We Tried Instagram Cotton Candy Burritos

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[Music] hello and welcome to their video today we're gonna be venturing out once again and finding ourselves an elusive digital snack something that has caught the Apple of the Internet's eye cotton candy burritos are they any good or are they just overpriced sugary slop now on the surface cotton candy burritos sound pretty good to me I like burritos who doesn't I like cotton candy although I can't say that I eat a lot of cotton candy as a 27 year old man with a bad sugar tolerance but today we're gonna go out and find a combined version of the to a post Dragon Ball Z fusion dance dessert and see if it's any good but before we leave a brief moment of silence for my shaved mustache my mustache is off to a better place it may be back soon so you have that to look forward to also in the last video I noticed that Krusty was conspicuously absent so I put together a quick update of Krusty let's roll that clip so let's go get the FIA's so we can go get this cotton candy burrito softy ready for cotton candy burritos what's a cult I built a ver milk tavern so we're heading to milk tavern milk tavern milk tavern tavern the milk tavern area in k-town which has the cotton candy burrito which tie you've seen like photos of and stuff right I don't really know what it is I think I have a I have an idea what do you think it looks like in my head it's either like a cotton candy shell with like ice cream and stuff inside or it's like cotton candy shell with like black beans inside I expected that it would be sort of a sweet burrito like a dessert burrito but then I was also like maybe they just throw in like normal burrito fixings and it's like a savory cotton candy it could have been like Rachel's trifle raspberries more ladyfingers then beef sauteed with peas and onions and so we're gonna have to be Joey just be like good good I am mostly excited for the taste a little nervous that I'm gonna fall asleep at like 3 p.m. today I have a game planning for this all day I've drank a sparkling water to get a little bit like bubbles in my stomach to fight nausea have a coffee to give me an up as the sugar is gonna take me down there are people who eat to stretch their stomachs I eat to fight sugar crashes I'm mostly here for moral support and a single bite milk Tavern was pretty cute I feel like they were fostering like an Instagram friendly environment yes like they had some inflatable unicorns they had some like video game playing stations general grass wall it kind of reminded me of like the black ice cream place yeah we had like like neon signs that said like cute things you could be like for some reason I didn't expect it to be a literal tavern no but it like is a bar no yeah because it had that like bright pink building next to it I think that's an ice-cream place and that place looks fun we did go there no no no this video is called cotton candy burrito milk Tavern in general is more geared to its nightlife there's really loud at this corner like it's kind of like an ice-cream club their main business was liquor infused ice cream and like designer cereal so the cotton candy burrito is kind of hard to find like it wasn't like the marquee item we had to kind of dig for a little bit on the menu but when we found it we knew we're in the right place when the like cotton candy burritos arrived or were like placed on the bar I was like oh these are pretty sizable so what it is is the cotton candies like the tortilla for the burrito so the innards are vanilla ice cream cereal and then like additional topping I thought that I might actually just take a bite or two of yours but as soon as I saw the menu I was like I kind of want my own I said I was just here for a couple fights turns out I'm here for the little you know that means right I'm eating too you know what I thought is it glad this is happening yeah I'm with the snapchat filters growing up yeah that one works better the other side didn't work as well no okay we were outside ready to try our burritos I'm just smelling mine I'm ready for the bite yeah you want to go first inside of mine I put Lucky Charms no extra toppings I feel like Lucky Charms already has an extra topic it has marshmallows in it so they actually put like a paper wrapper around it to keep it from melting I guess and a lot of cotton candy right there four year old me is dying twenty-five-year-old me is dying my first impressions were just like that a wave of sugar hit me yes it's a good reaction or bad reaction Wow sweet what is that I am gonna be hyper the ice cream is superb I don't know what's going on in there it tastes like a milkshake like a very like full vanilla flavor the cotton candy it's a little almost bubblegum me like it's a pink flavor so I would say my favorite part is the ice cream but all together it comes together to just like taste like you're just eating a slice of cloud well your fingers already I think the cotton candy