More UNDERRATED case solves by the 99 squad | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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hey there Captain everything okay no I'm having a meltdown props that was amazing thanks it was a lot of work this is Sergeant Knox from cyber operations he's discovered the reason for our network issues a hacker is attempting to break into our servers not all of them just the lack me server that's good no Captain Holtz and asil just twitched it's bad it's devastating props again thanks again the Lakme server holds clearance protected information including the names of our undercover agents if it's compromised people could lose their lives okay but isn't the server secure yes but the hackers already used an ARP to resolve the host name with a DNS server uh-huh ARP DNS to following what you're saying right now they're trying to get root access by connecting the OSI Network to the data link you know I'm a bit of a computer nerd myself but could you maybe dumb it down a bit for my friends here they're almost through our defenses I tried to remove the server from the chain but the hacker blocked the protocol why don't you just unplug it that's what I do anytime I'm having computer trouble it also I code a lot Java main frame this guy knows what I'm talking about the NYPD servers have internal backup batteries even if we unplug them they'll stay on for another 2 hours as a captain I have an override code I can use to wipe the service clean so there'd be no information for the hackers to steal the hacker inside the building let's mobilize nobody in or out of the building without authorization check every inch of every floor Jake we only have 15 minutes left you need to focus because time is running out oh yeah that's what the f I'm talking about thank you sir look for anyone you don't recognize using a computer or plugged into a port I initiated lockdown protocol I'll search the fourth floor Peralta Diaz startom one work your way up Jeffords take boil start on three work your way down we searched everywhere no hacker well maybe he camouflaged him your maybe he's a real life petar out there looking like a river rock I hate to say it but maybe it's time we start thinking about erasing the server no not until the last possible minute what else can you do I've been trying to pinpoint him I've been making my way through the server sockets trying to determine which Port he's plugged into what's going on I can't hear anything turn me around I'm missing everything part of the team what's up team is Sergeant Santiago suffering from fomal no what's happening I think the hacker just opened the holding s oh no they're running free everyone cover up your worst physical attributes it's no use they could always find new ones why would the hacker open the holding cell maybe he's trying to create a distraction I think you can see that I'm closing in on his location then keep doing that the rest of you get him back into holding come on get down from there finally got all the lambed news back into holding who in lambed news doesn't matter I'll read your notes later I didn't take any notes what the hell Jake do you even love me telling you I can't find him Captain maybe it's time to face reality we have to erase the servers I'll initiate the sequence for you just need your passcode perhaps you're right how depressing I never would have thought that typing an intricate sequence of numbers from memory would bring such sadness hi I'm Sergeant Santiago I'm sure these guys have told you all about me already long story short nothing happens around here without me what is that we just got an noos ping from the first floor the hacker is in room 103 it's empty and there's nothing plugged into the internet port KNX said he got a Nas ping I mean nases don't just ping themselves guys Jake stop you're not fooling anybody you don't know anything about computers oh my God you're right I'm not fooling anybody I always fooled Jakey you're my computer boy no no no no no I don't know anything about computers none of us do and Knox could tell that so he knew that we wouldn't catch on if he just made stuff up what if the reason we can't find The Hacker is because there is no hacker but why would Knox lie about that what if he doesn't actually care what's on the lacki servers maybe his real goal was to just trick halt into erasing all the servers he might just be trying to delete some evidence I know hell I know Knox he's the guy from the security footage in the Avery Street murder are you sure yes he shaved his beard but it's definitely him we have less than a minute call H Knox is right next to him he'll he hear everything here I'll text him how don't get it h was about to erase the servers if that's what Knox wanted why did he stop him and say the hacker was in room 103 I don't know maybe to get rid of us no to get rid of you the second you showed up in Holt's office he sent us away and the holding cell doors they opened when I walked in with Amy on my phone he must have known that she would recognize him send okay it's said delivered make wait Make Way for all to Santiago you'll be happy to know that I did not erase the server oh thank God but sad to know that Knox caught on and is now holding me at gunpoint why not lead with that nobody has to get hurt you just put your guns down and put your hands in the air Knox you're pointing a gun at an NYPD Captain have you really thought this through this is not my fault you were supposed to be at the dentist what how did you you called me he called me he said he had a tip for the officer in charge of the Avery murder I said I could meet any time except for this morning because of the dentist I had it all planned out guess you didn't count on my fo out yeah that's right it's crippling picking