An Entire Store Of Cookie Dough

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[Music] hello and welcome to another episode of my channel today we are in the big NYC Sofia is wearing this shirt she thinks it's very trendy it's kind of revealing actually at this angle specifically I'm going to avert the attention away here just demonetised immediately I'm doing the titanium show you like and wash I know yeah something but then I realize it's are looking in the viewfinder I was like my boobs are too out completely inappropriate and I don't have any but they're just they are yet what is there is making themselves now anyway so we are in NYC today we have a big day of adventures planned for you guys I'm really excited very really excited I'm very excited I'm trying to find unity there you are guys I'm not good with a little microphone woof right there so I can't see sometimes where Sofia is I'm excited we are actually going back to like thrift store shopping and we're going to go stop by this place that sells cookie dough like as ice cream yeah cookie dough ice cream like they literally sell cookie dough I'm the idea I'm explaining right here they're all like lined up just like I would have your ice cream you go in just scoop one up you grab one I'm pumped about it would be walking around New York is a beautiful city and it's a beautiful day out of thing I haven't been outside yet we haven't been outside the afternoon I was trying to I'm trying to sell the video so we're in my sister's apartment we don't have crust to eat but we do have Tazz who is my sister's dog and Tazz is usually got a lot of energy but he kind of he kind of hurt his Paul the other day because he was running around too much and so now he's like a little bit mopey he is in a Australian Shepherd and so he likes to herd things including like soccer ball tennis balls we're gonna eat as dressed up as little paw not this fall so Paul he's hiding so anyway what's your okay so we are going thrift store shopping again cue the Macklemore music you guys can probably guess directionally where we're going with the video Leah which type of video will probably get the video is we're very excited about it but we're going to a Circle Buffalo Exchange and it's going to be like 10 blocks north and then like one block left I'm looking for you different states looking for some Rachel Green inspired outfit also look seems like a power like a 90 like Ally McBeal how do you find a power student there maybe I'm aroused I feel like maybe this drifts toward like too modern it's come up a little dry yeah I thought it was you know we're going to walk in a 97 Cindy everywhere but it's a little bit harder so we're going to check a couple more thrift stores I think before that elegance includes an I'm starving I'm hungry too okay so there's this place it supplies the sandwich-making chain and that I started eating in Chicago when I was a teenager just a wee teen and they don't have it in California with Rob in New York every time that we like travel back system like we need to get pop bellies everything already going to possibilities once while in New York yeah which was like just yesterday we went yellow today or for one day we're going to say as well but we haven't eaten anything all day till the right time you go to pot belly it's the right time so excited about it Potbelly's right there we're right here we just went how you feeling I entered your hair you seen your hair how yeah I give to other thrift stores we're gonna try to hit two more stores let's go energized potbellies walk in so we are at hand with village vintage we were at hand put vintage let's see if they have anything good for this video so let's go on right you double fisting my drink right now he handed it to me I did yeah okay taking a look around there are some awesome like one ops enemies and 60 boxes in here longer ago honestly this is like a first class clothing store with ultra contemporary this will might be a little bit different we're Goldilocks in right now maybe I could pull it off Thank You Pat excited actually is there anything cuter slash sillier than like the way the Cory little booty shakes and walks [Applause] this time you could like get some beads like light wash jeans and like dress up like rock I feel like a solid color like button-down shirt or sweater yo major yeah like a little height wash jeans we were watching a lot of friends lately and Sophie was like you know Ross is pretty strapping tall dark and handsome gets it he's got something going on she likes paleontologists alright so those are the thrift stores honestly like I'm okay that we didn't really like find anything girls or obviously I would love dive just walked and been like this is the perfect thing yeah but I do feel like we have just from seeing what's out there a better idea of exactly total yeah I can almost go online and search exactly what I want because I saw something I was here and I was like nothing we are going to go now to this cookie dough place many leaders it like ice cream I think somebody we saw yesterday had a bag of it and I was curious I'm excited let's get there let's try this out I think I'm just about ready to eat something more after that big lunch yeah you know sounds right you see the rainbow then oh that's a pretty