I Swapped Clothes With My Girlfriend For A Week

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[Music] hello and welcome to another video this week I'm gonna be dressing out of my girlfriend's closet mine my closet her closet so I haven't done a lot of style challenges in fact most of the videos on my channel are about food YUM which is great it's good I like it but I have supervised a lot of style challenges on Sophia's Channel so I'm excited to finally participate in one of them he knows that we wear it for a week I'd say we have pretty different styles Sophia wears a lot of black a lot of dresses a lot of black dresses and not a lot of gym shorts no that's that's all true that's me I like gym shorts that's where we diverge Soph also wears a lot of weird clothing as some of you might know which I'm very excited for is I want to get my hands on those I want to see you in those plastic pants keep your eyes on the thighs so this week I'm gonna address how Sofia normally dresses out of her closet and then I'm also gonna see what I can't muster up as an outfit that I might like get my chest hair in there oh yeah that'll look nice I call it the Forbidden Forest Aragog whole family lives up in there yeah now this is like literally hybrids face okay let's go rate Sophia's closet okay so for day one I went with this casual Jean look sort of like me inching my way into Sophia's closet something she wears off in for that I all succeed myself we're so in this outfit I chose a black lace-up hoodie these light wash jeggings and these black Nike something or others sneakers I've seen Sophia wear this outfit at the mall out to lunch I feel like this is something that Sophia wears pretty much for any occasion something I'm happy about and surprised by is how well everything fits it was probably a little bit more form-fitting than my own wardrobe just like a little bit bag here your wallet sticking out of your pocket yeah these are very shallow pockets I feel like if there's a pickpocket around spickens but I mean in terms of the items themselves totally par for the course of what I might wear you kind of just look like you're a little bit just selling some tickets to the gun show I went to the gym last week the only difference between my average hoodie that I'm wearing this hoodie was the exposed chest hair I don't feel safe I think Sofia proved also the outfit being a little tighter like almost made it kind of stylish you do have a little bit of like a mid 2000s Fall Out Boy buy this my face Thanks and overall as the first outfit I really did feel like it was an intersection of my style and Sofia style so this was a really easy first day so for my second outfit I took on the yoga pants you always hear about how comfortable yoga pants are and to this point I've never had a and once we started this challenge all of a sudden I got a ton of yoga pants to try out so this outfit I have this t-shirt that says I woke up like this a jacket that says love yourself and Birkenstocks in terms of the specific items I've seen Sofia wear all of them I actually worth a turn public a lot like this interpreting ugga pants I think like yoga pants or like Sofia is like de facto this is the pants that I'm wearing I'm springing like they're so comfortable like what is this material besides some unfortunate bulging in the crotchal region I mostly enjoy the pants I kind of like to have that like a little bit of a snapback they shaped my booty so I'm getting a little bit that tight fun feeling in general I actually kind of felt like a rock star in this outfit especially like the tight pants like a star like Jimmy Page with really tight pants on it being black or mostly black also made it look more dressed up like I look like I'm ready to go out at night the Birkenstocks are comfortable but I think this look would have been better if I had like thrown on like a pair of Sophia's combat boots or something I really should be wearing like chunky boots probably I have those like Yule boots look at flam Rockman like almost like kiss I did think of this Alfa was kind of inspiring like I might want to go out and get like at my own rendition of this but as for this specific outfit I think that the bulging would make this somewhat limiting like I felt like we couldn't go to Disneyland you have to buy those now so for day three I took on the skirt for the first time I figured it could just be like a modern rendition of a kilt I guess they still wear kilts in Scotland a rendition of the kilt so this off it has this black t-shirt with a little cat giving the middle fingers this purple skirt and these Birkenstocks so given the parameters of this week I was pretty interested to try out a skirt because I like gym shorts and the skirt seems like a less sectioned off gym Shore I feel so free and limber I think that you look pretty good in the skirt I like the calf the calf action is pretty good I'm easy access I think visually this was very different from my usual style I'm only because of the skirt but in terms of comfort the same if not better cold knees cool toes there little chilly