TheViper's Feitoria Strat!

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what's going on guys I am back and today we are casting some fortnight you see Viper over here in the yellow he's at tilted towers and then we have schoo go he's at whatever the crap the other places are in for tonight I don't know that's that's all I know that's my fortnight knowledge and I'm just making dumb jokes per usual this is Age of Empires 2 of course the best game ever and we have the viper in the yellow playing as the Portuguese and then we have schoo go who's playing as the Huns this 1v1 is played on arena and viper is going to attempt a very special and unique strategy which you probably shouldn't try at home but I thought it was a pretty decent game so first off can we acknowledge the fact that the mini-map looks like a Thai fighter that looks exactly like a Thai fighter not that I'm a guy who who knows all about Star Wars but seriously TIE fighter map confirmed years ago when Dave and I started casting we started with masters of arena three and one time Dave was like yo this mini-map looks like a Geodude and I'm sad to say I didn't know what a Geodude was at the time and then when he said a map looks like a TIE fighter a little bit later I also didn't know what a TIE fighter was because I was a sheltered child but I figured it out and I've learned to look for things on this mini-map that's unimportant though asko go is an arena player who is at a pretty decent rating the 2148 would put him in the top 100 in the world now you have to factor in arena only players they they gain points from other arena only players and these players tend to struggle when it comes to more open maps so you know John slow for example you probably all heard of him he's at a 2k to 2 K 3 rated player when he plays arena but when he goes to any open map he's immediately all the way down to 2k so I don't want to take anything away from scope oh but just just giving you guys an idea of his level very very experienced arena player from Germany though and then viper is the best in the world and since vipre is a higher level and because the man likes to entertain he's gonna try something different for us here and that is to use the futur eeeh now I normally don't try and spoil what's gonna happen in a game a couple minutes before it happens I like to naturally lead into it but because the fitori is so rarely seen I figured we could take this time to talk about it I talked about if it's worth it what it does and all of those things so I'm gonna pull up the texture right now and and the vitória is actually a building so oh god I've actually never looked for a vittoria on the tech tree before oh no is it on here I am admittedly very bad at finding things on tech trees and my stream never lets me forget it I don't think it's on here it does say something about the vitória here right can build vitória in the Imperial aged costs 250 gold 250 stone 20 population space and produces 0.8 food plus wood per second 0.45 gold per second and point to five stone per second if it's on here I'm sorry I'm blind but that's what it does so in theory it sounds pretty cool because if you build this thing you might have less population but it's giving you free resources and if it's going to be a very long game that's resources that just won't be on the map the problem is in competitive AoE too it is much faster to bring in resources with villagers so four high-rated players like this it's actually going to set you behind but I do think there are some things with the vitória that can be useful and some strategies where vitória can be useful as well so I'm gonna go through a couple strategies where I think it can be strong or situations as well first thing that comes to mind is a map that has low resources right arena isn't really one of them because each player is going to have Gold's and then there's there's neutral Gold's out there one of which is actually in the backups Coco's bass the other ones here but there are some maps like mega random sometimes you just don't get a lot of gold sometimes you don't get a lot of stone and if there's a limited amount of any given resource it could be helpful mega random is probably one of the situations where it could work because some mega rains and maps have a lot of stone and very little gold and if you build a fitori ax you're gonna get more gold than your opponent and you won't have to sell any of that stone another situation and this is also very rare would be Islands sometimes in team Islands games that go on very long both teams start running out of wood and what happens in most competitive games is teams will have trade and then with the gold they get from their trade they begin to buy the wood and then eventually the wood price gets too expensive one team can't buy wood and then one team can't make Navy and then they lose they're a fitori ax would make sense especially because in that situation your villagers will all be idle so it's not as if your villagers are actually going to be doing something else like in the mega random example where you might be collecting stone or wood no you would you would have nothing you wouldn't have wood to reseed farms you wouldn't have stone you wouldn't have gold at that point so you you could justify thinking ahead and making Vittorio's and then the third example is what we're gonna see here and it is going to be the fasting approach and the reason that it could it can work is because fast Imperial you normally have very low economy anyway and