Derrick Rose racial I know the ice cream place is around here by 200 cookie dough I know the casino place is around here somewhere close it's not like a big bite of it like one mouthful yeah they should sell no mouthful okay so we got two dough which the name of the cookie dough place so there is a giant line the line of everything across the three yes and we ask the people who work here and they say that the line right now is about an hour and 10 minutes very long but usually if you come a bit later like postitive closing right that yes so we are going to go run a couple more errands and then we're going to try and come back like right before they come be the last person in yeah that's that's the goal exactly okay we need a quick pit stop snack we're getting dollar pizza I mean I feel like it's pretty quintessential in New York right now I mean we didn't get our cookie dough we're going to wait the later we need to pull it ourselves over just so fit hmm how do ya go for it [Music] or harm take this Big Mike let me take the right now Paco pick up that chuck-e-cheese beat the vibe to it so this is what happened we came back it's about 30 minutes before they close yeah and the line is still about an hour long and so they're starting to cut it off cut it off pretty much right in front of us pretty much right in front of us so new plan because we're not going to leave New York without getting this cookie dough I mean now that we basically would promise it to your parents we promise it to the blog but we have to do everybody exactly so we are going to come back right when it opens tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. yes so we're going to be back in about 12 hours and we're here my bed headed test to us being here first in the morning yeah they just opened there's no line on this side of the street right there's a short line actually outside the restaurant or store so we're going to go stand in that pretty small line to hopefully get some cookie dough star way back there's a health rating because it is good you know I don't want to get Stella elevated about that must be like half baked you know I mean they must do so or maybe there's no eggs in it yes are they right you know I'll just go in there ready let's do this let's go this you could come tired I just feel like gonna like what players are watching it's like such thing very well like you have a giant glob of cookie dough I think anyone talk except our getting ladies my mom has heavily requested sugar cookie jockey what's in here plain ground documents chili are they about 1/2 a chocolate chip which is for me and then once it was uniform hold on let me focus on that oh wow okay so we got our cookie dough I actually just saw a girl walk right out of the store then drop it on the ground and I feel so bad but she had to on accounts over top themself her bottom she's still there yes all right snot do I go in for the first bite yeah take a look at that and you have not tried any of it yet no I haven't so you know is it good yeah cookie dough the crunch oh that's good it is cookie dough but it's a little bit smoother it a little bit more edible like sometimes you get your cookie dough and it's a little bit like more solid no green a little bit premiere cake to it come on try yours on try mine yeah sure Oh crunch in there hmm I'll ignore that er I think it would have been worth the wait we had the time we for it yesterday but this morning was the perfect time to go it snuck in there I think dad's gonna like his dog cookie dough too we are back here at and I presume is feeling just a little bit better we're going to see if tad likes this doggy dough which has a little treat on top of it actually it's start off with that do you think just to win his favor is a little bit here buddy Oh does he like it yes Oh what he ate it no okay okay okay you're gonna spoon it out though how can you eat from a spoon let's see I think he doesn't know how to eat it no he's confused a little bit you thought he didn't know yeah he took it he did take it okay so Chad kind of likes it I didn't seem voracious about it yeah it seems accepting of it okay guys that was our day in New York if you liked this video hit that like button or you can gently tap or you could smash that like button down which you can smash it you want any more videos like this hit that subscribe button down below and if you want to be notified every single time that you post hit that Bell icon down below you can smash all three you can gently to have all three you don't hit your match my arm a little bit so you saw the camera bounce that was what it was also check out my next beat we do a lot of cue aids and daily volume there thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys next time let's hands boop us out yes [Music] and yeah
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 5,595,593
Rating: 4.9526448 out of 5
Keywords: an entire store of cookie dough, cookie dough store, cookie dough, cookie, food vlog, vlog, daily vlog, new york, NYC, new york city, pizza, thrift stores, potbelly, sandwich, dollar pizza, safiya, safiya nygaard, safiya and tyler, saf and ty, tyler vlog, tyler williams, vlogger
Id: pFofXwhwg5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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