Can I Survive 100 Days in Medieval Rimworld with Combat Extended?

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Hello again. Today I'll be telling you the story of the quaint little medieval war crime village of Badgerhold. But I suppose I could just call it the medieval village of Badgerhold, since war crimes weren't really a thing back in the good old days. We'll be following the first 100 days of our five colonists and anyone else they find, recruit or enslave along the way. And just who are those five colonists? Well we've got Kamkol, a very large man with a burning passion for cutting people up as well as digging. On the side he'll also quite happily research or tend the farms, a very well balanced individual. Nelay will end up as the colony's main researcher as well as being the only one of our starting five that's at all capable of social work. Also quite happy to cut people up. Very good. Verea will mainly handle the crops but is also pretty good at crafting and also has a little skill in medical. Also once again totally happy to smack people around. Brexo is a very general colonist but primarily he's a skilled shot as well as having a burning passion for animal work. The colony will start with chickens so that's handy. And last but not least we have Bilkomnio. He'll handle the cooking work alongside construction and crafting. Okay, introductions out the way, where are we going? These fine medieval folks are staking their claim to a patch along the river here in the Laura Aston Hills. The area isn't necessarily that interesting but it's pleasant enough. We've started right next to an ancient danger that I suspect we won't be touching for quite a long time if ever. Okay, so while they start to set up the basics let's talk about all of this medieval stuff. A lot of you modding addicts will have already assumed but in case you don't know I'm using the medieval overhaul mod in conjunction with the storyteller Maynard Medieval to restrict myself and all other factions to medieval tech. Speaking of tech, the first thing we've researched here at our research spot, which is just well look it's just a designated thinking space I guess. Anyway, Nellie with help from a few others at times was able to sit there staring at the wall long enough to figure out the basics of agriculture. The overhaul doesn't actually force you to research agriculture before you can plant crops at all but I figured it would be more in the spirit of things if I did. So now we can plow soil and plant mushrooms, garlic, onions and lentils. I'm also going to plant heel root because we'll all die if I don't. You can take this brief opportunity to head below and either call me a coward for growing heel root or compliment my dedication to the medievality by abstaining from vanilla food crops. And while you're down there you might as well like the video too. Wow, I sure am a youtuber. Anyway, it's probably a good idea to build a palisade wall quite quickly since we're likely to be fairly evenly matched with any early raiders, at least in terms of armament. To be fair though it also just looks cool which plays a larger part in my decision making than it perhaps should. Now thanks to the aforementioned crop abstinence we're suffering a bit on the food front which can be sorted out day by day through hunting but we'll also buy food from the occasional visitors whenever they're willing to sell it. But at least we're just a bit hungry. Our only rooster, Olyana, has it far worse suffering from a random heart attack. Thankfully swift intervention from Brexo has him recovered and back to his work near immediately. Similarly horny are Nelle and Bilkonym who've become lovers. They'll have to wait until marriage though since we're decent godly folk here in Badgerhold. Oh yeah, our ideal legend. There's not much to say about it honestly. Simply named Theo Faith they worship Bauks who allegedly birthed all humans in a grand accident. Their creed is a simple one. Believing themselves to be the supreme idealism they aim to spread the word of Bauks across the lands and grow their ranks through either recruitment or slavery. Whichever seems more convenient at the time. So here we are a couple of days in. Walls are up, the air smells of drying meats for human feed and grasses for chicken feed. There's just one thing missing from the smellscape. The rancid piss smell of tanning liquor. You see with medieval overhaul in order to get that leather you so desperately desire from the animals you've hunted or farmed you need to tan their hides. A lengthy process that requires a stinky fluid made from any number of rotting ingredients. We'll actually just be using wood though. This is where we're finally prompted to name the faction. We already know the settlement is called Badgerhold so I decided to name the faction the Damned Ramblers. For no particular reason. After that I set up a small trap hallway which should see off our early foes be they human or animal. Or humanimal. A single woman with a shiv arrived shortly afterwards from one of the local bands of nasty folk to test our newly built trap hallway. Annoyingly I decided to send out Braxow