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ow, ow! Okay, just hit my knee (slurps coffe) Hey guys Actually, I'll do the little hand thing i do. hey guys, it's emma. There's a truck driving by let's just wait Today I'm back with another video and today's video is going to be trendy as f*** So prepare yourself because we gotta get trendy up in here before I start I also want to say that in a video soon I want to do a Q and A you know you ask questions, and I answer them in a video so if you have any questions for me at all, leave them in the Comments below and I will answer most of them. you can make them as weird crazy as you want Whatever you want to know! I'm down. So do that. Thanks, now Let's get into the video. now like you know, this video like I like. I'm not even a bit Okay, I don't even know where to start so basically like everybody talks about slime. There's an Instagram slime videos where people basically like you know just like Mix their fingers around and slime, and then like get kind of famous from it and then like sell their slime I don't even understand how people can sell their slime and make money from that It beats me because it looks like making slime isn't even that hard, so like today in this video I'm going to be making slime, because I want to figure out what it's all about Like I know I'm always late to the game like with these internet trends just cuz I'm like a grandma when it comes to this Stuff but like, it just doesn't come naturally to me you know, but I'm just confused and I want to understand so today I'm going to make my own slime, so that I can try to really figure out What the deal is, cuz I just don't get it and I want to get it, cuz I feel like you know I'm like I'm a teen in this time, and I need to figure it out. Let's do it Alright ow, so let's get started I guess I have the ingredients on my Computer for like all the stuff that I need to make slime um so supposedly there's like different kinds of slime I guess there's like fluffy slime, but to make fluffy slime you have to use like Lotion, and hand soap, freakin cornstarch and a bunch of other stuff, but like that's way too much work, and I'll care of my slime Fluffy I just want to make slime. That's all I care about I'm just going to make the basic slime and for that I guess you need one bottle of Elmer's glue Which I have like two bottles And I have them in this cup upside down so that like all the glue will like go to the top Does that make sense any borax powder? which I have you need water which I have in the other room and then You need two resealable container so I have this but I don't think it's a container, but a Plastic bag so hopefully that will do now I guess the first step is to dissolve one teaspoon of Borax Powder into a half cup, oh Brb Okay, we're back then we have 1 cup of water. So that's good So I don't really I think it's one of the main reasons Why I'm doing this video is because this seems, so easy So I just don't understand why people sell this when you could literally just make it yourself ummm I Don't know I guess this generation is just lazy which makes sense I mean, I knew that before so I need to get a tea spoon Tea spoon.(congrats) Some tutorials say to use hot water But like I chose the tutorial that says regular room-temperature water because that's easier, and I'm sOo lazy oh (focuses immensely on pouring powder from unreasonable height) Oh My God, just get ready for this *misses bowl * step one completed. One step closer to being a frickin slime god. slime god ok this really isn't dissolving because like obviously you need warm water for stuff to dissolve Well, you can dissolve it in room temperature, but it just takes longer so I want to warm this up Ok i think I'm going to warm this up for like 30 seconds so that it will dissolve easier Brb ok I think they should probably put my hair up because I have this like Internal feeling that things are about to get kind of messy so yeah while my water is warming up I'm just getting prepared for this craft journey Don't know if you can hear that, but my water is done warming up also before I continue I wanted to tell you that I have all of this glitter that I'm going to use to make this the best freakin slime you've Ever seen in your entire life and as you can see I still have my glue here Just chilling upside down because I'm a genius And I want all of it to be sunk to the top learn from me people learn from me, Brb Okay, I am a science ow Every time I sit down and hit my knee on the table. I'm basically a science Master because now that I warmed it up everything is dissolved I Should be paid for this or something. I don't even understand how people can sell their slime and make money from that beats me Okay, so I'm mixing it up still but I'm pretty sure it's basically all dissolved because I'm a science genius and warming it up makes the You know doesn't matter I'm not going to get scientific here to measure out about 1/2 cup of clear glue and mix it with 1/2 cup of water into a well mixed Okay, does that mean it does that mean okay? I don't know okay. Whatever. I'll do that, ding oh No, okay. I think I'm gonna have to do it this way can't get the top off There we go. yes, this is going awesome, okay? Honestly glue itself could just be slime like I'm not even kidding one half of clear Glue well I don't have to clear glue. So sorry buddy one half cup of water until well mixed your wish is my command next Just kidding. I'm not that gross okay? See that I'm kind of concerned because they don't have exactly a half cup and also I just used all the glue. I have at my house for this So this better be worth it it just doesn't turn out good I'm going to be frickin pissed because I just wasted all my glue for this, so I'm gonna be right back I have to go get a half cup of