is strawberry so for mine I got that vanilla ice cream I put in Fruity Pebbles is kind of going for aesthetics a little bit and then I also got marshmallows on it because I just want to look a little bit at chew factor it's just like the greatest texture a little bit like house insulation you know does look and feel like house insulation especially inside of that paper wrapping well we mentioned that like our young selves would be happy like when I was a kid you see the House insulation you're like are you that kids don't eat that don't eat tide pot though a tide pod would not look out of place in there I don't know is how aromatic fruity pebbles weren't oh I had it in my hand I was like smelling it's just wafting here small small the fruity pebbles oh wow good luck yeah this might be like a one biter and done but when I bit into it I felt both a wave of sugar and a wave of pain goodbye Tyler the sugar wave almost like made me lose autonomy of my limbs I like it so much it's like the worst answer for somebody at my age with my tolerance for sugar - like a really good blend of like crunch and marshmallow it's like I'm eating a Furby there is something like a little bit carnivorous about these like we're eating like little pink fuzz balls yes like like a rabbit or something I actually the guy do like it more than a cone we're like just falling apart of my hand jelly colleges a good kind Hey alright you are getting too far into that thing mister feel like we gotta go eat some kale after this to be honest it's hard when you start eating it to stop eating it suddenly you're just used to having that much sugar in your mouth the wall around me is gonna go servo white mic starting it's like an Audi powder body experience beyond this being like the ideal ten-year-old snack I think I look like a 10 year olds then just cotton candy all over my face are you regretting your decision not right now talk to me in three hours even though we got our individual ones to like try out different types yeah I would say split it with someone neither of us needed the whole thing I went inside to go get it to go box and I came back out here just like still eating it it's questionable of both of these fit in there all right let's see if we can get these home in time that they don't completely melt for like a an internet sensation type item it tasted pretty amazing like I felt really good when I was eating it and then as soon as I stopped I was like I feel sad I shouldn't have done that I think about halfway driving home it hit us a little bit overall though I thought the flavor was really awesome I was very happy with it yeah I would go back there and eat it again totally and I think we should check to see if it's okay in the freezer because we have some leftovers yes I mean it's gonna be cold all around I wonder what happened to the cotton candy ready I'd see it okay um how to keep the ice cream looks pretty solid if I had to guess I would say the cotton candy is just a bit soggy err oh yeah it's sticky yeah we try that yeah it's a little like it was soggy and then it froze again you can jailed yeah yeah the flavors are still there but the texture is not as good that's not ideal I'm still eating it though I think it was a successful excursion I'm ready feeling you hit my head we shouldn't give me any when you put that away we got things to do today yeah put right back in there just gonna closing the door Sophia so that was a successful excursion go get the cotton candy burrito as I said like sometimes you'll get the stuff that you see on the Internet the aesthetics don't necessarily match the taste I would say flavors a plus side effects not so exciting hard to describe because they're so extreme once we upload this video we're gonna open a room one next week we're gonna actually make our own cotton candy we're getting a homemade cotton candy makers and even if we didn't just post this video the next beat room will still exist so you can still come and watch and see what happened when we tried to make our own cotton candy be like a extra bonus vlog so the link for that everyone XP will be in the description below check it out stop by thank you so much for watching if you liked this video make sure you smash or gently tap that like button you'll have more videos like it smash or gently tap that subscribe button if you want a notification every time that we post smash or gently tap that Bell icon think the cotton candy is working thank you so much for watching I have to go to sleep and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 2,765,995
Rating: 4.9682407 out of 5
Keywords: we tried instagram cotton candy burritos, instagram cotton candy burritos, cotton candy burritos, cotton candy, giant cotton candy, ice cream, cereal, fruity pebbles, lucky charms, marshmallows, safiya and tyler, saf and ty, couples, boyfriend, girlfriend, vlog
Id: nl1QCtAvoAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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