Am I in the wrong for telling a person who is "allergic" to water that saliva is 95% water? (r/AITA)

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our /mi VA hull am I the a-hole for saying I love you more than anything to my daughter in front of my wife my daughter is three and sometimes get scared I'll stop loving her when she does something bad for no good reason mind you I make sure she always knows why I'm upset and that I'm mad at her actions not her today she bumped a glass off the table and started crying she asked if I still loved her and I said I love you more than anything and gave her a kiss my wife was watching and stormed off I made sure my daughter was fine and cleaned up the glass and went to go see what was going on my wife was crying and calling me an a-hole who doesn't love her I guess I have too irrational three years olds now I said of course I loved her and asked why she was wigging out she said that because I said the above phrase to my daughter it meant she didn't mean as much to me is this really something I'm not supposed to say my mother said it to me and my dad didn't freak out dude NTA your wife needs therapy stat that's not a normal response edit thanks to the kind stranger who gave me my first silver whoa my first gold too thanks again ETA yes I think she needs therapy no I don't think this means something is wrong with her no that doesn't mean I don't think they need to have a conversation first Opie I sincerely wish you and your family the best and hope you can get to the bottom of this in a way that's beneficial to your family that's what I was thinking too it's really sad actually I genuinely hope she is okay frowning face NTA your wife a mom shouldn't be competing with your daughter surely she can comprehend why a parent would say that to their child it doesn't mean you love her any less it was meant to console your daughter NTA also I guess I have too irrational three years olds now I love that this is through widow your wife has major insecurity issues perhaps this is where your daughter is getting us from everyone sucks here because I think there is more going on beneath the surface you posted a story in which your wife seems obviously a rash and you still couldn't resist the opportunity to take a dig at her on top of that seems like you're not helping this dynamic I thought the same the fact that he took a dig at her suggests that passive-aggressive comments like this are made frequently thus the insecurities women who have had children are self-conscious b/c of changes to their bodies if a reaction came out of nowhere then there is maybe an issue but Opie should take some time and reflect on his own behavior you guys gave me back faith in Reddit I was freaking out seeing the lol your wife crazy train here my thoughts exactly people are saying the child's anxiety has to come from the mother but it could also stem from watching him be dismissive and insulting to her mother I'm torn your NTA for telling your daughter that but you are TAFE or calling your wife and a rational three-year-old miv a hole for telling a person who is allergic to water that their saliva is like 99% h2o and then having them have a huge panic attack causing them to go to the ER so there's this weird friend of a friend I have who says she's allergic to water like severely allergic she says if she drinks a mouthful of water she goes into full-blown and a phylactery can she says she has to drink only whole milk every day she says even intravenous saline causes her to go into shock well my friend organised a dinner and she was there too I remember her making a big deal that there's no gravy on her dinner because the gravy has too much water and if she eats it she'll go to the air I asked her why she was freaking out about the gravy and she reminded me about her h2o molecule allergy I then pointed out to her that the saliva she swallows all the time every day is literally 99.5% of the h2o molecules she claims to be deathly allergic to and that she was a drama queen with a fake allergy I pointed out to her that if a sip of water sends her into shock then a single swallow of her saliva will send her into shock too shortly after she began to have what looked like a panic attack and long story short she had to go to the air according to my friend I ruined the dinner so I'm not sure if I should have said that or not I was already a little pissed off because before I came to the dinner I watched a documentary about people who have nothing wrong with them but claim they have this and that and get money donations for being illness fakers your friend is beyond stupid milk is mostly water every liquid humans consume is mostly water NTA humans are also mostly water I say NTA being allergic to water is [ __ ] edit yes there's some skin condition that looks like a water allergy this isn't a dietary allergy my sister gets hives from the rain and I get dis heterosis dermatitis from hand-washing so I would generally say I'm sensitive to water she's safe for saying she has a Rache to o Molecular allergy and you're n ta for calling her out on her [ __ ] n ta it is physically impossible to be allergic to water just by eating with summer not stupid the dinner was ruined this has nothing to do with you in regards to dietary allergies you're right you can have a physical touch allergy sensitivity to water though n ta I'm sorry your friends involved in attention-seeking faker I mean duck logic and facts next thing you know she'll have an EP pen for her new air allergy MTA that girl is either attention-seeking or mentally ill and genuinely believes she has this energy to water either way seeing a doctor is the best thing for her everyone sucks here that's a very unkind way to treat someone who needs help you can be right as much as you want but people with phobias aren't always able to react rationally was going to say e SH but decided to go with it ER this person either has a legitimate problem with water or they have a legitimate mental health problem just because you've got annoyed at them doesn't mean you have to be an ass to them they weren't directing their issues at you so you shouldn't have said the things you did it would have been best to deal with it for the evening and then let your friend know later that you don't want to hang out with this other person in the future am I the a-hole for letting my brother call me Dad and refusing to tell him the ugly truth I'm well aware that this story sounds extremely hard to believe in fake and I'm aware that there will be many shitpost comments