Arabia 2v2 | TheViper & Tatoh vs Liereyy & Nicov

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all right on the map you love playing that's my advice and then play the out of it like a Ray Ray welcome YouTube shut up welcome we have Game three between aftermath and a secret a secret need to get some victories on the board here they're behind 2 games 4 a.m. we have Nica and the red he's playing as two Slavs in the green we have Leary he's playing as the Britons up against Larry is the Viper Vipers playing as the Franks and then we have tatto for secret playing as the Ethiopians so we talked about this a little bit last time for those on YouTube there was a restart so we we talked about the SIVs strengths and I adventure and how Slavs are good but it can be tough as the game goes on as they lack paladin and have the transition into siege and infantry and to be honest I don't want to say everything I said last time because it was a lot I'm getting kind of lazy so we'll just leave it at that and pass it along to Dave what am I supposed I don't know you you said can you say the part again where you stopped doubting Slavs can you say that that was good slobs are really good there we go thank you so we got that out of the way Ethiopians rate maps yeah let's look at the map so you know let's just do the maps here a Viper's map is i had to pause you know it's Walla bull on the front and if he walls it looks good so it just makes me frustrated when I have a main goal that's covered by wood and and berries right next to what would have been a good place for a second lumber camp but I'm sure that will be fine yeah it's it's not a great spot at least he can kind of like you could put a TC on it if he wants but I feel like he's gonna he's gonna wall up forward those four skills yep and secure that gold in the stone forward there he's also a long way away from Leary and neek off yes so he's gonna have some time to do that you also have to keep in mind that since vipers going Scouts the Gold's not as big an issue whereas tatto the Gold's gonna be a big issue because he's the Archer sieve here and his gold is great great wood lines on the back love that gold even has another gold in the back too go to nice and safe he's got some deer to push - yeah it's nice possible deer is always important look unique ovni cops pushing in deer he's well you're right by the mill yeah yeah you can push one and then you can leave the other two for later after you're finished with the berries or even before that he has backed gold he has a back stone - good wood lines it's important for nikah as he'll be going scouts with slabs that he can wall up a little bit but I think if he walls I'm just gonna make a guess here yeah if he walls where he is now then from the right of his wood line to his TC and then he could actually walk from the edge of the map around this gold here he'll be fine he'll be fine and then what do you think about Leary's map that gold is like I like the map it's just like that gold yeah ugly the wood lines are fine at least yeah it's got options there and he's got the back gold as well but he's got to secure that somewhere I think he'll build his production buildings out in front of that man gold and try and secure it that way if he does that it's it's gonna be tough to wall up I think that secret they have more wall potential because of all the wood lines that are closer Laoghaire will not be able to fool wall and make archers so this will put some pressure on knee cough to send the scouts his way also let's keep in mind - the Vipers Scouts when he goes for them they're gonna have more HP as Franks so sure Slavs they have arguably a stronger economy as the game goes on with the faster farmers but Viper and Tata they should have the stronger power spikes especially with tat so getting the extra resources as ethiopians viper getting greedy here - going up to feudal age doesn't know where his enemies are and he's pushing another deer hmm you can be a bit more greedy in team games definitely because players are rarely gonna go forward like they do in 1p ones but good point he doesn't know exactly where his opponent is even tatto they don't know who they're against yet tatto hasn't seen ich hoffe viper has not seen leary that's what gonna run right into the TC he could if he sees the straggler he might double back yes that's experience right there because you know there's not going to be stress there's normally not stragglers on other areas of the map it's a good job from tat oh man this deer is trolling Viper so hard he's still trying to push it in he's probably just annoyed with it at this point he doesn't even need the food but the deer has gone back so many times he goes yeah I'm gonna get you I've never seen a game cast with alt text is it too unbalanced well it ruins the beauty of the game the beauty of the game is different technologies the different power spikes and all but that's all it's just every SIVs essentially the same with alt text so I think for that reason it doesn't interest me anyway so the drush from tato is gonna be pretty late - nique off space ode rush though hope so he won't go straight to archers then Dave he'll go no no code rush into crossbows so this is similar to what we saw from