water this tutorial so far is asking for a lot of me I have to get up a lot. I'm not that I'm not a fan but whatever one half cup of water and we have 1/2 cup of glue well not really we have like a little bit less than a 1/2 cup like you can still see it's not like filled up to the Top which is what I wish that I could do But honestly I'm too lazy to sit here like this and wait for all the glue to drain out and not worth my time oh my god so fun. I loved it. This is like I don't understand why people would buy slime when you can enjoy this kind of experience like waste your precious money on Buying slime when you could literally have a diy at home Oh my God diy the internet loves diy. So why wouldn't you just? Diy it freaking do it yourself? God don't understand people these days if everybody loves diy's so much Why don't we all just diy slime and stop wasting your money online? honestly though if you have bought slime before like from one of the instagram accounts or anything like that if you bought like some slime from an Instagram site let me know why let me know your reasoning because I respect it like if you have like if you like a Valid reason like that's totally cool, but just like you explain it to me cuz I like don't really get it ew I splattered it all over me, borax water solution ok so far nothing. I'm just saying I'm just mixing I'm mixing as I pour because I'm afraid oh my God. It's happening. It's happening. God, okay, probably ah it's happening I'm right back on. It's forming. It's like a human creature. It's like whoa I don't know if I'm supposed to add food coloring and stuff right now about even care. I need to do this oh My God okay? Oh my God okay? I need to add food coloring now um. What color am I going to do? I don't know. It's still really liquidy. Oh sit says to get your hands oh My God, this is so freaking fun. Haha. Oh my God. It's so soft Oh, okay, okay, okay? This is some last minute decision, but I need to get another Bowl, and I'm gonna separate this big slime It's not really big but like I'm just separate it into two Separate slimes so that I can like make two different slimes because I want to make a more traditional slime And then I'm going to make a slime that's like really personalized to me. You know I'm just going to use this bowl for one and I'm going to use, I'm just a mess. I'm a literal mess right now I'm going to use this humongous bowl for one slime, and then this other one for another slime so so far I think this is going good, okay but I feel like everybody's slime that They have online is like so much. Less liquidy than this like I don't know how to make this less liquid it kind of reminds me of snot like I'm not even gonna Lie. This is like Boogers its alright with me though. Oh my God gross Maybe if I add a little bit more borax because I think that's the stuff that makes it hard So I think if I add a little bit more borax to this it might be a little bit less wet You know because I feel like it's so wet like that's just not what I'm going for I want the kind of slime that you can just like you know put your finger around in you know instead of making it so Liquidy because it's cool, but it's just not what I'm looking for so I'm gonna wash my hands real quick. actually who am I kidding? I'm not going to wash my hands. That's such a waste of my time I Don't know if anything's changing. I need to add more when in doubt add more That's kind of a lot Wait, am I making it more liquidy? It's more liquidy now does this mean I need to add more glue this is like a chemical reaction that I just don't understand it kind of messed this one up because I just like Added too much borax to it which confuses me because I thought that when the more borax you add The more like solid it gets I'm kind of disappointed with myself cause I kind of ruined it, and that's like all the glue I have I might have more glue though, so I may go look, but if not that I just screw this up But you know what at least I still have this I am the the new upcoming slime Bae okay, so all I found was this glitter glue So I'm just gonna like squirt this in here and see what freaking happens cuz I feel like this could be really cool It's like you know you mix glitter glue in it cuz then It's like automatic like glitter glue, and that's just like really cool right wait what it's like. It's like Just like breaking and it looks like cereal like it's just breaking into little pieces like it doesn't it's not actually working I guess you need to use elmer's glue all right, okay, honestly. I'm giving up on this this one I'm just going to only use this other one. Which is right here. I'm obviously going to add green. Why? Because what color is snot? whoo Oh my God. It's dripping all over my leg okay, okay, so I'm mixing up this slime right now And I'm not even going to lie to you guys it hella looks good I'm proud of this and very extremely proud so now that is like a little live slime bae. I'm going to take him out look at him Oh my God, why doesn't everyone do this okay? Okay? Okay? Okay, emma don't freak out. It's okay. I'm like I'm kinda freaking out cuz I'm so excited. I'm going to let him come out on the table. Come on little guy, okay? He's sliding everywhere I regret this decision. I regret it. Okay. Maybe being a slime guru isn't as easy as I thought awww look It's like a little path down to my slime dude Look at him like leaking into my table, but whatever now that I have him over here I'm going to add some glitter into him Because that's like what all the other slime people do so I think I'm going to add in the color Red because I like Christmas, and I think that it would be a little bit fun. So I'm just sprinkling it Whatever, my slime is a little bit more like what even like the instagram people But I'm still going to try to do the thing