We Made A Ketchup And Mustard Cake

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[Music] hello and welcome to another video today is a day that brings me both excitement and terror we're gonna be following another Facebook food video and this time it's a doozy you thought transparent chips were bad well they were they were sort of bad but this could be much much worse we're going to be making a ketchup and mustard cake yes the condiments these deviants at shared food have made what seems to be a sweet cake with white sugar and cinnamon and ketchup inside and to top it off they frosted it with mustard though it looks slightly heinous it's been shared a lot on Facebook and despite all these views we don't really know what it tastes like because as usual they show a fork going into the cake but not going into a mouth so today we're gonna be making and eating one I personally like ketchup and mustard I put it on hot dogs and hamburgers but they're basically the last two words I want to hear in front of the word cake so I feel like it's gonna taste bad but maybe or hopefully I'm wrong all right let's get to bacon okay so our first step is that we're gonna mix brown sugar with softened butter that's a lot of brown sugar when I was looking at this recipe it is like very very sugary so they're like trying to do everything they can to like offset the ketchup I guess we'll see if this works so already we are at the ketchup stage so we're gonna measure out 1/2 cup of ketchup pour it into our brown sugar and butter mixture and start to just mix it in together oh oh that's not oh sorry that was visceral is an involuntary gag from you Soph it was more of like a punch in the gut what's like I'm gonna try to spoolie this out a little bit just cuz we don't wanna leave any of us behind yeah no you don't want any less ketchup in there than you should have why not for good measure just have a couple of old-fashioned ketchup sports into there so not a lot you've got a lot enough in okay that's that's so much okay so here we go let's mix it up oh yeah oh that is so disgusting that looks like like McDonald's after you eaten it so to add to our wonderfully wafting little mixture in here we're gonna be adding two eggs one at a time and mixing those in oh that's so gross like it looks like the thing that Shane made when he came over here we just mix all the fast food together like that's what it looks like and that's what it smelled like isn't it ketchup Oh God everyone swaps up and it's just it's gnarly so up next we're gonna be adding our dry ingredients which includes 2 cups of flour 2 teaspoons of baking powder 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 1/2 a teaspoon of ginger and 1/2 a teaspoon of nutmeg all right so now I'm gonna blend this all up with the hand mixer it does have a wok ding of carrot cake to it I feel like they're just trying to hide the flavor of the ketchup now finally we're gonna add a few drops of red food coloring to get that ketchup color that nobody wants for their cake I don't know I feel like it's just still not red enough so I'm gonna do a little bit more if we can't get it really a little bit darker how much have you put in Oh like 2012 at least ah there we go okay well Sofia is now invaded my cooking shoot - now just drop even more food coloring and pretend I'm not here look at that it looks like those memes of like what chicken nuggets are before they get breaded yes those look like pink like tube so up next we're gonna put it into our cake pans put it into the oven preheated at 350 degrees and start cooking our ketchup cake I can kind of smell like the ketchup cake wafting through the kitchen and it's uh it smells pretty good all my cakes dreams are coming true alright so after preparing that ketchup cake I actually feel pretty good about it I think it's gonna taste okay and I do think it could be like a carrot cake but this mustard frosting is very concerning from what I've seen it's pretty darn mustard heavy so I don't think there's gonna be very much escaping or hiding the flavour of the mustard okay so to make our frosting we're to start with 2 cups of butter which is like an entire box of this stuff so they're going big to start so next we're gonna be adding a cup and a half of mustard right now to our butter concoction are you sure if we have enough mustard in here for a cup and a half so upsetting we are starting in to that point where the mustard here is kicked this might sound like a crazy decision but we do have backup mustard it's not the same brand but there's more of it oh my god that's a lot of mustard why and with our mustard now in our measuring cup it's time to add it to the butter in the mixing bowl not a sentence you want to say usually and that is going on to the cake which does smell good but I don't know if we can recover from this so now that our mustard butter mixture is looking pretty fluffy ready for four cups of powdered sugar which is supposed to I guess like mask a little bit that mustard spicy nism it started taking a little bit more of a frosty vibe to it it's almost like crystallizing a little bit there's so much sugar in it but the scent is undeniably there still so that's got me a little bit worried so our alarm just went off so our cake is ready let's take a look and all this thing smells good smells good it's kind of savory smelling it smells kind of like a pumpkin pie okay so it is that time for us to