I Picked My Girlfriend's Outfit Blindfolded

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[Music] hello and welcome to another video today we are doing something a little bit different so a couple of weeks ago we did a video or soft picked out a full outfit blindfolded and a couple weeks later we did a video where soft picked out a full face of makeup blindfolded and in between those two videos we tried to do a video where I picked out a full outfit for Sofia blindfolded at a thrift store I think I was just like too many things at one it was a lot of things yeah there was just like a lot of elements I feel like with these blindfolded videos it's interesting to see if there's some level of deductive reasoning that can be reached but I feel like with Tyler it was like women's clothes and a thrift store and blindfolded so it was just like literally feel anything and then just pick it so we didn't want to let the footage go to waste cuz we had so much fun filming it and also we want you guys to see the outfit so we're gonna show you guys that video right now so roll the clip going this way I was like this way which way is equip you think what is it that way when you're editing this it's just there roll that clip Tyler I'm at a thrift store I've never been here before I don't know where anything is I need five things to build like a whole outfit I need a top a bottom shoes like maybe a jacket of some kind and an accessory and if i play my cards right maybe like a bonus accessory okay so it's an interesting layout in this sort they've got a men's and women's stuff mixed but the more concentrated women's stuff is towards the back of the store ready okay right let's turn around I will not lead you into anything at least not on purpose so I think let's start with the top what do you think yeah all right over here come come with me I'd see here feel a fabric that's very interesting is almost like it could be like a the outside of a pinata maybe it's almost like a mermaid outfit maybe it's sequins it feels like it could be shiny feel the bottom ooh it's like a little skirt thing I don't know exactly what this thing is it feels kind of fun it feels like confetti we want this alpha to be lively so few wears a lot of black so we want to make it pop alright so is that an option yes where I keep this is one of our options and that's supposed to be a top is it on the top I didn't say anything I'm gonna just peruse through hangers and just kind of feel mmm this feels like something it almost reminds me of like the this shirt the the terrible shirt from the Seinfeld I think between the first one and the second one I like the outside the texture of the first one but I think we can find one more option and then we can make a decision all right I'm just gonna take you to the other side of the rack okay tie okay so tie you have shirts on one side of you there it is is there anything in particular that you're going for or you're just kind of letting your heart decide I'm going for something loud I think I want something that just screams I've been clothed by my boyfriend blindfolded speak to me tell me your secrets oh I like this this does feel like that loudness that I was looking for I've got some sequins some jewels I like that it feels like it might be colorful does your three options these might be my three options this is option one this is I think sort of like a pinata type outfit and I know it has like a nice material on the outside this second one feels a little standard it just feels like normal fabric and then this one is pretty bedazzled this one's got some potential reflecting reflecting type in it so I'm going to be building this off at one by one you want to have cohesion so if you choose one item it's like really loud and it might overshadow other ones unless you go loud all around you keep on getting bigger and bigger and bigger so I'm gonna go with the third one I want to keep on matching this one's energy with other ones that are also equally loud so this outfit is gonna be it's gonna be fun so next we should do bottoms do you want to do skirts or pants because they're in very different parts of the store and I don't want you just truly wandering I mean vision like Beetlejuice pants or like leopard print pants it's like that would you know go with whatever this is how are you gonna figure that out fate is this romantic it is yeah I don't know why you said it wasn't romantic last time okay so in front of you yes our pants walk a little forward so pants are an interesting situation because we're gonna have to also figure out my size right so find ones you like and we'll see if I can fit into them there's a lot of pant fabrics in here I'm trying to just like reach in and feel stuff that might feel like it has a print on it this is interesting some people say don't pair sequins or something with suspenders I say turn into that skid challenge your assumptions lean in I hope that they're a wild colour if they're just like your normal blue denim suspenders that would be a disappointment if they were like red almost like Ronald McDonald style that'd be interesting to me let's uh let's move away from this just a little bit let's go back to what I think our other style pants this is interesting what is it it feels like a little