Pirates are BROKEN (literally) - Rimworld

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yes oh my god it's magnificent all right just bomb rush the turrets we i i think we have enough people to just get through everything we've thrown so many people at them that the turrets are like halfway out of ammo they're gonna run out vanilla expanded pirates a new mod that expands and adds a lot more depth to the current pirate factions in rimworld but as it turns out this mod is completely and utterly broken with some of the mechanics it introduces mechanics that i'm gonna be obliterating to obtain a literally invincible colony with near unlimited money i'm the grim cleeper and before we get into the video consider subscribing to the channel it helps me compete against the family guy compilations that flood my recommended or even the various videos shipping league of legends characters together anyways let's get into the video now the new vanilla expanded pirates mod adds a lot of different features to the game but i'll be explaining those as we go along one of those new things is a new really interesting start called low orbit crash where we're basically a bunch of pirates that crash onto the planet the game actually adds a new storyteller that revolves around curses although we're actually not going to be using him in this video because i'm going to check him out later trust me he is also very broken so loading into the game you'll notice that there's a a lot of different cities and stuff here the most important thing we want is to make sure that we start near a bunch of factions that we can trade with ae all of these guys now i'm so confident in the exploit that i found that we're actually going to be taking vow of non-violence which uh to quote oscar please know xd this is actually game breaking basically it turns all of our colonists into complete pacifists none of them can fight anymore not to mention all of these various debuffs as far as killing literally anything go we also have transhumanist wealthy and traitor all of which are not very necessary but are going to make this a lot more interesting you know for someone who's taken the vow of non-violence you don't look very non-violent the most important thing we need for this is someone with high medical skill the other things that we need are people with high intellectual and high social skill and uh shooting in melee not uh not entirely all that important and here we go you'll see in just a second so along with getting our starting colonists normally we also have a ship that just crashed as you can see so if we take a look at all the stuff that we landed with we have this cryosleep casket we have a massive turret right here however it can't be reloaded as well as a 20 000 watt battery with 100 efficiency but surprise surprise it can't be recharged you know i i realized i may have made it a little bit of an oopsie we only have one person who can do hauling and cleaning uh that could be bad i also forgot to mention we have access to a ship chunk reactor which generates 1700 watts of power forever for free that's that's it so in terms of research the very first thing we want is microelectronics mostly because we need access to a comms console with a comms console we actually gain the ability to hire pirates and mercenaries which is essentially going to be the linchpin of our strategy oh we got our first raid and it's over here well lucky me i guess i don't have to deal with jinx over here so we're just gonna walk over to our turret and let it get her into oblivion actually uh with this person going down i think i'm just gonna capture them because they look pretty solid they have a pretty good plant scale which we really need you know if you thought arcane season one was bad clearly you've never seen me play rimworld unscrupulous salesperson roll unfilled every religion needs their unscrupulous salesperson like you know mormons oh and another raid from the dominion of god all right they're beginning their assault but i think we'll be okay i set up a bunch of uh blunt traps which are unique to us as pacifists okay well it looks like she's just gonna sit here and uh shoot at this thing for a while so i'm gonna i'm gonna try something uh a little not so smart there's no way this fails right oh god come on i believe in you uh oh my god you you have to be kidding me she's standing on the trap okay well it unfortunately looks like she's actually going to destroy our big old turret which is uh not great but she did just walk onto our trap uh awesome they're going to destroy our our ship chunk reactor as well man i i really love that okay she has run into so many traps could you just die already thank you we've uh well we've lost pretty much all of our spacer stuff uh which is not great but i think we'll be okay anyways it's not really a big deal and we just got it okay great thank the hallelujah it's raining men lady gloria taylor is that her name now that we have our comms console i can actually go here and click hire pirates which brings us to this screen you'll see there's all these kinds of values for the different pirates and