Feather Eyebrows and Unicorn Frappes

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all right so it looks like 277 people hate mark it's a lot everyone else likes mark hello and welcome to another vlog on Tyler's Channel I was gonna say episode of Ti why but it's not an episode of Ti why it's just a vlog it's a daily vlog just to remind them huh I think a rolling theme of this channel is me reminding everyone that I used to try to make TI y episodes and now I don't we actually have a pretty jam-packed day it's gonna be a lot of fun we were filming with Candice today so she's gonna be coming over I'm gonna go grab some stuff for the shoot I'm really excited for this one so we're gonna be you guys along let's go sippy how you feeling today I shower I got a feed crust see real quick before I go though [Music] [Music] alright hey guys there's a quick little unboxing I got you some Dunkin Donuts gel they didn't have the gel that I thought that they should so here's some more gel I might use this one actually - that's there you go I was gonna try to get one of those unicorn things to try out all right you guys still doing that but unicorn 17 it's the last day you can do it by the way hi Candace everyone say hi to Candace good I mean you can't go wrong with just heavy whipping there's a lot of cream in there [Music] do you like them yeah actually they're kind of cool they look like the scales of like a dragon I look like an angry old man those look more like feathers yeah they do have sort of like a Eugene Levy vibe to it yeah I got big eyebrows too maybe at the end of day we'll see if I can't try it myself okay here are the brows in the light of day yeah they're getting some natural light on them they're shimmering more how they hold up he's either falling down I think that you know it's a good thing we brought the gel with us we are right now at Universal CityWalk with you we're gonna go interview some more people about this Tran find out is it a trend or not we're gonna try and find you a unicorn fraps needs to keep trying it's the last day you can do it so I can't not know that you gotta get one now this video has now turned into the Midwest for the unica market breakup we just spent a while trying to find a parking spot and we found one right next to this hearse and I think it's available because no one wants to park next the hearse because I don't know if there's a body in there or not but if your last rites thing was like go to Harry Potter world or like go down the flume ride at Jurassic that's pretty cool it did leave as a parking spot though so okay we go into the university like if anyone is looking for their casket it is on the jurassic park ride somebody is weekend at bernie's King at Universal right now they're walking around with an uncle and they're like can I get to the front of the line let's go see let's post up somewhere and see what people have to say universe is so magical if you live in the Los Angeles area and you ever see us walking around the vlogging camera in Candace at Universal feel free to come up and we're gonna ask you about an obscure trend okay so we got one yes to begin I think yeah two yeses I'm kind of a like before you were doing something fun and then we got to nose one mate and then three no yeah a lot of mixed answers here you're flaking a little bit on your eyes I think that's why the last boys didn't like that like you're getting a little dandruff yeah just stop where are we going to after this we are gonna go we're gonna go to Daiso and go shopping for Japanese dollars little teaser for the video coming out we're gonna definitely need some caffeine and we know we'll get our caffeine we have to go get some unicorn caffeine what I can't decide is it gonna actually give me energy or is it just gonna give me a giant sugar crash all right okay this has got to go wait literally cabbie so we are in the car yes we're heading to the Santa Anita mall yep um should be a good time there's a lot of good desserts slash like other foods that I could be interested in eating right now but you only want the unicorn crap I want that in addition other picture you're not hungry enough I am hungry quite hungry I'm like very very very hungry I think what it was it was well as things were because we mentioned being near a mall we got hungry hello malls we are out in Santa Anita it's Arcadia you're going to a mall they have a really good Daiso out here we need to do some snacking so their car our first stop is gonna be Starbucks let's see if we can find that Unicorn let's see okay and we also need to go to DBT a fancy PK do you wanna wear those for a week without um Heelys for heat I'm very bad at pretty much every type of Bali very true one time and I eat oh my god eat I'm sure I wouldn't take Tigers particularly great at roller skating or blazing so much better than me I was holding the hand like the side rail it's not soft strong suit she has long Scandinavian legs right that that is want us to be as for weaknesses we're coming up on a Starbucks here hopefully they have the Unicorn thing I see no you guys so make that that like a boring thing no she didn't know where make it anymore comes off is calling Starbucks is to try to track it down any luck 0 for 2 that's the second one I can you call to they don't have it and I think it's amazing is I haven't heard a single positive review about this thing no I don't think anyone really okay thank you Wow I think we're I think it's done for I've missed the mean give me okay are you gonna be sad no but sorry viewers I could not deliver brain freeze they just chug your coffee okay so we're heading into dye so now I've been inside of dye so before remember you've got anything there yet so I'm very excited I've never got anything there either I love dollar stores 100 yen store I think translates to about a dollar fifty this is a crash course in currencies I heard you're not ready to give yeah so yeah I don't we just finished up a dye so although we did not come away with a uniform Frappuccino and it sounds like the unicorn for a Pertino is going for good we got a good haul I think we got the shots we needed I Krusty we're back how you doing I'll walk towards the tripod when I set this up real quick for you bud yeah trusted okay guys I'm laying on the ground now it's been a long day we still gotta film this this this dollar store video but if you like this video and you're still watching why don't you gently tap that like button we're not we're not smashing when this channel you can smash it if you want smash or gently tap the like button if you aren't soft says smash it you can say smash the crusty you're the tiebreaker smash or gently tap I think crusty is a more of a gently tap but anyway whatever you decide go for it otherwise if you haven't subscribed to this channel yet hit that subscribe button below if you're already subscribed hit the little bell icon below so you get a notification every time I post here is my next beat we do a lot of q and a's and daily vlogging there's also a live chat so we can talk to you guys get to know you guys better it's a lot of fun for us so hope to see you there otherwise we will see you guys next time cus you want to sign off Seacrest you just Boop to the camera that's a little bit of a gently tap
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 943,731
Rating: 4.9530039 out of 5
Keywords: Tyler Williams, Safiya Nygaard, Tyler and Safiya, Ty and Saf, Tyler and Saf, Ty and Safiya, Unicorn Frappe, frappuccino, Daiso, Dollar Store, Candace Lowry, Safiya and Candace, Feathered Eyebrows, Feather Eyebrows, Feather, Eyebrows, Starbucks, Daily Vlog, Vlog, Behind the Scenes, Crusty, BTS
Id: BRbpjsliQwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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