you very have you normally don't have a lot of population so I'm not gonna get ahead of myself with that explanation but both players are going for fast castles at the moment and viper is going to try and speed right past castle h and get to imp to show us what the futur iya can do so i a lot about the futur iya and if i think it's worth it I think it's very rarely worth it but it is fun now I want to talk a little bit about what's go was able to do with Huns because puns is a classic AOE to civilization and there are some strats for arena which is you don't see Hans on arena all that often if players are picking that could work well so strat number one would be fast castle but create Scouts and the idea is to have Scouts patrolling around like he has already and with those Scouts you are able to snipe any monks that viper might make to collect relics arena normally goes late normally you need gold so you want to get relics on this map and it's very easy to snag them another thing you could do and that's what's cocoa is doing is you could go for the cab Archer approach Hun cab archers are discounted and so you can make quite a few of them and you could do a similar thing just take map control away from the Viper and snipe any monks and then get the relics for yourself so if you're doing what schoo go is currently doing where he's investing into military the key for him is to actually gain something from that if he were to make two archery ranges make a bunch of calves archers and not get four out of the five relics then that would be seen as failure in my eyes because it sets him back with the economy slightly to make this so he he has to gain something from this and and the one big thing about Huns as the game goes on is that they're very mobile Civ whereas vipers Civ is is quite slow so they can use the speed of the CAV archers use the speed of the Knights the cavalier the whatever it may be the Tarkan's to maybe hit viper from different angles and keep them guessing so Viper is on his way to castle eight she is going to be later which gives up that map control and when he gets in castle age he's going to be in a nice position to build a castle on the front maybe protect his gold here and then normally players would decide to build extra town centers and with those town centers we'd create more villagers what Viper is going to do here is a little bit different so instead of using that wood to build extra lots of extra town centers he's going to use that wood for other things as specifically farms he's built a lot of farms and then specifically for a monastery so it's it's not there's not a big eco focus with this it's all aggression focus and what that means is it's going to give him a faster Imperial time because he's not pumping hundreds of food into creating villagers he's only pumping fifty at a time out of one town center and because he didn't use a couple hundred wood to build the TC he has wood to build farms best comparison I could give you is look at the resources for escoba right now ska goes on to town centers and notice how he doesn't have a lot of resources floating oh my god okay we're gonna slow the game down a little bit more go to normal speed that's my bad for missing that viper must have been chasing the scout from ska go and then ran into schoo goes base and scope doesn't have loom well he did get loom just got a little bit late and okay scogan only lost one villager that's still a bit sloppy but i'd say so far mission accomplished for him he has that map control he's patrolling all around the mini-map now Viper he did let Viper get one relic and an old Viper if he's lucky could get two yeah see this this is kind of unacceptable this is not what you you should have the advantage after you invest into those archery ranges right oh my god Viper it seems like a mix of good fortune but also skill he he's killed two calves archers and he's converted one and he's killed another one here as well he's gonna get his second relic and for Viper that's a huge deal because his vill count is behind he's looking to get em faster he's making the defamed organ guns or Orion guns cuz Vipers first name is Orion I can't speak Norwegian very well so sorry if that sounds a bit off that that's pretty good for Viper take to get to relics when you're in Castle age so much later and your opponent should have such a large mass of military that that's a very good situation Viper did research handcart I'm sure you guys saw it but I didn't say that handcart makes his economy stronger so it's a weaker economy in terms of villagers but the villagers are more efficient and he's just making morgen guns making a few monks and let's see the micro now it is seven range for the organ guns it is six range for the CAV archers muskoka lost stack a varchar but kill the monk so I think that's pretty good also he should be able to get this relic so it will at least be two to two and he's going for this one first so I think it will be three to two and now Vipers on the way to the Imperial H and we get to see what you've all been waiting for those Vittorio's and and so what vipers thinking is I'm not gonna have a lot of economy and investing into a lot of economy early slows my em time down so why not try to go 1 TC imp and then at that point build a few of these Victoria's beautiful split from Viper beautiful split with you working guns and scho goes siege workshop has not paid off at all he barely scratched that one working gun or as I call them the piano cannons yeah a few things have gone