to take some pot shots at her with his bow as she approached. However, it turns out these palisade gates take longer to open and close than I had expected. So Braxow got shivved a little bit before Verea and Nelle arrived to put a stop to these shenanigans. I'd have captured her for recruiting if it weren't for the whole destroyed lung thing so we'll just take her clothes and let her slowly die out here instead. At this point I realized that A) I need way more crops and B) you don't get much leather. With a measly 11 soft fur coming from a gazelle. And then Braxow went on an insulting spree. Probably because he was shivved about seven times a few hours ago. Luckily he fixated his anger on Bilkomno who was having absolutely none of it and immediately knocked him out. Good job. Nelle was clearly impressed by this because then they decided they'd get engaged. More importantly though sweet heaping piles of lentils have flowed into our storehouse. Finally a substantial quantity of food. I thought for about five minutes until I realized that it takes 100 lentils to make four meals. Yeah we need to do some more hunting and plant more crops. On the bright side some spacecraft chunks have just landed which can be deconstructed just as usual for steel and components. Which are otherwise much harder resources to get in medieval overhaul. Speaking of steel people are getting all funny about not having a temple and everything that goes with it. The trouble is the ideogram requires more steel than we currently have even with the recent salvage so it'll have to wait. Anyway more importantly look at those little chickies. How lovely. Peep peep little chickies. Grow up nice and quick now. The townsfolk are hungry. With rustic furniture researched and a half decent number of animals hunted it's time to make some fur beds. Skipping straight over the less comfortable variants. We only have the best at badger hold. In terms of bedding. Pretty much everything else here right now is garbage actually but it's our garbage. And those bastards from the Anus Empire are trying to take it from us. Are we going to stand for that? No of course we're not. Are you ready to fight to protect what's you? Oh they they died in the traps. Well fair enough everyone back to work. And now the goddamn chickens have the flu. It's bird flu all over again. All right we've researched smithing. That's good. We'll get to it in a moment though because a woman has just fallen from the sky. She's pretty good too so we'll quickly build a bed in this room we were going to use as a temple and capture her for recruitment. And she's dead. Never mind. Nellie and Bill Comno are finally getting married but don't think this means I'm going to let them share a bed. Oh no we don't want any babies here yet. Maybe later. Some of the chickens are actually succumbing to their avian flu at this point. Which is a little sad but ultimately it just means we get some food now. And that kids is how you get zoonosis. But let's not worry about it too much. Because here's a heat wave which is an annoying but entirely solvable problem thanks to good old passive coolers. This would be a problem in a more sparse biome but with plenty of wood to spare here we're actually totally fine. With that in mind though it's probably time to start a little forestry project so we can sustain plenty of wood without having to go out and harvest it manually. Everyone decided now that it's time for a party and sure why not. Some of the grumpier members of the colony could use the boost. Some uninteresting stuff happened for a few days now until a raid from house oswin arrived. Now it's just one guy but he's wearing some pretty heavy armor. I want that. Give me the armor backus. Come on. Give me. Whatever. I'm sure I'll have it just as soon as he dies in the trap hallway. Just as uh... come on. Oh good I thought we were gonna have to actually fight him for a moment there. And it just knocked him down so the armor isn't tainted. Fantastic. Let's have Kamkol put that on right away. On a whim now I decided to take up beekeeping which first involved smashing up some wild hives and stealing their queens before stuffing them into apiaries. Far more interestingly though is this Lindworm. A gigantic snake thing which has entered the area whilst the Thrombo is also here wandering around and they've near immediately started fighting. Whoo kaiju fight yeah. It's looking like the Thrombo is gonna come out on top here. Oh yeah definitely. Just gotta send out break so to finish the job and now we've got some snake meat and scaly leather aplenty. I thought it might drop something like a valuable fang or something but no just dodgy meat and green leather. All right so somewhere in the middle of all that we did finally set up a little smithy so let's start using it to make a massive axe for Verreia. He works in the fields most of the time and somehow this will help with that. I remembered at this point that I can set up auto slaughtering for the livestock as well so I've limited their population to a level that will produce decent quantities of eggs as well as piles of meat in waves as the lovely little