viper in game 1 which did not work it's late dude yeah very late doesn't make any sense really to be this late either because well I mean Nick off went up really early because he had those deer yeah well I think he went up on like 19 pop but yeah the dress should be arriving around mid 9 minutes I think because you build the barracks around 8:00 so this is still slightly later than tatse would have wanted but he might distract Nick off but the walls down yeah but it's still not gonna do too much it's really about giving yourself a little bit of time anyway obviously you'd like to idle villagers he could still do that and he could also distract any Cubs army this actually gives Viper an opportunity to pester Leary who has done what you said and he's walling on the hill and building on the front new Buster I'd love to leap read your comment but that's that's a book I don't think I have the time to read that paragraph answer and get back to the game so maybe we'll save that for him between games man nice job for me cough to wall on his bills will we see a t90 first Dave game during the 24 hour stream I've done that no long so we haven't done that in a long time maybe maybe we'd have to do mega rads and then death to do mega random I think play Nomad you would recommend Nomad that's for sure that's the only map any other map I probably have a big advantage you wreck me every time in Arabia you're just like oh let's do Ruby you're right you're right let's tap this situation looking like they'll hate fuel age he'll build his archery range he gets the extra food and gold which is really nice there's the archery range this is as Leary arrives he'll see this oh there's a hole I don't know there's no hole oh you know what I think Larry's gonna bypass Viper and go right to tatto and kneecaps gonna be there as well meanwhile Viper is at Leary's base Leary is pretty well-protected so really strong stuff from Larry to be able to afford to be away from home and I'm sorry I was wrong he's actually going to Viper he's not he's not going to tattoo huh does Viper see this day he doesn't no no no he'll he'll know now and niqab could be in the way yeah Vipers walling extremely late he just left that open so not the first time we've seen some rust from Viper today and he'll lose one Ville he's gonna lose three I think yeah if Leary had fletching this is bono fletching yeah well still fight the entire wood line Annie Copps here with Scouts as well my pers gonna try and gate wallet in vipers in trouble they can they can deny the gold just they should go to the gold or just just hold the wood I guess Oh Viper man if I told you I told you I said before the series that since he was away for so long he might look really bad really sloppy didn't expect it to be this bad however good engagement from him verse leery on the front with the scouts so tattoo is on the way to Castle age always killing a bunch of archers with the TC yeah spearmint viper is chopping some straggler trees right now and niqabs just looking to see exactly where Viper has gone for wood I think because Viper he doesn't want to create any more Scouts he needs to be in Castle age ASAP because now niqabs on the way up for aftermath get out Leary Oh annoy Diaz with these crossbows our archers say yep just keeps coming back for more and Viper is just spending all this time garrisoning and on garrisoning villagers viper just got enough wood to build a new lumber camp but he doesn't have the food when a phil goes down where he picked off the one-week fill there's another one there he's that guy he sees that guy oh yeah I know that tats is gonna be in castle age but tat says about to Loserville to me called and tatto only has two archers at the moment Dave so as long as Leary can get up to the next stage soon I think and they're in a very dominant position in this game Leary did lose the archers and vipers base though yeah he could have held there for a long time and vipers gonna chase after him but guys put into this none none but look how many archers Leary has when he does get to Castle age man yeah that's that's gonna be a real force against Viper who has not clicked up yet I mean compare the differences that's pretty bad ways Lee cough almost got in there with the scouts yes all that oh but of course the archers are gonna go right to Viper tat oh he needs to counter so he needs to go to his opponent he's doing that now so he's a niqab space you know what man like I don't get why the players haven't walled properly knee cough left this gap open and so this game our oh god with crossbows there too it's so sloppy this game I mean that was so avoidable if me cup would have just waltz and now in the Cubs losing all of his villagers he's in Castle age but goodness gracious what is that five six it will be seven bills that's like eight man oh my god so avoidable so avoidable and now VIPRE of course has no defense at his base and tell me there's not a hole there okay there's not a hole there but he'll lose two and smort dead exactly who's more dead the niqab fortunate to see that other gold out here and fortunate to of course be in Castle age so he can make these nights but man he's at 29 villes viper runs away from this wood line really tatto is the only one who hasn't