wrong for schoo go here he he loud viper to get two relics which shouldn't have happened at most the thing viper should have just got the one that was next to his base definitely not this one and scho go also built this each workshop made a mag an L didn't get any payoff from that but he has 61 villas verse 36 now what's the cost of these Vittorio's again 250 gold and 250 stone so they're not cheap but viper almost has the resources for one and he's building a second castle now and he's making more and more working guns okay there goes the monk with the relic that would mean that it will eventually be three force kogo but but no extra TCS for Viper he's not gonna do that he could do that now he has the resources forty C's but he wants to experiment he he likes to do this and I think it makes sense the spice to game up a little bit for himself and for us can be entertained to see a better player play with a worse sieve or a worse strategy but so far it's kind of working it he's done well and there's the vitória sorry I like the bongo drums someone needs to make one of those New Age of Empires two remixes with this because there's a bunch if you if you search on YouTube there's a bunch of AoE remixes songs with AoE saw sounds but I don't think there's any with the Victoria's if there is you can link it in the YouTube comments because I don't exactly seek those things out so maybe someone's already done it so now VIPRE it says he has 56 military the population that 20 population goes into military and the overlay so don't be deceived by that we'll have to do some math but he's about to have 40 population in futur eeeh and he is going to get stone gold food and wood from this again would it be better with villagers sure but I think this is a rare situation work and work because you wouldn't be an imp at this stage if you didn't go for vitória economy you would still be in Castle age like scoobo is and what do you what do you normally do with Portuguese you make working guns which you need castles for and then you need a lot of times you do for bombard towers and there's limited stone on every map so stone is one resource on arena where that could be really helpful VIPRE could go for bombard towers you could go for castles in theory if scogan ever pushes him ska go or sorry viper could have endless towers and an endless castles an endless everything but the viper is currently saving up for that elite organ gun upgrade i'm sure because it does cost food and it costs gold and always getting archivists so arquebus means that his gunpowder units are they get ballistics basically I believe and I'm actually gonna pause that an awful time but I need to finish my thought I believe it says ballistics for gunpowder units yeah a lot of people think that you need to get ballistics as well as archivist but that's not the case so this will give him ballistics but this is a risky maneuver he moves out before getting arquebus these characters have thumb ring they're in number I wasn't sure how to judge that because I rarely see this but it's it seemed 50/50 well no it doesn't seem 50/50 what the hell am I talking about look at all the blue dead bodies it seemed good for Viper it seemed very good for Viper I I definitely can relate to scho go there though because the way that I know when I'm playing if a trade is going to be good or not is because I've encountered that situation a bunch of times before and that that's how most pro players are including viper viper funny enough has probably encountered organ gun situations more than anyone else in the game so he knew he judged it correctly and Google wasn't pretty wasn't all that sure Viper now has one two about to be three futurus three Vittorio's guys so that is sixty military population that is giving him eco they really should make it so it shows his villagers makes more sense but whatever so slow go has level economy in terms of eco units if you count the twenty pop from fitori as being eco units does that make sense you get where I'm going there you pick and what picking up what I'm putting down if I for surrounded as schoo goes about to hit the Imperial edge I don't know about this Viper but I didn't know about it before either right there's no way out for him so he has to win this fight when the Mac and L could be very helpful if I per tries to split but another shot goes off force kogo and Yap yeah that was just enough CAV archers and that evens out the kill death ratio if Viper he he invested into Vittorio's as well remember those things aren't cheap and right now he's getting elite working gun but he only has three of them and why build a forward vitória what why build two forward Vittorio's I don't get it like I have a feeling that the opponent might make siege at some point Viper that's kind of important so maybe build that in your base next time yeah whatever whatever uh the CAV archers are only gonna get stronger they will get upgrades Scoble could go for cavalier as well to get some melee support this is a pretty close game in terms of population by the way what's going on with the relic situation finally schoo go it's gonna get this one took him a while the elite organ guns still have the seven range on let's Viper get siege engineers then it would be eight range which is a nice upgrade to get for them Vipers building his third castle now and that's pretty much all he's making now if I if this was a tournament not that Viper would do the same atonement but let's just say it was and he did this he might consider making how