a weird time but I'm glad you're finally owning it here's what's going to happen the captain and I are going to walk out of here real [Music] slow he's down he's down we got him good news Sergeant I figured out what we're going to work on this weekend I'm working on spending time with my family we're having a fancy tea party I am the king of origami napkins oh that's nice I thought you were taking a weekend off no I decided to spend the weekend taking things to the next level workwise I found a cold case of ours that everyone foolishly said was unsolvable case 52 ABX 32 QJ Jake case 52 ABX 32 QJ is unsolvable or maybe case 52abx-dash-32qj AB x-32 QJ case 52 ABX we got to find a way to abbreviate this thing anyway it's an old case that the sergeant I worked about 8 years ago this guy Nate Dexter was murdered in a boat explosion no Witnesses no leads minimal evidence this case almost killed us yeah but I'm on a hot streak plus we're better detectives now we're smarter computers are faster no more Blockbuster drones I'm feeling it okay here's what we know Nate Dexter was a small time crook who pissed someone off off they blew up his boat with him still on it and left no evidence except this one charred finger and Nate's melted torso man I'm having Deja Vu right now whoever did it left no evidence except one charred finger and Nate's melted torso so in other words nothing's changed except our attitudes so we start at the last place the Dexter was seen before he went to the marina his apartment I'm telling you Sarge I got a good feeling about this oh no well it appears building was torn down I know this seems like bad news but on the plus side the harder the solve the sweeter the solve no it's just bad news you're bad news what what just saying you're bad news for bad guys cuz you're a number one cop blacker the berry the sweeter the juice what what solve the case all right convict what do you know about the murder of Nate Dexter look I'll tell you the same thing I told you eight years ago I anything about Nate Dexter and even if I did the best French toast I ever ate was with mayor lindley's dog he's very old he's lost his mind what about Frank Williams he's in the infirmary he was beat up pretty good A lot of internal bleeding awesome I mean not the internal bleeding thing that sounds horrifying but I bet you we can get him to talk if we offer to move him from his current address on Beatdown Boulevard that's a great idea you know anything about the murder of Nate Dexter Maybe what do I get if I do how about a transfer to another cell block one with fewer shivs okay I can't be sure but I think Dexter owed money to a guy named Sam bunson and that's a new lead first lead in eight years no sign of Sam bunson in the federal database you got anything bad news I only found his wife and she hasn't heard from him in 8 years that doesn't sound good yeah that's why I started by saying bad news Terry believes in having a clear topic sentence I bet Mrs bunson is lying she knows where her husband is I push pretty hard she says she's willing to take a lie detector test I'm Sophia bunson I haven't talked to my husband in 8 years this is Nate Dexter he was friends with my husband I didn't know he was dead you think my husband killed him but I guarantee that's impossible okay good but not good enough let's do it again Jake what's going on with you she passed the test like five times or maybe she's in cahoots with him hm are you too cahooting are you cahooting I rewatched the interrogation and get this Sophia wasn't lying about anything she doesn't know who killed Nate Dexter but she does know something way better come with me allow me to introduced to you our murder victim the not dead Nate Dexter what the hell is going on right Sophia wasn't lying I was just not asking the right questions she hadn't seen her husband in8 years but she was positive there's no way that he killed Dexter that's when it occurred to me no one killed him hey Nate just talking about how you're alive yeah I'm alive but whose melted torso did we find Sophia's husband yes Sophia and Dexter were having an affair husband found out Nate killed him now I'm telling my friend about how he killed that guy it was for love cool motive still murder also you remember that severed finger check this out hey Nate show us your hands please right cut it off himself how screwed up is that anyway I asked all my CIS if they had dealings with a nine-fingered man unsolvable case solved woo okay what do we got security cam shows male suspect 5'9 wearing a black ski mask he bypassed McConnell alarm by using the magnetic kill switch and he only stole diamonds nothing over two carats yeah exactly how'd you know I'm a detective that's what I do I'm just kidding I need a lot more information but that would have been a great exit line right crime text aren't done yet but I'm 100% sure it's women well let's see what kind of physical evidence they turn up and then we can talk a rest actually hilarious story so that is Dustin Whitman you already arrested him with insufficient evidence what evidence did you have when you arrested this guy some pretty Ironclad stuff Dustin it's been a while mind if I asked you a few questions well well well if it isn't joke corala that's it you're under arrest Case Closed if we don't find something conclusive it jeopardizes the case and opens the department up to a lawsuit so cancel your plans we're here until this is over damn ital let's take a look okay here's you at your trial you in prison me meeting reges filin that was fun you still in prison me at Splash Mountain just pepper these in here you in prison you in prison you in prison you get it you got the wrong guy all right not ready to confess fine by me I got all the time in the world no you actually have 48 hours I know the law