it's a little breezy out here I think that wearing gym shorts has got to be ready for it though I have the denim jacket so I had warmth up top and then I had comfort down low I really couldn't complain you know very light weight although all of the clothes for the week or sauce this outfit was the most copy-pasted from her item for item the outfit is very much like me like you kind of look like me from the neck down yeah it's all different honestly like give me a couple weeks I could grow that calf hair oh yeah I know if I shave my legs I mean who is it's a fear Tyler in terms of whether or not I'm gonna wear this again how many problems the skirt but I need to also make the skirt my own a little bit fashioned around me rather than just modeling it after Sophia on day four I went for an all-black Morticia sleeve dress look so when this outfit I paired this bell sleeved black dress with these leggings and these cat middle finger slides Sophia wears this dress a fair amount she really likes these bell sleeves she really likes this Morticia look and I really wanted to wear something that was like one of Sophia's favorite items don't hate yourself here's the feel like just cuz it's kind of dramatic like you can throw our arms up and it looks like a bat that was like Squidward and when I put this on immediately I felt dramatic Renaissance II Shakespearean yeah I think you kind of have like a bard vibe yes I may be kind of like wanna talk to like a skull to Pele we're not - Pierre - water bottle water bottle I got just see you stuck in the door these are slides that Sofia in previous videos has projectile at me was that a trick I also wanted to bring back the yoga pants without the aforementioned bulging problem and the dress was long enough to provide some security in that area the big winner today is the yoga pants without fear a bull judge I will say there was something to having a top that was like really fun first I take a lobster and I put it into my sleeve and out of there emerges a kiddy it wasn't easy to eat in though so I would not want to wear it again I like a lot of hand held food and I feel like this dress would be dangerous for those kinds of foods so I'm gonna rule it out so for day five I went back in for round two with the skirt this outfit consists of a mother of dragons sweater this more straight cut skirt and these white high-top sneakers and I call it the Khaleesi kilt so in day four I tried the dress and by day five I decided I'm more of a skirt guy I like the kilt vibe it's very comfortable I like that it kind of is like a pseudo gym shorts and you can also pair it with a different top which you can't do with a dress or a little behold into the dress I'm gonna be honest this skirt outfit suits you show me your love pockets or our pockets think you didn't know I just found them actually now it really checks every box I chose the sneakers because they're a little big for Sofia so they fit me pretty darn perfectly I really think these sneakers are pulling this look together for you I did too like I think the Birkenstocks kind of threw off the last outfit yeah there's that you casual he's not gonna dress it up a little bit overall I like to style this outfit better but there were some practicality things that came up so when I sit down with a skirt on do I want to be sitting on a skirt or all my legs to be sitting on the chair I would prefer to be sitting on the skirt yeah okay I still got a practice sitting down then every once awhile just scoots back up and then I'm sitting boxer to bare butt on chairs and I also had a question about toilets don't leave this here at all I'd prefer you take it off entirely that's the point I think that this outfit does have me wondering like if I introduced one of my hoodies my own pair of sneakers you break it through with my skirt why be confined by jeans why be confined by gym shorts I just have so much creative motion as long as it doesn't blow up we're still good so for the first couple of days I went more for like Sofia style or at least like a hybrid of Sofia my style over the last couple of days I wanted to explore the closet just a little bit so for day six I went for Sophia's 1977 polyester girl outfit I call this outfit boogie tea so this has got a lot of parts it's got a button-down shirt brown polyester pants a suede Brown jacket and orange Ascot which is a word I learned recently this brown belt and these loafers a little heel I thought you'd be like a grown-up Brady Bunch boy so in the original 1977 video when we talked about this outfit we had mentioned that it was unisex so I figured let's put that to the test this shirt makes me want to wear matching 70s blouses the jacket was a little bit tight in the back I was afraid of a little bit of a Bruce Banner situation I could rip it so I'm trying to be careful I'm not gonna Hulk through this thing but the pants I'll be a little tight had a nice cupping effect to them Oh yep that's a nice view oh yeah foxy Papa oh it Sofia it gave her kinda like an investigator Charlie's Angels vibe and on me it kind of like was kind like a swanky