but here in front it's a great idea to get some meat in front if you're expecting any hasar or cavalier from the opponent or even just to tank the shots from the cab archers it's nice and it's not costly on gold but I was actually watching Viper when he played this and when the going got a little bit rough after losing that group he was talking about adding in pikemen I was like no commit to the if you're gonna mean commit to the même commit to the strats oh not that he would ever listen to me because trust me he doesn't but yeah he's committing to it right now just wanted to point out that the best solution now for Viper would probably be some meat don't take that small sentence out of context please thank you siege engineers is on the way that'll give him 7 plus 1 range he kills the maggin oh he sees heavy cavalry here force co go and again kind of hard to judge these fights right you know that Vipers done well before in equal numbers so schoo go is going to back up and I think if Scott has done anything wrong in this game it probably been to not be patient enough early castle age when he lost a few unions he wasn't very patient there when he fought that first time versus Piper he wasn't very patient and and then there he lost a few units unnecessarily as well normally seed Rams is a great mix against range and gunpowder but when viper has this many piano cannons yeah sorry seed Rams are not going to do near as much as you would think all a Viper's army though is expensive siege and it's 225 golds 225 wood per bombard cannon and one bomber cannon died there asko go is being patient he's waiting for cavalier let's get a fitori update one two three four still for Viper which means he has 29 military only versa 31 from Scoville ska go is okay doesn't have full upgrades on his calves archers he's lacking the chemistry upgrade but still heavy calves are choice and he's making cavalier I think he needs patience here repair the castle buy yourself some time wait for these upgrades to kick in ska go has to know the Vipers on vitória eco and ska go is experienced enough to know that's not very strong but you can't do this you know maybe he didn't know that Viper had the arquebus upgrade so he ran in and must know now after seeing that remember I talked about the mobility that huns could use here that's a big deal hit this gold schoo go send just a few units down there and maybe kill those gold villagers from vipre even just one CAV Archer would kill those viper realizing that his civilization is not very fast and that he needs to have one condensed push he's researching bombard tower and this is what I said earlier with the stone look at the stone count he wouldn't have that stone without the Vittorio's so it's a pretty cool idea and this is looking really dangerous force Koga I mean he has military and he's waiting for most of the upgrades but the more towers of vipers able to build that the more that viper is able to secure the sensor he could in theory build endless towers right and push right into scope as basis gogo needs sorry he needs CAV archers he needs cavalier he needs Rams he needs a mix of everything oh my god that poor villager oh my god and him as well that's so funny to see a dozen cannonballs go after one ville viper needs to push fast he needs to not allow schoo gur to have that time also it'd be sweet to snag these relics did that ball just bounce I think the ball just bounced it's been a while since I've seen that Scavo runs in now he has a hundred and 40 HP units he has 50 military at viber and Viper he only has two towers up these piano canons are going to be singing a very sad song not that piano sing but these piano canons do okay and I don't think this is great for Viper well he's killed a lot right he's killed a lot the problem for him is he doesn't have a lot of resources he's desperately trying to make more organ guns the Vittoria income is slow cans go go get some Rams in here ESCO go gets the Rams in he could just clean up the towers and then Viper will have to mass yet again vipir only has 53 bills and nine military on the map it's just the fitori --is that give him the rest of that population he's getting murder holes and you know what's go go he couldn't follow up he could not follow up from that I figured with some Rams schoo go just steamrolls the center he put everything he had into that attack didn't he and this is a very close game a lot of golden comforts go go and he still has control of those relics so I'd like to see more Rams I'd like to see maybe hasar instead of the Cavalier upgrade maybe you go CAV Archer and hunts are here with Rams in the mix you have to be a little bit more conservative with your gold can we just acknowledge the fact that Viper is still on 1tc eco this is all powered by fitori --is this was an advertisement if there is a cup if there was a Victoria company I'd say this would be a great time for a plug this was all brought to you by Vittoria Vittorio's they they give you gold when you have none something like that it's it's pretty cool to see that this is actually viable in a way arguments could be made that if viper would have gone for multiple TCS it probably would have been more effective but it's something blast-furnace force kogo you know maybe if he had blast furnace which would have been +4 attack and said 2+2 and the Cavalier that fight would have been a lot better I think if he had blast furnace and he had just five more Rams all the towers would have died and all the organ guns would have died and