been pressured but tatto doesn't have the strongest economy back at home and he doesn't have enough crossbows yeah at least I don't think so too to deal with me cough despite nique of losing those villas he has nights but you know I say that Dave and look where tattoos going VIPRE needs something to deal with these crossbows are soon to be crossbows for this we have another punching bag situation yeah this is this is when I wish that I was in aftermaths voice calm I wish I was in their teamspeak channel right now because I want to hear knee cough and his reaction to all this it has he has to be frustrated Vipers in Castle H and he's making Knights that will have free bloodlines of course with Franks and he will have chained barding armor he knows Leary's in here Leary's going to gain the hill and he'll wait for his upgrades yeah VIPRE can produce with this many farms and that many on gold knee calves just like losing one more Vil will be to two mortals my god oh my word this is so bad for him it's got it it's puts a lot of pressure on Leary and all great engagement from Viper great engagement from Viper got to the top of the hill so the cross was couldn't sit in the choke can he do it again in the nope get in the Nook what micro from Leary there yeah I was gonna say Viper could have done it again but Leary will keep these units alive and keep Viper at home but Viper touches pick off Avalon Leary's farm you see that with the scouts yeah you might be a little bit sloppy with some of the plays but obviously still Viper so second TC coming down from both that knee cough and Viper now yeah he got so far behind though yeah that's gonna be a problem luckily he slab so he can maybe boom here but tattoes coming over to help so Larry's gonna lose his army and looking good for secret wasn't how I expected it but looking good for them I thought they were dead I really thought they were dead if knee cuff just walled their I think Viper gets overrun tattoo doesn't push all that much and then eventually AM are gonna take this but knee comes to us Nico's fully walled he's equal with tattoo on villagers yet now trouble yep and then Viper would be behind Leary so yep okay well let's see what Leary can do here he's obviously second best player in the world's arguably flawless a with Britain's holistic Britain crossbows yeah is it better than Ethiopian crossbows that's the question they are they are yeah your microwave them cuz Ethiopians the the thing the way it works is it only works on the second shot if I have this correct it doesn't work on the fire animation of the first shot it's just the reload time yeah yeah yeah I have to time it perfectly when you're fighting if they're standing still it makes a difference but if you're like my crowing yep so for now Britons are much better because in the Imperial aide you'll just have your armies standing and fighting on a patrol but now this is where Leary can really do damage correct Viper 42 villagers you know what knee cuffs catching up if we're comparing the players going Knights niqab said 41 but it's tattoo who's way ahead now and both teams she's jockeying for positions right now trying to decide on where to go and Viper goes right up the hill and he should lose a night here against ballistics yeah he great micro he only loses one could have been a lot worse for him for sure I'm not sure tattoo wants to fight here okay Leary's getting off the hill so now tattoo is gonna take control of that there's two hills here and they don't know where to go exactly and this will make it difficult for both teams to push what what am needs is a few engagements at tattoos base so maybe tattoo and Viper will sit on this hill in the center waiting for a.m. when in reality a.m. are going this way Oh and I think tatto yep he just spotted this and he's going back so back comes Viper and back comes tat so I believe Viper knee cuffs still neck and neck - yeah keep in mind that niqab does not have +2 on his Knights yet so there is that but if Leary can micro properly I do feel like Leary and kneecap might be in trouble here though because life has a lot more nights Dave yeah I mean knee cops got a couple more coming from behind and obviously Leary has ballistics and the extra range yep so that'll come into play but look at the micro from Viper really really nice it's just pure numbers now and so Leary probably expects his army to die so he will get as much value as possible and I actually think that's a good move from knee cough to run away could have been much worse this army was not expected to live but well played Leary - to kill as much as he did there still though there will be a huge momentum swing Viper and Tata with all these numbers will go directly to Nica or directly to Leary and what Leary didn't want was to lose out numbers it's 30 military for tat so only 24 leary leary might be clicking up soon too yeah I wonder if he if he goes for a faster imp tatto obviously click up soon as well and if he does that he'll kill knee cuff so it's it's tough to say so mid stud is mentioning castles on hills at the moment players they have to prioritize either their food and gold eco block raiding villagers if they're making Knights where it's their food their wood and gold eco if they're