Summoning an Eldritch God for Christmas

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presents you don't want inviting fire hazards into your home awkward political arguments with your uncle and of course pledging your immortal soul to cthulhu these are the elements of a fulfilling holiday season because today in rimworld we're going to be embracing our inner kris kringle and forming a cult to our dark lord our friend cthulhu i'm the grim cleeper and i hope you're having a wonderful day but much like the salvation army i'm gonna pester you once again to subscribe to the channel for the simple reason that i like seeing this number get bigger that's that's pretty much it you just click the button anyways without further ado let's get into the holiday spirit and what better way to do it than with our gestalt cult of the old ones as you can see our colonists are not exactly selfless although they do have an interesting shared mood aspect we have a couple of pretty normal rituals and uh this i didn't actually change this this is just what it randomed into and i'm gonna keep it we've got krampus the man who is too smart and has bloodlust we've got santa who's incapable of violence and kind while also having extreme ptsd and lastly the guy who delivers all your gifts jeff bezos and just like that we are in did i forget to mention that we have a very special guest a good old dark young which is some kind of ancient eldritch monster i don't really know the details but for this christmas it's going to be our rudolph the red-nosed reindeer the biome that we're starting is a boreal forest which is extremely cold and it's only going to get worse but our goal here for this run is actually to summon cthulhu and yes we do have a mod that lets us do that you know these santa hats we're wearing are pretty overpowered we get a plus two mood because they're according to our beliefs and then a plus three mood i'm feeling christmas vibes and aha looks like we got this event eventually and it's uh from jeff bezos of course now with the cthulhu mod that we have on an eerie tree will spawn at some point early in the colony a colonist will then investigate it and well you'll see what happens next and there it is jeff bezos has begun to obsessively write pages of strange symbols it also gives this a very interesting mood debuff uh i don't know what number that is and i don't know if i want to but after jeff is done we get a gremore this creamor we can use to build a cult research station and as you can see this is what begins our cult if we check our research we'll see this whole tab right here under occult research essentially all of these research trees just lead to different things that further our knowledge of cthulhu and other eldritch beings and slowly we could work our way up to more powerful alternatives oh and it looks like we've actually founded our cult thanks jeff for wanting to name it there we go the perfect name arctic coyote revenge i think uh i think it's already gone oh jesus jeff happened because of sanity lost severe oh right so another mechanic in the game is that as our columnist researched they slowly go insane jeff here has the following modifiers because he is completely and utterly crazy the downside is that we are virtually guaranteed to have a mental break meaning that we have to balance our dark desires with the fact that our colonists will go completely insane if we keep looking into them also we just got some dark yolk sap is that something that you really want to consume sweet sap squeezed from an orifice that's not gonna get me demonetized is it oh hey we just got a random cultist to join as they much trobert and a surprise surprise he is a mad surgeon and a psychopath given that he joined our colony i guess that's not a surprise oh a space battle that could be pretty good given that usually there are survivors ae potential sacrifices during research jeff has begun uttering unnatural sounds instead of speech okay jeff we could we can knock you off of the research for right now my man the crazy insect lady has decided to join our colony which is pretty cool oh shoot our first raid tropourt is actually the only one here with a weapon which is kind of bad but uh there's also like five of us and one of him so that does make things significantly easier santa's just here for moral support i think oh natsuki joined as well our quality is already six people and we've only been here for a couple of days so something you can do to clear up sanity laws you can right click on your colonists to make them go mad now i just did that on jeff and uh the results were not great in that vein we are now going to beat him into submission until he decides that he made the wrong decision i'm a little confused so i keep rescuing jeff right i put him in his bed and then a couple seconds later he gets up stands at this bench and then immediately downs himself from sanity loss i mean i guess it is literally the definition of insanity so at this point we've gotten the basic research down for our culture which is just gonna allow us to build some of the structures that we need to continue but now we have to probe the occult deities because we haven't officially discovered cthulhu yet and