much faster anyway it wouldn't have allowed Viper to get to the center again and scho go could maybe start hitting from the sides which he hasn't done yet by the way Vipers been taking this gold freely and scho go has an outpost there so he's known about that I don't love that he has allowed that to happen you kind of have to allow Viper to pressure the center and then take advantage of your speed on the flanks which he has failed to do making more cavalier though mixing in like calves and all here we go here we go he has some siege on the left just kill the futur iya yeah honestly just kill the futur iya if viper starts losing his forward Vittorio's which he could have easily placed in the back of his base it's not Karma its fate aurilla get it fate Vittoria fate aurilla all right I'll I'll see myself out there's even gold up here now for Viper to take so not that he has a huge shortage of it but there's 800 gold here this even stone as well and he can snag the relics thanks Coco made it to the back of his base with one right or added Viper snag it already this is why we shouldn't tell dumb jokes because that's what we focus on instead of the game nobody got it he got it yeah I probably should have thought about that a little bit earlier but hindsight is 20/20 and oh here we go so Seviper can't easily defend at home he has to quick gate to the like have don't get into his non-existent eco but a few of the piano canons are going down and this castles gonna go down it's not like Vipers banking up a lot of resources he's getting it he's getting a slow trickle but he doesn't have a large bank so he can't immediately build more castles and he's going to lose one and he lost bombard cannons as well and he could lose the Vittoria that population is very deceiving and now we're gonna see if the plus four makes a difference I think what Plus for the piano canons died at oh boy viper oh my god everything's dead it's all gone his castles gone his army which took so long to build is gone the towers are gonna die the villagers could die as well they will die oh my god how good is schoo go playing I I know that Viper could have added halberdiers that would have been the play as I said before but how good has schoo go been to hold on against the best player in the world who is using a semi me miss strat but also is also playing to the best of his ability with the strategy right I've been really impressed with him and by the way Viper has one two three four five Vittorio's now although it will be at 4 which means Viper only has 18 military verse the 40 military of schoo go well ska go has cavalier I think he should continue to really push Viper while Vipers trying to reinforce I really wish that he would score to this gold I've been that's annoying me now he's seen that the entirety of Council agent in he didn't even send the helps or the the spearmen that anything you know send a send one skirmisher it will eventually kill those units but he kills the futur eeeh he kills more organ guns and that vitória eco is so slow for Viper he just can't get back to where he was with the numbers that he had so many working guns he does not have that anymore only his 20 and he could lose more castles he could lose more fitori as this is his eco this is the equivalent killing a fitori is the equivalent of sniping 20 villagers only this time this one ram is going to snipe 20 villagers not a bunch of huh stars a cavalier our archers or something see dreams coming in on left flank and vipers pushing in towards the center has not snagged the relics which I think could have been nice and I kind of fear that Viper might lose these units again now or at least he can't reinforce that right he's repairing from this one seed Ram he can't get anything over there to kill it if he doesn't have any melee so he's relying on the Orkin guns for sure it's a very slow process with these save this castle I guess he saves this castle and man I mean still what a game viper actually he's at up to 30 military again and it's 37 I actually think they both have 37 military right now I don't think Viper has as much control but I guess you could say the same about schoo go and scho go he's had come almost completely out of gold's still hasn't killed this which bothers me but he is almost completely out of gold with no relics it's winnable for Viper and it's winnable for schoo go it has Viper overextended though because go go has been patient he's been waiting for this oh boy oh boy Vipers are working guns are all the way back at his face the Cavalier here that's not near as many as there were before but there's like calves and there's a few more cavalier incoming and see gems are going out for the towers the Viper has to use villagers there he loses his organ guns here and he will probably lose the villagers as well here come the reinforcements look at these guys they're they're trying to get there as fast as possible at Viper even losing the monk now as he tries to get the relic too late for that what a game we have here it's 162 population 162 we even had another bounce I think that happens once every oh what another bounce it's like it's like the Age of Empires 2 equivalent of singing shooting star it's very rare but it's a starry night I like the HUS our upgrade it's probably wise Air Force Co go to use some gold towards the house our upgrade because if he uses that six hundred gold to make Cavalier that's gonna be it once they die at least you're upgrading your trash units he doesn't have a lot of golds remaining on this