chickies reach adulthood at the same time. That was a weird sentence but I'm leaving it in. Right now we should probably make a start on respectable living quarters too which in part means flooring the barracks but eventually people are going to need their own little homes. We'll get there eventually but for now a Wookie has fallen from the sky and I'd have captured them for recruitment if it weren't for the whole pyromania thing. The base is far too wooden for that. Anyway here's another raid. A few folks from the dynasty of Nala who've come waving their little knives and axes around threateningly. As ever I get my best combatants arrayed at the entrance ready to embrace the fight. However traps are overpowered so their thirsting blades once more go unslaked. One of the raiders, Reparaz, catches my eye as they're a very good shot and since they're kind the conversion process would be easy so I'll quickly throw up that little dungeon I mentioned a moment ago and throw her into it. At this point I realized that I could actually get quite a bit of steel by smelting down the chunks of slag that are littered all over the map by this point from the various drop pods full of garbage that have rained down all around us. Which means I can make my temple after all. But not yet because once more someone's fallen from the sky. Seems to be a bit of a problem around here. Anyway they're named Jay and I want them. They've got burning passions for both melee and construction which is very useful. They got up and started limping away but Brexo is a speedy little fella and ran her down in no time at all. Don't worry she's resisting now but she'll learn to love us I promise. And now that I've researched cloth spinning it's probably time to plant some cotter. We're all still wearing tribal wear. Except for Kamkol who's kind of the odd one out right now. But wait another raid. Slavers or just slaver it's just one named Odd. Let's watch her die in the traps again like they all do. What's this? Am I witnessing some kind of god in human form? Nah just a nimble lady. Not nimble enough to dodge Kamkol's war pick though is she? I'd have liked to recruit her too actually as she's very balanced but unfortunately she really did struggle to dodge that war pick and it took one of her arms off so it's probably not going to work out. A caravan of folks that call themselves sellswords showed up next. What that really means is slavers so I sold them ripperas as I realized that they lost an eye when they fell down here earlier which kind of defeats their whole purpose to us as an archer. Moving on from our dealings with the sellswords... slavers. We're baking bread now in this little oven as we've harvested our first wheat crop. This is one of the coziest things I've done in Rimworld in a very long time. And once again the steel gods are smiling down on Badger Hold dropping a meteor full of the stuff a little ways northwest of the base. It feels a little odd to just be mining steel ingots out of a wall in my medieval playthrough but they I mean they did come from space. All kinds of strange things could be happening up there. Regardless it's time to start replacing some of the palisades with stone castle walls. Not just because it'll look way cooler but also because having flammable walls just seems like a really shit idea. Oh and I didn't mention it earlier but an ambrosia patch has sprouted up inside the walls a while ago so we've got a steady supply of the valuable yellow stuff. No not piss what are you talking about? Ambrosia fruits. Jesus you people are foul. All right moving on we're 40 days into this colony and it's looking very nice. Still got to build that temple but we'll get there. By this point food is completely in hand. We've actually usually got too much of it and it's constantly rotting away but that's better than not having enough. We're also able to make basic weapons and our position is pretty easily defensible so long as nothing really serious or well armored shows up soon. All right onwards Nelle decided to try and die whilst rebuilding a trap or hauling something out of there. I don't know it doesn't really matter she's pretty fucked up but all of her pieces are still attached and she's not going to die. That could have really gone much worse and it's technically completely avoidable by just having doors all throughout your trap hallway to ensure that your colonists never have to actually walk over a trap. But I really can't be fucked with all that and I like to live with a little spicy danger in my life. It's time now for some animal madness. Firstly we've got another round of bird flu in the chicken pen. Whatever we've been here before as long as one cock and some hens make it through I really don't care. And then a warg somehow got into the base which is a bit weird but okay we should probably kill that. And then afterwards I decided I'm fed up with bird flu and just slaughtered all of the sick chickens. All right that's the end of the animal madness section. Next I made a small mistake by selecting crossbows as my next research. We'll come back to that in a little while. Right now a lonely guy named Frogslayer