Amy Santiago Nerd Moments | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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I already got my paperwork in captain then I guess those little reminders of you Wow looks like he hates you even more than me oh it doesn't we have a good relationship we're on the same page something to share with the rest of us Santiago no sir I wasn't pirata was the one that was talking God you must sum the worst fourth grader ever joke's on you I skipped fourth grade Santiago anything else no I am psyched to go on this week-long cruise just sitting around doing nothing straight up living that slug life y'all cruise itineraries hot off the laminator who's ready for some non-stop totally scheduled fun oh I actually thought we could just sit by the pool you'd unlimited shrimp and see what it does to our bodies that's cute I don't know if there's gonna be time though the cruise offers 77 activities and I signed us up for 76 of them hey guys Department has a new green initiative we have to reduce energy usage by 15% that means no more laminating Santiago oh that's fine not the thing that gives me the most pleasure in life interacting with other people that's what gets me going this field trip has to go well this is my chance to impress the principal Sarge you're in luck I went to a magnet school where I was voted most likely to befriend a school administrator oh I love paperwork but this is crazy there isn't even time to savor it Charles you're going too fast I don't have a choice we can't let this place fill it with perps yeah but you're gonna cramp you kiddin baby I've been cramming for the past 20 minutes so attracted you I know how to solve this we just have to find out which football player had third period with Brandon bliss we need his class schedule yeah but where are we gonna find that in the coolest room in the school [Music] you could just pick the lock Kyle I'm sorry I'm just so amped up about admin 300 call number in the fine art section with this Beirut you know you don't work here you don't have to be shove the books well someone has to I'm so sorry I'm just really stressed out you're a great librarian and I'm sure you're not the one who shelved this section I am God Debbie what is going on with you Papa's a gentleman he won't propose until he gets Gina's blessing and she won't give it to him who says Papa are you little French boy oh ho ho I think maybe I can help I took a seminar on conflict resolution and I have been waiting weeks to bust this bad boy out hmm new binder smell mm-hmm Amy don't do this i'ma throw a milkshake in your face hi detective Santiago magnet school alumna well I appreciate that you use the proper declension of alumnus well some say Latin is a dead language but I say it's just taking a long nap okay we have got to explain this thing to captain Holt to save their relationship and you laughed at me when I went to that weekend loan math conference because you called it funky cats and they're feisty steps that was the name it was so cool it was not anyway it's not about the math they haven't seen each other because of the night shift I just need a bone what gross Rosa those are our dads I mean that's not what I think captain dad is just my boss Wow never mind I'm teaching father the math whatever Rosa oh that's a nice lamb job this one goes on the blog hmm hey Sarge what up bro what up bro you're laminating in here aren't you I'm sorry I just loved it so much that concludes our briefing now on a personal note I have some thoughts about Beyonce's lemonade I'd like to share oh my god sir as much as I want to hear those thoughts and it is so so much I think we should probably let Amy speak Oh Santiago the floor is yours thank you okay here's everyone's itineraries for Thanksgiving at my place I know a lot of your families are out of town and you just want to relax but I think we'll all enjoy ourselves more if we rigidly stick to the schedule whoa did you assign us individual bathroom break times keep asking questions about it Sarge and your slaughters after Scully's hi Santiago down your toilet there's no way you're using a keyboard with your hands like that oh I could help you not to brag but at typing camp everyone called me the finger queen oh my god that sounds really dirty I swear that's not what it meant hey Santiago you know why you didn't get into Sam Sam probably because I used a modern format on my cover letter that put my email above my home address why take such a risk the two hunks have arrived so glad to have your dad to be here how was your flight oh good yeah I did The Times crossword oh great puzzle today right oh my god 17 down I know what about 16 across what about 34 across Oh what about 45 down what about 20 across also did it yeah astronomy is full of interesting facts for instance here's one that Hollywood doesn't want you to know a parsec is actually a measure of distance one of the many inaccuracies in the star wars universe mm-hmm and was Star Wars oh boy maybe I'm getting ahead of myself okay let's talk planets Jupiter is a gas giant so such qog how does this help me it also has 67 moons I came up with a fun mnemonic device to remember them all it goes every individual gets crayons after telling his aggressive little Goo's painter called earnest some lies about tiny panda heads period maybe one kid could take her elephant into California except where's Gina she told me you call me a gas giant well now you and I will never hook up you want to see me captain yes the DEA wanted me to personally thank you for your work on the Jay Street drug bust that's why we do this sir for praise hey can I take a couple photos of your desk I want to submit them to organizers quarterly work there's a magazine about organizing yeah I want to be featured as organizer of the month just imagine me on the cover with tons of scarves lying around and holding them up like this is too many scarves we got to do something okay oh now can you open the drawers if you want to get featured you gotta show him it's under the skirt know what I mean I'm gonna dominate that class you don't cross stitch for 20 years without developing a steady hand wow you really think that's a brag don't you 20 bucks says I do better in that class than you do it's the redhead all right you're on I'll have you know that the redhead is a glowing compliment in the sewing community if you wanted to insult me should have called me a stitch skipper kristef skipper no I handed it to you all right Ames let's go over your cover story again okay my name is Isabel Cortez I'm in for murder because some perv on the subway tried to touch me and I was like did someone order a tracheotomy okay I think that's a little too technical we need to work on your tough talk okay first the good news I generated a detailed timeline broken down to 30-second increments to keep us on track the bad news we're already 16.5 increments behind schedule yeah Terry feels overwhelmed good use it Neil Armstrong was overwhelmed when he walked on the moon but you know what he did he walked on the moon okay this is the Junior police program aka Mission Possible your mission should you choose to accept it is to get your life back on track my bathroom break during a test took a little longer than anticipated may I use the restroom please nothing else easy excuse me little disk that's why they say it's test time so diaper up they say that I've never said that I've never worn a diaper during a test you would wear a diaper during it does that's ridiculous Santiago sorry how do you want me to proceed figure it out Santiago it's your case yes I will do that thank you are you bowing no this is how I walk okay it's got something oh that's not Brandon's profile it's mine I just want a quick peek at your attendance record zero absences oh mama printing this for later all right keep it in your pants Santiago oh that's exactly where it's going it's not the turnout I was hoping for maybe I should have offered free strudel then at least Scully would have come there's free strudel what a hell did you come from I don't get it I am shocked that more people wouldn't want the tutelage of our precincts nay our city's most esteemed sergeant what do you want Santiago to learn the majestic art of self-defense from our cities may our country come along man out with it now all we need is the death certificate officially notarized you want me to break the sacred oath I took to become a notary it's not a problem cuz I'm a badass just like Rosa so I am going to stamp this and violate my oath you keep talking but we're done here Holt hasn't seen Kevin in like months and I was just thinking if that was me and you it would make me really sad oh that's actually super sweet plus there's this big fat binder full of instructions and words there's a binder why didn't you lead with that you idiot how about I just leave you two alone [Music]
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 3,753,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Andy Samberg, Brooklyn 9 9, cops, sit-com, comedy, funny, Peralta, Santiago, Rosa, Terry Crews, Melissa Fumero, Chelsea Peretti, Stephanie Beatriz, Andre Braugher, Captain Holt, Detective, New Girl, Rosa Diaz, Hot Damn, Amy Santiago, Star Wars, Jake and Amy, Peralta and Santiago, Amy Santiago Best Moments, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Compilation, Santiago and Holt, Amy Santiago Nerd, Keep it in your pants, NYPD, 6 drink Amy
Id: 7XoGwFNUwiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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