bit of a different fabric which actually hints to me that's not denim it's not a pair of jeans it's not a pair of khakis I am kind of envisioning like stripes on this for some reason or maybe polka dots let's see other pockets on this thing or is there oh there's a zipper I actually I'm very I'm very interested in these ones maybe even more than suspenders because I thought the suspenders would cover up the shirt that we got so I kind of want something that is just a normal pair of pants I'm gonna choose one more and I'm gonna make my final decision these wouldn't feel like they also might be a thinner material they feel giant I don't know what these things are are you laughing sorry myself that's a good sign Oh No here are my three pairs of pants these are my suspenders these are the first ones that I found they might cover up the shirt too much so I'm gonna rule them out these ones have a thinner material I feel like there could be a print on them but these ones got an audible reaction from Sofia and I have a good feeling about them of the three bottoms that I found if there's one that is going to match with the bedazzled one this one is the one I feel so I'm gonna choose this one as my bottom now I figure let's go choose a jacket in case it's cold out so if you might need something to bundle up with alright I'm gonna take you to words the jackets okay babe let's go you keep almost grabbing my boob it's great all right tie okay I'm putting you in this aisle right here so all along that entire way basically on that side is jackets so do whatever you feel this that is a hat whoo sorry GoPro I think that I do want to pick an accessory like a hat or something but let's not jump the gun real quick let's put this back for now so I'm looking for some kind of accessory on the jacket to be honest and then just make these a little bit more whoo this is just got like an interesting interior kind of like a sheep wool might be a little too warm but let's keep her hands on that one mm-hmm I like this almost like a windbreaker material maybe it's even like a like a whoa I was not expecting this on the front there's some kind of does oh you know what that's the back that's a promising sign we're gonna find one more jacket and see if we can't you know make a decision from there it's almost like a ski jack Tyrael it's not you know that cold right now Los Angeles is only fall but winter is coming and we don't have Jack's that are that heavy so you know maybe we could go with something like this like a parka what do you think it looks like purple so this is the first jacket I think this feels like something that Sofia might have already so I'm gonna eliminate this one from contention you are not receiving a rose these last two are both very appealing to me this windbreaker material feels very practical this one though little meteor there's more to this one I love a pup I almost put the hanger my mouth it's a little puffier I'm excited about that I know how well it go with the outfit between these two I know neither of them will go with the outfit so I'm gonna go with this one cause it's more exciting to me alright so what's next up next are accessories and given that we're in a thrift shop I'm actually gonna proposition that we get more than just one for accessories are a lot of options there are wigs there's jewelry their hats but I think the number one one that I want to go for is sunglasses alright so you are right next to a sunglass display you're in there in this okay I do not wanna knock these over it's almost like operation like that like the cat winged eyeliner on these ones all right here's another rack these ones almost feel like they have like a a flower rim to them so I'm gonna grab these ones too oh so it's between this one which has almost like I think I can cloud like a flower to it and then these ones that have that little cat eyeliner way but I think I'm gonna go with this one so I said I might want multiple accessories and although I didn't see it I think my heart wants that hat that I found earlier okay I'm gonna grab you your hat I mean my hat I mean whose hat I don't know alright here it is so what else is left what other torture do you have left for me torture I mean sorry what other wonderful present do you have whatever makeover is one way to put it so the last item we need to complete this outfit is a pair of shoes all right so that is like up a little set of stairs so let's take you up there yeah that's let's guide me you're nice firm grip there you're doing very well in terms of wandering around and not destroying things okay picking the outfit is a little bit of a different situation but you know we'll get to that later alright ty you're in a bud Bastion of shoes you're about to hit something Danger Danger I got shoes are these all shoes oh whoa I like this man this is interesting to me it feels uncomfortable though I don't be too cool to sophia's feet there are also shoes on the wall in front of you so if you up the wall these are like open-toed now that I open-toed but they're kind of like sandals they're just they're like converses okay gotcha I've tried so hard to put together a look over here I don't want to ruin it in the final step so I think the key is to go with a shoe that doesn't get in the way