Angry Amy | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Comedy Bites

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hey amy can we have a second no i'm kind of in the middle of something you oh yeah well [Laughter] yourself all right all right traffic is shut down civilians are being funneled into checkpoints good i just wish my guys over here could be a little more efficient yeah i'm looking at you detective fuzzy paws this is amy hates dogs amy or amy extra stressed amy it's both amy's i'm under a lot of pressure and also that dog is a piece of trash okay amy someone lost your pen girl gina you better be joking that pen is my best friend and i will straighten captain holt oh that's fine it's just a pen it's just a pen you bumbling son of a you just ruined my life i hope you get hit by a truck and a dog takes a dump on your face nothing to see here just a little hypoglycemic rage move along i'm so sorry hitchcock that's not me i'm never like that that's okay it's my fault i shouldn't bump your cashew cashew it was an almond you idiot i hope you drown in a tub i hope you have annual semester aneurysm after aneurysm oh guys captain rosa oh please hear me from land oh no no no no no no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh welcome to the phone shut your gun mouth i'm so sorry no i'm not we have a crisis we have to go let's go cold cold cold gold you did it how'd it go well the first ten minutes were really terrible the diaper did not fit it was for a baby but then i relaxed and i found my inner strength i think the lesson here is that as women we no no you close that truck again i will kill you you hear me i will kill you the only way we're gonna win us if we team up good point i guess my response is rotten hell crap-face also i love you and i treasure you and you bore me gosh you're being so mean do it more i hope you die we're almost to the hospital are you there yet what room are you in the break room what why there isn't enough time i have to have the baby here but me and my crazy crew make it to the hospital that's our birth story oh screw your bird story just get here so yeah it's a little tough right now but i think the worst is behind us why are you taking so long to cook my freaking oatmeal she'll be okay okay i think i got it i just have to tighten this here and here we go please work come on come on wow really do be crazy can you distract her i got this hey me they come out with any new binders recently i don't want to talk about binders rosa all right that was my big gun she's just gonna feel this sir you're right i failed you santiago i want my officers to respect the chain of command but i never want anyone to be so terrified of me that they repress basic emotions i'm a terrible captain stop that you are not a terrible captain santiago face facts i'm garbage no this is about me and my issues with authority you've been great wrong i've been a disaster i can't believe you would blame yourself for this how stupid are you so stupid i'm such a stupid head the fact that you think this has anything to do with you is insane do you even oh my god i'm yelling at you yes you are you're in the zone keep going oh okay i can't believe you lost my pen that was careless and rude and and it was a real jerk move santiago you did it and i am so sick of you playing your damn classical music in your office all day it's too loud we can all hear it okay well this is you shut your mouth when i'm talking to you santiago right too far i'm sorry this is all very new for me okay well i don't want to get mad right now cause i know amy's worried about you ah no screw that noise how dare you call jake selfish he just wasted his entire honeymoon trying to take care of you while you wallowed in your misery like a little baby that seems a little harsh who does it i don't give a hoot oh damn for the last five years all i've done is give a hoot about you and what you think gave a hoot about you as a boss gave a hoot about you as a mentor i gave a hoot about you as a friend she gave so many hoots not anymore after the way you've acted and what you just said to jake i don't give a who what you think and i really don't give a hoot if you decide to quit the nypd so do it i'm all out of hoots i'm hopeless now what i want to say is jake coming holly gennaro what the hell do you think you're doing huh showing my unborn baby how an ass gets kicked all right cortez time for your checkup no thank you i feel fine no you don't it's your uterus it's gonna explode come with me stand back everyone you're all in the splash zone oh this ute's gonna boot here we go what the hell we agreed you weren't gonna do that you disobeyed a direct order from your handler yeah i did because that order was crap the next 14 hours are going to be hell but in the end you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you've finally done something worthwhile with your lives i kind of think the police work i don't have time to stroke your damn ego sergeant let's make a wedding hey fuzzy paws i'm paying you to work not lick your butthole truth is every time i look at it i want to die and take you with me i hope your dog helps with neck pain she's help with anything i made it up ah i knew it amy listen to me very carefully if you and jake are thinking of trying you are ovulating like crazy right now you take that helmet off before i knock it off what your basal temperature is off the charts this is a good thing we have 14 minutes to find a hacker you're not gonna get back in time but everybody else is there right i mean it seems weird to have this big thing happen without me we talked about this amy you have an unhealthy fear of missing out on work you have foam out this isn't foam out it's not like i'm freaking out or anything out of my way you won't as time is mine i'll be there in 10 minutes i love you don't solve it without me the doctor said that it could take a while i know it's just we're doing everything right and it's still not working what kind of perfect person do you have to be to get pregnant we're having a baby oh what in hell i finally got all the lambda news back into holding lambda news it doesn't matter i'll read your notes later i didn't take any notes what the hell jake do you even love me says the woman who never once sent me flowers never mind i've been your co for four years by now you should be able to stand up for yourself even if that means telling me off you're right just say the word and i will tell you off okay tell me off about losing your pen oh right now okay well makes me feel pretty annoyed good go on it grates my cheese i mean it just really grates my cheese grrr oh santiago you're faking faking what did you hear that gur just admitted okay fine i was faking the whole time but i only did it because i wanted you to enjoy it that ruins it it's supposed to be good for both of us it was good just because i didn't get angry doesn't mean i didn't get anything out of it but the whole point is for you to get angry did you even get close uh what about your last ceo could he make you angry well you know what i don't want to know don't tell me i don't want to know you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 338,486
Rating: 4.9716492 out of 5
Keywords: angry amy, amy santiago, amy santiago brooklyn 99, amy santiago dogs, amy santiago hates dogs, amy gives birth b99, amy yells at dog b99, amy santiago pregnant season 7, amy santiago pregnant, amy and jake birth, jake and amy gives birth, amy captain holt, captain holt loses amys pen, brooklyn 99 all out of hoots, amy doesn't give a hoot, amy yells at captain holt, amy santiago claustrophobic, captain holt, captain holt honeymoon, amy pregnant undercover
Id: 9-BuEhz1h9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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