the value of the pirate is multiplied by the number of days that we want to actually hire them for some pirates are very cheap some are very expensive all of them are extremely expendable as soon as we get some silver you guys are gonna see why this is uh not exactly the the best designed system to do that i do need to change samuel's role here into a merchant because that'll actually allow us to call traders to our colony and we got a bulk goods trader which is probably the best one that we could have gotten after selling out a bunch of crap we now have 818 silver which i'm now gonna go and call those mercenaries again for only 818 silver i can hire 13 drifters for one day there's actually not really much reason to do that so i'm gonna lower that number to one as soon as we click confirm boom we get another colonist who's temporary and will only last a single day now these guys have random weapons random gear whatever you can see he only has a random club and otherwise is pretty unimpressive but what he does have is a lungs and a kidney now it says this operation will or anger the scythemen the thing is we're the scythe men so when i tell him to go run over here and uh and rest up there we go we just removed some of his body parts nothing that's a big deal now fanuc being the wimp he is is a little bit disheveled by this turn of events but if i look to my left and i look to my right i can't seem to find who gives a crap see no one actually cares that we just took his organs uh not the faction that hired him from not our colonists not anyone now as you can see he's gotten up but he's gonna go wander around the colony now he will most likely have a mental break but actually i could just call these pirates and click view contract and then cancel our contract and end it early we don't get any money back but we also don't have to deal with him and we just got free uh lungs some of my rituals do actually send trade ships to our colony so i am just gonna mash those out as much as i can in order to hopefully get a bunch of uh traders and we did get one a combat supplier which is awesome because guess what we could sell them our organs and better yet we can buy all their medicine to keep this profit going so normally when you go to hire pirates for every pirate you lose you actually gain a five percent additional cost as a risk multiplier the goal of this is to dissuade you from just hiring hundreds of pirates and if they all die you know it doesn't really matter the thing is because we're not technically killing them and they're still leaving the map we incur no penalties to our risk multiplier which means that i could just endlessly hire drifters and harvest their organs and uh nothing bad will ever happen so let's just hire another two drifters and uh great so if i just get hendrick on the case and we just start to grab some of their organs uh boom look at that for only 35 our return on investment is absolutely bonkers now see that tactic might seem pretty good but it actually gets even better oh yeah i think you know exactly where this is going now so far we've only really been hiring drifters who aren't that good they only really have these crappy melee weapons and almost no armor but these other guys are significantly more interesting uh okay well we got a mad rat which isn't exactly a raid but i don't really care because i really want to hire this guy so we only need it for one day 280 dollars and uh oh good lord arnold schwarzenegger the uh warhammer 40k enthusiast has decided to bless us with his presence now arnold here is probably the scariest thing in the entire game at this point um this rat might just get otked by him as a as you can see arnold has obliterated the rat quite effectively uh and is wearing something called a war casket now war caskets effectively lock you into this suit of armor over here and prevent you from doing pretty much any kind of work they also no longer feel pain and gain access to basically the best armor in the entire game oh actually i uh let's have to postpone that for a second arnold uh your job is not quite done all righty let's see if he could just uh kill these guys really oh boy that's that's not too bad he's literally just standing here shooting grenades oh my goodness yeah so arnold's pretty much just gonna stand here and uh single-handedly kill the raid himself which is you know pretty cool i guess either way arnold for all of his hard work deserves the utmost amount of respect and care and so for that i'm going to leave him in this room or where he will down himself from heatstroke oh no arnold's down whatever am i gonna do quickly get in there rescue him he's our most valuable colonist what's that you left behind your war casket grenade launcher oh don't worry about that i'll just take that off your hands unfortunately arnold seems to suffer from some serious short-term memory loss because he will not pick this back up he will forget and it is now permanently ours now here's something else that's a little silly that you can do see if i cancel the contract arnold is uh now legally he should be leaving but because i forbade the doors he