creating archers so at this stage yeah its siege workshops on hills crack to defend yeah so castles eventually but if they were to go heavy on stone now it's as simple as they wouldn't have enough Knights and crossbows and they would get overrun it's very very specific the economies and Age of Empires 2 at this level it the timing of it all it's it's complex so yes eventually castles on hill will be good I think as Dave said it's all about siege workshops and look at at so now building a siege workshop forward on the way to imp tatah has been the best player for secret today he really has yeah and he's played great here obviously was helped out by the fact that he kept in wall but at OU had to create his own luck to get there oh man I think that a.m. they they need a big fight before tato gets the upgrades yeah Leary is gonna be a bit too late for that I think he is if VIPRE slips up and we've seen that a few times in this series if VIPRE slips up maybe and if Tata slips up as well tattoes be careful with his positioning oh this is interesting this could be good for them this could be very very good tattoos wasn't a lot of numbers early here oh and the Knights that the Knights from niqab I thought the positioning was decent but then the Knights from Viper come in and surrounds is that a clear chain you sit on that he'll just sit on the hill until all the Knights are dead yeah I was gonna say don't know if Viper should take that maybe he's had to tattoo always has to leave in that situation because he's waiting for his name upgrade yeah yeah and I would like to see tattoo make a few houses and gates to create a small choke for his note no worries for his his units here Leary's on the way to obviously he won't be as fast as tat oh they probably expect that tattoos all the way up and so they're chasing him down right now and oh that was so close what knee cap tried to do was slightly overrun the crossbows and surround them as he tries here she could get in between he fails with that but he's giving his team an opportunity to hold here now Vipers on the way to the Imperial age with more Vil's than the knee cough has and surprise surprise kneecap he's gonna be the weak point of his team after losing all those pills earlier so tato will get his upgrades he won't have as many numbers as you would have liked but he will kill Leary's army and here comes Larry who's about to hit imp and he's going towards VIPRE I just think that as a team secret they're much stronger in this situation simply because Nika is not he doesn't have an army he's not really contributing right now leary leary doesn't see his crossbows oh my god and viper with three maggie no shots now while that's good from viper that's that's also kind of inexcusable from Larry it's not something you would expect you just forgot about that army and ice you see the attacker out from Piper this was the 1v1 fight for would struggle on this side by this is a 1v1 knee cuffs dead on this side so at the moment Leary is needed here so it can't really push Viper which just make gives viper time to get cavalier and Davis stepped away guys so Dave will be back at some point but it might be on a way to a game for and potentially a comeback in this series I like that from knee cough you know kill the ramps that's good he's on its way to the imperial H now Viper there we go he'll hit imp you sending maghen ELLs and he's sending Knights to help out at oh who will comfortably kill Nico's units at the moment so don't know why niqab is fighting this leery it's debatable so it's really hard to judge in the situation where you go where do you prioritize if you're Larry do you send too much to Viper to try and kill Viper then your allies dead you send too much Tunney cough then you get wiped by Viper eventually so or Viper just gets to full strength which he never won and I think he might have sent a bit too much to Vipers just as possibly and this is the empty c4 niqab as well he's making a lot of knights he's had this live economy to help him out Vipers sending Cavalier into the back of niqab space so niqab is to be wand at the moment here come the Rams from Leary well tattoo folks down the TC think as TC will die niqabs almost forced to kill the Rams because if this TC dies they're definitely dead and when he goes to kill the Rams he'll be fighting with castle aged army these Knights get one shot by the ARBs yeah that's just not that's just not good for niqab on all levels military it's bad economy it's bad and he will get to the Imperial age luckily but he's down below 100 population all viper needs to do is hold and see if he could do that Leary is 200 population 200 pop Piper's castle won't go up viper doesn't have that many cavalier who it's another one of the the who's gonna die first situations well vipers Mac and L shots will do very little verse Briton ARBs and forward castle from Leary are you kidding me vipers to forward goals which are some of his only goals now are now denied me cough he's getting cavalier his Gold's are also tonight well not this one but this one's denied I don't know how to read this situation it's funny because the team populations are pretty even it's just all leery and look tap to sending bills out here tattos not gonna get that gold