nah I'm sorry you had to cancel dinner with your dad date I had a date hey if Jake says the guy did it that usually means the guy did it thank you everyone listen to Rosa no I'm still furious at you okay no one listen to Rosa she's clearly an accomplice to this crime we go take another crack At Whitman you've been in there like five times what are you going to do annoy him into talking haha two three [Applause] four didn't work are you the idiot that made a Friday night arrest I was in the Poconos with my wife you ruined my entire weekend get in line because that's their attitude get your own attitude he has an alibi Geniuses he was at torque it's a nightclub in Cape May New Jersey all night nice try think I'm going to waste 6 hours driving to the Jersey Shore and back on some fake Alibi it's up to you but in 10 hours he walks 5'9 or 510 black knit cap come on come on come on gotcha oh not him let's just arrest this guy who even cares anymore so I had my new best friend Luke take it when you canceled on him again don't know hasn't called me back which is what always happens because it's impossible to be a cop and date Amy look there is a guy out there with incredibly low standards and a super weird soul patch and he is waiting for you Amy my patch tingles for you we will wed on the aisle of New Jersey our first dance will be to Jesse's girl because my name is definitely Jesse so romantic hey guys hey yeah there's uh good news and there's bad news the bad news is my saw water taffy place was closed and the good news Whitman's Alibi checked out security footage from Torx shows he was there that's not good news that's bad news right you know we spent so much time together here I know everything about everyone Hitchcock went bald at 15 Scully used to date Hitchcock's wife Charles has a bike with a little basket on the front how else would you carry baguettes and Rosa has a shower in her apartment I think I got nothing on her good well I guess we did just spend 48 Hours locked in here together holy crap what locked in here together so we will be filing a wrongful arrest suit against the NYPD and when I win I'm going to buy Club torque put a statue of Jake Peralta right in the middle of the dance floor first off that's a terrible threat I would love to have a statue of myself in the middle of a dance club second do me a favor take a look at this picture and tell me what you see you and re just filling awesome right surprisingly down to earth guy and definitely not the picture I meant to show you but take a look at this that's right it's you and your old cellmate Marcus Cole and here he is again outside the jewelry store the two of you plann this together in prison you taught him your ammo he pulled off the robbery you got yourself an alibi and you split the loot oh man I can't believe he CAU us of course he did Peralta is the best a thanks R that's enough yeah I got to work on my reges anyway see you in jail Whitman somebody stole my laptop which contained the unpublished manuscript of book 13 of the sky fire cycle person left this note we have your book pay us $500,000 in the next 24 hours or we leak it online the first five chapters are now up they've been downloaded 85,000 times Well we should probably go online and read those chapters in case there's some clues in there and also maybe we'll find out quor is true parentage well that's already been revealed no it hasn't unless the prophecy of dorgon is indeed true but that would mean you seem pretty calm for somebody whose book was just stolen because I know who took it Landon Lawson he was on that panel he writes The shadowbringer Saga it's garbage so why would Lawson want to steal your manuscript we both have books coming out this fall and we have a rather public bet about who's is going to sell better I believe he's leaking my manuscript online just to hurt my sales you should arrest him well we're not going to do anything until we've seen all the evidence if this book fails that's the end of Skyfire let's go take this son of a down Mr Lawson NYPD let me guess you're here about the stolen manuscript so you admit you did it well that was easy what no someone stole my manuscript and I knew who it was DC parlov by zorton sword it's the exact same note parlo got I don't see why anybody would want to steal your book The Skyfire cycle makes the shadowbringer cycle look like the Beast Chronicles you Ser Ros of the beastworx say something okay I was the only one brave enough to tackle elf molestation guys calm down you're both victims now do you have any enemies in common let me think about that parlov is my enemy but he's also his own enemy because he's such a boring and repetitive writer he just keeps killing off characters resurrecting them and killing him off again because of the Crysis orb uh sorry police officer on a case but we will need you to both generate actual lists of people that might want to hurt you we have 24 hours to figure this out but if we don't are you willing to pay the ransom and do anything to get my book back I mean you understand you're a writer did you hear that Terry he called you a writer Terry did you hear you guys got a million dollars together on 24 hours notice yeah to liquidate my Bitcoins oh really I would have thought you'd be flushed with cash from the Skyfire TV series oh wait that that's right the CW passed how's the shadowbringer film coming along how he longs to playing both twins all right let's go over the plan okay there's a potted Tree on the east side of the lobby they said to leave the briefcase behind that if someone grabs it Rosa Peralta and I will converge he's going for the briefcase okay let's go don't make your move into to your close to him there's too many civilians wait why are there so many callars costume contest just ended that's why he