Trying Chicago Deep Dish Pizza For The First Time

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hello ed cool [Music] hello and welcome to another video on my channel we were in Sophia's childhood home in Chicago today and we are gonna be walking around she's got what are we doing today today we're going to be doing a couple touristy things going to London Park seeing the beam we're also gonna be seeing if there is still an Iron Throne at some anonymous AT&T store downtown and then we're gonna go get some deep dish pizza because Tyler needs some that's the main quest of this videos we're gonna find deep dish pizza last time we came to Chicago 2015 we didn't quite make it but today at the very least we're gonna top off a day with some deep-dish pizza actually you know one thing I was thinking is because we're home here and we haven't done it yet soft made a reactance of my baby photos video maybe we'll do a reacting to baby photos segment in this video I don't know at some point we'll see they're well distributed throughout will probably be there yeah okay so that's what we have planned for today in Chicago but before we go let's run upstairs grab some breakfast and head out Tyler told my mom that he wanted to do like a shot of this Danish Jam and so now she's gone like all out and she takes these napkin put this entire Viking set up take this flag this guy knows yes yeah usable knows don't you think he's a really cute Viking alright ready to go in this Jam nothing's gonna stop me I have the Danes about back right now so we're heading to the train now we got very parented on the way out I ended up with these sunglasses I put some sunscreen on to go the right way yeah I think so you just so you're literally string it into your hair we're on the way to the train stop with Shana we taken we're taking the 1242 train or hopefully we're running late running on the edge so we made it to the train station we are here where we go at first appear we are going to millennium station so we're gonna go to the beam first was that no matter where we go on the train to get talks incessantly about the dark night she's like this is where he was he was hearing a truck or something I don't know has to be a likes Batman I like that man she can't stop talking about Batman I only saw that movie because it was a film in Chicago and you came out my 16th birthday we get it you've seen Batman okay so where are we going right now what's the beat you said I would find out what we got there what is it that was in the museum I just filmed something over there what is that I don't know I think that's a concert okay we're not going to a concert hall no the beam is like the most stereotypical place for like prom pictures selfie gotcha yeah there it is what is that it's just a giant beam it's the being is a giant metallic beam yeah what this is the fun part we get to go up and then see ourselves in the mirror if you giant capri-sun it it's like a rat king of Capri Sun kids all tied together live one brain okay so this is our first tourist destination of the day how do you feel about it you know what when I first saw it I was very underwhelmed and now actually if you like it we're gonna walk more Dizzy's we can't find that Iron Throne net yes look at giant Lincoln right behind yourself who's he talking to with that sweater on Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra's from Hoboken I think we're getting close to the Iron Throne well we're near the wall I'm here [Music] yes seriously spoilers spoilers they have costumes from the show actually here one of the people working as a Gugu the costumes are purely the real cost this is a Daenerys one right my dragons it's Arya Stark right there Jen Smith jen suzi you got Safi and I got queen of the Andals ruler of crusty bugger of Tyler I'm wearing David it's not a very comfortable chair there's a lot of swords digging into my back yeah it's not the worst place yeah exactly Iron Throne check the beam check oh it's so what's next wow you're so middle finger dit Wow I'm hungry yeah I could do some food it's like a full meal it's all I got well snacky a good snack okay I think we haven't really explained what this place is you just said the name a lot because it's fun to say ba-bow there's like a dough ball with meat inside or veggies or whatever might be in this place I could only serve those things so it's like a on the go Gibson place so in here I've got a bunch of all and my it looks like they look incredible which ones are which we got a bunch of different types like they say on the bottom Kung Pao I want to start with my courage looks good let me try that well you took such a big bite fine all wrong yeah all we need is some that data's jams put it right on time I'll see green sweet Danish tree my bow pot bellies and deep-dish pizza we just finished up there Wow how's we are now gonna go visit in the Hollister this paint used to work at drop by if you like my aesthetic has changed so much since those days Hollister zone my Abercrombie and Mary used to be a policy they didn't sell anything that was black the darkest colors that they would carry and store with me people that's why hey Davy blue there's so much navy blue everywhere here it is hey what's up welcome to the pier oh my God we're not come on love you we can't have you relapse that much did you know our genes can get you the perfect fried situation Hollister I was gonna leave her there we're just gonna walk around out let's go to the last place soft would ever expect to find me I can't bring myself to do it okay so we're gonna walk all the way up to where the deep-dish pizza place to stop want to take me to is hopefully we'll work up an appetite in the meantime we're gonna walk a decent amount we're gonna workout that you just never mind Manny moolah there's something going on it sounds like spring break out here it's just like some like volleyball tournament it's like the most Beach fratty thing ever and it's randomly just right here at Chicago I was walking for a while now it's very sunny I'm very happy it's a V his mom and dad parented me a little bit and maybe wear sunscreen because I think it'll be burnt to a crisp the humidity is also not being kind of my hair it's puffing up a game okay so we're about two minutes away from the Lou Malnati's Lou Malnati's how could it not be confuse with that is this supposed to be like that no Lou Malnati's so we're actually outside because it was going to be 40 to 50 minutes if we waited for an inside table the waiter was non believing that we could actually finish a medium pizza and I was like that what is that noise but rain siren right there went off right when it drove bias it was just trying to get the leaders ok so we just got our pizza it looks incredibly formidable that's the thing about deep-dish pizzas it's it's not really pizza it's more like a cheese pie so you really