map so relying on cap huh Tsar is probably going to be his only choice hmm Viper forfeit aureus finally Oh Scholl go there's 70 gold left here man well yeah I guess he'll kill something all right that villager had two golds and she has ten so so maybe not the best timing of that Briscoe go but you know he is gonna stack this run no he's not thought he would get the relic always back to the left-hand side guys every time Viper loses his organ guns he struggles for 5 to 10 minutes after to get his numbers back up so slow go should remember that and I think probably have faith in his abilities knowing that the vitória food income and gold income and soda income is rather slow VIPRE doesn't he can't afford to build more bombard towers forward and I don't think he can afford to lose more fat Oreos lose more castles which he could in a second and lose this army everything is important for Viper always going to get a relic though that's good that'll take him to 3 I wonder if it's worth it for schoo go to add scurbs maybe not with his current economy setup but if he had more food somehow if he farmed a bit more then maybe skirmishers in combination with house art be good that that is a lot of hustlers he has 50 military and we've seen what the surrounds can do vers viper o and vipers up up next to the TC so the t see fires there and what did i say he can't he can't kill these what a hold from ska go and now vipers back to the left what a game that says and viper wants to use that extra stone to drop a castle here because this is becoming such a big headache for him realist game now schoo go good followup with the raids on the south side as well switch position a bit pressure the middle of course get this golden stone for yourself but I think pressuring both sides is the way to go especially when you have more population space for military than viper does a viper has is its for futur no no no it doesn't yeah yeah forfeit aureus oh he's down to 25 working guns again now that my hat goes off to viper and disco go regardless of who wins this game because this has been extremely entertaining and I think the Viper had the eco setup to go for some helps he didn't do it we could argue if he had the population space or not but he didn't do it and and this is a wonderful trick if you're on my stream a week or two ago you saw Leary do this Viper is trying he's built these two stone gates he's going to try and slide these organ guns in between and it's a brilliant move because now 90% of his army can't be surrounded anymore it's problematic though if the gates go down then it's problematic because now he he leaves his bomb or cannons unprotected oh my god part of the gate goes down the Viper actually shot his own units more than once there and this is not what Viper wanted it was a stylish idea but again the Orkin guns are gonna die hyper it says he has 95 military which means he only has 15 and guys it's looking worse and worse for him now I think his towers in the middle are gonna go down scopa can take these colds and stones again which is near a thousand gold actually let's double check on that it is yet 700 ish plus the stone which he could sell Vipers may Niko is still just a 1 TC eco I don't see Viper pushing schoo go unless he abandons the meme unless he abandons the Strada pit and he's getting scale mail armor so I think Viper has lost hope and his ability to win this in a normal fashion he only has 35 villagers he only has 15 military he knows that he needs some pikes now or it's trouble the score has gotten closer and have I presented building another futur E&L which is forward it it bothers me because the strategy so difficult already why make it more difficult for yourself and build this forward build it back home imagine the position he would have been and had he not built that one forward this one could get rammed down any moment it's it's just it's a head scratcher for sure the hussars have performed pretty well organs I always say this there are very strong unit in combination with how videos because you need that meat in front and even if whatever let regardless of the melee your opponent's sending your way how but yours is the way to go because if they're going for any any ignites or HUS ours how but here's counter that but even if your opponent is going for let's say champions how videos are good because it's a meat shield to the to the champions and what kills champions gunpowder so the Orkin guns just mop up now you could also say that scho go could go for his own melee range combo he could go for HUS arse and have altars no gold for the CAV archers but maybe even skirmisher he seems to be using every bit of food he gets though for hustlers and he's done an impressive job to produce up to 60 military now Vipers at 48 military cuz 100 of his military is Vitoria eco and okay here are the barracks I was wondering where the barracks works he got scale mail armor I want to see schoo go rammed this down and make Viper separate his large mass of working guns and split sides if he were to show up here with five Rams and hustlers VIPRE would be forced to pull back and then scogan could push in on this side and oh my god that's a lot of rams this is maybe the patience that scho go is needed and that he didn't have before in the game in those early situations viper tries to gate he fails he can't get the sneaky gate up on this castles a goner and if this castles a goner the barracks are gonna go down the fitori is gonna go down well i build the buildings here i don't really i