of it too much this is interesting okay I like this shoe actually you know I was gonna say converses we were like my early choice but I think that these ones with this tassel here are probably the way to go South Scott converses does she have a moccasin like this these are the shoes just completes the outfit we have a top a bottom pair of shoes to accessories sunglasses and this hat and what else we get a jacket yes couldn't forget the jacket all right ty so we're gonna get this outfit and then hide it from you until I try it on for you you're not gonna have any idea what you picked until you see the full effect I feel confident with my decisions I got a good sense of style okay couple days I still have not yet seen this outfit that I picked for Sofia blindfolded she's in there right now putting it on she's kept it in trash bags I'm very curious to see how fake and I did she's he got his outfit so Sofia was ready it look good let's do it oh my god it is I it looks like you came out like you have a time portal from like the 60s Time Machine I love the pants they do not work at the whole outfit but I pad it's fun there's definitely a lot of elements that are kind of having their moment that is one stylish mama yeah mama comes to mind you know it kind of makes sense to me why you chose these things because each of them are pretty tactile in their own way they are definitely feel them a dress pants like you can definitely feel some squares it's a little bit warm inside but faithfully it's kind of like a cool laj outside so we're behind by the way what I got something for you also is it cool it's revenge hold on revenge for what this looks good ready what you got those are me yeah oh joke's on you that's not revenge I like these things yes I'm ready I've just been groovin oh good yeah you look like beetlejuice the train engineer there you go it's kind of a good look oh don't do that alright should we just go and see what the world thinks of us yeah look at us that's a good look okay so that was my blindfolded outfit for Sofia what do you think I think we look like idiots because Halloween was yesterday I think that our initial instinct that they were just like too many elements thrown at us right like it just was really hard I think I couldn't really do it I don't think that the outfit is like terrible and I also like wasn't naked so you did succeed in some way you're fully clothed it's almost miraculous that none of the items actually go together no they don't they look at five different outfits loudest piece but like I do think that most of the items by themselves are fun yeah I wouldn't say like oh I hate it like no it's fun like there's nothing really wrong with it it's also kind of fun to just like walk around and like a stupid-looking out ya know just to kind just be like well it's kind of liberating what tools could people use to judge me when all the tools have been thrown out the window you look like an eccentric merchant I look like a villain yeah they're like the murderer on the Orient Express I did like that you threw in the suspenders I looked like the Hamburglar or something do you think those are called overalls look you call those suspenders yeah suspenders suspenders suspenders like you kept calling them suspenders it's kind of cute I didn't want to really tell you but they're called out with you the only thing that I really didn't like was the pants yeah I like those pants I mean I actually do have a pair of pants like that yeah your dad has a blazer that is that same past Gallagher couple doesn't one so we've both found it really fun to pick out this outfit but there just wasn't really that much of a strategy to it but we're really happy we got to put together in this video and I'm happy we have those overalls not suspenders not too spent they're your overalls okay so if you liked that video we just posted it we're actually gonna be shopping and planning for my next video on next beat which is gonna be me making a week's worth of Pinterest recipes so if you guys want to stop by and hang out we'll be there the link to that is gonna be in the description below also even if the video didn't just go up you can still watch it on next beat click the link below it'll still be there if you like this video make sure to smash or gently tap that like button and if you want more videos like this smash or gently tap that subscribe button if you want notifications every time that we post make sure to smash - gently tap the notification icon thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys next time also press is here to move us out ah there we go that's more of his forehead and boy I don't think you like I try
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 3,011,894
Rating: 4.9688482 out of 5
Keywords: i picked my girlfriend's outfit blindfolded, blindfolded outfit shopping, blindfolded outfit challenge, blindfolded outfit, safiya and tyler, picking my girlfriends outfit, i picked my girlfriends outfit, boyfriend picks my outfit, shopping, couples, boyfriend and girlfriend, couples shopping, tyler and safiya, tyler williams, safiya nygaard, thrift store outfit, thrift store, thrifting
Id: P4YJwy_T9pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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