dude going out you want to go listen to my Allman Brothers CD record LP vinyl its final I'm not sure how much of it was the outfit or my mustache but they complimented each other we knew it was gonna be relevant at some point it was gonna come in handy it was like Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid one thing about this Offutt is it got like probably the most vocal feedback of all the outfits so far cuz I think most of the other outfits it's just kind of like a skirt do you do you yeah exactly and this is like what are you going to a party somebody also mentioned that it looks like Fred from scooby-doo mm-hmm all right gang split up I think it's the Ascot I'm enjoying wearing this when I saw Sophia wearing it a new one to try myself and I'm getting to walk a mile in this actual suede jacket suit thank you hey so for day seven I went for Sophia's ugliest outfit in the world this outfit includes the ASOS band ruffle t-shirt the clear plastic pants the teba uggs and the $700 slender man jacket I also can't fix my hair because I got like the sleeves you can't adjust your pants and you can adjust your shirt you can't do anything can't scratch my behind if I need to know so I filmed Sofia in all of these outfits and we've had a lot of fun with them and I wanted to take them out for a spin I would say that there's an underwater vibe to this outfit because it feels like I have tentacles and it looks like I'm wearing like a scuba suit on the bottom the clear plastic pants were surprisingly humid and they smooshed down my leg hair so they weren't that comfortable it's not it's not looking good kind of matting it down we've done some cleaning on them so they're not quite as foggy as they were like a month ago but they still make a ton of noise and then the jacket jackets marvelous I was very envious watching Sofia with this jacket and I was very happy to put it on I think for me I'm like a little fidgety so this is like a built-in like fidget spinner this is stating the obvious but we did not return it we thought it might come in handy also they did see our video so probably weren't gonna pull off returning it I like this sort of like um long noodle effect yeah I got like linguine right here I got like ravioli all together it's complete nonsense but individually they're all fun and they all have their own charm in their own way it's funny because you're kind of wearing pants on your arms but no pants on your legs is the inverse outfit so even though it wasn't my own style I kind of was like I am wearing the ugliest outfit let's embrace it I'm not ready to come off [Applause] this way actually they are a little wet though so that was my week dressing out a Sophia's closet it was a fun experiment a lot of new outfits new types of clothing that I'm worn so I never worn a dress for a skirt before this week and I will say it was very breezy hmm but it did live up to my expectations in terms of comfort I think that the second attendant the skirt was in addition to never having worn a dress or a skirt before I never worn yoga pants which is a big first for me as well mmm I would say like yoga pants may be a little underwhelming not necessarily the comfort department but in the visual comfort department because it allowed her a lot of visibility in the nether regions they cling which is dangerous I did think it was really fun to have like an all of a sudden new closet though whose a lot of new clothes for me to experiment with and I really did get to explore I have somewhat of limited closet myself and so all of a sudden I had so many options especially in the ugly clothes department yeah I have a lot of those you have a lot so Sofia dress out of my closet this week and now that she's more acquainted with my wardrobe I think she knows a little bit better what I might need yes so we're gonna open a room on next beat a little shop along if you will a mini makeover for me or Sofia buys me some outfits yes I'm gonna buy outfits for him the link will be in the description below yes smash it also even if this videos been up for a while you can still click on that next beat link and see our vlog and see what I got for Tyler and how it ended up a really little bonus vlog to this video thank you so much for watching if you like this video make sure you smash smash or gently tap the like button and you want more videos like this make sure you smash or gently tap that subscribe button thank you guys again for watching hope to see you on next beat and we'll see you guys next time smash it it's not about to smash holy magic okay there's another we can do we've lost her to this match tragic
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 3,640,722
Rating: 4.9702835 out of 5
Keywords: i swapped clothes with my girlfriend for a week, girlfriend clothing swap, clothing swap, couples clothing swap, outfits, style, fashion, boyfriend, girlfriend, couple, safiya and tyler, safiya nygaard, tyler williams, clothes, dresses, skirts
Id: o4IhT1lDInc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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