waited until now to pick up the money I love cost him which one is it at least we got to stop that thief from releasing any more chapters all we're out is some money plus I've got insurance so I'm going to get it all back by the way detective Jeffs while we were waiting I had an opportunity to read your manuscript oh don't worry about that it's a work in progress there's a lot of changes I got oh know it was great truly fantastic I mean it was so fresh you know it had a a really unique point of view I sent it on my Publishers thank you for allowing me to read it and I want to thank you all for your hard hard work on this case appreciate it did you hear that I got to go call Sharon all righty well congratulations sge don't forget about us when you become a famous author Terry's writing sucks parlov is lying to him what why I don't know he's buttering him up because Lawson and parlov stole their own books why do you think these guys are in it together they hate each other they spent an hour arguing over the name of the dragon and The Hobbit SM smell SM smell SM it's smow by the way point Lawson but yes they're mortal enemies which is why they think we'll never suspect them of being in cahoots oh but they cahoot it Rosa they cahoot all over us gross I think that marov hated my book he only said he liked it so I wouldn't figure out he and lawon stole their own manuscripts he figured it out well I had a good feeling so I went digging I got a warrant for paro's browser history he searched how to liquidate Bitcoins 3 days before the laptops were stolen man I bet that browser history was a nightmare huh oh you have no idea anyway I questioned them and they confessed I can't go to prison okay I know I seem tough but I'm not I went to Bennington I'm sorry parlo I've didn't like your book and I didn't and also Rosa why did I add that oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God Serge you got to check this out Jake what are you doing we can't work real cases this is a b& oh it's so much more than that look at these photos her came in through the back window set up the living room to look like a kid's tea party didn't steal anything do you know what this means the victim still has their stuff the per wasn't there to take anything except lives sorry I always wanted to say that I think this is the work of the oong Slayer seems like a stretch if this is the Oolong Slayer why isn't there a body I don't know maybe he got spooked before the Vic got home or could be Jake you want a case so bad as you're making one up the Slayer hasn't struck in 5 years cheap gun set up a task force to find a guy and turned up nothing and most importantly the vulture's orders were only misdemeanor wieners why do you follow people's directions when you could literally pick them up and throw them out the window the Oolong Slayer is back I knew you'd confirm my hunch he's back to his cool ass psycho ways great news right aside from a serial killer being on the loose what's your plan I'm going to work the case in secret wrong we're going to work the cas in secret holy crap no one can know about this understood understood if I recall correctly the oong Slayer last struck 5 years ago he left behind no DNA or fingerprints but he did leave his calling card a teabag in his victim's mouth yeah how cool I mean awful is that very cool I mean awful what's our strategy one reexamine all of the task Force's files two check all b& against the Slayer Mo and three think of something super cool to say when we arrest him my leading Contender you're going to jail for oo long time di that's really good right let's not Overlook the fact that he turned his crime scenes into tea parties for dollies which suggests pre-adolescent trauma leading to a pattern of criminality that probably began as a juvenile Jake dope alley I know I think this is where Batman's parents got killed I'll take your word for it the juvie angle didn't pan out neither did the bnes but I traced the label on the Slayer oolong turns out he got it at Chang's medicinal tea shop good work baral we created diversion while Gina copies his customer files my thumb drive looks like a watermelon cuz I adore the summertime oh I love that let's do this uh hey punk that's my goo it's my Geno now old man I'm still young enough to beat that goo out of your hands hey knock it off back there this is so much fun hit me in the face that was a terrible suggestion oh all right pner pner not many people buy that tea and only one has been doing so since the killings first began and he has a record his name brexton O'Reilly he's a maniac arrested in 84 for torturing an animal oh this is our guy now man just a squirrel still counts that's get that psycho NYPD nobody move where's brexton O'Reilly where's that psycho Monster he's dead no no we can't be seane together Jina did you know about this tricking you was the only way I could get you to talk to him plus you know I heart inrig sir take a look at these photos none of the victim's head any alcohol in their Apartments not even a Dusty bottle you want to know why cuz they were all sober they all attended 12-step programs none of them the same one but they all have the same leader a creep with a record of torturing animals I'm talking dogs I found you long Slayer gotcha looking for me nope just taking my gun for a walk through the nightmares Factory nice try cop but you and I are going to have a little tea party am I invited drop the weapon okay Slayer prepare to go to jail for ooh long long time now say punk punk punk I said it this is Philip davidon what do we have on him clear motive clear means and a non-existent alibi but the da won't bring a charge because he says it's all circumstantial if we want to bring this guy down we have to get him to confess right here right now an interrogation