below sorry this story is 100% true and it is a hot topic of discussion in my family at the moment I was born when my parents were both 19 and my only other brother let's call him Josh was born when they were 42 they divorced shortly after Josh was introduced to the world he was four months old at the time and they both wanted nothing to do with the child at the time I was 23 and I was living alone with my then girlfriend who was 21 now my wife and I done my best to convince at least one of them to take care of young Josh for his sake and the family's sake but they refused adamantly and said that I should be taking custody of him instead so I became legal guardian of my brother and he's been living with us for the past 12 years and things have been going really smooth for us Josh now almost 13 has been calling me dad and my wife mum and our two children for f9m his siblings and he has absolutely no idea about his real parents and to be honest I let all of that slide he has no idea that I'm really his blood brother and not his father and I'm starting to feel guilty and a little weird some of my uncles and aunts come to visit occasionally and they're really disgusted at the fact he calls me dad and they are surprised I haven't told him the truth they constantly message me talk to me in private and I cannot shatter them without this one particular topic rising up badgering me to let him know already but I refused I discussed this with my wife and she thought it would be wrong to tell him the truth because none of my parents wanted to take care of him and I'm the only person in the world who gave him the father figure everyone deserves I feel that he has the right to know what he is to me and what I truly am to him but he suffered enough already and I just want things to continue how it is read it am I the a-hole would I be the a-hole if I let him know the truth this is a good topic to discuss with a therapist or counselor that specializes in adoption related issues my understanding is that it can be very distressing to a child or adult to abruptly find out that they've been adopted most things I have read indicate it's best to let the child know early on that they came from a different mommy's tummy and then went to their mommy and daddy or something along those lines your brother is past that point but you are better off acting on this sooner than later it's better that he find out from you and your wife otherwise eventually someone is going to spill the beans yeah talking to a therapist counselor beforehand is excellent advice NTA the a-holes are your nosy uncles and aunts you've raised him since he was a baby you are the only paternal and your wife maternal figure he has known but I think you'll shock him if not turn his world upside down but given your family dynamic it very well might be that these uncles and aunts do it because they feel he should know so it might be best if he heard him coming from you nt a dude did your uncles and aunts step up and take care of the kid when his bio parents threw him under the bus No then they can step off you raised your son as his father and that matters more than accidents of biology and it's common for adopted children like your son not to know the details until their teenage years or later hope you'll get in child support from the a whole bio parents that being said josh is getting old enough that it might be appropriate to tell him about his biological ancestry in your own way before one of your other family members decides to take matters into his own hands egg your bio parents trying to guilt Josh into supporting them in their old age telling him is your decision but if he has it he deserves to hear it from you no way holes here I completely get where your uncles are coming from the little guy deserves to know the truth but it doesn't have to be now and it certainly doesn't have to be explained as your parents wanted nothing to do with you when he's older you can explain some version of when you were born our parents were going through a really rough divorce and neither of em could take care of you I loved you so much that I wanted to raise you as a son you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm so glad to have you in my life I know this is a lot to take in and you might have a million questions or you might need some space to digest all of this I'm here for you whatever you need this is honestly a great way to tell him part of me is saying that I should tell him this right now before my other relatives tell him in a much worse manner but at the same time part of me is saying hey I think it's a little too early and this is exactly what is tearing me apart it's definitely not too early common wisdom is that you start telling a child as soon as they can start to understand about mommies and daddies in an age-appropriate manner and you definitely want to be the one to tell him so you should really do it sooner rather than later yes you're right about that too so this might be hard to believe but I grew up in a very similar situation around 14 I learned that my parents were actually my grandparents and my older sister was actually my biological mother it was a lot to deal with honestly there were a lot of times that I wished I never knew that but now I'm 22 and at the end of the day my parents are my parents and my sister is my sister and I love them all they genuinely wanted to do what was best for me that being said I don't think he'd be the r if you told him the most important thing is for you and your wife to be there for him as his parents he will be hurt that his biological parents didn't want him remind him that he want him and tell him all the ways of having him as your son has made your life better tell him that you are still his dad as long as he wants you to be the truth is always best even if it's a hard truth NTA you are the legal guardian and you raised him as your son therefore he is your son but you do need to tell him the truth please find a therapist and work with the therapist to help you tell your son the truth this is talk to a therapist level not a random internet folks am I on a whole way above the subreddits pay grade row you made it to the end you're ducking Beast I'll cut you a deal smash LIKE and subscribe for more curated content might it's free and that's a great price
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Id: -6xhk186djA
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Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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