truly have like a crust I'm gonna pass it out after I eat this I'm gonna tell you that right now gosh guys [Music] we need some gospel music oh there's like a little bit of like pizza sauce I think on the lens right now action cam I'm with the guy to be really hard for us to finish toasting right now yeah he was right we should have gotten a small it's delicious that was really awesome worth the wait it's so messy but it tastes so good okay so that was Lou Malnati's not to be confusing Illuminati's well very heavy we need to walk that off on our way home sir walk it to a train station we did not finish the entire box I feel like somebody went on one of those like man vs. food or eating competition type shows and failed miserably we got a decent walk before yeah and if we just go for a little bit of a walk now I think we'll be humans after this yeah I think the cheese might still hit the cheese will be one with the cheese would be P to the hut we're so we're gonna walk back to the train station head back home and then I guess you're gonna look for some baby photos around the house okay so we were back at Sophia's home I'm still feeling a piece of just a little bit but we did just order more food Sophia's over here she is looking for baby photos for me to react to this is the long-awaited sequel to Sofia reaction to her boyfriend's photos only reacting Sophia's photos she doesn't know which one of these are necessarily these ones are a little more like the deep cuts yeah there are a lot that are featured around the house they're a little more like that the greatest hits yeah the feature really cute you're throwing like a snowball yeah and these are more like the random ones from the camera roll you know okay so um Tyler's gonna take a look at each baby photo and react roast me if you will suza feet is arranging now how they gonna hand them to me one by one we're gonna put them on screen so you guys can see them so Sofia 10 photos here we'll go through five of them now we'll do a bonus next be room when this video goes up so if you're watching this video right when it goes up then you can actually just pop over the room we'll be there live vlogging and we'll do the next five and you guys can talk with us we can interact with you guys have you guys there so the link for that will be in the description below but for the meantime let's go through some of these pictures I think that's pretty good chronologically ready by photo 1 let's do it mmm extremely young in this one but that's logical yeah this isn't a tomato face who's a lady in the Beetlejuice outfit those Danish aunts and my Danish cousin ha ha Sophia was starting her ugly clothes trends at a very young age she's trying to experimental but looks like rain gear and Denmark it's very rainy country so it makes sense it reminds me a little bit of the hollow bucket up top me the reference to bucket hat some babies in that video that's why I might've cut back yeah this is why so early like I'm like not a plane it's spud saw yes but Nygaard we've been hair cut like a dummy morally nineties haircut that's early 90s for you I think must be 94 I look at a lot too the eyebrows haven't come in yet they haven't no they're surging one question I have this pictures is to feel hiding a mullet behind that haircut no I had a just bowl I don't know I see just a little bit of potential right here see you might have a little bit of a mullet no one might call it a Dorothy Hamill I think we can say for sure is that this age you've been very difficult to tell Sofia and me apart not now young not that young okay ready the next one is Miss OH she had the part of like lips in her hair right yeah I was big into turtlenecks and leggings you're wearing turtlenecks in pajama pants but close enough and you're messing around it looks like a Christmas tree Christmas tree and Lake mania gingerbread is that gingerbread is that a teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle this next one it's just a cute photo I remember that your brother's your brother in the background that's my brother's this actually out of the world is this a face reveal of your brother except he's oh he's a he's a fetus I wouldn't her brother's gonna go hey can you blur my face in that photo I remember the day he was born very vividly I had just had a peanut butter bagel yeah last one and Wow disassembly looks like when your aunt's really yeah it's got like that like early 80s late 70s haircut a hat just like that hat look never really has ever been in style I like a little like floral finger is that one is that one thing yeah that's one okay well rude I mean look listen it's a cute photo I don't know where you're going you're spelunking this is like an on-the-go photo your mom's like okay it's like a candy but hey what's up my dad was the photographer did your dad yeah so it's nils nilsen yeah yes hi okay so that was our first round of baby photos from Sofia we had some more right here they're gonna go through so if you do see this you can jump into the link let us know where you came from and you can check those out so yeah and maybe you like I'll just gonna take pictures of these and then we'll do like a couple bonus extra pictures for the next beat one of the awkward stuff from upstairs we need more than we need more the awkward ones listen we came for the baby photos but you stayed for the awkward ones that's she's she said it right thank you so much for watching we hope you guys enjoyed this vlog at a great time walking around Chicago we walked really far like eight miles yeah if you like this video you can smash or gently tap that like button sad want you to smash they say you can also gently tap you can do both if you liked this video and you want more videos like it make sure you smash or you can gently tap that subscribe button as well down below and if you've already subscribed then you can also hit that little bell icon to be notified every time that I post we're gonna start weekly posting on this channel I know I've over promised in the past by how off I'm gonna post but I promise every post more often so keep your eyes for that so thank you so much again for watching we had so much fun foam this long and you see you guys next time
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 1,988,268
Rating: 4.9543047 out of 5
Keywords: I Tried Chicago Deep Dish Pizza For the First Time, Deep Dish Pizza, Chicago Pizza, Deep Dish, Chicago, Chicago Vlog, The bean, Game of Thrones, Iron Throne, Wao Bao, Water Tower Place, Lou Malnati's, Deep, Dish, Pizza, Saf's Baby Photos, Safiya Baby Photos, Baby Photos, Reactions to Baby Photos, Girlfriend Baby Photos, Reacting to my girlfriend's baby photos, Safiya Nygaard, Tyler Williams, Safiya and Tyler, Safiya and Tyler Vlogs, Tyler Vlogs
Id: WyvPsm_gk4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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