it like the first like ten ten minutes I got it I like to hear and everything would I would have got everybody's daddy fridge for sans undertale I wonder what's inside III can close that it's okay I don't want to see what else is in there two boxes a whole lot of disappointment here I was gonna take out a little mascot hat on there yeah cold sands it really just keeps on one-upping itself just when I just won eight just when I enter in one room I see sands on my mom that's pretty cool I entered in no room is the only sands off key since we got it it wasn't perfect okay well hey thank you for showing me the place I think you went this way that sounds like I saw this room yet I like can smug horrible oh you have the animal crossing switch that's cool pants oh it's a pit this is the bag it'll be a bad thing ah we can you change your display from this thing oh no you can't all right well hey thank you for showing me your place I believe this was the last place I was I was looking at right if I'm not mistaken it's very good thank you very much for having me by don't take care take over I tried I was like your Kirby sweater you got on your sweater all right oh boy hey everybody thank you all for watching well I mean first let me get back to my place then I'll do my little sign out thank you for having me though friend let's take a selfie by the no escape sign and now this that'll be my tour let's see where's my little dance Airy yell perfect right bless you who is it stop oh no no no that's okay that's okay you can just keep on sneezing enjoy take care yo can someone give me one of those masks I need one of those right now it's unsafe alright thank you for having me [Music] well as mentioned that would be the last one next up on today's livestream is gonna be some hat in time now for two too long not for two too long okay for you end this segment please check your mail oh not sure if I can we've really got where you are under the gun I can check it real fast not sure if I can read anything by at least quickly open it to a group gentlemen make sure they can do a little delay okay because I have something I need to do it they said I eat 30-second they're cool with nine o'clock will be good for one more segment here all right well thank you all for watching this has been a fun little segment oh I am excited to do more more animal crossing as time goes on dude Oh PFF animal crossing so good ooh I see oh so everyone can send me a letter oh it's cool your dummy you fool yes look buffoon you absolute clown you uninvolved ate brain you have now enabled me to send you letters it's over over for you rich is attached to this letter Thank You Obama always appreciate your pockets are too full to take it oh yeah from gamer if fish bad use this once again I cannot see give me a second Joe let's go Obama hold on over here I got decorate with these in my own time Oh what is the signs Oh perfect oh yeah well we'll make good use of these I appreciate all the wooden signs as long as I can customize these all get good use out of them all right what do we got here hello mama can I get the two confused uh present what do we got oh thank you I appreciate it and here we got frying pad Oh perfect you put a wooden inside with a Denny's logo on it you're right I'll let you know I'm gonna put this frying pan right here well I got it please 800 it's perfect it all comes together all right everybody well hey thank you all for watching tune in next time I'll see you guys in three to five minutes I'm doing like my outro I not doing I don't need to do an outro transition on it over to the next thing you guys are three to five minutes I don't think I have one s1 steel is just a normal steel nevermind I think I already got 100 I'll see you guys in three to five minutes we're this I hadn't time all let me just go to bed you might get actually don't even have a bed anymore I forgot what's my place by the way right now it's been a little bit I got a customized this place Oh tonight great oldest hang out here I guess screaming with the rest of them help me hey everybody I'll see you guys in three to five minutes with the next episode or the next part of a hand time we're gonna be go into the dev control so it's gonna be really really bad see you guys in just a little bit woo alright ah gross chat don't mind the gross chat I'm sorry you
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 14,804
Rating: 4.9538107 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, Episode 4
Id: E2wt39-OZVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 48sec (8688 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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