We Tried Instagram Cheese Tea

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[Music] hello and welcome to another video today we're going to be venturing out into the world to find another Internet goody cheese teeth every time that I tell anybody about cheese tea they have the exact same reaction of like what is that and if it's anything like its name like why would you want that and I have a similar reaction it sounds crazy so from the looks of it cheese T is a boba drink with a whipped cheese topping that sits like a thick foam on top so apparently it's a popular trend in East Asia and now it's here in LA Sofia has been doing the research she's found this thing she wants us to go try it this is what I found on cheese teeth cheese tea has officially hit Los Angeles and we're here for it it sounds so wrong but it feels so right Downtown LA's next Instagram trend actually combines cheese and tea will we all soon be drinking cheese tea I'm hoping they have Swiss or if Swiss fails then perhaps um Colby jack to be half like the normal cheese flavors in there I don't think so good 5 you ready what's that out look I found some old iced coffee from yesterday that's been sit in the car for a couple days ellaby that's just yesterday stop no that was yesterday it was yesterday okay so we're nearing downtown what are your expectations for this cheese tea South listen it would be interesting if it was like a sprinkling of parmesan like if it was almost like a Taiwanese Italian fusion I don't think that's what this no I think that basically it's gonna be like a boba tea iced I think ice okay I got you and then on top is some cream cheese usually I like like the topping is my favorite topping is pudding by far pretties amazing so I feel like this could be similar to that if it's bubble tea and it's just like pudding then like why not just call it pudding so it's got to be a little different than pudding well it's to get the clicks man can get the clicks I forget the youtubers just get breakfast and drive down town to get it so this place is just like next to the black ice cream place right pretty much they're all in the same block they're like the weird from Instagram we're all right next to each other well I have my doubts about the black ice cream it ended up being great so maybe this will be really good too but let's not put the cart before the horse I haven't seen a horse in a while like in general yeah okay so this is the block that it's on I think it's uh oh I think it's right there oh oh oh it says say cheese tea wait it looks small in there tiny yeah is it someone's birthday they've got balloons is it birthday every day when you do get cheese oh my god you're so cool realizing day yeah like neon signs they all have neon signs I want a neon sign Tyler why did you say cheese t no I mean maybe so once we got downtown I was very hungry we haven't eaten anything I said jokingly that we skipped breakfast to do this but we have not eaten anything first thing in our stomach today is I guess either cheese or key Tyler almost joined in on a piece of pizza with some pigeons aspirations what if I had like a fork like Joey you guys came here for cheese see you're getting pigeons baby so when we walked up to little fluffy head calf a great name I was struck by how small it was it was small yeah I was like oh this like a hole in the wall it did have someone like the Instagram place accoutrement yeah some neon signs there stick they got the press Amol walls they're like cheese tea have you heard of it.where cheese tea so we were recommended for different teas first was a jasmine tea with their traditional whipped cheese topping the second one we got was called the dirty mess which is like a black milk tea with boba at the bottom and a creme brulee topping with some Oreo crumbles at the top and the third one that we got was a Chegg Chetty which was a matcha tea with a cheddar cheese topping and then the last one is the camouflage which is a matcha tea with like creme brulee swiped around on the side this is our interlude as this getting ready this is a class this is a camouflage this is a chin and this is classic yeah to the classic so I took the lead on the jasmine tea kind of like beer nothing here it kind of tastes like like a cheesecake it's got thick layer cheese like she's gonna live yep I didn't do it right so I took off the cap because I really wanted to see the cheese we were immediately corrected to use like the actual lid they'd given us yeah there's something about the lid that has like almost like a splice in the middle that makes sure you get some cheese and some tea leaves kind of interesting to have the jasmine tea and like that savory cheese flavor it's kinda like cheesecake but refreshing it kind of reminded me of like a lavender ice cream or an Earl Grey ice cream where it's like a little bit like you're eating a scent I think that it was definitely more up my alley of desserts definitely up your alley it's like a really good tasting bath product there you go yeah cause it's even like you have the suds in your mouth a little bit yeah so the second one we tasted was the dirty mess and that one we had like the lid on and then also the straw like in the back to get up the boba ready with the dirty mess I think that the creme brulee was wonderful it's kind of like pudding in its own way Custer you know it was kind of hard to drink with the straw in because you could like pierce yourself in the face well the only problem I have the straw that you then miss the custard then you go straight down to the boba so there is some like challenges with using that different application to drink it that's awesome it was definitely my style yeah because they had like the cookies in it and it had the custard in it and it was a soft said very sweet it was kind of like a milkshake with boba at the bottom yep which is what you want sign me up for that yeah so up next was the cheddar which was everything we could have expected from cheese tea but it was not what we hoped for when I first tasted it I was really confused because my brain was trying to like put together the visual image of like what it looked like and then the two different flavors in my mouth you can even taste like little pieces of cheddar in it when you drink it but it looks pretty normal it looks like a lot like the other cream cheese topping the cashier when we got this one was sort of giving us the eyes so what don't get this do you really want this that does this NC do you drink you one of the other ones for safety I think that the cheddar cheese topping was like a pretty bold like cream cheese flavor yeah but it was good on its own and the matcha tea was like a pretty normal matcha tea with like some milk in it but together it was just odd we tried to actually take the cheddar cheese topping and put it on a bagel now it's too sweet really let me try it which is interesting because it tasted so cheesy on the tea yeah and on the bagel it wasn't cheesy enough so it's just it's an odd thing I think the cheddar is more for the sensationalist rather than someone who actually wants to taste a good tea so the last one we tried was the camouflage I'll admit that the camouflage is better like using creme brulee was the right choice but I also realized that I didn't like matcha I don't have a macho Vendetta so I'll try it oh that's pretty good the camouflage is kind of like for someone who likes matcha but also wants to Instagram it's made for the aesthetics so overall the cheese tea was pretty good the creme brulee was amazing and the cheddar cheese topping was thumbs down it was it was not it was not awesome but I'm happy we tried it it stopped what do you think did you think that it lives up the internet hype I think that it was less weird than the Internet yeah I feel like online it was like cheese it reads weird yeah it sounds very bizarre look like cheese just has such a broad definition cream cheese all the way to cottage cheese all the way back to cheddar cheese is just like cheesecake cheesecake so like it's a kind like where do you fall in the cheese spectrum it's more like cheesecake but that doesn't freak people out on the Internet exactly so as usual as soon as we post this video we're gonna open a room on next beat I'm gonna be doing a shop along or going around trying stuff out buying stuff you guys want to come along and shop with us just click that link down the description to next beat and check it out yes and even if this video didn't just go up the next week room will still exist it doesn't go away you can click down there and see what we bought what happened if you like sometimes we try and like tailor the next beat rooms to be like like the videos they come from but no we're just gonna hang out in shop so yeah so just come click that link and see what we're up to thank you so much for watching if you like that video make sure you smash or gently tap that like button god you always pull that off you you want more videos like this smash 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Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 1,948,978
Rating: 4.9700665 out of 5
Keywords: we tried instagram cheese tea, cheese tea, bubble tea, boba tea, cheese, cream cheese, jasmine tea, matcha tea, safiya and tyler, instagram food, safiya, tyler, tyler williams food, food vlog, tyler williams, couple, boyfriend, girlfriend, instagram tea
Id: nXX9tRCsVlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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