that they all do where they go like this. They're like This is so fun Look at this Christmas slime. Ha that's a thumbnail right there I kind of get why people buy it because like you know this is kind of messy I mean look this mess I just made like was this really worth it for this much slime actually yes, it was completely worth it I don't even know what I'm talking about No, I just got it onto my ugg boots or not my Ugg boots but my Ugg slipper and my moms Okay, hold on. This is turning. This is this slime is turning bad things are things are happening right now I don't know if you can see that, but these Slippers are my actual child and I need to clean this off before it ruins my slipper, Brb I'm kind of panicking, but you know what I haven't gotten any on my computer yet And that's actually the most important thing as you can see this is what we have going here It's kind of a mess honestly doesn't look great, but it doesn't look horrible? Oh? God no no no? This might ruin my slipper, but you know what if nothing can ruin these slippers because they are my bae for life I don't even care we've been through everything together if this stays on here It'll be a memory of today the day that I finally figured out that slime is not something I'm good at making but it's something that I enjoy to make and this marks the first day that I've ever made slime so like If you think about it, it's not really a big deal that this this might ruined my Ugg slipper, and Ugg slippers are extremely overpriced So that's cool. Just makes it ten times more painful to my heart, but anyway yeah, that's like about fine Now it's looks horrible, whatever okay, when it dries You'll barely be able to freakin see it this slime is all over Everything like it's all over everything mom if you're watching this I'm sorry okay back to Okay, I'm going to move my laptop before this gets like too messy because like you know That's the kind of thing that you really don't want to get slime on especially cuz it's so sticky just sticks to everything But it's like the only problem is though that it's like this slime like this is like the only part that I can salvage this Is like all I have left the rest is just stuck to the table. So that kind of sucks I don't really know how people like I think the main problem here is is that I used like this simple slime recipe I didn't use like the famous instagram slime recipe, but I mean okay. I actually have some left right here He's just like my little friend. You know he's fun. He's cute, but the problem is he's so sticky You just can't even do anything with him You know what I mean? like he's just like he's just sticky like he doesn't do anything for me like he's not helping me Why would somebody buy this I don't know overall this slime recipe sucks I'd say if you're going to make slime on your own don't make this kind because I'm not getting anything out of this like this Is just like dumb like this is it's fun. I guess but it's not like the kind of slime That's like the instagram slime where you like can like move your finger around in it and stuff It's just like sucky slime So I say don't make this unless I mean if you want to like do something fun if you're like babysitting a kid actually your babysitting a kid do not do this with them because they'll make a mess throughout their house and then The parents will come home, and they'll be like really mad at you And you will never be invited back because this is like the most messy thing I've ever Experienced in my life, and not only is it messy, but it's like hard to clean off so like don't yeah Don't do this with kids because they'll get way too excited and your house will be destroyed now the glitter is everywhere I mean glitter is already bad like glitter already sticks to everything but now that it's like in slime this glitter is everywhere like it's all over my Ugg slipper my Ugg slipper is like Destroyed and it has glitter all over it that I just can't even get off overall this video was completely pointless It was a fail You couldn't even see what I was doing because I was doing it in this big blue Bowl of this big yellow or not yellow I'm an idiot White Bowl, so you couldn't even see what I was doing. So this is basically the most pointless video I've ever done and now I have to clean up this mess. What was the point of this? I have no clue but if you liked it give it a thumbs up check out my other videos that are a little bit less dumb than this it's Probably the dumbest things that are done thats all I have for you today Subscribe my channel if you want, I mean honestly after watching this video I don't know why you'd want to subscribe to me But like check out my other videos first because they may be better than this one I don't know comment down below anything you want if you want to comment down below Explaining slime because I still don't really get it. I still don't understand fully the point you want to comment down below like explaining Why you personally like slime? I would be totally down to like read also I'm gonna remind you one more time Leave questions down below for a Q&A because I want to do a Q&A soon leave any kind of questions You want don't make them you know make them crazy? I don't even care like I'm down answer whatever and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 3,219,581
Rating: 4.9299254 out of 5
Keywords: how to make, diy, how to make slime, instagram slime, making slime, reacting to slime, sime asmr, comedy, vlog, hang out with me, cooking, cooking with emma, funny cooking, in the kitchen, hilarious, funny, diy slime, emma chamberlain, slime diy, slime video, slime recipe, slime with glue, slime with borax, comedic, lol, fail
Id: eIgLvnmbQJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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