has shown up to raid the colony with his spear. Okay Frogslayer see you in a little bit. Once waiting for his terrifying attack we'll finally build that temple so we can give Nelay the moral guide role. Wait where's Frogslayer? Oh some random passers-by just killed him. Well rip Frogslayer. The amphibians sleep more soundly from now on. All right we've recruited Jay who you might remember from earlier. Will immediately fill their hand with a falchion and set her to work. My main focus at the moment is finally getting everyone out of their tribal wear and into something a little more appropriate for the setting. But now Verea who was sewing up some more clothes has muscle parasites so they'll be doing quite a lot more sleeping than they will be doing tailoring. Remember earlier when I said I was researching crossbows? Well this whole time I have not in fact been researching crossbows because you see it requires a schematic which clearly I don't have so that was a huge waste of time. Oh well it's time to make a small expansion for some individual housing. One of these will hold a double bed since I'm finally intending to let Nelay and Bilkomnio live out there nasty. Oh shit the chickens are on fire! Okay all right we're okay. Very lucky that the wind is heading northwest though. That warehouse is basically just a giant flower bomb waiting to go up. But I'm not gonna change it to stone anytime soon so I hope you're ready to tolerate my lack of forethought in that regard. We've more pressing matters to attend. The dynasty of Nelay have sent more unfortunates to brave our passage of death which now has arrow slits. They're not enormously useful but it's got them. Rather luckily for us one of the raiders, Eliva, remained very much Eliva and made the wise decision to flee because she's Jay's daughter which wouldn't have gone down well had things gone a little differently. As usual I did try to capture one of them. Uch tre dalbert! I assume these folks are Germanic or something with names like that. Anyway they died before making it to the dungeon so never mind. At this point the colonists are pretty sad. There's a number of factors playing into this. Crappy barracks, not much recreation variety, higher than average numbers of corpses lying around, you know all the usual stuff. So we're having a party. The high jubilee has a chance to gain a free pawn if it's fun or better and ours was indeed fun but no such luck on the colonist front. Another raid from the Anus Empire. Quite a few of them actually but mostly poorly armoured. It's soon enough after the last raid that the trap hallway hasn't been fully reset but that's okay. The greatest trap of all is thinking you can take on Verea, Kamkol and Jay in close combat. From this batch we'll capture Eriopis who's a pretty decent all-rounder. They're iron willed which always makes converting a bit of a pain but you can usually still get it done with a few rituals. Oh wait never mind, Kamkol mashed their arm off at the shoulder with his war pick so I guess we're having a public execution instead. I haven't had many traders come to this colony yet so when a war trader showed up I took the opportunity to sell them as much of my stockpiled ambrosia as they could buy, taking all their silver and herbal medicine in return. And here's something very interesting indeed. A quest to fight off two impied raids with a sylink for a reward. Oh yes, we'll be having that. Upon accepting it an archer named Paula landed to help out which I wasn't expecting because I didn't read the quest text properly. Anyway why do I want a neuroformer so badly? Well because I'm running vanilla cycasts expanded. When I started thinking about this playthrough I asked myself what would make it a bit more interesting and the answer as always was one of my colonists being a wizard. But we've got a while to wait before the imps show up so for now we're continuing to arm ourselves. With heater shields at the moment Verea has managed to make one of them a masterwork. Very good work Verea. So let's zoom out again. We're 60 days into the colony, we've gained some buildings, a new combatant and we're slowly armouring them all. Just with leather and cloth right now but we'll get to the strongest stuff soon. Our research focus at the moment is engineering followed by mining and then maybe crossbow turrets if I'm feeling so inclined. But now imps. And whilst I happily accepted this quest, a load of red people vomiting fire on the still very wooden base isn't exactly my ideal scenario. So let's see how this plays out. I made the extremely foolish decision to have archers standing at the embrasures which in case you don't know worked both ways. But once I ran them clear of the firing line, haha fire, the silly imps ran into the waiting blades of the others and met the only fate they were likely to meet there. Not before setting it all on fire though. Right as everyone finishes beating out the fires the second wave is upon us. Having learned from my mistakes this wave went much more smoothly and we've got our reward. Which Kamkol will now unceremoniously jam into the side of his head. He started with the