with a ticking clock and everything on the line I better call Kevin and tell him I won't be attending the Opera there's someone else I'd rather hear saying oh Dam hello Kevin I won't be joining you ton the ticket's under my name H O L and I spent my whole time in the corner talking to this woman Dana oh so you said but when we ran all the credit card receipts nobody named Dana bought any drinks that night hey trust me Dana wasn't buying her own drinks you know now hold on I need to deal with this let's take a five or I could keep this interview going solo of course I'm sure that'll be um very helpful all right where should we start a rusi hey don't you think maybe we should just wait till your boss comes back oh you'd like that wouldn't you because you're scared you know I'm playing hard ball except for that the balls are questions and here they come what kind of car did Robert Drive also Dana from the bar what color was her hair and which night does the cleaning crew sterilize your office and have you ever been up to where the body was found and when you left your phone at the office was it plugged into your computer or an outlet and did you kill him and what did your C driver look like this seems like a huge waste of time but here you go Robert drove a sob Dana's hair was blonde and sterilized on Wednesdays and Saturdays I haven't been Veron in 20 years the phone was plugged into the wall no I didn't kill him and the cab driver had a beard in the earring I'm sorry I didn't get his license [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] number what were you thinking I thought it would work and I wanted to be the one that got him is this about your ego are you that desperate for everyone to know how great you are it's not about everyone okay it's just I wanted you to know oh my God I got it he's not answering any questions that's okay I have no questions that's right I'm about to monologue son better make it quick you only got 8 minutes all right then let me paint you a picture I'm philli a successful periodontist that's become addicted to daspan a stative I take because I'm junky scum also for real addiction is a disease I would be super empathetic if you hadn't murdered a man what is the point of this I'll get there so one day I'm working late when my boss Robert surprises me he found out I was stealing meds again junky scum also again not your fault there's a major genetic component to addiction he says he's going to file a police report I could lose my license we fight and something in me just snaps so I grab the first thing I can find and I hit him with it you still have no murder weapon I do now here's a pick I found on Yelp of the surgical Suite 6 months ago and here is a shot that our crime scene photographer took up the same room two weeks after the murder notice any differences we're not answering that that's all right I can just tell you myself the Yelp shot has six of these heavy Looking Glass awards from the Brooklyn periodontic Society in the background whereas this shot only has five what happened to number six you murdered robbert with it you lost all control and you bludgeoned him to death there must have been blood everywhere but you got lucky you were in the surgical Suite it can be sterilized you never would have gotten away with it in your carpeted office that's not what happened don't say anything more pH and your office manager would have heard all of the screaming but she was at her grandson's play lucky again you put Robert's body into a wheelchair and shoved it in the elevator it's a miracle there wasn't blood everywhere that's not true in the garage with a corpse you panicked and left your phone in your office and you don't have your car keys but Roberts are in his pocket so you put him in his car and you take off you can't believe what you've done you're flustered you have no GPS so you just start driving pH next thing you know you're in the pine Barons and it hits you your uncle's cabin he has a place there you're the luckiest son of a yes it was you got lucky at every turn no I knew exactly where I was driving I left my phone in the office on purpose I was in a surgical Suite by Design and I didn't use some glass award that any idiot would clearly see was missing I made a R out of a special dental polymer killed him with it then melted it back down it's already in a patient's mouth son oh damn oh damn oh damn and that is three OD dams OD damn oh fresh air wellow I don't say that a lot there's one thing I still don't understand did you know you had the wrong murder weapon oh excellent question sir yes I spotted the missing Dental award when I first took the case I asked around weeks ago turns out a cleaning lady knocked it over and shattered it then why did you run in there like that because in talking to you I realized what Philip's worst fear actually was that we would think he was just some dummy that got lucky right he had planned the perfect crime and it killed him when you said he was sloppy and impulsive he needed us to know how smart he was right like someone else I know yep [Music] Kevin
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 1,150,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, brooklyn 99, b99, Stephanie Beatriz, Rosa Diaz, Jake Peralta, Andy Samberg, Detective Charles Boyle, Melissa Fumero, Detective Amy Santiago, Detective Jake Peralta, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiago, Chelsea Peretti, Andre Braugher, Gina Linetti, Terry Crews, Joe Lo Truglio, brooklyn 99 i want it that way, brooklyn 99 bloopers, brooklyn 99 backstreet boys, brooklyn 99 funny moments, brooklyn 99 captain holt, brooklyn 99 cold open, brooklyn 99 full episode
Id: L4W9hCL9Tx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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