don't understand it there's no explanation except overconfidence lack of lack of care I don't know and oh no there's a hole over here ska goes sending huh stars into Vipers eco Viper he has to send organ guns back that he desperately needs forward and Viper oh my god he was caught he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar I mean wanted to get to his ideal composition build everything forward it wasn't even a surprise to his opponent and he could barely get units created didn't even complete the pikemen upgrade the archer range is gonna go down and all my god [Music] yeah he gates in his eco here fails to do so here so he'll dip down below 30 villagers and is it is this where it ends is this where this masterpiece of a game ends desperation time for Viper just yeah he's going for the pikemen upgrade again but 100 of his 150 population is building pop and this building will die honestly if ska go dust had ramps here here and here Viper would drop down he doesn't have enough working pop and more hustlers are coming in scope has been so good with the hustlers oh my god and somehow scope was slipped in here that looks wall to me hmm I think the snake is dead I think the snake is dead I think ska goes about to get a nice batch of puntos nice batch of points well actually Vipers scores that are an all-time low because he's been playing rated games like this so much recently and he's been quite an active in rated games so maybe ska goes not gonna get as many as you would like it's over it's over Viper can't defend cell shrubs here going for the castles first that obviously the victorious will follow boom boom boom boom that's eighty pop and the rest of the population is not going to be good enough it's not gonna be fast enough pikemen by themselves are quite weak just like organ guns by themselves can be a bit weak schoo go could just makes Kermes against that scho go could just continue to raid with us ours actually doesn't even need the transition but making any ranged option would be fine and it's still deceiving on that overlay because of the way that the Vittorio's show up with the pop space but and we're gonna see in a second as skokie was adding archery range is nice i didn't realize that Vittorio's actually had so much HP my prayers 18 fills hey I mean pretty efficient the only none of them are idle guys he has three lumber camps for like six villagers well can he save this one so that the problem is cave archers being created now so this is a fight that scho go wins because of the CAV archers this goes down oh my god this is so close well viper can't kill the ram it's a 78 HP but he can't kill the ram so yeah he's just he's just slowly dying you know looting the score so losing all faith and that he can win the game and he calls it he calls it how what a game man what a game that was so cool though I mean I don't think Vipers gonna lose any sleep over that I don't think Scoggins gonna lose any sleep over that after the adrenaline rush you know he he knows that viper could have added helps earlier I'm sure he'll be proud of himself and he should be because it was one hell of a game but what a fun one to watch that the futur eeeh strategy almost worked I think that maybe Viper committed to the organ guns a little bit too much I really would like to see him try the strategy again and put the house in front maybe it depends on the Civ matchup as well maybe if you're playing versus civilization that doesn't get pasar and doesn't get the faster stables creation maybe he's able to push that with just organ guns not not too sure but that was really fun to watch and the second I saw this I knew that I needed to cast it for you all because it was so unique according to every pro player I've ever spoken to and according myself my opinion on it Vittoria is really never worth it but I think that there are some situations where you could argue it's worth it and maybe the fast imp is one of them it's hard to execute as you saw here and you probably need a more diverse composition but if it works for you and your games first your friends or however you play the game maybe versus AI you never know if those pesky bots are going to be able to do I'll let me know about it because it's pretty cool a 568 units killed for the Viper and who this is this is quite telling isn't it look at the food and what difference the reason I said I wanted to see if I pour try this with the helps is because I'm not sure he would have had the food and the wood to make the helps double the amount of food force Co go and then a lot more wood as well Viper had 8,000 stone and he did have more gold in this game and the relic Gold's was slightly in favor Viper but it wasn't everything so cool stuff villager high 57 to 137 geez cool game guys cool game and I'm gonna have some other cool ones coming up to YouTube over the next couple days thank you very much for watching leave your opinions on this strategy in the comment section below as well as possibly any stories if you played your friend brother sister father bought with this strategy and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 377,752
Rating: 4.8748679 out of 5
Keywords: towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, Wolf Nothing, Expert Game, 1v1, TeamGame, Viper, Daut, Tatoh, RTS Games, Throwback, Nostalgia game, Towers, Mastapiece, Tutorial, Disgusting, Fatslob, Hairy Davis, Snippy, Eli, Infaboat
Id: fnupmBDPfiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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