are we gonna see a sweep I don't know I still think that Viper is done enough I still think the Viper is done just enough if this was a 300 pop game then maybe Leary could make more population and change this but as it stands Nico's gonna die Viper will hold on and that's really all that uh all that matters but I got real excited there for a moment yeah I still am excited maybe if Nick I've had Franks and he could click the Powhatan upgrade with sling from leery he could do it but having to make only Cavalier can hurt him the Viper is now in the back of 30 space this is trouble because Leary can't track this he doesn't have speed so he has descended all of these arms back to deal with this and by then Viper could be done labor could be finished she could have moved on to a different target Leary sending food to knee cough Soni cough can make military and to this engagement pretty good for Leary can knee cough make enough Cavalier you'll notice that the secret players are beginning their trade so one one thing you'll focus on in secrets position is adding your own trade holding a Vipers base and denying the trade route from your opponent and there's the market now for niqab so this is the time but tattoes leaving this area and perhaps they're just worried about Viper getting bush now when they kind of should be but I think what they'll do is they'll include the seat ramps and with the siege rams Leary will have to push back he doesn't have any or pull back rather he doesn't have any support Leary has very little support in general for me cough and niqab loses Cavalier here I think this cows is gonna drop for Leary and there it goes Viper's keeping his castle up scurbs from tatto Cavalier from Viper see dreams from tatto and Leary his forward position is slowly being lost with vipers goldeneye they're forced to trade and not really it doesn't necessarily come down to that he had gold down here and think more than anything it's it's about you need to be trade at this stage because gold will run out soon this this fight is is huge this fight is just huge Leary's down to 140 pop now in fact we might see the GG here in a moment that's a crazy engagement from Viper in chat so well played with the seed Rab Leary's in trouble Britten's have no response to see trams and niqab he's trying here okay so he's trying to deny this castle from tato it could possibly do that but it's a bad sign when Nika has more population than Leary does and now VIPRE of course with the time with the gold he got back they'll get paladin secret half the trade and to sum it up I think a victory is coming secrets way pay night thank you for the prime sub man glorious cabbages thank you for the prime midst uh thank you for coming back I think you've said before many times man thanks for the prime when thumb thank you craves thank you for the bits Royal Eddie thank you for the seven twitch babies doing all right not bad I just had to catch up there you know I'm casting a big team game and I have a co caster it's harder for me to catch up with everyone yeah it's harder Oh what's up man Viper did well there he did he did well he kept just hasn't really gotten back into the game it's funny right Wendy Kopp got back into the game that was when Leary started getting hit so cool I had Viper Viper cleared up a ton of liras equal yeah his rates yeah and that's what one on this side basically yeah and now that paladin's in that might be the moment as Vipers engaging versus the ARBs again maybe where Leary considers calling it tatto is fine at home tattoos fine at home secret have trade a.m. no they don't have a lot yeah Leary is losing too many numbers he doesn't have the resources to add them in someone says this is gonna be 3 - viper is on fire viper is most certainly not on fire I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh at people who say things in my twitch chat obviously like opinions are important thoughts are important it's important to cheer for people as well nice castle from Piper there but uh Viper this is the worst I've seen Viper play this year so yeah really bad games from him actually today but he did he did get top score if score means anything to you there and his team came back but but this game to say it like this but this game should have been played completely differently VIPRE shouldn't have forgot his piece of wall and after vipre forgot his piece of wall the game probably should have been over but then Nika forgot wall and tattoo killed a ton of hills so a throw from Nika and Viper in that game led us to where there was a full boom from tatto and tatu played really well there's the KD for you viper did get more kills of course with the paladin's 272 kills the eco stats mean it's hard for me to really judge this game because there were somebody fails but eco is pretty even actually across the board except for Nika being behind and we're gonna move on now to Game four and that's good for us it's good for us because we wanted more games today that will be desert ok
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 37,960
Rating: 4.9253111 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: DV_BL_abEp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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