will never leave no matter how many times i come and try to cancel the contract arnold is stuck here from now until the end of time or at least until i decide to unforbid the door see look i cannot forbid it for just a second oh look at that he's uh he's on his way and he's suddenly given up man that really sucks for you doesn't it to make this a bit more practical i am gonna build a giant box around all of our stuff the box isn't so much to keep raiders out as it is to keep our mercenaries in now unfortunately i can't really keep arnold here forever nor do i really want to so i am going to unforbid the door and just let him leave whenever raids aren't happening i can just grind more money by hiring drifters and harvesting their organs now i have been wanting to get this ancient danger open so i am going to do that right now with the help of a couple of friends i think uh i think 20 drifters should do the trick all right boys oh my god all right let's just uh deconstruct these walls and oh boy it's some mechanoids you know what i'm i'm not really all that worried though to be honest let's uh let's just give them a bit of oh god who opened the cryo sleep caskets it's fine it's fine we have the numbers oh my god they have no chance this is certainly a little interesting uh i was not expecting oh my this firework is just being circle beaten we have so many people he can't do anything somehow out of the 20 colonists we didn't lose a single one which is beyond me i uh i am gonna start recouping some of our costs though now we are just uh slowly performing all sorts of surgeries on these guys in order to uh try to get back a lot of the organs that we need to harvest i am going to go ahead and cancel the contract and just try to get as many of these guys out as possible because they're all just starting to go on mental breaks this this might be one of the worst things i think i've ever done in rimworld oh my god now i understand that you want to leave and that's fine and all however uh i have not gotten my initial investment back so i could just forbid the door and yeah you're you're stuck run from it dread it destiny arrives all the same so with everything said and done by the end of this uh i think i went from like 3 000 to now 4 700. oh that's not actually including the loot that we got in here well believe it or not we can actually use our pirates to raid settlements and with all of our mercs returning we could actually just go ahead and steal their guns by throwing them into uh the room of happiness all right perfect and with that everybody here gets downed and now we just rescue them and uh get access to all of their weapons on top of uh you know our normal tax now we have acquired a great deal of wealth and all that fun stuff but i did make sure to buy a secret weapon and that secret weapon comes in the form of about 110 yayo because they're only temporary colonists i have literally no reason to not get them addicted to drugs now i feel like this wouldn't truly be rim world if i didn't try and go destroy a colony so uh with all my money i am able to buy 92 drifters moment i click confirm is this gonna crash my game yes oh my god it's magnificent you know i like how the game is trying to tell me to actually take food as if this isn't gonna be just a one-way trip okay and our caravan is on the move uh all orders offer gifts yeah i don't know about that one okay let's uh let's begin the attack oh my god this is gonna be awful all right how how bad can this uh oh oh no well um i'm sure this i'm sure this attack can't go poorly right let's just we have so many people all right just bomb rush the turrets we i think we have enough people to just get through everything oh my god these guys are so much better arm than us and it just doesn't matter we have overwhelming numbers all right well the the losses are beginning to mount uh however we still have so many people left how could they have expected a 93-man raid oh oh no no stop the amount of mental breaks that i have goes off the screen i can't even see who's having a mental break anymore we've thrown so many people at them that the turrets are like halfway out of ammo they're gonna run out oh my god we did it so if i try to reform my caravan how much stuff do we have access to oh my good god and the best part is i could just bring all this stuff back sell it and then do it again staring at the final person going down as we uh we watch that the right side of my screen is no longer even readable i would highly recommend you try out the mod because it is a very fun one as a matter of fact i'm actually gonna be streaming this very mod on my twitch right now so check it out if you want to see me absolutely demolish the game even more than i'm doing so right now thanks for watching see ya
Channel: The Grim Kleaper
Views: 408,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kleapit, the_grim_kleaper, kleaper, rim world, rimworld, anti-kleaper, kleap, grim, pirates, vanilla factions expanded, vanilla expanded, vanilla
Id: g18fwSmGiCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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