we've gotten the first of many daggen who's basically just this giant fish but he is not cthulu so we don't care oh and actually on the second try we got cthulhu which is fantastic because that means we can actually start worshipping him now the first step for our cult is to get up this wooden altar right here after just clicking a button twice we've upgraded the altar to the max level because we have the research for it and now we can start to worship so now we just have to figure out our ritual schedule and you know it's let's be easy on the people worship every day there just a sermon every day nothing too bad it's like church except you know every day with a different god and you'll be shot if you don't go oh we got a mulder goods trader from the skaven and already one of them is being killed by an arctic coyote that's that's great now this is a little bit of a fun and interesting exploit you can do with traders but if i go into the trader you'll notice that this guy is only 122 dollars that is extremely cheap but why is that well it's actually because that colonist is this guy because red world calculates the value of a colonist based on how they are immediately this person is only worth 150 dollars and his traits are actually pretty good because he has fast learner this colonist on the other hand with no injuries is worth almost a thousand dollars meaning that just because this guy was attacked by a wolf his price went down by about a fifth okay we bought two colonists and we're just barely going to save scratch over here although not for long considering i don't really have any intention of keeping him as a colonist jeff has suffered a total mental breakdown the final straw was tense who would have guessed that jeff heading his own cult would be more stressful than being ceo of amazon so santa was fighting off a disease right and this just happened the time he spent was enough for self-reflection he was taught that eating human meat is wrong and horrible but one time long ago he tried it and liked it oh god wait what's santa's sack gonna be made out of and crutch is uh now gonna run wild that's great oh i actually i don't think i can blame him insulted times 10 minus 46 mood apparently being freed from slavery just wasn't enough for him oh wait skaven revenge oh oh well rudolph took care of that problem not exactly in the way i thought he would but okay i was going to capture him and sacrifice him to cthulhu but i guess that works i just noticed a tactical lover role unfilled i wasn't aware that cthulhu was the leading role for every single hentai ever now one of the unique mechanics behind colts is that you have a standing with each of the eldritch gods for example right now cthulhu is ignoring us notice me daddy cthulhu now the more we have sermons and gather to worship cthulhu you'll notice that our standing will slowly go up every time we reach a new level we unlock new abilities to use with cthulhu those abilities of course have a very special price okay nice so by this point our senpai has noticed us which actually gives us the ability to start using sacrifices in order to please him and cast spells and uh unfortunately first up on the chopping block is uh our good friend screech and the spell that we're gonna cast is called orbital insanity wave which actually just crashes trade ships in the region yeah it's pretty good and with our sacrifice comes a mixed success either way we've crashed a bulk goods trader over here and gotten a decent amount of gear now both good straighters are probably one of the worst crash ships you can get but they're still okay as you probably noticed by this point the amount of loot that you get is not everything in the ship but the best ships to crash are exotic goods traders and combat suppliers and basically for free also this boulder is giving me ptsd of our ancients play through oh dear god so we got some travelers here wishing for aid and that gives me a pretty good idea now all of them are decent characters enough but uh we don't really need them to be good oh and the second one actually got down oh that's even better now a while ago we were fighting those caribous that rudolph aggroed and trobert here lost his left arm you see the big man has actually thought of that and we have an ability called aspect of cthulhu this basically re-manifests one of our colonists limbs as a tentacle as soon as we're done sacrificing we have a success and as you can see i have a little target icon here if i go over to trilbert and i click him boom now it says his arm has been replaced with a cthuloid tentacle oh baby now a cthulhu tentacle gives manipulation plus 25 and 125 efficiency basically it's really strong for reference that's actually better than a bionic arm and almost as good as an archotec arm another little facet of this mod is that each of the deities have their own clothing in my opinion cthulhu's clothing is by far the coolest and you'll see exactly why and there we go our preacher definitely one of the more frightening characters i've ever seen in room world now by this point we're actually watched by cthulhu so we gain access to another ability called psionic growth and we'll just speed through the ritual and boom you'll notice