static Lord Triunlocked, which is a pretty good one given his role as a fighter. The hardest part now is actually remembering to use his cycasts during raids. Oh also the imps killed Paula by the way but that's not really my problem. And neither is this bulk goods trader. I mean they are my problem but they're not a problem. Whatever you know what I mean. From them we'll purchase the finest of wares imaginable. A breeding pair of piggies. This is actually an extremely handy thing to get started on. Livestock that can actually produce leather that is. I love the chickies but eggs meat and bones aren't cutting it. We will keep them around but probably at a further reduced number but we're going to struggle to feed both them and the pigs. Now Jay is very sad because I made her personally decapitate and bury all of those imp corpses. And as a result she's going on an alcohol binge. Which is fine because we don't have any. To research any further I'll need to make an advanced research bench. Which requires some basic components. I imagine I'll also need those for basically everything more advanced than a pile of sticks so I'll set a build to keep 25 at all times. Someone must have left the door to Ra's discord channel open though because a load of filthy man hunting rats are sprinting at the colony. I opened the front gate because I didn't want to have to reset the traps for a bunch of rats. Oh Jesus apparently we've been filling the warehouse with fertilized eggs which have all just simultaneously hatched. This happens a few times before I finally cull the chickens. I just can't use all of the eggs. Fried eggs are a great food and they give an energy bath but I don't need that many of them. Okay so I normally wouldn't bother telling you that an ibex has gone mad and attacked some tribals because it's just not that interesting. However in this instance their reaction was to throw a pipe bomb at it. Which also means throwing a pipe bomb at themselves. Fucking idiots. Okay we've got that advanced research bench in place which means we can research mining and all the other shiny stuff. It'll take a little while though so in the meantime let's make a nice dining hall. Oh yes nice floor art, comfy-ish wooden chairs and to finish it off a roaring hearth. Magnificent. And in the time that took we've researched both mining and the windmill that automates flower production. We'll need a lot more iron for that though so let's just make this mine first. Its main purpose is to bring up rock chunks to fund the wall building effort but it can also bring up ores in small quantities if you're really desperate. Speaking of ores we're currently turning most of ours into armour. One by one everybody gets flat top helmets and chain horbirks. One chicken massacre later Nellie is pregnant. The two events aren't related I hope. Anyway I feel like we're perfectly well equipped here at this point to bring up a child so this is a good thing. Less good though but honestly still pretty good is this raid from house oswin. Five of them. Decently armoured too. Thankfully we're also decently armoured now so by fighting them in the entrance three versus one at a time they never stood a chance. I'm going to capture this one, Hanson. Never mind Hanson is dead. I'm going to capture this one, Sasha. He's missing an eye and wouldn't be a particularly great colonist but we could use more hands here so we're going for it anyway. Worst case we sell him. It's time to build a windmill now in its own little section of wall and then we're rewarded for our efforts with a pair of what can only be described as mega cows. We've got a veritable farm on the go here now. It might not be the most sensational and clickable option but I made a lovely cute farm in Rimworld and oh some atrocities happened occasionally too. It's pretty high up the list of potential titles for this video right now. Speaking of atrocities the bugs think that I've committed one by mining into their home and are peeping out their ugly little heads to tell us about it. It's only two spellipedes and one of the wee little buggers but those spellipedes are more of a threat when your best armor penetrating weapon is basically a converted pickaxe which means the fight took quite a long time and in the process they managed to gnaw off one of Jay's legs which sucks but okay peg leg it is. You should feel quite privileged Jay. This treatment is usually reserved for slaves and they don't get to keep the peg leg. It's time to zoom out again and gaze upon Badgerhold in all of its splendor. Hasn't actually changed much since last time to be fair. We're at 83 days in. Perhaps we ought to ramp things up somewhat so I turned the threat scale up to 250% which should make some events more interesting. We'll see. Jay's stump is infected and honestly it's not looking great. Oh okay nevermind that's got to be the closest immunity I've ever seen. Poor Jay is really struggling here lately. More pressingly though Kamkol is being hunted by a grizzly bear which is of course potentially quite dangerous. However as a counterpoint lightning bolt lightning bolt lightning bolt. Yeah I love having a wizard