actually now frost our ketchup cake with this mustard frosting I am actually very excited about the ketchup cake and I am not excited at all about the mustard frosting that does look like the inside of like a devil's egg okay I think that's enough for the frosting on our first layer let's go in with the second layer is very fragile just a clump of like ketchup it's the ketchup right there it's going with some more of this mustard it's not nailing the Facebook aesthetics but it's gonna get the idea across so it's about that time for us to taste this ketchup mustard cake and for this taste test I'm gonna bring in Sofia what what are you making you know what I'm making and unfortunately the bell has tolled for me and V it looks like a condom into graveyard over here it also smells like a deli given that it's a ketchup mustard cake the question I have for you is are you more of a ketchup person or more of a mustard person I am a hundred percent more of a mustard person but in this context I'm not sure that's gonna see me through the end of this day listen mustard is here for people just like you mustard was not meant for this mustard never asked to be part of this narrative it kind of looks honestly like if you look at it from a bird's eye view one like pac-man and checks it looks just like pac-man yeah and to almost like a circular corndog like a meat pie okay ready I'm gonna cut off I think I've got ketchup and mustard here I think I'm all set I a sizable piece oh you've got a big piece right Cheers you ready to taste this no all right let's do this Cheers [Music] that's not that bad the ketchup cake is very good it's very moist you can't taste pretty much any ketchup flavor no yeah it's mostly like the cinnamon that's coming through maybe it's a little Tangier the mustard acts like a little bit of like a kick you know it's like a little bit of vinegar and like a pasta salad okay it almost tastes like wasabi cake to me interesting wasabi is a mustard seed so it is yeah I need more mustard to really like make my decision the mustard is shocking to me okay I'm doing the second cheers ready and oh it's very sweet we've got sweet spicy it's very interesting it's really growing on me it has a very interesting effect because it doesn't like taste bad it does taste like mustard which is like very odd if I could like not smell the mustard I think I would objectively like this cake that's awesome get out of here let me try that's like an orange cake if you don't smell it it just got like a little acidity to it you know that's good it's like an orange cake I I was wrong damn this is pretty good I thought of see one of those things where like where the idea of it was gonna kind of dominate the taste of it but it kind of overcomes that barrier we do have one more test that we wanted to put it through given that it is a ketchup and mustard cake we said what else does ketchup and mustard go great on hotdogs it's like a desert hotdog like a birthday hotdog try and make it like an even topping like as if it's onions now this is quality content it looks like a deranged chili dog yeah that's a it looks like a tofu chili dog it does alright ready yeah yeah I'll get invited at the same time that's good that is straight-up good I would put a birthday candle in that and accept that on my birthday I've just had a genius idea here we go hot dog buns made out of ketchup cake no no one can I finish the idea no it's like a corndog right you make the outside of it actually it sort of ate it and you stick the stick in there yeah it's like a corndog yes corndog you're doing it we're going into business food truck it's a food truck all in all I think our ketchup and mustard cake experience was very positive primarily the ketchup cake I think the mustard frosting is a little bit more out there but if honestly you like made of frosting with like a little bit of mustard and like a lot of yellow food coloring you could get like the visual effect without having to have like the true tang of the mustard so when we upload this video we're going to also open a room with next beat and we're gonna be taking on a different condiment recipe chocolate mayonnaise cake and we're gonna be baking that and tasting that in the room linked below so if this video just went up make sure to click that link down below and even if this video didn't just go up you can still watch that room watch us baking that it's like a bonus vlog so jump over there and check it out yes it doesn't go away no it's there forever yeah thank you so much for watching if you like that video make sure you smash or gently tap that like button if you want more videos like this make sure you smash or gently tap the subscribe button and if you already smash or gently tap that subscribe button you can also hit that Bell icon so you get notified every time that we pose thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 1,382,873
Rating: 4.9701385 out of 5
Keywords: we made a ketchup and mustard cake, ketchup cake, ketchup, ketchup and mustard, ketchup and mustard cake, food, food vlog, weird food, food videos, facebook food videos, facebook, facebook food, mustard, mustard cake, tyler cake, tyler food, tyler williams, tyler, safiya and tyler, safiya, safiya boyfriend, boyfriend, girlfriend, couple, safiya nygaard, tyler girlfriend
Id: MLxGllP0x8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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