that trober got an infection a head infection well how does that make any sense well you see this head infection comes along with a psionic lobe this psionic lobe gives us a plus 20 consciousness really good right well it also gives us access to three unique abilities you can pause the video to look at what these abilities do but we have psionic blast psionic shock and psionic burn oh a transport pod crash step right up we're about to use you to crash a trade ship and just like that we got a mixed success meaning that we got an eclipse but coupled with a combat supplier crash landing i will take that while this isn't exactly the best or most amazing haul we do get an hmg and what is basically marine armor oh we got some thrumbos now i am wondering if we could actually take them now i guess we can use these uh psychic blast to push the thrombo back just just a little look at that oh man feels oh wait [ __ ] it's actually resetting our uh our attacks it's liking shock wait on a critical success the shot caused the head of the target to explode oh i should have read my own ability well uh i'm gonna i'm gonna thank cthulhu for that one santa's got food poisoning from human meat now we did get the dessert request a while ago and i think i am going to accept it which is moderately frightening but i think we're gonna be okay just barely oh we actually downed one of these guys which is fantastic cause we can strip them for all their flak gear oh oppa got a disease not like that's gonna matter because something that i've always wanted to test out and what we're going to test out right now is that this aspect of cthulhu i believe you can actually put this on animals too and let's see if we can actually use this on rupert uh no no we actually can't rudolph is a i guess he's already a little too tentacley for uh for cthulhu what we can do is give one to santa actually cause uh santa lost his eye originally but now he has a efficiency 125 sight plus 15 percent eyestalk oh shoot a mechanic cluster that is kind of a scary one wait it's just turrets okay i mean as long as it's just turrets i don't think i really care about it oh [ __ ] a shuttle crash so hey wait oh my gosh they're they're both our religion and they're actually pretty good as well we'll just go ahead and rescue them and uh hopefully they join if they don't it's you know not really a big deal oh and one of them joined fantastic and uh well looks like lux made the uh the wrong decision i'm sorry to hear that and congratulations thank you for your donation ho ho ho it really is christmas prestige trooper armor a carbine twelve advanced components that just doesn't feel like it should be legal so i accidentally clicked on uh begin yetis elitist ignore the name uh and auto defaults to sacrifice rudolph it doesn't fit in the porthole this looks like when it says sacrifice it means who are you gonna sacrifice to okay i made a slight mistake i did one too many of these corruption rituals and uh one of our colonists went completely insane of course uh luckily for us he decided to do that in probably the worst location he could have oh that's wholesome our our giant tentacle beast is actually what's rescuing him oh my god he it looks like he's just gonna eat him that does not look like a rescue okay so so we got a raid uh and this is probably one of the worst ones uh there's about 22 people here and only eight of us okay yeah and on that note i think we should probably get inside let's let's go let's go and it is time to pray that they don't break through our line of defense which is just a giant giant angry beast what is actually making this pretty good for us is that we've downed like a bunch of people which being straight into the fodder and awesome it looks like they are actually starting to flee now which is good now let's just capture everybody throw them into this uh i mean there's lots of weapons in here but i'm just gonna pray they don't rebel either way we're gonna sacrifice them almost immediately uh oh and now this has been followed up by a what are you i i thought our monsters were scary those things are awful yeah i i think we're gonna do the old uh you know hide inside before they eat us strategy oh my god come on this is gonna be so close they're right on top of us come on oh my god i i don't i do not want to mess with these creatures age 306 and uh as we approach christmas it only seems functional that we have a gigantic mechanoid cluster that lands uh you know just over here but that my friends is for another time because now is the time of celebration cthulhumus has arrived gathered together with friends family and other we deserve to sit back and say thank god the year's almost over i hope everyone has a great holiday season and if this video gets 2 000 likes i'll finish this play through and summon cthulhu or die trying i hope you have a great rest of your holiday and i'll see you later
Channel: The Grim Kleaper
Views: 241,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kleapit, the_grim_kleaper, kleaper, rim world, rimworld, anti-kleaper, kleap, grim, christmas, santa, cthulhu, cthulu
Id: 7bYMCnt1mYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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