on the team. He's learned chain lightning now too which is crazy strong as we'll certainly see later. A war trader has arrived here so we can dump our heap of junk weapons onto them. Always a pleasure doing this kind of business. And here's an asthmatic Lindworm on the map. Earlier we had a thrombo to keep us safe but no such luck this time and it's hungry for Jay. We can run or hobble everyone inside but of course it's going to give chase through the trap hallway and being a slithery little snake it tends to avoid traps. I kind of thought this might be the end for the colony but when it finally did hit a trap it started fleeing and then hit another trap on the way out taking just enough damage to be a death sentence. Once it was incapacitated by blood loss I sent out Brexo to finish the job. Nice traps really are OP. All right now mentioning this kind of breaks the flow of the story but I just happened to have my camera over Nelle and Bilkomnio as they started to make sweet love and then they were interrupted by Nelle vomiting and just went straight back to it. Oh yeah also she's basically ready to pop out that baby. Freaks. Anyway on that subject, the baby subject that is, it's about time we made a hospital for it to be born in, among other things. We've had a psychic drone going on for a long while now. I've just about managed to keep everybody happy but Sasha, our prisoner for a good while now who was quite a ways into being recruited has gone berserk in the dungeon. I can't think why, it's lovely in there. Anyway I sent Kamkol and Nelle to subdue them with their sharp weapons and predictably his head fell off. That's a shame, I'd really like some more hands around here just to do the general crafting tasks you know. Perhaps then we should have a party since that has a chance of attracting a colonist and it'll help counter the psychic drone too. One fun party later an 80 year old frail man named Gomi who's neurotic and not particularly good at anything other than plant work has joined the colony. Great. And now we've got another infestation coming up out of the mine. I realise that this could be avoided or at least alleviated by building it into a more defensible structure but don't worry about it. This one includes a mega spider which is going to be bad for some folks. Gomi and Jay are pretty quickly cut down before Kamkol remembers to start slinging lightning around. Bugs don't like being on fire so whilst they're struggling we're able to take them out. But at what cost? Gomi has lost a leg and well... Jay's dead. Her lung was destroyed and she wasn't patched up quickly enough. I should have had her tended to where she fell so that's my bad but it is what it is. We'll inter her in a coffin of bone tucked away behind the under construction hospital. The gang hold a lackluster funeral to send her off and everyone gets on with their lives. They have no choice but to move on quickly as a large nursery of angry raccoons are on their way. Unarmoured targets really aren't a threat to the colony at this point. They're cut down one by one by the various capable and armoured combatants standing in the entrance. Perhaps as a part of their mourning for Jay or perhaps to celebrate the fact that it's 99 days after our arrival, the gang are having a feast. I'll allow that. They could use the boost. Oh never mind. Gomi and Bilkomnio have the plague. Feast is off, everyone back to work. And oh Jesus, House Hess have just arrived in numbers. Quite well armoured numbers too. Are they coming? Everyone to your positions? Wait, where's Nellie? Oh geez she's having a baby. Okay, Kamkol and Verea, it's on you. Which to be fair is probably fine because Kamkol is a lightning wizard. No problem, but there's no time to bask in the glory of victory. It's baby time. So on day 100 we've successfully extinguished a great many lives and repaid some of the debt by bringing one new life to the rim. Little baby Badger. I hope you enjoyed this. If you all really like it then perhaps we'll see more of Badger Hold in the future. I really enjoy playing with the medieval technology restriction but I can see it getting old after a little while longer. I wanted to make something quite relaxed and cosy where I just tell you a story about a colony so hopefully I achieved that. Anyway, whatever you do, remain indoors. Some of my patrons and youtube members go outdoors and they assure me it's awful. In any case, thanks for watching and until next time, goodbye.
Channel: Hazzor
Views: 416,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, medieval Rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, modded rimworld, rimworld biotech, rimworld tips, rimworld ideology, rimworld guide, rimworld game, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld ep 1, rimworld medieval, rimworld story, let's play rimworld, rimworld episode 1, rimworld 1.4, rimworld royalty, rimworld biotech dlc, rimworld mod, lets play rimworld, rimworld 100 days, 100 days, Can I Survive 100 Days in Medieval Rimworld with Combat Extended?
Id: xPmdTOO0P1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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